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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    LoL Guide Top Lane DOES NOT suck! You are just playing it like it is Season 9 and haven't adjusted to Season 10!

    LoL Guide Top Lane DOES NOT suck! You are just playing it like it is Season 9 and haven't adjusted to Season 10!

    Top Lane DOES NOT suck! You are just playing it like it is Season 9 and haven't adjusted to Season 10!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Hey guys!

    So this is a bit different post than normal. I have heard so many posts on here and on twitter talking about how Top Lane is a useless role and THEY COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG!! There are 3 very huge things that have changed in Season 10 that are not being talked about nearly enough that are absolutely crucial to top laners.

    1. Catch Up XP being removed. When I heard that Catch Up XP was being removed, I thought that there is no way that Riot would give me such a fantastic early Christmas present. In season 7 and 8, I lived in the enemy jungle because I knew that if I was able to set their jungler behind, then it would essentially be a 4v5.

    2. Jungle Timers being added to the game. Riot not only did that but gave us Jungle Camp Timers so I don't even have to be there when the camp dies to know EXACTLY when the camp is going to spawn. That makes my style of counterjungling from top lane incredibly powerful.

    3. Incredible Items to synergize with this strategy - Tiamat and Umbral Blade. Tiamat helps me shove the lane and take camps while Umbral Blade is incredible as a counterjungling tool. For such a cheap item, the passive and stats are everything I would ever want.

    I did a Vod review on a game where I got 300 CS in 25 mins and was 6 levels ahead of the enemy jungler and 5 levels ahead of the enemy top laner. This wasn't possible in Season 9 and you guys need to get with the time! I started at about the 10 min mark and although I was already winning lane, that is where I can show you how to absolutely snowball and take over a game! I have done this strat when I was behind in lane as well so don't think that this is only viable because I was already ahead.

    Vod Review

    submitted by /u/RTO_LOL
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    What can I do as an ADC to catchup to solo lane xp levels?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:22 AM PST

    So I had this game as Jhin with my friend as Blitz, we stomped the enemy Lucian and Brand. By 20 mins, I was already 2 levels ahead of him (with 7 kills)

    Come late game, around the 35min mark, I had noticed I was still level 15 or 16, while the Lucian was already level 17. Granted, he had about 250 cs at that time.

    If it helps, I had 204 cs at the end of the game.

    Is it something to do with taking camps? I swear I did my best to cs side waves, and even took some raptors and krugs, yet, despite being 8 kills at the end of the game ahead of Lucian (we lost :( ) he had the same amount of completed items as I had.

    How the frick did he do that?

    submitted by /u/PiroKyCral
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    How to have the right impact from toplane?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:20 AM PST

    I don't know exactly what but i'm doing something wrong i'm currently plat 4 and trying to improve for next season and my reocurring issue is that i'm mostly doing fine toplane. I don't get killed, i often get a solokill, i am able to set up a freeze and keep my laner at bay but so often in times mid has a hard lane or bot is dying a few times. Now i'm definitly not trying to say "help my team is inting" but it does happen that an enemy opponent is very strong and can easily match me dissallowing me to split push and also reducing my impact in teamfights. My question about this is there anything i can do to make sure my own lane is doing fine aswell as keeping control of the map and helping my teammates out? I only have one teleport every few minutes and alot happens in between.

    submitted by /u/hexdmage
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    For low elo ADC (consistent gold/exp income)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:26 AM PST

    Seen quite a few posts about keeping up with others in gold/exp so thought I might share my response to the posts with everyone.

    good bot lanes will be farming well by 10 mins (70+ cs) regardless of score, unless you're like 0/5.

    One of the ways to get gold and exp external to bot lane is pushing the 3rd or 4th wave (used to be 2nd but later spawns mean you may need to be careful of their jungler) to their tower and heading up river to get scuttle (a lot of low elos wont contest at all), this also gives you some good vision that will allow your support to keep their ward for later on.

    After your first or second b - or maybe if you're being camped - clearing the closest camp to your lane (krugs blue side, gromp red) is usually a great way of getting one level ahead in lane for a short power spike over the bot lane.

    People don't realise but supports roaming correctly is also a great way to increase adc's cs and level. One example is when there's a wave being pushed into your tower, the support can roam mid and get a kill while you safely get solo xp and gold under tower. This can only be done with knowledge of where enemy jungler is.

    Later on, the third or fourth red is usually yours (if it's fourth, you're usually in a position where your jungler is sustaining from kills, assists and towers so you can take his raptors or krugs once again) so thats free gold/exp.

    A very situational part of bot lane is when the tower is taken, people don't know what to do. The usual is, one side takes the first t1 bot and the bot that took tower goes mid. If you lost your tower, now is the perfect time for free farming the lane and possibly trading bot t1 for your mid t1 (sure you're down 1 v 2 on towers but youre getting a great amount of comeback gold/exp).

    Overall, early game can be a really good potential to get ahead even when you've got a negative score. Pour all of your salt and flame onto those minions and take their gold. Gl & Hf.

    submitted by /u/John_E_eGg
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    Smite mid with the new jungle camp timers? (Or just farming raptors without smite as a midlaner)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Now that jungle camps come up so fast, it becomes really hard for junglers to clear the entire jungle while also impacting the map.

    This means that junglers won't actually lose that much from their midlaners taking their raptors and maybe even wolves.

    Do you think that pro midlaners will be able to farm raptors/wolves more now?

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    Paging all support mains - come join us at /r/supportlol!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Hello /r/summonerschool, I am here on behalf of /r/supportlol, a subreddit dedicated specifically to the support role. Much like /r/summonerschool, we are an educational and discussion-centric subreddit, focused on exploring and analyzing all things related to playing support well. Here's a small sample of discussions from earlier this year:

    An ultimate list of support tricks

    A comparison of the strengths of mage supports vs. utility and engage supports

    A discussion on how to support an Ezreal

    An in-depth look at Aftershock Lux

    Tips on how to play against Sivir and Morgana as hook champs

    How to gain a 1 creep experience advantage on the enemy duo, allowing you to hit level 2 one creep sooner

    /r/supportlol exists to help support mains grow and to pool their knowledge for the benefit of all. If you want to know which supports would fit with your preferred playstyle, which off-meta picks work currently, what your build order would be like for a certain scenario, how to handle being camped, or even something as simple as how to place good wards, there are plenty of other support players out there ready to offer their advice and unique perspectives (with contributors from Bronze all the way on up to Challenger). We also have Anarchy Sunday once a week where we post support-related memes, highlights, and other such fun stuff. We welcome all players non-judgmentally from every skill level, so feel free to come join us at /r/supportlol and step your game up - support mains unite!

    submitted by /u/Vocalyze
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    How do you differentiate the limit between Exotic/ Troll pick ?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST

    Basically the title . Like why I never see Varus top etc.. ? Also how do you know if the champion is a troll pick or an exotic pick ? I mean take the example of Karma , she can be played in top ,mid and support . But if I pick bard I will have only some trolls report .

    submitted by /u/KoreanApe
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    New Syndra Mechanic - Guide I made on using the E flash Q and my other tricks I use every year to get Challenger. (445 LP atm)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:42 PM PST

    So I'm Fas the Magi / Fas Scriptor. A few years ago I was really well known as one of the best Syndra players in NA. Recently I decided to start taking solo queue really seriously again. Over my last 46 games on Syndra - I'm 32 wins and 14 losses on that climb which I think is pretty impressive - in Grandmaster NA playing with some of the best players on the server at that.

    https://youtu.be/8QKfYSzPPH0 - the full video, but the timestamps below might be more useful. I'm not good enough yet at video editing to make a table contents in video, but I'll get there in the future I hope.

    I want people to really understand just what the limitations of Syndra's kit are; that she's more than just a "press r champ". From watching pro players I can honestly say that the delayed e q stun pushback and the flash version of it are not used by anyone other than me. I also go over some of the other really advanced tricks I've learned over the years.

    1:00 The way to use the new mechanic on Syndra is to e the target, put your q slightly past the end of the hitbox of your e and a straight line from your target - this will push them into the orb then stun them. If getting dove this gives you up to a 500~ unit pushback into 1.5 second stun, enough to get away from pretty much anyone.

    1:20 - The more advanced version is the same but using flash as well. This gives you an undodgable stun that you can't even react to at roughly ~1k range, but it does have a high chance of failure if you mess up the mouse positioning or timing.

    2:05 - W reverse direction gives you much faster W casts as well. Can chain it with e for a really quick stun while kiting.

    2:40 - Higher width stuns to make it easier to land or stun more than one target

    3:02 - I go over surprise stuns for kills in lane or really good trades.

    3:19 - after 30%+ CDR, how to use 7 orb ults or wider stuns in teamfights.

    3:41 - flash 7 orb ult into stun combo

    3:58 - Hextech-GLP, how to use it, and why its just better than ludens in most cases. Pretty much it gives 10 less ap, costs 400 less gold, and has a better active which makes it nearly impossible to miss your spells.

    4:50 - Ghostporo, how to use it, and why its the best rune on Syndra every time. Pretty much it gives 30 ap at 14-15 minutes if used properly every game, which gives you much more damage earlier in the game.

    My account right now - https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FasTheMagi%20TwTv

    I'm climbing to challenger again right now and I've gone up 200 lp in a week - and I got to gm in 5 days before season ended from low master just from focusing on climbing. Now I'll be getting my account to challenger in the next week using my Syndra, and maybe some of you can learn these tricks so you can use Syndra as more than a press R champ.

    I hope its helpful, anyone with questions for me let me know, I can answer them to the best of my ability.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    I'm told that Zeke's Convergence is bad when you're supporting a Jhin, due to his reduced attack speed. Is this true, and what item should I build instead?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST


    I'm a smoothbrain silver support. I don't like crafting theory. I can't be bothered reading up on items' stats and doing the math. I usually just open up a build guide for the champions I'm playing and follow them - making small adjustments if the enemy is AD or AP heavy.

    I play Bard, Leona and Thresh. These supports often have Zeke's convergence as an early item, and I understand why - armor, MR, CDR and a nice active. (Mana too but I rarely find that a problem.) I also often duo with a Jhin main, and I've been advised to be careful building Zeke's when supporting a Jhin as his reduced attack speed makes the active less valuable.

    Is it the case that

    • Despite the active being worse when given to a Jhin, Zeke's stats alone make it worth a buy?
    • Zeke's active is an important part of the item, and it's not worth buying on a Jhin
      • In which case, what should I buy instead? Aside from Knight's Vow?
    • Zeke's is actually worth just as much on Jhin as on any normal ADC?
    submitted by /u/Akucera
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    Advice going against Lee Sin (as any champ)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:11 AM PST

    I'm having issues in the jungle against Lee Sin. I feel like his clear speed and health in the jungle seems to be better than about 80% of the junglers. My jungle champ pool is as follows (in order of experience playing them):

    • Kindred
    • Rengar
    • Twitch
    • Quinn (just recently with new items)

    Kindred is usually my go-to for Jungle, though.

    I find that if I encounter Lee early on (Level 3 usually) especially when I go for my Mark, I tend to have to back off as he will always kill me (assuming he hits his Q). Even when I'm not playing Kindred, I really struggle against him. I tend to always be lower health than him when going for scuttle, and if he gets it, I feel like he snowballs and starts invading me.

    I recognise that my champs don't have very healthy clears unless I kite perfectly. Is this the reason why I'm struggling?

    Thank you for the advice. Bonus points if I get some advice from Lee Sin mains.

    submitted by /u/aglimmerof
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    How does one know he is not suited for a role (etc adc, jungle, support)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

    I have been playing many many games over the years and I got M7 champions in each role, but while some role i played really good, other roles (types of champs) I fail miserably even though i can have M7 and LOTS of xp. For example I played adc yesterday and while I was 3-0 in laning phase, after laning phase was over i was dead in every single teamfight and obviously we lost. So should I just assume adc doesnt suit me and just quit the role or still try to practice? How does one know when to quit playing one role?

    submitted by /u/EeveeTrainer90
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    Snowballing and Item Build Choices

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:06 PM PST

    This is just a general question on item build decision making once you are snowballing. Say you are winning lane hard and you're deciding which item to build and have two build choices: and expensive core (costs 3100 gold) item or a cheaper non-core item (costs 2500). Is it generally better to rush an item for an earlier power spike, or invest that gold into building a core item?

    submitted by /u/Psatch
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    How to counter long-ranged enemies as Shen? (Top lane)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:59 PM PST

    I meet alot of enemies that keep removing my HP when i am farming , sometimes their damages are too large (even at first levels) so i have to back off. But now i am in Platinum, their snowballing skills are good. I cant just stay in the turret. I can trade some HP with my E Q W combos, but i cant kill them with that. If i back off after my combo , i will just give them chance to shoot me, keep chasing them will creat a ganking chance for the enemy team (E is on CD after that). So how can i play safe with 50% crps per wave at least?
    I usually go AD Tank build, or full AD (if im kinda good that match). I only go for tank if the match is dier , or my team is already high-damaged

    submitted by /u/dedustinal
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    Stop blindly shoving your waves

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    I see it in all elos and it's so sad to see. Players just auto and throw spells at their wave to shove it because they don't know how to control a wave or how a lane matchup works. Blindly shoving your wave is always a bad thing to do, there should always be purpose behind everything that you're doing, even if you auto a minion once, there should be a reason behind why you're doing that.

    submitted by /u/VoiceSC
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    How should I deal with Yasuo ADC

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PST

    I am an ADC main, mostly playing Caitlyn. Whenever I jump into a game and see an enemy Yasuo botlane, I immediately think: "Huh, he is dumb, picking a melee champ into a Caitlyn". After this I get absolutely demolished by him and the support (usually Galio or Nautilus). I feel completely useless against him: I cannot trap him due to his spamfest of dashes. And even if he gets in a trap by accident, he just presses W and my entire combo is gone. Furthermore - his W denies so much CS and I am left in the dirt, being 0/6.

    How do I deal with this slippery CS-and-damage-denying long-haired edgelord?

    submitted by /u/KMSHeadhunter
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    How are you even supposed to play Shaco effectively?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:59 PM PST

    I bought shaco yesterday because I wanted a new jungler to play and his kit is honestly really fun to use. I searched up his builds and stuff and wanted to see what was commonly run on him so I go AD with electrocute. But even when I'm ahead I really don't feel like I'm much of a threat, I can barely even 1v1 the enemy jungle who is behind me in kills/farm. I understand that Shaco isn't supposed to be kayn or khazix just one shot brawling but I really can't seem to figure out why you would play shaco over a jungler who can just kill everyone. From what I understand he is good at split pushing and securing objectives? Should I try going AP?

    submitted by /u/wgvn
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    What Match-ups Should I Learn By Heart as a Kha'zix?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:09 AM PST

    Im a support main thats decided to take up jungling as a new role. I'm really enjoying Kha as their dueling potential in 1v1s against the enemy jungler feels really high because of isolation. My issue I cant always tell if who Im jungling against 1v1 can beat me so I dont know when to play aggresive or when to path around them and make plays away from them. So far the only champ I know for sure I need to path around is lee sin.

    submitted by /u/wetstapler
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    Advice for Jungling

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    Ok I get the idea that it should be a punishing role if you fk up, but can I get advice on what to do right? I main Shaco (don't hate), I play the game since season1 and I know the champion pretty well I'd say but I haven't played at all for the last 2 seasons. I got used to the importance of scuttlers but I struggle with the exp.

    Is there a way to get to the same lvl as the solo laners, or at least be somewhere between their level and that of the bot laners? As Shaco I would want to get a full clear (except krugs), at least one scuttler and look for a gank (usually around the side my red buff is which I take second), if there isn't any I would invade and take camps or fight the enemy jingler if I meet him. For the second clear everything is unique in each game (if I got kills, how the lanes go, my matchup in the jungle etc), but in general I tend to focus botside and seek for opportunities to take the dragon (force the enemy botlane to recall, or even get some kills, or solo it at level 6), after drake is gone I ll focus topside (by this point my toplane had already start whining anyway, I got no objective botside, heralrd is usually still up). My problem is that no matter how fed I get, I can't seem to find a way to match the solo laners level without farming lanes (I had a game where I was 7/0/2 and still was 2 lvls behind). I don't ignore my camps, but I'm not powerfarming either (not killing them as soon as they spawn). Is this supposed to go this way, or I do something wrong? I mean all my games felt like my bad ones when I had no succesful ganks, died early, and I was feeling the pressure that I need to do way more than an even game so I won't fall even more behind. Any advice would be nice :)

    submitted by /u/sorodisi
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    Having issues with people giving up at the drop of a hat.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:23 PM PST

    Some games are lost, yeah sometimes you should just go next and i get that but nearly every game I play people are just saying "gg ff 15" at literally anything and it is very irritating having someone run it down mid or afk because something didnt go their way. some recent very notable examples i remember due to how purely unbelievable it is from my last 50-60 games or so:

    was playing bot lane, i had a fiddle support got snared by senna at lv 2. its an aoe ability so i stepped away from him and he said (close not verbatim) "why the fuck did you walk away from me? gg ff 15 you suck". not a big deal, mute and keep playing. except he afk'd in the fountain and we wound up losing.

    our nocturne started blue and his red was stolen, gave up "gg 15" and people of course agree. he DIDNT afk and we ended up winning pretty hard after laning phase was over.

    support soraka, my jhin died a total of 2 times in ~12 mins and he just gave up "go next" afk in fountain. their adc was even behind in gold and was down an item when he afk'd.

    first drag of the game our mid/jg/bot + their jg/bot fighting for drag. their midlane qiyana came to the fight late, ulted around the drag pit and out jglr died. (we still got drag) he flamed us and just gave up

    playing top lane cho gath and i got fed really early on, our bot lane died 3 mins in and they flamed out evelynn jungle who was like lv 4-5 or something and our thresh went top lane saying how "go next its over" and starting inting for a while and fed their renekton. our evelynn got super fed and we still won

    wanted to try out heimer top lane (boring champ imo) and my udyr came to gank (more accurately finish off a kill for me) after i had lost a fight and died top lane. he dove and died to the top lane and gave the usual "ff 15" spiel and flamed me for not helping him. again we ended up winning 4v5 teamfights the whole gae and wound up winning the game.

    and many more. is this just an NA thing or something? it never felt so bad up until the last third or so of season 9 when this became a huge issue. i havent felt so cheated out of games that were still not at the point of no return by people giving up and afk'ing not even 10 mins in the game most of the time. have you guys experienced this as of recent?

    submitted by /u/DamnAnnieTHICC
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    Splitpush or Teamfight when super far ahead

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Yo guys. I lost a game where I went 6/0 in lane and took first tower within 10 minutes. Akali into Riven top lane (me on Akali)

    The enemy team was winning most of the rest of the map, and they had a fairly fed AP Malph and Qiyana. I was by far the strongest person on the map at the time. I decided, seeing as dragons are oh so important to try and help my team contest them. We got the drakes, but we lost every fight (somehow we got drakes). It got the point where we were 3 drakes to nil but I was no longer the strongest on the map. I gave up CS, map pressure to try and play the drake game.

    The Malphite R into Qiyana R was ultimately the end of us.

    Should I have identified that our team comp was never gonna win fights and just split the entire game? Or should I have done what I did? Hindsight 20/20 it seems like the former but is splitting a game plan I can rely on in this meta?

    submitted by /u/deadjon1991
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    What are your opinions on the stratergy of 'tiliting the opponent so they leave?'

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:19 PM PST

    So I've heard this is a proper stratergy that some players have, is to tilt the enemy laner so they leave the game. There are two directions this can take: the first is I think is perfectly fine and just part of the game, that is playing a dominating/bullying champion whose kit is designed to get on top of opponents and get kills (like darius, yasuo). By bullying, i mean closing space, denying farm, that sort of thing. And to be honest, I get tilted quite easily by these kinds of champs, which i confess is my own problem, and hopefully i'll slowly learn how to power through tilt as i play more.

    On the other hand, you have players who will harass the oppponent in chat, trying to make them so unhappy about thir own play style, they leave in frustration. IMO I think that's pretty wrong, more on a moral point than a gaming point. What do you think of tilt tactics?

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    How to master Cho'Gath top?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Apart from the obvious: practice it.

    What other tips do you guys have regarding this pick? I just love the champion and would like to master in in the toplane.

    What are his hardest matchups?

    What are things I should look out for?

    Any combos or things a regular player wouldn't know?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gogosfx
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    How do I lose my lane without feeding?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:22 AM PST

    I've gotten back into League recently after not playing for a few years. I'm silver 3 and I've mostly been playing Lux mid, and I'm running into a big problem that's causing me to lose winnable games. When I win my lane or go even, I tend to do well and end up with decent income, damage, and KDA. But when I face someone who has better mechanical skills or who hard counters my champion I tend to feed and fall far behind in cs, which usually results in a lost game. Aside from 'gitting gud' how do I respond to a losing matchup in lane without feeding or falling too far behind in cs?

    submitted by /u/Aretaxios
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    5 Tips to climb out of ANY rank!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:50 AM PST


    These tips should be just what you need to finally get that border in season 10!

    In all seriousness, the message of this video is a bit fragmented but can be summed up as:

    -Generic information is rarely useful. There isn't a catch all "silvers do this wrong" "gold players do this". People TREND towards being better with every 1 mmr change, but everyone is a collection of their strengths and weaknesses. If you do want to give generic advice, it's way better segment it by roles. Mid laners don't need to learn wave control as early as top laners. Supports don't benefit as much off orbwalking as ADCs.

    -League isn't about the minutia. The amount of times I've seen "VOD reviews" of someone in diamond or below and seen the criticism be totally useless while technically true is staggering. It applies when you see Reddit threads criticizing pros, it applies when well intentioned people trying to help others get better decide to offer their advice. It's not useful and probably harmful as it distracts from real core concepts.

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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