• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    League of Legends If you have zero vision score you should be forced to play a warding tutorial after the game

    League of Legends If you have zero vision score you should be forced to play a warding tutorial after the game

    If you have zero vision score you should be forced to play a warding tutorial after the game

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST

    The tutorial could go over the basics of vision. It would just be a five minute tutorial on where to ward how to ward and what the different wards do. It could also show what the different invisibilities do. I feel like this would be helpful for all of those people in iron and bronze who have to deal with people not warding at all constantly

    submitted by /u/kittyloverblazeit
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    Decent lucian hook i gue- OH

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Excel Welcomes Joey "YoungBuck" Steltenpool — Excel Esports

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:01 AM PST

    [Translation] DoinB: I want to win next Worlds with my Yasuo skin

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Today is his first time streaming after worlds!

    Warning: DoinB really, really, really like to troll. He has been a professional streamer for years and he says and does a lot of things for show, so please please don't take everything 100%.

    About retirement:


    • "This year, my health has become much better. My health improved a lot when I was in Europe. Health is not the issue but I am married and I hardly have time to meet my wife at all if I keep playing as pro. If I keep playing I will play for more than one year. I am not sure yet. I might retire, stay or transfer. If my wife is fine with it."
    • "Some western journalist said I was going to NA? No, it's not true."
    • "I haven't win the Spring split, I haven't been to MSI, I haven't been to All-Stars either..."

    About scrims and G2:


    • "We won about 70~80% of our scrims. We had lower win rate against LCK teams. We scrim with G2 a lot, like tons. It's fun playing with them. We went 50 kills in 20 min."
    • "Perkz is a really funny guy. He did the '1v1' thing in scrim too, but he usually did it when they had a lead. I didn't notice it in final. **He is so good, he can play Syndra, Yasuo, Veigar, Zoe…many weird picks because he used to be a midlaner. Why can't our dummy AD LWX play those AP bot lane champions too? LWX can only play traditional ADCs and toplane melee champions. He really loves melee champions like Irelia, Jax…**His Irelia is really good though. I will admit that his Irelia is better than mine. He plays both bot and top in rank, I guess Perkz will do mid and bot. If LWX goes mental boom, he will only play top."
    • "I chatted a lot with Caps dad, and Perkz too. They are really nice people. Caps' dad said they would win S10 in China but I said we would."
    • "Before the final game started, I solo-ed with Perkz with Mundo and won. I lost with another champion."
    • "Crisp said we went 1-5 against SKT in scrims? Did he say why? Haha…I played six useless champs, like Galio, Sion and Faker was using lane bullies and kept attacking my turret. I was 100 CS behind and afking under my tower, calling Tian 'Can you help me? Otherwise mid turret will be gone in 2 minutes!' But Tian wasn't able to come, because he's too busy: Gimgoon was quivering under his turret, too. You can't win with two Gimgoons in your team, you know? If both your mid and top are Gimgoon you simply can't win."
    • "We played two games with Ramble the day before playing IG and I killed 10+ in both games. I didn't have that many champs that I could blind pick against Rookie. Warhorse said 'How about Sion, he's tanky, he can do damage, and he has CC!' I asked 'How about TF?' He said 'Hmmm you can try'. But we thought they might play some lane bullies so that's not a good option. I didn't dare to pick Akali..My Akali was good though. Look at my rank history. [Proceed to show that his Akali in rank is 38% win rate.] My Akali is fine. Something was wrong with my teammates in rank. How could I win with Akali if they int like LWX? I need to play Naut and protect him."
    • "Guys you know my Ryze takes a lot of the jungle camps. Once I asked Tian if there is jungle pathing that doesn't need the first blue buff and he said no. I think he's lying, he just didn't want to give me the first blue buff."
    • "In games, Gimgoon only have two things to say. The first is 'They are diving me'; the second is 'My bad, my bad'. It goes like this:
      • I ask him, 'Gimgoon, did the enemy top use his flash?'
      • He says, 'My bad, my bad.'
      • 'Gimgoon, did the enemy top use flash, did he use his ult?'
      • 'My bad...my bad....'
      • 'Gimgoon! Does he have flash! Just tell me!'
      • 'Ah, he has no flash no ult, ha, ha'"

    About EUW experience:

    • "I was too cocky. Everyone was duo queuing but I was overconfident and chose to solo q. The second or the third day in Europe, I dropped to Diamond. Of all the LPL players, I am the only one that have ever managed to drop to Diamond with the super account. Crisp flamed me so much for that."
    • "I met those who wanted to troll in rank as well, but it's not a big deal for me. I would lose with or without them anyway. But once there was a Nunu jungle that was trolling and refused to surrender which was annoying."
    • "I tried to get my friends to carry me, but they refused :( I asked Canyon, but he said he couldn't duo with someone in another team. I duo-ed with Gimgoon but our win rate was very low. Why weren't EU players able to carry us? In scrims, Tian, LWX and Crisp was able to carry us."

    About Nemesis:


    • "I don't understand how he could call me the worst mid when he lost. Why didn't he call LWX the worst ADC? It's okay to call LWX the worst ADC, bro, or FPX toplaner the worst, but it's not okay to call me the worst mid. Just whyyyyyyy o(╥﹏╥)o whyyyyyyyyyyy o(╥﹏╥)o"
    • "To be honest, this is understandable. Think about it, if we lost to FPX….what am I talking about, we are FPX…if we lost to FNC and I came back, everyone would be flaming me, asking me why I can't beat him, saying I am trash and I need to retire….What could I do? This could be so unbearable. …Oh, how about saying….saying the enemy mid was bad, he won only because he was lucky and had better teammates. It's not my fault! This honestly is understandable. But why pick on me o(╥﹏╥)o, you could have said 'the enemy mid went even with me, but the LWX, his Kai'sa was feeding so much, he died every time he ults'…."
    • "Cassio and Ryze? Of course Cass is a counter to Ryze. But, if the Ryze is mechanically better and better in general, it doesn't matter. If you play Cassio like that, she is useless."
    • "The only champion he is good at is Veigar. You know why he's good at it? Because it's such an easy champion. I can play Veigar with one hand. I can show you right now, with one hand, I just QQQQQ, E, EWQR. Biu~That's it."

    About the skins:


    • "I asked for Yasuo, Malphite and Ryze skins, and Yasuo to do the dance I battled Caps' dad with. I don't know what Riot will do. I really really want Yasuo! I want to win S10 with my Yasuo skin. And Malphite because that's the only one my wife can play. She plays Malphite in top, jungle, mid, bot and sup haha. Ryze…he already has a skin though."
    • "My Yasuo died to raptors in the LPL final. I really want to prove that my Yasuo is good! If I have the chance, I want to use my Yasuo skin in next Worlds. I said that to Riot. Then they asked me 'Did you use it?' I had to tell them my Yasuo got banned every game because people were afraid of it."
    • "Look at my EUW account! I was practicing many other champions, but I don't know why teams kept giving us out best champions, ahhhhh why didn't people ban my Naut and Ryze, so I could get the chance to show off my Jayce, Akali, LeBlanc, Zoe, TF…."[His Zoe is infamous]
    • "Who the fk will choose Naut skin…Are you guys all support players?? No one plays Naut mid here right? I don't play those useless champs….Hmm I will consider it. "

    About the games:



    JT vs FPX:

    • "I am going to change my stream's name to fla-, eh, praising LWX."
    • "JFC LWX, I told him Xayah was OP. She's important. If a player like LWX could have high winrate on her, she must be very OP. But LWX told us Xayah was not strong and he could beat her. Every other team knew Xayah was OP but we were all deceived by LWX."
    • "I tried Tristana too, but I think she sucks. I don't think she's good in this meta."
    • "We had about 60~70% winrate on Elise+Sion! My Sion is good on Akali! I don't think the problem is my Sion."
    • LWX sent a Wechat message: "Please don't flame me" and Doinb showed us the chat.
    • "Look at our team comp. The game is already 50% lost. Elise, Sion, Mord, Galio….How can anyone touch Xayah? Unless Kai'sa ults…..And LWX did, he really ulted in!!!"
    • "In FPX, we know it's useless to give Gimgoon kills. He won't get any advantage with kills anyway."
    • "LWX likes to initiate so much. He shouldn't play ADC. He should play Ornn top. But he plays ADC and have shitty positioning and always gets initiated on. Then we go save him and he says 'Hey guys, I started a good teamflight didn't I? I really baited them'"
    • "Okay we don't need to review the other group stage games, because LWX played okay. What? LWX troll in the SPY game? Okay thanks I am going to find it."

    FNC vs FPX:

    • "No need to review these games. I don't want to because their mid was shit talking me. I carried and that's all you need to know."
    • "Why didn't they ban Ryze? They didn't have enough bans and they had to bet on it."

    IG vs FPX:

    • "By the semi-final we knew that Akali and Xayah are the two champs that you can't give away…some teams don't play Akali, but no ADC can't play Xayah."
    • "By playoffs almost all the teams will prioritize bot lane and jungle in the first rotation of pick&ban because bot lane matchup is so important."
    • "Warhorse laughed because IG banned my Leblanc. Haha I tricked them into banning Leblanc because I had high win rate in rank with her. Did I use her in scrims? Hmmm….I really wanted to, but my teammates wouldn't let me. Every time I want to play LeBlanc or Akali, Warhorse always said 'this doesn't fit our comp', 'Ryze is still available', or 'we have a game tomorrow, how about practicing something else?'"
    • "LWX said 'Hook him, use your hook Blitzcrank, I have great itemization, I am strong, hook him' Hook your ass LWX, dying without even one single auto-attack."


    • "Clid said he couldn't vote for me for All-Star because he had too many friends to vote for? Okay I am deleting him from my Wechat."
    • "Now that we have proview, you guys can easily figure out who's the problem when we lose. I am so sad. I can't no longer tell you everything is my teammates' fault :("
    • "People are PMing me to ask me not to play Naut and Ramble mid because their solo queue is ruined by bad Naut and Ramble mids. Please don't spam Naut mid in ranked. Please practice in flex queue first…"

    (He will VOD review the G2 vs FPX game tomorrow)

    submitted by /u/lollideath
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    Soraka has a message for all of you [OC]

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Soraka has a message for all of you [OC]

    Please be nice to each other, guys <3 Let's make the League community better. Flaming can only make your team perform worse.


    submitted by /u/Diazex
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    So, our Clash practice is going ... um great !

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PST

    CoreJJ Episode 2 - How to Support - Critical Thinking

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:03 PM PST

    More and more bugs in League of Legends. Game minimizing, Camera lock bugged, Connecting to loading bugged.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Literally quality of League is going down every patch:

    • 2 patches ago game started to minimize when using mouse buttons (so many times I lost fight because wanted to use my Items which are binded to mouse buttons). It's still not fixed.

    • Last patch camera started to auto lock and you can't turn it off by pressing Y. I know it's not only me who are having this issue

    • Also last patch loading bug appeared. Game doesn't connect you to loading screen and you can't really do anything about it. Happens to me in 1 per 10 games.

    Other bugs from users comments under this thread:

    Not being able to dodge in Champselect half the time, game sometimes starts anyway

    Spikes of Framedrops.

    Different signal pings used in game than choosed.

    I really remember that some years ago bugs like this were fixed in 1 or 2 days. Now we are waiting already some weeks.

    submitted by /u/wisakoy
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    Riot needs to address the shit show that is the TCL.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST

    It's already a well known thing that BeÅŸiktaÅŸ esports doesn't pay their players, and now GBM and BalKhan have been talking about how thy have not been paid either. This seems to be a common practice among TCL teams, and Riot has been turning a blind eye to it for as long as it's been going on.

    context for BalKhan

    I say I have no intention of blaming Galatasaray. Shortly after signing with them in late May, I received my first payment on August 14, two days before the playoffs. All the team members, including me, were not paid at the time. This affected Scream as well as the game. My payday is June 30, July 30, August 15 and September 15. The end date of the contract is Sept. 18. They have ignored me and the agency's contact even now, including the day they signed the contract. Other players, including myself, are not getting paid. Is it wrong for me to write this? I can't be patient anymore and believe what they say. They kept lying until I came back to Korea and was in Turkey.

    They ignore the conversation. I can't hide this from them anymore. Because it affects my daily life. There are countless rumors about Turkey. I didn't know this would happen to me. Maybe I'll never go to Turkey again.

    Context for BJK

    I think we all can agree that esports can be pretty shady sometimes when it comes to orgs not being professional or not doing as they promised. At least with Besiktas I thought this was something we wouldn't have to deal with as it's a huge and well-known organization with a lot of money, but I guess I was wrong. It's now August and I still haven't received my salary for March. I've been playing for Besiktas since October 2018 and already back then you could tell they weren't the most organized people. Our first salary was already delayed with multiple weeks where they promised us this was a one-time thing because of bank changes and assured us that it won't happen again. During our first 5 months in BJK we didn't get A SINGLE salary being delayed less than 2 weeks. Some salaries were more than a month late. Eventually we found out that this wasn't only the case for our team, this was also the case for all other teams, staff and managers.

    I could copy or screenshot all the conversations were I'm getting promised that the salary is coming "soon" and that we all should just wait a few more days, but it's just too many of them to even count. They were also coming with threats about them not being able to pay any of their players if anyone went public about it and tried to get players to sign shady stuff to keep them from being able to go public. I have no idea why Besiktas keep lying, signing new players, sending their players to events or even signed us in the first place if they don't have guaranteed money coming in for the amount of months signed. Here's one screenshot of 10000 about the salaries being approved and coming soon. This was in May: http://prntscr.com/ovrei3

    The last I heard BJK wanted all their players and previous players to sign NDA when none of the players have done anything wrong and already have contracts saying they should get paid every month. To me this just seems like another way to get people to be quiet about the situation, and I'm tired of it now. I guess I 100% never will get my salary after posting this, but maybe other players at least will see or hear about it so they don't end up in the same situation as all other BJK players are now. Personally I left BJK in June and I'm currently trying out for other teams.

    BalKhan's reply to GBM complaining about not getting paid, but the original tweet was deleted. It basically said "I'm tired of not getting paid"

    I find it extremely hypocritical that riot was so fast to jump on stuff like tainted minds or griffin but just ignore this. Why is this just being ignored like the TCL is riots step son?

    Edit 1: Barış "Tolerant" Çepnioğlu also spoke about Galatasaray

    Hey guys, I'm not happy when I tweet this because I like and appreciate all the fans who supported me at Galatasaray back then, but unfortunately I have no choice but to make this public now. I should have been paid 4 months ago by galatasaray esports, but this was always postponed by the club. I initially showed the club my understanding that it was okey if the pay 2-3 weeks late. And after these 2-3 weeks I tried to contact to the galatasaray esports manager Kerem Serbetci, most of the time my messages were either ignored or answered dismissively. I was often promised that the payment would be in the shortest possible time, but these were unfortunately empty. I would like to make it clear that this is not my intention to harm galatasaray esports. I just want to show that unfortunately it still comes to such actions .

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_RULE_63_CHAMPS
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    The URF event made me realize that I'd play a lot more league if there was a non random casual game mode in the regular rotation.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    Title. I used to play a ton of League back in the day, but as time wore on I couldn't really justify the time investment for a normal match (20-50 minutes per) especially since a bad match would result in being "trapped" for an extended period of time.

    I also dislike how rigid vanilla league is - You have your support+carry lane, your solo mid and top, and your jungler. Every game. This means I can't even always play the game I want to play when playing "normals". The rigid formula also means if I prefer a duo lane, I'm pigeon-holed into a carry+support dynamic.

    I played Dominion like hell back when it was out - I had well over 10x the required games for the icon when it was retired (hell, I played against Stonewall in ARAM, if that gives you any indication of my relative elo in that mode) . I played the hell out of Ascension when it was out - although it had some exploitative strategies, it was still fun. I played the hell out of Nexus Blitz - probably the closest to what I want of any of those modes.

    What I enjoyed about URF wasn't that it was URF, it was that I could jump into champ select, pick a character, and not get shit on for my choice. It was just a nonissue. We'd skirmish right at level one in top lane, and then disperse into 2 - 1 - 2 formations in 90% of games. This also meant there was no paranoia about a permanently MIA jungler to have to account for at all times, so you could just focus and enjoy the lane pvp combat. There was no tremendous benefit for farming, so you didn't have obsessive optimization and bullying like in normals, and even if you did, it wasn't as relevant due to passive gold.

    Finally, most games ended by 25 minutes, meaning even in a terrible one sided stomp, the game didn't drag on for extended periods of time. It would end and I could dive into a new game, try a different champ, and generally have fun.

    So, what I really want is a casual mode. Less stress. Less micromanaging farm and jungler positions. Less rigid roles. Just something I can load up and blast a few games through. I tried using ARAM for that purpose but when you own all the champions, it's really hard to get the specific one you want. I'm one of those who's probably not going to be playing much since URF left; but it's not because I want to stop, it's because there's no regular game mode that supports how casually I want to enjoy the game.

    Does anyone else feel this way?

    submitted by /u/BeyondElectricDreams
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    3 kills with one Jhin Q. A first for myself.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    Remake doesnt trigger if someone just dcs on level 1 and Riot needs to fix it

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    Just had this in soloq. Our midlane was already toxic in champ select. When the game loaded in, he just dcd, making us unable to remake. Thanks to the Yasou (who else) for -15 LP

    Edit: Since this is discussed in several ways I uploaded the first 4 minutes of the game (the first 10 seconds in normal speed, rest speed up, its just about the fact that we couldnt remake). Yasou didnt buy any items, recieved not any exp and he hasnt left the base since minute 1. I suspect the Vayne triggered the remake-mechanic because she had a dc early, but reconnected a few seconds later. This still doesnt change the fact that we couldnt remake with an AFK from the very start of the game and that Riot desperately should work on /remake

    submitted by /u/actopozipc
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    John Needham, Head of Esports at Riot, on what happens if a player voices support for Hong Kong, teases branding and structural changes for the NA LCS: "NA will be a huge focus point for Riot in 2020. I don't want the LCS to be known as an import league, I want it to be known as an NA league."

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    What Ambition said about NA version G2 in stream yesterday is hilarious but sad at same time for NA

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:11 PM PST

    Source: https://clips.twitch.tv/SmilingAttractiveJuiceDerp

    Ambition was talking about how this year G2 was made by gathering the best players in EU and making a dream team. He had an idea if it was possible for NA to do this too. He started drafting his NA dream team and he thought no matter what there should be DL and Bjergson in that team. However, he realized that there actually was a team that had both DL and Bjegrson, TSM. Then he concluded that he should draft differently and the video finishes.

    This is my opinion but I think it is so sad for NA that 2016 was NA's best shot at worlds. The worlds championship was hold on NA and TSM had the strongest team in NA history (Personal opinion). Like They had DL and Bjergson no further explanation. Sven was not his current LCS MVP form back then but he was still top 3 jg. BioFrost was regarded as the best support rookie NA had ever had I think. Hauntzer back then was the NA regular season MVP I think? correct me if I'm wrong but I still remember that his gnar was close to CuVee level (again personal opinion).

    It is so sad that NA can't make a team that strong anymore since it is impossible for DL and Bjergson to be on same team.

    Anyway thank you for reading my post.

    submitted by /u/jspark971
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    Senna will probably be a skin goldmine

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    Just look at some of the fanmade skin concepts I've already found on the internet.

    Heartseeker Senna

    High Noon Senna

    Pool Party Senna

    I would buy all three of those in a heartbeat. And then there's all the other skin lines she'd be a great fit for, like:

    • Arclight
    • Headhunter
    • Odyssey
    • Arcade
    • Bilgewater
    • Firecracker

    I wouldn't be surprised if she gets new skins at a rate similar to Kai'Sa's.

    submitted by /u/GeneralSecura
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    Senna Fan Art!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:59 PM PST

    Senna Fan Art!

    Senna, The Redeemer

    Decided to do a fan art of Senna during her time trapped in Thresh's lantern! Her character design and original splash are absolutely phenomenal, so I had to do my own art of this character! Let me know what you guys think!

    And if you guys are interested in following more of my work, ArtfulBeast is my handle on both instagram and Artstation!

    submitted by /u/Seiko121
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    True damage Senna lore.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 03:31 AM PST

    So from the skin text it says she was traped in a terrible contract by a shady guy. So in the K/DA-True Damage universe, Thresh is a shady music producer. I like to think that Lucien went on to study law and become a lawyer to break Senna out of the contract.

    submitted by /u/Lefteron
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    TheShy has overtaken Tian in the All-Star Voting!

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST


    Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. This is really great IMO since I really want to see TheShy at All-Stars (can't wait for 1v1 tourney).

    DoinB will be great to see how he does when he can't actually roam, will be interesting to watch.

    submitted by /u/BenjenRyan
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    FPX Lost 4 out of 5 games against SKT And Won 9 out of 10 Against G2

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Chineese Insec at its maxrange

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:59 PM PST

    FPX: DoinB comments on the player ranking S9

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Brand new to League and Reddit. Seeking some help with a project.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:52 AM PST

    First off thank you for taking the time to read this post. I didn't know what the title should be. Also moderators if I have done something wrong or this is not the best place please let me know. I am still figuring all of this stuff out, it's my third day on Reddit.

    I started playing League for the first time last night. My hopes are to learn the game well enough to surprise my son around his birthday. He has been interested in League for quite some time now and I think it would be great to have another interest we share.

    Not having any clue about the game I did some Google searches which led me to r/summonerschool. They were all very helpful and encouraging. After some discussion, a few of the users recommended I keep updates of my journey, that others may be interested in seeing the game through a new players eyes. I reached out to the moderators there and they recommended something like that would be better here since it's more of a human interest piece.

    What I am taking a really long time to ask is, would you all be interested in following along with me as I try to grasp all the layers of this game? The big part of this gift in my mind is the journey. I'd love to be able to show him here's what my first few days were like. Here's where user XYZ give me a tip to stand there next time. That kind of stuff would be wonderful.

    Thanks again for your time.

    Update: Thank you all for welcoming me here, all the advice and encouragement. I played my second game and it went a hair better then the first. My team ended up losing though so I am still searching for that win. Perhaps next time.

    submitted by /u/PapaStark77
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    What's the point of All Stars if its been reduced to this?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:52 PM PST

    2 pros from each region with 6 extra. I remember when each region would send a full squad of all-stars and it would be hype. Even if it's a for-fun tournament, it was still so cool to see super teams from each region. Now I feel like all-stars has become just full troll and it seems kinda pointless.

    submitted by /u/LP_Papercut
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    I wish Zilean was in True Damage instead of Yasuo

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST

    Idk if this has been said before, but I think Zilean would be a superior replacement to Yasuo. Disregarding profits, Zilean's theme of time complements Ekko better than Yas, and he could also fill the role of doing practically nothing while looking high as fuck.

    I can just imagine Zilean nonchalantly chilling in the background, too old to give a shit about these kids and their fancy kits, all while dropping bomb fire beats. His skin could even be a younger version of himself if they want him to fit in the group better, while simultaneously tickling the sacks of Zilean mains across the world.

    And it has been four and a half years since Zilean has gotten a skin, I feel like this could've been a great opportunity to show him some love.

    submitted by /u/Creamlad
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    I made a crochet Jinx for my Fiancee, he suggested I post it here.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:29 AM PST

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