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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Previous threads

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there.

    If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach.

    Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

    New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

    Riot's New Player Guide

    LolEsports New Viewer Guide


    Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    100 Thieves announces departure of aphromoo

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:09 PM PST


    Farewell @aphromoo .

    Zaq, these past 2 years have been filled with memories we'll never forget. Thank you for being one of the first pro players to take a chance on 100 Thieves when we were a brand new team. We wish you nothing but the best moving forward.


    submitted by /u/February14th
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    TSM ADC Announcement - Kobbe

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Thanks to season 10 I can finally feel like a child again

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Damn did I miss the feeling of chasing someone around a table only to have the other person constantly run the other way. Thankfully alcoves fully encapsulate this glorious experience

    submitted by /u/redmaddic
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    Most people complaining about lack of skins Ornn/Rek'Sai wouldn't actually purchase a skin for them

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    Generally, when people complain about lack of skins for champs it's someone complaining about the following champs. Obviously there are random ones mixed in like Xerath but these seem to be the main three. Their pickrates are (source u.gg , combined all ranks all regions):

    Taliyah - (doesn't even have a midlane pickrate but for jungle) is at 1%

    Ornn - 3.6%

    Rek'Sai - 2%

    This means their combined pick rate is 6.6%. The classic champion people complain about getting skins is Kai'Sa. Her pickrate is 18.7%. Riot's skin team is not infinite. Their resources are limited. If Riot theoretically assigned a team to make a skin for each of those 3 champions, the combined sales of those three skins would be a third of if they made a Kai'sa skin. Essentially, 9 times as many resources would have to be used to match a single Kai'Sa skin.

    However, the majority of players are in Silver and so the majority of skin sales would come from Silver players. In Silver:

    Taliyah - I shit you not, Taliyah doesn't even exist in Silver. Her playrate is too small to be registered, both in mid and jngl

    Ornn - 3.2%

    Rek'Sai - 1.3%

    This is a combined 4.6%, even lower than when combining all elos. Kai'Sa has a pickrate in Silver of 15.7%, so again about a third if they made a skin for each champion. It just isn't economical to put the resources and money into any one of those champs. I personally play alot of Rek'Sai and I like her base model more than any of the skins for her. Ornn has one of the best 1350 skins there is in Thunderlord (in my opinion) and Taliyah has just way too small of a pickrate for it to be economically the correct decision. I don't know why people make so many posts so angry about these champions not getting skins when for one chances are they wouldn't actually buy the skin themselves, and two when Riot at the end of the day has to make money.

    Edit - shoutout to the guy who commented: "most people complaining about Hitler probably weren't Jews either, yet we don't blame them for hypocrisy."

    Edit, some people are struggling so I'll clear some things up:

    • "Riot might not make as much profit this year" - League is a free game. Riot has an insane amount of costs within the company on running Worlds, maintaining the game, paying staff etc. Their money does not go directly into profit, they rely on skins to keep the game afloat. Alot of people have literally no idea how business works. Stop commenting "it wouldn't hurt to make a Rek'Sai skin". This is the concept of opportunity cost. They have investments to make and costs to cover (seeing as they're releasing like 8 games this year), obviously, they will put resources into gaining 15 times more money when making skins, that's the nature of opportunity cost. If someone asked you to mow a lawn and said you can mow one of two identical lawns, exact same workload, but one would earn you £1 and the other £15, which lawn would you mow?

    • Making skins take around 5-6 months, it's not something they can just do one afternoon. It's a resource commitment.

    • "Those champs are overnerfed and unpopular while Kai'Sa is OP" - Lee Sin has a massive 28% playrate on patch 9.23. Lucian, who was pretty shit in 9.23 had a 18.7% playrate. When Taliyah was in her most broken state ever she never went above a 10% playrate, even in high elo. This argument is not relevant. These champs are just not enjoyed by much of the playerbase even when Taliyah was the most broken Jungler in the game
    submitted by /u/iHahahaha
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    Official announcement: TheShy said he is currently under contract with IG and he is not willing to transfer

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    [Wadid] Seems like I won't be playing in LEC or LCS. Not gonna lie I'm a bit depressed now.. well I will miss everyone there!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Posted earlier via Twitter by Wadid.

    Kim "Wadid" Baein (@WadidXD):

    Seems like I won't be playing in LEC or LCS.

    Not gonna lie I'm a bit depressed now.. well I will miss everyone there!

    submitted by /u/twistedlogicx
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    Where do I see my season 9 stats

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST


    The link for my season 9 stats popped up during champ select and I couldn't see them. Where are they available?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Raflalel
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    Travis Gafford: Fenix to Dignitas is off. Dignitas new mid will most likely be Froggen. Damonte most likely going to academy.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:21 AM PST



    According to Travis, Froggen will most likely be Dignitas new midlaner as the Fenix deal is off. He has also heard Damonte will most likely will end up in academy.

    Big problem for NA when talents like Cody Sun and now Damonte have to spend time in academy.

    submitted by /u/LastDare
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    I started prioritizing dragons over everything except nexus (willing to trade kills, towers, even Barons or inhibs!) as a joke/out of desperation, and my winrate skyrocketed.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PST

    Since preseason came out I've been playing a lot, trying and seeing what works. I've played a lot of 5 mans with friends as well (all around the same rank).

    At first I was losing almost every single game, both solo and with the 5 man... it was honestly terrible. Complete stomps. We weren't playing especially badly or anything. Very unexpected and unusual for us.

    We tried to identify what the problems were and it basically came down to the fact that early dragon control = wins, almost every time.

    Related to this, we also realized that having maybe ONE scaling champ as insurance isn't bad, but scaling is almost irrelevant now. If you win early game your dragons will usually "outscale" the other team no matter what they've drafted. So draft early game, especially the jungler and something with bot prio/roaming mid, or they will be irrelevant all game.

    Finally, top doesn't exist. You MAYBE clear top side sometimes as jungle, but don't bother ganking or roaming there as anyone. If you're not omnipresent botside, you're inting, because they will quickly pick up dragon and snowball. So just draft an independent split pusher top who doesn't even care if they're camped or feeding. Slap a tryndamere on that baby and afk split push so you can put pressure on the enemy team while you focus what really matters - dragons.

    This was all kind of a joke at first between us, exaggerating the importance of dragons and kind of poking fun at ourselves for losing so hard. We even agreed to spam ping the dragon cooldown every 10 seconds or so.

    But then the joke became less funny as we started winning. Hard. Game after game. Even on off roles or champions we don't have experience with but just fit the strategy.

    I'm sharing this with reddit because its still mostly a joke but feels uncanny. Is this really the secret to season 10? What do you think about it?

    I've been seeing a lot of "if you lost the dragon soul you deserve to lose, it's meant to close out games" - but I think people underestimate that to guarantee that you basically have to dedicate your entire existence both in draft and in game to that objective. That's a lot of mental adaptation, especially when trading objectives. Assuming people do catch on, is it a positive change?

    submitted by /u/ManateeRawr
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    i made an artwork of Nautilus since he helped me get out of bronze :D

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST

    i made an artwork of Nautilus since he helped me get out of bronze :D


    i haven't played ranked regularly since s5 i usually play arams "around 2500 games" and decided to give the climb a go with my buddy and today i've reached Silver IV thanks to this walking CC machine cool dude .
    also i think he really deserves more art, he has a cool design and not to much fanart
    hope you like it :)
    Deviantart link :

    submitted by /u/MohamedSaad
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    Mystic Joins AF as new ADC

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Mystic Joins Afreeca as new ADC. Previously a spot held by Aiming.

    "[Official] Mystic joins .@Freecs_LoL #LoL #LCK"

    According to kenzie 131 on twitter

    Mystic was previously the ADC for WE in the LPL from 2015 to 2019. Previous to this he played on the Jin Air Falcons and the Jin Air Stealths all the way back in 2013.

    Edit: www.twitter.com/kenzi131/status/1198754232158937088?s=19

    submitted by /u/EvidentlyTrue
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    K/DA Ahri cosplay!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    TFBlade talking about he might try competitive

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:26 PM PST

    Don’t forget to update League of Legends account to Riot account

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:06 AM PST

    I unintentionally found out that Riot wants us to update our profiles.

    « This update will allow you to sign in to any Riot game with the same username and password. Make sure you complete the changes by January 22, 2020 or you will not be able to sign in to your account. Learn more about Riot Account changes.

    Use the following link to update your username now: https://update-account.riotgames.com

    GLHF, Riot Games »

    Edit: update if you have more than one accounts. I have a beta one and this is why they sent me this email.

    submitted by /u/fructususus
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    Should Riot make it so that the 3rd dragon/map shifts are visible from champ select?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PST

    In my opinion this would make drafts much more interesting in pro play as teams would have to adapt to the situation within a small amount of time and that would really make an outstanding coach stand out from a good one. Various picks would be favourable depending the map changes (e.g. Hecarim with Cloud drake, Rengar with Ocean drake etc.) and to be honest even if those picks aren't considered "meta" in a normal drafting environment this change could make them acquire some priority in the draft. Riot could even improvise and make it so after second ban phase or something but that's up to their discretion. When it comes to soloq this change could also be kinda fun/interesting but would spoil some "suspense" and the surprise of what the environment change would be. Any thoughts on the matter are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/John-Mega
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    Doublelift's thoughts on Fenix

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:29 PM PST

    Lider has been released by Misfits

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 05:42 AM PST

    Lider released by Misfits

    He might not even have a starting spot in the LEC in 2020. What did everyone think of his performances at Misfits? Personally I think he has the talent but just needs time, I'd love to see S04 Lider.

    submitted by /u/Fncrs
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    Top lane unpopularity has nothing to do with having "low influence" on the map, but with how unfun some of the matchups can be

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 09:23 AM PST

    The reason about top lane not being very popular at a high level has nothing to do with the influence. It's more about the somewhat common occurance of having theoretical "lane bullies" getting bullied by champions who hyperscale them.

    Top lane has had influence in the past. I don't know if you remember but back in the very early seasons you had champions like Olaf winning lane, then going Frozen Mallet into legit full tank (sunfire cape, force of nature, warmogs armor, that sort of thing) and zoning away 4 people by themselves while threatening their carries. That's kind of the feeling people miss nowadays when playing a bruiser. They didn't kill people very fast, but they took a fuckton of time to take down because they were effectively tanks, and although they were easily kitable at first, once they got onto someone they were also very sticky (Olaf pretty much permaslowed you with Q chain, so Frozen Mallet wasn't even necessary on him, but it was the premier luxuary item you'd get when you were ahead back in the day).

    And Renekton also served as some form of filter in the past, because the lane was very restrictive. You could only play Renekton or champions who are able to trade with Renekton early on, aka, other fighters. Back in the day, if you were playing against a Renekton with a weak early game champion, he'd just get 50 rage, E in, AA, W, Q, E out twice and you'd be pretty much forced to back, and he was also able to fuck you up at 6 with his Ult even further while rushing Sunfire Cape (Tiamat was a meme back then). Now, this restriction was very similar to how ranged laners restrict your pick choice in the lane nowadays, but whereas Ranged laners just beat you by poking you out of lane and fucking you up without you being able to fight back WHILE also outscaling you, Renekton allowed interaction inbetween champions AND pretty much translated into a regular meatshield later on (most other fighters could trade with Renekton, and Renekton was pretty much forced to play the attrition game against those with his natural sustain in Q)

    Riot always says something at the beginning of the seasons like "we're going to help top lane by doing reducing ranged poke" in some what, when the problem is not that you are getting poked but that immobile melee champions have no tools to answer that poke in the first place. You can mitigate almost every weakness you could have in the game by buying something off the store, but reach isn't one of them.

    So, how can we fix toplane?

    Considerably lower the damage of melee champions across the board, tanks and bruisers alike, but make both of them much tankier than they are today. Introduce new "Melee only" items that increase a champions reach.

    An item that grant an extremely large burst of movement speed for a very short duration on a fairly long cooldown.

    An item that grants you a mediocre ammount of combat stats but greatly improves those when fighting outnumbered.

    An item that speeds up your cast times or reduces channel times for spells with a large delay.

    An item that applies a grounded effect on people.


    PS: I regularly get people in my games who ban Darius in Champion Select, and I'm always left like, why? He is the most banned top laner currently for whatever reason and whenever I have someone ban Darius in my games I already know the person isn't a very good player in general. I expect people in Gold to ban Darius because Darius is kind of a "reality check" champion, I don't expect people in High Diamond to do so, but Darius is legit only good against tanks and bad players. (That's why whenever you see him in pro you only see him being picked into Mundo or Ornn and shit like that).

    I can understand a Mordekaiser ban because there are ways to hide his E cast and not everyone can realistically afford to rush a Quicksilver Sash first item without setting themselves really far behind early on, but Darius is like, the one champion who is only favored against tanks and bad players.

    I think the only ban that is worse than Darius is probably Illaoi and whenever I see an Illaoi ban I already know the other guy has no fucking clue.

    submitted by /u/SuguruKamoshida
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    Nemesis outplay as Cass

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

    Skins that focus on character animations are way better than just effect changes. There should be more of them.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 12:07 PM PST

    The best example is Muay thai Lee Sin.

    No voice over changes, no effects changed, just really, really nice animations. Good walk animation, simple but nice auto attack animations, all around good, and it's my favorite lee sin skin no questions asked. EVERYONE uses that skin. Even his boxer one is good, and it's relatively similar.

    Another decent example is Dragon Oracle Udyr. This skin's old auto animations are kind of clunky, but his run animation is a selling point for me, I wouldn't ever consider buying it if it wasn't for just a few small changes in animations.

    I feel like the skin team has opted more toward heavy emphasis on effects and little-to-no animations outside of those effects, but I think character animations are super super cool, and almost every skin I consider buying has character animation changes instead of purely effects.

    Am I alone there?

    submitted by /u/Pyruswan
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    Malice banned from twitch for 1 week

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:53 AM PST



    he got really tilted in 2 points of the game

    1- was when he finished the first clear and spammed ping enemy jungler would dive bot and his bot still died.

    2- was when he started Infernal but his toplaner tp'd so late and his adc was farming and they lost the dragon.

    Also the guy he told to drink bleech was a autofill as Ornn against Kiin's Aatrox

    submitted by /u/putzxd
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    Tarzaned Using NB3's jungle tendencies (3 second slower) gap against him.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST


    So this shows how Tarzaned abused NB3's jungle tendencies to win the game. I think this is excellent showcasing of how as little as 3 seconds matters a lot and that jungle pathing is actually important.

    submitted by /u/BenjenRyan
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    I just realized that League has so much amazing music but if you just played the game, you hardly hear any of it

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Here on reddit we always praise Riot for their amazing music department and it certainly is great, but so many of my friends who play League hardly know any of it.

    Us on reddit are way more involved in LoL media, personally I check this subreddit multiple times a day so someone like me can't miss it when Riot upload something cool but the VAST majority of players just open their client and go straight to play. They aren't subscribed to the LoL YT channel or check reddit.

    And yeah, whenever a new music video comes out it's on the frontpage of the client, however:

    a) what about all the old stuff? How would a new player find out about those? Youtube recommendations?

    b) it's crazy how great people are at ignoring what's right in front of their eyes like the frontpage of the client. We're basically conditioned not to pay attention to it, I have a friend who plays League every day and I'm fairly certain Awaken was on the frontpage of the client for at least a week, yet he had never heard of it. We just automatically ignore what the frontpage shows us.

    Basically I think it's a shame that Riot makes so much amazing music and puts so much time and effort into it yet you have to actively seek it out to find out about it. The music is there on spotify, soundcloud and their youtube channel but I think it'd be great if there was like a Music tab in the client where you could find all of it, maybe even have an option to have it play ingame (although maybe that conflicts with DJ Sonas niche). That way every player would stumble upon it eventually.

    tl;dr Ritos music is too great to not shove it down players' throats as hard as possible.

    submitted by /u/FordFred
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    i met a person who ints to win in ARAM games (87% winrate over 30 games)

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:56 PM PST

    So we were playing against this AD twisted fate who basically ran it down since minute 1. His score was 0-10 at minute 8.. but for some reason - his team was winning every fight? He practically engaged for his team by throwing out a gold card before dying. picture of his stats after that game

    So i looked up his opgg, turns out he has a whoppin 87% winrate playing with this playstyle - HE DOES IT EVERY GAME! here's a 24 death game

    How is this possible? Here are his stats over 30 games

    submitted by /u/aariboss
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    Upset speaking about Destiny on his live stream

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 07:41 AM PST

    Found this quite interesting how Upset has little direct experience playing with him. A lot of people had mentioned that Upset 'chose' Destiny himself, however revealed here they havent scrimmed with him before so it shows the huge risk that OG are taking on him. However its a great attitude from Upset to trust in his staff surrounding him to make a huge call like this adding him to the roster. From what I'd also heard Destiny was hot property in EU this off-season from his perfomances here in Solo Q and at worlds so curious to whether this was a tactical decision from OG to take him away from joining other potential rosters. Looking forward to seeing what he can do.

    Link to Clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/VainUninterestedKoalaSwiftRage

    Edit: Thanks to u/Guga1918 here is a link to a livestream AMA by OG where they explained that they used the moneyball strategy and choose him because he was the best at the stats that they wanted.

    Link to AMA: https://twitter.com/origengg/status/1196822381978935296?s=20

    submitted by /u/Zviir
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