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    Monday, November 25, 2019

    League of Legends Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    League of Legends Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Patch 9.23 Discussion and Bug Megathread

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:51 AM PST

    Pobelter: "For the first time since Season 4, I won't be playing on an LCS team this split."

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:41 PM PST


    "For the first time since Season 4, I won't be playing on an LCS team this split.

    I went through a lot of rough emotions recently, first it was shock (is this for real?), disbelief (I can't believe these teams would pick up these players so much worse than me), frustration (I don't think I can bear to watch LCS from the sidelines. This is BS) sadness (nobody wants me)

    And I was very angry as well, both at myself for not playing better last year, and also at the teams who in my humble opinion are just making baffling decisions and signed random imports, washed up players, players who don't work hard and are just playing for a paycheck in NA. It's kind of disappointing as well that I had calls with a couple teams who seemed very interested in acquiring me as a player and then were very unresponsive the next day, told me to just wait as they sorted things out, then just ended up sort of ghosting me. I was even willing to accept a pay cut, try out, bootcamp, do ANYTHING to get my foot in the door. I thought I could expect a little bit more given my history of success within NA at least, but there was nothing.

    To be honest..... I still think it's really crazy I couldn't find a team, but I need to accept that reality.

    I still think I'm one of the best players. It bums me out to read that the mainstream opinion is that I'm "good enough for NA, can't perform on the international stage". And there's a lot of people who are just being revisionist and claiming I never even played well domestically, when I actually played so fucking good all of Summer 2017, and all of 2018 (I invite you to rewatch all those playoff series I played during that timeframe and tell me I was a role player or got carried). By the way, I don't think I've hit my ceiling yet. I think you only start to fall off permanently when your motivation / drive drops, and I'm still just as motivated as the first day I played on the LCS stage and willing to put in 12+ hours a day practicing.

    I think there's a misconception that "veterans" are a known quantity, and "rookies" have boundless potential. As long as you are willing to put the time in and work hard, as well as stay open minded, there is no limit to growth in this game. I was really inspired by a documentary I watched recently on youtube about the dota2 team OG's run through TI8/9 (Their version of worlds). They had a player called Ceb who actually was considering just retiring after not having much success for a long long time, didn't play competitive for a while, then suddenly he can just join and have excellent performances in back to back worlds and win? And if you think about league, there are players like Khan who was actually playing for 3, 4 years playing on LSPL teams without much fanfare. Now, he's one of the best top laners in the world, right?

    I always thought there were 2 really big differences between me and most other mid laners in NA.

    1. I am always willing to sacrifice for my teammates. For example, on TL, I felt like I would always find really good gank timings to just blow up top or bot lane even if I had to sacrifice a little bit. Yet, the feeling I get is a lot of other mid laners in NA are so worried about falling behind 1v1, losing in cs, or losing lane or really just taking any sort of risk. And I was always confident in being able to at least hold my own in lane no matter what I picked, instead giving our counterpick to another lane to make the game easier for them.

    I seriously believe in this no matter what team I play for, strong or weak. Even in the very last game of our failed gauntlet run, I let Viper play mid Riven vs Irelia because he was just so confident he would smash the game and I yolo played Karma vs Huni's Gnar because the whole team was on board with it (I played maybe 1 game of Karma during the whole month of scrims leading up to gauntlet, and I literally never played the matchup before).

    1. When you're getting smashed and the game seems almost impossible to win, you can do 2 things - afk on your turret and play for KDA as your nexus explodes as so to avoid being flamed by everyone, or go for really crazy low percentage plays and maybe you look like a complete idiot and feed hard, but at least you tried instead of just passively bleeding out to death. I am definitely a player that is in the latter category, and I strongly believe most players belong to the first.

    Maybe this all just sounds like some sort of excuse - I don't know what it is - but I just wanted to get my thoughts out. It feels good to write out things that I've been holding in for a while. Hopefully it's not just kind of word vomit. I'm not proofreading any of it. I think deep down I've always been afraid of getting even more and more negative criticism if I posted something like this. And in a way, I've always been afraid to defend myself because it feels like I'm deflecting blame. I've seen a lot of players over the years really have a tough time when they are made to be the scapegoat or weak link of a team's failure, and I never wanted to say anything that made it seem like I was deflecting blame onto any of my teammates who were really just trying their best too.

    Anyway, I'm always willing to own up when I play poorly. I think I played great in all of 2018 LCS. I think I played like shit at MSI. Especially there was this one game vs EVOS where if I really just played like a human, we at least would have gotten out of groups. But we did not, and I am sorry for that. In my defense, our team atmosphere was so bad that we had to sub in Joey for a game because Olleh was so mentally broken. I was also just super tilted the whole event as well because the team environment was so negative and stressful. Still, I should have played better. I learned a lot from that tournament - that I needed to be so much mentally stronger. I think I played "ok" at Rift Rivals, but honestly I don't remember too well. 2019 worlds I actually somewhat remember every game. Honestly our team environment was not the best again, I remember we had one particularly bad scrim day where we were trying to openly talk about our problems but it felt like we were just flaming each other til like 3 or 4 in the AM, lol. KT ryze game - I made a "sacrifice TP play" tping bot. We should have killed Kindred, but there was some misexecution. In the heat of the moment, it felt like if everything went perfectly with that TP play our bot could smash open the game. Maybe looking back on it, it wasn't a great play. It ended up setting me really far behind, wasted my flash, luckily somehow survived a gank that I should've died to, ended up getting solo killed like a noob later and was just down 2 levels the whole game. Overall, I played bad. KT leblanc game - I remember using W and dying like a noob over wraith pit, then there was a situation around dragon where I think I should have gotten 1 or 2 more kills. I can't remember the rest of the game. Overall, I played bad. Looking back on this set, I think my knowledge of mid matchups was just lacking at the time. I had Ryze vs Syndra which is pretty tough matchup (could've banned Syndra on 4/5 but I didn't think about it) and opted into LB vs Lissandra the 2nd game (another counter matchup, kind of winnable but still hard). Overall, KT was a really strong team. I think I really got outperformed individually, but we were also honestly just worse as a team. They almost beat IG this tournament who won worlds. We got spanked individually and as a team. EDG galio game - I think I did all I could do as a galio in this game, we kept trying to make plays but just misexecuting. I was galio vs azir so of course we got giga outscaled and eventually just lost because we couldn't snowball the early game. EDG syndra game - this was after we were already eliminated from groups, but I remember I got caught a lot for no reason. Never at a "critical time" to me, but it was really bad to get caught that much. I still did my job and pressed R at really good times and played teamfights properly though. we played the LMS team (GREX?) the other 2 games, I only remember one of them. I was playing Syndra vs Cass and I'm pretty sure I was just up 40 cs ramming it into his turret the whole game and getting kind of annoyed we couldn't snowball the game harder with that much mid prio

    I think I played pretty well 2019 Spring. A lot of our wins was from me hard carrying on Lissandra or Zoe. In playoffs, we eked out vs GGS and then just got hard smashed as a team by TL. I think I played like shit for the first half of summer split, then I started to play "just fine", then I was back to smashing everyone towards the end of our gauntlet bootcamp. I was really confident we were going to win gauntlet easily and that I was going to carry hard, but it just didn't pan out that way on game day.

    Anyway, I guess my conclusion on all this is that, it's not the end because I played badly for one split. It's not the end because I didn't play well at a tournament. It's not even the end if I have a bad year, or a bad couple of years. Seriously, maybe you read this whole post and still think I'm a shit player. But to me, it will only be the end if I give up because of those failures. But from every failure, there is sincerely a chance to self-reflect, learn, and to grow. I never once got the feeling when playing on stage or in scrims, "this player or this team is just on another level that I can never attain." Until I feel that way, I refuse to give up. Right now, I'm working on my future plans. I think I'll be closely involved with the competitive scene, and will be open to trying out for any team that might want me for summer split (or before then too, I guess).

    If you read this all the way to the end, I appreciate it. There's still a lot more I want to say, but I've been writing this for a couple hours now and I think I've covered most of what I wanted to say anyways. Thanks for reading"

    submitted by /u/Veggiematic
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    Tyler1's Twitch Rivals team advances to the playoffs 6-0

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST

    They even won the last game playing for fun with Lethal Tempo Ivern Bot.
    This team is looking really good, I feel like we are going to get a juicy T1 vs TFBlade finals.

    You can see the standings and teams here: https://smash.gg/tournament/twitch-rivals-league-of-legends-team-draft-11-22-19/details (cred u/Bestedlol)

    Tomorrow is the Semifinals BO3 against Yassuo's team, the same day they will also play the Finals against either NB3's team or TFBlade's team BO3. Starts at 11AM PST.


    submitted by /u/kool_person
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    Aphelios: The Weapon of the Faithful | Champion Trailer - League of Legends

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:30 AM PST

    Aphelios Kit Primer | League of Legends

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Aphelios was originally going to have 25 weapons

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 09:55 AM PST


    Aphelios gameplay is a one of a kind collaboration between two very different designers:

    CertainlyT - Boundary pushing visionary

    Stashu - Master of the details, put the pieces together

    At one point when we were early on exploring the concept of "master of all guns" CertainlyT wanted to put literally 25 weapons on him. I really love that commitment to the concept, but LOL.

    Is it safe to say that he's on crack?

    submitted by /u/Esperfotia
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    Kim "Khan" Dong-ha is expected to sign with reigning world champion FunPlus Phoenix, sources tell ESPN.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:18 PM PST

    Doublelift on Pobelter not getting a spot in LCS

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    Sources: kkOma to Vici Gaming, Kim Jeong-soo to T1

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Aphelios gets five guns--it's 2019, and Teemo still has none. Ridiculous.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:40 PM PST

    I know this topic is getting spammed here right now, but I have to say my piece. My piece is that the fuzzy boy deserves a piece.

    Give my boy a gun

    I am really miffed that Teemo, the Swift Scout, currently has zero gun while Aphelios has five. This makes his lore update in Universe seem totally worthless, as the scout's gameplay fails to deliver on the promises of his background. Just read through this paragraph of his biography and tell me if it reflects his in-game power.

    Teemo, Background

    While most yordles do not handle solo scouting missions with a great deal of finesse, Teemo is remarkably efficient at them, because he has a gun. His record of success in defending Bandle City from infiltrators using a gun easily makes him one of the most dangerous yordles alive, though you'd never know it by having a cup of honey mead with him at his favorite inn, because he has a concealed carry. His signature weapon - a gun - uses gun ammo he personally gathers from Walmart. To help cope with his lengthy periods of isolation, Teemo recently struck up a friendship with Tristana, a fellow gun owner. Teemo is a pint-sized foe with a gun that many have come to fear and whose small size belies his firearms training.

    As you can see, Teemo is clearly supposed to own and operate a gun. But no. Because of cash money, Riot Games once again taunts us by delivering his firepower to a random My Chemical Romance groupie.

    Guns and Yordles: an Interconnected History

    Since the beginning of Yordles, their personal symbol has been that of the semi-automatic. Gnar, a forebear to the modern Yordle, represents the sturdy yet undeniably-archaic musket. Easy to set off, long to reload, packing a short-range punch: these defining characteristics fit both Gnar and the prototypical blunderbuss. Like humans and wolves, Yordles and guns formed a bond--the former often asking the latter to perform tricks in return for treats.

    Moving into contemporary times, we see evolution. Take Lulu, for example. Pix looks like a glowing ball of purple light, when in truth, it is a tiny floating pistol that unloads rounds at her enemies. Things 'tasting purple' is how things are when you suffer from severe lead poisoning. On the other hand we have Veigar, who does not own a gun, who would probably have escaped capture and years of torment if he did.

    I wish I could blast Corki away.

    We have Rumble and Heimerdinger, visionaries who, respectively, *wore* the gun and *became friends* with guns. Kled not only owns an actual gun, but also has a mount that is the equivalent of a Ford f-150 and all the personality to match it.

    This concludes my argument that Teemo should, by all accounts, have a real gun. A blowgun is like homeopathy, natural and fake and weak.

    Teemo wanted to take me on a date at the shooting range but had no gun so we ended up watching Frozen 2 instead

    Teemo and I were on a tentative second date when the idea of a shooting range came up. He was nervous, and I attributed this to the fact he is quite shy and not used to seeing the same person twice. Nonetheless, we went hand-in-hand to the range and asked to be given access to the targets. Teemo chose out a target with Corki's face, delighting me, but then the problems arose.

    "What firearm will you be using?" The range's employee asked Teemo.

    He smiled and insisted, "you must have one I can borrow."

    "What the heck! No way do I have one to lend, as your cute incredibly detailed and strong digits are too small and too beautiful for my stock. Why can you not be more like the last customer I had, who brought five guns and had a great time with his date, Violet DeadlyEdge?"

    I could tell this broke the Yordle's heart. Here we were, at a venue of his choosing, and his biggest shortcoming revealed itself at the worst moment .We sat outside the range for twenty minutes while he curled up and struggled to find the confidence to continue. Eventually he pulled out his phone and started looking at movie showtimes.

    "Only good afternoon showing is Frozen 2."

    I smiled reassuringly. "Sorry, buddy, I haven't seen Frozen 1."

    He broke down and started apologizing rampantly. That was when I gripped his surprisingly strong and warm paws and looked him in the eye.

    "I don't care whether or not you own a gun right now. Guns don't go on dates with people; *people* go on dates with *people.*

    My poignant statement drove courage into his soul, so much so, Teemo endeavored in giving me an ENTIRE FROZEN recap so I could understand the second movie. As we bought the tickets and sat in our seats, the trailers playing, I reached out and grabbed his super nice paw again. I knew that my hand was not the cold steel comfort a gun provides, but he accepted it nonetheless.

    Me making this argument goes against my own interests.

    This is a quick aside. I, of all people, absolutely love watching Teemo blow darts from his blowgun. It is such a beautiful, raw sight, how he imparts each dart with a bit of his air and spittle. His swelling chest, the small woosh of air, I could watch it forever. But I won't. Because he deserves better.

    Battle of the Edge: Teemo vs. Aphelios.

    In the ancient law of videogame guns, only the edgiest fighters may obtain the right to use them. In League of Legends, guns belong to shadow hunters, ex convincts, and--most terrifyingly--cops. So one way to decide who deserves how many guns is to see who is edgier, Aphelios or Teemo. Consult the following table:

    Aphelios + Aphelios - Teemo + Teemo -
    Purple cool clothes Anthropocentric Sociopathic tendencies Cute paws
    Worships the moon Cares about his sister Enjoys applying poisons Wonderful wittle fingers
    - Appeals to Yasuo mains "That's gotta sting." -
    - Shares lore with Zoe Mad Sylveon energy -
    - 'Faith' is his deadliest weapon, obviously not subbed to /r/atheism Omega Squad -

    In conclusion, Teemo scores six points over Aphelios, so he should have six guns and Aphelios should have negative one guns.

    Testimonial: Teemo saved my life while we were on our way back from an Aqua concert

    Teemo and I are big fans of Aqua, whose music captures his unique personality: bubbly and fun, with an insidious underside waiting to be released. We enjoyed listening to such songs as Why oh Why, I'm a Barbie Girl, and Cartoon Heroes. My favorite scout has this cute little thing he does where he unhinges his jaw and starts screeching. When you play these screeches backward, it reveals the truth surrounding various unresolved murders--just like with I'm a Barbie Girl and JFK!

    We were walking back, laughing and enjoying the crisp night air, when Corki came out from an alleyway with a switchblade. I took one look at his disgusting human flesh and ugly beard and felt like vomiting.

    "All true Yordles listen to Vegaboys," he spits at us angrily.

    Vengaboys?! I can't help but laugh, even while we are in danger. Aqua far surpasses Vengaboys. If you like songs with deep lyrics, awesome melodies, sung by members who really care, you go for Aqua any day of the week. Leave it to a fake Yordle like Corki to propose otherwise... he probably only said that to try and break me and Teemo up.

    But before I can argue, Corki--spurred on by my laughter--lunges at me with the blade. Teemo shouts at him.

    "Stop! I have a personal defense weapon!"

    I know he does not, but this gives Corki pause. They meet eyes, one scanning the other for even the smallest hint of doubt or gunlessness.

    But Teemo does not yield, and the failed reject is forced back into the shadows, back to his stupid plane. Even so Teemo does not yet have a gun, he is able to lie about it really well. That's also how we got our concert tickets!


    Riot should feel ashamed

    submitted by /u/Papaya_Dreaming
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    Lehends, Chovy, Doran part ways with Griffin and become Free Agents

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:54 AM PST

    100 Thieves confirms Stunt as starter

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:04 AM PST


    Welcome @Stuntopolis as the support for our LCS starting roster in 2020! We're excited to have you back and can't wait to see what you can show on the big stage next year.

    Jacob Wolf's report getting confirmed one by one

    submitted by /u/February14th
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    Champion Insights: Aphelios

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    PBE Preview: Dawnbringer Karma, Nidalee and Soraka AND Nightbringer Lee Sin, Vladimir and Soraka

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST


    Nightbringer Lee Sin Prestige: https://twitter.com/LeagueOfLegends/status/1199025205001089025?s=19

    Woah lots of skins this patch! Soraka gets our new Dual Skin after quite a while since Leona's Legendary! I think I really like the concept of these skins.

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

    submitted by /u/Kousuke-kun
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    PBE preview Sugar Rush skins

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    Lux VFX Update

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Shernfire, formerly Dire Wolves jungler, to TL Academy. Signed a contract for 2 years.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Insane outplay by LS TCS team adc in scrims

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Official mourning post for the LCS Rookie of the Split award.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:47 AM PST

    With the LCS almost certainly not fielding a single NA rookie for the 2020 spring split, I would like to have a moment of silence and pay our respects to the Rookie of the Split.

    As to not run out ideas or segments for the LCS broadcast, the "Import of the Split"award will be taking its place for the foreseeable future.

    We invite the 29/50 current imports (regardless if you are considered native as of now) of the LCS to participate in the first inaugural split award. After the spring split we will only allow new imports to participate.

    submitted by /u/Betabet91
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    How to win 2 minutes into the game in season 10.

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:45 PM PST

    Step 1: Pick a strong early game skirmishing jungler. Something like Lee Sin, Udyr, etc.

    Step 2: Invade enemy jungler.

    Step 3: Kill enemy jungler in his own jungle, take all his camp, and watch as he tries to POWER farm back into the game.

    Step 4: Realize you are and will always be 4 levels ahead from that point.

    Step 5: Win the 5v4.

    Edit: Lmfao I read all the comments and this is what the community sounds like from this post.

    A lot of fucking people: Y'all be getting Elder drakes?

    Lane mains: Oof sounds rough. I agree changes are retarder but I really don't care. If I get autofilled jungle I dodge omegalul

    Support mains: Just ward your jungle, ping, and be awesome! It's that easy! Your team will respond I just know it! Everything will be okay just remember to have fun sometimes uwu >/////<

    Jungle mains (who played only early game junglers in season 9): I loved these changes. Jungling actually takes skill now. If I used 999999999% of my brain to come into your jungle and kill you at level 2 I deserve to win the game and you deserve to be deleted from the game LUL *spams mastery*

    Jungle mains (almost everyone else): Ight imma head out

    submitted by /u/Loserrrrrrrr
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    Garen's splash art should just get replaced by this one, from the Legends of Runeterra game!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:49 AM PST


    I can't adore this picture enough, I swear. He looks so good in this one, where as his current splash art makes him look too bulky, giving off a hulk vibe, but he's just fit in the Legends of Runeterra one. Props to the art team that worked on these new ones for the card game!

    submitted by /u/AtreusIsBack
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    PBE Preview: Hextech Swain

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:13 AM PST


    New Swain skin! And.. its Hextech exclusive. Pretty neat skin overall in my opinion! Wish it wasn't Hextech. But main takeaway from this is the leaked concept arts.. ELDERWOOD ORNN CONFIRMED?

    submitted by /u/Kousuke-kun
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    PBE Preview: Sugar Rush, Hextech, Dawnbringer, & Nightbringer Skins

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:53 AM PST

    Nuguri explaining why Lucian is better than Jayce right now.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Nuguri explaining why Lucian is better than Jayce right now.

    He says that Jayce needs a AP jungler now to work, then add Renekton that deals the same job as Jayce being picks more to help the jungler, like Renekton+Taliyah.

    In the final line he write "Jayce face same money job" like Lucian can do either jobs going full lethality now, he tested this already, against ranged/squishy or go BotrK+ER into bruiser.

    Also said that S tier AP champions now is Kennen, Akali and Ryze. Kennen going conqueror/spellbook, Akali conqueror/fleet footwork and Ryze conqueror/phase rush.


    submitted by /u/putzxd
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    Riot probably “You asked for a new champion that didn’t have a dash ;).”

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:48 AM PST

    I guess we got what we asked for with Aphelios! Thoughts on the new champ design? Would rather have a new champ with a dash?

    submitted by /u/shark3r
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    Doublelift - PRESEASON VLOG 2019 (Allstars/Post Worlds/ TL Broxah)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 06:11 PM PST

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