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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    LoL Guide Play what you like, and be Committed.

    LoL Guide Play what you like, and be Committed.

    Play what you like, and be Committed.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST

    Hi this is a PSA to all the people who get stressed out in league because of winrate and pick rate and 'op champs'.

    I recently hit plat 4 for the first time not because I was abusing the meta or even playing a champ people would rate higher than C tier. I played corki for 100 games straight I feel I've become quite good at the champ and I find new ways to win games etc.

    If I just kept picking from different meta champs each patch or switching rolls or first timing champs I gurantee I would not have hit plat.

    It's not about playing what's good it's about being committed to a champ or small pool of champs and picking the champs you enjoy.

    submitted by /u/p00ner575
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    Soul vs Baron and Elder vs Baron

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:43 AM PST

    Hi fellow SUmmoners!

    How would you prioritize these buffs in the lateish game by importance? I know this is pretty situational, so ill present a couple of scenarios, and my opinion:

    1. Baron vs Soul: if you can get the soul, while the other team has 0/1/2 drakes, then i would go for Baron, and get more map control, and secure Soul the next time.

    2. Baron vs Soul (both teams at 3, or enemy team at 3). This is much tougher, i think if your team has good waveclear and can survive a siege (Anivia/Viktor/Cait/Sivir/etc) then maybe Soul is preferred, that is a permanent bonus, if you survive the Baron push.

    3. Baron vs Soul, you have minimal waveclear (Vayne-Fizz for example). What do you do? Soul and a hail Mary fight or prioritize Baron?

    4. Baron vs Elder: ill be honest, i have never had an Elder in my games so far, so cant really comment.

    Feedback appreciated :)


    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Freezing a minion wave looks impossible for me

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:57 AM PST

    I can slowpush and hardpush a wave, but freeze it looks to hard (almost impossible) for me. I have been reading and watching videos about it, so I know the theory part. But on pratice I simply cant do it...and I only have been praticing it on pratice tool without enemies. I have been trying to freeze near my turret, but always happens 2 things: 1) enemy wave gets to big and crush against my turret 2) my wave gets a surplus and starts to push the enemy wave

    Maybe its to early for me to learn such an advanced skill since I've only been playing for a 1 week. My CS is already decent so i wanted to try learning wave control.

    Can someone give me tips on freeze?

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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    3-4 doran blades on adcs?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    I've just watched new gosu's video (337) and for some reason I saw 2 different adcs (Ashe and Twitch) with more than 3 doran blades. For Ashe I thought it was just a troll, but it happened twice in a short span of games and the Ashe was winning so I don't think she was trolling. I always only bought 1 additional blade if I happened to have a bad recall, but I never bought 3rd one, not even talking about 4th. Has something changed in s10 or did Gosu just meet 2 separate trolls?

    submitted by /u/Naautiik
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    What to do if you accidentally steal your jungler's starting buff?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:55 AM PST

    This may be a pretty rare happenstance, but it did happen to me last game and really got my team off to a bad start. I was playing Darius top and our jungler (Graves) wanted me to leash our top blue for him. He both took forever to kill it and kept running around me so I took the damage. I left when it was down to about 300-400 health as my top opponent (Yasuo) had already cleared half of the first wave.

    As I entered my lane, I saw 100-something XP pop up and I instantly hit level 2. Sure enough, I also had the blue buff. My passive damage killed the camp. It must have been the very last tick of the bleed, but still, I had the buff and my jungler was furious.

    What do you do in that situation? What should I do to prevent it in the future?

    submitted by /u/GeT_SwErVeD
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    Best way to be playing jungle right now?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:13 AM PST

    So I fully swapped from mid to jungle last preseason and started basically completely fresh (basically just came back from a 1-1.5 year break, new account etc) and I think I'm doing pretty decent but I still have quite a bit to learn (I'm roughly high gold/plat mmr)

    I feel like theres a lot of shit to juggle now. I'm a relatively farm heavy jungler (7cs/m is pretty standard for me, especially when Im ahead) and try to just go for high percentage ganks and I can usually carry, but I want to make those unwinnable games feel a bit more winnable. Sometimes all 3 lanes just lose but I'm sure theres something I can be doing to maybe turn those games around. I usually just powerfarm and pray...

    I also don't really know how to juggle farming my jungle, farming enemy jungle, ganking AND objectives. Counterjungling was basically pointless before other than when you're so far ahead that you just remove the enemy jungler from the game but now that you can actually get a level lead, how can I balance these things? Also what dragons are ACTUALLY the best? Infernal still seems to be the best for soloq but I haven't actually been watching jungle streamers since preseason started. Also dragons are obviously important but I don't put huge emphasis on them atm just because dragon soul/elder is so unrealistic thus far in preseason. I think I've seen dragon soul once in 30+ games.

    Also is Sanguine Blade actually that good? Obviously its amazing for clear and invading but you lose so much power when the passive turns off. There's also the fact that its lethality so its pretty bad into a comp with a couple tanks.

    submitted by /u/exo-diac
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    What to do as an adc when you’re the only one fed?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PST

    For some context, I play vayne and usually win lane especially with an engage support. In my most recent game I went 5 and 1 in lane but my jungler, mid and top lost extremely hard to the point where the enemy olaf was 9 and 1. At that point their whole team started camping bot lane knowing that im the only damage threat and applied pressure by taking drakes and rifts (both of them). It just seems like I cant really do much besides to outplay the 4 man gank as they try to dive messily, which I was able to do by killing two of them on their dive. At that point im 7 and 2 but the rest of my team provides no obj control, lane pressure, and cant even stack waves for macro and I just dont know how I can carry the game. Gold 4 game btw but I was Gold 2 before until I had an unlucky streak of afks and overall bad teams

    submitted by /u/esc_24
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    Some questions about the new drakes and soul system

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    So I was wondering a few things about the new drakes. First is: the dragon soul is announced after the first 2 drakes, but is it possible for the drake soul to be of the type of one of the first two drakes as well? I'm not sure if I have seen it happen but that could just be statistics.

    Second question: Will champions like rengar or kha'zix be balanced a bit per dragon soul type? for example that they will be nerfed slightly in Ocean games while being buffed in for example the Mountain games?

    Third question: What is the actual maximum cooldown reduction you can get on your ult? Like is the drake effect multiplicative or not? For example: having 45% cdr+ 25%(Ultimate Hunter)+ 40% of the cloud drake can't be right as it would give you 110% ult cdr. Or is the calculation like 45% cdr gives 55% cooldown, then take the 55*0.75*0.6?

    Fourth question: are the drakes truly randomized? For example(and yes I counted this) I have now played 29 games on the new map. I have not once seen an Infernal soul, only once a Cloud soul, a few times a Mountain soul and pretty much like 75-80% of the time the Ocean soul.

    submitted by /u/HNK-von-herringen
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    How to play agianst leona/naut/blitz as short range ADC?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    I'm a Gold 1 ADC that usually plays vayne or kaisa. How do I lane against these supports? I'm told that I have to poke them down, so that they are too low to engage, but I can't auto them for free without getting harassed by the other ADC, and eventually get zoned off the wave. I'm usually with passive supports.

    submitted by /u/waffletasstic
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    On backing in bot lane should you push the wave or leave the wave in order to get the most exp and CS

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:47 AM PST

    I have constantly heard leauge streamers and pros say "oh no this is bad for us" when the wave is a certain way when they die after a fight during laning phase. I really want to understand the reason behind this so i can maximize my cs during laning cuz as of right now i usually just push after we win a fight in bot lane but i feel like that's wrong cuz the enemy can still get xp and cs espcially if it's a cannon wave.

    submitted by /u/wiscool19
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    Dealing with a fed opponent

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:59 PM PST

    This has happened to me quite a bit in my last couple games. I play bot (unranked, not level 30 yet), and top for example gets fairly fed off of my top. Starts to roam, and ends up snowballing a ton. In one of my last couple games, the opposing Senna top got fed early and snowballed so hard that even though we got the dragon soul, she penta-ed my team and won the game herself.

    How do I deal with a fed opponent, specifically one I couldn't really stop from getting fed initially? Playing an ADC, especially if the fed opponent is longer range than me (Senna) or very mobile (Irelia was another one) I feel like if I even get in range to auto I just get insta-gibbed.

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    Engage oriented mid lanes

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Hey y'all,

    Had a quick question as I begin to narrow my champion focus for season 10.

    I play midlane, having previously done stints in top and adc.

    Reflecting on themes across a diverse champion pool, I seem to enjoy engage based champs the most. I love doing big damage, but playmaking is what really gets me going.

    Currently been spamming Galio, also enjoy pantheon from my time in top/some mid.

    Does anyone have recommendations on champs that fit this play style out of mid lane. Seems my play style is best fit for champion pools in top/jung/maybe support, but I enjoy my map presence and roams from mid lane.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gucci_Down
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    Where do I need to be after laning phase as an ADC?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    I often find myself clueless on what I should do or where I should be once the lane is over. Many times I'm catching a wave on a side lane and my team gets catched or engages 4v5. It's also kinda hard to make calls in SoloQ because even when I ping an objective a billion times there is always at least one guy who doesn't help.

    submitted by /u/popogay
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    What to Build

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:27 AM PST

    I play Lux support mostly. After my gold income item I like to build Ludens, or Morellonomicon. One of my friends who is plat 4 makes fun of me for choosing those first (I'm bronze 2 rn). So the question is what should I be building, I know it depends a lot in the situation, but is there something else that I should do first?

    submitted by /u/SirHankOfTheHill112
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    Bloodthirster on adcs?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST

    I play a lot of ashe and mainly adc role. In most guides I rarely see bloodthirster being suggested as an item. Normally I do a standard ashe build with BOTRK then boots, then runaans and normally IE, however in a few games I've opted for bloodthirster instead of IE as third item and the sustain seems so good. Am I just a noob for ignoring the crit potential or is sustain just as important? Also, is there any situations where sustain is needed more readily than crit? I'm new to the game and have yet to finish my ranked placements

    submitted by /u/smurbulock
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    [MID] When should I decide between staying in lane vs. roaming? Is it ever worth it to stay in lane to try and get a kill anymore since it feels like roaming (especially bot) is a better way to snowball than staying mid?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:55 AM PST

    Just like what the text says above, at least from my personal experience, I've found it difficult to find solo-kills on my enemy mids. It's not because I lose lane, but typically because they play too safe. Sure, they get denied a lot of CS because they're stuck CSing with only spells, but if that's the case, wouldn't just shoving and roaming be better since they can't fight back against me? But how do I decide that staying in lane is better to get an all-in?

    As usual, everything is on a game-by-game basis, especially based on matchups, but if anyone can give me an example and a few rough guidelines, that would be great.

    submitted by /u/foreos
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    Doing no Damage as Nunu

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:46 AM PST

    Played my third game as Nunu and succeeded in taking Dragon everytime, granting several nice Ganks and stealing enemy Jungle Monsters.

    This resulted in three wins, but my damage bar is so incredibly low, I dont know if Im playing him right. Just take a look urself: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=padddddi

    Overall OP.GG tells me Im doing good and gives me MVP or Second Place all the time, but my damage bar is nearly non existent. Is that okay as Nunu or what can I do?

    submitted by /u/PaddyXXYY
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    New stormrazor on kaisa

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

    With the new stormrazor that has reduced ad and attack speed, you would think that it's not a good item on Kaisa anymore. You don't get q or e evolve in 2 items. In fact, the manamune build gives q evolve at lvl 8 with dblade+manamune+pickaxe, but dorans+stormrazor+guinsoos only gives q evolve at lvl 10. You can get it at lvl 8, if you buy another long sword, but this also delays your e evolve, and you might not end up using the long sword in a final item.

    However, if you look on u.gg, it appears that the stormrazor buildpath has a higher winrate than manamune. First item stormrazor has a 51.13% winrate while manamune has a 48.29% winrate. Why is this the case? Is getting faster evolves actually overrated on Kaisa? Does stormrazor just scale better now than manamune because of the added crit?

    submitted by /u/username2748
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    Help with ranked?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    I posted this in the League subreddit, but someone in the comments said that you guys might have some advice for me too :)

    Hi guys! I'm fairly new to League (I started playing in August). I just got level 30, and was thinking of playing some ranked games! My mains are Illaoi (top/mid) and Yuumi. I'm also learning how to play Nasus, but I'm still new to top lane and everything. I was wondering if any of you had some general advice for playing ranked!

    Side note- I did play 1 ranked game, and I played illaoi top. I got destroyed by a mordekaiser and everyone on my team was super toxic :( (After the game it said that I was Bronze III, so like I said it's fairly obvious that I'm still new, but I don't wanna play more ranked games w/o advice and after I get a little better, lol)


    submitted by /u/racho_nacho
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    Looking for free jungle coaching Currently P2

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Hey Summoners ! My friend and I are trying to get to diamond and beyond as mid jungle duo, currently P2/3 we are looking for a coach to help us improve. We are very dedicated to our climb and open to any suggestion. Our schedule is flexible, thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/Ahra1
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    Graves auto attack damage?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:32 AM PST

    I decided I wanted to figure out how Grave's auto attack damage worked and it's been...really annoying to be honest. I've caught up to lol wiki's values for non-crit dmg and reconfirmed them.

    Yet one test has not been consistent at all. For some reason I've been seeing about 373% ad dmg on 6 pellet crits. And I'm not sure I understand where the about 73% is coming from.

    I tested with lv 18 graves and 200 AD 100% crit(ER + cloaks + double ad runes IIRC). Vs a dummy 373 displayed, remove the 100 armor/50% dr and 746 actual. Which is 373% of 200.

    Vs red buff (-30 arm/-23%). 919 damage displayed. 200 * 373% * 1.23% = 917.58. Which is close enough if I assume some decimal rounding is happening.

    Anyway those are test results. They seemed consistent. What's confusing me is if pellets are instead of normal crit dmg. 6 pellets should be 100% + [40% x 5] = 300%. (first pellet + [5 extra pellets]) on a crit. So where is this approx 73% coming from?

    submitted by /u/VerboseAnalyst
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    I made a Quizlet for Aphelios's Kit

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

    It pretty much just goes over the information that we got in the Kit Primer yesterday but now you can actually study it.


    submitted by /u/NfinityBored
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    What do you focus on to improve?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:42 PM PST

    I am just looking for ways to improve so I would be interested in your guys' methods of improving. Are there any specific things you focus on while playing or are you trying to implement certain habits?

    Are you watching coaching sessions or your own replays?

    Edit: my main role is ADC

    submitted by /u/popogay
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    How to play against Heimerdinger top as melee?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST

    Hey guys, I recently played against a heimer top as nasus. I could do literally nothing. Walking up to cs lost me huge chunks of my hp, and he was constantly poking me and I came out of lane 0/4. What should I do against him? Do I just play against him like I do against illaoi or lucian or vayne where basically going 30 cs down is going even?

    submitted by /u/idestroypp_69
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