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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    LoL Guide Dont ask what your jungler can do for you - ask what you can do for your jungler

    LoL Guide Dont ask what your jungler can do for you - ask what you can do for your jungler

    Dont ask what your jungler can do for you - ask what you can do for your jungler

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    With the growing importance of Jungle objective control, the sentence "better jungler wins" is repeated like a mantra. Sadly, its never used to encourage your jungler, usually its used when players lose their lane and need someone to blame. As a Jungler i want to give you some insights how i decide wich lane to gank and why and how you can support me with that.

    It looks like a jungler is making decisions on what lanes he is ganking and what not. this is not fully true. As a Jungler i have time to watch the map while doin my camps and i will arrange my gameplay accordingly. The decisions i make are heavily influenced by what happens on the lanes. If all my laners push, i am forced to powerfarm and get jungle objectives. If my laners are pushed in, iam forced to gank because i cant take objectives but also because i get the opportunity to do so. Iam aswell "guided" by the jungle timers. If all my top camps are cleared and i just started to clear my newly spawned bot side jungle then i wont come top no matter how good the opportunity is (so pelase stop pinging me). reason is, if i walk all the way to the top chances are high he backports, has a ward, survives the gank whatever, and iam super behind because i have to walk all the way bot again to farm. Whether a gank is successfull or not depends of the teamwork from the laner and his jungler. this means:

    1) Set it up, let yourself get pushed in, clear wards or keep in mind when and where the enemy warded
    2) Save your crucial spells. If you see me coming dont waste your stun on a trade 5 seconds before i arrive
    3) engage or let me engage depending on the champs that are involved. If you play quinn and i play maokai, wait till i engage. If you are Nasus and iam Kha Zix bait the enemy into a fight and then i will come and finish him off
    if am shaco (or any other invisible champ) dont move, just farm, and wait until i pop up behind the enemy so you wont take the element of surprise by just running straight into the emeny as soon as iam close to your lane.

    jungle objecties: in the actual meta everyone plays junglers who can solo drake. This means keep the drake warded! if you are a jungler, buy a pink ward for it, if you are the bot laner use your Ward for this. If you are a laner and see that your Jungler is soloing drake, PUSH your lane (this goes for all lanes, top mid and bot). No matter what. If your lane is pushed you can aid him if he gets in trouble and the enemy cant help as fast. Tis also counts for top lane because if you push in you can tp bot and wont lose your turret, or you will pull the enemy jungler top for a gank wich makes the dragon free for us on bot side. If your Jungler pings for help at dragon or Herald, please just go and help him. no matter if you think he can solo it or not. Sometimes i dont need help because i cant solo it, but because i know if the enemy jungler comes he will kill me and take the drake. A minion wave is not worth as much as a drake buff, trust me.

    And please keep in mind: the jungler is a support for the team. He is not your personal servant. Its not his job that you win your lane, its his job that the team as a whole gets an edge over the enemy team. I know this is obvious, but i had enough games were i was getting all the objectives, snowballing my bot lane, counterjungling the enemy and my midlaner still gets mad because i didnt gank him enough. If your jungler has 50% kill participation hes doin a good job. Even if you didnt get a single gank the whole game.

    I also want to get tips from ya´ll laners. so if you have any adivce for us junglers how we can help you out please comment that too!

    submitted by /u/TocsickCake
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    How to actually use Aphelios's weapons in lane

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:06 PM PST

    Just read this which I feel oversimplifies his weapon game a lot

    I think the linked post gives a pretty good overview of what each weapon does but because of the order of the initial cycle it's really hard to apply this to laning lv1-6

    Some quick forenotes:

    • Aphelios always starts with green/red, the cycle then goes purple->blue->gray. Weapons are queued behind grey after they are fully used up.

    • This mainly applies to mid, no idea how to play this guy bot lane and I think he has way more agency mid

    First pair

    While it seems more intuitive to auto with green and save red for Q casts, in my experience depleting ammo on red early is a lot better for 3 reasons. Firstly Aphelios's all in at <10 ammo red is really strong against lower range matchups(the combo is red q->mark auto[the auto will be purple as red has been depleted]->purple q->switch and green q->mark auto). Secondly fully depleting either of your first 2 weapons while leaving the other with near full ammo keeps you stuck on green/purple or red/purple for a long part of the lane phase, both of which are terrible(red/purple has no damage, green/purple has unreliable trades). Finally by depleting red before green you get red straight after grey, and grey/red is probably the best combo straight up for fights

    Very important to note W has no cast time or cd, so there's pretty much no consequence to use red whenever you don't need the extra range, and to use green every auto that you need the 100 range for cs/poke

    Depending on how much you've used abilities both weapons should be around 10 ammo around level 4, which lets you look for an all-in/aggressive trade(if green is also <10 ammo, the aforementioned combo can be finished with a blue q as well). Either way transitioning to purple/blue sooner is ideal as red/purple and green/purple are both bad as previously mentioned.


    A big reason for green/purple and red/purple being bad is probably the fact that purple is generally a terrible weapon in lane, with its Q not using sub weapon and there being no follow up combos when using it on <10 ammo. Being 3rd in cycle really hampers Aphelios's early lane as a pure utility weapon. That said however blue is probably the least bad weapon to go with purple. From here I using purple to cs, getting it to <10 as fast as possible. You really want the flexibility of being able to get rid of it on demand, as trades with purple are honestly just terrible. Alternatively if you're oom/low you can use blue to shove and back but that definitely hampers lane a bit when you come back. Since blue works so well with the next 2 weapons(gray and green are both insane) I like to keep blue ammo as high as possible going into next weapon, either fully using up purple or keeping it on <10 in case of a fight.

    Gray and beyond

    Blue/gray is a pretty good combo for skirmishes, and this is around the time where these should be happening(you hit gray around lv6). Keep in mind that you get a chakram for each enemy hit by blue Q, meaning you stack up chakrams really fast. If red is queued next after grey, now is a good time to use up blue to shove and back(ideally leaving blue on >10). Blue sentry is also great for shoving with its aoe autos. At this point you're super strong, blue Q followed by red Q and then grey autos(and grey ult) lets him do an absurd amount of damage.

    If you have green queued after grey, while not ideal, the combination is still decent for fights as long as you account for the fact that you're gonna be fighting with a much more artillery esque style(ala jhin). Deplete grey to >10 ammo, using blue sentries to shove out the lane before backing. Blue Q with green mark is still great for fights(marks every single enemy hit), and green Q, ranged autos and ult are still great long range burst options.

    That's all I have for you :)

    submitted by /u/Soleous
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    Learning jungle to not mess up when autofilled, and I feel like I'm actively making the role harder to myself.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Hello all! As the title says I wanna learn how to jungle, since is the role I get autofilled the most as a mid main (and I actually kinda like the role too). I am gold so we're talking about low elo of course.

    I've read a lot of stuff to learn what to do but I just feel like I got too influenced from it and as a result I actively lose sight on what to do. Overly focusing on drakes and botlane, how to path efficiently, how to recognize when a gank is worth/possible, I basically just become reeeeaaally confused and have an hard time recognizing my mistakes as a result, even more since the jungle changed quite a bit with preseason and everyone is still kinda learning it.

    I know everything will just come to practice but I find hard to do it while for starters I can't even understand what I am doing wrong or right. I try to start every game with some guiding point and I just keep getting insanely confused when I notice that I can never track the enemy jungler, understanding how to prioritize ganking and farming and just overall how to get an idea to where to be and when.

    What are some tips and general rules that can help me getting on the right mindset? I also like to play junglers like Kha'zix, Kayn and Rek'Sai, but maybe those are a bit too advanced to get started, so maybe I should stick to a simpler champion until I get the basics down?

    submitted by /u/EmaHfg
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    How to stay interested in the game when every single match has a smurf on the other team?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    I am a new player. I am currently level 16 and I have not played a single match that didnt have a smurf on the other team. Every game has a player on the other team that gets 20 to 30 kills while only dying 0 to 3 times. How is a new player supposed to stay interested in this game if every match is a slaughter due to a smurf on the other team? Btw I know they are smurfs because I ask the person who is destroying us if they are and they confirm it. Really considering uninstalling and moving on if this is all this game is.

    submitted by /u/Ovrwait
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    How to know when to pick a specific champ?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:12 PM PST

    I currently play Olaf & Rek-Sai & I'm super excited to bring them into Ranked next season. My only question is that I don't have enough game knowledge to know when to pick either champion into what or vs what. I know there are websites like OP.GG & U.GG that give you win rates for matchups but that's not really what I'm asking. For example, I watch Tarzaned a lot & almost every game, he says "oh yea, this is a Karthus game" or "Nidalee is the best pick for this game" etc. How do I obtain that knowledge to know when topic Rek-Sai or Olaf. This is confusing for me, as a previous one-trick who picked my one trick into anything & everything.

    Another example: Enemy jungler locks in Graves. Rek'Sai & Olaf both do "whatever" against Graves. How do I know who to pick in this scenario?

    Example: My team picks "neutral" champions that aren't too good with either Olaf or Rek'Sai & aren't too bad either. How do I know who to pick?

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Roaming from midlane

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:58 AM PST

    Hi guys as the title says I am struggling to make the right decision on when to roam and when not to roam. Also what to I need to get to make a roam worth my time? Furthermore let's say it is very early into the game lvl 2/3 I have a big wave heading to my tower. Do I leave it to help my jungler in a fight or stick to my minions? (given the fact I told him that I have no priority in lane)

    submitted by /u/Bl1tzb1rn3
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    How To Improve At Team Fighting (At all ranks)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:27 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I've had a lot of questions about how to approach improving at team fighting and skirmishing, so I decided to make an in-depth video on how to approach the learning process for Gold players, Plat/low Diamonds, and Master+ players. I use three differing team fights and break down the process I used while coaching professional players at the Dire Wolves.


    Hope this helps :)

    submitted by /u/CoachCurtisLoL
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    how do you deal with yasuo that perma pushes you?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PST

    so let's say i'm playing something like leblanc, kayle, orianna and enemy yasuo just pushes every wave in few seconds then roams/takes jungle or whatever. how do you not fall behind? how can i even prevent him from pushing if my jungler never comes? what can i do to gain any map control when being perma pushed?

    submitted by /u/Starlord_Glimmer
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    An exploration of ultimate CDR with the Season 10 drake changes

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:05 PM PST

    With the release of the updated elemental drakes, and specifically cloud, we can achieve some fairly bonkers cool downs on ultimates.

    I invite people to go to practice tool in PBE to get a full stack of ultimate hunter and spawn 4 cloud drakes to check some of these out for yourselves.

    To get to these 'lowest limits' we're taking some specific runes into account - Inspiration for cosmic insight, and Domination for ultimate hunter. Not all champs will take these, but we gotta see those limits! Also, obviously 4 cloud drakes is quite unlikely, but I'll give you the percentage values for 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.

    So assuming 45% base cdr and a full stack of UH, with 4 clouds we have a potential ult CDR of…


    Yes that is 80.75% cdr on the most impactful abilities in the game. This is 0.75% more than URF!

    With 45% and a fully stacked UH, one cloud is 63.25%, 2 is 69.75%, and 3 is 75.25%.

    I started this journey with this post in r/teemotalk to see the lowest charge rate for shrooms. There's some more details about some of the permutations in there, but it works the same for other champs, you just need to take their base ulti cd and do some percentage work on it, or just go in game/practice tool and see for yourselves!


    An example:

    Ahri's ult cd = 80 seconds.

    We need to find what 19.25% of that is.

    80 x 0.1925 = 15.4 seconds.

    (The long way of doing this would be to find 80.75% of 80 (64.6) and take this away from 80… so 80-64.6 = 15.4!)


    So, with this formula (Base Ult CD x 0.1925), we can now find some notable ult cool downs:

    • Ahri - 15.4 seconds

    • Amumu - 21.175 seconds

    • Blitzcrank - 3.85 seconds

    • Cho'Gath - 15.4 seconds

    • Dr. Mundo - 17.325 (i.e. 5.325 seconds without the regen LUL)

    • Galio - 30.8 seconds

    • Heimerdinger - 13.475 seconds

    • Karthus - 30.8 seconds

    • Malphite - 15.4 seconds

    • Nasus - 23.1 seconds (8.1 seconds downtime)

    • Renekton - 23.1 seconds (8.1 seconds downtime - brotherly love!)

    • Singed - 19.25 seconds (yup, that's perma up time since his ult lasts 25 seconds!)

    • Teemo - 3.85 seconds

    Enjoy the spam Summoners!

    submitted by /u/fifes2013
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    How do I use minion dematerializer correctly?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:38 PM PST

    I'm plat player and currently have been trying to improve my mid lane. I see some champs like twisted fate and leblanc run minion dematerializer. I usually use 2 on the casters and 1 on the melee. Is this the correct way to use it or should I do something different?

    submitted by /u/Ricekaiks
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    How to kite in jungle as melee?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST

    Hey all, new player here. Been trying to learn how to jungle because, especially as new players it seems no one picks the Jungle role and I'm trying to make myself as useful as possible.

    I've probably watched every video on YouTube on kiting jungle as melee and i just can't get it down. I spent 40 minutes today in a custom match just trying over and over again.

    I'm trying to figure out how to jungle without a leash, as melee. Every time i try i end up taking more damage rather than less. Red buff i barely survive and the rock golems are even tougher.

    I'm clearly missing something. I end up clipping my auto attack too often so maybe I need to slow it all down. Can someone please help me try to break it down? I was mainly trying as Rengar. I'm trying to engage, Q, step back, auto, step back, auto? A lot of guides mention 2 attacks here I think and I just can't quite get it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/LetterP
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    How do I stop losing confidence when behind?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST

    So I recently had a game where I went 0/7 in top lane and felt as though the team were better without me there so i just quit. I struggle with confidence generally because of anxiety/depression, and I felt as though the team was judging me for playing poorly, while no one said anything in the chat ( just my silly self being paranoid).

    I want to improve in confidence so I can eventually play ranked , at the moment I find it too stressful and scary. I'm a bronze 1, but i've only played about 4-5 games of ranked, so this doesnt really reflect my skill level >< I've only been playing the game since May this year, so I still have a lot to learn :)

    I want to get better at being carried, so if I do fall behind, I don't hard feed, and can help my team in other ways by taking objectives, supporting team fights etc. I generally play mages like ziggs and heimer, so I'm hardly ever a carry.

    What is your advice to not get discouraged when you fall behind and how do you bring yourself back from a bad start in lane? Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    How to play Ashe ADC and why she is a great champ to understand the ADC role

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    So last year I made a couple of league of legends video guides that this reddit channel seemed very happy about and since then the guides have gotten over 60k views and thousand of likes. In the regard I did a couple of full gameplay videos where I explain my thought process when playing a certain champ to help others master the champ better. Yesterday I decided to start making guides and full gameplays again teaching different champions. I thought this video showing how to play Ashe could be helpful for ELO players in Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold and potentially early Plat. Here's a link to a video explaining how I think when I play ADC Ashe :


    I would love to hear your thoughts in regards to if you find this helpful in regards to mastering Ashe and if you would like me to do more of these.

    All best,


    submitted by /u/XxMipZxX
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    Mages bot

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:04 AM PST

    I'm a big fan of playing mages bot and I find decent success. I had a 55% wr with 60 games on Ziggs in mid gold and I'm having decent success with Vel'Koz. I'm looking for advice from higher elo players who play mages bot. What are your thoughts on mages bot, who do you play, when and why? What are the win conditions and bad matchups/support duos? Any good streamers?

    submitted by /u/spara_94
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    How to stay high in levels mid to late game as a jungler

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    Early game I'm usually ahead in levels and at least 1 or 2 levels above their adc but with these new jungle changes I feel like I'm getting no xp mid to late game. The enemy adc catches up and is now the same level as me or higher. How can you keep your lead going and stay high in levels?

    submitted by /u/Donut_boii
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    Is the jungle still a good role to hard carry after 9.23?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:44 PM PST

    Jungle looks and feels very much forced to be on farming duty through most of the early game. There's no longer the "I'll add 2 camps in my ganking route" but "I'll add a gank in my farming route"

    While this set up is going to open up the role for players with less proactivity, they are removing agency from the role as the control of objetives won't be fully in the hands of the jungler, who will be very busy farming Krugs.

    The jungler having less gold, less XP, less lane pressure and more opportunities to fall behind creates a weaker (if less stressing) game outcome for the position.

    This is my current assesment. Would you agree? If so, or no, why?

    submitted by /u/Quo210
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    Feel like I have no control as a jungler

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Before a game I'll be thinking how I want to play with the flow of the lanes and stuff, ganking when the lane is neutral or the enemy is pushed in, warding their jungle/stealing stuff when my team is pushed up, camping lanes with flash down, etc. But then I'll actually get into the game and I feel like I'm just getting dragged along for the ride of whatever is happening. Something is always demanding my attention NOW. I feel like I have no time to do anything but I have to do everything at once. It also feels like I can't even touch top or mid laners. They're always 2-4 levels above me. After a certain point I can't even gank them without dying. When I try to play junglers that don't go into the lane really fast Nunu, Hecarim, Rammus, etc I feel like I can't even gank properly. I'd like to play something different but every time I try I just end up not ganking enough. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/BizarreCake
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    Dying to ganks to often as AD Carry.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:03 AM PST

    I feel like I'm admittedly a good ADC. I more often than not win my lane, and the few times I'm left alone I can smash it. The problem is I die. Often. To ganks and roams. Roams I can see where I messed up, I didn't look at mid, isolated my vision and disrespected Zed. But aside from vision, which I don't always have up, what can I do about ganks? I don't want to play back and wait for the jg to show. Because then my enemy ADC gets free farm, which is frustrating for me given how far I've been putting them back. How can I track the Jungler effectively? and not lost track of them in the mid game?

    submitted by /u/goku332
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    Mb3 key binding

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST

    So I wanted to change my key bindings to attack move on left click and change my left click to clicking the mouse wheel(mb3). I just can't seem figure out how to bind mb3 though. I feel that it'd be the ideal setup for me to learn attack move as I have an older Mac laptop that has the keys setup all weird. The shift key just isn't in a comfortable range to use optimally and I have my A bound to something else that I use more often.

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    submitted by /u/LoLSkydiver
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    I’ve been enlightened, I know when to back, how to avoid the ‘ol overstay, which lane needs to be pushing and when, when to slow push a wave for an upcoming Baron or Drag, but...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:42 PM PST

    My team doesn't know... they don't know these things and end up walking around looking for kill opportunities, instead of grouping top side to get towers. Baron is up soon and a winning fight can be transitioned into a Baron. Vice versa for dragon.

    I'm a mid main, and I have a wide champion pool, but I can't seem to carry my games. How can I apply my knowledge to help me win games? What's the next step I need to take to move forward?

    Edit: I hover around P4-P3

    submitted by /u/Sheket_
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    Is it more efficient to smite certain camps? (aside from buffs)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:28 PM PST

    This might be a dumb question but is it more efficient (time or health wise) to smite certain camps over others? Does it depend on what champs you play and how they specifically clear camps? For me I feel like I usually end up smiting big krug on my clears (and buffs of course) but I'm wondering if it'll make a clear faster / healthier to smite certain camps , apart from buffs. Additionally , does it matter how the champs clear ? (Whether they have good aoe or not, for example on raptors)

    submitted by /u/CitronRind
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    Is it even worth trying to initiate vertical jungling in low elo (gold/plat)? How to take advantage of predictable starts?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:22 AM PST

    In these elos, the jungler basically starts where their botlane is 90% of the time. Low elo junglers were more inclined to start red buff on redside last season because it was pretty common knowledge how important it was to reset krugs, but now that they're nerfed, I imagine most junglers will go straight back to getting leashed by their botlane.

    So firstly, is it even worth trying to vertical jungle? Seems like it would be super strong for the jungler who gets the bottom half but since most junglers start in the bottom half, the buff will be gone and there won't be much, if anything to take. I guess you could play a dueling jungler and try and get summs/a kill directly after your leashed buff but I feel like that is a big time investment that could have nothing come of it.

    Secondly, how should you take advantage of this predictable start? Should you start their opposite buff and try and 3 buff them? Even in low elo though, a lot of the time there will at least be a ward or someone sitting at the buff the jungler isn't starting. This could also backfire and you could initiate topside vertical jungling which I think is a pretty big disadvantage since they would get the bottom half of the map.

    submitted by /u/bbjimin
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    How does actually work the draft pick matchmaking?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:54 PM PST

    I dont understand how matchmaking works on draft pick games. Every single game I feel like I am playing against players with years of LoL. And there I am playing against them with a 1 week and half, getting slained all the time. Its sooo frustating!

    On my last game, played with the champ I think I play better atm (Caitlyn) and ended with a awful 3/15/13. Every single 1v1 I got killed easily. Even my CS was behind all the time. We ended up to win the game because of our jungler who was a total beast. He totally carried our team. So I search is stats and says that was the first time he was playing with Master Yi. And he started to play like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Can someone explain this?

    I'm loving this game but seriously its awfull for every beginner to start. Draft picks matchmaking is unfair and blind pick is annoying because no one cares about positions and playing as a team. Right now, dont know what should play.

    submitted by /u/Kard_L7
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