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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Champion Pool Megathread: November

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    A few things about wave management

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:47 AM PST

    I main adc and I find myself quite decent at wave management but I feel like I sometimes make mistakes.

    1. If the enemy overstays after my recall and they don't get the shove in do I want to freeze or shove under their turret?
    2. How do I differentiate slow push from freeze? They both start near the turret with similar amount of minions but some people say "it won't freeze it will slowpush" and I always thought that slowpush is just freeze if no one contests it because of those few autoattacks you need to use?
    3. With the new dragon changes, after a kill is it more worth to shove the wave and get 1 plate or leave it and help with drake?
    4. If the enemy recalls an I know I can't shove under their turret do I want to push it so it's on their side of the map or leave it in the middle? If I push it will slowpush towards me which is nice but I risk a freeze?
    5. What do I do if the enemy is strong aggressive (say Draven) and I am smth like Vayne I cannot fight with and he doesn't push and the wave starts going towards them. I start to overextend and it's bad but I do have to lasthit the wave at least...
    6. How do I manage waves after turrets drop? It's black magic for me. I usually just push it to their side of the map so someone has to go pick it up
    7. If I do not have ideal 3 casters for a freeze but I have like one so it will keep the wave for a short period so it won't freeze but will be a bit on my side of the map making me safer should I do it or is there dome downside (except of less priority ofc)
    8. I know that I usually don't want to push with hook supports and I do want to push with mages for free poke but what do I do with healers? I know it is a lot so I will be grateful for any advice.
    submitted by /u/Naautiik
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    Can someone explain attack move click to me?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    What it does any why it's good? I've heard a lot of people say that having it bound makes... attacking....while moving easier and that's it's essential for good kiting, so I went to practice tool and bound it to test it out, but I didn't notice a difference while using it. . When I got in range of a dummy I still just auto attacked without moving, or moved without autoing. What is it supposed to do? Am I using it correctly? And why is it a good thing to have?

    submitted by /u/BeckyWithoutHair
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    Snowballing my lead from mid, particularly as Akali

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:49 AM PST

    I've taken a big ass break from league, and now that I've started playing again I've decided to swap from playing bot to mid.

    Picked up akali and feel like I've been doing well in lane, I understand her trading patterns and can usually get a pretty large cs lead, and usually at least a kill over my opponent.

    I feel like my problem is transitioning this lead into the mid game, and helping snowball my teammates. I'm struggling to find what makes a good roam, as I am usually unable to get much done when I go to another lane.

    Also, advice on how to manipulate the wave to give myself the longest possible roam/back timing possible would be appreciated. I understand that I should be aiming to slow push the wave to crash as many minions as possible, but I feel like I'm not doing it 100% correctly.

    Finally, when to go for shallow vs deep wards. I can pretty much get a deep ward off every time I shove the wave, but I feel like that's more because I'm in low elo than me actually doing anything right.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/ollyfraser
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    How to recover from the worst possible early start as a jungler

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:52 AM PST

    It's 1:20 and you walk over to start your red buff to then find the enemy team camping it and they kill you.

    You've now lost your Red buff, are 0/1/0 and now have to take 20 seconds to walk back onto the map to get your first camp for Level 2. I've reviewed hundreds of games across all ranks and I've seen players tilt from this all the time and get into the mindset that they are too far behind to carry and win the game.

    In this video I show you EXACTLY step by step how I recover and impact the game for a 23 minute victory. You will learn:

    • How I decided where to go after dying at my red buff
    • Which of my lanes to impact and create a win condition
    • How to deal with an out of control 10/0/2 enemy bot lane
    • How I amassed a 3 level advantage over the enemy Jungler

    I hope you find this informative and happy to answer any questions you have from my gameplay video in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/NathanMott
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    Why is Graves not extremely prioritized & considered OP?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    I'm not the smartest when it comes to champion knowledge but I'm confused about Graves. Why isn't he considered one of, if not the strongest jungler right now? His clear speed is insanely quick & reliable especially because of the fact that he is pretty much untouchable when doing camps. The insane clear speed plus the fact that camps respawn way quicker now should mean that Graves is a priority pick, no? On top of that, with the addition of Sanguine Blade, his damage is off the charts. I don't know if it's my lack of knowledge & just plain naivety but why isn't anyone going crazy over Graves right now?

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Autopilot in every aspect of the game

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Hello everyone , gold player here . I have been playing the game since season 3 and always been a silver/gold player. I do want to improve and climb but i feel like i am playing in autopilot every aspect of the game , during a match and outside the match , i dont know if i explain myself.

    I have played every role , i would like to be a main top/mid but i feel really useless playing those two roles , in mid i cant play against assasins like Fizz , Zed or Yasuo , or champs like Veigar , Akali , Katarina , i got murdered everytime and if i dont get murdered and go full survive mode , they just roam and then my team starts flaming me and its over .

    In top is likely the same against champs like Fiora , Trynda or jax , i just go out of mana trying to fight them and they are full hp and mana without any problem .

    I tried playing jungle but i would say its my worst role since i find like my teammates are bad (i know its not they are bad always and its more like a feeling ) and i cant manage to gank them and then they get ganked and the enemy team starts getting objectives and boom , flaming me again .

    I find playing support boring and like i should be in voice chat with my adc because there is a lot of stuff going on and you cant just understand everything with a ping .

    Adc is what i have been playing lately since is like my safe bet , i just try to farm as much as i can and survive during tf .

    When it comes to champs i play really easy champs like Malphite , Nautilus , Miss Fortune , Ashe , Nocturne , Vi , Ziggs, Malzahar , etc . I am not good with mechanical champs and to be honest i am not planning on learn how to play them unless i really need to in case i improve and climb to higher elos.

    I know that i have to learn the basics like wave management , farm efficiency , rotations and all that stuff that i can find here , but i feel like i dont have a style or i dont even know what is . I just play the game randomly . I took a break last year and i started playing again two months ago and in those two months i have played like 250 games and used 72 champs.

    submitted by /u/Dhont
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    Help with counter-jungling 101? How should I counter-jungle efficiently?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST

    Hi all!

    So I'm a gold support main and this season I made an alt to learn jungle, which is in low silver. My favourite jungler is Elise, which means I was really big on the whole "afk spam gank gg" thingy, with my average cs being ridiculously low even for silver standards (like, it wasn't that rare that I'd have 80 cs by 25 minutes because I was inefficient and constantly fighting).

    Now with the jungle XP changes, that playstyle won't fly anymore, at least not with such a neglect on farm, but you also don't pick Elise to powerfarm, you need to make use of your early power to gain meaningful advantages (read: dragons) or you'll just lose. So on strong early junglers like my Elise, I know that now you'll want to invade the enemy jungle a lot, catch them out and kill them, steal some farm, etc. as that will hurt them really badly and put them seriously behind.

    So how should I go about it? What are the basics to counter-jungling that I should know? I've done it in the past but without much thought behind it, and probably in a very inefficient way. Like, if I just cleared my top side and see that neither top or mid look gankable, I'd have a choice between walking over to my bot side and clear that or gank bot, or walk over to the enemy's top side and hope to catch them out and mess with them. But a lot of the times I'd go in their jungle, see that all camps are cleared, not know whether their jungler is clearing their own bot side or invading mine, etc. and just accomplish nothing except maybe drop a ward so I don't call the invade a complete waste.

    More specific questions, if it helps:

    • How should I use my trinket for counter-jungling? As of now I counter-jungle by dropping a ward on buffs that are coming up soon, hoping that I'll catch their jungler coming to them and kill them + steal buff. I really hate not having red trinket for ganks or control wards for objective control, but without warding their jungle, any counter-jungling I do is basically random, "I sure hope this side of the jungle is up!" and I waste a lot of time.

    • Is there a special pathing that you use for counter-jungling? As Elise I want my level 3 before I fight, which means I'll go buff -> gromp/krugs -> buff, and finish around 2:55-3:00, so I'll usually gank a lane before scuttle spawns. If instead I try to invade at that time, usually their jg did the same-ish pathing as me so by the time I walk over to their buff they're done with it and can just run away from me. One of my friends usually does buff -> buff straight into invade so he catches them on time, but he mains Warwick and can invade level 2, so I feel like this changes a lot.

    Thanks in advance! ^

    submitted by /u/voe_lean
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    Level 29 and scared to get into ranked

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Hello everybody,

    I'm currently level 29 and I feel like I'm not good enough for ranked yet. I've played league in the past and was bronze by that time. Years later I created a new account and started playing again. I've been playing for a half year now on my new account and I'm almost level 30.

    I feel like I'm getting stuck on improving. I can win the laning phase almost every time, but I do lose the game a lot. I'm not that good yet that I can carry the game. When I do win the game, I feel like I didn't make that much of an impact on it. I trained a couple of things like map awereness, wave control... but I don't know if that's the right thing to do or that there are (for a previous bronze player) better things to learn.

    Do you guys have good suggestions on what I should do?

    Are there video's I can watch, articles to read...?


    submitted by /u/JuanJan69
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    I just realized, I have no idea how to beat Darius.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:35 AM PST

    I main Darius and I have no idea how to win against him. He just seems to strong with his q heals, passive, and e. I feel like the only reason I ever lose is my own lack of skills by clipping autos or missing a q. I feel like kiting his good, but with his E gap closer and ghost, slows and the like aren't as effective as they could be. Obviously theres ways to beat him, but I dont know them and I feel like knowing that might help me combat them too.

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    2 Opponents Top Blind Pick

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:47 AM PST

    I'm still relatively new to league and still do stupid dives and attack champs that were way more fed than me, but today I did really bad.

    I went Garen top in Blind pick aiming to max E first and to build trinity force which usually works for me, however today there were two opponents at top, the croc guy with the name beginning with R and MF for some reason.

    I had no-one else with me and when I tried to get one of them I kept feeding the croc guy, I know I shoulda just stayed under the tower more but is there anything I coulda done?

    They eventually left top and I stopped feeding for a while but by that time Croc Guy was fed and destroyed everyone except our kaz jungle. When I tried to engage I literally do no damage to croc guy with my E.

    Would could I have done better?

    submitted by /u/JuneNi
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    Clash tips and tricks for a team with significant skill differences

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:41 AM PST

    With the Global beta Clash coming upon us soon, I require some assistance for communication and teamwork, when teammates are varied in skill. I myself am a Diamond 4 mid laner. On the team we have a D4 jungler, Gold 4 ADC, Gold 4 support player and a Silver top laner. With this in mind, are there any general tips on what I should be communicating with my team and if my language should differ due to a skill discrepancy. Any tips on communication as a 5 man, would be appreciated even if it doesn't specify in skill varied teams. Thanks :D

    submitted by /u/Tortactical
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    I need a good reference site for champion builds

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:55 PM PST

    I used to use probuilds.net but it was way to wildly inconsistent for some champs because it depended which pro player

    you were looking at to know what runes / items should be used in most cases. I then looked at op.gg, champion.gg,

    lolalytics.com, and mobalytics.gg. I just want to know if those are good informal sites and which one would be the best

    unless there is one better than all of them because when I play a new champion I don't know what runes are the best for

    them in the current meta sometimes so i need a pick me up to help. I experimented with item sets/runes with the highest

    win rates but they usually are a poor sample size and the most popular sets kinda helped me a bit more.

    submitted by /u/Dantevalentine16
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    Does new Conqueror make it necessary to buy GW?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    We all know (hopefully) that gw is an extremely smart purchase vs Aatrox/Soraka/Mundo/Vlad, some of them even require an early Executioners (Aatrox) to lane against, but what about champions with Conqueror (especially coupled with Ravenous hunter), for example Ryze?

    How valuable is gw against these guys later on?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Why are some players so toxic

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I started playing league about 3 days ago. I really liked it and up until today I have had nothing but nice people on my team. Then that all changed as soon as I tried out draft pick. I was playing as bard (first time ever playing him) and I told my team I was new after one of them yelled at me for killing an enemy in the jungle when I wasn't supposed to. I apologized profusely and told them to just tell me if I was doing anything else wrong. After getting into a team fight and dying they accused me of throwing calling the game a 6v4 and then trying to bully me out of the game by saying a bunch of messed up stuff to me. I'm level 12 and I really like the game but how can anyone play when you get assaulted by your team the second you show any signs of not being a god tier player?

    submitted by /u/Sweeper_Bot_
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    Champions Not Taking Any Damage

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:05 PM PST

    Hi, I'm extremely new at League and I was up against a Katarina, who took absolutely no damage regardless of what I did or any of my teammates did. Could someone kindly explain to me what happened and the mechanics behind that. How do I defeat her? I saw a Fiora player achieve the same thing, while I was watching a game play. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/mosoka_
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    Recommendations for Tank supports to learn.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:16 PM PST

    I have really only played enchanter and some mage supports. I feel like If I want to climb, I want to learn more tank support champs so I have a much wider range of champions I can choose from (I still am going to focus on just a few for ranked). Currently, I am slowly working on learning Leona and I really want to try to learn Thresh because he is my Kryptonite and I want to learn him. I was wondering what other supports would be good to learn. Nautilus and Braum are usual good candidates right? What about picking up Galio? Any recommendations or tips for these kinds of champions would be awesome! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Magnaha23
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    Dark harvest vs electrocute on assassins

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:10 PM PST

    I don't know when to take which keystone when I'm playing assassins. I know dark harvest is better on something like blue kayn since you can poke and stack it as well as utilize the resets, but people are telling me to take dark harvest on ekko jungle when I'm pretty sure electrocute is better early game and scales better unless you have tons of stacks which you might not get as an early game ekko jungle. So in general, what is the difference and when should I switch between the two?

    submitted by /u/batman27345
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    Support main struggling to play Braum.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Using the off season to expand my champion pool. Tried out Braum today and even though we won the game with me having good kill participation I felt like I was weak in lane and set my ADC behind. I am a Silver-Gold level player and was up against a Platinum bot lane but felt like I made it was me being bad on Braum rather than them being better that made us lose lane.

    So I was wondering if any Braum mains or support mains have some tips and trick for Braum about how to play the laning phase and what I should look to do in teamfights.

    submitted by /u/Tarp96
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    Do you guys ever fight with brain fog? If so, how the hell do you overcome it?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    You know that feeling when you stare into space, your pupils widen, and you can see two of everything - when you're spaced out?

    I feel that way right now as I play and I don't know what to do to deal with it. I've taken hour long breaks, had a good breakfast, had 7-8 hours of sleep.

    Do you guys have any magical remedies?

    submitted by /u/Sheket_
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    what are everyone's thoughts about peel supports on the new meta?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    I'm a supp main and play mostly peel/mage supports, and i think with this tank supp/hard engange supps meta peel supps are getting less and less space on the meta, and i wanted to know if this is really the case or if it's just an impression I'm having!

    submitted by /u/vanillasama
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    How do I deal with aggressive juggernauts like Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, and Urgot with Irelia.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    When I play Irelia I always seem to get stuck playing against one of these four particularly, Daruis and Morde. Playing and trying to learn Irelia against them is a real nightmare as they always seem to do so much damage to me and I feel when i engage i barely drop their health bars. Now I know I'm still learning her and sometimes I make bad moves where I q to farm but end up over extending and having no way to get back to safety before they kill me. And trying to farm minions aa they also just focus me.

    submitted by /u/dalemchervenka
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    Psychological/mentality advice. Arrogance, condescending and underestimating. Need help.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST

    I've come to the conclusion that one of my biggest issues playing this game is being arrogant, condescending and underestimating the opponent in general. This as hurt my climb this season as I never respect anyone, and I have no idea why this happens. I need help with this.

    I've climbed to D4 playing Tristana and in the preseason I play normals to learn other champions like Vayne and Kai'Sa.

    However, even though I can body most of low elo players mechanically(even though I've seen insane Lee Sin's, Rivens, Zeds in Gold) I sometimes(most of the time) am arrogant towards low elo players. If I'm playing vs a Gold 4 Draven as Vayne, I will not respect the Draven and just mindlessly shove or try to fight because I think that the other person won't know what I'm doing or the damage output of their champions or that they will just take my damage as a bot.

    Other stuff include not freezing, because why do it in low elo because "I'm just smurfing, I don't need to freeze even in a losing matchup, I can body these fools 1v2.". Not helping in teamfights that I think are stupid and will lead no where because I have a tower and cs to take. Front lining as ADC because I think "they won't punish this shit. This has lead me to lose games even vs Gold players.

    This happened throughout the season even when I was climbing to Diamond, but it's happening often if I go vs lower elo players.

    However when I was climbing to Diamond, I would have days where my mental would be "fine" and I would respect the enemy, skillshots, damage, etc and I would climb very fast. Only for my mental to default back to "no one is punishing me. Freezing is try harding, I don't need to do this. I can frontline."

    I need help with maintaining an healthy mental. Does anyone have any advice? Or has gone through the same stuff as me?

    submitted by /u/furyasd
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