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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    LoL Guide +10% Attack Speed rune on Ornn, Sion, Poppy and Maokai? Why?

    LoL Guide +10% Attack Speed rune on Ornn, Sion, Poppy and Maokai? Why?

    +10% Attack Speed rune on Ornn, Sion, Poppy and Maokai? Why?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:07 AM PST

    Why do many people (in Platinum+, according to op.gg and u.gg) use the +10% Attack Speed rune on champions like Ornn, Sion, Poppy and Maokai (Top Lane Tanks)?

    I mean, there's probably something I don't understand, but wouldn't any of the other 2 choices (+9 Adaptive Force or +1-10% CDR) be a better option for these champions?

    submitted by /u/Denhardt
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    New players don't learn everything at the same time

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    I see it over and over again, ppl starting the game gathering all the information that even I ( plat, peaked D4) aren't good at or even consider most of my games.

    League of legends isn't about writing a paper on how minion management works, it's about applying it to the game. And how do you expect to do that when you can't cs properly, don't know when you should back or freeze etc.

    My advice would be take it one step at a time and practice it so it gets engraved in your gameplay rather than learning everything at once , something stick something doesn't.

    Consider learning League, learning a new skill . You don't expect getting good at playing bass trying to learn everything at once. You learn the basics first, and you practice them so much you get sick of it. Then off to more and more complicated stuff steadily.

    Tldr League can be overwhelming and you should focus on the basics when starting league, and focus on them one at the time ;) good luck in solo que

    submitted by /u/CithriaTheBold
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    Two Flash Tips

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:39 AM PST

    Flash early: Too many players are way too conservative with their flashes. If you are getting ganked by a jungler it's often better just to flash out of range before they even touch you than to flash after they already cc'd you and can follow-up flash to kill you. (Of course if you think you can pull off the sick 1v2 outplay save it, but for the rest of us low-elo scrubs, flash early) Even if the gank doesn't kill you, you're left in a state with no flash and probably 20% hp, rather than if you flashed early and had no flash with 90% hp.

    Save flash: Lets say you got engaged on and its just too late, the jungler and laner are on your booty and you maybe will be able to trade flashes if they chase you ... or not because their a lee-sin that will hunt you the fuck down. It's often better in these situations to just die gracefully, try to do as much damage as possible and save your flash for when it matters in the future.

    submitted by /u/BeefPorkChicken
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    Is it better to play right after getting promoted to take advantage of the shield?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:16 PM PST

    I just finished getting promoted to P1 and i'm kinda burnt out but I'm always afraid that once I come back and hop into a game, it'll result in a loss, then demotion. I'm also not sure if 1 win after promotion will break the shield and another 2 losses after that will demote me. So far all I know is that 3 games after promotion are shielded and 10 for tiers.

    submitted by /u/Chyiu
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    How do top junglers so easily track each other?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:47 PM PST

    I'm trying to learn how to jungle (slowly but surely) and every guide or video I see has jungle tracking listed as an absolute fundamental of being a jungler. When I watch high level players review their games, they'll just say "so I know the enemy jungler is botside..." Even though there are no wards in their jungle and they weren't spotted.



    The only time I can accurately track the enemy jungler is if I literally see them with a deep ward, otherwise I'm just guessing. I don't understand how to predict someone's behavior when everyone behaves differently.

    There are some things I know, like using which lane shows up late to determine who leashed, and I understand the general thought processes (if dragon is up the jungler will hover around bot, if a lane looks easily gankable the jungler can be there, etc), but everyone thinks differently and I see junglers go all kinds of different paths and routes.

    Is it literally just a game of guessing? Or is there some secret formula I don't know about?

    submitted by /u/Closix
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    When to join ranked after a long play break?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:46 AM PST

    I just came back to LoL after last playing it in Season 2, so I know the basics like last hitting, wave control etc. but obv. lack meta knowledge and my mechanics are rusty as fk.

    I dont care about my rank at all, I just want to relearn the game and improve so I was wondering if I should just play ranked or if it is better to play normal games.

    I played normal games the last 2-3 days to get familiar with keybindings and everything again but I am obv. rusty.

    So should I just join ranked or stay in normals and if I stay in normals how long?

    submitted by /u/SEND_GUINEA_PIG_PICS
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    Getting better as an ADC in low plat.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:42 AM PST


    First off, phone formatting bad - I apologize.

    I've been playing league for a while as a support main, but I switched to ADC in July after a long hiatus in which I mostly played Dota. Since then I've been trying really hard to improve when it comes to my macro skills - mainly keeping my CS up, properly catching side waves while still keeping up with fights, etc. Still, I've had difficulty with a few things. I feel like I have an ok time closing a game in which I get an early lead, but I have a hard time against fed bruisers. This is mostly a build thing, I imagine. I generally feel like building very defensively against, for example, a 7/3 irelia, but I feel like at some point it stops helping, as I won't deal enough damage to kill her before she squashes my whole team if I don't build some armor pen. Of course, if I get an early lead and am swimming in gold it's doable - but how do I not let myself get so behind if, say, I leave lane 0/0? I feel this to be especially true when my team picks unnecessary fights. I usually refrain from fighting if there's nothing to "fight over" in favour of just farming sidelines or the jungle. I found however that often a fight breaks out in random places over nothing. Now I understand that it's not only up to my team whether fights happen or not, but I generally believe any fight in an area we have no control over could mostly be prevented by staying in safer areas. Because of this I'm forced to go help and I lose farm over nothing, since we're weaker and it's likely a bad outcome for us. So yea, how to play from behind when the enemy is ungodly strong, particularly when it comes to high hp/high dps champions?

    Here's my op.gg:


    I generally consider my performance to be ok most games, but I've had some pretty terrible ones with champions I'm not good at. Apart from my question, any other obvious suggestions are greatly appreciated 😁

    submitted by /u/Ayy_Limao
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    How serious should the preseason be taken?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST

    Plat 4 here. Hardstuck.Jungle main. Long story short, I have been feeling that I drastically improved as a jungler but given that it's the preaseason the amount of trolls and afks i have been getting has tripled.Loved the Aatrox support I got this morning (he wanted to see the victorious skin). Toxicity is even higher. So,what do you people think? Should ranked be played in the preseason? Any real benefits? Excepting the slight mmr increase or skill increase.

    submitted by /u/ZIELSZIEK
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    How did you deal with your slumps? I went from winning everything to losing everything and I cant catch a break

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    Hello friends, I am in a somehow decent issue right now. I started the season on fire on all my accounts. I reached 72% winrate to plat 4 on one account and 66% winrate to diamond 4 on my main. I was playing tryn and yorick top mainly with a bit of malzahar mid on the side. Everything was looking promising. I was soloqueuing and I reached my D3 promos for the first time ever, I was hyped. I missed them by a little bit but was not mad about it. Then I started to slump.


    I have been losing 65% of my games for the past 3 months and I must admit, I am not even getting smacked that much, its just I cant find a way to get my teams on my shoulders and carry while they feed.

    Like honestly, I have had a slump from D4 to P2 where I was 6-17, with three games I went negative KDA and I was the main reason we lost.

    I am not saying by any means that I am not the issue and that is the main reason why I am writting.

    I cannot find my wins conditions, it feels like I am not able to coordinate with my teams on my splitpushes anymore. It feels like despite if I clap lane or not, I just end up losing objectives on the opposite side of the map.

    I have started to question everything I do after every single of my games to understand what my mistake was.

    I did come up with some issues like splitting at the wrong times and giving up objectives, I have worked on this and I have improved in that area but even though I have worked on this. I cant find a break.

    Just yesterday I went 5-0 on tryn, every singles lanes lost but I should have been able to atleast carry a little but I ended the game 5-5 and my teamates were all significantly negative like 2-10 3-13, etc.

    I then played support, I went something like 74% kill participation, 5 kda but every single players on my team were negative and getting caught left and right.

    Am I just too aggressive? Am I not good enough for P1-D4? I am not sure whats going on.

    I am slumping hard. I ended the season on P1 10 LP with 250 games when I got D3 with 115 games. I am currently P3 in the offseason despite my MMR being okay and me trying hard.

    I got two smurfs I started weeks ago, one to P4 in 68% WR support and another 68% WR to P3 as a toplane.

    I am really unsure how I can get to my mains ELO in this good of a winrate and then just fucking hardstuck.

    What are your suggestions?

    Coaching? Anything else?

    submitted by /u/MegahardOnfire
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    What to do after getting baron buff. Hint: Stay organized.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:09 PM PST

    B2B - Back to Base

    It is important that you recall asap and back away as the objective is taken by you. This reduces your team losing the buffs and being aced and the odds of players on your team being picked off.

    Because you run the risk of losing many players and buffs. It reduces your income and snowball potential since you don't have as many players that can use it. So, it is important that you back away immediately to make certain that the buff can be used.

    The Baron also provides a lot of gold. If You back away, you can invest your hard-won gold which can make a big difference while sieging or another team fight. If you choose to fight with several thousand gold and items that are missing, you might snowball yourself and needless to say, squander the buff.

    You must always remember when the game is even as you don't need to give the enemy the benefit. You also need to recall rather than fight if the enemy is nearby, and you also need to back away if your group is low.

    Split up and Catch objectives

    Although, dividing does have its cause for concern. For Instance, Your ally (or allies) at the side lanes need to have the ability to push fast and be able to confront anyone who tries to stop them. Moreover, your 3 or 4 teammates in the center lane can't die or get caught out as this not only reduces their usefulness, but in addition, it reduces what the split pushers can perform as the enemy will have the ability to rotate and reevaluate their push.

    Synchronization and appropriate Baron macro are Required to siege in an effective way. Without understanding it, it's going to be very tough for the team to break into the enemy's base, or eliminate goals that are being defended.

    When You Have players pushing in the middle lane- or attempting to take the Middle lane tower, your split pushers should be nearly in line or ahead of your side lanes. This ensures continuous pressure on the enemy and reduces their likelihood of having the ability to protect each objective.

    If you can synchronize your minion waves, then you can apply pressure to Two (or three) goals at the same time. This will reduce the enemies ability To defend numerous towers and they'll need to divide to protect each one of them. This reduces their defensive capabilities as less Champions are there to defend the different objectives. This allows you to engage or pick off the defending player(s) and then choose the objective afterwards. Or, it leaves vulnerabilities from the enemies defense as they don't have the players to defend each objective.

    Guard the CANNON MINION!

    While chaperoning the minions towards the objective is 1 thing, keeping them alive for as long as possible is yet another key component to increasing your Baron energy play. If they remain alive for more; they'll be fitter, able to take more tower damage, dish out more damage and also assist you to take down objectives.

    Based on the winner you are playing, you may be able to body prevent a number of the incoming damage to maintain your Cannon Minions living. Whether you are a tank or even someone with tons of sustain or a defense, it can often be worth taking a small extra damage to make sure that your Cannon Minion remains alive for longer.

    This sounds like quite a minute thing and whether it is- without the minion tide, your odds of carrying a tower are far much less and far riskier. If you cannot tank the tower (that is generally advised against), you will be standing around doing nothing as you wait for another minion wave to enter. This downtime may be non-existent or less in case you're able to keep the last wave alive for longer.

    Keep away from risky plays

    Games can be thrown without you even realizing it and sieging a goal can turn sour very quickly. This is the reason you need to not be making any risky plays as the probability of success is less than you would imagine. While there are lots of distinct kinds of risky plays, anything that's 50/50 isn't worth taking as a shutdown on an integral targetrn can finish the siege completely.

    By way of instance, if a fed assassin makes a mistake when waiting in a hurry or when moving between lanes, or seeking to 1v1 a person, your staff may be unable to stop the enemy from pushing you back and besieging your towers. This is where a negative Baron power play could be rnformed, and it can be quite tricky to play against. It's wise to never pick the play that's unsure to work out, in your favor. Including trying to 1v1 an enemy, start a group rnfight, tower dip an objective or perhaps just try a siege at a specific moment. It's much better to use your enthusiast to its fullest and get the most from it rather than attempt to produce a play that may backfire and cost your life.

    -LoLCenter https://discord.gg/JR85ubs

    submitted by /u/LoLCenter
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    Kai'sa builds & why isn't Bork the answer?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    So I've have been a dirty Kai'sa abuser since release, but right around the time tear became the go to starting item I jumped ship. The champion has always had weird builds depending on what gave you the fastest evolves, but laning with a tear just felt terrible and even out of lane it felt like she was a glorified caster minion until you got your 3rd item. My solution, Bork.

    So Kai'sa's whole shtick is getting her evolves asap. so, looking at the core builds:

    Arbitrarily assuming level 11,

    • 47% pr // Zerkers + Rageblade + Manamune(fully stacked) +3 Daggers = 7,500 gold for both evolves

    • 31% pr // Zerkers + Stormrazor + Rageblade + Longsword + Dagger = 8,050 gold for both evolves

    Everything else was sub 1% pr and didn't hit 2 evolves so i'm ignoring it & we'll ignore the tear build because its being outclassed by RB+SR in terms of win rate since the preseason (feel free to tell me i'm wrong). Now my cunning plan:

    • Zerkers + Bork + Stormrazor + 1 Dagger = 7,900 gold for both evolves

    So the beauty of this is you get to rush Bork, which means you actually get to feel like you matter in the early game & you hit both evolves at least 150 gold sooner than RB+SR. Now that 'at least' is important because in the RB+SR build your 3rd item pretty much has to be a zeal item which gets you your e evolve as soon as you build a dagger but you still need another long sword for q evolve. Problem is you can't just buy a long sword and get it because IE and GA (by far the most popular 4th items) don't have a long sword so you need at least a pickaxe. So the total gold cost to get both evolves with this build is realistically 8,575 (or 9,000 with BF) a full 675 gold more than my shiny new Bork build + you will have a ungodly cluttered inventory while your trying to do it.

    Oh and just for fun, I think this is the only other way to get fast evolves.

    • 0% pr (but hey why not) // Zerkers + Triforce + Stormrazer + longsword = 8033 gold for both evolves.

    tl;dr Because of new Stormrazor, going Bork into Razor on Kai'sa is the best build because you get to rush Bork and you still get your evolves faster than the next best option.

    submitted by /u/RedditoAccount
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    How do you play against Ryze ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST

    How do you play against Ryze ?

    Diamond 4 game, I was playing as Vladimir against Ryze. This guy destroys me in trades even with empowered q, shoves every single wave, harrasses me under tower due to his range, 1v2 or escapes me and jungler... How do you lane against him ? He doesnt even need thag much mana when he rushes tear and mana items. Made me solo lose a decisive promo game

    submitted by /u/SnekIrl
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    Let's talk Season 10 CDR

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    So i was playing with some friends of mine 10 minutes ago and we got 2 cloud drakes. Playing my support lethality jhin i noticed the really low cd on my ultimate. So i was wondering: is it possible to reach 100% cdr?

    I went on training and picked up 40% from items + 40% from drakes + 9% from ultimate hunter because i could get just one bot on the enemy team and because of that Just one stack.

    I reached quite 25 seconds of cooldown on ultimate.

    Does CDR works like that? is It cumulative or moltiplicative? Does Riot did something about this?

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/Insev
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    Can't play versus Aatrox - in desperate need of help!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    I main the top lane and with the sudden rise of Aatrox picks i feel like i am feeding left and right. I just can't lane versus him no matter wich champion i am playing - with the exception of Ornn where i suddenly stomp him hard but don't know why honestly.

    I have even checked my replays and i can't even figure it out, i feel like my positioning is good and baaaam he just hits me from nowhere.

    I play Kayle, Vayne, Camille, Jayce, Ornn and Kennen in the top lane. Started playing two months ago and have climbed from Bronze 3 to Gold 3, but i don't feel like playing ranked anymore when i can't lane vs Aatrox (with me not being able to lane vs Garen aswell).

    Anyone got some tips or suggestions on champions i can pick up that counters him hard?

    submitted by /u/Nebbuchadnazzar
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    who are the best ADC marksmen on the rift right now?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:16 AM PST

    hello everyone, as the new season comes in with huge changes. Have you ever wondered which ADC marksmen will wreck the the rift this season?

    I think jinx and kai'sa will be to the most highly recommended picks for grinding the ranks this season, who do you think will rule the bot-lane?

    submitted by /u/Ship-It-sama
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    Small reminder for today

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 11:09 PM PST

    Hi guys, i always read "watch high elo streamer" but i think thats not the optimal thing to do. Sure you can see possible outplays and ability combos but just watching will not help you that much. I often fall into autopilot when i watch streams because yeah everything happens way to quick and i cant follow it just by watching.

    I really like to watch challenger vods on youtube and pause them every few seconds to see what the player does and why he does it. You actually have to break down key situations to understand what the thinking process of the player is in that certain situation.

    Just because you see it doesnt mean you fully understand it and you can never rebuilt it in your own games. I think thats a very huge thing and many players get this wrong by the term "watch high elo streams". I think such streams can give you basics but every challenger champion guid provides more intel and every coaching session on youtube gives you a good idea on how to get better.

    Anyways, be mindful and have a good day

    submitted by /u/Flokiisama
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    How do I jungle efficiently?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    I'm an unranked M5 Kindred main and I can never seem to pass or even match the enemy jungler in CS and I'm always underleveled because of it. How do I jungle efficiently and what do I do when the enemy jungler is so far ahead that they can invade all the time and kill me whenever I try to jungle?

    submitted by /u/detroit_yeet
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    How not to die to ganks as an ADC?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I normally almost always win my lane without jungle interference but as soon as I get ganked I feed my ass off. I pretty much die to every gank.

    But I feel like sometimes it's kinda unavoidable because I don't always know where the jungler is. And when I see an opportunity to kill the enemy bot lane or win lane while the jungler is missing I should take it, right?

    submitted by /u/popogay
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    Play tanky supp to climb ?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    Hello ! I play LoL since 2010, starting ranked in 2015 (was too afraid before). After trying many roles, i finally ended up playing supp. I was stuck in bronze / silver until this season, i reach Gold 3 for the first time, as a Zyra OTP.

    I love playing Zyra, and i play janna / nami / lulu. ATM, and before s10 starts, i wonder if i have to enlarge my pool of champ, and especially tanky supp. I tried to play Alistar and Nauti, but i don't like being melee : i often miss executing canon CS with item supp, i'm afraid to engage...

    And sometimes, when i'm last picking, we have no tank in team, not even a bruiser, so i feel guilty to play a squishy supp. So imo i should at least maining one tanky supp, but i don't know wich one can suit me. Can you give me some tips maybe ? Or can i climb up only playing Zyra ?

    BTW, sorry for my bad English, it's not my mothertongue, so feel free to correct me !

    submitted by /u/scorflesque
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    Help with interface

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:52 AM PST

    Hello all. I am not new to mobas (played league a lot around 8 years ago and played dota 2 for a few years) but I am just getting back into league since some friends have picked it up.

    I have a couple spots in the UI that I am struggling with and I'm hoping someone can help me:

    • Can I see detailed ability descriptions anywhere? I have heard that holding shift shows the detailed tooltips but it does nothing for me. Maybe I messed up the hotkey for it?

    • Is it possible to read the abilities of other champions in the game? During character select and in-game, from what I can tell, I can't read anyone's abilities, so I'm left guessing what the champions can do. It's quite frustrating since you can definitely read other hero abilities in Dota 2 and I would frequently do that if, say, I died to something unexpected.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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    How do I deal with Darius?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    Hi guys, i'm a Gold top lane main. I primarily play Yasuo (don't judge me haha) and Yorick.

    When I play Yasuo, I aim to rush a second Doran's blade and attack speed boots and life is normally great. The problem is that I absolutely cannot lane against Darius. I'm not looking for the answer "just ban him", I'd rather learn to deal with him.

    His passive means that I can't match his trade due to the bleed effect and heals from his Q. His entire kit usually means I'll die if I get caught by his pull. Even if I dodge his Q by dashing into him, I still usually lose the trade. It's not so bad after laning phase because Yasuo, it's just a case of efficiently laning without needing to forfeit too much xp and CS.

    Looking for tips on how to manage minions around him and how to match his trade, if possible, in laning phase. Thank you .^

    submitted by /u/GreyValkyrie12
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    Minion Wave Freezing Just Outside of Enemy Tower

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Hello r/summonerschool, quick question here:

    I've noticed a recurring problem in my top-lane gameplay and I'd love to get some input on how to solve it.

    After the first few waves, I always find that my wave crashes into the enemy laner's just outside of tower range so that:

    1. I can't auto minions without getting hit with a tower shot
    2. My minions aren't actually getting hit by their tower, so I am forced to miss the ranged minions as they just auto each other at a range

    I'd love to hear some suggestions on how I can remedy this. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Hooman02
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    Advice for teamcomps

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:16 PM PST

    Hi! Me and my friends are looking forward to Play some small tournaments in the future. We are mostly golds, but we have good synergy, and if we practice in preseason we will get to high plat. But we are missing one point, how to create the best teamcomps? What are the jest formulas to do it? What Has to be in every team?

    submitted by /u/ZenZiroo
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    Top (AFK) farm lane now?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:57 AM PST

    (gold euw)Should I only roam for drakes? Because when I leave my lane midgame usually I loose tower and a lot of farm... Falling behind massive and end up with less xp and gold(obviously).

    So should I only play scaling champs and stay 20mins top to get my 2 item powerspike? ;)

    Sure I can tp to help out bot and get drake. But my teammates likes to throw a lead...now I'm 1lvl behind nasus who i stomped early(1-2 kills zoning from farm)

    What you think will the top meta be hard scaling spiltpusher? Gp Kayle Camille?

    submitted by /u/VanBurnsing
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