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    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

    LoL Guide Hi! According to League of Graphs I am the rank 1 Jarvan IV player in the world! AMA!

    LoL Guide Hi! According to League of Graphs I am the rank 1 Jarvan IV player in the world! AMA!

    Hi! According to League of Graphs I am the rank 1 Jarvan IV player in the world! AMA!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:48 AM PST

    Hi r/summonerschool

    A friend alerted me to the fact that www.leagueofgraphs.com has ranked me as the #1 Jarvan IV in the world. I'm not entirely sure how their algorithm works to calculate this but it was a nice surprise to see.

    As a long time lurker on this sub I thought it might be helpful to some of you to do an AMA. So if you have any questions about playing J4 or jungling in general i'll do my best to answer!

    It is important to know that I've played a good chunk of my games as DuoQ with a specific player. He plays top lane and our general strategy involves me getting bot & mid ahead while he scales for late game - we have been successful with this given the current bot-lane oriented meta & strategic understanding from the get go.

    Link to League of Graphs page

    Look forward to answering your questions on anything, mentality, strategy, thought process etc.

    ya boy northy


    Here is my typical rune page for J4

    submitted by /u/J_J_N
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    Missfortune Klepto + 4 Doran's Blade build (D1 ADC)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:53 PM PST

    Currently I'm a d1 adc, that abused missfortune to climb from ~d3 to d1 this end of the season https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Huge%20Yikes

    I want to talk about a really powerfull build for Missfortune, since she already gained popularity this patch and is S+ tier according to u.gg.

    Runes: https://imgur.com/E0Us3sT

    Klepto gets procced VERY easily with Q (can Q a minion and hit an enemy with the 2nd proc getting the Klepto stack, can also Q both enemies bot for 2 klepto stacks). Movement speed from W allows you to activate W and go autoattack the enemy adc/supp (even easier if supp is meele) and get out without taking dmg and getting stacks.

    Most importantly is the secondary rune page, going overheal+bloodline. You will have 15% lifesteal in laning phase from your doran blades + bloodline and overheal on top of having 1k+ hp. You are unkillable.

    The build is starting doran blade + pot. Then you buy 3 additional doran blades. At this point you are VERY hard to kill and should win every 2v2 bot, maybe even 2v3s. MF is already a lanebully, this takes it to the next lvl. Your 5h inverntory slot should be a BF. Your 6th slot will be the boots you'll get. Upgrade BF sword in Essence reaver.

    Once you have ER, sell your first doran blade for another BF. That BF goes into Infinity Edge. Once you have ER+IE sell your third Doran for Zeal. Zeal goes into PD/RFC/Shiv depending on the situation. And so on, your build is flexible from here (GA, Last Whisper, BT, QSS).

    Why is this strong: 4 doran blades means you are unkillable early/mid game. 15%+ Lifesteal, 1k+ hp, shield from overheal. The gold you lose by buying and later selling doran blades is traded for early game pressure. Some of the gold you make back simply by having Klepto. You should win every bot matchup with this build.

    It's also really strong against popular adcs like Kai'sa/Xayah. These adc take some time to scale up, and you can stomp botlane really hard. Even if they outscale you, they won't get to that point. You will be very strong midgame and will probably end the game there anyway.

    This build does not scale like Kai'sa but it's way better than Lethality MF due to having crit in it. You are still very strong at 3 items with 75% crit and 200+AD.

    submitted by /u/DrixGod
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    We built a new coaching platform for you to teach League of Legends to others. Would love to know what you think

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:01 AM PST

    Hello Summoner School!

    TL;DR: Insights.gg is a free-to-use coaching platform for you to store, review, and analyze gameplay. Designed and made for coaches, mentors, teams, and enthusiasts.

    We are working with some passionate developers to build an all-in-one coaching platform where users can easily review, learn, and strategize over gameplay.We originally launched this with some awesome success in Overwatch, but we're trying to figure out if this is something that'd also be useful for League of Legends coaching and mentoring community.

    Summoner School, we'd love to know your thoughts! Here are some of our core features:

    1) Live Session – collaborate on gameplay together. Instead of using Epic Pen, Discord, Notepad, and other tools, simply start a live session on Insights.gg and invite users with a link. Everyone will be able to review and comment on gameplay together.

    Live Session

    2) Dashboard – upload and organize gameplay content. Upload any video or stream from YouTube or Twitch. It will only take a few seconds! We also have organization functions like tagging videos, and customizing user roles.


    3) Invite – Easy access. Simply share a link to invite anyone onto your Insights Server. Here's a link to the Insights server I made for this post: https://insights.gg/code/AlczxA


    We are still in beta and will be constantly improving the product. If you like what you see, be sure to join our Discord server where we are constantly asking users for their thoughts and feedback! Discord Link

    -Kevin & Stephen, Creators of Insights.gg (Feel free to message us directly on Discord!)

    Edit: input a new invite link and small formatting

    submitted by /u/Insights_gg
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    New and completely lost player looking for advice

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:07 PM PST

    Hello everyone. I am a brand new player, still downloading the game actually, and happened across this site from Googling "learn to play League of Legends". (Look at me, I'm on Reddit. I can see my wife shaking her head already) Hopefully I won't waste too much of your time here. My son loves this game and I want to learn it as a surprise for his birthday which is a few months away. Glad I started now, there's so much stuff out there I have no idea where to begin.

    I tried reading a few random guides but was quickly lost in all the terminology. I have some background in games like Diablo and EverQuest so I know it will eventually make sense.

    Are there heroes or champions that are more user-friendly than others? I don't mind buying a few for this project if need be.

    Are there any recommended videos for those new to the game that help grasp the basics?

    Thank you all in advance for helping this crazy father try to learn his son's interest. If you need more information please let me know, I'll try to answer all I can. I'd like to keep this a secret from my son if possible.

    /Update/ I hope this is the correct format/thing to do. I am astonished at all the replies. I am trying to reply to everyone, if I missed you my apologies I'll circle back around. I just wanted to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It seems like this game has a stigma of having a rough community which is ashame because you all here have been nothing but nice and welcoming. I will definitely hang around here and update you all on my progress.

    Speaking of that what would be the best way to do that? I'd like to keep this on the topic of helping new players. Someone else could be in a similar position and you all have provided so much material. Should I start a weekly post where I just dumped all thoughts/questions/concerns/progress?

    submitted by /u/PapaStark77
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    Recall and cs

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Hey guys i need help When to recall as adc? And how to reach 100 cs at 10 mins And if the enemy adc is dead or recalled (has heal not tp) should i clear the wave a d recall or freeze it so i gain cs advantage and ensure he will miss? Prefer a lucian adc scenario

    submitted by /u/rayyan-
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    How to coordinate a 5 premade team?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    So me and my friends are currently in low gold, and we have the time to play 1 or 2 matches a day. We've been losing a lot lately and what I noticed is that our teamwork is uncoordinated, we fail teamfights even when we have an early game advantage. We always argue in vc whether we should take an objective or go for a kill, etc. And because of that we often end up making a mistake and dying to the enemey team. Is there supposed to be someone who makes these calls? How can we improve on this?

    submitted by /u/Jakabxmarci
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    Quick Tip: Pulling Creeps

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 06:45 AM PST


    Thought I'd make this video as the first in a series where I cover some concepts that are able to be somewhat isolated and digested in a short time. Obviously the production quality isn't the best, but I hate editing with a passion so give me some time to improve :)

    Feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    How do I ACTUALLY outjungle someone?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    I mean sure, I can lock in the jungle role and beat the enemy jungler by simply getting more kills on my ganks/assisting my laners, but this isn't always me actually outjungling my opponent, it's more a case of me being lucky that his laners don't respect my gank, I mean this outcome could be easily flipped if for example he had my laners and I had his. I just don't feel like I really "outjungled" the other guy by just getting kills off my ganks, that's not always up to the enemy jungler to fix. I know technically he could countergank etc, but in lower elos this doesn't really happen, it's just whoever can catch the laner out at the right time.

    But how do I actually outjungle him? Like actually? Idk I find this hard to explain. Is it by tracking him constantly/making the right ganks/counterganks? Stealing his camps etc.? What actually constitutes outjungling your opponent? How can I guarantee I ALWAYS outjungle the other guy if I'm better than him naturally regardless of RNG such as better laners?

    submitted by /u/WikiaRS
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    What do you do when you're getting steamrolled top?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:26 PM PST

    Everytime I play my friends tell me to go top and to play bruisers like Jax and Darius because my mechanics aren't too sharp right now(I came from Dota). The problem is that whenever I go top I find myself dying 90 percent of the time when the opposing toplaner engages in a trade and beats my ass.

    I TP back to lane and I play carefully, but because I'm not used to how fast the TTK is in this game I find myself dying in the blink of an eye without knowing how or why. At this point when I'm 0-2 and the opposing toplaner is basically free farming because I can't go anywhere near the wave, I tell my jungler to help me or else it's GG to which they respond that they don't gank losing lanes. Next team fight my lane opponent completely demolishes my team and I get x4'd.

    submitted by /u/DwyaneDerozan
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    When to freeze?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Hi I main ADC and usually freeze the wave whenever I can to keep enemies off cs, and a lot of times this happens when they mistime backs or don't push a wave out all the way so it's stuck just outside my towers range. Sometimes though when the enemies back and I'm not freezing their wave, they just roam mid and gank, and I can't react in time bc I'm stuck at my tower. Is it always worth it to push so the enemy can't roam? Kind of a toss up to me the more I think about it.

    submitted by /u/fscottfitzgerry
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    When to buy?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:44 AM PST

    summoner name cwr I took a long break and came back two weeks ago and am only playing mid, so I filtered to mid only ranked games

    I noticed on league of graphs I'm consistently buying my first and second items late compared to basically all ranks despite not having wildly subpar gold compared to the average gold rank player. My first thought is that often I base my backs for first item around lane state - how are my resources compared to my lane opponent? My reasoning is if I'm advantaged in health/mana or ult/flash/ignite cool down by remaining in lane I force my opposition to do the same or reset and miss CS, and if I'm in an advantaged lane state I pressure kill and deny cs.

    At the end of the day is first buy super important or comp/game specific? I feel like it'd rather not give a free reset if I don't have to. Maybe I'm neglecting the first item power spike.

    I'm playing qiyana, cass, ryze mostly right now.

    Any other input you see from league of graphs always welcome too :)

    submitted by /u/heylinkgames
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    Support etiquette

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    I'm trying to become a support main and have a few questions regarding minions. When I play support I try to weaken the minions like the cannon or anything that has higher health but try to leave minions alone when they get really low. However, I will try to last hit minions that I think would just flat out die to other minions when my adc is too far away or if my adc hasn't been showing interest in the minions and is just poking the enemy champs. There was one instance where my bot complained that I was taking their cs when I didn't feel I was. So my question is should I change how I've been playing and maybe lighten up on hitting minions? Or are supports meant to weaken the waves. If it means anything these problems have only been happening with people I'm not in vc with which might cause communication problems. Thanks for any help and any advice from support players or adcs is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/No0binrange
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    should i continue playing League? looking for advice for future and overall for League for EX FPS player

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    Hello guys, so before we start, i understand the title looks a bit confusing, so i try to explain everything, and i hope i can find a help to finally solve my future

    so before we start, i am 17 this year, next year i turn 18 and i still dont know what to do in future, i always had dream to become a eSport player, you know.. Traveling with team beating others, helping other learn the game and being the best star player ^^

    well, if we go back to 2016, i started to play counter strike i gonna make it shorter, i played CSGO till 2019 january, what i manage to reach was i would say really good, reached every high rank i possibly could get, and even played againts pros, i was top 15 from my country, and about top 300-700 WORLD wide, sadly, i got banned for bug exploit, that ban really hurt me inside but thats my own fault, i started to play league, i wasnt really good i was Iron i mean, i was used from FPS games so this type was kinda new, i was Iron 1, now i am plat 4 i started to play rankeds from February? March? this year so far manage to get only to plat sadly.

    Maybe you all are asking what do i exactly need, why am i saying all of this, well. I wanted to ask if you think is better/worth playing and improving in League than waiting for unban in CSGO, i was already making money in CSGO from tornaments and ORGs, but these days i enjoy more League, aswell i saw that soo many people watched worlds, i dont remember we had that in CS.

    if you guys wanna judge my ehm stats/rank in League feel free i leave there my opgg, [ about the name, i dont know why i have it neither heh..]


    submitted by /u/songbirduwu
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    I'm struggling against shaco.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:51 AM PST

    ok, so every game I play against this fucking clown I just feel like it's an instaloss, if he's in the jungle he one shots me every single teamfight and his boxes and instant aoe fear pisses me off. When he is in support, I feel like the lane is just a huge minefield and if I try to interact with the adc I just die from boxes. What am I supposed to do against him?

    submitted by /u/qusnail
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    I think late game champions are bad in low elo

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:54 PM PST

    1. Nobody knows how to Play when behind, farming sidewaves is black magic.
    2. People who die at the start will die even more usually.
    3. When somebody dies too much in lane whole team tilts and match is won regardless of what potentially champion can do in late game.
    4. Potential kills for snowball are there all the time unlike high elo where its rare commodity
    • last but not least you conserve time by ending games at 30 mins instead of 50 so almost two games in one :) - more LP per hour

    If you want to win more dont pick late game champions that depend on your team to not suck early. Even if you stall to late game usually it will be too late. Pick lane stompers that tilt your opponents snowballing the game and spread your victory to others

    Just wanted to share what i learned from ranked and see if its general consensus

    submitted by /u/mrreow5532
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    How to counter Urgot as Mordekaiser

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:49 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm a toplaner currently in Gold II in EUW. I've been maining Mordekaiser recently and I've been climbing well, however the last games I played two times in a row against Urgots and unlike most other champs that I can fight early against, all Urgot does is turn an autoskill on and beat me to death.

    Early game I already notice his extra tankiness, enduring most of my Q pokes while trading with me alot. Then once he gets 6 it's too hard to ult him and try to kill him as once I get low his ult just executes me.

    Once he gets lv9, I can engage only once he misses his grenade and leap, but all he needs is to toggle W and win. It's really unorthodox to be able to use a skill forever without any payoff.

    Maybe I'm just a complete noob, but I would really like some guidelines to deal with this champ

    submitted by /u/limalive
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    Questions to high elo players.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Hello, I main the mid lane which is by far the hardest role to play in my perspective. I'm currently silver 1. The champions I like to play is yasuo, talk, kat. Most of the time I play yasuo.

    Questions about mid lane.

    How to track junglers?

    When to freeze?

    When to roam?

    How to stop autopilot?

    Where to put wards in the right time?

    submitted by /u/Zerostr1ke
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    Xayah in soloQ + marksmen mid questions

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    So I'm an unranked player and i've been so for the last 4/5 seasons. I've never really enjoyed playing the base game for many reasons. I played more than 1000 aram games because I like having something different to play.

    I play SR from time to time and my preferred roles are top, jg and mid.

    However lately I took a liking to marksmen but i suck ass at positioning in the botlane. Xayah is the only adc I can use botlane and I wanted to know how she fares in the botlane at low elo soloQ? Is she only made for high-elo/pro play?

    And outside of Corki/Varus/Ezreal/Lucial, are non-caster adcs viable in the midlane?

    Thanks for your time !

    submitted by /u/olonnn
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    S2 player looking for advice

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:04 AM PST

    Hey guys, recently i wanted to really improve myself mentally and mechanically.

    I main jungle and ADC and i just have a few questions that i want to discuss and hear other people's opinions?

    1.As a jungler, how can you manage to focus on all 3 lanes, sometimes i tend to focus mainly on two, is this a bad thing?
    2. As a jungler role during draft, do you tend to pick what's best for the team or pick what can carry, i'm getting more and more bigger champion pool role in the jungler, but in low elo what does everyone tend to go? For example the enemy team has a pretty beefy comp but you want to play assassin, correct me if i'm wrong; of course you wouldn't want to go assassin, but what do you guys think?
    3.I am starting to use attack move more, but I'm finding it hard to use habitually when team fights happen, how do you guys tend to make it more natural?

    1. What are the right conditions when it comes to dragon calls or baron calls? Usually it can mean the enemy jungler is dead, but what else?
    submitted by /u/Epiphora93
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    Indepth Assassin Guide FROM BEHIND (vs. pro player)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:15 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I made a video describing what to do when you get behind as an assassin, and break down step by step how you can replicate it in your own games. This game I review actually is versus a pro player (the vlad), and I end up carrying the game. Hope this helps in your own soloq matches.


    submitted by /u/CoachCurtisLoL
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    What to do in the midgame, ~20 minutes? And how to get nexus if they beat us in TF?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PST


    At around 20 minutes, we'd exposed pretty much all T1 turrets and secured drakes, pretty much all lanes were winning. I knew what I was doing up to this point, but after that, it was sort of a fiesta.

    We went for some objectives but also took some bad fights. I felt like the game was an absolute stomp up to this point, but the game would end up going to 40 minutes!

    We're pretty much full AD and their Urgot could take us all on during team fights, so even once we had 2 inhibitors and baron we couldn't end the game. Once we got 3 inhibs, baron and elder, we were finally able to force an end.

    Any tips or advice on what should have been done differently? Any critiques about my build?

    submitted by /u/ArosHD
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    Key and mouse binds

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm a fairly new league player and I currently just use the default key binds for everything. I was starting to think it might help me improve if I mapped some keys to my mouse, eg: attack move. But being new I'm not too sure what would make the most sense. Wanted to see what everyone else finds beneficial for both key and mouse binds. Thanks in advance for any tips!

    TL;DR: what key and mouse binds do you find work best for you?

    submitted by /u/Hertzagobeanja
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    New Sylas

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:16 AM PST

    Yo guys! I accidentally picked Sylas mid lane yesterday. The dude i faced picked Kassasin. Quite even lane since i blocked his Q with my E. Won a couple 1v1s and lost a few pre lvl 12. Then he roamed botlane and got doublekill, making both our stats 8/4. Thats where we lost the game as i just couldn't keep up to his scaling (ofc, its Kassa).

    First i was like "jesus Sylas is not viable". But this game actually changed my mind. I'd like to learn more Sylas. First of all: Mid or jungle? I pulled of a bunch of nice combos and my mechanics are good. Kinda surprised myself with an outplay. What combos is best? Also, how to use W? I feel like i wanna save it for that humongous heal to surprise my enemy. But im far from sure. And maybe some build recommendations would be nice:)

    Thanks ya'll

    submitted by /u/Filcar21
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