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    Thursday, November 21, 2019

    LoL Guide Junglers! You have to clear camps now.

    LoL Guide Junglers! You have to clear camps now.

    Junglers! You have to clear camps now.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:26 PM PST

    I just want to remind all your jungle mains and jungle secondaries that you actually have to farm your camps now as a thing you do. Not as something you do between ganks. Played some games as Shyvana today and saw my enemy junglers just ganking lanes over and over, meanwhile, I'm farming and most importantly counter jungling them. Come 20 minutes I'm 2-4 levels ahead of them and basically the game is over.

    Edit: Since people are misunderstanding what I'm trying to say here, I AM NOT saying power farming is the way to go and to abandon your laners. I am saying you can't play jungle like you did in season 9, which was perma ganking lanes and then using catchup xp to be equal in levels. Riot removed catchup xp from the jungle, so now if you're behind. You are behind.

    Being a gank heavy jungler is still viable and okay! Just don't abandon your jungle for the enemy to farm. Objectives are super important, having winning lanes makes those easier to take so, therefore, being a gank heavy jungler you can get your lanes ahead and then use that to take objectives.

    Another edit: Since I've seen a lot of people ask what catchup xp is. Catchup xp is where you are behind the average level of the game. So if the average level of everybody in the game is 10, and you are level 8, you will get more xp so you can catchup to to everybody else. The jungle used to have this on all it's camps so it made farming not as good as ganking more since you could always just go into the jungle and be even in levels, coupled with longer respawn times it made ganking a very attractive option. The catchup xp is now removed in the jungle.

    submitted by /u/IMSOGOD
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    Want to practice dodging skill shots? Play vs AI!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    No this isn't a troll. I've been playing a lot of games vs intermediate AI lately out of boredom and I've noticed while doing so that I've gotten a lot better at dodging skill shots.

    Because the AI opponents work by reading info from the server regarding your player location, etc, they are very accurate at throwing out skill shots and you can use this to practice dodging them in a stress free environment with no enemy junglers/roams to worry about while also being able to practice csing.

    Just thought I'd throw this tip out there because it's definitely made my movement in lane a lot better.

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    Is sanguine blade the best first buy for every AD jungler?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:15 AM PST

    I mean seriously, start talisman and then go sanguine blade and you'll have the stats of warriors/bloodrazor on one item while having sustain for both resources. And now that we're in a jungle meta where clearing camps matters, if you go this item you can clear camps faster in both sides of the jungle, AND if the enemy jungler invades/you invade, you'll be able to out dps them. It also works well for early game ganks that aren't bot lane.

    submitted by /u/SoupToPots
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    I created a gold efficiency chart for all champion stats. Hopefully you'll find it interesting!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Hey guys, I've created a chart of gold efficiency per stat. It's nothing too crazy but I think it's definitely interesting to see it visualised. Hopefully this helps someone learn something for example, I found it super interesting that building armour is very cheap in comparison to building AD.

    Here is the spreadsheet I created if anyone wants to see the calculations and the item used to calculate these numbers:


    If theres any questions let me know!

    submitted by /u/itonroast
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    Massive anxiety over starting a new role

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    So I've never really played ranked League.

    I got to Gold in Seasons 5 and 6 (I think) just because I wanted the Victorious skins. I don't remember struggling too much, but I also don't remember what I played in those seasons. These days, on the rare occasions I queue, I play support. I'm usually pretty good at it by the metric of normal draft mode.

    But I've really gotten back into League in the past few months and I want to start climbing next year. I've fallen in love with jungling, or at least the idea of it, and I've been binging high ELO VODs like a madman to learn pathing, gank setups, etc. I think I understand the thought process of a jungler and what I should be doing when, but I'm way too nervous to actually put it into practice.

    It's one thing to practice pathing and kiting camps in training mode, but playing against other people is entirely different. Even when I'm playing champions that I know I should be counterjungling on (Olaf, Lee, Shaco) I'm way too nervous to do so. Walking into the enemy jungle feels like walking into my own death.

    Similarly, when I'm playing champions with a weaker early game like Evelynn or Qiyana, I feel like the enemy jungler is just lurking around every corner while I'm trying to clear my camps like it's a horror game.

    I can't even queue for normal draft anymore without needing a solid half hour to hype myself up and relax. I really want to break my nerves so I can start actually improving and putting what I've learned into practice.

    Do you guys have any tips for someone who experiences crazy high levels of anxiety over trying a totally new role? Should I just find a duo queue partner who's relaxed and won't flame?

    submitted by /u/Closix
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    Ww main fall offs hard mid/late Game

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Hi, guys!

    I start the Game perfectly, I take my camps, the other jungler's camps, I take dragons, I gank, I get assists and kills and my farm is also decent.

    But after early game, I feel useless, I can't take towers, I don't deal dmg, I can't even peel/protect properly.

    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/subbbw
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    Shifting roles

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Hello. I'm currently a plat 4 jgl main, highest rank I ever got was p2. I've been a jgl main for 4 years and I just can't seem to cope with the role anymore. With the new changes and the toxicity of people going "report jgl" after they die in a 1v1 in their lane and the 0/7 yasuo going "jgl diff" so I've decided that I want to transition to the top lane. I've played top for some time and I know how wave management works whether you want to freeze or not ( by watching videos) but I can't seem to know how to apply it. It's like the enemy top laner knows how to counter it and I lose lane pretty hard. I would love any tips whether it's related to wave management or macro. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    In-depth Laning Phase for AD Carry

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

    I recently came across a video from xFSN Saber with Saber being coached by 100T Prismal. I recommend you watch this video if you play ad carry or any other role because they go in-depth on micro details in lane. You can learn some valuable laning details even if you don't play ad carry. As a support main, watching this video helped me notice how to go above and beyond on how to better punish my enemy laners just from listening to them talk about pressuring when go for level 2 or building a lead level 1 from pulling the wave.

    I haven't seen this being posted on this subreddit so I just wanted to share with everyone!

    submitted by /u/HmngAce
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    I wanna mute someone but i also wanna coordinate

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    I get flamed a lot for being bad and i agree im trash in bronze 1 with a 30% winrate but im not mad at myself for being bad. I started playing about 2 months ago and i see myself improve but something that is bothering me is that everyone gets mad at me and pings me and writes messages and i know i can block them but i still wanna know if they are pinging like go to baron or something like that. What do i do?

    submitted by /u/Sumsarmus
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    New to the game, have more questions, this time a little more in-depth.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Hey. I'm sure a lot of you saw my post about a week ago (it got tons of upvotes for some reason, and I got a ton of PMs offering help, thanks btw). Since that post I've been reading your advice and trying to take it, and playing more. I've gotten to around level 12 with around 15 heroes unlocked. I've been playing mostly draft pick, on support or jungling with Gragas. He's fun, I'm enjoying slaying people with alcohol.

    A few more questions have come to mind though, and I'd appreciate any answers.

    1. A game or two ago I tried going top with Gragas. Instead of buying the jungler items I went straight for the "offensive/defensive items" category. (Ended up winning because the enemy surrendered after the first turret loss, so unfortunately didn't tell me much) Is this okay to do, though? Can you build heroes to operate in different lanes than the game recommends (as the game has grag under jg), or will that always be weaker than a dedicated hero for that location? The enemy team had an Illaoi go top, and I found it a bit hard to fight her directly, I just had to poke with my Q. Anytime I went in on her she dropped her water tentacles everywhere and I had to book it back to my turret.

    2. How do I know when it's time to group up and move around as a unit? Is there some "stage change marker" that indicates "yep, time to stop farming lane and go kill shit together"?

    3. How do I know when to be aggressive vs careful? I often try to take people and often get completely whipped and feed, they just swat me like an annoying mosquito. I'm struggling to judge overall "power" of people. This is hard coming from FPS games where you can judge skill very easily (did you get headshot instantly? If no, then you might be able to beat them), and power doesn't change (people don't get better aim between the times you see them, so if you can clap them once you can keep clapping them whenever you see them next)

    4. What should I look for when placing wards? I've read "wherever enemies might come from", but I have no idea where that might be, as junglers often come from behind me on my side, after warding ahead of me. If I ward behind me then I get surprised from the front.

    5. I noticed that draft pick works by having people select heroes, then ban, then reselect if you got banned. Why not just have the ban phase first thing, lay it out on the table immediately, so you don't have to "re-pick" after?

    6. How do I choose rune setups? I've just been playing with presets, but why would you pick certain runes with certain heroes? Does it just boost the playstyle, or is there some 5Head synergy that I'm too noob to understand? Most of the runes seem kinda meh in terms of effect and it doesn't seem gamebreaking to have improper ones selected.

    7. Is selling certain items to get a bit more money ever worth it? Should I sell earlier items after obtaining fancier ones (like the doran's stuff)?

    8. In general, when should I recall? Right now I just do it when I run out of mana or get my health chunked by someone. I notice that a lot of people stick around even when out of mana, just to keep CSing. Am I losing out by recalling gratuitously?

    9. I noticed you get a letter ranking at the end of each game. What's that based on? Is there any advantage to getting a high grade?

    These are more abstract questions, so thanks preemptively to anyone who can answer.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    How to beat Kled

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    I have always struggled when I have to lane against Kled. It seems like no matter who I play he can just out trade me. Even if I get him low and un-mount him he can just re-mount and kill me. I recently landed against a Kled and got tilted and ended up just running it down. I've decided that I'm going to try and improve without tilting and I think learning to beat Kled will help.

    submitted by /u/DoughnutKing98
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    whats going on with the new update? It feels odd.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    okay, after this update i feel out of touch with league. is it just me or is the game more fast paced?

    i played as support and picked leona and i got this weird item "steel shoulder-guard" in my recommended. it was my first time seeing this item. but after like 8 mins we are getting ganked like crazy in bot lane. i feel like the game is in 2x speed. we got ganked 3 times in 3 mins. then 15 mins we are already grouping at mid.

    i never experienced this before, what i like about this new update is you dont have to upgrade the support items. It unlocks it for you as you kill minions.

    but what i dont like is its so hard to gain gold after reaching that 1000 gold on the support item. i tried last hitting low health creeps and i was confused why it didnt give me gold. and they removed ancient coin.

    the game is crazy right now, i recently got back at plat and i just played 3 days ago and now i feel out of touch with league of legends. Is it just me?

    submitted by /u/Dwight321
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    15 camps ahead (60 cs lead) and still the same level as the enemy jungler ?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:59 PM PST

    I was playing as xin zhao and I did all my pathing to get level 3 faster as I could so then I can be agressive and get some kills, all started well I killed the enemy top liner twice , and took all the red side jungle from elise because my bot line was bothering her in her blue she got it but then she died so when she revived she went to her blue side and took all the camps there but then I found her and I was like level 5-6 and kill her go back to my base farm my blue side farm her red side farm my red side do some ganks but kill her again do the dragon, I absolutely destroyed her but when I reached lvl 12 I saw her lvl and surprise she was the same lvl as me and not only that the enemy mid laner that was behind on me in cs and kills also had like 2-3 lvls more than me so whats hapenning? Edit: https://imgur.com/a/7ChKIWe

    submitted by /u/Nithred
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    What to do after a sucessfull gank?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Hello summoners, I'm a silver 2 jungle main and I have a question that has bother me for a long time. After I do a sucessfull gank to a lane, what should I do? Should I help the laner take their tower or go with them to a neutral objective? Or maybe roam with them? Or invade the enemy jungle with my laner? I know the question sounds kinda vague but i wanna know in wich cases would be better to go to a neutral objective like drake or herald and when I should push. I would usually gank bot lane with the only intention of making them come with me do drake but was that really the right option? For reference lets talk about a gank on bot that kills or makes the enemy adc and support r go base while we are almost full hp and we are playing a jungler that cant solo drake. Also we have no ideia where the enemy jungler is at the moment. And that I have smite up and can secure the drake if I dont get cc. In this specific situation, whats the best course of action?

    Thanks in advance for your ansewrs and sorry for my potato english. Im also sorry if the post doesnt have paragraphs, if that happen its beacuse im a mobile user

    submitted by /u/Sparkz_4
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    How do you not tilt, or reset from being tilted post-game

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Hey all. I'm coming back from a nine-ish month break from the game. Upon returning, I've met loss after loss, due to factors both in and out of my control. It has begun to really discourage me, and I have noticed that my mental goes to shit the moment the game goes south and play worse as a result. Its now started to linger and create a situation where I'm entering games already expecting to lose, which in turn causes me to play worse and tilt easier.

    How do you avoid feeding this beast? What steps do you take in and out of game to avoid this, as this game is starting to make me want to set myself on fire.

    submitted by /u/threlnari97
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    Help learning lane?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    Hi all! I am a bit of a weird case. When i started league long ago i used to be a good laner but that was about 4-5 yrs ago. I have recently picked league back up but i have had problems becoming a laner again and have stuck to jungling bc it is the only thing im relatively "good" at. So could anyone give tips to a very noobish jungle main about playing lanes??? Any help is much aplreciated

    submitted by /u/LamorakD
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    What is the best role to main that will allow me to build the greatest overall knowledge of the game?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:44 AM PST

    I'm a level 82 silver 3 OCE player on my main account. I currently don't have a main role and usually flex my preferred role everyday based on my mood. I've decided I want to main a role, but do it on a fresh account so I can collect more champions for that role easier. I also feel it will be a better way of knowing my skill level if I start ranked from the start.

    I'm essentially looking for what role will give me a well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of an average game of league. Things like cs-ing, trading, powerspikes, late-game scaling, macro decisions.

    I just want to learn the game because in my current silver games it feels like a coin flip and I have no influence because I can never win lane and never make choices that affect the outcome.

    So I want to know based on your guys experience and knowledge of league, which role would i be best to pick up to fully learn the game. And as an extension, what are some great champs in that role for learning the game?

    submitted by /u/yacuuuub
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    What to do with new drag changes

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PST

    Hey everyone. So I was thinking that with the new percentage changes that new drags offer and the drag souls offer... would it be ideal to change your third or even fourth item (excluding boots) based on the 3rd drake. For instance, if your team is taking multiple mountain drakes it would be ideal to stack armour or magic resist ,as you gain a percentage of both. Basically, what I'm saying is how much and should you change your normal full build based on the drakes left to take?

    submitted by /u/jarpaint11
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    “Jungle decides top”— What do I do about junglers as a toplaner?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Chances are if you've ever played toplane then you've complained about the jungler. I know I have, my friends have, and many streamers/high level players have. "Jungle difference", "better jungler wins", "jungle decides top," you might have said.

    Yet high elo still has toplaners in it, and if the better jungler truly did decide top, then they probably wouldn't be climbing to that rating so consistently. So I have to imagine that there's something that I, as a toplaner, can do about this. High level players manage to win when they get camped, when their jungler camps, and when toplane is just an island that game.

    So— As a toplaner, what can I do about jungle pressure? Sure, I want to keep vision in the lane bushes, but that only goes so far. Beyond warding, what else should I be doing to deal with the jungler?

    Or is there not much that I can do; and it's just a "better player climbs through volume of games / 55% winrate" type scenario?

    submitted by /u/wavec022
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    Relic Shield opening up to be purchased by enchanters opens up some interesting possibilities.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    So I just played an interesting game.

    I was on Morgana support. My ADC was Kai'Sa. The opposing laners were Draven and Thresh. The entire team was losing and losing hard.

    I, more out of tilt than anything, abandoned bot lane and started permaroaming all over the map. Dropping wards, ganking lanes, etc. I had taken Relic Shield for the more consistent, safer farm against Draven and Thresh and I noticed something.

    It felt better to have Relic Shield if I was gonna be roaming heavily. Maybe I'll hit two abilities and an auto-attack in a gank, maybe not, but being able to get the gold from executing minions either way felt much better if I was planning on not being in a lane at all.

    So I just thought this was interesting and worth discussing. Have you found yourself picking up Relic Shield over Spellthief's Edge for any reason? I've liked it for when I couldn't walk up without insta-dying (like against Draven/Thresh) but others have pointed out to me that Morgana's W procs Spellthief's easily from afar anyway. But having Relic Shield still felt safer and more stable and consistent.

    submitted by /u/Beasts_at_the_Throne
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    Dealing with a fed Olaf as an ADC

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 05:01 AM PST

    What's the best game plan and defensive options (if any) to deal with a fed Olaf? Should I prioritize getting armour, a PD, armor pen or healing reduction? Or am I just screwed anyway and should I just try and burst him by building normally? I was playing Ashe (if I had seen Olaf locked in I would have picked something else) this specific game but the question applies in general.

    Edit: thank you all for the good advice

    submitted by /u/spara_94
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    Mordekasier pre season 10 help

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 02:14 PM PST

    Morde main who climbed to gold prior season. At this im unsure about morde in the game, the new conq feels iffy on him so im not sure if its actually worth using anymore. Along with thsat im not sure for build, do I still just go liandrys/rylais into most matches minus the few were you rush bramble/seekers ?

    submitted by /u/sunatori
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    Help with a specific jungle scenario

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I played jungle in a normals match this morning that took a challenging turn.

    From the start of the match, my team (WW, teemo, volibear, jinx, and vlad) divided equally between the two side lanes, with no midlaner. The enemy team (urgot, trynd, Sona, xayah, and ekko) placed two members in each side lane, and one member in mid (no jungler).

    By the time I had cleared red buff and my first two camps, both side lanes had given up two kills to a member of our opponents. This trend would continue throughout the game, with my teammates seeming reluctant to engage when I would arrive to pressure lane while often getting caught out of position and wiped before I could make it back from farming or the other lane. Sometimes one particular teammate would grab a kill, but it never managed to be on their fed player, and he usually died for it. Mid lane was unopposed and I had no idea how to deal with it.

    This process led to a couple very fed players on the enemy team, with me struggling to find a balance between farming in order to not fall too behind on level, keeping mid from completely steamrolling, and providing some form of support and gank pressure to my side lanes.

    Obviously this was an unranked game and a massive outlier, but it still feels like I handled it poorly, and could have at least kept it from being as bad of a blowout as it was.

    I'd like to use this as a learning experience, so I ask: How does a jungler make impact in a game like this?

    I kept it pretty general, but will provide more details if desired!

    submitted by /u/SEA_BEAR1017
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