• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    League of Legends Doublelift on Sneaky’s departure from Cloud9: “I just think it’s weird the way [they’re] treating him”

    League of Legends Doublelift on Sneaky’s departure from Cloud9: “I just think it’s weird the way [they’re] treating him”

    Doublelift on Sneaky’s departure from Cloud9: “I just think it’s weird the way [they’re] treating him”

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:06 PM PST

    Xmithie confirmed for IMT

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST



    Looks like it's finally official. Potential to see the rest of the immortals gang? Idk if Pob is even a free agent at this moment but wow seems like Pob Xmithie Cody Olleh would be kinda nutty

    submitted by /u/potatorunner
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    Official: Selfmade is the new Jungler for Fnatic

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Sources: PowerOfEvil to sign with FlyQuest

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    I animated Aphelios illustration, login screen style

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Splyce will rebrand to MAD Lions and field rookie ADC Carzzy

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:44 PM PST

    KatEvolved ignores his Twitch Rivals team, doesn't show up to any scrims, replaced by Heisendong

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    Apparently he has not showed up to any scrims and not communicated with his team in any way and just straight out ignored them, forcing them to sub in Heisendong late. He was active on snapchat and League while ignoring his teammates.

    Really bad look for someone who is trying to be on a team, and I just lost a ton of respect for him..




    submitted by /u/Chance-Ambition
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    The Summoners Rift shopkeeper since yesterday. [comic]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:24 AM PST


    Decided to doodle this up this morning after noticing every match having at least 70% of the team deciding to pick up the latest fad in busted items!

    Hope everyone's enjoying preseason so far!


    submitted by /u/Z0MBGiEF
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    Duke, new Vitality coach

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Cuzz joins T1 for 2020 and beyond

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:03 AM PST


    We're thrilled to announce that Lee "Effort" Sang-ho and Mun "Cuzz" U-chan will be joining T1 for 2020 and beyond, pending league approval. Please welcome Cuzz to the T1 family, and welcome Effort back home!

    Cuzz had a great season last year, by far his best yet. Best available signing left for sure.

    edit: Effort also re-signs for 2020 and beyond.

    submitted by /u/alrightrb
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    CVMAX stream's about accusations of violence and abuse by tarzan/sword/rather

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:27 AM PST

    1. about sword's accusation. He never told sword he was handicapped. His exact world were " A person with 1 hand cannot clap like a person with 2 hands. I do not ask people with 1 hand to clap. But you have 2 hands so I need you to clap just like the other players" he said this as a metaphor within one of his feedbacks and think sword twisted his words on purpose.
    2. He once did shake sword by the shoulder but does not think this is "physical abuse" also he never told sword that he would follow him to the ends of the world and kill him he claims that if he did he would say the truth about this. And also sword claimed that this happened in a isolated room but cvmax never does feedback 1 on 1 he always puts the team around in a circle and do it all at once.

    1. The mom dead comment was directed at kim-jin ( former grf sup) but he did not say to kim that his mother is dead. His exact word were " If this was soloq your teammates would call that a mom-dead play (popular insult in kr soloq)" and he did not use dead dead? as a reference to mom-dead as the players would well know because cvmax always uses the word dead with are your conscience dead? always. Also the said sup kim-jin came to cvmax's stream 1 month ago talking and chatting with cvmax and he refused to give testimony for GRF for this.

    1. The pinching part is he thinks reference to cvmax in summer 2018 finals holding chovy very hard on his thigh. He later apologized to chovy about the incident right then and there(in 2018) because this was the only incident wheir cvmax feels he stepped over the line. Chovy also refused to give testimony to GRF for this incident.

    1. He does not feel that GRF had a atmosphere in which the players would be scared of talking to him about his feedback. He gives evidence on this through video's of GRF youtube chanel wheir players like viper are putting his elbow on cvmax's back ( not allowed behavior to superiors in kr) and tarzan patting him on his head (also definately not accepted behavior to a elder) And also he shows proof of players like tarzan sending him messages that he wants harder feedbacks forhimself (from 2019 may) and tarzan telling cvmax to go harder on chovy( from 2019 june) also when rather went to FW he kept going on about how good cvmax's feedbacks were and made the coach of FW angry (cheon joung hee) making the fw coach to say " even if kkoma was the coach you would go on about cvmax". Also everytime rather came to korea he would meet with cvmax asking cvmax to buy him lunch~ and so on. So cvmax finds it very hard to believe that his feedback style put players like tarzan or rather into fear.

    1. He saids he has never gotten such support and help from so many people and he is very thankful to everyone that supports him. Also he is both sorry and thankful to players like doran,chovy,kim-jin who cvmax thinks he was most hard on that refused to give testimony for grf.

    1. Also many former pros have come out in favor of cvmax. HLE sangyoon states if this is bannable behavior then every coach I've met should be banned and he does not believe cussing at players is a bannable behavior. Imp states he has some bad things about that "team" but he does not want to get sued so he will be not say anything but he also states he supports cvmax and does not think cvmax should be banned. cloudtemplar also saids that riot is being unfair to cvmax and that although verbal/physical abuse should definitely be punished he does not think cvmax's behavior is bannable and that riot should be cracking down on the "kanavi case". Former grf pros like newt and ddangwoyang has also spoken for cvmax that they never felt any abuse from cvmax. Former starcraft pros have also been very negative on GRF/still8(for scam,corruption they experienced with various members of grf) and saids they support cvmax and his behavior is nothing out of the ordinary.

    I think many westerners would be very negative towards cvmax because of his violent behavior but I think the cultural diffence of east and west should be acknowledged here.

    https://sports.news.naver.com/news.nhn?oid=236&aid=0000197238 this is the news post about cvmax's stream

    submitted by /u/pcj6151
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    The ocean dragon soul is actually so fucking calming and untilting.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:19 AM PST

    I mean wow, I actually hope to get ocean dragon over the others because of this, is that weird? And this is coming from a jungle main who prefers literally any of the other dragon buffs. It's just so peaceful and serene and I love it.

    submitted by /u/InsaneZee
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    Kanavi's mother's interview: "I was not informed that Kanavi signed 5-year contract before CVmax's disclosures."

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST


    Interview by Kookmin Ilbo, and here is some summary of this article

    1. I wasn't informed of the new contract by Griffin or Kanavi beforehand. It is weird considering that Kanavi is not an adult, and needs parents' approval for contract.
    2. Griffin never said apologies or detailed explanation even after CVmax's exposure. I've sent the message to Griffin's GM, Dong-woo Kim, and he said he would contact me after the Worlds. He didn't
    3. When I asked Kyu-nam Cho about the specific wages that Kanavi would get after transfer, Cho said "Madam, you are so obsessed with money."
    4. I hope Kanavi would become FA and go anywhere he wants to go. I also hope that any other players won't get this kind of treatment. Thank you for everyone who helped us with this issue.

    +Edit) She asked Cho about wages because at first, she was informed that Kanavi would get 60m KRW for the first 6 months but later informed again that he would get 40m KRW.

    submitted by /u/kchany2
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    Welcome Selfmade! | Fnatic League of Legends Roster Update

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:25 AM PST

    Team Vitality have completed their 2020 LEC roster, promoting jungler Skeanz to the starting lineup and adding mid laner Milica and AD carry Comp

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:52 PM PST

    SK Gaming have signed former Schalke 04 Esports jungler Kim "Trick" Gang-yun

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:46 PM PST

    sOAZ Is Coming to NA With Immortals | 2020 LoL Offseason

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:43 PM PST

    Easy strat to beat an akali 1v1

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    Everyone knows that when someone roams with tp in front of an akali, she can place a shuriken on top of you and follow you on any lane. Of course rarely happens but most people would want to try this. Wouldn t you like to pull it off? Most of you probably said yes. Now here s where my strat comes into play. At lvl 3 u go in the middle of your lane and tp to your nexus towers. Now out of urge to do that cool stuff she will probably e and follow u right into your trap.

    Disclaimer:if an akali knows the champ she will be able to cancel the dash with ult or flash, so i recomand not trying this in ranked simce u might end up looking stupid.

    submitted by /u/plapusk
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    GorillA joins Sandbox Gaming

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:02 AM PST

    Schalke 04 Esports have completed a buyout agreement for SK Gaming support Han "Dreams" Min-kook

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:48 PM PST

    LCS Front Office Update — CLG (SSONG confirmed)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    [Rumor] RiotKR insider says 'The company is in turnmoil after cvMax shitfest'

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:47 PM PST

    src: https://www.fmkorea.com/2406870027

    Someone talked to a friend working in RiotKR about what's going on inside them. I translated the conversation.

    A(working in riot)

    B(A's friend)


    A: The inside (riotKR) is also in confusion.

    B: What's going on? It looks like everyone now knows how shitty you guys are

    A: Even insiders do not believe this. No wonder nobody believes this.

    B: Are you saying you guys are really shitty? lol

    A: RiotKR has been working like shit all the time.

    B: Can I share this to communities? lol I'll delete your name.

    A: As you wish.

    He also mentioned majority of riotKR believes what cvMax is claiming is true.

    Still many workers in riotKR does not fully understand what happened, and majority of those decisions come from Kespa and those connected to Kespa.

    'A' was a big fan of griffin, but after the incident he started rooting for HLE. HLE cut all the ties to Still8 after the incident.

    What Cloudtemplar said yesterday was exactly what 'pro-cvmax's in riotKR think. But his speech could be a problem if people inside kespa does not like it.


    submitted by /u/kanoth123
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    Xiaolongbao will be RNG's Jungler in 2020

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST


    Confirmed by his manager PDD. For those who don't know PDD's Young Miracles in the LDL produced players such as Tian and Knight9. Xiaolongbao is super hyped as well, will be intersting to see how this works out

    submitted by /u/FrightenedTyvek
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    Peanut and ZanDarC have joined LDG

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:40 PM PST

    [Rumor] LCK F5 season

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST



    1. KT's new roster is complete.
    2. Kuro to HLE done deal.
    3. HLE talked to Cuzz but rejected.
    4. HLE talking to Kingen, not tusin.
    5. HLE talking to another big name player.
    6. SKT signed a non-korean coach.
    7. AF testing piglet.
    8. Khan considering return to SKT but he's looking for big/long contract.
    9. H-dragon (ex JAG head coach) to SKT or GRF.
    10. ex KT head coach to GRF.
    11. SKT never talked to TheShy.
    12. HLE signed a player from LPL.
    13. T1 wants to join LCS in three years.
    14. Lotte is not coming to LCK.
    15. Deft revoking deal with DRX
    16. SKT will reveal new roster in 8 hrs.
    17. GRF will not be punished by riotKR.
    submitted by /u/kanoth123
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