• Breaking News

    Friday, November 1, 2019

    League of Legends Short Duration Content: Testing a new rule change

    League of Legends Short Duration Content: Testing a new rule change

    Short Duration Content: Testing a new rule change

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful day!

    We've been listening to a lot of feedback around what type of content people want to see on the sub, and today we're going to bring you a trial change.

    We're updating our short duration content rule for videos as follows:

    Current situation: Videos less than 15 seconds are not allowed to be directly submitted. Instead they must be submitted in a text post.

    Trial situation: Any video can be directly submitted.

    This trial will last for two weeks, in which we will allow anyone to directly submit videos and clips. If you ever wanted to submit your 10 second Faker play directly to the sub, now is your time.

    After the two weeks are up, the rule will go back to removing directly linked videos less than 15 seconds long. Once that happens, we will discuss how the trial went, and decide if we want to make the change permanent or not. We'll also have a feedback thread around the trial to get your input to see what you liked and didn't like.

    Thanks, and good luck on the rift!

    submitted by /u/Vayatir
    [link] [comments]

    2019 World Championship Semifinals Tease

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Kai Sa KDA cosplay done by me for CBLOL 2019!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Kai Sa KDA cosplay done by me for CBLOL 2019!

    I've been working on her for almost 8 months! Hope you like it!

    My Instagram!


    Edit: I also did Kai'Sa with her "E" active!

    Here is the Link if you wanna check it out: https://i.imgur.com/BMsw0vQ.jpg

    submitted by /u/NixCos
    [link] [comments]

    Work friends started playing last night.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:56 AM PDT

    I just thought this was too fun to not share. My work friends all started playing league and in one of the matches, malphite on the enemy the had that one splash art, and my buddy who has never played before asks, "is that character just an envelope?!" So now....we have a new mascot at work...and he's wonderful

    Edit for those confused: this is the splash art we're referencing

    submitted by /u/CorractsYoureGrammer
    [link] [comments]

    Dinner Date with Perkz and Rookie | G2 at Worlds 2019

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    This is how madlads block Thresh hook

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    Using Warwick Hold Q during Tryndamere E gets Warwick one shot

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Worlds Drinking Game (IG vs FPX)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    Worlds 2019 Drinking Game Invictus Gaming vs Fun Plus Phoenix

    1 sip

    • An ADC other than Xayah/Kai'sa gets locked in
    • Baolan picks Leona or Rakan
    • Double kill
    • Dragon slain (+1 if stolen)
    • Caster/Analyst says "Powerspike"
    • Per kill from ___________ (player or champion of your choice)
    • Someone says "Reigning world champion"
    • Someone says "Fun Plus Phoenix" (instead of "FPX")
    • Drakos says "difference maker" (cred Leo_Tsukiyo)

    2 sip

    • Solo kill (+1 sip if doinb)
    • Rookie gains 30+ CSD
    • Rift Herald slain
    • Someone in the crowd makes fun of NA
    • Lee Sin Insec's someone (cred Ian_Dima)
    • Someone mentions that FPX underperformed in groups (cred /u/receptiveblocks)
    • Caster says "on a knife's edge" (cred CreightonJays)

    3 sip

    • Triple kill
    • Game ends in < 22 min
    • Someone of the casters or on the analyst desk makes fun of NA
    • Someone fail flashes trying to get over a wall

    1 shot

    • Pantheon gets picked (banned doesn't count)
    • Quadra kill
    • Baron slain (+1 shot if stolen)
    • Elder slain (+1 shot if stolen)
    • Backdoor attempt (+1 if succeeded)
    • Crowd chants for "TSM"
    • Someone walks out of base without items (Bottom's up if it's Rookie) (cred -temporary_username-)
    • Game is paused (cred /u/receptiveblocks)


    • Pentakill
    • Someone forgets to pick up Eye of the Herald

    Anything that should be added? Thinking of maybe something more that has to do with the analyst desk to not get boored between the matches?

    See you at the party!

    submitted by /u/GluffsGluffs
    [link] [comments]

    True Damage Ekko Hair Feedback

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    This person has won 63 games of urf in a row

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    I get that Urf can be easier than normal lol with all of the wackiness, but like 63 games of winning where 5 bans don't catch stupid shit like malphite is kinda insane


    Edit: I was just recently informed by one of the duo partners that it was 95 wins and not 63. My bad and god damn that's insane

    submitted by /u/nitinismaldingXD
    [link] [comments]

    C9 Svenskeren Painting

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PDT

    Before the tournament began I painted my favourite LoL player, Svenskeren. I know they didn't make it very far this year, but I still had a blast cheering for the team! Hope he stays with C9 for another year!



    You can see more by me here if you're interested. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Alibobaly
    [link] [comments]

    'Reflections' with PapaSmithy - Part 1 (LoL) [Commentator, GM 100 Thieves]

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    CloudTemplar's G2 vs Damwon Review Translation

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:42 AM PDT


    What I felt when reviewing the games, the first thought that came to mind was that these series are pretty hard to condense into a single story line. Multi-game series are sometimes easy to summarize the "flow" like that...but these games went in an angle where that's hard to do. But every game in this series always had some small but significant differences...bot didn't always perform, or there were some minor incidents here and there...so it was pretty hard to condense.

    So I struggled a bit in coming up with a way to really summarize and present these games in an entertaining, easy to understand way. But to get into the games...

    I think one of the biggest threads of this series is kind of like what happened with Griffin. The details are different but the big picture is similar.

    In the grand scale of things, what these two series share is that bot side was similar but top side was lacking on the side of the korean teams. Bot side showed some really good plays, and there were some instances where bot side really pulled through but top side struggled and fell short. To get into the nitty gritty of the difference...

    I'll talk about top side first. I think the difference between the laners wasn't all that great, and in talking about the top side of the map.. I'll talk about top, and then the mid-jungle difference. It was actually kind of regrettable (in some ways this can be translated as "unfortunate") It hurts but I'll try to get through it.

    So in Sword's case I said he lost because of a "Play to not lose" mentality...I think, like that case, Nuguri's case was a matter of "losing vs winning mentality". Nuguri had a "I won't lose" mentality that contributed to his downfall. Of course, there's nerves and anxiety from being on the Worlds stage, but within all that, I think he was really trying to have an overconfident attitude. He wanted to be aggressive, and pop off, so he's almost stubbornly confident, so he's trying to make all these plays. But the planning, the architecture and meticulousness, warding, teleporting that should be the foundation of that confidence wasn't there. His attitude was "I won't lose" but the caution that gets lost as a result became his poison. If he had been just a little more cautious, more stable, and thought of countering the enemy. If he had warded a bit more, communicated and coordinated with his team...I think he rushed it a bit too much. What evidence I have of this comes out in the way he coordinated with his jungler, his movements, his flashes, small mechanical errors etc. I've talked about before (in his GRF review).

    I'm sorry I can't show you through vods or w/e in detail but if you go back and watch the games, I think you'll feel the same. If you watch them again, whenever Damwon tries to set something up in the top side of the map, Canyon, Nuguri and Showmaker would be the architects involved right? But they got read TOO easily. All their set ups got read. What I mean by this is...of course it's the jungler's fault too, but the blame should also be on the laners as well, because a failure in this regard means every shotcall, prediction, set up didn't connect properly between the players. It just..didn't feel sharp. It's like they were battering away at the issue with a blunt sword. You had to slash away with a sharp blade but they were hammering away at the problem with a blunt instrument.

    In the end, the problem was that they played way too aggressively. This sounds ironic but I think a "play not to lose" attitude might have been more beneficial. In this case, you can see that "I won't lose" kind of attitude can do more harm. See the root of the problem is a lack of objective self evaluation. For example. Say you just CAN'T win against their top laner. Realistically, you just can't win against him. Or the match up is bad. Or your condition is just bad. There's a lot of possibilities. Then you have to adapt your attitude to those hurdles. But in that regard, I think Sword and Nuguri both fell short. There were way to many mistakes that came from playing too aggressively and overstepping his bounds without enough data.

    Now I'll talk about mid and jungle. Mid..really didn't have a presence. and there was a big difference in another area. When Damwon would make the kind of amazing plays we saw before, the core difference is that Showmaker's champion pool fell out of the meta. And most of all, Damwon had never faced an opponent that sent even the mid laner to just completely destroy Nuguri so frequently. They'd never been hit this hard in that part of the map in the LCK. These guys (G2) just targeted Nuguri so hard, and Showmaker and Canyon just couldn't stop it. Of course we'd have to also factor in the draft and such but in Nuguri's shoes..I'm sure it must have caught him off guard. He must have felt like.."Woah wtf, you guys are coming at me THIS hard?" See..no matter how badly Nuguri gets hit, there are some things that he HAD to maintain. This is one of the most basic rules of League. It's not your KDA...its your CS. No matter how many times you die, as long as you keep your CS and levels up...it won't really matter, you'll be able to do your job, and in some cases all those deaths will actually be "drawing aggro" so it can be a plus in some cases but...losing out on cs? See if you get stomped this hard? you lose out on CS. That is fatal. Dying is actually not as big a deal as losing CS

    In pro-league? No matter how Godly you are or w/e, if you gotta EAT if you want to carry. And if you don't eat then you're just going to fall flat. Like dying is dying but when the CS difference gets out of hand? There's just no answer to that conundrum. So Nuguri played well below his standard, he didn't play systematically. Mid was also playing well below average, applying nowhere near the necessary amount of pressure, and on top of that, mid wasn't exuding enough carrying influence. Why? Because G2 went blew the game open REALLY hard. See, if they had taken their foot off the gas even a little bit, then it MIGHT have been possible that Showmaker carries the game later. But their speed was just different. I mentioned this several times before but in this meta, but I thnk snowballing early-mid game is just SO important. What really is the point of trying to catch up later when the game is blown out of the water already? Really. What's the point in clawing your way back through teamfights and showing your hand as to how you plant to take the initiative back if the game is blown wide open early?

    A good example of this is Gengi or Hanhwa in the LCK. Like I feel I'm calling them out so I'm a bit sorry to them but these are all things I said before. Hanhwa would always try to claw their way back through teamfighting in the season but it just didn't matter how good their teamfighting was in the end. In Gengi's case they would try to draft for late game after getting blown out and try to leverage a super ADC and teamplay all for naught. See, its like that. You have to play well BEFORE the explosion. If you're tying to play well AFTER the explosion, you're fishing for mistakes THEY make. THEY have to make a crucial error, and if they make that mistake and trip then you're trying to pull one over and flip the tables but that's still on THEM to make that mistake. Sure. But, theoretically, if the enemy just blows you out and starts systematically snuffing you out then it should stand to reason that you shouldn't be able to come back. That gap just doesn't close. 9 times out of 10, the game just ends.

    Moving on to the games themselves, Let's talk about pick/ban and sets. I think game 1 was the most unfortunate. See, the drafting angle was not bad, and if they had won here, the following drafts would have been completely different too. I feel like both teams didn't hold anything back and picked their best weapons. Especially bot side. Xayah and Kaisa...both are scary weapons. Nuclear's Kaisa needs no introduction.. and Xayah on Perkz is a comfort pick that he's shown to be very strong on. They each took what they're strong on...and Kayle, Jayce? Sure, Jayce has the upper hand early-mid game but Nuguri's Kayle breaks that status quo pretty often, and he's really good at laning that match up. So in G2's shoes..if they had lost? This would have caused them some head-aches. Goddamn what do we do about Xayah+Kaisa. What do we do about top side..It would have given them something to think about. So winning this game was REALLY important. But. Unfortunately. There was a mis-call on teleport timing and the game blew up. Sure, there's all that "rushing" and miscommunication and failure to set-up properly I mentioned earlier...and Perkz's Xayah was playing really well, and Damwon was trying to catch up..there's a lot of threads to the main story of this game here...but I think that TP blew the game open and they just couldn't come back from that. Kayle tp-ing at the wrong time and tripping lead to a ridiculous CS difference...ugh. See it's all because they were rushing too much. I wonder how it would have turned out if they were just a bit more patient.

    So, personally, I think what happened after game 1... "Sure, we fucked up, we took one on the chin. But let's play conservatively now. Let's tighten up our early game. Let's play patiently" So game 2 was pretty important. Game 2...you know I thought "they fuckin lost" from the start of the game too (laughs).. See they screwed early-mid game this game too. So..I was thinking "wtf are they going to do..they just fucking LOST game 2 as well."

    So, to ease us into this..lets talk about G2. What kind of team are they? Why are they the world's best "villains"? Are they just drawing aggro? If you just draw aggro you're just an asshole. But then you're not scary. You're not COOL. But these G2 is cool. And skilled. They're skilled and they talk trash too, so they're cool. What kind of trash talker is cool if all they do is talk mad trash. You have to back it up with skill too, and that invokes spite and frustration. In this industry, those labels are compliments too. They're so annoying. God, they're aggravating. That kind of thing.

    So G2..their games are really fast on average. On average? their games are stupid quick. I mean, what kind of contextual standard you're comparing with is important too but...their average is about 20 minutes, give or take a few minutes... if you include their season games too..they take the initiative really fast and run with it.

    When you guys play ranked or watch the LCK, or LPL..it's not easy to have such a low average game time..sure, you can have one or two games that are quick, but to have an AVERAGE game time that's so low? That's something special they've got going on right there. How are they so quick? On average? What does this mean?

    It means they know how to get a snowball going early-mid game and they know where to hit the enemy where it hurts the most. If they see a hole, they're going to blow it open. Really hard and sharp. And you don't know which direction they will hit you from either. If they were a 1-pattern team then you could respond but they have a very flexible draft as well as a very open ended play style. Top mid jungle bot..it wouldn't be unusual to see someone popping off in any of those angles. In some ways you could say they're optimized for the meta..they're a very good team.

    But against that kind of team? You're getting blown up left and right. Thats why I think its pretty unfortunate. If only they could get past the early game...then Damwon's chances of winning might go up, or if things didn't go according to G2's plans, they might trip more often. So to get back into it...what kind of picks would G2 favor. You have to think in a logical flow...G2's style is like this...so what kind of picks would the favor...Lane initiative..so they will naturally draft "strong" champions. It all connects pretty naturally. If you look at G2's picks, they very rarely pick champions that "lie down" early game. ESPECIALLY top. Bot? you can aim for mid-late game depending on your angle, but Top lane is the core of where you exert the most influence in the early game and to add to that..mid-jungle is contributes to that to a greater degree too. G2 will always try to put "strong" champions to field in those lanes every time. And it's not just G2...that's something all teams will prioritize..that's the meta. So lets take Damwon g1 for example. It's pretty apparent. Kayle might feel a bit unusual but you put Kayle in the top corner of the map and put him against Jayce...and since it's Nuguri, he will usually lane in a way that lets him find a way to turn the tables very early. You can't just generalize Kayle as weak until level 11,16..yes, Kayle is a "Return of the King" type champion but she's also not that shabby early game either and her power spikes come relatively EARLY. And depending on your playstyle, there are plenty of opportunities to take the initiative. Of course, she's stronger LATER, but she's not just going to lie down early game. Especially top. Sure, it's different MID, if she's mid she definitely feels like a champ that ducks the early game. But TOP Kayle's tempo is a quicker tune. Especially since Top is an isolated corner of the map. They pick LeBlanc Lee-sin. See its picks like this...I think their draft was actually pretty good. If top goes according to plan, mid-jungle takes the initiative and doesn't let go, which then nurtures the top side along, which then makes space for bot..I mean..whats the point of me theorizing like this..anyway, that was the plan...let's look at game 2.

    Game 2 draft? In the aspects mentioned above, I think it was OK. Ryze...is a rising pick..but Showmaker doesn't really play it often..but they prepared it and used it well. Nuguri picks Kennen and plays aggressively. But amidst all that, there were some REALLY big mistakes early game on the top side of the map...soI started thinking, "Is this how they fucking lose..jungle and top are dumpster fires...this game is over..." but then Bot pulled off a SUPER play. Bot..here and there, made "shit cleaning" plays...they created winning scenarios, carrying the team...simply put, Bot did it ALL. In the end...you can say Bot did all they should. I think this is why opinions on Damwon's bot are so divided. They won game 2. Even though top side went so badly. If they didn't pull off so many super plays, if they hadn't managed to pull off even one of those plays, then they lose game 2. And then they would have lost game 3 and it would have been a 3-0 shut-out. But because they went for 2-3 servings at a time, eating away at bot, they carried.

    But yeah...in game 3? It's ironic...see this is why I said you have to look at every game in the series differently...game 3...they lost BECAUSE of bot side (lol). I mean..its funny but...bot fucked up. See a lot of factors went into this...they did well but they fucked up.

    See..normally this is a tactic that's copyrighted by Nuclear..this Yasuo pick into Kaisa..he's usually very good at it. Let's look at pick/ban.

    In the end..in the top side match up the Yorick pick into Jayce was a great pick, Rek'sai into Lee-sin made Lee-sin useless...Ryze into Corki means Corki is too slow tempo wise...Ryze is just a high tempo champ..and this all turned into successful dives bot...which turned into cs differences...and you could say that's all she wrote..but on paper I don't think this was a BAD draft, necessarily. I don't think they lost because of the draft but the biggest factor was their sloppy level 1 line management that turned into a giant wave that they got dove on...but see in that light, it all goes back to the draft too..

    See, the difference between game 1,2 drafts and 3,4 are night and day. See, game 1,2 mid picks, they drafted champions that could take the initiative and play aggressively. But from game 3 you can see the panic setting in. I think they thought "lets go back to our old, strong picks" and the old game plan of, "If Nuguri draws aggro early game, Showmaker will carry late." But game 3,4...mid and jungle had no initiative at all...it's not even worth pointing out the jungle really..Corki..Kayle..these picks aren't even optimal for the meta...they might be good later in the game, and they might actually be OK depending on the angle you're going for but they're just so weak. And the opponent? They took Ryze and Yasuo..and Caps is just really good at roaming and knows how to blow a game wide open. Mid-jungle just hold hands and run around blowing people up. Let's think on the opposite side. If the mid-jungle picks were on the other foot, do you think they would have gotten dove?

    Drafting can't be more important than actual play...if you just took this game and said, "bot didn't manage the wave well and got blown up, costing them the game" then you wouldn't be completely WRONG, but here's where the draft is so important, if THEIR mid and jungle were these picks then do you think they could have dived bot? I don't think so. If you have the initiative on the top side of the map, then you dont get tower-dive(d). It's easier for the jungler to route in a way to dive if you have initiative. It's all connected in the end. Not only did you pick a mid champion that doesn't have the initiative...bot also tripped up in lane management..so the spark is set, and of all the times to do it, the jungler was setting up to aid top, Canyon was routing top side...so this trinity of shit...bot's wave management, canyon's path topside, and 0 initiative mid.. all comes together into a beautiful, explosive bot tower dive and detonates.

    I want to put some emphasis on Nuguri's struggles..Usually whether he draws aggro or not, whether he does well or not, he creates space and synergies within the team that lets them perform but this level of pressure on him is unprecedented. This came out in his play too..but I almost forgot so I want to make a point of mentioning this. Even in the Kennen game they won...I want to praise G2 for their tactic of Nuguri hunting so thoroughly. Mid's feet were liberated to roam to his heat's content and he roams WELL. So he goes on an adventure, holding Jankos' hand, murdering top repeatedly. I think Nuguri hasn't faced this level of pressure in a WHILE. Every time he tried to do anything he got shut down. Even if he tried split pushing and setting up a two-pronged "wings" scenario he'd get punished...if he tried anything out of the ordinary they'd pressure him and punish him..and of all the times to play cocky, he played too aggressively so it all compiled and basically erased his influence on the game. So bot just goes 50:50...mid was drafted into obscurity...and so early game just gets blown out..it's all connected. That's what I'm getting at. It must have been really grueling. That's whats similar but different to Griffin.

    If I were to talk about Griffin and Damwon's fates...Sword felt like he kamikazi-ed himself. Nuguri..the opponent killed him and his fierce attempts at counter punching ended up hurting him more. I think Nuguri ended up NOT shadow-boxing at all, when he should have. Seeing these top laners struggle so much hurts to see..but in that sense, I think Khan's performance shines even more...

    See this Irelia pick illustrates my point even more...this is a, "I WILL overcome..I'm going to KILL this Ryze. I'm going to outlane and produce RESULTS." But..one pair of hands can't outplay five. So it's just a bit tragic seeing this Irelia...I felt pity. I'm not throwing shade here..I actually sympathize..like when I'm getting ganged up on..that feeling. I always had 3-4 people ganking me. That..lonely feeling at top? Getting abandoned..I got THOROUGHLY abandoned..I couldn't even BE saved. It's like I was cut off from reinforcements, and I'd get punished for even trying to make some kind of play.

    So to look at the surviving teams...SKT, IG, G2, FPX...and of those teams, 3 of them are storied, sound teams. And the newcomer is trying to write history (fpx)...and these three (SKT, IG, G2) are no 1. seeds...so a lot of people are saying, "it would have been nice to have Team Liquid here.." then you'd have a round of 4 with all the 1st seeds, but I don't think that would be that great. I think it's good that IG made it here. IG is the defending champion. Anyway, what I want to say is...

    So, when I reviewed Griffin and as I reviewed Damwon, I ended up talking a lot about initiative a LOT in every review. But what that comes down to is this. You have these mids.


    This is it. Their champion pools are like the Pacific Ocean. They're ALL play-makers. All four of them could pick literally anything and it wouldn't raise any eyebrows. They're ALL "makers" They're the core play makers. I could be skewing to fit the narrative...but, why I'm saying this is...

    Griffin and Damwon? Sure both their tops made a lot of mistakes and fell short, both Sword and Nuguri...but Showmaker and Chovy? They both fell TOO quiet in comparison to their expectations. They were TOO quiet. There should be this..."RAWR" kind of feeling from them. They were too..gentle. One picked tanks only...and one just picked 0 initiative champions.. So..why did they pick that way? Well, why do you think they would? If you start debating, "Well why not just pick strong champions" It comes down to their champion pools, and that's all you can really say. Champion pools. See that's how you could explain this particular phenomenon. It might be a different viewpoint but..see League of Legends is a peculiar game. If you argued every detail.."Well Showmaker even played LeBlanc" Yeah, I know. But..I'm talking about the overall flow of events. I talked about Leblanc and all that about game 3,4.

    I talked about Champion pools, but you could say this is a trait of League..see, its really interesting...league metas go around and around. So the player who plays longer, his reads on the meta and adaptations are FASTER and his understanding is DEEPER. "Oh, that meta? That champion? His/her matchups are like THIS, that pick struggles against THIS, it's good in THIS situation." These are the kinds of things that comes with TIME. You can't buy this. That's why newer players are relatively weaker in this regard. So usually when you compose a roster, this is why you want a mix of vets and rookies. I dont think its good to have a completely rookie roster, or one filled with veterans only. I think it's best to have a mix of rookies with potential and veterans that provide experience and stability.

    To have a lot of experience...means having years put into the game. And..to a slight degree..it kind of felt like...

    Experienced players = Dubious mechanics.

    Newer players= Peak mechanics.

    And this certainly felt like the case SOME times. As if there was a tradeoff between experience and mechanical skill. It was all well and good that they have experience and could read the game...but sometimes they would lane worse, or they couldn't keep up with the times. Like they could play like herbivores but their carnivore days were over. Like junglers that can't play Lee-Sin any more. That's an extreme example. And you could interpret that as being inflexible to the point of lagging behind the times.

    However. HOWEVER. The important thing is...these four players seem to completely refute the above sentiment. To a degree where..it's as if the two statements are not correlated at all. There are other "experienced players" in other lanes but they don't seem to lack in the former, mechanical area whilst having all the benefits of wisdom from experience as well. And I'm not discounting the idea that there are rookies that are only mechanically gifted. It's not a hard and fast rule that newer players are monsters mechanically. And there's also this: meta-riders. Obviously, the more experience you have, means you're less subjected to the whims of the meta. But if you're a newer player, you're usually more prone to being meta-dependent. This is a fact. There are newer players that thrive in a specific meta, with a specific champion that becomes really hot. However, once the meta changes, they fall off hard and struggle much longer to catch up. Thats sort of the feeling I get from players like Chovy or Showmaker with their Corki, Akali picks. Yeah, its the trendy flavor champ. Yeah, it's really tasty. They're so strong. They lane well early, and transition into monsters in the late game and carry. They're so good. These two got famous off playing these two. But push come to shove, ALL four of these players are good at Akali. It's not like only these two players are good at Akali. Say, if these four players weren't good at Akali. They're really bad at her. Then people would say, "Man, newer players are good at Akali, but the old boys are bad at her." But they're GOOD. And at picks like Irelia as well. So you ban her out and it's all even Steven. Then you have Corki left. But he's no longer optimal in the meta. He's just weak in lane, no matter who's playing. So you can't play it.

    See, if you just ban out these heroes against Chovy or Showmaker, it doesn't feel like you're spending a ban in a trivial way at all. Akali? She can be flexed top or mid, and she's just good overall. You can spend that ban without regret. But what next? Ryze? Ryze is hot these days, can be flexed, he's strong. In fact theres a lot of strong, flex picks. Most champs can be flexed like jayce, renekton, Vlad, Syndra..

    But I'm saying, they can be stopped with these bans. I mean you could add...Irelia...the kind of champion that is HEAVILY mechanics dependent. A totally offensive champ. One that can have a WIDE variance according to the pilot. But these kind of picks are crappy. Irelia is just crap now. I mean, if you were really digging, you could always find SOME thing...but RESULTS. We're talking results here. And these two couldn't find the right outfit. There have a few outfits in their wardrobe, but as the weather shifted, they threw some outfits away, and they became single outfit gents. So they tried to find some new outfits here and there but they couldn't play to their full potential with the new outfits.

    And I'm not blaming their losses solely to the mid laners. Obviously. I've talked at length about Griffin and I'm talking about Damwon..in the end I think the top side of the map contributed most to their losses overall. Top, Jungle, Mid..especially top and mid...in terms of grabbing the initiative.

    So I want to talk about game 4 a bit more. I'm famous for talking about Ornn constantly. Ornn Ornn Ornn parrot. That's me. Talking about Ornn all the time. So..when we discussed the draft..I kind of theorized about the draft..like what I would have liked to see instead.

    See, as it stands, this is a failed draft. See when there's a Yasuo, Ornn just feels worse to play, first off. And Damwon picked Kayle for MID lane, so theres no initiative there. So there was a chance that it would go the same way as the previous game. So your only hope is the Irelia+Talia synergy. But they picked Ryze+Gragas which isn't lacking at all, and because mid doesn't have the initiative.. Irelia and Talia can't affort to fight that hard. if you want to say, "Go forth and fight to your heart's content" then your interior has to be solid. The other parts of the map have to be locked down for you to go ham on Irelia. Irelia wants to fight all the time..if interlopers start intervening then this champion is crap. I think even if you get fat on Irelia, she's still BAD. Her teamfight is needlessly complicated, and the champion, to use her well, is needlessly complex. But if you fall behind on her...well..

    So with the game 4 pick/ban I thought it would be top Kayle, mid Irelia. I think that would have been better. But see, the reason why that happened was I think they picked Irelia to squash Ryze. I think Showmaker, since his back was against the wall, he wanted Kayle and to slowly but surely grow. I mean, this is my hypothesis but I think what they did, see in game 3 the plan was that you give away the Kaisa and pick Yasuo+Gragas (Yaragas) since they'd pulled it off so well in the past. But, in the lane, there's been a lot of different interpretations like their starting items were weird, they used their skills weird, their wave management was fucked so they got dove and got blown up, the jungle pathing was off etc. So things like that screwed with the draft. But I think in game 4, I wonder what would have happened if they went the same route as game 3, giving away Kaisa and taking Yasuo Gragas, but ALSO took Ornn. But the order was...In the end, Yasuo was picked. See, when if you pick Ornn, and the other guy picks Yasuo. You feel like shit. As soon as those picks were locked in, I told everyone.."God this is bad." As much as I preach the book of Ornn, if you have Ornn and they have Yasuo...the game just gets really hard. You feel like bad. You don't get to play your game. But if you had Yasuo Gragas on your side as Ornn? It's fantastic. The synergy is insane, by orders of magnitude greater than before. So if they had given away Kaisa, taken Yasuo Gragas, then you take Ornn and rotated him around and..man, if only...I could have been amazing. Man, why Irelia and Talia..

    See this is why drafting is hard. If in game 3, if Yasuo and Gragas didn't fall so flat, I'm sure their confidence in that duo would persist into game 4 and just locked that in. Honestly, you can even use Yasuo Gragas as mid-jungler. You pick Yasuo Grags as Mid Jungle and put Ornn top and then take Kaisa bot or w/e...

    Anyway, as I saw this draft, I thought "We lost." This is too much of an uphill battle.

    But bot side, they did well. That's a fact. They developed the most, outperformed expectations. In clutch moments, Beryl initiated well, Nuclear set things up very well. However, G2's bot lane happened to do really well too. In the end, the other team's bot performed just as well. It resulted in a 50:50. So you erase that edge. Like math, you erase both sides of the equation. So all thats left is top side of the map. But top committed sudoku, mid jungle had 0 initiative more often than not, so the jungler is up in the air. So overall the situation was a struggle.

    So all these factors, with drafting added on, resulted in early game blowouts in game 1~4...and any teamfights, set plays and teamwork.. that followed, and they did happen, were in vain. So their execution was flawed. I think top needed to play a bit smarter, more systematically. It's not a matter of strength or mechanics..its just..Nuguri's play was not adaptive. Like I said, Sword played to "avoid losing" and Nuguri played "to stomp too hard" but they didn't objectively evaluate themselves and didn't execute in a satisfactory way.

    As for mid, in the end, I think champion pool problems were to blame. They lost their individual strength and failed to contain Caps. If they had at least managed to contain mid, they might have kept the game from being blown out, but G2 is the fastest team in the world. If they see a small opening they'll just hit you there. They were simply faster and systematic than they expected.

    You know a lot of people remember, and people have said this before, Caps is not a lane focused mid laner. His laning isn't what's praised about him. Because..instead of focusing on the lane and producing results at mid lane, he favors blowing the game wide open. Even if he takes some losses in the lane, he prefers to intervene elsewhere and find results. In some ways it doesn't even matter if you take a bit of a loss at mid.

    So what was important was picking mid champions that would bind him there but they failed to do so. In a way, they didn't have the tools to do so. Maybe, if instead of caps, they had run into someone that preferred to focus on the mid lane more, then Showmaker's picks may have fared better. Picks that grow fatter mutually, and in those scenarios Showmaker shines later. We've seen that time and time again. Picks like Corki or Kayle. He's good at popping off after growing fat. But the thing about that plan is that your opponent has to agree to grow fat and not be a nuisance. But if he fucks off somewhere else then...Showmaker's got nothing to do.

    So that's why I said there are similarities between Damwon and Griffin. Chovy and Showmaker ended up the same, and Nuguri and Sword shared the same fates too..the difference lies in their journey. Same for the jungle. Yeah I think bot side did pretty well.

    Griffin and Damwon, both teams that are growing in the LCK. Even if they are out of the tournament, I'm sure this has been a valuable experience for them, and I believe they'll continue to develop. I also believe these players will continue to grow and reach greater heights.

    Translators note: If you got here, congratulations. As an aside, when CT talks about "mechanics vs experience" and why he thinks the final four have the mid laners they do...I just couldn't help but be reminded of Ray Lewis talking about Tom Brady. "These young players, they're going off of straight athleticism" and Tom Brady's "clicker". But the difference is, unlike traditional sports, these veteran players, the truly great ones? They "run" just as fast as the best. Imagine if Tom Brady could run just as fast as Antonio Brown. Just a thought. the segment in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXIdy7Xhdos

    submitted by /u/hobbes4567
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    The eiffel tower twitter account is teasing about something happening on monday probably to build up hype in Paris before Worlds finals.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PDT


    Maybe they are planning on doing a fanzone or maybe even the Eiffel Tower might light up in the finalists colors. Incredible to see thaty such a famous monument will probably be involved in the biggest esports event of the year!

    submitted by /u/Charmase
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    Riot making the BIG BRAIN plays with this URF release

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    Dont get me wrong, I like URF and I dont care what people say.
    However, the amount of people complaining about this iteration boggles my fuckin mind, given that there was nothing but whinging during ARURF, save for the few people who understood that it was probably fairer overall.
    Given that there's been so many people openly complaining about "whats wrong with this version of URF" (like theres always people complaining about something), I think it's fairly likely that Riot is fully aware of how un-fun some champs can be in this mode, and they don't intend to bring regular URF back for quite some time (or ever); they're just letting everyone get it out of their systems.
    So shut up, ban the shit you don't want to play against, and try enjoy it before the manatee is shelved for good.

    submitted by /u/Shogun_Empyrean
    [link] [comments]

    Sion rework is more than 5 years old

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    Was casually thinking about old champions, and then I looked up when sion actually got reworked. 2014 was the date. He still feels like a fresh recent rework while this version of sion has already been around longer than the old one. Crazy how time flies and nostalgia hits

    submitted by /u/Sohnopus
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    My keyboard needed a makeover so I designed Kindred inspired keycaps!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:24 AM PDT

    My keyboard needed a makeover so I designed Kindred inspired keycaps!

    I used to play League long ago and one of my favorite characters of all time (despite my inability to play her) has been Kindred for her eerie voice and amazing lore. When looking for inspiration for my next keycap design, I drew inspiration from her color palette and role as a hunter.


    Just wanted to share for anyone who might enjoy :)

    Just wanted to add that WOW did not expect this kind of reaction. For anyone curious, this keyset and deskmat, along with custom cables, IS currently available to purchase (as a group buy/kickstarter kind of situation). If you want more info, I have a post on a keyboard enthusiast forum: here.

    I also wanted to add a little TLDR of how the enthusiast keycap designing community works:
    There are keycap manufacturers who have the tooling to be able to produce the actual caps. I choose some colors, decide on some designs, and the manufacturer will create a product based on those specifications. Each manufacturer makes their own profile of keycap, where the most common in Cherry/OEM - this keycap set is in KAT profile (more info on the profile here). Only caveat to this model of custom product is that a minimum order quantity is needed so I ask help from the keyboard community for a bunch of people to join a "group buy" similar to a kickstarter situation :)

    submitted by /u/Minterly
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    I redrew my first League of Legends fanart (2014vs2019)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 12:52 PM PDT

    I redrew my first League of Legends fanart (2014vs2019)

    League of Legends was one of my biggest influences. I remember I would pour over lore and just aimlessly scroll through the shop in old client looking at all the splasharts. I wanted to celebrate its 10 year anniversary by redrawing one of my first fanart I ever made for the game.

    As much as I have tilted, salted, and raged in game, I still love this game and all the effort the creative team puts into bringing the champions and the world to life. I can't play Katarina for my life unfortunately .


    submitted by /u/hide_on_rosebush
    [link] [comments]

    Free Worlds Final viewing-party in London hosted by Fnatic

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    Just came across this post on twitter by Fnatic announcing a viewing party in London for the Worlds final that looks pretty high-tier for a viewing party;

    -24 ft screen to watch the games on

    -Cosplay competition with some well known judges it seems

    Anyone else going!?

    EDIT: Video showing a bit of the theatre, so you know what you can expect!

    submitted by /u/ImLidn
    [link] [comments]

    "Faker, his father, and what it means to face your own legend" by FionnOnFire

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    Senna had a Happy Halloween dressed as her favorite wraith! [oc]

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:31 AM PDT

    Senna had a Happy Halloween dressed as her favorite wraith! [oc]

    I hope everyone had a sp00ky Halloween!

    (Lucian was not pleased with her choice of costume.)


    submitted by /u/Diazex
    [link] [comments]

    Netflix Documentation

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 07:02 AM PDT

    I have just finished watching the League of Legends Origins on Netflix and must say I am absolutely amazed by its quality! Everyone who enjoys League and specially Esports should watch it

    submitted by /u/MrMcMishor
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    Ambition explains why RNG wouldn't have made it to the worlds finals (SKT vs. RNG breakdown)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:14 AM PDT


    Ambition, the ex-pro player, makes analysis/breakdown videos and I was able to translate this video.

    It's quite insightful to hear from a smart player like him. He does a lot of educational streams and I hope to translate more videos like these in the future.

    submitted by /u/loldear
    [link] [comments]

    I guess I'm dead then

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Finals Village in Paris

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PDT

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