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    Friday, November 15, 2019

    League of Legends Vizicsacsi announces Retirement

    League of Legends Vizicsacsi announces Retirement

    Vizicsacsi announces Retirement

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:24 AM PST


    Announcement As the season is coming to an end, I have an announcement to make. After my contract with Splyce expires, I will be retiring from professional play. My personal philosophy is to always give my best at what I do, but I don't feel like I have the drive and motivation to go into the next years anymore. Therefore I have decided to open a new chapter in my life and go on another road. Have gotten some unforgettable memories over the past 5 years and I can only be thankful for all the support during that time. Once again, thank you very much!!

    submitted by /u/Conankun66
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    You’ve seen KDA, you’ve seen True damage, now get ready for Riot’s next hit music group: Graves and the Kill Stealers, a boomer rock group who plays at the local bar on Saturday nights.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    Unlike all those other bands with their complex origin stories, GKS was brought together by a single passion: Free beer. Gragas runs the local bar and said he'd give people free drinks if they provided music, so the band was born. Graves and his friends collectively came together to form Graves and the Kill Stealers, a cover band that does Rock'n'Roll.


    Graves: Bass guitar Graves got to name the band because he had a van that could fit everybody, and that made him de facto leader. Don't ask me, that's just how it works. Graves plays the bass guitar, something he picked up when he and his wife were having kids and he thought most kids music was dumb. So he learned the guitar purely to play "good" music for his kids. His in-game appearance is a wife beater and jeans, with his gun turned into a guitar that just happens to have a gun barrel on either side of the neck. His basic attack and ability sounds have been replaced by guitar chords.

    Zilean: guitar Zilean never really got out of the hippie phase. He's the kinda guy that most of the adults don't like because he's the black sheep of the family who smokes weed and tends to talk politics too much (he believes in reptoids controlling the government). He played the acoustic guitar back in the 60s and likes to say "I've still got it" whenever he finishes a song. He doesn't really want the drinks, he's kinda just hanging out with everybody because most of his actual friends are in jail for either possession or disturbing the peace. In game, his hair and beard are heavily unkempt and he's wearing Rastafarian gear, including a beanie. He carries an acoustic guitar, and upon speed boosting someone he plays a little guitar riff. When he successfully ults and saves someone, he says something about not making war.

    Braum: Keyboard Braum is one of those guys who absolutely swears by CrossFit. He's been doing it since college and is probably the healthiest of the group, though zilean still complains about him eating meat. He only really picked up keyboard recently, but he absolutely loves it and the band and gets very angry when people aren't happy. He's been in multiple fights with audience members. Braum has a keyboard instead of his shield, and holds it in front of him as his E. Enemy attacks that hit it will make a note. His Ult is slamming down a massive keyboard whose keys jump up to knock people up.

    Jayce: Lead vocals Wait a minute, you're probably saying. Isn't jayce too young to be in this age group. To that I respond: yeah. But free drinks transcend age or social group. Jayce is a college student who often jokes about how the entire female audience is there to see him (braum doesn't like this.) He is the singer for the band and often gets shit from the other members because he doesn't play a real instrument. In game, Jayce's staff is a microphone on a stand, and he puts it upside down in hammer form to whack people with the base.

    Udyr: drums Everybody's pretty sure udyr doesn't actually know how to play drums, because he doesn't use drumsticks. He literally just slaps/punches the drums. But he's on beat most of the time and the sound is kinda cool (when the drums aren't breaking,) so the other band members give him a pass. In game, drums punctuate his ability casts or auto attacks, with different drums for different abilities.

    I hope you boys are ready for Worlds 2020, because I sure as hell can't wait to hear their covers.

    submitted by /u/bladeofarceus
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    LS to send Malice+Korean players to next month's Tyler1 Championship Series

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST


    Will be streaming scrims (got permission from the other korean team) w/ the koreans+malice that I'm intending to send to tyler1 championship series next month, should start by the 22nd.

    Honestly a 5Head idea, should be an easy win

    submitted by /u/htwhooh
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    Sources: Norskeren leaving Splyce for Excel Esports

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:21 PM PST

    I understand it's hard for Rito to justify giving unpopular champions skins, but I think we can agree that 4+ years is too long...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:21 PM PST

    I'm not trying to argue it's unfair that someone like Akali is getting a new skin every few days and is currently sitting at 12 skins when a ton of champs only have 3-4. That doesn't matter in this discussion.

    Currently there are 5 champions who haven't seen a skin in 4.3 YEARS

    4.3 years to get a skin for your favorite champ just isn't fair

    And again I get it. It's hard to justify making skins for unpopular champions like Zilean. And no one is expecting a yearly skin for a champion that unpopular. Hell no one is expecting a skin every 2 years.

    But surely we can all draw the line at 3.5 years?

    For reference here is the list of characters who have been waiting 4.3 years for a skin

    • Rek'Sai (1,604~ days) 2 skins (Really?)
    • Skarner (1,664~ days) 4 skins
    • Xerath (1,664~ days) 4 skins
    • Zilean (1,650~ days) 5 skins
    • Mordekaiser (1,640~ days) 5 skins

    There are a few other champions very close. For example Vel'Koz at 3.6 years. Sion is near the same and Kindred isn't far behind.

    No one is expecting yearly skins for every champion, no one is expecting a skin every 2 years or even 3. But we have to agree that 4 years is too long. And it would be nice to see some sort of rule that Riot can implement where if a champion hasn't had a skin release in 3.5 years they start working on one. Miss Fortune having 14 skins and getting one every 239 days doesn't matter. Annie having 12 skins doesn't matter, Ezreal having 13 skins doesn't matter.

    But leaving champions to wallow in their miserable pool of 2 skins isn't fair by comparison.

    submitted by /u/valdrekaan_suleykaar
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    Vuvuzela Ornn by artist Jun Seong Park

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:46 AM PST


    This is amazing! The details in the background really makes it look even more cool, the quality is insane.

    The artists ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/junsartwork

    submitted by /u/KittyOlsonz
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    That feeling when you queue up for toplane and mid for 50 games and get 50 games of toplane

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Like nobody ever plays this role lmao

    The most fun champions hands down are bruisers and they are ass to play because of counter pick city or you just pick Kennen, Jayce or Neeko and play like a bitch.

    Hands down the most funny shit is being kited by a lvl 1 Kayle W for 13 levels.

    Every game you are against another toplane main. No autofills. We shake hands at the start and we meet in the middle of the lane. We take a coin and we flip it for who gets the winning botlane and the loser has to respect the result and lose the game with his team.

    Toplane is my city.

    submitted by /u/LongSwordsForLIife
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    G2 Mikyx educational Blitzcrank

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:36 AM PST

    The results of Worlds 2019 viewership record

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:38 AM PST

    With 92 Champions Contested at Worlds, this year's Tournament was the Most Diverse World Championship in the History of Professional LoL

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    For at least 3 months now, Swain has been without his birds

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 01:21 PM PST

    I'm not someone who complains about Swain only appearing in the support role now, I actually think he's very strong in mid lane. But one of my favourite things about him, his flock of birds that appear around the map, has been missing for several months now. I know there are more pressing bugs that need addressing performance-wise, but the birds have been missing a long time now and it would be wonderful if we could find out the status on them ever coming back.

    EDIT: u/RiotKingCobra confirmed below it's a bug that'll be taken care of during the shifting around of terrain in preseason. Those of you who've managed to apparently see the birds, I wish I had your luck. Thanks everyone!

    submitted by /u/maulcore
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    I know nobody really cares about ARAM, but RIOT really dropped the ball on Senna. Every game she's in is just insta-win/insta-defeat.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:26 AM PST

    She has nearly 75% winrate now. It's ridiculous. It's a valid game mode and people play a lot of it... it should be considered. This wouldn't be a problem if people could ban.

    submitted by /u/Thuringwethil13
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    BoxBox's Fog of War Pathing Mechanic

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 11:56 PM PST

    Really nice Pyke play by Mikyx in soloq

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    https://clips.twitch.tv/BlueVenomousLaptopShadyLulu Mikyx e ult flash as pyke in solo queue to secure 3 kills

    submitted by /u/GC79
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    Here are 58 country rosters that could compete for the League of Legends World Cup!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    Hello Reddit!

    So i was walking one day from my university and since i am a big lolesport fan and i was thinking how cool would it be where countries would compete for the world cup in League of Legends. I came home, opened up Reddit and saw this this thread and my mind was blown xD. Anyways since it is my dream to work in lolesports one day i challanged myself to build up all the rosters of all the world countries i could find. My main source of information here is Leaguepedia. I also wanted to include team names whre players play, but since it is preseason that would be suicide xD. Also during the making of this Ibai posted this tweet and i actually saw there was interest in this competition and people were already making rosters.


    First of all the rosters consist of 5 main players for the 5 main positions which we all know. Then i picked 5 subtitutes for each position of the roster. And at the end i added 3 players that could also be called up for the national team or players that could autofill in a position and be in the main lineup.

    How did i choose the players?

    First of all i started with the best players at this years worlds. I followed up with the players that play in the 4 best leagues: LPL, LCK, LEC, LCS. After that come other leagues that normally compete at worlds and in worlds playins. After that come intenational leagues that still have decent quality such as EU Masters and ESL Balkan. Then come Academy Leagues. Followed by national leagues and at the end come free agent players.


    In alphabetical order

    In Tier Order

    How did i give countries tiers and what do i think about them?

    S tier - These countries have all top players and would totaly dominate the tournament and would be competing to win it all.

    A tier - Countries that still have good or talented rosters and would be able to compete with the S tier countries where it would not be a complete stomp.

    B tier - Countries that have 2-3 good or talented players but the other players come from weaker leagues.

    C tier - Countries that have 1-2 good players but the rest of the roster is an unknown factor and the question here would be if the stars can carry the others.

    D tier - A country maybe has 1 known player but the other are simply an unknown factor and i have no idea how they would compete on the international stage.

    End thoughts

    Fun thing i found out while making the list that there already was tournament that occured between countries and it was named IeSF 10th Esports World Championship. It was held in Taipei and no pro players were allowed. The prize pool was 20k dollars.

    So finally i would like to say i do not know everything about every league and i probably did make some mistakes when chosing players. If you know a player that is better than another players you can say it and i can change it. Also if you guys think a country should be a higher or lower tier please let me know. Remember i did this for fun and if i totally messed up a roster please do not flame and help me fix it.

    Edit #1: After some community feedback i decided to change the tiers a litlle:

    Poland from B to A

    Vietnam from B to A

    UK from B to C

    Portugal from D to C

    Costa Rica from D to C

    Argentina from D to C

    Chile from D to C

    Edit #2: Added an F tier for teams that do not belong in D tier. Moved Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Macau to F tier.

    submitted by /u/TheBosnianIzo
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    GIANTS & POP/STARS: Making Music with Sound Design

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Eyes on Worlds: Fly, FunPlus Phoenix, Fly

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:15 AM PST

    I know its aram, but this is my first time playing lissandra and i took a 2-3 year break from league so i was pretty happy about this one

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    [PSA]Senna has a hidden quest like Rengar VS Kha´Zix

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:53 AM PST

    "If Senna and Thresh are played on opposing teams, a quest will trigger. This in-game quest consists in one killing the other to earn the opposing champion's stack of souls."

    Just played a game where Thresh killed Senna after the quest triggered and he gained her passive. She had 40 stacks so he got 40 AD, 50 Range and 30% Crit.

    I haven´t seen this posted anywhere and I think its super cool interaction! I think Senna has a higher benefit because some of her abilities scale with AP and Thresh is support, so not much to gain unless you go AD. Its a nice bonus but not game braking imo.

    (Sorry if this has been posted before. Also nerf Senna´s Q speed, it is faster than Lucian´s..)

    submitted by /u/Diezel1337
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    Vel'Koz The Faceless - Skin Concept Art

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:22 AM PST


    Open the lock to gain the secret knowledge, but it main overwhelm your mind...
    Skin idea is inspired by the Iron Inquisitor Kayle, Cursed Revenant Nocturne and the Black Scourge Singed skins. We need some more creepy/dark yet not edgy skins.
    Drawing is made by me in Krita.

    submitted by /u/Kappalachy
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    Ryze gets a penta by pressing E-Q-E (ARAM)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Worlds 2019 - A Time of Turmoil and Lessons Learned | Team Liquid x Honda Presents: Level Up

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

    Quick Gameplay Thoughts: November 15

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Since you guys liked the Chinese insec so much. Check this guy out. He goes by the name ShenShan. Chinese guy who mains Leesin.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:52 AM PST

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