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    Saturday, November 23, 2019

    LoL Guide Trying to learn Karthus jungle but teammates die early and get tilted...

    LoL Guide Trying to learn Karthus jungle but teammates die early and get tilted...

    Trying to learn Karthus jungle but teammates die early and get tilted...

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:22 AM PST


    I've been learning Karthus jungle lately, but on most games, my teammates die early game and get super tilted...

    I'm playing at low elo, so I don't know if it's worth playing Karthus, since when I get into mid game I just get bursted by fed assasins/junglers...

    Am I doing something wrong? Is it worth playing Karthus jungle on low elo? Should I play a more early game gank jungle? I tried telling them that I needed to farm early game and they just tilted...

    submitted by /u/Hawkki
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    How am I ACTUALLY supposed to lane against Nasus??

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:08 AM PST

    As with everyone, there are a few champs I just feel powerless against no matter what I do, and Nasus is at the top of that list.

    I know he has a weak laning phase, and so Im theoretically supposed to abuse that, but 99.99% of the time it seems like he can just shrug off my damage with the lifesteal, meaning my lane pressure means shit all. I cant play too aggro or he'll just wither and over many trades he'll win, but going too passive means he gets an easier path to becoming that late-game monstrosity. I could ask for jg help but half the time they just dont care. What should I really be trying to accomplish in that kinda scenario? I mostly play Shen, Yas, Gnar, and Jax top if that helps at all.

    Edit: thanks for all the replies, I fell asleep so probably wont reply to everything but I'll go through and read em all at least lol

    submitted by /u/Khalolz6557
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    If you want to climb the ladder, you need to avoid slipping into autopilot!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:27 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'd like to talk about a topic that's fairly underrated but may be the key at becoming a better player in League: Playing without autopilot.

    The problem many people face is slipping into an autopilot mode when playing League. Just as /u/elite500 said in his AMA after climbing from Dia1 to Challenger in 24 days, you should „focus on never going autopilot, try to always ask: What on earth am I walking here for? Will I get CS? Will I help my team? What's most productive?"

    Again, we have prepared both a video and an infographic for the content of this post.
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHQbe8Qw2z4
    Infographic: https://i.imgur.com/blun6pT.jpg

    What exactly is the autopilot mode?
    Did you ever realise that you have done a certain thing, like driving home from work, but not really have been paying attention? That you did it without consciously thinking about it? That's autopilot mode, and the average person is in autopilot about 47% of the time. Most of the times, this autopilot mode means that your thoughts are wandering and you think about other things than your actual goals in in the game.

    How to we avoid this state of autopilot?
    Instead of letting your mind drift away, you need to learn tob e mindful while playing League of Legends. This means constantly thinking about the purpose of every single click of your mouse. Once you start doing random stuff without an actual reason, you need to get back to the state of awareness. Even if it feels forced, you need to always try to push yourself to think consciously about your actions in the game.
    Also, you can try out the following tips. Three tips to gain more mindfulness while playing League of Legends

    1. Minimize distractions
    To avoid going into autopilot, avoid getting distracted by other things in the first place. Close other programms on your computer (or at least don't use them while playing the game), put your phone in another room and reduce other sources of distractions (keep the TV off, find yourself a room where nobody else just walks through).

    2. Remind yourself to be focused
    This might sound silly, but can help a lot: Get yourself a sticky note, write „don't autopilot!! Think about your actions!!" on it and put next to your screen. Every time you look at it, you'll be reminded of what you need to do in order to get better.

    3. Start meditating
    Studies proof that meditation has actual effects on your mental health, ability to focus and concentration. Also, meditation is about being mindful, so you can train mindfulness out of League of Legends and then apply it ingame. By taking some time at the start of the day to meditate, you could seriously improve your performance in the game. Just check out apps or videos to help you get into it.

    What happens when we learn to play mindfully and consciously?
    Your ranks could improve drastically, as going into autopilot is one of the biggest problems. And when you apply the art of playing the game consciously, it could someday be your new autopilot mode and allow you to slip into the so called flow state. But one thing after another… :D

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    a few things I want to ask about top using hashinshin as reference as a D2/D1 top laner

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Note that I am not trying to really make fun of this guy. I am just using him as an example of certain aspects of the game

    1. Is he purely a high Diamond tier grinder that can luck out now and then or does he do anything distinguishable from other top laners in that tier to legitimately propel him into Masters/GM once in a while? He does drop to D1 often but bounces back and forth. If he does, I want to know what that win condition of his is on his own merits. I know he often duo queues with Karasmai though, which might be another explanation but does he do anything seriously good solo Just for reference, I have been thinking of queuing into him for several games for gameplay VODs once my dodge timer cools down later in the day.

    2. He has no wave management at all when you observe it and play against him. He always pushes forward mindlessly and even when being pushed back by a lane bully or someone ahead, he is clearly trying to push to you aggressively. It invites the shit out of ganks but the thing is, my wave management is almost just like his. A lot of people in comparatively lower tiers of Diamond or even high Platinum like to lecture you on poor wave management and consequences, but I'm wondering if this guy is proof that you don't need to exactly have a good grasp of that aspect of the game if you are doing something else right. It isn't something to be proud of being bad at, but it is something I have neglected pretty hard and have been sliding just under Masters for years.

    On the second bit, I'm wondering what are the logical consequences of managing your waves like that if you were laning vs professional or consistent Challenger laners in your role. If there are consequences to other tiers of players, I don't see it much than what's obvious if you were killed a few times.

    When you look at mid lane and people one tricking Katarina and Talon, they don't give a shit. They just push and leave. Why is it different for top?

    submitted by /u/fauxaffability
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    How many people go each lane?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:49 AM PST

    I am a new player (I did play LoL when like 8 or 9 years ago but because I was a kid I just clicked around a bit) and I just finished the tutorial and joined my first game, I like Master Yi so I picked him and I do know people put the lane they are gonna go in chat so I said "mid" because I watched some video's and looked some stuff up and saw that Master Yi should go Mid or Jungle but because I don't really like Jungle I wanted to pick mid. Someone already said they would go Mid in chat but I thought 2 people in mid was still okay, he said "I already said mid" so now I am wondering how many people go each lane?

    submitted by /u/Dexter_dbd
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    Mentality question-- Why does it feel like I don't remember how to play the game anymore?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 03:30 PM PST

    I don't really know how to describe what I've been feeling lately. It just kinda feels like I... can't play the game anymore. Just feels like I can't win lane, I can't macro in the midgame, I can't teamfight, I can't have much of an impact on the game, etc. Just feels like I've completely forgotten how to play properly.

    I can talk about and think about the things that constitute proper play; for example, I'm an active participant on the Discord and I'm able to give sound advice. But it feels like when I get ingame I just completely forget how to play and it just boils down to can I get carried by my teammates or not.

    Anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/wavec022
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    Balancing farm and Teamfights

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Hello, Im currently Gold and I main Assassins primarily.. can you be kind to explain and help me figure when to help the team or farm. Because most games i either have 8/9 farm a minute, get strong but the team has lost every teamfight and we lose the game or i for exemple roam alot in laning phase, get kills or help my team, we win fights but i end up with like 4/5 farm a minute.. what should i do?

    submitted by /u/Qiyanaaaa
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    What do preseason changes mean for me?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Right now, games feel excessively one-sided. My win rate is around 15%, over about 60 games. I have tried jg, support, mid, adc, and I just don't understand what the new season means.

    What I've noticed:
    Lots of 4 man roams, especially bot lane
    Lots of deathballing objectives
    Dragons come up super fast
    Whoever gets the first 2 dragons probably gets all of them
    One team wins all 3 lanes and jg

    So, what am I doing wrong? What lessons am I supposed to take from the preseason changes? Are these changes enough to account for the behaviors above? Is there something else going on? What can I improve to change all of this?

    It /could/ be matchmaking just giving me tougher opponents for a few days, but I prefer to believe it's a failure on my part and a chance to improve. Can anyone tell me how the preseason changes have changed optimal play such that I'm seeing a lot of 4 and 5 man deathball roams or one-sided games?

    submitted by /u/IslandofYiaros
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    Why tracking your statistics matter, for both league and life

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    There are various advantages to monitoring your stats. The best, and most prominent benefit is that you have visual proof of yourself increasing and advancing in the game. Often you will find yourself worthless or disheartened when you fall and get demoted, but if you have proof of what you achieved previously, you will have something to strive for and look to obtain. Perhaps it doesn't seem quite obvious that you're improving in the game, As you're climbing - but you are!

    You might want to track how many assists and kills you get per match. If you're low on kills but high on fatalities - there must be something you're doing wrong. There are plenty of different things that you could monitor such as matchups that you're against, what role you're playing or just how much CS you make it at a certain timestamp.

    Statistics are good at discovering exactly what you are doing wrong, However, they only show of what you're doing so much. If you would like to, you could include different facets that stats won't pick up. For instance, what you could have done in that match to improve. You don't necessarily have to select something that is complex, just something little to improve for the next game. If you're fighting with dying you can make a note to obtain a Control Ward and put it.

    That said, it is important to maintain biased remarks out of it. If You want want to improve in the game, you need to write several things down that you did wrong and what you could do the next time to protect against this mistakes. Even if some of those comments are based on your team such as"don't follow trolls" or even"do not listen to teammates, go with your gut", they can be extremely helpful.

    Personally, I use OP.GG and a few good ol' Excel to track my matches. This not only helps me focus on what I need to improve on, but it's a good habit of your own life like tracking your gym or study habits.


    submitted by /u/LoLCenter
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    How do you hit those "hidden hooks" as thresh/naut? How to hook in general?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:11 AM PST

    So, I made it to platinum by playing mostly Nami, Janna, Brand, Yuumi, Zyra.

    I can obviously play all the other enchanter supports. I have under like..30 games collectively as thresh, nautilus, leona, rakan, pyke. I just simply don't play them, have played them but they are not part of my main 1-3 champs, 2 reserve thing.


    I know this might be "low elo mentality" but I think that I'm really holding myself back. I think that nautilus especially, but naut leona and thresh are...kinda freelo. I think that I'm gimping myself by not playing them. I mean I can obviously put pressure out and zone if I know it's safe as an enchanter. But it's not the same as a nautilus or leona walking into an unrewarded Bush. I think that it wouldn't be a bad idea to have 2 tanky engage supports, 2 enchanters and 1 mage support on reserve rather then all enchanters and mages.


    So how do you hit these "hidden hooks". I'm talking the hooks where you are in the middle of your minion wave and still get hooked. The ones where you are just like "how the f did that hit me, I was behind minions..".

    Are those just something you learn as you play them? Don't get me wrong I don't have 0 experience on them, and I've played against them enough to know exactly what their abilities do and a decent idea of how to utilize them. But I don't understand how to hit these advanced hooks. It's one thing to hit a q on someone out of position, but when they are playing behind the minion wave and still get hit, that's what I want to learn.


    Also, in general how do you create hook opportunities? The only ways I'm thinking of are just forcing myself in there. Like how you just walk beside the minion wave and force them into an uncomfortable position where they now are running directly alongside you. I also know that baiting is fairly easy, and of course there is all sorts of flash usage I can do. But how do you really hook someone? Just sit back, wait for them to fuck up and go for it? I ask because it's basically all my champion has and if I miss the go button on either of those 3 we are likely to get turned on or lose a freeze. It's not the same as nami bubble because that goes through minions.

    Thanks for the help.

    submitted by /u/Karbairusa
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    Strongest/Weakest junglers so far in S10 drake-centered meta?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:14 AM PST

    So far Olaf, Skarner, Kayn have been the most effective for securing drakes and advantages for me in this patch. Which other junglers have you guys tried and ended up with a conclusion of them being bad/good in this drake-centered meta? I also found it noticeably harder to play Lee Sin, Nidalee, Elise due to their clears being a bit weaker in the early game. Any and all thoughts and discussions are welcome, I'm trying to learn more about the new jungle!

    submitted by /u/levji_kralj
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    How to get level 2 off first wave in top lane?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:04 PM PST

    I was playing a game earlier today where the opponent laner got level 2 after the first wave, I was still level 1, and I just couldn't figure it out. They first blooded me and it was extremely frustrating but I cant seem to find any similar things being talked about online. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/M274B
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    warwick trading stance

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    ok no "just play a different toplaner lul" ww top is fun

    so i was playing vs a yasuo and was trying to abuse him early on but i couldn't get into trading stance range. his Q made him extra safe for cs and if i tried punishing him for it he'd just run away. how exactly are you supposed to punish him as ww? or u just don't? warwick Q range < yas Q range btw

    submitted by /u/lowtoxic
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    What's the advantage of playing ADC's instead of mages?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:47 AM PST

    Im around the P1-D4 range and every game I lock in an ADC it seems so coinflip. I used to be a Draven one trick but have recently switched to Veigar and Karthus bot. It just seems like I'm never useless. If a fed enemy assassin/bruiser kills me I can just enter my passive as Karthus get a few q's of and click R whilst doing 3x more damage than I would if I played Draven. With Veigar I can just go glacial augment, hextech glp and twin ghosts and have 10x more utility than any adc on top of that I have much more burst damage and catch potential with my E. I know the usual argument is that ADCs have more DPS but still unless I'm playing Kai'sa or Xayah who are both pick or banned every game I feel useless. Even PSZ the best Draven in the world didn't even bother playing Draven to climb to challenger but rather spammed Karthus and Veigar.

    submitted by /u/FDIKDaniel
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    Questions about the preseason Dragons

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:18 PM PST

    Two things that don't seem to make sense for me with the new Dragons

    1) It seems like after a dragon is killed now, I no longer see the buff above my skills like we normally would with the old dragons. Do the first dragons and second dragons not give you a buff anymore? I don't understand what the point of killing them if they don't buff you? Or did the move the spot where you can see the dragons buffs, or are they just not listed anymore?

    2) Can elements of the map change more then once during a game?

    submitted by /u/CaseGuyOnline
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    Finger placements

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I have played with placement SHIFT - Q - W - E - SPACE for a really long time and i thought it was good, but a year ago my friends told me they are playing with placement Q - W - E -R - SPACE and i have been playing like this since then. Now I'm trying to get better and i have seen few videos on settings you should use and in few of them i have been told to use as default quick cast and quick cast with indicator on SHIFT + key. I started wondering how am i suppose to do that. I want to ask how do you play and why do you think i should use.

    submitted by /u/KickSuch
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    Is Black Cleaver really an efficient item?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:39 AM PST

    When I see Black Cleaver, to me it seems like the generic item that Bruisers build. It has the Phage benefit, plus the extra health. But obviously what makes it unique is its armour shred passive (and, by exstension the bonus movespeed from kills/assists). However, I never really feel like the armour shred is noticeable?

    These days it feels like champions who used to build cleaver now instead build Triforce (Garen, Darius, Fiora). So if we look at the difference between the two of them:

    Black Cleaver - Lower cost, more health, armour shred passive

    Triforce - More damage (arguably), attack speed, mana. The sheen damage scales with your AD thus meaning Triforce is going to consistently do more damage than Cleaver.

    So I guess my question is as the title says - is BC actually efficient? Or is it inferior to TF in every way?

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    Prioritising Early or Late Game

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Since Season 10 has started I've been seeing and hearing mixed views on the current state of the meta. The new dragon changes and the fact you can potentially get 2 heralds in a game makes me personally think priority for all 3 lanes is very important. What are the changes that favour the side of the game going later and drafting for late?

    submitted by /u/Tortactical
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    What do you do when you team doesn't pay attention to Spawn timers, pings, and is literally running all over the map?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    I played a Morgana support game, that was fairly close through most of the game, but the enemy team was 4-5 strong on each Baron or Dragon, while we would never organize and be available for these objectives. This is a high Silver MMR game, so we aren't so good at the game

    For the last 20 minutes of a loss, no matter the objective, no matter pinging it, or putting it in the chat, my team was never in position to contest.

    I had a fed Diana, and a Fed Xayah, and I stayed with one of them most of the time, except when warding. Not sure what else I can do, and was looking for some guidance

    submitted by /u/Suavarino
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    I want to compile a list of all the things a player has to pay attention to during a game. Can you help me?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Here is my list so far, can you help add to it?

    1. Cooldowns (self/enemy)
    2. Flash/summs (self/enemy)
    3. Minion health
    4. # of minions on both sides of wave
    5. Item build (self/enemy)
    6. Jungler location
    7. When objectives are up
    8. When jg camps are up
    9. Death countdown timers (team/enemy)
    10. Mana (self/enemy)
    11. Passive ability timers
    12. Active item cooldowns

    ... What else am I missing?

    submitted by /u/1noahone
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    Getting back into the game as a Jungler

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    As a jungler, I often struggle to get back into the game after invades taking buffs etc, and often have my teammates taking my jungle camps as well, are there any tips to help me get back into the game after this happens to me? And also are there any tips on what to do if I'm caught doing a jungle camp by an enemy jungler much more fed than I am?

    submitted by /u/Ziadaddy
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    Jg route help

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Hi, I see some korean high elo jglers doing Red buff -> Krugs -> Raptors -> Bot gank on bottom side. When are you supposed to pull off this gank? Also what happens to the top lane side of your jg? Doesn't it just get farmed by the other jgler? And if you mess up the bot gank and don't get kills, how do you recover from it? I assume you can't enter his blue side since he started there level 1.

    submitted by /u/woncad
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    Akali tips for a new player?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Hey guys! I'm not ranked yet but I mainly play adc and midlane. I wanted to try Akali out because she looks like a really cool champ that can carry games if she's played right. The only problem is that I've never played an assasin before and Akali seems to be a very combo centred champion. Any tips for playing her? And tips for playing assasin champs?

    submitted by /u/alexxuart
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