• Breaking News

    Friday, November 22, 2019

    League of Legends Where did you end up for Ranked 2019?

    League of Legends Where did you end up for Ranked 2019?

    Where did you end up for Ranked 2019?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:58 AM PST

    What up /r/leagueoflegends fam! It's been a relatively tame year in terms of game changes, from towers to a broken death recap. During the 10 year anniversary some pretty exciting changes to the map were announced with elementals, but before we get to that how did this season end up for you?

    Did you reach the top of your climb as expected, do better, or do worse? Where did you end up and what queue?

    Excited to hear about where you all landed and hope you all had as much fun playing this year as I did! Jk this game makes me die inside and yet I keep playing it. Let us know in the comments how your ranked season ended up.

    submitted by /u/sarahbotts
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    Subreddit and Moderation Feedback Thread #10, Now With A New Name!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:04 AM PST

    Hello everyone, Vayatir here bringing you the 10th installment of these feedback threads. I am also bringing you some news about these threads:

    We have a new name, because the threads will no longer be done quarterly. Instead, we will be having them every two months. So this one is in mid November, you can expect the next one in mid January. This means they will be appearing more often than they have in the past.

    Feedback is one thing that can help us moderators know what we are doing well and what we can improve upon. This thread is for you to give any and all feedback to the mod team of /r/leagueoflegends. What do you like about the subreddit? What do you dislike? Any ideas, any improvements, anything at all, feel free to share it here!

    In order to generate meaningful feedback, please try to give constructive criticism i.e. provide an idea or solution instead of "I don't like this." Please keep all top level comments as feedback, which means if there are memes/jokes, they will be removed.

    This thread will last for approximately a week, so be sure to get your word in before it goes!

    Please state clearly which rule/aspect of moderation/the subreddit your post refers to at the start of your post. We may not reply to every single comment here, but we will definitely do our best to look at them all.

    Here are some of our recent changes since the last feedback thread.

    Rule changes coming out of the quarterly feedback thread.

    The Spam and Self-Promotion Rule is changing: Here is what you need to know.

    We recently ran a trial on our short duration content rule and we are looking for feedback on how that went. Please direct feedback about that to the sticked comment at the top.

    submitted by /u/Vayatir
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    TSM Jungler Announcement 2020

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    Doinb just changed his IGN name to S9 Worst Mid

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    It is quite funny tho, he just changed his in game name to s9最菜中单(s9 worst mid)
    In case if you want to know
    the source from his stream:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmdlKxP5Tdk
    Edit: If you want to watch Doinb's stream(In Chinese) https://www.douyu.com/252140
    Edit2: Some nice guy translate it and post some vod in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW4WuqiTZGk&t=173s

    submitted by /u/oumeicaibi
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    S04 Forg1ven confirmed.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Sources: Cody Sun to 100 Thieves, Stunt promoted over Aphromoo

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Hai showing he still got it by solocarrying a teamfight after keeping his team in the game

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:19 PM PST

    Licorice speaks on the Sneaky situation

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:20 AM PST

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/511792506 it's about 20 mins long.

    https://youtu.be/chI71LTDcAI?t=1075 the video he is referring to about being mad for those who haven't seen it.

    C9 Jack releases a statement regarding Sneaky and his future https://twitter.com/JackEtienne/status/1197960599939862528

    Notable things:

    1. There were alot of ingame com issues they couldn't overcome.
    2. Their game review was full of "what can we do better as a team" which he states is what makes C9 so good as a team, but there was a lack of taking responsibility for one's own play.
    3. He says "they" came to him and he voiced issues he had with the team and how he'd like to see some changes. He knew that would mean teammates could be removed or he could be removed. He thought it would be him being removed from C9.
    4. He thinks C9 as a org not making a statement in some way was not a good move.
    5. He thinks Nisqy was being a good teammate in coming to aid him when the community bombed him with negativity, though the wording of the tweet wasn't perfect.
    6. Him and Sneaky are not on good terms atm, him and Zeyzal are "ok".
    7. He doesn't know if the new botlane will be better but he hopes the atmosphere of the team will be better.
    8. Hasn't spoke to Sven, and does not want to speak on Svens situation.
    submitted by /u/Miruwest
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    T1's humble pop off to game 1 at TwitchRivals

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Cloud9's Jack issues statement on Sneaky's future plans

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    EG Confirms Bang

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    https://twitter.com/EvilGeniuses/status/1197915141112827906 Signing Bang confirmed. Hopefully he can turn it around from last year with the rest of the team and prove he still has what it takes. I know i'm excited about this team, and as a long time eg fan i hope they do well.

    submitted by /u/anialater45
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    Shyvana, the Dragon champ whose passive is designed to kill dragons, can’t benefit from Cloud Drake’s buff

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    Shyvana's passive gives her increased damage to drakes and increased resistances per drake killed. But her ult doesn't have a true cooldown and therefore isn't reduced by the cloud drake buff. It feels really bad when you need to kill dragons but you can't even use their buff :(

    submitted by /u/Trapped_In_A_Vessel
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    Why is it so hard to follow Twitch Rivals?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 02:21 PM PST

    I can't watch it live but it is incredibly difficult to find out what is going on post match. I legitimately don't know what's happening after each game unless I see the end.

    You would think with such a popular "tournament" the results would be easily accessible.

    submitted by /u/MaMagooni
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    Esportmaniacos: Vulcans buyout costs more than Origens LoL team for 1 split.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzZlqzTbA0c&feature=youtu.be

    According to Esportmaniacos, Vulcans 1.5 million dollar buyout was more expensive than what it costs to run Origens LoL team for 1 split. Also, according ot H2K rich, salaries in EU have gone down with 15-20% where as they have risen in LCS.

    submitted by /u/LastDare
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    Preseason 10: DOUBLE-JUNGLE META

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 03:09 AM PST

    Good morning my fellow bastards, I come today with a riot-friendly experience:

    I'm in an amateur team (we are on a d4 average mmr, not a big deal) and we've started to practise this playstyle. Here are some reasons on why this system has been working for us so far:

    1. Jungle camp respawn timers have been shortened. This implies faster jungle rotation clears, which are not viable in a fast game (since patch 9.16 game became faster).
    2. Gromp XP and Gold inscreased, allowing to get lvl.3 after one side jungle roations (either 3 camps in blueside or 3 camps in redside). This allows the possibility of having one topside jungler, and one botside jungler.
    3. Botlane shared XP lowered. Botlane has lost a bunch of xp gain now, so we think it is not worth anymore to put 2 players down bot. Instead, we've started to put a tank/engage champ bot, with confortable waveclear undertower and sustain, that can hold a 1v2 lane (so far, it's been only 1v2 lanes since no one else is going for double jungle).
    4. Objectives: Herald spawns 2 times (min.8 + min.14). This automatically increases its prio, so having double smite + one player fully dedicated to the topside jungle, becomes way more valuable.
    5. Objectives: Drakes. Dragons now have reduced HP (they die faster) and are much more important in the earlygame (due to dragon souls and stuff). So having a fully dedicated botside jungler becomes more valuable as well.
    6. Now jungle has become a more "afk-farming" position if you want to keep up with xp, so having 2 junglers let you keep track of the enemy jungler 24/7. I repeat: 24/7.

    The way we proceed is quite simple: we have 3 solo laners and 2 junglers (topside jungler and botside jungler) each one focussed on his sidelane + jungle camps.

    Midlane has to get a fast clearing champ, wether it's a mage or a pushing ranger (tristana, por example, since you will lack an adc). Prio is key for objective control and faster rotations.

    Toplane is either a tf champ or a splitpusher, it really doesn't affect from now on, since we've only played around 10 games.

    Botlane is the hard one. Since the botlaner will be in a 1v2 situation for like 15-18min, we've needed some sustain/waveclear champ. So far we've played with tanks and bruisers like Garen and Ornn, and reactive champs like Kennen, Vlad and Ryze. Its not a free-win lane, but not a perma lost one either.

    I strongly recommend you guys to give it a try. It's been working fenomenally for us so far and we will keep on playing it untill we find a more effective way to deal with this last patch changes.


    submitted by /u/marcotheman
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    Not only does the new collection tab look bad but once you hover over a champion to see your mastery points you can't hover over them a second time to see them again

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:44 AM PST

    It's so annoying. And I don't want to always refresh the tab to see them. Am I the only one with this?

    submitted by /u/hyukifu
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    Serrated Dirk's passive was removed because Riot didn't like that you lost access to it when you upgraded the item, and in the same patch, support items were added that lose their passives mid game.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:46 AM PST

    From the patch notes: "The item shop has a few component pieces whose passives disappear from their upgrades, and Serrated Dirk is one of them. These days we're not huge fans of that, since disappearing passives ask you to play around an effect that you lose access to as the game progresses. Since the lethality line's getting an overall power-up from the adaptability provided by new options, we're nerfing it by removing the disappearing passive from Dirk."

    I understand the want to nerf support income, but it's funny that they put these two changes in the same patch. It feels bad to suddenly lose the ability to execute minions. I think the support items should keep their passives, but but generate gold with them. So you can still execute minions, and just grant the gold to a teammate, maybe add back in the heal too for the completed item. And maybe add the extra damage back to the Tribute items when completed.

    Edit: people think I'm complaining about the gold income, it's just the loss of minion executes on the tanky items. I don't want them to add back in more gold, I just don't like the idea of losing a mechanic that you spend the first half of the game playing around. Ideally, you would be able to execute a minion and grant the full gold to an ally, and take no gold on your own.

    submitted by /u/2nuhmelt
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    Rare invisible bug

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Golden Role Swap | Golden Guardians new support | Roster announcement

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:41 PM PST

    My friend an I won a 2v5 ranked game

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    My friend an I won a 2v5 ranked game


    Its a really long story but basically my friend accidentally banned someone's champ, so we all picked troll picks thinking we're gonna run it down. Our 3 other teammates went afk about 4 minutes into the game, so we pretty much thought the game was lost. So we fooled around, looking for kills around the map while the enemy team was trying to desperately end with herald. Well, eventually, we killed them so many times they got so tilted that one of them afk'd, and they ended up surrendering at 20 minutes. Funniest and most unexpected game of league I've ever played in my life!!

    submitted by /u/dax-cb
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    Be more chill in aram and normal games, please

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:34 AM PST

    I come back from a 5 year break. Yeah, I need to get back into the game. Yeah, I wasn't really good back then and I'm not up to that level of playing again. Yeah, I don't know all the champs and items and meta yet.

    But for crying out loud, could you chill a bit? I'm not a noob when it takes me a second to get in lane after warding the river and you died. I'm not a noob for you to keep running into the enemy and dying after they killed us a few times.I am a noob and tell you "not good at last hitting", you then telling me "Why don't you farm?" and then actually farm yourself isn't going to help me get into the rhythm of last hitting.I'm not a noob when you as Ryze support push into the enemy tower, get ambushed from the river because MY ward just timed out and I'm not in lane because I'm on less than 100 HP and recalling.

    And yeah, in ARAM I get random champs. Champs I either haven't played for years or champs I never played at all. Calling me a "noob Olaf" isn't going to change anything. I'm also not to blame if the enemy team is fed, if you constantly engage into them (after you found out that at least one of us will not perform to the champs standards).

    I can't read minds and in solo Q you should signal if you want to commit to a fight or stay back. I might misjudge.But it's not my fault if you engage over and over, I try my best, even though I think you are overextending and then we die.If you don't get that my performance isn't enough to kill them the first two times, I will not magically be able to do it the 3 next times.

    It's also not helping if you then not even go into XP range, but stand under the tower sulking and spamming the surrender button.

    How the heck shall I learn the game, if you flame me and blame me after two deaths (that I think you could have easily avoided) and stop playing properly?How shall I learn to properly farm, if you last hit before I do?How shall I learn the intricacies of a champ, if you only flame me the first time I come across it in ARAM?

    I'm below average, no question, but give me a chance gosh darn it. ... I get my As and Ss with teammates that play together and not just for their own glory.I can be helpful, if you let me and not abandon me after 3 minutes. ...

    Thanks for listening.Hope to be able to honor more of you.

    Edit: If you just comment to say: "/mute" or "/muteall" I've already muted you and can't see your comment. ;)

    submitted by /u/Enudoran
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    Warwick jungle currently holds the highest winrate in the game at 55.25% (6000 matches in plat+)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    WW is super strong rn and the numbers only support it. He has a 4.5% pick rate in worldwide Platinum+ elos and a 55.25% win rate. Win rate goes down to 53.41% in all elos, over 54,662 matches. What do you all think about him? Are his numbers too strong or does the jungle simply favor good early game junglers that can solo objectives?

    submitted by /u/MidnightLightss
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    Excel Welcomes Fabian Broich as it's Head of Performance

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:59 PM PST

    Kanavi transfer agreement between JDG & GRF, which was written by GRF's lawfirm, disclosed. But the lawfirm lied that they didn't know Kanavi was going to be transfered.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    [Edit: I reread Key&Partners 1st press release. Key&Partners said they did know when JDG & GRF agreed upon transfer conditions. So maybe they were not lying? It isn't clear which is first. Sorry for possible misleading title.]


    GRF's lawfirm is VEAT. Kanavi's agency is Key&Partners. But these two body is the same people, the same office.

    Key&Partners said they didn't know kanavi was going to be transfered to JDG, because kanavi didn't contact with them. They apologized for bad contract issue and dicided to quit their business today.

    But korean newspaper Kookmin Ilbo just disclosed Kanavi transfer agreement between JDG & GRF, which was written by GRF lawfirm VEAT. As I said, VEAT is Key&Partners so Key&Partners definitely knew what was going on. In fact they were making it happen. Kookmin Ilbo sent a mail to ask about this to Key&Partners, and that was why they suddenly decided to quit their job today.

    In response to Kookmin Ilbo, they said they never met Kanavi or his parents when agency contract was signed and it's a shame. They said they are VOLUNTEERING for free because THEY LOVE E-SPORTS, but they don't have much resources.

    submitted by /u/maileaf
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    Monsters and Healers

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:03 AM PST

    First English Hans sama interview after joining Rogue: "I'm confident that I'll bring a lot more champions to the Botlane. In Misfits I was stuck in the mindset that I couldn't play Mages, but now I can play them as good and confidently as Draven!"

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:32 AM PST

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