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    Friday, November 15, 2019

    LoL Guide Playing aram intelligently can dramatically improve your gameplay

    LoL Guide Playing aram intelligently can dramatically improve your gameplay

    Playing aram intelligently can dramatically improve your gameplay

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:33 PM PST

    Disclaimer: intelligently, you have to be mindful or it's not very useful as practice.

    The ARAM environment trains several things extremely well.

    You learn cool downs and limitations on unfamiliar champions. You're forced to play random champions, which lets you familiarize yourself with their cool downs and ability limitations so when you play against them in solo queue, you have a general sense of their cds and limits.

    ARAM is a hyperbolic time chamber for dodging skill shots.

    Limit testing is the name of the game. You get some serious exposure to champion vs champion damage calculations. Eventually you will get a "feel" for how much damage can be done in a certain situation.

    Learning how to cool down track during team fights on steroids. You get to consciously track enemy cool downs in hectic fights. This is an extremely valuable skill for winning solo queue team fights, because it shapes your positioning into informed calculated positioning that takes into account enemy cds.

    submitted by /u/colkcolkcolk
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    New player. Completely new to MOBAs in general. Whew, this game is really complex.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 07:26 PM PST

    This is actually my second attempt at getting into the game. I tried about a year ago, but dropped it due to getting overwhelmed. The recent GIANTS music vid (which is really good BTW) reminded me of the game and my previous failure, so I figured I'd give it another whack.

    Problem is, I still don't know anything about the game (I played like 3 games against bots on my last try). The sheer complexity right out the gate, this huge wall of information that I have to or feel like I have to know immediately (Vision? Objective? Champs? Champ abilities? Items? Gold? Gamesense in general like knowing what to do? Gamemodes?).

    I come from primarily FPS games, and the closest to a MOBA one I regularly play is Overwatch, where I'm Diamond (equivalent of top 15%, not tryna humblebrag tho), but when I switch genres I'm reduced to "complete noob". I feel like I could really get into this game and understand it... if I could just get over this huge initial information wall. My worry is that I'll jump into PVP matches and just get my arse handed to me while my teammates rage justifiably because I didn't do something right. Hell, last attempt I got wrecked by bots sometimes, like I'm legit trash at this game. Whatever you guys' lowest rank is (bronze? iron? wood?), that's probably me. :^)

    So what I'd like help with is: How do I go about learning this game? Do I:

    • Read the entire wiki and study it like a class (This is what I did for Overwatch when I was new, worked because OW is simpler)
    • Just play, and get destroyed until I learn by experience/osmosis (daunting, I might be in "getting wrecked" territory for a long time)
    • Watch videos or read guides
    • Give up and accept eternal scrubhood?

    I also have a few direct questions if you're feeling extra helpful:

    • What are the "best practices" of this game? Every game has them, just things you should generally do if you want to be successful and have fun. If there aren't really any, then what are the "worst practices"?
    • Do people typically play many heroes (sorry, champs, habit), or stick to a very small pool/single? With the sheer quantity in the game, I can't imagine someone playing a huge variance.
    • Where does meta start to matter? Is it something I even remotely need to worry about?
    • I'm especially interested in "LoL for <game> players" type guides. Are there any for Overwatch/FPS players?
    • Do mobas require a very high APM, or can they be played in non-sweaty fashion and still be competitive? FPS games generally require leaning forward and taking things seriously in order to be good.
    • Any "key settings" that I should change from a brand new install/account? Some games have silly defaults, anything I should fix for LoL?

    Thanks to anyone who can help. :D

    Edit: Wow, you guys are helpful. I'm guessing you're the "good subsection" of the commonly-touted-as-toxic LoL community? :D... I kid. Thanks for all the info, I'll read up on it and keep playing, and see if everything makes sense later.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Support Counters Spreadsheet

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:48 AM PST


    I made this spreadsheet to start listing lane counter matchups. I was curious if other people would be interested and I would also like to hear opinions.

    Next I'll be doing the ADCs.

    submitted by /u/B-ryye
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    First time playing League after playing Dota 2 for 2 years.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST

    So recently I decided to give League a try, so far it's pretty fun I like the core skill shot mecanics specially those who can change the course of the fight.

    In dota I was a main support (Dazzle FYI) but after struggling a lot with the current meta and being tired of playing support I did a hole 360 and tried League as a carry, not the smartest decision but life is a learning expirience :3. After a lot of matches I got hooked on Ezreal, I don't know why but his hole "movility" and skill shot dependance made me like the character a lot but I still felt like I'm not performing quite well. Last hitting it's fairly easy (compared to dota), but positioning and ganking it's still hard for me to get in. Obviously I don't know a single abillity and item combination :,V but I try to hear what my teammates suggest and look for guides online.

    So yeah, I know this sounds a bit wierd but I would like to hear some recomendations given the "expirience" (not really that big of a deal) that I got, specially from those who know a bit about dota 2 to correlate some conceps into my play style.

    Thanks for reading I know it's wierd but I would like to play this two games together, I like how different they are and yet how similar they can be.

    submitted by /u/Lihko
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    Top Lane - Is it better to push and get plates or freeze?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:41 PM PST

    I never know when its better to push the wave and snowball my lead with plate gold or when to freeze and deny the enemy gold and experience. Is there specific situations in which one of them is more advantageous than the other? If so when should I do it?

    submitted by /u/Comotix
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    What are some common questions I should ask myself when deciding macro plays?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:29 AM PST

    Learning mechanics of a champ, for me at least, is the easier part of the game. I usually win my lane against almost every matchup for my main champions.

    The real problem that I face is making macro decisions such as:

    • When do I push the lane?
    • When do I freeze?
    • Which objective do we go for?
    • Is it worth going for any objective at all right now?
    • Do I group or do I split?

    And many such decisions.

    I understand that it is hard to mention every possible scenario and its deciding factor so I am looking for some common questions I can ask myself that could help me make these decisions.

    submitted by /u/BennyDoctor
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    How are you supposed to play against ryze?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:32 PM PST

    He's kinda tanky which means I can't really kill him, plus he uses phase rush so he can run away or kite me to death.

    He's great at waveclear, so he can freely roam with his ult and screw your team over.

    And on top of that he's actually doing damage. One combo should get my hp down by 33%, if we are both the same level.

    And he's supposed to be a late game champ? Seems like he has a lot going on in his kit.

    No wonder people kept playing him in worlds.

    submitted by /u/helloomeowwmeow
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    General help to get better needed!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Hey guys! Wanted some general help- I am pretty decent at the game (I play top lane Kennen, occasionally other characters like TF for mid, etc.) and just hopped back on LoL about a week ago. I wanted some general advice and help to get better so here's some questions I have and feel free to drop your own advice if you think it may be helpful!

    My tag in game is: G made - so if you want to check my KDA, my CSing, etc.

    Some of my questions: 1. What's the difference between different wards? Example- control wards to my free wards I get at the beginning of the game.

    1. Where should I be warding, how often, and how should I remember to?

    2. Whats AP, AD, and other general terminology I may hear pretty often?

    3. I guess and general play tips for Kennen and or TF would be appreciated. I also want to try Ekko! I have fun with him but suck super hard LOL. I tried playing him as a jungle btw.

    For those of you that read and respond- thank you!

    submitted by /u/Gmade824
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    Baron giving vision to enemies over wall - Known interaction or bug?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:45 PM PST

    Just played a game where we won a fight 3 for 0, swept the area and pinked the pit. We knew enemy jungler was over the wall, but had no vision so we called to just burst it (there's no way they steal it blind). Nevertheless, the jungler jumped the wall at the perfect time, smited baron at 836 health (was level 12; smite should have only done 720 damage, that's another topic though) and stole it. When we looked at the replay, we noticed the baron hitting the jungler hitting their jungler (and later mid laner) over the wall twice, giving them vision of the ENTIRE PIT both times. Here is the link to the replay: https://streamable.com/z7zpl (the vision is gained at 4 and 11 seconds)

    We tested the interaction in practice tool and were able to reproduce it.I looked it up and couldn't find anything on this interaction. I had always thought a pink in the baron pit was enough to deny most vision, but I guess all you have to do is stand by the wall and baron will give you vision for free.
    Is this widely known?

    If it is intended, it gives a slight advantage to red side, and a bigger reason to defend the back of the baron pit.

    submitted by /u/WentyTwonPilots
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    Is there any chart/document that talks about bot lane matchups?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:44 AM PST

    Hi, I'm trying to learn botlane matchups since I'm loving playing support.

    Is there any chart or document (Even unfinished ones) that I should know of? Maybe some streamer made one and I didn't know.

    I usually play engage supports like Thresh and Leona, but I would love to just read about any known and famous matchup!

    Thanks a whole lot to everyone.

    submitted by /u/KiraGio
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    How do I gank properly? Low Elo jungler here.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a Bronze 2 Jungler and my main is Master yi. Im trying to learn Lee sin right now. But I'll need some help.

    After transitioning from Master yi to Lee sin, I learned a lot of things. But I've been struggling on something. How do I gank properly? When should I gank? How do I counter gank properly?

    Most of the time, my team will push up to the enemy tower, giving me a hard time ganking them. I can't just tower dive now like I used to do with master yi since I don't have any invulnerability skills to rely on. Most of the time, I'll try to prepare a counter gank but since its low elo, most of the time the enemy jungler will not come. And if they die because they overextended, it will be my fault for not ganking them. Sometimes I'll just go dive in and try to insec but will fail 50% of the time.

    Can anyone help me? Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/Reaper188
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    Tip for those who prefer to play with lower resolutions

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Instead of having it on windowed mode or borderless, which increases input lag, put it on fullscreen and then go to the nvidia settings > display > adjust desktop size and positioning > scaling and set the scaling mode to 'no scale' and then preferably also set the scaling to be performed on the gpu right under. This will make it so the game window won't stretch to fill the screen and will instead set it to the size you get in windowed mode and put black borders around it, but more importantly you won't have 30 ms input lag.

    submitted by /u/J4dex
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    A tip to get Qiyana blue/river enchantment on ARAM.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:03 PM PST

    Hey summoners,

    Just a quick trick i recently discovered while playing qiyana on aram, ofcourse its easy to get green or red enchantment on howling abyss with her W, however i didnt kno how to get the blue enchantment which would be the most op on the abyss, well it turns out if you W to the relic areas where the health pots spawn then it acts as the river and you get the blue Q.

    On your way back from respawning W to the health relic inbetween your 2 outer turrets to get the blue enchant and then wait the 7 second cd and you can easily Q-W(to either outer relics)-Q for a nice aoe chain stun, try it out for yourselves next time you get her in aram.

    submitted by /u/paddy30060107
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    S rank and ap jungler help

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    okay so 2 questions:

    1. what needs to happen for me to get an S rank? i recently had a trist game where i was 12/3/5, had most cs in game, dominated my lane, killed enemy jungler when he ganked multiple times, took towers and dragons with team, rotated mid after my tower went down and only got an A+. is it different from champ to champ? my vision score was 11 in a 32m game. I just need one more S for mastery 7

    2. so with preseason coming up i decided to expand my champion pool to include ap junglers since right now my go to is ap shyv or malph. any tips on who i should start with or guides i can consult?

    submitted by /u/Shakabradah
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    Top Lane - How best to play after lane phase vs Kite champs, Outscale champs, and Outroam Champs as a bruiser.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I've been thinking recently about all of the toxic champs in top lane and realize that they cause me a lot more problems outside of lane than inside lane.

    Just to kind of explain what I meant by each category:

    Kite-Singed, Viktor, Gnar, Teemo, Karma, Kennen, etc. These champs can outkite you with extreme ease once they get some mobility items because of the nature of their kit.

    Outscale-Mordekaiser, Darius, Kayle, Illaoi, Tryndamere. These champions will outscale you even if you acquired a decent lead in lane, whether through CS, kills, lane priority, etc.

    Outroam-Quinn, Shen, Malphite, Pyke These champions will affect the map much more than you will be able to, and will all be able to survive most any lanes.

    I know you eventually need to leave the lane in these situations, but I don't understand the timing window very well. Do I lane swap after the lane phase is pretty much over? Do I rush boots to roam around? Just focus on securing vision for my team. If anyone has any advice for any of these categories and how to deal with them from a bruiser's perspective, I'd very much appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/RockSmon
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    Jungling vs Lee

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 06:44 AM PST

    How do you jungle vs lee I feel his ganks are so much more powerful than any Champ in my pool (Kayn,Ekko,Eve,Zac and Mumu) and if I ever face him 1v1 I most probably do end up losing so how do you play against him as a not so strong early game jungler

    submitted by /u/Unchart3disOP
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    You can engage on champions like Alistar, Leona, Thresh, etc. if their Aftershock is down

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PST

    This is something I learned a while back and I got reminded by in CoreJJ's video.

    These champions are so squishy when Aftershock is down. If you're in position, you can hook/jump on them after they blow Aftershock.

    This tip might seem obvious, but I thought that these types of champions were still super tanky even with Aftershock was down. I didn't realize just how strong Aftershock was before this tip.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Do assists count towards KDR?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST

    I am very new, and just reached level 13, I just played one game and ended up with 4 kills/3 deaths/9 assists. This might sound dumb but I get the kd thing because of call of duty but when I track the match in u.gg it says my KDR was 4.33.

    Do assists counts towards KDR?

    submitted by /u/VernuxYT
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    Optimizing Keybindings and general setup help

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:13 AM PST

    So i think i've reached a mmr where most of my games are being decided through my and my laners level of mechanic's and whenever i look through loss replays it seems like i could've played a key play better that ends up pretty much deciding the course of the entire game and oftentimes even the outcome. So having come to the conclusion that my micro needs improvement i thought about optimizing my keybinds for example i want to use "target champions only" more, but having it on ^ seems really bad ngl. So what I'd like to know is: if you see any problems or room for improvement with my keybinds or any keybinds that can make using them more comfortable or accessible or just more efficient/better.

    Ok this is my setup. Abilities: Q,W,E,R standard (i play with pinky on CTRL, also a habit i wanna get rid of but it's really hard, any tips on that?, quick/smart cast with range indicator) I level abilities with CTRL and selfcast with ALT. Summonerspells (D,F) Items 1-6 and trinket and middle mouse button

    Movement and Camera Control F-Keys: CTRL1-4 for Laners and Support(because on my keyboard F-Keys are too far away from the number keys) I Center my Camera by tapping space which my thumb is resting on and manually move my camera by poking at the edges of the screen( i also wanted to look into using the drag lock thing were u can move the camera by moving mouse in the general direction, does anyone use it? Would you recommend) I use attack move click with range indicator on A (attack move on cursor)

    Additionally I've been struggling with mouse inaccuracy when moving items around in slots, clicking blastcone and manually muting people. So if anyone knows how to properly adjust ones mouse speed without overshooting it, which i always seem to do)

    So any feedback on my setup or keybinds, features and other stuff that improved your gameplay would be much appreciated.

    Also i know all of this is very subjective but i know that for example i korea most players use a certain highly optimized setup and since at my mmr (euw challenger) every little thing matters, i figured i'd ask.

    submitted by /u/PkYomega199x
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    Binding my attack move to my left mosue button

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    how do i do it? it wont let me switch the key. and i also need to know how to set that button to attack champion only. i can flash auto with jhin's 4th shot under their tower to secure kill but sometimes the damn shot hits the tower and it makres me want to break my keyboard

    submitted by /u/PitoStinko
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    Top lane wave management as Mordekaiser, how to do it effectively?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Hi, I'm a new player and I love playing top lane. It's my most favorite lane and I love playing Mordekaiser there. I had the most success with him and I really love this kit despite some obvious drawbacks like lack of mobility and Q and E being skill shots, which can be hard to land for a noob like me. Here comes the problem. I really want to improve in top lane and I read a lot of guides and tried to effective manage my wave. It does work and it is improving, but my problem is that both Q and E are aoe spells. If I want to poke or fight the enemy top laner, it is hard not to damage the enemy minions, which in turn can ruin my wave management. Do I only use auto attack? Do I play more passively? What are some tips?

    submitted by /u/Tomxj
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    New player. A long time follower

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:28 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I've been following the league for quite some time now, around like 5 years and counting, during that time Ive watched alot of streams, league championships, even watched my friends play, but Ive never truly played much myself, most of my lifetime games are on aram just to have fun.

    And now after the worlds ended, Ive decided to start learning the game myself (also played some dota before. Played some draft normals, just to find out that I suck. Since I have been following the league for a while, I have some knowledge collected about the game, so its really tought to play knowing, that youre doing everything wrong.

    So I just wanted to ask is it still worth it to start learning the game in 2019?and if so, whats the best way to do it?

    submitted by /u/MAAU_23
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    My advice to climb the ranked ladder at the end of season.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 08:32 PM PST

    Every day I see a new post pop up saying that end of season is harder to climb than during the regular season.

    THIS IS NOT TRUE. I have been 'hardstuck' (probably just bad) for most of the year and hit a low point of G4 0LP about 3 weeks ago, but suddenly I've flown up the ranked ladder in the last 2 weeks with a decent win rate. I may have suddenly gotten better, who knows... But I've definitely gotten smarter around this time of the season and here's how I did it. https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=jrodshoots

    The games are different, there are more smurfs, more people in placement games but that makes your skill level no different. Both teams will have smurfs and both teams will have people that go AFK. You just need to be the deciding factor and even if you get stomped by a smurf one game... if you play enough games you will have the same amount of smurfs on your team as the other team.

    1. Check your teammates before you play and figure out if they're smurfing, new or a regular for that elo. This is important because if they are clearly new... YOU HAVE TO DOGE (if you care about your LP). Tell tale signs are they're between level 30-40 and have scores like 1-8-1/ 0-6-2 / 3-9-1 in their last few games. Use sites like OP.gg and porofessor.gg to suss your teammates in the champ select lobby. Don't even try to carry them. Just get out of that lobby asap.
    2. Speaking of new players.... If you see that the enemy has someone that's clearly new just go and kill them over and over and over. Don't feel bad because this is your LP to win.
    3. If you have a teammate smurfing then make sure you enable them to carry. I play mid so if I see a jg or top lane that is clearly a smurf (70% + wr) then I will pick a roaming champ and just permanently follow them around the map helping them get fed. Normally I get fed off the process too and I can help get that W.
    4. If you're playing directly against the enemy smurf then try your best to just contain them. Give up CS if it means you can get to mid game without them being 5-0. Most smurf's rely on superior mechanics at lower elo and forget how to macro properly. Turn the game into a 40% chance of winning instead of feeding the enemies win condition and making it a 5% chance of winning.
    5. In the last 3 weeks I have muted all. I can't tell you how many games I probably lost this season because I TILTED MY OWN TEAMMATES by flaming. Seriously just mute all. League is a peaceful game if you can't see who's flaming you! :D
    6. Between games, stand up and grab a drink and think of 2 plays you could have done better and next game do it! Don't ever think about what your team could do better because you have no control over that.

    Good luck and have fun with the last few days of the grind! I'm hoping I can win my final Promo game tonight and hit my season goal of Plat 4 just in time :D

    submitted by /u/jrodshoots
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