• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    League of Legends You can apparently curve Nunu's snowball around the alcoves

    League of Legends You can apparently curve Nunu's snowball around the alcoves

    You can apparently curve Nunu's snowball around the alcoves

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    The year is 2022. Shadow Dogs Unleashed are the first team to sweep the LCS, with a perfect 18-0.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:36 AM PST

    Adrian, Tarzaned, Soligo, Tyler1, and Xpecial gather in front of the LCS cup, arms around each other, and bow towards their audience. The crowd is elated; "ROO ROO ROO ROO ROO" can be heard throughout the stadium and into the streets. The Shadow Dogs Unleashed have just swept the LCS with a remarkable 18-0, the first of its kind in LCS history.

    Tears well up in Tyler's eyes. Memories of the team's starting days flash through his mind.




    "Definitely no."

    "Okay, now, here's another one. Me, personally, I really like this one. SHADOW DOGS UNLEASHED."

    "Yeah, that's the one."

    Yeah, that was the one. That IS the one. This is it. His arms tighten a little around his teammates, and he chokes back a tear as he nods towards Tarzaned. James Jungle God Tarzaned, MVP of their breakthrough Twitch Rivals run. Tyler thinks back to 'THE play' which landed them a spot in the LCS to begin with: Tarzaned's infamous Baron steal, guaranteeing them the Twitch Rivals 10-0 sweep.


    Tyler didn't know how right he was. Adrian's Riven; Tarzaned's jungle pressure; Soligo's mid carry; Xpecial's comms; and of course, Tyler's own Heimerdinger. There are so many factors that brought the Shadow Dogs to where they are now. But the most dominant factor is that the five are family. They've redeemed their past selves by coming together and supporting each other.

    Tyler looks out into the crowd. He scans the purple and black jerseys prominent throughout the stadium. His eyes stop near the front of the crowd, where he sees with someone he recognizes: a man, tall and slender, shaking his head as he claps, staring straight back at Tyler. There's a small child on his shoulders, waving purple pom-poms. Tyler freezes, then shakes his head, stepping forward from his team. His smile grows as he grabs a microphone and points straight at the man.

    Tyler belts out these next words with true conviction:


    submitted by /u/aquari_lulu
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    I finally made the Xerath Skillshot Browser Game

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PST

    Info regarding "updating" your League of Legends username

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Info regarding "updating" your League of Legends username

    Here's the message I got.

    I've had my username for over 5 years now, but I was forced to change it just because it interfered with my PBE account's username. I wish they had told us about this before making a sudden change.

    submitted by /u/MichaelmouseStar
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    I am officially calling it now: Aphelios gets a PROJECT skin.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Probably the next time the PROJECT event roles around. He meets all of the requirements:


    Popular (probably)


    Lots of cool-looking abilities to modify

    Different guns they give the PROJECT makeover

    Will get a skin before Ornn

    He's the perfect fit!

    submitted by /u/SaucesOfFieri
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    The next champion, an Ionian Juggernaught, is called Sett

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PST

    The next champion, an Ionian Juggernaught, is called Sett

    Just compare the leak on s@20 with the image from the roadmap.




    Sett is some kind of fighter from the Ionian underground, that has a relation with heat. He will be very accessible to play, much like Darius. Pretty hype that he is a simpler champion, reading Aphelio's passive just gives me headaches.

    submitted by /u/GragasBellybutton
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    Aphelios changed my mind about the necessity of new champions in modern day League

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:02 AM PST

    As of Senna's release there are 146 champions in the game. Before Aphelios kit was released I was of the opinion that we already reached the point where releasing new champions is close to pointless because they'd just do variations of previously released champions.
    But Aphelios is a paradigm shift. This champ just opened up so many possibilities when it comes to new releases.
    I understand that he's probably going to have a 30% winrate in soloq, will dominate pro play, get nerfed into oblivion and will be forgotten by February but my point still stands.

    submitted by /u/Commot
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    Johnsun joins Dignitas as starting ADC

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST


    Will be very interesting to see how he fares this split. If the rumors are true and Froggen is their mid I can see him being forced to operate with few resources. Considering LirA isn't playing and the chatter regarding Huni taking up most of their salary it'll also be interesting to see who they grab for jungle and support.

    submitted by /u/GeoffBlum
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    Flyquest have confirmed the addition of PowerOfEvil to the team.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST


    Pretty funny release video. I like how they called out redditors. What do you guys think of Flyquest 2020?

    Top: V1per

    Jng: Santorin

    Mid: PoE (From POB to PoE, huh.)

    ADC: Wildturtle

    Support: Ignar.

    Personally, I believe it'll be a low playoff team, or like 7th. I'm kinda biased, though. I used to be a Flyquest fan.

    submitted by /u/memesarenotbad
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    How to play Aphelios (shortest essay possible)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    You have 5 guns: Green, Red, Purple, Blue, Gray (RIP colorblind people).

    • Green, Blue, Gray are main weapons. Aa with them. Main weapons have situational ults.

    • Red, Purple are secondary weapons. Switch them to use Q, don't aa with them often. Secondary weapons have more generic ults that can be used in different situations.

    (Red, Purple have valuable Qs, so don't burn the ammos too quickly using aas. That's why they should be secondary more often.)

    • Green pokes (aa, Q), chunks (R)

    • Red heals (aa, R), bursts (Q).

    • Purple peels (aa, Q, R)

    • Blue deals AoE (aa, Q, R)

    • Gray bursts (aa), zones (Q), sets up for stronger aas (R).

    • Gray should stay as secondary for a while before you switch it to main (stacking it up).

    submitted by /u/penboiyi
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    Target dummies on PBE have 1000 HP and 0 armour/mr. If you see any posts displaying outlandish numbers, don't be mistaken about why the numbers look so high

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    A certain post gained a hell of a lot of traction which relied on the damage dealt to practice dummies. It's easy to have missed it but dummies on the PBE have no armour or magic res by default.

    So if certain posts come along spouting that new champs can deal 35,000 damage in total to 3 targets in 10 seconds, take it with a grain of salt. Yes that number of high, but that number will be halved post-mitigation and is easily beat by other hyperscaling champions.

    submitted by /u/RedditMattstir
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    I saw Challenger player in real life

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:11 AM PST

    Honestly, you wouldn't believe me even if I showed you.

    He had dark hair, blue eyes, and calves that I knew I would never achieve.

    He was standing outside of a building, the moonlight shining on his leather jacket.

    Facing face to face, I started to tremble. I could sense his chakra through his ripped shirt.

    "Who.. who are you?", I asked.

    "They call me Mr. Yasuo", he said.

    "Why is that?", I stuttered out of utter fear.

    "Wouldn't you like to know Sally?", he barked back.

    I fell to the ground, trembling.

    My name wasn't Sally, but the blatant disrespect I received from him made me feel his true presence. His raw form.

    He was a Challenger player. I knew it.

    He pulled out Smarties and began rubbing it together.

    What was he doing, I thought..

    He then opens up one end, puts it up to his mouth, sucks in air, and breathes out some kind of dust or smoke.

    I stand up and our eyes met. He said "Pretty cool, huh?"

    I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what I even witnessed. He turned candy into smoke.. This guy.. is an actual bad ass. I wish you could have seen it.

    My words began to spill out of my mouth, I could no longer hold it in.

    "What is your op.gg?" I begged.

    He replied, "Oh, since you are a fan, let me show you."

    He leans in, pulls out his phone, opens up the op.gg website, and pulls up his profile.

    'Username: MrYasuo1337' 'Rank: Silver III' 'Winrate: 37%'

    Confused, I ask "Why does it say you're Silver III?"

    Immediately, I feel overwhelmed with his disgust filled eyes.

    "Do you think I would let others see my true rank, bro? I'm not going to let these trash console players feel satisfied having me in their game."

    ... Silence

    "Who.. who are you? Who are you really?"

    He pauses, smirks, and looks me directly in the eye.

    My body starts shaking.

    "I'm you." I say to myself.

    I laugh. Throw my candy on the floor, crush it with my feet, and walk away.. taking a last look of myself in the shiny glass window of the building next to me, before walking into the psych ward to check myself in.

    submitted by /u/brettlw_
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    Hi, I'm Finn and I just extended my contract with Rogue. AMA.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Hi r/leagueoflegends,

    here the promised AMA with Finn. Finn has signed a new contract with Rogue until 2022. You can watch the announcement video here.

    We will start answering questions in around 2 hours.

    EDIT: This concludes the AMA. Thanks for the questions!

    submitted by /u/RogueGG
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    JackeyLove signs with Suning.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:11 PM PST

    source: https://bbs.hupu.com/30909492.html

    imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/USP4Elf (in the background of the picture of JKL signing contract you can see the suning jersey frame)

    Impressive signing from Suning. It will be interesting to see what the rest of the team looks like.

    submitted by /u/yiwancibeishang1
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    fans ask Doinb how much he can farm in 20min......and here is the result 400cs in 24mins as ryze mid. he also said it can be done with ziggs anivia and ryze.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:53 AM PST

    CLG Announce “Deus” as “Solo Laner” for Academy

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:29 PM PST


    Apparently he was formerly named rjsdndgod. I remember him from scouting grounds I believe. I know he played for LS and BBQ Oliver's. I remember on stream once he was getting coached by LS and he mentioned not getting an opportunity due to politics in NA (I could have misremembered though). Happy to see him get a chance and hope he plays well as a young NA talent.

    Edit: he has competitive experience playing top and mid thus the "solo laner" announcement

    submitted by /u/ChrisPride
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    Any platform that requires a "hidden" account name for login should just use one's email

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:12 AM PST

    It's really that simple. If Riot needs my email anyways, and then asks me to come up with an unique login name that's hidden from everyone else anyways, then why not just use my email for the login? Almost everything apart from Steam uses email nowadays to login. This would avoid so much trouble for both Riot and the player base. They're doing a big overhaul and require people to change their usernames and all, so why not just change the Riot account to use one's email in the first place? Discord does it, Google does it, Blizzard does it, and it works perfectly.

    submitted by /u/__mahi__
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    Broxah announces how he really feels about Doublelift

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:05 AM PST

    [Official] Riot Korea orders Griffin to have a disposal on LOL team

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:17 AM PST

    Link (Korean)

    Riot Korea ordered that all the Still8 executives(including Shark), who take responsibility should be abandoned from Griffin LOL team, or just have a disposal.

    Also Riot Korea announced that they'll put off cvMax's discipline until they have an external audit on cvMax's violences.

    submitted by /u/zuud9
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    What ever happened to the Lifetime RP Rewards promised over 5 years ago?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:21 AM PST

    I remember Riot discussing bringing rewards to players based on Lifetime RP spent/bought many years ago but not sure what happened to it and why the topic has not been brought up since. The last comment I could find on it was from RiotHippalus 5 years ago who said " This has not been forgotten and is still discussed internally. "

    Players like these have contributed towards funding this game, keeping it free to play and allowing new content to be produced. So the idea of showing some appreciation towards these players seems right.

    Inevitably there will be some players that cry about missing out, but there are already so many things that newer free to play players get for free, that older lifetime accounts never got when they were starting out.

    I certainly remember the old grind just to afford a new rune, or champion - which now can be earned relatively easily through chests. It could also be argued that RP is worth far more now. For older accounts that bought 1820 skins such as Magnificent Twisted Fate, Gentleman Chogath, or Brolaf they can't help but laugh when comparing what they got for 1820 RP as opposed to the amazing skins that are given for the same price now.

    Additionally there is already content that is locked so players can never get them again such as Skins, borders, chromas, yet players are not crying about these.

    submitted by /u/GenerousSongbird
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    9k damage Aphelios combo without using ult

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:41 AM PST

    FlyQuest Roster Announcement: The Mid-alorian

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:19 AM PST

    Tried my best to make Aphelios look more like his splash art

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:29 PM PST


    please riot i just want my sad moon boi to be beautiful

    submitted by /u/tiredandtoasty
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    Wukong Update- Progress Report!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:25 PM PST

    11/27 PBE Update: Loot Assets, Skin Bios, & more

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

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