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    Saturday, November 2, 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    LoL Guide Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Moderator Applications: Fall 2019

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Hey all, it's that time of year again - we're looking for some more volunteers to help make sure the sub can keep running smoothly. We're doing it a bit differently this time with a Google form as opposed to posting apps on the thread; you're free to leave questions below though, if you have any.

    These will be open until Nov 6th, 11:59PM EST. Good luck, hope to see you all there 🤠

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Switched from being an OTP, now stumbled upon many obstacles

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    When I strictly played kassadin, I peaked ~masters 100LP. Up until that point everything went smooth because I found it easy to capitalise on people's bad positioning around the map, and I could build a lead from splitpushing which eventually snowballed into me being too much of a threat for the enemy team. I knew my win condition quite well.

    Starting that elo I decided I'd stop playing kassadin because laning is so important and if I just blind picked kassadin I would handicap my team from the start. I made a second account which I hit D1 on, by playing more traditional mages (but in my opinion I'm way worse than D1-D2 :c ). Aurelion Sol, veigar have been working decently for me.

    I feel like I lose lane everygame though and I've tried working on that over the course of 100-200 games but I just cannot simply do that. People are straight up better than me at micro-managing the lane and nothing I do can make up for my lack of mechanics.

    I also have a vague sense of the enemy jungler's gank timings. At what specific point of the early game do I let the wave push into me? Sometimes I lose lane off simply getting ganked because I was too far up at the wrong game timer. I'm sorry if I'm being too demanding with my questions, but I ultimately want to reach low challenger. Feel like I spent too much time on this game to just quit while being pathetically bad. Any insight I greatly appreciate :D <3

    submitted by /u/incompletelucidity
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    Getting Bullied in Lane Every Single Time

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PDT

    I don't know if it's just because of the champs I play but it seems like every single time my opponent is not afraid to trade from the start. He will just walk up and sit on the wave and deny me CS, from level 1, and if I try to walk up and hit he just beats me up. As a result I just have to play back and wait for the wave to push into me and I am always behind in CS and HP. Some of the matchups I had like this were:

    Vlad (me) vs Renekton

    Jax (me) vs Mundo

    Jax (me) vs Jarvan

    Jax (me) vs Olaf

    Irelia (me) vs Shen

    Is it just the champs I play and these specific matchups? I feel like it can't be because it happens every single time pretty much. How is it that my opponent can always trade onto me whereas I have to respect his damage?

    submitted by /u/NewCaptain9
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    General guide to counterpicking in toplane?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm a beginner who hasn't hit level 30 yet, looking to play top. I want to main pantheon and maybe 2-3 other champs that have different roles to pantheon for versatility during champ select.

    I understand that in champion select you need to be looking at your own team comp, but also as a top laner the matchup between you and the other laner is quite impactful.

    I'm findinig it hard to find resources on which champions do well against others (specifically toplane) without looking up individual matchup stats for each specific champ, which is quite tedious.

    I'm just looking for a general guide on matchups, like what matchups tend to be good for ranged champions, when picking tank is a good idea, or a bruiser, lane bully Vs carry Vs teamfighter, etc. since the champs mostly fall into categories/roles despite having individual quirks.

    It'd be good to know WHY those picks work against others, since that will help me know my win condition on either side of the matchup.

    Any other things that go through an experienced player's mind during champ select would be cool too!

    submitted by /u/joeysup
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    I'm awful at League

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    Hey, I've been trying to get back into LoL for I think the 3rd time. I'm still trying to learn a lot of basic information about the game what every champion does, itemization, rune choice, etc. I've basically stuck to bots(which have become WAY TOO EASY) because if I go into a real game I get flamed to death. I know I can just mute my teammates but here's the thing:

    They're right.

    I am ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I mean I have no idea what I'm doing in lane phase and once that ends I'm literally unmoored. I think my main issue is that I can't even get a feel for any of the characters because in games the enemy team always smells my weakness and I just get put in my place constantly by people that clearly just understand the game better than me. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions of places I can try to learn the game where I'm not playing against players that are so out of my league while I'm still trying to learn the basics of playing. I know it's a bit of a weird question I'm just feeling completely hopeless because I'm desperate to actually start having fun in LoL.

    submitted by /u/asinineGangli0n
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    How to deal with bot lane as support... when you aren’t premade

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Having had my fair share of rage in the early days (I am looking at you Silver 5), there is one thing I still struggle with. A flaming ADC. By flaming I don't just mean typing nonsense in chat, I mean pinging me as support or spamming emotes. That is one thing that tilts me beyond comprehension. Running around as Soraka, healing my ADC, poking their Thresh. Yet I get pinged because my CDR was too long, because I took minion aggro to protect the turret playing when my ADC went back. Silly things really.

    So my question. How do you deal with the bully bot lane? Sometimes I just mute my ADC from the first second but then I miss calls for engages or a potential new friend of they are actually nice. Tough luck? Is this a common support problem?

    If this wasn't clear from the start: this is an opinion thread. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/OctopusReloaded
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    Champion Discussion of the Day: Zac

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Link to Wikia

    Link to u.gg

    Link to Probuilds

    Link to League of Graphs

    Champion subreddit: r/thesecretweapon

    Primarily played as: Jungle

    What role does he play in a team composition?

    What are the core items to be built on him?

    What is the order of leveling up the skills?

    What are his spikes in terms of items or levels?

    What are the most optimal rune/mastery setups?

    What champions does he synergize well with?

    What is the counterplay against him?

    submitted by /u/Balondis
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    How do I deal with GP in lane?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:06 AM PDT

    I'm a D3 top lane main, I play a lot of Jax, Sion, and Kayle, but no matter who I play I always suffer against GP. It seems like he constantly has pressure on me no matter what with his barrels so if I go for CS i just get blown up and he pokes constantly with grasp + Q.

    Even if I manage to kill one barrel before he can last hit it he just spawns another. After he hits 6 I just can't fight him anymore. Anyone have any advice on how to not constantly lose against GP?

    submitted by /u/Poiah
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    pro-tuned champions

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    I was reading a post earlier and someone mentioned "pro-tuned" champions. While I know what it means (champs tuned specifically for pro play becuase when they aren't the champs kits are abused by the pros), I'm not sure who they all are (Ryze, Vlad and to some degree Azir come to mind).

    Is there a list out there some one made or do people just know who these champions are?

    I feel like this information could be useful for newer players or even some experienced players, as this is something I hadn't really considered before. If you're new or just swapping roles if might be best to avoid these champs, thoughts?

    submitted by /u/XRizoX
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    One trick transitioning to collegiate play

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm currently a master/grandmaster katarina one trick who has joined a collegiate team for this year's tournament. I obviously plan on greatly expanding my champion pool and learning meta/competetive style champions. What is the best way for me to start learning this new playstyle and what are some resources I could use?

    submitted by /u/SethD02
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    Caster minions are stealing my farm!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    I'm using the practice tool to learn how to better farm on top lane and I keep having an issue where my caster minions keep "stealing" my farm because they all cast on the same minion at the same time and do a huge chunk of damage. This doesn't give me a window of opportunity to last hit. Is there any way to combat that?

    submitted by /u/cartersa87
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    What to do when all enemies are MIA?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    I often find situations where I just don't know what to do. An example of this is if Baron isn't up yet, drag has already been secured, jungle is cleared, and the waves are pushed, but the enemies are all MIA. I know the way to prevent MIAs is vision, but in low elo, having a dark map is all too common. When situations like this arise in solo queue, and my team is dispersed, where should I be going? Especially when the enemy team has better team fights or there are fed assassins?

    submitted by /u/iNonEntity
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    how to improve farming in mid/late game?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    I am a Silver 4 Xayah main. I am so proud of myself to say that im better than most of the adcs in my elo, though i mostly miss one certain point, that other adcs dont lack: farming. especially in midgame. i dont know why, but i outfarm my enemies mostly during laning phase, but when it comes to teaming up/araming i always seem to lose my farm advatage, even when theyre araming too. and its sometimes only midgame; when it hits 30 mins, i mostly tend to outfarm my opponents.. i absolutly dont know why, ive watched some of my replays but to no avail. could someone help me?

    submitted by /u/Zaphir2
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    Falling behind in farm as a jungler

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:56 AM PDT

    I've been getting back in to ranked play after a long absence, and so far it's going ok. I generally have good earlygames and manage to get my laners ahead more often than not.

    The issue I have is that this usually comes at the expense of my own farm. I've had games where I've started out something like 3/0/1 and yet I've been two levels behind my jungle opponent.

    I main Nocturne, and it generally gets better around the midgame, when I can use my ult to powerfarm and still be available for fights. In the earlygame, and with other junglers that don't have a global, this gets much harder.

    How should I go about this? Is it ok to fall behind a couple of levels if it means I get off 1-2 more ganks? Should I change my approach to prioritize my clears more?

    For the record: I'm currently around high gold to low plat MMR, and I think this is slightly above my true skill level.

    submitted by /u/chjacobsen
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    Teaching league to my brother

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    Hello! I am a Gold4 player in EUNE and play a few times a day but not every day. My brother is younger than me (12) and he has seen me playing so he wanted to play too. I downloaded the game and created him an account but he just doesn't seem to get the hang of it. Like every kid out there, he is playing Minecraft the most and is used to just right click as fast as possible to kill someone. So he tries to do the same here, but he keeps dying even to bots. I tried to explain to him what he should do many times, played with him, but he just keeps spamming in hope to kill someone XD Please, give me some tips, how can I help him play so as he should?

    submitted by /u/Rimeslight
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    Blitz or Overwolf?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    I've checked them out but I don't fully understand their differences.

    I'm interested in seeing matchups and my ally history, and enemy history (which I know comes after they're revealed). Which lanes are likely to push, I believe lolsumo had this feature.

    I don't care at all about builds and runes.

    I'm also interested in overlays such as quick replays and keyboard press overlays. Sometimes I swear I hit a button but it doesn't go. A replay + keyboard overlay could help me realize where the fault is.

    So, despite this being about apps, it's definitely geared towards helping me improve.

    Also, let me know if there's other nifty features not mentioned. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/RuneKatashima
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    General Toplane Help

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Hello, I have played the game on and off for a long time but have never really committed to it, meaning I never practiced a specific role and just played whatever was needed. Does anyone have any general tips for playing toplane? (when to push, etc) Currently I enjoy playing Darius and tryndamere if that helps.

    submitted by /u/thegooooooosey
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    What to do mid game as support

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Hey, I've been playing support (naut, blitz, rakan) in ranked recently and in silver 2 but playing in gold 3/gold2. I have a decent idea on what to do during lane, but what the hell am I supposed to do mid game. I feel like every game after lane, I just walk around warding objectives and opponent jg here and then. But in general have nothing to do. Unless my team decides to try and fight. But how do I make myself most effective in times where nothing is really going on.

    submitted by /u/MapoTofu0922
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    Lucian or Jhin?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    I am a GP mid onetrick but I feel I need to learn a second role. Lately I'm interested in the ADC role and there are 2 champs I like - Lucian and Jhin. Both are really cool but I cannot decide which one to pick up. Lucian seems a bit more like the standard DPS carry and he is harder to play, while jhin is more of a bursty one shot type of guy. Which one do you recommend? How do you lane and teamfight with them? Builds? Every opinion Is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/DaneeKiller
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    Advice(s) for a beginning player?

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    So, a bit of a lengthy post, apologies in advance.

    Alright so League's always been that one game that I really wanted to get into, but I never really had the time nor the dedication to actually do it, but lately I've been playing a small amount of Blind Pick for the past 2-3 days (only level 8, thanks TFT), and actually am starting to enjoy it quite a bit. But I'm still not really sure how to help myself into it, so just a few basic questions I had;

    (Champs I have unlocked permanently; Jhin, Morgana, Caitlyn, Veigar, Annie, Brand, Ashe, and Garen, though I have ~11000 BE to unlock others

    1: What would you say a good role is for a more beginner-ish player (who understands the basics well enough) to try and get good at? so far I'm leaning towards Mid or Bot lane, or possibly Jungle, I'm quite fond of being relatively passive/basic damage, then once I'm confident I can, getting tons of damage in on enemy champs, but I'm not sure which role fits that best

    2: how would I go about learning all the lingo and info about the game/items/champs/runes, etc.? (faster than just playing, if there is any) The two big things I've done for this so far is just trying to watch some streams whenever I can, and also using websites to try and learn what I can manage in single rounds

    3: Just any other things you think a beginner would benefit from knowing

    submitted by /u/KimiIsAware
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    Identity Crisis

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    I'm currently having problems trying to know what role to focus on, I go constantly between mid, top, adc and support sometimes. Jungle is really the only role i dont like.

    Of the 4 I mentioned adc is probably the one I play the most but what keeps me from maining only adc is that i dont like to be so reliant on someone else, I dont have a duo to play with and it can be very frustrating to play bot lane with strangers. The same can be said about support but at the very least they can have more impact on the game even if behind.

    Of top and mid the main problem is that I cant decide on a champion to focus on, there are many I like to use.

    The main reason I want to decide a specific role is so that I can learn to actually play the game, I have been on and off since season 3 but since then I have never really had a main role and that has really kept me from improving.

    I know this is a very general question but it really frustrates me that I cant decide on something so a better question would be, what is the best role to learn to play the game as a whole?

    submitted by /u/Xatost
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    Tip: Think about what the items you build enable your champ to do

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    There are plenty of posts about new players and old players alike asking for help improving, and usually the advice given is "play more" if they're new and "focus on (x) macro" if they're older...which is absolutely true. There's no better way to learn than to gain game experience, and good macro is essential for climbing.

    However, one thing I think is commonly overlooked is customization (runes, items, etc.). This is absolutely integral to the game, and I think it's one of the best ways to gain insight into a champion (or the game in general) besides just playing.

    For example: back before Shen's VGU in s5 (s6?) I thought he was an atk speed fighter, because his passive's cd went down 1s every auto. I was a new player, and obviously, I didn't perform too well on Shen at first because he's designed to be a tank/bruiser kinda deal. Once I learned the right items to build on him, however, a lot of his abilities and playstyle made a lot more sense to me and I actually began to improve. I also began to notice patterns in what different champs built similarly, what that meant about their playstles, what I could build in response, etc., which gave me a better understanding of the game overall.

    This applies to older players too. Rather than just copying the latest build, think about the stats your champ builds and why, and build based on that. Back to the Shen example, currently Shen can get 4 autos basically free on a target if you empower Q and hydra at the right time. If your team is heavily AD, you could realistically build a Black Cleaver on him if you're willing to sacrifice some tankiness; his full combo would fully stack it (potentially on multiple people), it gives decent hp, cdr is always welcome, and the AD can help a lot in an extended fight. It's not on his recommended item page, and most people wouldn't think of it if they aren't thinking dynamically about what Shen can actually do. Now just replace Shen with whatever champ you play and you get the idea.

    tl;dr The items people build on your champ can give you great insight into that champ. Think flexibly about what your champ can do with items

    Side note: not sure how to flair a post as "Discussion" but that's what this is lol

    Edit: nvm it puts the flair automatically pog

    submitted by /u/Khalolz6557
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    Jungle gold/exp source

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:48 PM PDT

    Hello all

    For a beginning summoner this r/summonerschool is such a blessing.

    Everytime come here for advice I leave a better player. Today I had a winstreek which got me to silver3 and I am 2 wins away of silver 2.

    As a jungler in this ELO I play a lot of Xin and I am decent in Warwick, nocturne, mundo, Vi and volibear. Except for mundo most of my champ pools are strong early game and I use this quit effectively to get first blood.

    I am almost always ahead. However as soon as the mid game begin I lose my lead. I think my issue is that I am not sure how I should get my exp and gold. Because I don't know the optimal strategy I just walk around and kill stuff. No plan what's so ever.

    I see the enemy jungler overtake me in gold and exp.

    So my question is. What is the goal of jungle mid game and late game.

    Gank for gold and exp? Just do the same shit with less towers to worry

    I really have no clue :p

    submitted by /u/superbros6
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