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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.22

    LoL Guide Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.22

    Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.22

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Please do not reply directly to the thread.

    Coaches: reply to the regional comments with the application format below.

    Students: contact coaches (PM/reply) before adding them in-game.

    Respect our Golden Rule. If you find that certain teachers/students are disrespectful, send us a message here.

    For all the previous weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    Format for replies|Only Teachers should directly reply to the distinguished comments

    :--:|:--: Copy paste this and fill it up in your responses.


    Summoner Name:

    **League / Division**: **Areas of expertise**: **Champions**: **Languages Spoken**: **Duration of Mentoring**: **Preferred Methods**: **Other Info**: 

    Previous Week Threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/archives

    General Guidelines for Students

    • You will be making the first contact by sending a PM or replying to the mentor of your choice.

    • Come prepared. What do you want to take away from this? Is there anything the mentors can review?

    • Know your issues: In which areas do you struggle?

    • You must understand that getting better is all about yourself. Bring your best attitude.

    • Be motivated. The results are proportional to the amount of effort you put in practice.

    • Mentors are here to assist and help you with the difficulties you encounter. This is not a way to find high elo Duo Queue partners.

    General Guidelines for Mentors

    • You will accept players of your choice as students upon receiving their messages. The responsibility to make further contact and set up times falls on you.

    • Be clear as to what you want to do for your student(s) in your description: Review replays, lane together in normals, experiment and practice in custom games, simply answer questions/discuss, etc.

    • Try to organize your sessions by having specific themes. You do not want to overburden someone with too much information at once.

    • Give yourself discussion prompts to avoid losing your trail of thought. Slow down, clarify your opinions and make sure the student understands.

    • It is important to always promote a positive attitude and mentality towards playing and improving.


    submitted by /u/Botkwai
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    The real gold value of Senna's passive. and why she should not build Crit

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:28 AM PST

    TLDR: one soul is estimated at around 68 gold, but its an estimate of 54 relative to other AD because her weak crits. Every 1 gold you spend on crit for senna would be .3 gold for other champs.

    Note: Damage values are rounded, and this image is proof of how garbage Senna attack speed is, also that Crit and Lifesteal have the same Gold value for senna from stacks. This is a tweet from a senior champ designer

    When you collect the mist souls for Senna's passive you get 3 gold, but it also gives other stats so I wanted to figure out the math for an estimate for how much effective gold you get in terms of raw stats from each little mist soul.

    Each mist gives you 1 attack damage. According to the LoL wikia 1 point of damage is equal to 35 gold. This stat is derived from the cheapest item with that stat. In this case it would be long sword, which is 350 gold and gives 10 AD. So every 35 gold is 1 AD. This would mean that every single time you collect a soul, it gives 35+3 gold, 3 from the base gold you get from collecting.

    I can't give any gold value for the range increase, because there is no range basic item, but I can give for crit. The gold value for 1% crit chance is 40 gold, based on Brawler's Gloves. So 1% crit chance is pretty close to 1 AD. Since you gain 15% crit chance for 20 mist. That would mean 15/20 is the crit chance per soul which is .75, and the gold value being at 30.

    In terms of Senna, The amount of gold she gets for collecting mists is therefore at 35+30+3 = 68. However, relative to other champs the value is different. Because Senna benefits less from Critical hits, 30 gold crit chance for her is weaker than 30 gold someone else.

    Normal Critical Hits deal 2x Damage, but Senna only deals 1.3x damage with her crits. She has a damage reduction of 35% damage on her critical hits.

    If Senna's Bonus damage is applied her real crit multiplier is

    If a champion deals 100 damage and has a 75% chance to crit, that would be a total average damage of 175. The formula for this would be 100+3/4 * 100 * 1 = 175. The formula for Senna with her modifiers (excluding her 20% bonus damage) would be 100+3/4 * 100 * .3 = 123.

    Because Senna's attacks deal a bonus 30% more damage instead of 100%, her crit chance stat is only 30% as effective compared to a normal champ. Turning the 30 gold per crit chance to 30 * .3 = 9 gold. Senna's attack damage is multiplied by 1.2 so her effective gold for AD is changed from 35 to 35 * 1.2 = 42.

    Note: If the equation is changed to Senna having her bonus 20% damage it becomes (100+3/4 * 100 * .3)+100 * .2 = 143

    This means her real gold per soul is 42+9+3 = 54. I want to stress this is the reason why Senna should not build crit, and why I find it confusing a lot of people build Essence Reaver. I should note that Infinity Edge is an exception, for it changes her crit multiplier from 1.3 to 1.4625.

    Runaans is Also good with Senna, but note it gives next to no raw stats for Senna. The benefit comes from it's passive, which grants her bonus Q reduction from the extra auto attacks.

    If Senna has 100 damage her Equation is, again, (100+3/4 * 100 * .3)+100 * .2 = 142.5. If she has IE it turns into 100 * 1.2+3/4 * 100 * 1.2 * .4625 = 155.(Only changing the modifier for Crit, not AD or crit chance. The reason being to demonstrate IE's effective by increasing her multiplier by over 50%)

    Every soul is around 54 gold. This would mean that typically a minion wave where you do not last hit at all, you would have 54 * 6 * .2 = 64.8 gold per wave from souls. The average gold per wave from souls is increased to 118.8 if there is a cannon minion, regardless of whether you killed it.

    If you are playing solo lane Senna, the average gold per normal minion wave is changed to 54 * 6 * .055 because instead of a 20% chance to drop a soul, minions have a 5.5% chance if last hit. So a normal minion wave would give on average 17.82 gold. If there is a cannon minion you are guaranteed to get a soul so it is changed to 71.82 gold per cannon minion wave on average.

    ADC Senna gets less gold from her passive, but much more importantly, she gets less range.

    While it may seem kinda crazy someone could make so much gold, Senna doesn't benefit from Attack speed or Crit like normal AD champs, so she cant complement her high damage that much unless building lethality.

    This is exactly what Riot intended for Senna. She is a support champ that is effective regardless of having lots of gold, because her passive makes up for it, but her lack of attack speed or effective crit chance makes her ineffective when her passive is weakened by not playing in the support role.

    Please let me know if I made any mistakes or any sentence is confusing.

    Major Edit: Crit is not affected by senna's 20% bonus damage. Redoing Calculations. The numbers are close estimations because the fact that the 20% damage bonus is not affected by crits. The higher your crit chance, the lower the number goes, by minuscule amounts.

    1/4 crit chance to 1/1 crit chance gold is in a range of 53.93 gold to 53.65 Gold. The difference is very minuscule. The equation to figure this out is ((100+3/20 * 100 * .3)+100 * .2)/ (120+3/20 * 120 * .3) * 9 = 8.93. This would be for the minimum mist Crit for Senna, which is 15%. For her max, 100 the equation is ((100+1 * 100 * .3)+100 * .2)/ (120+1 * 120 * .3) * 9 = 8.65. The differences exist, but they are very very tiny. The equations were the new equation divided by the old equation * 9 to figure out the actual Gold since the bonus damage for senna does not critically hit.

    submitted by /u/Buttchungus
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    The best tip to climb is a simple one.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 11:33 PM PST

    I used to be super toxic (lost count of how many accounts I got permabanned before they finally gave me the option to not be able to type or see both chats...). I was toxic because I was frustrated and wanted to win. I was toxic when I fed because I felt it was due to "other" factors, and I was toxic when the rest of my team fed, because I felt like I had to do everything (and in some games, it was true - I literally had to 1v5).

    But what finally made me climb was just the realization that me being toxic isn't going to make people play better, or make someone who has never played a character suddenly learn how to play it.

    Let's be honest, real, honest to god "I run it down and I don't want to win" trolls are as rare as hen's teeth. You have plenty of people who pick stupid stuff (had a thresh adc), but even though their pick is terrible they still try to win in their suboptimal way.

    The moment I relaxed (accept sometimes certain games are lost), I shot up, and finally made it to diamond. And I have been playing since S2.

    I stopped spam pinging too, and now the games have suddenly become so much easier.

    Something which I suggest is that whenever you win thanks to the other team trolling or someone on their team afk'ing, you write it down, so you don't forget you had that free win. Because you always tend to remember free losses but never free wins.

    submitted by /u/MDJ1981
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    Best way to farm against a 2 range champions duo lane

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST

    I try to improve in the ADC role, with a normal comp (me as a ranged ADC and a melee support VS the same opposition) I can farm correctly, pretty much at the same rate as the enemy ADC.

    Where I have problem it's when they are 2 range champions, it seems I can't last hit, or not as much as normally, and often they are way more aggresive, so I lose farm because we are stuck under tower.

    Yesterday I played 2 games where the "support" was Lux, any time I would get close to the minions, I was rooted by Lux, followed by everything they have at hand, waves after waves they had it push at the tower, attacking it in front of their minions so I wasn't able to get close and last hit them.

    So any tips on what to do in those situations ?

    submitted by /u/MetalHead_84
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    Trying to learn mid lane.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Support/adc main. just came back after 3 year hiatus. was gold before nearly plat but couldnt get out of promos.
    Kinda tired of winning lane losing game and want to play a more impactful role.
    i am looking for some videos on mid lane that can help me. I watched a lot of sabers coachings for adc but i cant find anyone for mid lane.
    Someone recommended that i mention my champ pool but i dont have any specifics really. Im looking to pick up some champs to round out the pool anyways.
    anyways any advice would be lovely.

    submitted by /u/muphynz
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    I want someone to duo with:)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:08 PM PST

    I just hit Gold after being hardstuck in silver for quite some time. I climbed my way out of gold when i discovered my otp Annie which i have an 80% winrate on right now. I think that winrate will go a bit down since i've hit gold. I want someone to duo with that will hopefully teach me some lessons and climb with. Im on the EUW server. Idk where to post this but i ended up here haha.

    submitted by /u/RATIRLLL
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    With winter approaching, make sure to keep your hands/fingers warm.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    I noticed when my fingers are cold I tend to screw up while typing more than usual. I have pretty bad circulation to my fingers anyways but in the winter it gets even worse.

    I've seen pros using hand warmers before games on the streams so I thought I would buy some. I ended up buying a rechargeable hand warmer from Amazon for $28 and it seems to really help with pressing the ability buttons due to the cold weather my area has been experiencing over the last few weeks.

    During champion select I will usually turn it on and pass it between each of my hands. Sometimes I use it during games but not too often.

    I'm sure there are other ways to warm up your hands/fingers but this is one way I found and I think it has improved my ability to press the correct keys.

    Hope this can help people in colder areas.

    Thanks and stay warm summoners :)

    submitted by /u/MY_BIG_ASS
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    how to hold a freeze against a camping jungler?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:30 AM PST

    so i was winning lane, and then the enemy jg just started relentlessly camping me. i didn't die, but it was so annoying since i couldn't keep up my freeze ever. we eventually won because our jg snowballed mid and bot so far ahead while their jg was just babycamping top but still. no counterplay? just sit back and take cs and back off when a lot of people show?

    submitted by /u/lowtoxic
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    Quick Tip: Base Timings

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:56 AM PST


    Made another one of these since people seemed to like the last one. I'll continue as long as there are mechanics that very few people utilize as well as they could with just a little time spent on it. Honestly, everyone is terrible at base timings and compared to other things everyone is terrible at (think wave control) it's much easier. In many cases you can just start a recall and you'll have 8s to think about if it's a good or bad idea. The benefits from resetting correctly are DRASTIC, and I can pretty much guarentee you that YOU- yes you, are really bad at it. So, I made the video.

    Last quick tip if you missed it, on pulling creeps:


    All feedback is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    How to jungle without being underleveled

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Made a post recently about leashing and it was really helpful so thank you.

    Now as ekko jungle I keep being sooo underleveled. I mostly just clear camps. My ganking is also not too good so I need tips on that as well. I get lost during games and fail at helping the team sometimes costing us the game.

    submitted by /u/YasuTorii
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    How to wards efficiently as a jungler to help my teammates?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:05 PM PST

    I'm still new lvl 40 and im silver i play kayn 40k point Mastery 6 becaude of karasmai. I need help to improve my warding so that i can help my teammates to avoid ganks and if there is a oppurtunity i will counter gank And i want help to where to put wards in a perfect spots Ps:

    Im very bad at english sorry im japanese

    submitted by /u/AaronFxker
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    How to support an aggressive maniac?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

    If you're playing support and the ADC just wants to get as many kills as possible and keeps making insane, overly aggressive, and reckless plays, what are you supposed to do? Do you try to help them accomplish their goal, just try to keep them alive, or switch to a new lane? I play Zilean, but I suppose this question applies to any support.

    submitted by /u/karaokelove
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    how do i carry/control the map as jg?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:13 PM PST

    i always hear that jg has the most control over the game, and they should be very good at macro,etc. but tbh i dont really understand what that means and how to do it.

    most of the time i feel like i'm just wandering around farming and then popping in for a random gank when the opportunity presents itself. i dont have a plan, a prioritized lane, anything.

    i mained adc before (i basically just farmed and focused on micro), but then i picked up evelynn and is now considering switching to jg completely because i love her so much lol. i usually farm until level 6 (around 7-8 mins?) when she gets her ult/invisibility and then i start ganking. most of my ganks are successful, but i still feel like my laners fall behind.

    which lanes do i gank? how/when should i camp? when do i dragon?

    i have mastery 7 on evelynn and ~60k points so there has been a few good games and i know how to play her, but i dont feel like i impact the game and help my laners much; and even when i'm super ahead, i find it hard to carry if everyone else on my team is behind by a lot (i dont know how to teamfight; i usually wait until everyone's pretty low already and then swoop in to clean up, but that only works if my team is capable of getting to that point. i lost a 25/3 game when i died and they got through inhibitors and the 2 towers before my death timer was over)

    im silver iv with a 33% wr on her in ranked :( 62% in normals though, but ranked is what really matters to me

    also, eve is the first (and only) jungler i currently play. i plan on trying kha'zix or another assassin but i would like to improve my evelynn first.

    submitted by /u/everlynni
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    How do I help other lanes as a mid laner

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    Everytime I play mid I do generally well in lane. Good cs, maybe a kill or two above the enemy. Then my adc complains then goes 0/5 and disconnects. How do I properly roam to bottom and other lanes to help them win? When is the best time to roam. How do I get my bottom to play safe instead on trying to all in the enemy laner which is tow levels above them.

    submitted by /u/Copht
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    Anxiety in Solo Q as Tank Supports

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Hello all,

    Newer player here. I did my provisional ranked matches for Season 9 and was placed Silver 4. I did this to see where I stand before I tryhard in Season 10. I think that is probably too high for me because I have been doing pretty poorly as a whole since being placed there. I have been practicing a lot in Normal Drafts and trying to get exposure to better competition than what Blind offers.

    I main Pyke, Xerath and Rakan. I perform decently with Pyke but he's the champ I played the most and he's also just super strong as a whole. I have not been doing well with the others. Playing 3, hard to play, skillshot heavy champs probably wasn't the best way to go for a newer player. But I noticed I tend to do much better with tank champions. Like Alistar; he has a much higher win rate compared to my other champions. When I play Alistar with friends or anyone I can actually talk to, it goes really well. But when I can't and it's just me solo Qing, its super hit or miss. I get so much anxiety playing playmaking tanks like him because I'm always worried about them not following up on my setups or leaving me to die; which happens a lot.

    How can I get over this? When I am "ON" with Alistar, I feel like I could actually do something in this game. But those moments where you're not on the same page as your ADC is very stressful and demoralizing. How can I overcome this? I try not to blame my ADC; I try to just focus on what I can do better. I can't control their actions; only my own. How should I be communicating with people I can't talk to in Discord or whatever. How can I be a more effective communicator/playmaker? Looking for general tips and ideas. I appreciate any insight you have to offer. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/24thWanderer
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    Keeping a good cs/min rate throughout an entire game

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    During laning phase my farm is on point missing only a couple minions every few waves, however once mid/late game comes around, my cs/min rate plummets. When I try to compensate for this by going to other lanes to push them out, I'm always absent from team fights. And I'm not so much worried about the stats as I am actually having gold for items. How can I keep my farm high while also being a part of my team?

    submitted by /u/s4b41000
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    How do you deal with not knowing why you lost?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:57 PM PST

    I'll use my mid lane matchups as an example. I play ori mid exclusively and I'm former adc main so I still run into a lot of matchups I'm unfamiliar with such as Diana or Yasuo. Sometimes I will come in with a plan for lane, like trying to poke them out when they go for CS, in the case of these champs, but it doesn't work out. I think I identified it's because I need to work around their shield's and bait them out or get them out with smaller trades, but unless I have looked up a video for the exact matchup I feel really uncomfortable.

    I don't know, I feel like there is so much to work on in League it's like a permanent balancing act for everything and it's so impressive to me how the good players keep everything in mind at once. I mean, I know even they mess up a lot, but what they can consistently do is still impressive to me.

    submitted by /u/Idohaveaname
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    How to play Xayah?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:05 AM PST

    So the new season is coming, and I thought that sticking and mestering one champ will be a good tactic to get a higher rank. I am playing ADC quite often but in this season i lost every placement i played when playing ADC. I am lvl 64 or something around that and Im really shitty at the game so my plan is to master a hard champ to become a better overall.

    submitted by /u/brcrrd
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    How to help bot lane win their lane as rumble top?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:06 AM PST

    I use rumble top and run tp. Every losing game i have is primarily because of my bot lane losing. I am really confident on my laning phase and mostly can win my lane. I need help on what should i do to help them win their lane.

    whenever my botlane dies early game it is most likely that they will not comeback and will continue on feeding. I do teleport when i see them engaging a fight or an enemy jungler ganks. Though sometimes my botlane is hardly pushed and doesn't place a ward or something to tp to flank the enemy botlane and they would most likely die there especially on supports like thresh,blitz,naut,etc..

    I'm still gold 2 and some of my teammates don't listen to me whenever i say something to them.

    submitted by /u/Rcjot
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    When should I prioritize securing vision

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:43 PM PST

    The title may be a little vague, I'm sure most people read it and think "every game" but what I really mean is, when should placing/removing wards be my current priority. Just as an example lets say I'm running support in bot lane, dragon is up and the enemy has a lot of vision in river (scuttle, pinks, etc) and my adc is about to crash a wave into the tower. Should I be prioritizing destroying enemy wards, placing some of my own, or helping my laner. I feel like if I take too much time going for vision, something bad could happen in my lane (kayn running through a wall at my adc, enemy lane returning, or even just losing out on minions/plates) but just dropping vision in the river bush may not be enough to protect from jungle ganks or mid roaming to our lane, and potentially leaving dragon up for the enemy team, etc. This is just one example I thought of, but basically I'm asking when I should and shouldn't be prioritizing vision, and how I should be influencing it.

    submitted by /u/BeckyWithoutHair
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    Tank support, noob friendly -ish, Caitlyn synergy

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST


    I am a new player, not even unlocked ranked, having success with Garen top and Nunu jungle. I would like to pickup a tank support. I think I am starting to know the important fundamentals, so some complexity is ok, but is not what I am searching. I would like a simple support to concentrate on macro. And bonus point for a synergy with Caitlyn because my friens mains her.

    I thought about Alistar, but was wondering if you had any to recommend to me?

    submitted by /u/Stel2
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    How to take objectives after getting a pick to end the game quicker?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:49 PM PST

    Hey, I'm RiYaZeD, a Kayn main, I'm currently on gold elo. When I play blue Kayn I always, like ALWAYS get kills and snowball off of them, but even though I get fed, I can't win the game, and like every other assassin, blue Kayn falls off super hard post 30 mins into the game, so when I get a pick, how do I transform it into an objective therefore end the game quicker? Thanks

    submitted by /u/RiYaZeD
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    What do I do as a support mid/late game?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:36 PM PST

    I recently started playing 2 months ago and only played Nautilus. Got Mastery 7 and I would say I'm pretty good. I can smash any lane and my mid/late game is great with my engage and CC.

    However when I have to play other things I'm just confused on what to do when it gets to mid/late game. One game I went 6/0 as Pyke in lane but went 6/6 after that as I don't know what to do out of lane. It's the same thing for basically every other support that isn't Nautilus. I was trying to play Pyke as Nautilus, meaning I would hook and engage/go in, but I'm not nearly as tanky so I just get smacked. Same happens with Thresh. It also happens when I play mages such as Morgana, I get a root and go in and get one hit.

    So obviously that's not what I'm supposed to do, but what do I do? I want to play other supports but it feels like they don't have nearly as much impact Nautilus during late game if I'm not the one engaging.

    submitted by /u/JessieMulay
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    Talon: On a Mission for the Enemy ADC? Find out if he's the Champ for you!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Hi there,

    Today we take a look at Talon in the Midlane.

    Is he the champ for you to be most mindful (and compassionate!), to learn more about the game or to just have a good time? Find out about that and more in a fully guided gameplay video! Beware, spicy plays are all but asured as you roam the map at a rapid pace to swap between scaling to become a lategame beast and keeping powerful opponents at bay.

    Hope you enjoy the show and feel free to leave your own Talon insights to make this an even stronger resource! As well as tempered feedback, supportive comments. Take care. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Anyone have success with Senna ADC?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:55 PM PST

    Hey guys, I've heard rumors that Senna ADC is actually really strong, despite most people playing her in other roles. Has anyone has any success with her in the ADC role?

    I was trying her in a practice match and I found two strong synergies with her.

    • The range of her Q is based on your attack range, so rapid fire extends her Qs range
    • Hurricane's extra projectiles reduces her Qs cooldown.

    She also scales with game duration, so you could do something like scaling gathering storm from sorcery too.

    I've seen people running Klepto now since her Q will proc it, but Klepto will be gone soon. What about Glacial Augment? There's a trick where you can Q, which would proc glacial, immediately AFTER you cast your W, so your W is hidden inside your Qs animation. The slow from glacial could make it so you can reliable land W-Q combos.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LostConscript
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