• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    League of Legends Riot is finally considering adding voice/announcer packs to league of legends

    League of Legends Riot is finally considering adding voice/announcer packs to league of legends

    Riot is finally considering adding voice/announcer packs to league of legends

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

    Riot is finally considering adding voice/announcer packs to league of legends

    The product manager of league of legends asked our opinion on voice/announcer packs on twitter and later said they *would* be pretty cool. After years of asking riot is finally thinking about adding voice/announcer packs to the game. Which champion would you guys want as an announcer?


    submitted by /u/WoutVB1222
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    Unlock full runes at level 1 was best Riot change

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:20 AM PST

    Nothing was more annoying than playing against full runes/masteries oponent when you exping account, while you can't have core keystone bcs low level.

    you play the same hero as your opponent, but you have 30% less dmg for no reason

    submitted by /u/stratisPh
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    It is annoyingly difficult to see what's available in the blue essence emporium

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    Not only is there not a way to see it easily in the client store, but I have been searching through the LoL website and even Google to find an announcement that the emporium even went live in the first place.

    Perhaps they just want people to slowly forget about it so they can get rid of it next year?

    submitted by /u/Swagsparian
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    Little Legends are a Poor Addition to ARAM

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:27 AM PST

    Look, I get it. Riot wants to make make money off microtransactions of LL, but for the love of all that's holy...please give us the option to disable them as a visual from the game.

    Riot has started making them so large and obnoxious that they're starting to out-scale some champs (e.g. https://imgur.com/0sr5jar).

    In ARAM the map is already limited in size and with an increase in VFX for all champions, there's a lot going on at all times. And the fact that they're now becoming the same size as some champions, it's even worse. Personally, I don't see the necessity of additional visual clutter of these Little Bastards Legends, let alone the audible meeping and chirping.

    I can appreciate that some people love them and want to see them in the game, but I want to have the option to disable them in the client.

    Is it just me or does it grind anyone else's gears?

    submitted by /u/zoewarner
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    Elise came out just over 7 years ago, in 2012 and looks like she was just recently released!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:22 AM PST

    I just recently picked up Elise in the top/jungle role and I'm amazed at how great she looks for being released in 2012 and hasn't received a single visual update so far.

    She's one of those champion designs that doesn't age at all. Her splash art is beautiful, her in-game model looks fresh and doesn't need any texture updates at all and her spider form looks amazing for being released in 2012.

    submitted by /u/AtreusIsBack
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    Fun Fact: All of C9's original franchised academy roster have starting spots in the LCS

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

    Kumo - Starting top lane for EG

    Blaber- Starting jungler for C9

    Goldenglue- Starting mid laner for GGS

    Keith- Starting support for GGS

    Zeyzal- Starting support for EG

    Take this as you will, but with all this talk of rookies not being given a chance and NA's affinity to import instead of develop talent, it's nice to know that for at least some academy players, dominance within the tier 2 scene is rewarded.

    Edit- nvm wiggiliy was starter, but its fine tho he's starting for clg

    submitted by /u/comeondude55
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    Swain 1v4

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    I fixed Aphelios even more (pictures of face and body)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST



    • Hair covers even more of his face than in the middle one
    • Nose is slightly more narrow than in the middle one. The point of the nose was also stretched downwards
    • Desaturated his skin and added a violet hue
    • Added a violet and blue hue/sheen to his hair
    • Added shadows around his eye
    • Made his positive canthal tilt more extreme (angled his eyes further downwards)
    • Lengthened his eyebrow slightly and made it fade out as it neared the nasal bridge
    • Made his crescent moon face-paint more pointed on the end, but I also made it fade out as well (it looks like a sticker instead of paint if it doesn't fade out)
    • Added a faint shadow under his hair

    I also made changes to his entire model here, below (the right picture is the changed one).



    • Made his shirt dark copper like in the splash art
    • Desaturated his outfit and gave him on overall violet hue
    • Scarf is pale/darker as in the splash art
    • Hair has a violet hue/sheen
    submitted by /u/Seventh_Rose
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    Ryze is the most broken champion right now

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:57 PM PST

    Insane late game damage, Tanky, AoE Damage, insane wave clear, Safe Laning, insane roaming ability due to his fast pushing.

    The champion has low skill cap, scales insane. The champion seriously need another rework. The champion is cancer

    submitted by /u/six_one_on_your_face
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    Sneaky K/DA Ahri Cosplay

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:30 PM PST


    Sneaky strikes again with another cosplay, this time taking on K/DA Ahri, with some pictures that are a bit more uhm .. revealing. What do y'all think, are you surviving for the remainder of November or is this it for you?

    submitted by /u/Stimpy_BH
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    My friend drew Senna and Lucian

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Senna and Lucian by Yuming

    His first time doing fan art show him some love!


    submitted by /u/123uyt
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    Pobelter is only 23 years old. He is also younger than Goldenglue.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:12 AM PST

    Him and golden glue are like a month apart in age. People are acting like the guy is 29 and has zero room to grow. Whoever invests into him will get a young midlaner with room to grow and proven ability to play at a high level in the league. To write off his future and believe in GGs is weird to me.

    submitted by /u/Okoba27
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    What was the weirdest flame you ever received?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    For me it was an ADC telling me that he died because I didn't use my ranged autoattacks while I played Pyke. It was in Gold Elo.

    submitted by /u/Papriker
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    first penta with elise handed to me on a a silver (3) platter

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:52 AM PST

    Do you guys think Ivern’s Daisy is Annie’s Daisy?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:58 AM PST

    In the cinematic, ANNIE: ORIGINS we see that she has a step sister named Daisy who tragically dies after having chased what is a "butterfly".

    Ivern is said to have saved Daisy who could've been turned into a sentinel especially due to the association with faeries/butterfly's and Lulu. Lulu is known to turn children into random things and yordles have multiple portals that can access different parts of Rune Terra if I'm correct so taking this all into account is she the same Daisy??

    I'm obviously being pretty brief on this explanation since there's more evidence but I'd rather see what you guy think as well :)

    EDIT: I finally address all your questions/concerns in a video I made which is posted somewhere in this subreddit

    submitted by /u/KawaiiKiing
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    Are people who go 0/2 and disconnect at 3:00 ever being punished?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    I've had an enormous amount of games lately where someone goes 0/2 or 0/3 in lane and instantly disconnects. I report them for giving up and disconnecting but they're not being punished, all of their op.ggs show that they're continuing to play the game without interruption.

    IMO there is literally no greater offense in League than disconnecting from a game in laning phase because you're slightly losing. I'd rather have 10,000 racist words and death threats on my family per game than to completely waste 4 minutes of queue, 3 minutes of champ select, 3 minutes of playing, and 12 minutes of waiting for FF timer because someone rage quit over dying twice.

    This type of behavior should be escalated to the highest possible level of punishment in order to be strongly discouraged, because in my experience it's happening more and more and there's a perception in the community that this isn't a behavior that's punished.

    I'm going to continue opening up a unique support ticket every single time this happens until the regular report function starts to have any impact on this behavior.

    submitted by /u/cooors
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    Goldenglue: It's ridiculous that I am gonna be the sole NA mid laner in the LCS

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:53 PM PST

    Goldenglue: It's ridiculous that I am gonna be the sole NA mid laner in the LCS

    Goldenglue probably could be the only North American Midlaner in LCS after he joins GGS

    he says on twitter:

    "It's actually ridiculous that I am going to be the sole North American mid laner in the LCS.. so many good players not being given opportunities"

    original link: https://twitter.com/Goldenglue/status/1199105424055648256


    TSM jungler Dardoch also says on twitter:

    "Cant believe some players being left out NALCS this year, very concerning that some teams still have no idea how to properly build a roster/scout talent in this region."

    original link: https://twitter.com/Dardoch/status/1199104500063064064


    submitted by /u/noobtoplaner
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    [Translation] DRX almost signed Khan but the suspension turned it around

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:22 PM PST

    src: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/514349532

    Last night CvMax turned on twitch and talk to followers for like 1.5 hrs.

    I'll briefly make tldr

    1. At the start of the stream cvmax cried a little for he was so thankful. So many people stood up to help him and protect young guys.
    2. CvMax recently talked to sword, rather, tarzan, and chaos. They did an interview that they witnessed physical violence of cvmax, which resulted in suspension of cvmax.Tarzan said he didn't really know what was going on. He didn't even see cvmax's exposure. Cvmax was surprised that tarzan did not intend to harm cvmax. Rather and cvmax talked about things that happened and each of them understood each side. But one of others had malicious intention against cvmax. He even said 'you have to be banned and you'll live rest of your live in regret.' Even his parents said malicious personal attack on cvmax.
    3. Kim dong woo, director of griffin, asked player if they were physically abused by cvmax. Doran replied that he was not abused, and he accepted his coaching and became better player. Kim dong woo told doran to leave griffin for he disrupts internal cohesion. Doran was kicked out of the team building immediately. For his home is in busan (4 hrs train from seoul) he called cvmax for help. cvmax took him to dopa's house.
    4. When cvmax contacted sword, rather, tarzan and chaos to have a conversation, they demanded cvmax to publicly apologize on his stream. Cvmax rejected for he did not know what to apologize.
    5. Director Kim dong woo and ex rep Cho kyu nam created internal ambience that 'cvmax is thanos and griffin are avengers. you have to protect sword.' Cvmax commented that they always use players to shield themselves and they pretend they care about players, which always disgusts him.
    6. DRX will let everyone know when contract process is done.
    7. DRX contacted khan as soon as he became an FA. Khan really liked cvmax so they were just about to sign him. But then suspension came and everything was ruined.
    8. DRX also contacted chovy and lehends after they became FA, but they became so big. DRX is not without money but they became too big.
    9. DRX may have to stick to youth players (trainees)
    10. Me and kanavi are playing 'orc gladiator' right now. It's very fun. It also helps you train micro control.

    edit) typos

    submitted by /u/kanoth123
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    My Bloodmoon Diana cosplay

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 11:35 AM PST

    My Bloodmoon Diana cosplay

    It took me way too long to finish it (around a year) but hey I feel like it was definitely worth it! :D
    What do you think?

    My Instagram

    \"A new moon is rising.\"

    submitted by /u/justBiBs
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    Challenger in-depth guide on Qiyana Jungle Season 10

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Lee Sin needs an animation update

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:59 AM PST

    With the new Nightbringer skin releasing soon, it's really apparent how dated his animations are. Playing any skin with the base animations feels way more clunky than Knockout and God Fist, and Muay Thai feels borderline pay-to-win. Even just replacing his base animations with Muay Thai's would be sufficient - that skin really does feel so much better to play. Lee mechanics are so developed and precise these days, a top Lee player has no choice but to use Muay Thai - that shouldn't be the case IMO.

    submitted by /u/JebediahSpringfield2
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    Support items are kinda weird

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:03 AM PST

    When junglers finish their jungle item, it loses the debuff that reduces xp/gold gained from minions. However, when supports fully upgrade their items they don't get anymore gold from the passive and they still get the farming debuff. Just think it's kinda weird.

    submitted by /u/gusky651
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    Crazy idea: Awakened Dragon as an inspiration keystone.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:28 AM PST

    Inspiration is all about creative rule-breaking and what better candidate for rule breaking than reducing your cooldowns?

    Now before you commit a hate crime against me hear me out.

    First, the keystone won't provide any attack speed like Shojin does, all it does it the basic attack reduce basic skill cooldowns after ulting part.

    Second, having it be a keystone means the user won't be able to use conqueror and they would have very poor laning phase. Champs like Riven Jax Renekton were really strong because of Shojin in tandem with Conqueror/PTA giving them insane 1v1 capability.

    By picking the theoretical keystone, the user would also not be able to gain triumph, tenacity/alclarity and coup de grace/last stand runes from the precision tree as they would need to spec into inspiration. Because of this trade off, I doubt Riven/Renekton/Jax would blind pick this keystone into every matchup.

    Instead, the keystone would be picked into niche matchups where the user could survive Pre-6 without a keystone AND be allowed to build the necessary items to make up for conqueror's healing or PTA's damage boost. For example, if a Riven can get death's dance and cleaver after enduring having no keystone or precision tree benefits for early game, then the rune would be powerful.

    In reality this rune would be a very niche and likely underpowered '4fun' rune just like omnistone. It wouldn't be good unless you were smurfing. But it's existence would allow for interesting interactions such as a TF chaining yellow cards or a Mordekaiser with nashor's tooth spamming Q every 1.5 seconds. Despite them using other keystones more efficiently, it being an option opens paths to other niche play styles.

    TL;DR Awakened Dragon without the attack speed bonus would be an interesting keystone for the inspiration tree as it fits with the theme of rule breaking while also having opportunity costs and weaknesses that it wouldn't have if it were on an item.

    submitted by /u/NewMetaMessiah
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    Kanavi joins JDG

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 02:42 AM PST


    I am very pleased to announce that, after friendly negotiations between various parties, the former GRF jungler Kanavi (서진혁) is now officially joining JDG as a jungler.

    In the past LPL summer season, Kanavi has helped the team win many times. We value such a potential player very much, and believe that his return will help JDG achieve better results.

    Welcome Kanavi back, we will work hard together, and march forward for the dream.

    This time hopefully he joined on his accord.

    submitted by /u/NaM_Question
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    Artemis is leaving Dig.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 07:35 AM PST


    I'm incredibly grateful for 2019, the relationships I made and the experiences we shared but ultimately I've decided I won't be re signing with Dig in 2020.

    Thanks everyone for all your support and I hope you'll still support both me and Dig in 2020.

    See you soon.

    submitted by /u/control_09
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