• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    League of Legends I designed an Elise skin to pay tribute to Twisted Treeline

    League of Legends I designed an Elise skin to pay tribute to Twisted Treeline

    I designed an Elise skin to pay tribute to Twisted Treeline

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    Edit: I was not expecting this project to get so much support from everyone! Thank you so much for the reddit gold and being so lovely, nice and amazing in the comments, means the world to me!

    I wanted to make a Vilemaw inspired Elise skin since her release was tied into the Twisted Treeline update and now it's gone :(

    Here it is! I called it Spider Goddess Elise

    As i worked on that skin design tho I kinda decided to expand more and more so i also made concept art for a little legend and a map skin for TFT

    Little Legend - Smilemaw

    Twisted Treeline inspired map sketch for Teamfight Tactics

    I have also put together ingame mock-up of Elise's model (both human and spider forms), some chromas, sketches of her abilities and color variants for Smilemaw, too! All of that can be seen in an artstation post

    I tried to make Elise look more or less Vilemaw-y with that skin idea - following general shape language of the spider god and his color scheme. I had no idea how colorful Vilemaw really was until I started working on this design! Like seriously, Vilemaw has reds, greens, blues, browns and yellows and oranges in his design this is absolutely crazy! lol

    Hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/Sayned
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    Elderwood Ornn by Natalie Pellmann

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:34 AM PST

    After reading about the Victorious Aatrox skin was made by an intern I checked out her website. And actually there is a really EPIC concept for Elderwood Ornn:


    Image Mirror: https://i.imgur.com/vXNnfOv.png

    I would really like to get this skin in the game!

    submitted by /u/Danmoreng
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    Is Damonte not gonna be on an LCS team in 2020?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:26 AM PST

    After Eika was confirmed to join Immortals, that leaves no starting spots for Damonte in the LCS. Absolutely crazy since he's a native mid laner who showed some potential last year

    submitted by /u/neqzn
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    Ryze is not okay right now

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Is Ryze considered balanced? They reworked him to be more approachable apart from higher elos, but they just made him easier and now he's braindead to play and busted. He's tanky for a mage, he's fast and heals a lot. Has one of the best waveclear abilties in the game and can also put out some serious AoE DPS. I feel like he has too much of everything, which was kind of okay when he needed skill to be played, but these days are over.

    submitted by /u/KasumiGotoTriss
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    "In the case of 100T, a piece of relatively young, domestic talent like Damonte alongside a roster of seasoned veterans will most definitely promote an environment where not only the players - but the franchise - will grow." - 100T Damonte Just Makes Sense

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    I showed my Roomate League for the first time

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:11 AM PST

    And it didn't go well..... It was pretty cool at first. I was playing Aatrox vs. Urgot. I was explaining that Urgot is a half man half machine crab dude that has shotguns on his knees. I then explained his ultimate, and my roomate thought it sounded really cool. I was explaining everything about the game, and he thought the game looked really cool. Unfortunately, I had two players that were continuously disconnecting, and then one of them just decided to leave. My teammates were flaming each other in chat, and then 3 of my teammates started running it down into the enemy teams' base. I was explaining to my friend that what they were doing was really bad, and that people get banned for it, but I realized that people usually don't get banned for this. My friend thought the game was a lot less cool after the inters, and he went to bed. Oh well, at least I gave him a realistic League of Legends experience

    submitted by /u/Tinnysman
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    Eika joins Immortals from LDLC

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST


    Coming in from a dominating season in LFL, welcome, @LDLC_Eika !

    Bienvenue a @LDLC_Eika qui sort d'une saison triomphante en LFL!


    Interesting to see how Immortals' roster is shaping up, but I don't think it's stated anywhere whether he is playing in LCS or academy.

    If he is to play in LCS, Immortals' rumored roster will be Soaz, Xmithie, Eika, Altec, and Hakuho.

    Eika's tweet: https://twitter.com/Eikalol/status/1198300773937033217

    Happy to announce that I joined @Immortals. Excited to show what I am capable of :)

    Heureux d'annoncer que je rejoins @Immortals. Hâte de vous montrer ce que je sais faire :)

    submitted by /u/yutsm
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    Shortest ways to type names in champ select

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    Assuming standard left/right typing, the follow table shows which champions you can uniquely identify just by typing a few letters with each hand, and shows you an example of the shortest thing you'd have to type to narrow it down. That way you don't have to take your hand off your mouse, or put your coffee down or w/e. I have not validated all of these, especially where the champ has an alternate name to what we're used to calling it.

    If there is a dash (-) that means it's not possible to narrow it down sufficiently with one hand, or there are no letters of that champ's name on that side of the keyboard.

    Champion Left Hand Right Hand Both Hands
    Aatrox 2 - rx - -
    Ahri - - 4 - ahri
    Akali - - 3 - aal
    Alistar 4 - asar - -
    Amumu - 3 - mum -
    Anivia - 3 - nii -
    Annie - - 4 - anni
    Ashe - - 3 - ash
    Aurelion Sol 4 - ares 2 - oo -
    Azir - - 3 - zir
    Bard 3 - ard - -
    Blitzcrank 2 - bt 3 - ink -
    Brand 3 - rad - -
    Braum - - 2 - bm
    Caitlyn - 3 - ily 2 - cy
    Camille - 3 - mil -
    Cassiopeia 3 - cas 3 - iop 2 - cp
    Cho'Gath 2 - cg 2 - oh -
    Corki - - 3 - cor
    Darius 3 - drs - -
    Diana 3 - daa - -
    Dr. Mundo - 3 - mno 2 - do
    Draven 2 - dv - -
    Ekko - 2 - kk -
    Elise - - 3 - ele
    Evelynn 2 - ev 3 - lnn -
    Ezreal 3 - ezr - -
    Fiddlesticks 2 - dc 3 - iik -
    Fiora 3 - fra - -
    Fizz 2 - fz - -
    Galio - - 2 - gi
    Gangplank - 2 - pl -
    Garen 4 - gare - 3 - gen
    Gnar - - 3 - gnr
    Gragas 3 - aas - -
    Graves 2 - gv - -
    Hecarim 3 - car - -
    Heimerdinger 2 - dg 3 - hii -
    Illaoi - 3 - ilo -
    Irelia - - 3 - iel
    Ivern - - 3 - vrn
    Janna - 3 - jnn -
    Jarvan IV 2 - vv - -
    Jax - - 3 - jax
    Jayce 3 - ace 2 - jy -
    Jhin - 2 - jh -
    Jinx - - 2 - nx
    Kai'Sa - - -
    Kalista - - 3 - kit
    Karma - - 3 - ama
    Karthus 3 - art 2 - hu -
    Kassadin 3 - aad - -
    Katarina 4 - aara - 3 - kna
    Kayle - 3 - kyl -
    Kayn - 3 - kyn -
    Kennen - 3 - knn -
    Kha'Zix 2 - zx 3 - khi -
    Kindred 3 - ded - -
    Kled - - 3 - kld
    Kog'Maw 2 - gw 2 - om -
    LeBlanc 2 - eb 3 - lln -
    Lee Sin 3 - ees - -
    Leona - - 3 - leo
    Lissandra 3 - ada - -
    Lucian - 3 - lui 2 - uc
    Lulu - 3 - lul -
    Lux - - 2 - lx
    Malphite - 3 - lhi -
    Malzahar 3 - aza - 2 - mz
    Maokai - - 3 - mao
    Master Yi 4 - aste 2 - my -
    Miss Fortune 3 - fre 3 - iou 2 - fn
    Mordekaiser 3 - dea - 2 - od
    Morgana 4 - rgaa - 3 - man
    Nami - 3 - nmi -
    Nasus - - 3 - nss
    Nautilus - - 3 - aut
    Neeko - - 4 - neek
    Nidalee - - 3 - nid
    Nocturne 3 - cre 3 - nou 2 - cu
    Nunu and Willump 2 - dw 2 - up -
    Olaf 2 - af - -
    Orianna - 3 - oin -
    Ornn - - -
    Pantheon - 3 - hon -
    Poppy - 2 - oy -
    Pyke - 3 - pyk -
    Qiyana 2 - qa - -
    Quinn - 4 - uinn 2 - qu
    Rakan - - 4 - akan
    Rammus - - 3 - ams
    Rek'Sai 3 - esa - -
    Renekton 3 - eet 3 - nkn -
    Rengar 3 - reg - -
    Riven - - 4 - rive
    Rumble 2 - rb 3 - uml -
    Ryze 2 - rz - -
    Senna - - 3 - snn
    Sejuani - 2 - ju -
    Shaco 3 - sac - -
    Shen - - 4 - shen
    Shyvana 3 - sva 2 - hy -
    Singed 2 - gd - -
    Sion - - 4 - sion
    Sivir 3 - svr - -
    Skarner 3 - arr - -
    Sona - - 4 - sona
    Soraka 4 - sraa - 3 - oak
    Swain 2 - sw - -
    Sylas 3 - sas - -
    Syndra - - 3 - syd
    Tahm Kench 3 - aec 2 - hk -
    Taliyah - 3 - iyh -
    Talon - - 3 - tao
    Taric 3 - trc - -
    Teemo - - 3 - eem
    Thresh 3 - tes - -
    Tristana 3 - rst - -
    Trundle - - 3 - tru
    Tryndamere 3 - rre 3 - ynm -
    Twisted Fate 2 - df - -
    Twitch 3 - ttc - 2 - wh
    Udyr - 2 - uy -
    Urgot 3 - rgt - -
    Varus 3 - vas - 2 - vu
    Vayne 3 - vae - -
    Veigar 2 - vg - -
    Vel'Koz 2 - vz 3 - lko -
    Vi - - -
    Viktor 2 - vt 3 - iko -
    Vladimir 2 - vd 3 - lii -
    Volibear 2 - vb 3 - oli -
    Warwick 2 - rw - -
    Wukong 2 - wg 2 - uk -
    Xayah 3 - xaa - 2 - xy
    Xerath 2 - xe - -
    Xin Zhao 2 - xz 3 - iho -
    Yasuo - 3 - yuo -
    Yorick - 3 - oik -
    Yuumi - 3 - yuu -
    Zac 3 - zac - -
    Zed 2 - zd - -
    Ziggs 2 - zg - -
    Zilean - - 3 - zil
    Zoe - - 3 - zoe
    Zyra - - 2 - zy
    submitted by /u/jarobat
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    A Stark way of learning League: Week 2

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Hello again everyone of Reddit, PapaStark here. I'm that crazy dad that's trying to learn League of Legends to surprise his son. This is my second update, if you missed the first one, please check out Week 1.

    Due to some issues at work that required my attention, I had little time to play during the first half of the week. Even though I was busy, I managed to find time read up on Twitter and Reddit. I hope to be able to improve the quality of my posts each week and figuring out how to better use these tools is crucial for this. If you want to keep up with what I am doing on Twitter you can follow @PapaStark77. I tend post smaller updates there, along with a few of my favorite dad jokes.

    Monday and Tuesday I found time to watch a few old LCS broadcasts. It's amazing the amount of energy the broadcasters bring. Their tone and embellishments let you know when things are slowing down or ramping up, making it easier for someone like myself to follow along. I might not of understood all that was being said, but I enjoyed seeing what play looks like at the highest level. Having played for less than two weeks, I can already respect the talent these professional players have. Their ability to process all that is happening in the game, then quickly decide how to react is awe inspiring. The simple mechanics such as movement and last hitting that I am fighting to learn, they have committed to muscle memory.

    Watching more professional games I find myself wanting to choose a team to cheer for. In most sports you are tied to a team based on your geographical location. Take the NHL for example, it's difficult to watch a team on the west coast if you live on the east coast. Unless you purchase a subscription, you're stuck with what is televised in your region. With League though you are afforded with the luxury of choosing which ever team you want, and not missing a game. Many of you have told me that you have favorite teams in each of the regions. I'd be curious to find out who you all cheer for and why you chose them.

    I finished watching guides on all the top and middle lane champions, and took some time to go through the store. There are so many awesome looking champions with different art styles. I believe it when you all say that skin collecting is League's true endgame. Solely based on what caught my eye in the store I probably should look to changing to middle lane. A little more on that later. Below are the champions I am curious about but do not currently own.

    • Brand
    • Diana
    • Fizz
    • Orianna
    • Syndra
    • Ziggs


    Stressed from work I did what most probably do, I spent some money. I bought my first two champions, Poppy and Rumble. I have been wanting to play Rumble since I first watched his guide video. Something about his design caught my eye, and it is an added benefit that he has a flamethrower. Poppy was recommended by a few of you all here. I held off purchasing any for middle lane. I want to keep things as consistent as possible for the first few weeks.

    Not wanting to commit to playing a game, I decided to try a practice routine that was recommended by u/Black_Bird_Cloud and u/rickyajr. The exercise was simple, load a practice game, no bots and see how many minions I could last hit in ten minutes. The goal for the time being is 60 or 6 per minute. As you can see below, I have some work ahead of me.

    Daruis average of 36 CS

    1. 33 cs
    2. 37 cs
    3. 37 cs

    Rumble average of 41 CS

    1. 41 cs
    2. 39 cs
    3. 42 cs

    Poppy average of 36 CS

    1. 30 cs
    2. 38 cs
    3. 40 cs

    Ahri average of 42 CS

    1. 44 cs
    2. 42 cs
    3. 39 cs

    I tired Ahri out of curiosity and found it interesting how much easier it was to last hit with a range champion compared to the melee top laners. I know the numbers above are close, but at the time I was practicing, things felt like they were going smoother. Going forward I may change to middle land. What do you all think? Is it better to change now or wait?


    It finally happened. I finally ran into some of the toxicity you all had warned me about. I don't want to go into detail but, I had already been having a tough week, so I decided it best to hideout in bot games. There I had a lot of fun and got to meet some interesting people. I won't break down every game since it was just against bots.

    1. Rumble 24/1/5 86CS length: 19:44
    2. Rumble 18/2/1 125CS length: 23:24
    3. Rumble 5/1/11 45CS length: 14:25

    One quick note, all these were beginner bots and game 3 I had another player top lane with me.

    In these games, I tried to focus on implementing what I have been practicing. I felt like these skills are starting to come around. Or at least my knowledge and understanding of them is. Playing as Rumble for all three games I can start to see the benefit of choosing one champion and sticking with them. While I don't know if I will stay with Rumble, it would do me well to find a champion I like sooner rather than later.


    More practicing. I only had an hour to play and felt that would best be spent in the practice mode working on the last hitting exercise. Again all games were 10 minutes, no bots.

    Rumble average of 42 CS

    1. 44 cs
    2. 43 cs
    3. 40 cs
    4. 42 cs

    Ahri average of 43 CS

    1. 39 cs
    2. 46 cs

    I do enjoy this drill, it is great there's a mode that I can focus on learning to last hit in a stress free environment. Well almost stress free, its annoying to miss a minion by what seems like milliseconds.

    My Goals for next week

    1. Practice last hitting.
    2. Don't forget to use summoner spells.
    3. Play 5 games vs bots.
    4. Play 2 games vs humans.

    Not in my wildest dream I would have imagined this project taking off like it has. I have been trying to thank everyone personally that replied or messaged me. If I missed you, I am sorry. I will try to do better with that going forward. I would like to take one last moment to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for the warm welcoming, encouraging words, and helpful tips. I look forward to talking to you all in the comments and on Twitter.

    Special thank you to u/ArziltheImp for the title suggestion and u/hey_its_graff for recommending I include the game time when talking about CS.

    Edit 1: formatting was off after posting.

    submitted by /u/PapaStark77
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    [Translation] Reaction of various LOL insiders on CvMax's ban

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    After CvMax's ban lots of ex pro and streamers publicly raised their voice for CvMax.

    • PoongWolRyang (Official streamer partner of RiotKR. Was on Riot's anniversary wall art)


    "I think those incident should be handled swiftly. Anyone can see that's whistleblower retaliation. Their timing of punishment is so obvious. Even if CvMax assurted violence, at this timing? Ban permanently? That's just nonsense. I'm not idiot. We are not idiot. It just looks wrong and abnormal. Am I supporting cvmax? You know, I rarely speak on those public shitfest. But it just smells too bad. It's bad from any standard."

    • Ambition (Ex pro gamer. 17 Worlds champion. Hall of famer. Was on Riot's anniversary wall art)

    (While watching PoongWolRyang's speech)

    "(He's eating pepper chicken.) Yeah I thought same thing. This smells bad."

    (He also addressed more detail on his stream but it's not on youtube yet. I expect someone else will translate them.)

    • CloudTemplar (Ex pro gamer. LCK commentator. 12 Worlds Runner up. Hall of famer. Was on Riot's anniversary wall art)

    https://youtu.be/oHBEGBTS-64 (I guess someone already translated this here.)

    "If CvMax physically and mentally abused players with extreme level for extended period of time, I agree with Riot's no-tolerance policy."

    "However, many facts surrounding the actual crime are still unclear. It is hard to accept this ban without being suspicious. CvMax and other people's claim and evidence looks very credible, while riot's announcement does not address details that we want to know"

    "So, for now. I think banning him permanently is too much and many facts should be cleared."

    "Also, riot failed to clarify Kanavi's incidence. As a person, gamer, I feel this must be cleared too. I'd say this should not be final announcement. This is not the 'end'. it is still '~ing'."

    • Gen.G. Lee Jee Hoon (Gen G director. Ex KT director)


    This is already translated. (Not sure I can link it in this post)

    • Insec (14 Worlds Runner up)


    "I feel terrible. Don't you think it's creepy? Is this really right? You know, I'm not going to watching LCK anymore. Do I know Cho Kyu Nam? Never heard of him."

    • DdangWooYang (Ex Griffin ADC)


    "I was the won coached by CvMax. Violence? CvMax? You know he never hits nobody. I was there too. Even when he was mad like crazy he does not hit nobody. Once he was mad at supporter, when I was playing a scrim. He never hit nobody. Verbal violence? I don't believe it. You know, when your friend does stupid thing, you may shake his shoulder and tell him to wake up. CvMax yelled "wake up!" but he didn't even shake noone. I know verbal/physical violence is subjective. But CvMax always gets mutual agreement before. He always said 'If you're uncomfortable with me, you can always speak. We're working together.' Everything went under mutual agreement. I don't know about chovy and doran but I saw everyone aside me. So AFAIK, he never hit no one. Not even motions. Verbal violence? It's subjective. But CvMax does not even use any swearing words. like ã……ã…‚ (f word) or ã…‚ã…… (mo***). Doesn't use them.

    So, I don't really understand. Riot only listened to Griffin. They didn't listened to CvMax and banned him permanently. Maybe he changed a bit after I left, but overall that's how everyone feed-backs. All of sudden they are calling him as violator and abuser."

    "I wanted to see him on a good team. CvMax said on stream that he bought vitamins for lehends. "It's good for your lol. You also have to eat breakfast." He said that thing when I was there too. Many players skip breakfast, but cvmax always tought them "It's good for your health and lol." He someone more than just a coach. I don't understand this situation."

    • SangYoon (Ex HLE ADC. LCK 1000 Kills)


    "So riot's final announcement is perma ban on CvMax. Riot says Cho Kyu Nam's crime have to be decided on the court so they do not have right to decided it. But they banned him anyway. But look, 'Indefinite Entry Ban'? Who would 'entry ban' director? This is so unclear."

    "On to CvMax. Perma ban on CvMax. He can not show up in any riot's event, regardless of the region. Now look what riot says. 'Operation entity received claim on CvMax's verbal/physical violence. We listened to both sides and witnesses, and concluded that CvMax clearly commited crime on players. We also learned that verbal violence of CvMax was not acceptable to any human, and even the victims were minor.' Yeah this is what Riot said."

    "But look. Riot did not conclude anything on Cho Kyu Nam saying 'it should be decided on the court.'. And they just casually perma banned cvMax just by listening to the 'victims'. Now the thing is, CvMax called riot (on stream) after this announcement and said 'Why should I be banned? Why didn't you listen to me for just once?' and Riot responded 'we value victims more.'"

    "So they only listened to GRF's side of the story. This is recorded on cvMax's stream. Anyone can see. And look. This is over now. No investigation, no advocation. How could riot say 'we listened to both sides' when they only listened to GRF?"

    (He's speech is just too long. this should be another post.)

    • Imp (14 Worlds Champion)


    "My story comes from old days. I'm also scared if someone would sue me too. But you know, I don't understand this ban. I also think strong words and gestures are necessary in sports feed-back situation. As long as you stay on the line, it should be fine."

    submitted by /u/kanoth123
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    Is it possible to make True Damage Ekko's moonwalk client-side?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Recently, many Ekko players have found that the moonwalk on TD Ekko's passive proc was removed, likely because it caused confusion for Cassiopeia players when trying to ult him. If the animation was made client-side only, it should be able to preserve the feel of the skin for TD Ekko players while not impacting anyone else in the game. If you didn't know, the animation does not influence the actual direction or hitbox of Ekko, it's just for flair.

    submitted by /u/TrashBrigade
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    Oldest bug in the game saves Broxah

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST

    They should give Sanguine the Warmog's treatment.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:55 PM PST

    Obviously they could just delete it, but if Riot actually wants an option for split pushing assassins, make it so that the passive can't active unless you have over 28 lethality or something. This would do two things:

    1) Only assassins would be able to make use of it, instead of every top laner and every AD jungler. You'd have to invest heavily into lethality to get any real benefit from Sanguine.

    2) People wouldn't be able to rush it anymore. There's no such thing as split pushing while all the towers are still up. That's just called laning phase. If someone wants to actually split push with it, they should be able to pick it up around 20 to 25 minutes and then use it to get an advantage against the tank or bruiser that they send against you. Not sure why assassins need to be able to do that in the first place, but this is one way to ensure that they can.

    submitted by /u/GralphGralphGralph
    [link] [comments]

    Heisendong Quadra kill ends scrim at 6 min

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST

    Nice gift from Riot to Yassuo

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:11 PM PST

    If you die to elder buff as karthus you can’t ult.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Basically title. I'm assuming this bug occurs because elder executes karthus and the prevents him from ulting and stops spell casting

    submitted by /u/Dat_name_doe2
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    100T Soligo describes 100T roster as close to being finalized

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST


    With Ry0ma already being signed, it's apparent that 100T are either done signing players or are wrapping up. It probably doesn't look so great for Damonte/Froggen/Pobelter, and I seriously wonder why they were passed up on (especially Damonte).

    submitted by /u/FairlyOddParent734
    [link] [comments]

    Coach Kim part ways with Damwon Gaming, now free agent

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:17 AM PST

    PSA: Worlds 2019 Tokens expire at 11 AM on Nov. 25th, so remember to redeem your rewards before they disappear forever!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:37 PM PST

    Tokens expire a little under two days from now, and there are a wide variety of rewards available including skin chromas, Little Legends, skin borders, Orbs, emotes, a ward skin, icons, and even the basic keys, key fragments, and blue essence. Blue essence specifically exchanges for both 10 tokens and single tokens, allowing you to utilize every last token you earned. Be sure to cash them in while you still have a chance!

    submitted by /u/Vocalyze
    [link] [comments]

    Mystiques won't play in LEC this year.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Haven't seen info in this sub yet, as per his tweet no lec team was interested in him.


    As he is Polish he would prefer to get into Ultraliga, unless some very good offer will come from another league.

    Holpefully he wont give up and will receive another chance to play on highest level ;)

    submitted by /u/PebbleCollector
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    Vander has high expectations for Rogue in the LEC Spring Split: "Top 4 is the base we're aiming for. And then we'll try to improve from there."

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 07:56 AM PST

    I made an Arclight Vel'koz plush

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PST


    Hello! I've had a number of requests for Arclight and I started to develop an itch to create one.

    I have also made the default skin before too!

    I won't be making anymore for the time being. :)

    submitted by /u/IOwnTenSweaters
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    Riot forgot to remove the Twisted Treeline option in the item set maker

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:59 AM PST

    HMB and grab the elder, I got this. Renek 1v5 penta

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:13 AM PST

    [Rumor] Betty and Hanabi joins RNG (article in Korean)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST

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