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    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    League of Legends Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:51 AM PST

    Sources: Evil Geniuses acquire Bang from 100 Thieves

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Welcome home Biofrost - TSM LoL Announcement

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:41 PM PST

    Counter Logic Gaming to buy out Crown from Immortals to replace PowerOfEvil

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Say it with me, lethality does not counter armor

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Armor counters lethality

    Buying a chain vest vs a lethality stacking team isn't "a waste of time because they have arm pen", it's trading 800 of your gold to reduce their damage effectiveness by like 4000

    Taking an all AD team into rammus is not ok because you plan to negate 40 of his 600 armor

    Not buying armor "because I get one shot anyway" is stupid because not having armor is why you are getting one shot

    Thanks for reading, and buy more armor on squishies thanks

    submitted by /u/mazrim_lol
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    100 Thieves announces return of Ssumday

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:58 PM PST


    100 Thieves announces the return of Ssumday by teasing him in the Twitter video. Looks like 100 Thieves is getting a NA adc. Wonder who it could be.

    Reunion of Meteos and Sneaky actually happening?


    Our kind boy @Ssumday will be making a return to the LCS in 2020 as our starting top laner! #100T

    submitted by /u/February14th
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    Zeyzal Confirmed for Evil Geniuses

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:02 PM PST

    https://twitter.com/EvilGeniuses/status/1197288513831497728 Zeyzal to Evil geniuses, with probably the coolest looking logo yet. Interesting to see who else they can get. Looking like a decent team so far, should be able to compete for the top I think.

    submitted by /u/anialater45
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    Broxah saying that people should stop shitting on xMithie

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:19 AM PST

    Griffin's contract is revealed to a Korean press Kookmin Ilbo in an exclusive article. And it's absolutely horrendous

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:36 AM PST


    To point out the most shocking parts:

    1. If you're sick and cannot make it for more then 30 days then we will be eligible to terminate your contract immediately.
    2. If 1. is applied, then you will not be allowed to find another team for another year.
    3. If we believe your current form is bad, then we will be allowed to terminate your contract anytime.
    4. If communication cannot be reached with the player, then the player will be immediately kicked out of the team along with a 42k$ fine and all of your remaining wage given back to the team.
    5. After the end of your contract, all the Intellectual Property rights and Trademark rights related to the Griffin brand that was put in during your time at the team related to you must all be paid.
    submitted by /u/chrisson111
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    Doa confirms that him and Montecristo will be casting Twitch Rivals!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Link to tweet is here.

    Personally, I cant wait to see these two back in action. They're my favorite casting duo in league of legends of all time and their return is greatly appreciated in my eyes! I can't wait for Doa's ramblings in the downtime between fights, those were sick. Montecristo also really brushed up his game knowledge recently while watching worlds and doing summoners Insight, and I must say its a welcoming return hearing him talk about the game and the scene in general. He speaks with such clarity.

    submitted by /u/conormcfire
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    [FlyQuest] Yes, the rumors are true. Give a warm welcome and a big happy birthday to our new Support, IgNar!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    Move officially confirmed by the organization via their Twitter page:

    FlyQuest on Twitter:

    Yes, the rumors are true. Give a warm welcome and a big happy birthday to our new Support, @IgNarLoL 😊

    submitted by /u/twistedlogicx
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    [Official] Bdd and Clid both join Gen.G

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST

    If Olaf just wants to fucking die, why doesn't he actually go fight those dudes that are nearly impossible to kill?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:42 AM PST

    Lore-wise, Olaf is like, this dude who wants an honorable death, similar to Saurfang in WoW but less Orcish, he is getting kinda old for a Warrior as he is nearly 50 and he still hasn't yet been bested in battle by anyone, and that's kind of his thing. He is also on Sejuani's faction which is warlike and shit but I doubt Olaf would want to go against his own tribe.

    However, most other "competitors" are out of reach. He probably wouldn't be able to fight Darius or Garen on head-to-head combat, because, he'd probably have to run down an entire army just to be able look at then.

    Tryndamere would be an obvious "partner" he could try to fight, but although he is brave and "borderline immortal", Olaf would just run into the same problem as before. He'd probably not be able to get even close to the fucker because Tryndamere just wouldn't bother dealing with that shit. He'd just let the Avarosan footmen deal with the Barbarian the same way he lets the Avarosan sentries deal with his wife.

    And then you have those other puny fighters like Riven or Yasuo who'd just fucking die?? Like, not only are they hidden somewhere in Ionia, they'd wouldn't even put up a fair fight if they were to fight this absolutely battle-hardened barbarian (not ingame though cuz they sell a lot of skins and Riot needs to make them $$$)

    So this leaves those guys that roam around the map that everyone knows where they are because, well, they just kill everything, yet they work alone like all the time. Shit like Sion would probably be easier than Darius to get to because, well, not only is he fucking huge, he is also extremely strong and he doesn't give a fuck about no army. He "accidentally" kills some Trifarian soldiers during battles because those Trifarian dudes don't bother looking at the minimap and noticing the absolute fucking mammoth coming their way.

    Another potential target would be Aatrox. Not only is he also fucking huge, but he is kinda easy to spot (if you hear about a bunch of people dying somewhere in the deserts of Shurima on Fox News or something, he is probably there doing his thing). Aatrox doesn't hide, Aatrox doesn't have an entire army behind him to back him up, Aatrox just wants to fucking die too and to take the entire world with him along the way, idk, it seems like a win-win scenario. You either die to someone who bests you in battle or you kill a dude that commits at least 3 massacres every week and people go like "hey that's cool Olaf, now can you go back to herding sheep and shit?"

    He could also go for Mordekaiser but he'd probably have to fight a million shitty ghouls just to get to him so what even is the point. Also, he doesn't even live in our own world anymore so he'd need to die himself to even find the dude in the first place.

    And there's like other fighters which are like "too big to handle". Like, yeah, he'd probably die against Malphite but that's because he is literally a fucking mountain. Not even honorable at that point tbh, just a fancy suicide. Cho'gath isn't as tall but still probably too tall to beat.

    Also, kinda off-topic but I always felt it was kinda weird people refer to Malphite as a dude.

    He legit walks around naked yet I see no mountain cock.

    submitted by /u/SuguruKamoshida
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    CLG Crown confirmed

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:39 PM PST

    Crown is now confirmed to have joined CLG. What do we think about this? Seems like it should be a great team now with all the other roster moves CLG has made. I've always been a fan of the org so i hope they will do wellt his season. Best of luck guys!


    submitted by /u/rizefall
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    Golden Guardians sign with TCL MVP Closer

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST


    One of the most hyped prospects TCL ever had. Dominated the Turkish League last year. I think it's a good deal for both parties.

    This is the jungler TSM will pay millions for a buyout in a couple of years.

    For those who don't know, he is a more carry oriented aggressive jungler but he can play anything. Can be over eager at times but loves ganking and impacting the game so expect him to be very active in early game.


    Brokenshard is also one of the guys that have a very strong opinion about him.

    submitted by /u/VniSalska
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    Griffin Scandal is getting worse. No one believes in Riot Korea

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 09:57 AM PST

    This problem is more serious than you think in Korea. This scandal is arguably the worst in the history of the League of Legend e-Sports and is now cited in Korea as the same level as the Starcraft match-fixing scandal.

    All the League of Legend communities in South Korea are very confused by this scandal. Most of all League of Legends Korean communities support Cvmax, and Riot Korea's announcement has now spread to distrust Riot esports. They posted a petition on the website of Blue House(Cheong Wa Dae), the executive office and official residence of the President of South Korea, requesting an investigation into Riot Korea, Steel8 and Griffin, which should be answered by the presidential office if the number of people exceeds 200,000. The petition has been posted in hours ago, but 50,000 people have already signed it. Because the petition period is one month, I think it can reach over 200,000 people. I am sure that people will not trust Riot Korea no matter what announcement it makes. Some people in Korea even say that the U.S headquarter of Riot should operate LCK instead of Riot Korea. I think this scandal could threaten the credibility of Riot e-sports in Korea. Riot is going to release a lot of games in the futrue, but I'm sure this problem will have an impact in South Korea. In an interview with the South Korean press in 2019 Worlds grand final, John Needam (Global Head of Riot Esports) said South Korea is the father of e-sports, and Riot regards the Korean e-sports market as important. I don't know if this will solve it. I think the U.S headquarter of Riot should come forward, not Riot Korea.

    I am not saying that Cvmax is not guilty. Riot Korea's strange standards are making things worse now

    submitted by /u/bddpsxj12
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    Evil Geniuses CEO on signing Sven and being the new bad guy: 'We're here to defeat Liquid'

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Thank you: Tristan "Zeyzal" Stidam | Cloud9 LoL Announcement

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Omnistone is about as useful as nipples on a man

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Seriously, this keystone is fucking bad. You can cycle through many keystones, okay. But what's the point? The point of keystones is to utilize a certain mechanic that fits the champion and the match up it faces best. Do I take Electrocute for short burst trades or conqueror for long trades? With Omnistone, you get a random keystone that most likely won't even be useful. You can't build a strategy around it. There's no big advantage it offers, other than dark harvest stacks and such staying after cycle. There's just too many keystones that are useless on a champ.

    Edit: Apparently I have to up my nipple game. I'm down for suggestions

    submitted by /u/FuzzyApe
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    After patch, client is now smooth as butter! CPU usage dropped by 10 times! Technology is finally here?

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:24 AM PST

    This wasn't mentioned anywhere BUT the client is now smooth as butter!

    Before patch, when I was not doing anything, my CPU usage hovered around 1-3% for all League processes combined but now it hovers around 0.1-0.3% with rare spikes to 0.5%.

    Another cool thing is that moving friends between groups was nightmare with click & hold then move - holding friend caused the client to lock itself for 2 or 3 seconds. Now the friend is instantly locked to cursor and I can move it freely without any lock!

    Scrolling friendlist and championlist and matches is now super fast too, no noticable delay.

    Changing tabs is now also ultrafast. There is literally no delay.

    Opening rune page in collection tab causes the page to pop up nearly instantly, instead of slowly opening the window and then loading content over the second or two. I can even clearly see the keystone animation now.

    I'm using low spec mode (I don't care for the looks or animations) but I think it should be smooth without it too.

    I think they just changed their engine to newer version or pushed up some optimization fixes. The client is kinda broken in some places (League of Legends icon sometimes disappears on the left from "Play" button, half of trading window is empty too and the champion is slowly zooming in).

    Just try it yourself... What can I say except the technology is finally here?™

    TL;DR: CPU usage dropped ~10 times, client is smooth as fuck.

    EDIT: Something with rendering had to be changed. RivaTuner would print stats and sensors on top of League client but now after the patch it doesn't. Something had to change. Probably rendering engine or idk.

    EDIT2: CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) that the client is using was updated! Riot mentioned before they will be updating it (thanks /u/Maluber ) and they finally pushed it live without any mentions in patch notes. This is the cause of the client being faster and smoother. So the technology indeed is here! Enjoy the experience boiz!

    EDIT3: Anything that needs to process data and display something (show stuff, animate stuff) is WAY FASTER! Check my other comment with comparision of disenchanting few patches ago and disenchanting today... You can clearly see BIG difference! You can also see me presenting some click&hold on friendlist plus opening collections and runes here in case you can't check it now out yourself!

    EDIT4: Chromium update confirmed by Rioter in comments.

    submitted by /u/CoUsT
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    Golden Guardians announces GoldenGlue, Palafox to Cloud9

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:37 PM PST


    It's time for @goldenglue to prove himself on the LCS stage. Welcome to the Golden Guardians.


    As we welcome @goldenglue to GGS, we wish @palafoxlol the best of luck with @Cloud9 .

    Thank you for a great season!

    submitted by /u/February14th
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    Norskeren: Moving forward, I will be renaming to "Tore"

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:07 PM PST

    Moving forward, I will be renaming to "Tore".

    Norskeren was a name I came up with as a joke way before I had any hopes of playing professional, and it was a name I never really felt comfortable with.

    Since it is my first name, it feels way better and more personal to me.


    submitted by /u/Vaws
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    Tarzan, Sword, Rather & current GRF coach testifies about CVmax's violent speech & action

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST


    Old GRF players who were in the team before CVmax hired testefies against CVmax, while new GRF players were getting along with CVmax after worlds. This team is devided.

    submitted by /u/maileaf
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    Gen.G Esports LoL team 2020 Roster

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:16 AM PST

    We're really excited to announce our newest additions to the Gen.G LoL Team.

    We ask our Gen.G fans to give them a warm welcome!

    Gen.G Esports LoL team 2020 Roster

    Top - Rascal

    JGL - Clid

    Mid - BDD

    ADC - Ruler

    Support - Life

    submitted by /u/bddpsxj12
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    Riot Fines Griffin 100,000,000 KR Won and Indefinitely suspends Kyu-Nam Cho, and Kim Dae-ho formerly of Griffin

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:07 PM PST

    Happy 1 Year Anniversary LEC!

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:25 AM PST

    Hey, look at us. One year ago the LEC announced the league with the new branding and teams.
    Who would've thought that the LEC will capture the hearts of everyone in such a short time.
    Not me.

    Happy 1 Year Anniversary to everyone that was involved in making this a huge success!

    Here the original announcement: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9ys648/welcome_to_the_league_of_legends_european/

    submitted by /u/RogueGG
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