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    Friday, November 22, 2019

    LoL Guide How to CS like a Diamond Player: Efficiency

    LoL Guide How to CS like a Diamond Player: Efficiency

    How to CS like a Diamond Player: Efficiency

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:43 AM PST

    Hey summoner school!

    I'm back after quite a long break with another guide! In case you don't know me, I've posted some popular guides on here in the past. I mostly play top lane, but have extensive experience in all roles.

    This one is a little different from the ones I've previously posted, as it is aimed at a more intermediate level player. That being said, it will still be useful for anyone from Iron to Diamond. If you've played the game for a while, and are wondering how you can improve your average cs/min in your games, look no further.

    It covers a whole host of areas where optimisations can be made, and tries to leave no stone unturned. All roles can find something useful here, as even if you play Jungle/Support, having knowledge of what the laners want to do is always going to help. You can use that knowledge to decide what you should be doing around them!

    Here's the video: https://youtu.be/FLJuAcEXZec

    I've tried to make it as cohesive as possible, and as clear as possible. However, everything crosses over in league of legends, so it's quite hard to explain certain concepts without covering others first. If you feel like anything isn't explained clearly, please let me know, and I'll do my best to clarify. I would recommend watching this video once, and then returning to it for reference in the future, looking at each section individually. Also, feel free to take notes (like, really). This video is largely a series of tips that I have learned over my years playing the game.

    I have loads of ideas for more videos, and now am working with an editor to get them out quicker. If you have any ideas for topics that you'd like me to cover, please let me know! Also, as always, any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    I know it could benefit from more example footage, and that's what we'll aim towards in the future. We'll also try to reduce the amount of text that's used throughout the video (and try to have less walls of text). This video and the previous ones have been made around the script, but in future, I'll write the scripts around the videos (as much as I can).

    I hope you guys find the video useful. Me and Jamishio (my editor) have been trying to nail down a good workflow, which should mean the quality and quantity of videos improves. Thanks for taking the time to read/watch!

    submitted by /u/fsgimmers
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    "You miss a 100% of the shots you don't take" does not apply to League's skill shots

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PST

    Small rant / advice to lower elo support mains here. I've been hearing this quote quite a bit lately (mostly about playing more aggressively and taking more risks) and seen / heard quite a few people advise support mains not to be afraid to miss a skill shot. This is, in my opinion, awful advice.

    Although it is true that at lower elo you do not take punished as much this advice subverts the idea of improving with the idea of climbing. You might climb faster with relentless aggression, but it is gated by your opponent's ability to punish you for having an ability in cool down. Any half-decent support will realize the opportunity to all in if you miss a hook on Thresh for example. Whenever you throw a skill shot, you need to be aware of this and think accordingly. Do not just "try and hit it", you will lose out on the trade once you start facing opponents with half a brain. Having a skill shot ready to go is already A LOT of pressure.

    tldr; missing a skill shot = bad. you will get punished. climbing isn't necessarily improving.

    submitted by /u/Jeslea
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    Don't know what to communicate with my team during scrims.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I'm a league veteran who's been here since the beta and overall I'm pretty adaptive since every new season I improve and climb ranks in solo queue. Right now as of the end of season 9, I'm diamond 1.

    Getting into the competitive scene, be it of my country or something bigger like LEC has always been a dream, like I imagine it is for the most of the players, but I've been waiting on it until I felt like I was good enough and this year I decided that I had to start sometime and somewhere so I gave it a shot. Easier said than done, yesterday I had my first scrims as a team, and much as I expected, it's nothing like solo queue and honestly I felt at a loss for words most of the match and couldn't communicate properly. Like, I hadn't much idea what to communicate at all! I'm an avid watcher of LCK, LPL, LEC and LCS and I thought I had an overall general outlook on what I should be communicating but it's so much harder when you're the one playing.

    I don't want to say I'm unfit for this kind of playstyle so soon, as there's only been one day of scrims, but if someone could give me some tips towards the communicating part of any competitive scene that would be great! Which things aren't needed/useless and which are essential to be present in the voice comms.

    Edit: I'm a mid laner on EUW.

    submitted by /u/Mettalica
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    How to play ADC without an engage support

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    A problem I'm having is knowing how to play ADC with Zyras, Brands, Bards, Sennas, etc. Essentially, not engage supports like Leona and Nautilus.

    I duo'd with my friend for so long and all he played were hard engage supports, and we climbed fairly easily. When I que without him, I just normally don't do as well.

    Any tips for what ADC can go well with these mages and how my playstyle should differ, if at all?

    submitted by /u/Redmezz
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    Why don't the adc and supp play on the midlane?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    As a dirty gold player I can't understand why it's meta to have a sololaner in the middle of the map instead of 2 players. If both support and adc be in the midlane, I see this happening:

    Easier for supports to roam and help securing both crabs.

    Better herald pressure (better this season cus it spawn earlier and it respawns)

    More options for supports to ward enemy jg camps

    Marksman + supp can have better waveclear than some midlaners like Vlad, sylas, lb. Way more useful in mid's small lane than bottom's long lane.

    Like I said I'm low elo but my perfect team comp would be: scaling champ or global presence champ (shen, gp) in toplane. Good objective melter (Warwick, Olaf) in the jg. Any traditional adc with a roaming support (pyke, tresh, alistar, Leona, Just make sure it's with a mobi boots) in the midlane. Good champ who secure dragons in the bottomlane.

    If someone can explain to me why the game isn't played like this I'd be really thankful. Sorry for bad english

    submitted by /u/Haubrick
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    Paging all support mains - come join us at /r/supportlol!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Hello /r/summonerschool, I am here on behalf of /r/supportlol, a subreddit dedicated specifically to the support role. Much like /r/summonerschool, we are an educational and discussion-centric subreddit, focused on exploring and analyzing all things related to playing support well. Here's a small sample of discussions from earlier this year:

    An ultimate list of support tricks

    A comparison of the strengths of mage supports vs. utility and engage supports

    A discussion on how to support an Ezreal

    An in-depth look at Aftershock Lux (Perhaps less relevant post-Aftershock nerfs, but still representative of the sub's environment)

    Tips on how to play against Sivir and Morgana as hook champs

    How to gain a 1 creep experience advantage on the enemy duo, allowing you to hit level 2 one creep sooner

    /r/supportlol exists to help support mains grow and to pool their knowledge for the benefit of all. If you want to know which supports would fit with your preferred playstyle, which off-meta picks work currently, what your build order would be like for a certain scenario, how to handle being camped, or even something as simple as how to place good wards, there are plenty of other support players out there ready to offer their advice and unique perspectives. We also have Anarchy Sunday once a week where we post support-related memes, highlights, and other such fun stuff. We welcome all players non-judgmentally from every skill level, so feel free to come join us at /r/supportlol and step your game up - support mains unite!

    submitted by /u/Vocalyze
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    New jungle problems

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Hey summoners, as preseason is here I want to ask you about the new jungle. I have problems keeping up in exp while not taxing tons of my sololanes. Is it just me or is it common now? Also what do you think about the new "blueside clear into lvl3 gank" path? Also, I feel like there is no way I should trade dragon control ever now, as they are so strong. During season i usually traded whatever drake for toplane kill + lets say 2-3 plates. Nowadays i feel like even with breaking the whole turret it will not be worth it. Just want to know your guys takes on this.

    submitted by /u/terrorearl
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    made a shiny new account to practice my worst role, ADC. Looking for advice.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:52 AM PST

    I've got myself a level 10 account with ~20k odd BE on it, perfectly ready to learn some ADCS.

    For as long as I can remember, I've been dreadful at the role. I just can't balance trading with 2 players at once with csing. It's funny because I enjoy long-range mages like Vel'Koz that largely play the same role in a teamfight - back line and do as much damage as possible without endangering yourself. So, I have some questions.

    -What champions are good for a newer ADC player? I like champions with good late-game scaling, being a former Anivia main, so I was looking at Jinx, Kog'Maw, and maybe Vayne (but she's tricky).

    -I was also thinking it could be good to learn some safer ADCS like Lucian, Sivir, Ezreal.

    -Should i pick just one champion to learn the role with, or maybe two or three? (I was definitely thinking of Kai'Sa and Jinx as my primary choices)

    -Target Champions Only. Something I've never used cause ialways forget xd. I always use Attack move, so i assume I should get used to this one too?

    -Fed assassins are somthing i always struggle against. My midlaner is 0-4 and the enemy Zed/Katarina/Talon is 6/0. What can I do?

    -From what I understand, I should stay far back and only attack whats in my immediate range, yes?

    -Farming - how can I stay on top of my farm numbers? Pushing too far results in me dying. Do i just take jungle camps, go mid?

    THanks for any tips :)

    submitted by /u/Hypercryptyc
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    Anivia without RoA

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    Preseason brought some changes, and with the new Presence of mind i think it is possible to skip RoA on Anivia, and go straight to Archangels Ryze and Cassio style. Sadly conqueror isnt really useful on ANivia, so precision must be secondary.

    My runes: i use Spellbook with boots-biscuits-tonic and PoM with Tenacity as secondary.

    Build is Tear first with a ruby for some hp, then finish Archangels asap followed by Liandry, then situational.

    This build comes online way earlier than the classic Tear-Roa-Archangels, only one stacking item, which finishes way faster, with some much needed 20% cdr earlier, also the earlier Lost Chapter eliminates some of the mana issues of Anivia.

    This setup has only 150 less mana than a classic RoA-Manaflow combo (500 vs 650), and 200 less hp (this gap gets bigger later, when classic Anivia would buy a Liandry as well) as well as the sustain from catalyst, but that is made up by an earlier Zhonya/Banshee, and more importantly by earlier impact on the map.

    It is worth a try, a bit less bulky and a doesnt scale as well, but comes online much faster, when most games are decided.


    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Junglers, don’t forget to help your top laners!!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:34 AM PST

    Just want to make this clear! This is not a reaction post, or a complaint post. With the dragon updates in preseason, everyone's focus seems to be on the bot half of the map. As such, top lane is often forgotten about even more than it used to. As a jungle primary top secondary player, I have a bit of insight from both.

    If your top laner is in a bad matchup and susceptible to dives, you need to give him a little help. This doesn't mean you always need to be in position to counter gank (though if you think it's coming, it is a good idea). One of the best ways to help your top laner though is to help him control the vision so he can actually anticipate dives.

    If your top laner doesn't have priority in lane, he probably will be playing with no vision. When you as the jungler are clearing top side, take a moment to clear the enemies vision and maybe drop some wards for him. This will allow him to better absorb pressure from the top lane and be able to react to dives before they happen.

    Playing completely dark on vision as a top laner is no fun, and if you're against champions that can dive easily (Renekton, Camille, etc) then you are out in a very precarious position. Any time a wave stacks up a dive could be coming if you don't know where the jungler is. If you have vision control, you can prevent having to sack the wave every time it gets stacked. This will at least help you to keep mostly even on XP. The last thing you want is for your top laner to get behind on XP and gold, as once laning phase is over and more teamfights break out, you will really feel the effects of a useless top laner.

    Don't forget about your buddies up top! They can help you win the game just as much as dragon control

    Edit: if I had to summarize this post, I would probably just say help your top laner with vision. Its astounding to me that this post is getting downvoted. Either people didn't read the whole post, or they feel personally attacked because it's not correctly something they do.

    submitted by /u/MaMagooni
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    Who else to play?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:32 PM PST

    Hello I have been grinding from iron to silver and recently love playing tanks, I have been playing Ornn and Poppy and was wondering who would be a good 3rd pickup as people said you should have three picks. Also some tips for tanks and these picks would also be great! I would also like to know what role tanks are supposed to fill and how they are in the current meta? Thanks love you all <3

    submitted by /u/LittleBigBaller
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    What do I do with small leads?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:30 AM PST

    I'm a low-elo Midlaner, and I often find myself up 15-20 cs, sometimes more over my lane opponents early on, but once I get that lead, I feel like I never know what the correct choice is. Do I freeze and keep starving my lane opponent out? (This loses to people not listening to MIA/caution pings and dying to obvious roams, but if people are playing with their brains turned on, it has really high upside) Do I shove them under tower and roam? Do I push them out of lane and take my own tower instead of pressuring other lanes?

    I feel like I'm pretty good at securing small gold leads and I absolutely never know how to decide what to do with them, which as a result leads to me having relatively low map impact even when ahead, and probably loses me a lot more games that I should otherwise be able to carry.

    Also, dumb question as an aside: If I'm playing a weak duelist that can't safely follow a roam (because they get turned on and die), vs a strong roaming champion, and they roam and get fed, what can I do to salvage those games when my side lanes are flaming me for not following? Is there anything I can do other than shove tower, and hope the game isn't just over?

    submitted by /u/JPAzS71121
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    Helping a friend who just started out

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm an ex high plat player. I have a dear friend of mine who just started playing league, he understands the basics of the game like skills or items and I'm giving him a help, creating item sets and duoing with a smurf. But I don't see how I can help him improve beyond that, I just want to get to a point where we have fun together like I do with other friends who play. Any advice? Thank you

    submitted by /u/NephySorrow22
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    Trying to go for masters this season. ADC Main

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:55 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I am a ADC Main looking to climb to masters this season. I never really gave rank my 100% and mostly played a few ranked games each season casually. This season, I am going to try my best to become my best rank, masters is just somthing to aim for.

    I would like to ask, What are the fundimentals as a Adc and how does one seperate themselves from a good to great adc? I dont want to one trick, i dont want to cheese my way up. I want to learn the basics and master those to become a great adc player.

    Here is my op.gg if anyone is curious. ChewTheGoon

    I would like a deeper dive on fundimentals rather than surface level stuff.

    submitted by /u/ChewyTheGoon
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    Tips on how to use QSS instantly?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:52 PM PST

    The most situational item in the entire game. I rarely build this item so I am not very used to building it.

    There are a lot of pro players who can instantly cleanse CC which is kind of mind blowing. I don't know how they have such rapid reaction times but it's almost as if they're not human. For example, if a Morgana bind hits them point blank, it's as if the root wasn't even there to begin with, they just keep moving their champion.

    It's not the same as being good at dodging, but it is a useful skill to learn.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Where is Darius's winrate coming from?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:54 PM PST

    Darius, at first glance on his profile on a site like u.gg, seems like a pretty solid champ. 52-53% winrate seems like a solid figure, but I genuinely cannot figure out how anyone plays this guy to any amount of success. I almost never lose lane to him myself, and it seems like anyone with half a brain, even in the low MMR I'm playing him at(not bothered trying him in ranked, this experience comes from silver-gold-plat normals mmr), just lets the wave freeze under tower. The threat of jungle pressure and his own complete lack of anything resembling an escape more or less seals his fate. It feels like he has absolutely zero recourse against this. A champ that works like Darius needs either mechanisms to hold his target in place like Mordekaiser or incredible mid-fight mobility like Garen to have any success, and while darius is alright against champs like that, it feels like they can just sit back, avoid fights(Garen can Q out of his W-E combo, Morde can push him back with E), and outscale. Who is losing to this guy?

    submitted by /u/Somesortofthing
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    How do I balance clearing camps and ganks better?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Early game I start decent with good CS and maybe a kill or two, but it seems if I gank a little too much I get really behind on CS or I don't gank enough and some lanes get behind,and I just don't get enough time to go get my camps with my team asking for ganks left and right. I know this can kinda be helped by just making better decisions but is there anyway to balance them out any better?

    submitted by /u/toasterqwert
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    How to play early lane phase as an adc vs certain matchups

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Hey there. I'm a gold elo adc player preferring lucian, xayah, and ez. Im wondering how i can put myself into an ideal situation levels 1-3 to make the lane easier. For example Which matchups are best to shove in early, which ones do i not push into. When to do long trades vs short ones, etc. I seem to flop in lane most games and I'd like to understand this part of the game better, thanks for your feedback

    submitted by /u/MrKilliewiggles
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    How to play Yuumi efficiently?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Trying to learn Yuumi, but it's been tough.

    Especially since I'm low elo, my ADCs and other teammates don't know how to deep ward, and my ADC is often dead from a 1v2 by the time I return from warding river.

    Late game warding is a nightmare. If I hop off to ward, the enemy can easily murder my ass.
    If I ask my teammate to come with me, they usually 9/10 times ignore me.

    In laning phase I play way too aggressively. I've been told to just use Q for support item stacks and the occasional auto, but I find with this method I tend to finish my quest 3-5 mins later than other supports.

    Also, I can't seem to find the right way to play during fights.
    Do I auto and nab the shield at the beginning?
    Do I take some damage first then hop on my team?

    submitted by /u/SaltiestRabbit
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    Flash + Blast Cone Trick

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 06:47 PM PST

    Not sure if anyone's discovered this mechanic yet, but you can flash in between hitting the blast plant to move your landing position entirely. You can hover over any position as long as it stays within the plant radius. Here's a simple YouTube video showcasing it in-game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ-eVZfds1A

    You need to flash during the animation of your auto attack, or else it will not work. Requires some decent timing, but I'm sure everyone can pull this off with ease. Takes some practice. It is a bit harder with melee champions, but semi-difficult with ranged.

    In a real game, this trick is highly situational, and should only be used during chases where the enemy has higher move speed than you. It's completely unexpected and they won't be able to catch up to you.

    P.S. It doesn't work if you have very high attack speed.

    submitted by /u/ExplodingFistz
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    Bruisery Transcendance Ezreal with Conqueror (Guide)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:49 AM PST

    So approximately 2 years ago when the new runes were starting out people were testing out abusing Transcendance overcap with tank items. or rather stacking cleavers on zed. I tried a build with Ezreal that ended up just being inferior to Klepto because klepto was that good. It was a decent build, but even with PTA he just didn't have the runes to really bring the build together.


    link to the original post right there.

    With the removal of Klepto this season I tried Conqueror on Ezreal since its like old fervor. It feels pretty good. Further I think some of the new runes/paths have made the build stronger since I originally thought of it two years ago so I'm bringing it back since I'm starting to feel its strength in the new solo queue. First I'll go over the advantages of the build and disadvantages:


    1.) Doesn't deviate early from a standard ezreal build, you still build manamune, and you still build Iceborn Gauntlet easy transition.

    2.) Tons of damage, legit. It looks troll as fuck as you only have 3 damage items at full build, but the damage is actually insane on your Q because of just how much mana you have.

    3.) Way more survivability and god tier kiting. you have slow on Q and phage passive something you usually have to pick and choose between with trifroce and iceborn. You are certainly not a tank and if you mis position you will probably die, but you can survive way longer as long as you don't go full monkey ezreal and E into 4 people.


    1.) Less overall DPS/Attack Speed. If you have to auto you will simply have less auto dps late game. I argue that this build is not good vs very tanky champions like Ornn or Malphite. If you see those champs and your team doesn't have the dps to deal with them, I would not choose this build for that game.

    2.) Like regular blue build ezreal, your damage is pretty much non existent until you get the transformation on muramana. and before manamune early game you might scratch an hp bar if you are lucky.


    10% aspd, adaptive force, armor


    Prescence of Mind (500 Mana)

    Legend: Alacrity (18% attack speed, NEED this since you are not building any aspd besides zerker greaves)

    Coup De Grace

    Gathering Storm (can go manaflow band if you want a bit more punch early to mid game, but I consider the build late game oriented and this helps)

    Transcendence (essential, without this the build doesn't really work for late game)


    Manamune + Iceborn > Zerker Greaves > Black Cleaver > abyssal mask if they have magic dmg, frozen heart if full ad > death's dance

    the main variant here are at 3rd/4th items. Cleaver is 400 HP and at this point you will overcap the cdr making it worth 52 ad. not 40. the 400 health is good for survivability as is the kiting from phage. the armor shred passive is for any damage carry. Important to note that Cleaver is already 100% gold efficient without its two passives and only becomes more efficient with transcendence.

    from here I'm not 100% sold on the next items. I usually go abyssal mask or frozen heart due to their synergy with muramana and transcendance, especially frozen heart, but I'm also pretty confident AD/CDR items like Death's Dance next could be really fucking good too if you don't really care for the survivability. Frozen Heart gives 400 mana, 100 armor, and 32 AD (8 from muramana passive, and 24 from transcendance). Abyssal gives 350 health, 55 mr, 300 mana, and 18 ad (6 from muramana, 12 from transcendance). Maw of malmortious could be a good option here as it will give 62 AD, 50 MR, the 350 hp shield and the lifegrip passive also grants further ad, spell vamp, and lifesteal.

    Lastly, Death's Dance gives you the bleed passive, 92 ad, (12 from transcendence) and sustain on your Q. combine this with conqueror fully stacked and you have a ton of healing, damage, its just synergizes very well. considering putting this 4th in the build as its probably not necessary to go fully tanky with a tank item 4th. (you are ezreal after all)

    What makes the bulid different now? Well Conqueror gives you a ton of AD/Healing that you didn't have before. Prescence of mind is also super good for ezreal. (essentially 15 ad and more dmg on muramana passive). I think these two runes (mainly conqueror) are what improved the build for me.

    Note that I'm still working on it, but I thought I'd bring it up again since Klepto is gone and us Ezreal players are lookin for new builds.

    submitted by /u/thechuckcharles
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    How to play with junglers who just blindly invade?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:42 PM PST

    Some junglers have watched too many videos of hyperaggressive pro junglers and copy their invades. The only thing is, they blindly invade without giving thought to who wins the 1v1, 2v2, which lanes have priority.

    As a solo laner, what is the best way to play with these junglers, when it's painfully obvious you lose the skirmish early game?

    • If I follow their invades, we get wiped, the enemy gets first blood and double buffs, lane is over.

    • If I don't follow their invades, both jungle and the other solo lane spam ping me for not following, say omg stupid selfish laner you made it 2v3, they run down my lane and take the farm and ff15.

    I understand something bad will happen one way or the other when my jungler invades with 1/3rd HP. I'd just like to know the best way to mitigate the damage.

    submitted by /u/JENSENJENSENYENSEN
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    Is Mid the strongest role now?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST

    I play in high Silver/low Gold so maybe its my elo. But last season (towards the end) it felt like ADC was the most influential role. If either ADC got fed early, the team typically won. They just brought so much dmg to team fights and skirmishes.

    So far in pre season it feels like I've had more Mid and Tops carry the game if they snowball. Thats not to say they didn't do this in season 9, it just feels like it happens more now since solo laners can get a bigger xp lead. And now successful Mid roams top side can result in two Shellys per game giving Mid more influence on the game.

    Maybe my experience is anecdotal. Just wanted to see what others were thinking so far.

    submitted by /u/MuhBack
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    Questions from a returning player

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:50 PM PST

    I am coming back to league after a several year hiatus, and I have a few questions regarding the strengths of certain champions and items.

    1) How do you tell if a champion is good early game, all game, or falls off late? Seems like champs that have strong early games or champs that fall off late game are more of an accepted norm rather than explained.

    2) What makes certain items good on certain champions? Why do some AD champs focus on lethality and others don't? What do I look for in a champ to decide which items to buy and how to itemize?

    submitted by /u/bubbleman04
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