LoL Guide [Spoilers] Worlds 2019: What'd We Learn? |
- [Spoilers] Worlds 2019: What'd We Learn?
- How to win Mid lane STEP by STEP. (Challenger Orianna)
- Hear my story of a partially disabled veteran, league of legends, bullying, hope, and what you can do this Holiday to promote one, and squash the other.
- I recently switched roles after 10 years, and I wish I'd done it sooner
- Quick Guide to Senna (Gameplay tips, items, runes, and mistakes to not do)
- LWX Sivir Full Build
- When to Fast Push, Slow Push, and Freeze?
- Do you guys use a different resolution to make your FOV bigger?
- Which role best fits a aggressive play style?
- Qiyana Mid: Always Gank Never Get Carried? Learn About That And More!
- What to do with a top lane lead?
- Important Climbing Tip: The Two Stages of Observation
- Mental and Gameplay Help
- Senna Mechanics/Combo Showcase
- Is it possible to create a balanced champion pool of only flex position champions for multiple roles?
- Wave control in the bot lane?
- Plat 3 ADC looking to improve.
- Question about decay in masters
- How do I learn how to kite efficiently?
- How do I improve my skills?
- Help involving adc role
- Melee vs range champion?
- Help me become a better Kha'Zix
- Is there a point in building defensively as adc?
- Wanting to become the teams coach/drafter.
[Spoilers] Worlds 2019: What'd We Learn? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST Worlds 2019: What'd We Learn?Trying out a reoccuring thread that we may look to do with all pro splits/tournaments: What'd We Learn? The point of these threads will be to share/discuss things that we can absorb from some of the best players in the world and apply to ourselves - or in other words, what can we, as average players, take from these matches that can help us improve in soloq? Or even a step further - can we take anything here to help us in the That means saying that we learned not to give Tian Lee Sin, while true, is not useful for any of us here. Please try to keep it relevant for the users! To jump start I'd like to highlight some specific content that I saw floating around:
So: What did you learn? What did you have questions about? How do you feel about some of this content, and what are the best takeaways? I recommend checking comments by both new and best to get as many ideas seen as possible! This thread will be rotated in and out of the sticky slot for a few days so that everyone who watches, even if a little late, will hopefully be able to see and participate. Depending on how these threads do, we may look to make them a permanent rotation for future pro splits and tournaments. If you have feedback or suggestions, please leave them in our modmail: Thanks! [link] [comments] |
How to win Mid lane STEP by STEP. (Challenger Orianna) Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:31 AM PST Hey Summonerschool, I recently made a video where I versed a professional player, and broke down the fundamentals of how to approach laning phase as a mid laner. I try to describe and step you through my thought process so you can all replicate it in your own games. I then compare it with an example from a platinum mid laner to see what the main differences were and describe where he could change his gameplay using the same fundamentals. Take a look, I hope it helps! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST I'm going to try to keep this brief, but if you have questions, feel free to ask, I'll try to respond when I can. I can post my account handles here, but long story short, 2 years ago, my claim to fame, was having the 7th most games played in North America.... Problem was..highest I ever hit was p2. Most people now a days run lolwiz, facecheck, etc, and you can about imagine the types of dialogue that gets created 10 seconds into a game when you have thousands of games played, and are quite possibly the most hard stuck player they have ever seen. What lolwiz, facecheck, and other tools don't tell you, is what's happening behind that keyboard. I was partially injured in an attack during a mission I participated in Afghanistan. My role was essentially, on site help desk support, with guns. I wasn't a hero by any stretch of the imagination. "Good enough" shot, but action wasn't my middle name. The majority of my deployment was...cake walk to be honest. Picture an episode of "Workaholics" minus the weed, and insert desert, some highly racial/islamophobic humor, mixed in with some college frat pranks, and that was my deployment. It was certainly not a cutscene from Call of Duty. However, to this day, one bad day, can really, really, really mess you up. Body heals. Brain....takes time. To get back to League of Legends, now a days, I work from home as an I.T contractor, and well, I get to play so many games, because I'm either really good at my job..or bad, however which way you want to see it. 3 years ago I attempted suicide several times. Survivors guilt is something I'm not facing alone, I participate in groups with a bunch of us in it, and it takes its toll in all kinds of ways. League of Legends was my way to cope with many things, it was my way to risk having friendships again. Streaming every day to only a handful of people who always came to check on me, meant something to me. It got me out of my shell. If it wasn't for League, I don't know where I'd be. Would my VA counselor tell you I'm using League in unhealthy ways? Sure. Is my VA counselor a total snore? Yep. Does she mean well. I hope so. I guess all I'm trying to say is, sometimes, a game is a game, and that's what you should treat it as. But sometimes, you don't know what's going on the behind the scenes, and unfortunately, that guy who is griefing, or saying some pretty hurtful things....he might be the most tormented of them all. It doesn't excuse being a bully, but sometimes an explanation can help your own coping. Mute/all works wonders, some like it, some don't. Depends on the day for me. sigh sorry if I'm all over the board on this, I just really kind of wanted to get all these emotions and thoughts down, and I thought to myself, maybe there's like one other guy out there, going through the same shit I am, maybe its not PTSD, but something else, and if he reads this, and it helps him shrug off the bullying he next gets.....well was worth it. GL to all you summoners, and to my fellow vets....well you can't break my body down. Thanks, [link] [comments] |
I recently switched roles after 10 years, and I wish I'd done it sooner Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:06 AM PST I've been playing since beta, and I've always...ALWAYS been a jungler. Since my very first game ever, I've been a jungler. Warwick on the OG twisted treeline, with the red buff lizard in the middle of the map. I love jungle. I love everything about it, I love the game of chess, of cat and mouse. I love the element of surprise, I love dictating the pace of the game. I love keeping timers on objectives, securing all the drakes and all the barons and rift herald. I love standing in a lane after a successful gank, spamming emotes while my laners pick up the kill I spoon fed them. But idk... its just kinda gotten stale to me. Seems every season they make jungle worse and worse. I don't feel I have the same impact on a game as I used to, even if I play my best. So i've had an alt account for years and years that I never use for anything -- so I decided "I'm gonna start queuing support on my alt account, fuck it why not?" I've been hardstuck G4/G3 on my main account for years. Can't ever seem to break into platinum. I've been playing on my alt account spamming support for about 3 weeks, and i'm at G3 still gaining 22-25 LP per win, with a 60%+ win rate on all 4 of my main champs (Nautilus, Leona, Morgana, Soraka), 54% win rate overall. I feel like I have so much control. I feel like I'm contributing so much. My vision control is fantastic. I routinely get friend requests after games. I feel like I'm happier, I feel like I'm enjoying the game again. I wish I'd done it months ago. YEARS ago. However -- I'm still relatively new to to the role, so I was wondering if there are any hard and fast pro tips anyone wants to offer as far as things they see supports in Gold/Plat do that they could possibly be doing better? What sort of tricks of the trade have you developed over your support experience? I also have a few pretty specific questions: - Once you fall behind on the vision game, how do you stop the bleeding? How do you re-establish vision and stop the enemy from just clearing all of your wards seconds after you place them? - In a lane with 2 hard engage supports, lets say Leona Vs Nautilus -- how do you play that? Do you wait for them to engage and then look for a favorable counter? Do you wanna be the first one to make a move? How does leona play this? How does nautilus play this? I routinely end up in this matchup, and usually I fare better when I'm on the Nautilus side of it. How can I do better when I'm on the leona side of it? - What sort of criteria need to be met in order for it to be appropriate for a support to roam to mid, or roam with the jungler? Whenever I roam, I find myself falling behind in levels and gold, and I'm not really sure how to do this better. Thanks everyone! [link] [comments] |
Quick Guide to Senna (Gameplay tips, items, runes, and mistakes to not do) Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:41 AM PST Yeah she's not out for at least another half a day and of course there's not much experience playing her, so what's up with this quick guide? I gathered as much accurate information as possible to help alleviate confusion and frustration. Senna works quite differently than most champions and hopefully this will help players get a better experience as I'm predicting a lot of hardship over her initial days. Much thanks to Riot August and Riot Auberaun, who answered a lot of questions on August's stream while he demonstrated gameplay. I will not be going over her abilities as I am assuming you already know what they are, but I do go over the lesser known / less obvious aspects of each one, including some myth busting on confusing aspects. After that are some recommended runes and items, mostly based on what Riot August and Auberaun demonstrated. The Basics
Gameplay Tips
Items Note Senna was balanced around the preseason changes, so things could be weird this one patch. Support:
After this patch, go for whatever new support items that grant AD.
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Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:22 AM PST Noticed at the end of game 1 that LWX sold his boots for triforce on Sivir. Is this really optimal or would he have been better off buying a Bloodthirster/another defensive item? I can understand the reasoning behind buying it, with her W being an auto reset, but the benefits don't seem big enough to make it worth buying over something else. [link] [comments] |
When to Fast Push, Slow Push, and Freeze? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:09 AM PST I have a lot of questions about wave management. When do you fast push, slow push, and freeze? I understand vaguely how to do them, but I never know when I actually should. On top of that, do people actually just leave a few enemy minions alive in a lane when they slow push and then leave the lane? It seems kind of a waste of gold to me. Is this actually what you're supposed to do? Finally, what happens if you just killed an enemy in your lane but you don't have the waveclear to push, like you're out of mana or smth? I think you're supposed to fast push after you kill your laner, but what do you do in this situation? [link] [comments] |
Do you guys use a different resolution to make your FOV bigger? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:31 PM PST I really never see anyone talk about it, but I tried it yesterday after watching a tutorial and it makes the FOV significantly wider. Really helps me especially on jhin, it's also easier to move your camera. Really the only downside is that everything on your screen is smaller. Is this something a lot of people do? Before I did this I was having trouble keeping track of everything on the screen and moving it around correctly. [link] [comments] |
Which role best fits a aggressive play style? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PST I'm fairly new to league but in most games I play I enjoy a very aggressive playstyle where I disrupt enemies, force mistakes and sometimes rack up the occasional kill. I mostly enjoy fighting hard and getting up close and personal given I play tank in most games like FFXIV and Overwatch. [link] [comments] |
Qiyana Mid: Always Gank Never Get Carried? Learn About That And More! Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST Hi there, Today we take a look at Qiyana in the Midlane. Show up in other people's lanes like no one's business or farm up for mighty follow ups. This video commentary is packed with info to find out how much of a team player an assassin can/needs to be. Decide for yourself if that's what you're in for or just pick Qiyana anyway to find out how much better she is than her nine sisters~! She totally is. Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to leave tempered feedback, supportive comments or how you feel about the champ in general. Come again! :) [link] [comments] |
What to do with a top lane lead? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:44 PM PST Since I usually play wuk top, I have to come back in the mid game, so I'm used to just avoiding the top laner in straight up 1v1s and helping my team with my teamfight potential to get ahead. But what about on other champs that are more standard and can usually win lane hard? It's a completely different playstyle. My winrate actually dropped significantly when I started playing meta champs top because instead of going even in lane and then helping my team to snowball, I would smash lane and then just throw the lead because idk what to do with it. Any help? [link] [comments] |
Important Climbing Tip: The Two Stages of Observation Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:57 PM PST Hey guys! I hope I can take a few minutes of your day to help you with an important thing to take into consideration when making the last push for this season. It's called the two stages of observation. Stage one is what 99.99% of players are doing. It's observing what is happening each game, what you're doing, and what your teammates are doing. That's some pretty rudimentary stuff; almost everyone's aware of what's going on when they play the game. Stage two however is what a lot of players all the way up to diamond don't do unfortunately. It's observing what isn't happening each game, what you're not doing, and what your teammates aren't doing. At first it seems like a pretty easy concept to understand and many people believe they are exercising this when they're not quite getting it. A very common example of this would be jungler position that I'm sure everyone has seen: if the enemy jungler ganks top, where are they NOT? Bot lane right? So you're safe to push a bit more aggressively. This isn't exactly what I mean by the second stage of observation. When coaching, something I hear all too often, "I always win lane!" this leads me to believe that they know what to do during laning phase. But it poses a possibility that they don't know what to do with their lead. After observing a few vods, they seem to hold true to their claim but I also notice they aren't really taking any calculated risks. 3/0 on Xerath but making no effort to transition that top or bot lane. They also aren't warding, rotating with the enemy lux, or even going after tower plates. They were winning lane, yes. But they weren't doing a lot of stuff. The same applies for when players believe it's okay to forego cs in favor of kills. To an extent, yes it's better to go for a kill than to go for a wave. But bear in mind that 12-15 cs equates to kill gold and MUCH more experience. The fizz is 12/6/4 at 20 minutes but has a laughable 92 cs. If that 92 was like 180 it would be the same as being 18/6/4, a much more threatening K/D/A. On top of that, fizz neglected his lane so much that the enemy zed took all 5 tower plates and got first tower while he was trying to get more kills bot lane. Paying attention to what ISN'T happening or what you're NOT doing can be even more important than understanding what you ARE doing. League is like whack-a-mole. Every time you cover a hole, you're also leaving a bunch of other holes open. The key is to judge which action is the best to take at that given point in time. If you opt to play safe in lane to chill and farm up, you're also giving away lane priority which can lead to a butterfly effect of your jungler getting 2v1'ed by your lane opponent and enemy jungler. If you're warding the dragon pit to secure the upcoming elder, there's a high chance the baron pit is completely dark, which could open up the opportunity for the enemy team to sneak baron (if they're smart). These are all broad examples, but there are definitely more specific ones. Even things such as the enemy renekton blowing tiamat on the wave to clear. That could mean they're not trying to fish for a lane kill or are expecting you to engage on them. Spamming Q and W as Ahri on minions means you're trying to hard shove, but it also means you're reckless with your mana and aren't preparing for potential skirmishes. Getting into the habit of thinking about what you're NOT doing along with what you ARE doing can allow you to figure out many things regarding your playstyle. What you may perceive as a good habit could be concealing your more insidious bad habits. It may be a bit hard to figure out at first but after you get the hang of the second stage of observation, you can find yourself more conscious in each game which might be just what you need to make the push to plat, diamond or even master. A lot of challenger streamers practice second stage observation so if you watch their streams you might pick up a few things :D [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:58 AM PST Hey all, sorry to bother you, was just going to ask for a bit of help, and yes this probably isn't the right place so can someone move it to where it needs to be :( So the help I'm asking for is kind of mentally and some gameplay issues, I'm a gold 4 top lane player, playing in a silver/gold league which me and my team recently got to the finals of, which are being played Monday. The split started well, but recently my mentality during games has sucked, I hate to under perform and to lose games even normals. I get really twitchy about dying in lane, being stupid with decisions and plays I make and it really stresses me out. This in turn makes me tilt when I die and I fall further behind and then my KDA looks awful and since the games are streamed I look awful in others eyes too. Because I play a lot of tanks I feel my job is too survive and not die so when I do it really damages my mental. Because of this issue my game play suffers and I just make more stupid choices and die for it. I also struggle to understand some basic mechanics of top lane such as wave management as I've only played the role for two seasons. I just feel like I'm really struggling with my laning phase. Sorry if this is long and all but I was wondering if you people could help me in any way. But thanks for reading anyway. My IGN is SirJonjo and I play on EUW. [link] [comments] |
Senna Mechanics/Combo Showcase Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:32 AM PST Hello r/summonerschool! I've made a video which shows some of mechanics and combos for the new champion Senna. tldw: - Her Q can target "almost" anything.- Wards, Minions, Jungle plants, Turrets, Mist wraiths(her passive), Zyra seeds, Jhin traps, J4 flags,... - Her Q can pop jungle plants. - Her W instantly roots when the marked target dies- So lasthit with W for instant root (for some reason it's not stated in the skill descriptions) - You can hide your ult animation with R + Flash in the opposite direciton - And most important: Yasuo's Windwall doesn't block Q or Autoattacks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:46 PM PST That can be played in multiple roles, so I can comfortably queue as a Flex? So far I've been thinking of Poppy (top, jungle, mid, support), Tristana (top, mid, adc), maybe Swain? (top, mid, support, adc)? So there's like a tank, ad champion and an ap champion. Would this be advisable? What would be some other champions? Ornn (top, jungle, support)? I'm looking in trying to minimize the number of champions so I can be very comfortable on only a few of them for multiple roles. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST Hi guys, I wanna preface this by saying this season I hit plat 2 with adc. I feel like my mechanics are strong, and my macro is slowly improving, but I'd like to improve my wave management in bot lane, and I guess in general too. I can set up freezes easily. I freeze if they have an engage support(e.g alistar) to stop the risk of being engaged on. Or, I'll freeze if they push me in and I have a lead, and so by freezing I can deny them a lot of farm. The problem here is when should I freeze, vs pushing? Should I push to try for plates? Should I only push if my team are contesting dragon so they have to choose to catch the wave or miss it? Normally when I kill the bot lane and I see the opportunity, I'll push the wave in to deny them cs. The problem is I struggle to control the wave if it's not pushing say, so I don't push them in, but how do I stop it slow pushing to them giving him a huge wave for free? Should I just not touch the wave? I'm also trying to get better at keeping my cs up mid-late. How can I make sure I'm catching waves/recalling at the right time? Even higher plat feels a bit ARAM like sometimes... Anyways, just looking for some advice. I feel like I've improved a lot this season and I'm proud of myself. I just want to get as good as I can!! Thanks in advance :) [link] [comments] |
Plat 3 ADC looking to improve. Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:39 PM PST Hi, so i've been climbing in plat since for the past month and ended up peaking at Plat 2 50 LP. I'm now looking for advice to get to at least mid Diamond. My champ pool looks like this: Xayah 256K Jinx 230K Jhin 184K Cait 146K Lucian 128K Vayne 110K I have all ADC's on Mastery 7 with at least 40K points so i guess my Champion pool is not something i have to improve yet, right? I know that some of my weaknesses are junglers. I tend to not ward that well or simply push the wave too much without knowing anything about the enemy jungler. I also happen to have trouble with attack speed steroids like Lethal tempo or Mf's W, where i end up cancelling my first auto after transitioning from high AS to regular AS. Did anyone have the same issue and if so, how did you practice to avoid it? I'd mostly like to improve my macro and especially my mid game phase. I tend to not know what to do after either getting the first turret on bot or losing my own turret. I'm also interested in learning a few flex botlane picks like Syndra or smth like that. But any kind of advice is welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you guys, ty :3. [link] [comments] |
Question about decay in masters Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:27 PM PST i recently got masters euw. i played a game 3 days ago to prevent decaying and lost that game. now i just recieved a message in client that says i only have one day left to play a game, or else i will lose lp and possibly derank. go i need to win my decay games? is that a bug? [link] [comments] |
How do I learn how to kite efficiently? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:51 PM PST I've been playing for 5 seasons now and I never bothered learning how to kite because I usually played mages but I recently started playing ADCs. My current "kiting" consists of just right clicking to move backwards and left clicking to attack, rinse and repeat but it's pretty bad and in teamfights it really doesn't work at all. So how do I learn how to kite efficiently? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:48 AM PST I just started playing league about a month ago and I really like the game but right now, I'm feeling a little stuck. I cannot play much due to academics and my parents are also really against video games in general. I don't think I'm improving and it gets frustrating when I keep constantly dying. I'm not looking to play ranked or anything, I just want to get better in general. Any tips or suggestions are much appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:27 PM PST Hi, I just made the choice to swap from jungle to adc for the next season and climb up, I'd need some tips to improve, I know the basics and my objective is to climb from gold to plat. Also when is it ok to start cull or when shoul I buy it, from my point of view seems a good item but no one starts it. I'll appreciate any help! Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST Hello! I wanted to ask you to give me some tips on playing with a melee champion versus a range one. I really struggle with farming because most of the times when I go to hit a minion I get poked really hard and sometimes take lots of damage. I main Ekko mid and playing versus range mid champions is really hard for me to win my lane and even farm. However I would appreciate any tips in general about how to play against range champion while being a melee. [link] [comments] |
Help me become a better Kha'Zix Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PST Hi everyone, I was asking for some help on a youtube video about being a Kha OTP, I'm platinum 4 on LAN and I have been a jungler for quite some time now.. Recently I moved from my country and I'm starting all over on the LAS server as an Kha OTP, I really like to play him and would like to know everything you could teach me about him. Also, If you could recommend a good streamer/youtuber that plays Kha at a good level I'd love to know. Thanks. (Sorry for formating and bad english, it is not my main language) [link] [comments] |
Is there a point in building defensively as adc? Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST As an adc my job is to dish out as much damage as possible, safely, while helping my team siege or get objectives. But every once in a while I'll get a game where the enemy has one champ that can one shot me pretty much. I've found that even when I build one or two defenses I still die almost immediately, and regret my choice for even wasting gold on stats that don't ever save me anyway. [link] [comments] |
Wanting to become the teams coach/drafter. Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST This isn't a try hard team, in fact it's made up of friends who are all gold/plat. The reason I want to draft/coach is because I believe I have fairly competent game knowledge/champ knowledge of how champs and team comps interact late in the game. I'm more so looking at the side of drafting as I believe if you draft decently in flex it makes the games so much easier. My issue is that because it is not that serious (we want to win and improve) but the teammates aren't going to play enough to play more than 3 ish champs, how should I go about drafting then? I know this is slightly vague but that is because this is the beginning of my attempt to draft/coach for the team. [link] [comments] |
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