• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 5, 2019

    LoL Guide I am a former professional/semi-professional analyst that focused on Build Optimization. And I am here to answer any questions you have about Items, Runes, and whatever other questions you have about build path optimization.

    LoL Guide I am a former professional/semi-professional analyst that focused on Build Optimization. And I am here to answer any questions you have about Items, Runes, and whatever other questions you have about build path optimization.

    I am a former professional/semi-professional analyst that focused on Build Optimization. And I am here to answer any questions you have about Items, Runes, and whatever other questions you have about build path optimization.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Hello, Reddit!

    My name is Ben & I used to be a professional/semi-professional League of Legends analyst. I worked primarily in NA as an analyst focusing on items, runes, and masteries (RIP). But I also spent time in other various coaching, analyst, and content creation roles for challenger, collegiate and amateur teams. I gave up my dream of getting picked up full-time by a LCS organization when I got engaged in 2017 & thus retired to focus on my full-time professional career as...an analyst (Surprise!).

    I have recently been working on rebuilding my systems and updating all of my old data so that I can get back into Item Analysis for fun! As such, I'm here today to answer any questions you have about items & runes, as well as to answer general questions about build path optimization, item spikes, etc..

    I'll be here for the next few hours and (depending on popularity of this thread) will continue to come back for questions that take a little longer to answer throughout the next several days.

    OK - That's all I have. Feel free to start asking questions!

    (If you'd like to ask about optimal build paths for specific champions, please include the following information: Champion, Role, Preferred Style of Play (aggressive in lane, splitting, etc.), & (optional) what you're currently building. The more info, the better, as I can be more specific in my answers - so if you're struggling with specific matchups, feeling useless in the mid game, or even just think you found the next OP strat, make sure to detail as much as you can so that I can help you to the best of my ability!)

    submitted by /u/LoL-Items
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    How to play vs Yas/Akali/Kata mid and assassins in general?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    As dumb as it sound these champs among s the other 'assasins' are making me wanna flat out uninstall this game.

    I'm still pretty new and like to play mages mid, anivia, lissandra,aurelion etc Vs other 'normal' mages/spellcasters I feel okay as I they seem to have actual cooldowns, and abilities I can at least attempt to dodge and have fun even if I lose my lane but these assasins/assasin style mids(?) are something else. They dash like 5 times within a span of 2 seconds. There is no way to get away from them and flash just feels useless cos they'll just dash again or use their flash. I can't land a CC cos they're all over the place even if I do, that measly 1 or 2seconds isn't enough for me to get away, and even then If I do get back under tower it doesn't do anything as they just dive me and get out with like 1 tower shot on them.

    Probably sounds like a salty rant but this shit is killing the game for me...

    submitted by /u/7ohnny
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    What is considered good vision score (jungle)?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:18 AM PST

    I was recently inspired to improve my warding after seeing Jankos with 150vision score. After some practice I came to the conclusion that I should always have 2 control wards in inventory. Then I swapped eyeball for ghost poro. And after seeing that zombie ward is like 3 times better than ghost poro, I finally went with that rune setup. I have gotten 82 vision score at 40minutes and I'll try to keep it consistent.

    I was wondering if my vision score is on, say dia level. Obviously I can't even compare to Jankos. But just how close am I?

    submitted by /u/Qeenky
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    I(Challenger peak, current GM fizz main) coached a plat fizz today.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:14 PM PST

    Yo guys, I don't really post much on here because most of my learning happens by watching pro games/analyzing own mistakes etc.

    However, I get some of you like to discuss topics on here to improve.

    I thought I'd share the video (1 hour of me coaching a plat fizz main) since it might help some people on here with macro/decision making stuff and just add a new perspective.

    Have played every role except support to high diamond in the past seasons but Currently like to main Mid Fizz :P.

    Anyway, a lot of the things in here are universal and not exclusive to fizz or mid and may prove helpful.

    I hope you guys enjoy/learn something new and for the higher elo folks, perhaps its a new perspective.

    heres the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9gGdLnB8RQ&feature=youtu.be

    Hopefully its not against the rules o.0 i'm not sure 100%

    If you'd like to discuss stuff from the VOD review or further questions, I can answer here but going to bed soon so respond to em in the morning.

    Current OP.GG of try hard smurf If it gives some credibility. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=GG%20EZ%2015%20FF

    Hope the video helps glhf

    Edit: I didn't know the language/flame was a problem for people (it was just a video of a guy coaching someone he knows who's with the banter lol but i guess i should have clarified that) still, having a better attitude ain't a bad thing so I can aim for it next time.

    P.S I'm NOT a coach, I'm a player, I just coach people sometimes xd

    Reaching me for coaching or other reasons: https://www.twitch.tv/lobex

    submitted by /u/bertsicles
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    How to help a friend who was demoted in rank.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    10 months ago, I introduced league to a few friends. Only one of them really sticked to the game and kept on playing. We only get to play a few times a week because of work and schedules but he tried his best to learn from those few games he played and I had fun discussing League stuff with him. He set his sights to platinum as he play ranked games. He was gold 2 three days ago and he was very hopeful at reaching plat, but now, he got demoted back to gold 3. He said that players become very good all of a sudden (which I suspect some sneaky boosting accounts). He seems very depressed about it. I duo'd with him when he got demoted and he just lost all energy in the following games. As a friend, what can I do or say to help him.

    submitted by /u/Red_Gamer_
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    The real step for improve from d4 to something better

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 07:56 AM PST

    Hi guys, i have 2 acc in euw atm : tmaaxel984 (d4 2,5k+ games) and xrxiris (250 games d4 too), for me reach this rank isnt a problem honestly (i reached it first time on my main acc on late summer something like that and still here), my smurf got demoted some days ago to p1 75lp and i did again the d4 so easy, after is the problem, what i have to do for improve from here? i have some problem of vision for the rest idk what is my others problem (ofc i have some bad games like all but i cant carry 90% of my games like in plat ecc), i play my favorite champs and try my best, where and how i can learn to get better? sry for my bad english isnt my first language.

    submitted by /u/Axel984
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    Why am I so incredibly bad at Top, compared to ADC?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:36 AM PST

    I'm not even sure what else to say. After being autofilled top and feeding one too many times, I decided to start queuing top and learn the position. But...I just get curb stomped almost every game. I don't understand what is so different from playing bot lane that I am this much worse. I get being a bit worse, but this is just painful and confusing.
    My only guess is that specific matchup knowledge is way more important than I'm giving it credit for, and it's just going to take a long time of learning individual matchups before I am doing reasonably well.

    I'm currently Plat 2 (hit diamond a couple years ago, haven't played much since).

    submitted by /u/BilllyBillybillerson
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    SoloQ Ranked End Of Season In Diamond+

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Hey guys, I just have a short question.

    People talking always you should not play at the end of the season because there are many smurfs and elo boosters in this period of time and people are getting reall quick really upset in the game.

    Does this also apply to Diamond+? I mean im pretty sure if you get to diamond or master it gets harder and harder to "smurf" because the people are going to be the same rank as the actual smurfs rank.

    Greetings to all you summoners out there!

    submitted by /u/Kubaguette
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    Is Taste of Blood actually any good?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    Looking at the stats that Taste of Blood is supposed to get, it seems fairly worthless, even with the higher scaling it has for AD characters. The other runes on that tier seem to be much more worthwhile, whereas ToB doesn't look like it'd be worth taking even for heal-based characters like Aatrox.

    submitted by /u/HalfofaDwarf
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    When to use grasp as nasus?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Hey guys, now I know this sounds like a stupid question but I really can't figure this out. I'm fairly new to this game (less than half a year) and play nasus top, and am sitting squarely in silver. I take conqueror and ghost because of a guide I read that recommended it and have been having success, also I haven't had as much success with grasp. I feel like a lot of lanes I can't use grasp at all if I have it. Such as renekton, mordekaiser, darius, kled, jax, camille...if I get in auto attack range I am automatically dead. But grasp has to be the most common choice for a reason, right? Am I doing something wrong? I'm still not very good at the game, so I'm not sure.

    submitted by /u/idestroypp_69
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    What is the best way to evaluate your performance

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 08:07 AM PST

    Hello all

    I am a jungle main who is ranked silver IV. I love the game playing in normal mode, however somehow I have a win rate of 25% in ranked. My win rate in normal is around 60%.

    This low win rate is obviously because of my skills which are not great. But the toxicity and flaming in ranked isn't helping either.

    However lately I am wondering whether I should reconsider my role choice. I play jungle mostly because I loved heroes like Warwick, Xin jarvan Vi.

    I am currently thinking, maybe I should just try too and see what it does with my winrate. Or is there something else I could use to evaluate my performance.

    submitted by /u/superbros6
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    How do you comeback after losing early?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:06 PM PST

    I'm Gold right now, and I've noticed a common pattern in a decent amount of my games. Usually, one team gets a few kills and a few towers early game, and eventually the losing team just holes up in their base and bleeds out until they lose the game with little to no towers taken all game.

    Now I've been on both ends of this and I was just wondering what the best thing to do in this situation is. Would a good idea be to split push and maybe sacrifice your life to get a tower?

    submitted by /u/Emperor_of_Turtles
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    Jungle Shaco guide (88% win D2 KR)

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:55 AM PST


    Hi, I am LuckyGnom and today I am presenting you a guide on jungle Shaco. Hopefully you will like the guide and it will help you to get your desired rank in the last weeks of season nine. At least, in my case copying this player helped me a lot.

    In this video I've analyzed gameplay of a korean player that was able to get d2 with 88%-win rate by one-tricking Shaco. You will get all info you need in order to start playing like him: runes, items, summoners, jungle path, his playstyle features. If video will get enough interest, I will also make an full analysis video of one of his games.

    Good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/LuckyGnom
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    Assassin Matcup Help

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    So I started playing League a couple of months ago, I picked up Shaco just because I thought his kit looked interesting and fun and here I am now as a Shaco one trick. I was placed Bronze 3/4 initially and I've climbed to Silver 1 so I feel i'm developing a decent sense of the game / mechanics / etc, but I wanted to seek out some advice for unfavorable match ups. I played a game today and the enemy team consisted of Malphite, Dr Mundo, Azir, Volibear and Xayah. I have never felt more useless in a game, it felt like I wasnt doing any real damage to anybody and so, what im asking is, if you play Assassin oriented characters, and run into a predominantly tanky team, what should i be looking to do? I usually play a bit more passive until i feel like its an appropriate time to Q in, but I felt like during those fights that time never came. If anybody can offer me some insight as to how to combat these teams / match up I would be very grateful.

    submitted by /u/Sheaco
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    How to play against better lane opponents?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:14 PM PST

    Context : I'm going to compete this week-end against friends. I don't consider myself very good at the game, I main ADC and enemy botlane should crush us. Comms with all my team.

    How to play against people who're supposed to defeat you? I play strong characters in the meta but even with practice and confidence, I can't find out how I'm supposed to win this. They're usually playing champions with good all-in/follow ups or with a lot of poke. I don't think I perform well enough in lane to win it and struggle to play from behind in mid game. Advice appreciated !

    submitted by /u/Erugan
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    How do I stay relevant in the late game as an early game champion?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PST

    So, I've been playing Elise in the jungle for a while now, though I'm still unranked. She's been an absolute blast to both play as and learn, she feels very nice to play as, and learning to get creative with rappel and using the web shot effectively has been a great experience for me. However, I've found a problem. One thing I've been trying to figure out, not just as Elise but as pretty much any champion that is strong early and falls of late, is that I eventually just become a burden and fail to really do much of anything besides getting the odd pick. I don't know if this is all I can be doing, or if I should be doing something else instead, and could use some advice from someone with more experience.

    submitted by /u/IoTheGreat
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    How do I team right with assassin's

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST

    My laning phases are usually pretty smooth. I almost always win in farm and maybe get a few kills as well. But whenever fights start happening I start to struggle with stuff like Akali, zed, talon and more. I eventually run in and die 8 times till I either lose or my team wins. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/Firespirit202
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    Eyeball collection vs others

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:43 PM PST

    So I'm fairly new to the game. Looking at domination tree, I see a lot of builds recommend eyeball collection. I'm trying to understand the similarities between the three. For ghost poro and zombie ward, do the stacks (the 10 that you have to build) go away if the poro/zombie go away? Or are they permanent stacks like eyeball?

    And if they're permanant, why should you use eyeball over the others when it provides no additional utility, while poro and zombies give extra ward utilities?

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    Kha'Zix Seminar 12: Conqueror, Evolutions, Matchups and more! [ft. Master-Challenger Kha OTPs]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Kha'Zix Seminar 12: Conqueror, Evolutions, Matchups and more!

    Hello Summoners it's been a while since the last Kha'Zix post from me. For those unfamiliar with what the Kha'Zix Seminars are, they're basically an organized discussion covering various topics related to Kha'Zix that is told from the perspective of high elo Jungle mains, the best Kha'Zix one tricks of their regions and many others!

    It's a series that we regularly host on our discord that's usually in a Q&A format with commonly asked questions from the community. Also some memes here and there.

    Video Here

    Check out our past Kha'Zix Seminars here






    Best skin?

    Jungle Matchups

    General Q&A

    I'll try to answer any questions personally on Kha'Zix in the thread if I can so ask away!

    submitted by /u/SKT_KhaZix
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    How do I improve at jungling?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:42 AM PST

    I am a gold 1 jungle main and I like to play Zac but I can go for other junglers but Zac is currently my main guy, anyway I wanted to know how to improve on jungling in the early game, specifically when to ignore farming and focus on ganking and the other way around too. I can master champions easily, well to a certain degree of course but at least I know how my champion works and the most efficient way to jungle with him like for instance I know that I can do both Blue and Gromp at the same time with Zac. But my main problem is the mentality in jungling as a whole and when to gank and what to focus on like should we take dragon, should I focus a lane, should I push a wave with my ally, what to do when I gank but don't get a kill? What to do when you are obviously smashing the enemy jungler and when he is smashing you? those are my questions and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am from Croatia so English isn't my main language so sorry if the sentences sound weird... kek :v

    submitted by /u/7MrRandom
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    Friends give up on games too easily, how doni convince them to try?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:59 PM PST

    I play leauge alot with friends and when they think the game is unwinnable they dont try. One friend he is the real problem he mains teemo and will go afk under tower when he get "cheesed" or has a bad laning phase. My other friend tries at least but keeps on trying to convince me a game is unwinnable. They type in all chat calling me dumb for thinking a game is winnable and at that point im fed up with them.

    My motto is "everygame is winnable" i know this is not true all the time but i like to think that way cause its good to have a good mental

    What are some things to keep track for in a game to help convince my friends to atleast try?

    submitted by /u/Falable_
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    When to choose to go for CS and when to choose to forgo CS for a random fight

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:58 AM PST

    I've always fallen victim to the trap of just joining fights whenever I can instead of trying to look for the best way to maximize CS in a game so even if my CS is alright during early game, it tends to fall off later since I'm not focusing on managing side waves.

    This isn't something that's been hugely impactful on my main as a jungler but I've been playing ADC on my alts to help with this.

    I've been consciously taking the choice to not go for fights that have a lot of variability and instead going for consistent CS.

    Now I did this in a recent game and I felt like it did impact the game quite a bit (My decision to farm instead of joining a fight I felt shouldn't have started in the first place) but when thinking about it, I would choose the cs over the fight 10/10 times since it was easily 3 waves worth of CS that I would be giving up to the tower.

    I did get flamed the whole game for it and proceeded to get ganked nonstop after it so it looks even worse but I'm not sure what I could've done there after the whole fight (other than maybe not E'ing into them during a certain tower push lol)

    Here's the replay file if it's possible to use this to check my game, the fight happens around 8:35. I checked the fight around the time that Lee jumped onto leona and died after and figured the fight was lost anyway, especially when I saw Yuumi die on my kill feed.

    If I was there, I'm sure Renekton and I could've sweeped them easily but the fight had so much variability that I felt it wasn't worth it.

    If this happened in a game, what would the optimal decision be given no foresight? Should I have just let the wave crash and go for the fight? When I was climbing to Diamond as a jungler I would normally just forgo clearing camps to be at every fight possible because I can't trust people to win fights by themselves.

    When I watch guide videos from players like Saber, he preaches going for consistent plays and I felt like the CS was a more consistent choice than going for that fight.

    Here's my op.gg if that helps with anything too

    fyi no flame please I'm not a great mechanical player and Australian internet is shit (I get random ping spikes that last for 5 seconds that I can't control) xd I normally just play Rek Sai, Nunu, Kayn on my main lmao

    submitted by /u/DrainedDry2
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    A question for bot mains: How do I play around passive support players?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    I started to main bot (ad) about 2/3 months ago (used to play mid). I'm really good at reading ganks & playing up. So whenever I get a support that plays passively it really frustrates me. Since playing passively lets the enemy do more than they should be allowed to, like getting uncontested vision/cs/winning a lane they should lose etc. So my question is what can i do to win or at least break even if my lane partner won't contest anything? Should i play passively as well? Should i try to freeze the lane? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Thekitkatkid7
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    Some general questions from a Silver player

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 01:15 AM PST

    Hello, gods of this subreddit that are much better than me at this game. I'm sure these are asked very often, but I'd like to reply to some of the posters but they seem to be locked/archived.

    1. Why do I see high-ranked players quit so easily? The score is 20-14 score 20 is winning and ahead, they get behind once or no one gets any objectives for a couple of minutes and score 20 calls a FF and gets a 3/2 vote. This really does surprise, that they are ahead and 3/2 people want to FF and just lose their LP that they took so long to get.
    2. How do I freeze lanes, When Do I freeze lanes, what does freezing give me as an advantage? P.S I main ekko, if his W helps any with freezing.
    3. Above, but replace "Freeze" with "shove"
    4. What Do I do when I'm getting hardcore camped and then tower dived, and then team flames me for just being bad when there's not much I can really do?
    5. For example, they have 3 AP champs, and 2 Attack damage champs I would go with mercs and then build zhonyas to balance out the difference, is this right? Now set this, they have 2 ap's and 3 Attack damage, though the AD aren't doing much and it's only the Ap's, do I buy mercs? The same applies to if they have a lot of cc, matter a fact what boots do I even buy? This always stumps me even though I know how to build against my lancers lol...
    6. Any warding tips? Is there a certain spot I should always ward? Do I just ward off by what feels right?
    7. Also, sometimes I cant ward, I have full build and can only have one warding trinket, how come I see so many wards in high-elo games when I cant manage to get two wards?
    8. Anything else I should know? I've been playing on and off for 5 years and haven't improved much besides mechanically because I think knowing how to press my combos better and faster will get me somewhere. Which is true, but I'm sure brains and the questions above attribute more.

    Thanks in advance very much, trust me answering one of these is more than plenty.

    submitted by /u/Qemz
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    How to play vs yasuo adc?

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Hey im currently having some difficulty winning against yasuo bot and I'm wondering if there's any strategy or champion picks of some sort to have a better time surviving vs yasuo. I'm currently playing in GM mmr games and I play stuff like xayah and kaisa and I feel like yasuo just runs down those two champions lmao.

    submitted by /u/fl0urish
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Zilean

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 02:53 PM PST

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/ZileanMains

    Primarily played as: Support, Middle

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
    [link] [comments]

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