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    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - November 5th!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - November 5th!

    Free Talk Tuesday - November 5th!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:08 AM PST

    Remember, remember, the fifth of November - that's today! What's up, /r/leagueoflegends - Icy here with this week's edition of our FTT thread! Hope you've all had a good weekend!

    The final bout of Worlds 2019 is set - the LPL's FunPlus Phoenix are set to take on the LEC's G2 in Paris, France for the Summoner's Cup. None of the other teams matter anymore; it's just these two titans facing off to see who is the best team in the world. My money's on a G2 3-1 but anything can happen - what's your prediction for the final match of 2019? Let's hear it!

    Preseason draws ever closer with the end of the 2019 ranked season following right before it! There's a ton of stuff that's on the way - from map changes like Dragon Souls and Bot Alcoves (or Caves?) to surface level stuff like certain runes being tweaked (catch ya on the flipside, Klepto). What's got you most interested?

    That's it from me for this week! Thread's all yours, now - just remember to follow our usual FTT Rules, of course: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    Faker wasn't looking at himself when he got caught in game 1.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:53 AM PST


    I fell like he could have flashed that if he saw what was happening. SKT lost the fight and the game after Faker respawn and teleported in. This was quite unfortunate as the twin shadows only spotted Rek'sai and the ward spotted no one. Also the chinese are funny https://www.weibo.com/tv/v/IeG0zd3sJ?fid=1034:4434980604963013

    submitted by /u/midnightsarkastic
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    ARAM Best Lux Garena

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    "Sylas vs Lucian" - Ultimate Time!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:59 AM PST

    Patch 9.22 notes

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    ESPN's Jacob Wolf will Host the first League of Legends Free Agency Show November 18th

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:04 PM PST


    First I stole his bombs, then I stole his studio. Tune in on Nov. 18 for the @ESPN_Esports League of Legends Free Agency show.


    I fly from a month and a half in Europe to ESPN HQ to prep and put on our first-ever free agency show

    We start 30 minutes before free agency opens and then will be on Twitch live to discuss moves, rumors and watch as @JacobWolf breaks news live in real time

    Get ready

    ESPN presents 2020 League of Legends Free Agency Show

    Confirmed Appearances:

    • Jacob Wolf
    • Tyler Erzberger (FionnOnFire)
    • Arda Ocal


    Should be pretty exciting.

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    r/leagueoflegends View of Analyst 'hot takes' is Toxic and is going to cause all Analysts to be more Safe

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    As a person who watches other sports it is crazy for me to see this many posts and hateful comments on these posts about an analyst making a hot take. Comparing this to other sports like football, there are some analysis shows that make crazy statements daily such as 'Pardon the Interruption' and 'First Take'. These shows are sometimes based off of one person having controversial view and then having to defend the view while being berated by another. I never see r/nfl going crazy over an opinion that Stephen A. Smith makes regularly. These hot takes make the viewing experience of the games more enjoyable by building story lines inside and outside of the game. I think it is fine to make a post disagreeing with a certain analyst but these posts are becoming more hateful and the comments are just making fun of the analyst. I am surprised this is going on after just learning that Jatt was scared to put out his top 20 list. We just transitioned into a time where more people are creating content about analysis of competitive league of legends and I think that the way reddit has handled analyst's 'hot takes' this worlds we are going to see a transition from this type of content, plus analysts on the desk might attempt to be more safe with their opinions rather than speaking their mind. I feel r/leagueoflegends should take a step back and realize that a take LS or Vedius makes is just an opinion and that doesn't change that G2 won or that they are in the finals.

    submitted by /u/1Epicocity
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    Realms of Runeterra is officially out for purchase! (League of Legends Lore Book)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:03 AM PST

    [fanart] I propose a (very serious) Xin skin

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:47 PM PST

    [fanart] I propose a (very serious) Xin skin

    I call him, Jhin Xhao

    Definitely a viable skin, wouldn't cause any confusion whatsoever when a Jhin leaps out of a bush on top of you. Would have to be a Four Talon Strike of course.

    submitted by /u/ellrriss
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    Behind The Scenes | Giving True Damage Ekko A Voice

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:49 PM PST

    11/5 PBE Update: Pulsefire Thresh, Victorious Aatrox, & more!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:45 PM PST

    In what world does a team beat the tournament favourites 3-1 by playing "worse"?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:24 AM PST

    I'm reading all these hot takes from analysts talking about how "G2 played worse but SKT's drafts let them comeback" or how G2's drafts were easier to execute and they won off that. Apparently, if you play a draft that it is too hard for you to execute and the enemy team denies you the ability to do so, that means you're a better team than your opponent, even if it's your nexus exploding at the end game screen.

    Or perhaps they mean they played worse in a macro sense, like how SKT managed to nail almost every baron in the series yet still lose in map pressure regardless, and get every single push denied by smart map play.

    Or maybe it is about execution, just like how G2 managed to win teamfights despite being 3-5k gold behind more than once, or how in the last game they went 4v5 with 20 seconds left on their carry and managed to convert that into a win.

    It is crazy the amount of mental gymnastics I'm seeing to take merit out of G2's achievement. This wasn't a down-to-the-wire 3-2 victory with both teams trading blow for blow but one team winning off a lucky crit or something like that, this was a rather commanding 3-1 over the tournament favourites where G2 consistently managed to out teamfight and out macro one of the best teamfighting teams in the world. Both SKT and G2 are brilliant teams, but on November 3 G2 was definitely the better one.

    submitted by /u/tredli
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    G2 is the 2nd team to ever beat SKT in BO5 more than once within the same year.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:48 AM PST

    The only other roster to do so was Samsung White in 2014 who beats SKT

    3-1 in Spring 2014

    3-1 in Summer 2014

    3-0 in Regionals 2014

    Also technically 3-0 in Masters but that was the combined effort of both Blue and White against K and S

    submitted by /u/InvincibleJiren
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    With all the downplaying happening to G2 achievement, I think Riot needs to introduce a new worlds format specially for G2

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

    With all the downplaying happening at the moment towards G2 victory and that might continue to happen, I think its time for Riot to step up their game and implement a new format of Worlds for G2.

    1. Everything will exactly be the same till the end of group stage
    2. Starting with Quarterfinal, the best of 5 for G2 will be bo5 of bo5 because one bo5 won't be enough to prove there was underperformance from the opponent.
    3. If G2 succeed winning bo5 of bo5 at the finals, they would not be granted the worlds champions title. They will need to participate in another round of bo5 of bo5 against all the other team that took part in worlds including play off team. Because, hey, G2 never had to face IG or the Griffin that smashed them in group. Also, G2 with a lucky draft could be exempt from facing a veitanamese team. Losing to any of the team could result as the failure to win worlds.
    4. After G2 beat all the team that participated at worlds, G2 will need to prepare for another bo5 of bo5 against all the LCK and LPL team that could not qualify for the worlds. Because, admit it, Sandbox or kingzone could definitely do what damwon could not and G2 never get to play vs Jin Air.
    5. Only after G2 is successful to defeat all the team in the format suggested, they could be crowned as Worlds Champions.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/gintokisamadono
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    The single closest Base Race I have ever been a part of

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Perkz' hero moment across Europe: Rewatch G2 Esports' series-winning teamfight in multiple languages!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:06 AM PST

    MonteCristo's & Locodoco's Take on G2's Baron Play and Respone to the Current Controversial Opinion that "SKT played better". (feat. Thorin and DoA)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:45 PM PST

    This or That | Tilt Proof

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    LEC and LPL Worlds runs from 2018/19 look almost like a mirror reflection but the fanbase reactions do not

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:50 AM PST

    If you think about it, there are extreme similarities between these two regions runs. Here they are:

    2018 - all LPL teams advance from groups to 2 LEC teams

    2019 - all LEC teams advance to 2 LPL teams

    2018 - both LEC advance through quarters, only 1 LPL advances to semifinals

    2019 - both LPL advance throughquarters, only 1 LEC team advances to semifinals

    2018 - the hyped KR 1st Seed team loses to LPL team (IG)

    2019 - the hyped KR 1st Seeed team loses to LEC team (G2)

    2018&2019 - LEC vs LPL finals


    2018 - VIT (2nd Seed team) ends with 3-3 score in a group of death and drops out

    2019 - RNG (2nd Seed team) ends with 3-3 score in a group of death and drops out


    2018 - IG being 2nd in the groups by losing a tiebreaker to go to finals

    2019 - G2 being 2nd in the gruops by losing a tiebreaker to go to finals

    What I would like to add is that after last year the common understanding was that LPL was the best region in the world, the strongest one without doubt. Even tho 2 of their teams got eliminated in quarters by LEC teams. This year there are already many voices that even if G2 wins finals EU as a whole cannot be called the strongest region, just G2 the strongest team. Can anyone explain to me where does this reasoning come from? How can it be justified? The scenarious from last year and this one would be almost identical. Of course, we still have to wait for the finals to play out, but I am just asking hypothetically. It just sounds stupid to me.

    submitted by /u/9xHIm
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    Perkz is the best adc this year

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:11 PM PST

    Some may not agree with me and would look at the performence of other adc like maybe LWX or Teddy , but from my point of view Perkz is by far the best adc this year .

    -Just looking at his win rate with the 2 "broken" adc of the meta : Kai'sa & Xayah is insane . He has 100% win rate with both of them (9 wins in total) , not even talking about his all time record 19/3 on Xayah .
    -Even if it didn't work so far at worlds , he have the most insane champion pool ever for an adc (thanks to the mid lane)

    -And the most insane part is that he's playing this role since less than a year .

    Imo Perkz proved this year that he's the best western player ever , and currently one of the best player in the world .

    PS : I know that many peoples will not agree with me , but please don't just say i'm an idiot or a G2 biased , even if it's my opinion i'm open to listen to other opinions about Perkz or other player .

    submitted by /u/mctiguy
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    Just a re-appreciation for this incredible cinematic that was made more than 5 years ago. Still looking good!

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PST

    If Teemo was not designed with his hat, League would have lost one of its most iconic merchandise and design

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:17 AM PST

    Thought about it while watching the League netflix documentary. Teemo's hat is such an icon to the entire community that no other merchandise comes close.

    submitted by /u/serperiormaster
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    Upcoming Pulsefire Thresh Skin

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:14 PM PST

    SkinSpotlights tweeted:

    Model viewer of the new Thresh Skin.... Pulsefire Thresh

    With an attached image of Pulsefire Thresh.

    In case you missed it, Thresh is slotted to get a Prestige skin alongside a regular skin that should be available for 100 Prestige Points.

    Edit: In game preview

    Edit 2: Recall

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    What’s an easy champion with straightforward abilities that a parent can play?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:22 AM PST

    So my mom has been interested in league ever since I had gotten into it myself about a year ago. I talk to her all about it, and she asks if she can play. Of course I hand over my laptop and gladly make her an account and take her through the tutorial.

    I mean, she's 37, she's not... the best at competitive games like this. She loves games like Skyrim and Fallout, those things. She chose MF as her champion because "she's pretty and her guns are cool" but it's a bit hard for her to understand the whole double bounce Q thing, and how if you move while ulting it stops going. I thought maybe Ahri would be good, she's cute, her abilities are similar, and her ult is a dash. But... her ult is a dash. My mom plays with lock screen and I swear she loses her mouse in the minion waves.

    I wanted to put her on Veigar, Teemo, or Lux, but "theyre ugly" lmfao

    Suggestions? I'm a support main and I wanted to just put her on Soraka, but she said she wants to do a lot of damage. I know she probably won't be good, but I just want her to have a champ she can at least be successful on, because she knows when she's not doing well, but she doesn't know how to fix it.

    love you mom

    submitted by /u/eebnya
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    The most insane, pixel-perfect, Cassiopeia ult dodge I've ever done.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Teamfight Tactics: Rise of the Elements | TFT Set 2 Gameplay Trailer - League of Legends

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:55 AM PST

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