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    Wednesday, November 6, 2019

    League of Legends Patch 9.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 9.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 9.22 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 10:53 PM PST

    Best blast plant outplay I have done

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:59 AM PST

    Jankos, you are better than Faker | SKT vs G2 Worlds Semifinals Voicecomms

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    Jatt in regards to the G2 series “So I’ve been thinking”

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PST

    "So I've been thinking again…

    In pursuit of credit, many G2 fans are doing a disservice to their own team.

    I don't say this lightly — as chiming in on this issue is RATHER EXPLOSIVE at the moment. I'll also say that there are A LOT of voices chiming in here. This also makes it even more difficult to have the discussion, as many people are arguing about different things. So here, I'll do my best to describe the sentiment I disagree with, before saying why I disagree.

    There is one comment that I think encapsulates what I want to talk about. Here it is: "I remember a few years ago when SKT were the unquestionable number one people praised them how they sometimes get behind early but always manage to climb back through superior map play. Somehow when G2 do it now, they're criticized for it"

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm watching the same games as others. I considered the G2 vs. SKT series as a very tense, competitive series. It even had some HISTORIC stats come out of it. G2 won with 1 baron to SKT's 6.

    There has never been a series where the winning team only had a Major lead or "M-Lead" (>51.5% of the games total gold) for 2.3% of the series! For context, SKT had an M-Lead for 17.8% of the series.

    For more context, FNC had a M-lead in 4.4% of their demolition vs. iG in last years finals. (iG had a 59.8% M-lead)

    By refusing to acknowledge that G2 didn't play perfectly, that they would actually have preferred to have 6 barons to SKT's 1, or that it wasn't part of some master plan to be down in gold all 4 games, people are taking away from what has made G2 great.

    G2 just won a series that NO OTHER TEAM IN THE WORLD COULD WIN. No other team could only take 1 baron and still win, because G2 is un-tiltable and they have insane map/game knowledge.

    Take any other team in the World, and give them a 2.3% M-LEAD for a series, and they sure as hell aren't winning it.

    I think what I'm trying to say — is making these points isn't me trying to take credit AWAY from G2. It's trying to tell an accurate story of what they did well. To deny the situation they were in, takes away from how incredible their series actually was."

    Here is the Instagram link https://www.instagram.com/p/B4it1tJl7Kt/?igshid=18lkdp9p72181

    submitted by /u/imchocolaterain
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    imagine if the series of g2 and fpx goes 2-2 and then miky gets injured and promisq subs in and plays like a god

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:25 AM PST

    Promisq is channeling his inner chakra to unleash it in the last game of worlds, he spared all his time channeling it and will play like a god and makes a winning play for g2 would be amazing

    submitted by /u/Youqu
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    True Damage borders idea: Change border color dependant on the TD skin

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Hey there,

    u/boydlr came up with a new idea for the upcoming True Damage skin borders. A lot of people think that using different colors looks a lot better than using blue for all of them (suits Yasuo the best imo because his splash art is almost the same color scheme).

    Current official borders (top) vs. fan-made (bot): https://i.redd.it/j6gx1yh1txw31.jpg

    Original Post from r/akalimains: https://www.reddit.com/r/akalimains/comments/ds60yv/please_riot_beforeafter/

    submitted by /u/BananaPengu1n
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    Vladimir's ban quote is: "I'm absolutely livid"

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    And I don't know why but it's just so funny. Like I always imagine this big scary blood guy sulking in a corner on a timeout bench just mumbling posh curses at himself.

    "Ban me? I can not believe this, I'm absolutely livid. They must've been playing zed, those bastards."

    submitted by /u/MajkiAyy
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    China will now be limiting the amount of time minors can play league and other online games.

    Posted: 05 Nov 2019 11:16 PM PST

    I'm not sure exactly how this will be enforced, but apparently to fight video game addiction, China will now be limiting the amount of time people under 18 can play league of legends and other online games. Ninety minutes on weekdays, three hours on weekends. That's like two games on weekdays, and what if your time runs out in the middle of a game? Definitely grateful for living where I live. I wonder if this could significantly affect the talent pool in the LPL over the course of a couple of years

    Article: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/06/asia/china-bans-online-games-minors-intl-hnk/index.html

    submitted by /u/zambize
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    A Thanks to All Twisted Treeline Players

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Italian Rammus Laugh

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PST

    10 thoughts going into Finals — “We could play the Finals on the ARAM map and G2 would still find a way to split push.”

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    Surprised Kled hasn’t gotten a dragon trainer skin yet

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:15 AM PST

    Ever since his Teaser when I first saw Skaarl, he looks so much like Toothless in the face. I thought a Dragon Trainer skin would absolutely be a legendary for him

    submitted by /u/hgrforparadise
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    Summoning Insight Episode 87: Worlds Semi-Finals (feat. DoA & PaPaSmithy)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:10 PM PST

    The Future is Ours | Worlds 2019 Finals Promo - League of Legends

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST

    With Senna coming out, I did a drawing of her and Lucian.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    I see your blast cone outplay and I raise you this

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:40 PM PST

    Reporting feels useless

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PST

    I just want to say that i know there are threads like this popping up every once in a while I wanted to emphasis the point of how it feels to the player rather than if it actually works or not.

    Right now the reporting system feels like hollow and is just there to have a button to press when you are angry. This is because you get no indication or feedback that the system is doing anything. Less and less people i know are actually reporting because they think riot replaced the real system with a robot and left the button for us to press just to give us something to do.

    What i think riot aught to do is give the reporting system more ways to give us feedback like make a

    monthly/weekly/daily statement saying how many peoples accounts had actions taken against them.

    something like:

    chat restrictions - 200,000

    temporary suspensions - 10,000

    permanent bans - 300

    It will give some people more pause and others will feel like their reporting actually has meaning.

    or maybe bring back the tribunal but this time in the client. What do you guys think? I know the tribunal may not be the best idea so if you have something better id love to hear about it.

    submitted by /u/Ayalfishey
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    [AMA] Realms of Runeterra and Riot Games’ Books Team

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Edit: Thanks for joining us everyone! Most of us will be heading out soon, but you may see some folks jump in to answer stray questions that come in. Hopefully we can do this again in the future! :)

    Hey /r/leagueoflegends!

    We are the Riot Games' Books and Narrative team, and we're here to answer your questions about Realms of Runeterra, books, lore, and more!

    Realms of Runeterra is available now, and since we've seen a lot of people receive their copies over the past few days, we thought it'd be a cool idea to hop onto Reddit and answer some questions. If any questions may have come to mind while checking it out, or if you want to know more about the process to get this book made, or if you have any other random questions for us, now's the time!

    If you're not familiar with what Realms of Runeterra is, here's a quick description:

    Unlock the mysteries and magic within League of Legends, one of the world's most popular video games, in this encyclopedic and collectible companion book that explores the game's epic lore. Embark on a journey through the realms of Runeterra in this first-ever collectible companion book, published to celebrate the game's tenth anniversary.

    We will start answering questions no later than 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UCT, so leave them below and folks will jump in as they can!

    Not everyone has flairs at the moment, but here are the Rioters you may see answering questions:

    /u/Thermal_Kitten - Head of Narrative /u/Scathlocke - Narrative Editorial Director /u/WhiskrsActual - Sr. Narrative Editor /u/Lauramichet - Narrative Editor /u/HoneyTower - Development Manager /u/Riot_Bioluminescence - Sr. Game Designer /u/Gustfaint - Brand Manager /u/RiotAshekandi - Comms Lead

    submitted by /u/RiotAshekandi
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    Ryze Waveclear is Absurd

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    With half an item or barely a full item, Ryze destroys the entire wave with just one or two quick rotations. There is no lane interaction whatsoever. He just walks up and two-shots the wave, which, if you're standing too close, such as in attempt to zone him from farm, will hit you too.

    There is no reason for Ryze to ever put himself at risk to CS and get gold, regardless of the state of the wave. Wave management/gold from CS is a fundamental part of the game for every champion, except for Ryze, it seems. Some melee champions like Yasuo and Irelia have good waveclear (still not as good as Ryze), because they can be poked from range but it's different for a ranged champion, especially early game. Even Malzahar/Anivia/Sivir can't CS like that.

    Ryze is already one of the highest P/B champions at Worlds and it's easy to see why.

    submitted by /u/john58129343
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    Perkz and Jankos on the analyst desk in 2016

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:40 AM PST

    When you just refuse to let your teammate die

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Prestige Pulsefire Thresh Skin Spotlight - Pre-Release - League of Legends

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Kiin has signed a 3-year deal with Afreeca Freecs

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:49 PM PST

    Korizon article: https://korizon.net/kiin-re-signs-with-afreeca-freecs-for-3-years/


    official) Kiin has signed a three-year contract with .@Freecs_LoL #LoL #LCK

    Big pick up for AF. Looks like they're going to try and re-build around Kiin and Ucal possibly?

    submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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    Xerxe (Splyce jungler) considering LPL for next year

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:20 AM PST

    Edit1: https://twitter.com/pcdv8r/status/1192065005052735489?s=20

    "Honestly I don't know if Xerxe would consider LPL, but several people have asked me how I think he would do. I think he COULD do well, he definitely has knowledge and mechanics. However, would have to be on team who is sensitive to cultural difference and can manage transition."

    Thanks to u/WorstAsianHK

    Splyce Head Coach - Peter Dun - tweeted in Chinese, about Xerxes possibilities in the LPL. As i don't speak Chinese I can't give a full translation, but google translate does a pretty good job. He mentions how much Xerxe trains, what he is good at, so the usual stuff. Also mentions cultural differences could play a big role in importing a western player, so teams have a big responsibility.

    Tweet here

    Would be interesting to see China import from a Western league.

    Edit2: Translation by u/redditexcuse and u/cygodx , taken from comments. (Kinda late)

    "Fast Translation by myself here :

    Peter dun explained what he saw with Xerxe in his 2 years working with him : Even if Xerxe is young (19), he is already known in LEC, he received a lot of MVP for a jungler. In 18 spring, he was voted as best jungler in LEC (in the allstar vote at the end of a regular split)

    His main strenghts are his versality and creativity. His mains are trundle, Karthus, Qiyana and Invern (credit to cygodx ) in addition with some creative/new/non-meta picks

    He works hard, practices usually between 70-90 soloQ a week (outside of ofc scrims). He take really good care of his teammates health and mind and is always open to discussion. He spend an enormous amount of times studying the game and improve his knowledges.

    He doesnt speak mandarin but he is willing to learn

    I believe he will succeed in LPL. He has the desire and the talent of a top tier worldclass jungler. He showed his high level at worlds in his performance in group and in quarter.

    LPL team interested in him, please take in account the transfer from Europe to China will lead to a big stress pressure and cultural differences. His team and teammates need to be willing to help him to beat this challenge."

    submitted by /u/ZozoSenpai
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    The Divephoria | Finals (Worlds 2019, Episode 4)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PST

    90's Boyband Skinline Concept

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:00 AM PST

    Who cares about K/DA or True Damage? Where are my Backrift Boys skins, Riot?

    Edit: To those saying no Yasuo, I agree, that's why it's actually Xin Zhao. I had a lot trouble making it look like Xin though so I can understand the confusion.

    Also thanks everyone for liking this, I didnt expect it to blow up like it has haha

    submitted by /u/Owlbuddy
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