• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - December 3rd!

    League of Legends Free Talk Tuesday - December 3rd!

    Free Talk Tuesday - December 3rd!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:31 AM PST

    Heyo, /r/leagueolfegends! Free Talk Tuesday's back once more for this week's run - hope you've all had a good weekend!

    Preseason continues on, with everyone trying to theorycraft sick new builds for their mains (Stormrazor Riven SUCKS DON'T DO IT) to fiendin' for them hot new Drakes. It's wild times out on the Rift and things are gonna be that way for awhile yet - anything in particular you've been having fun with? Let's hear it!

    Speaking of fun - All-Stars is this weekend! There's a ton of fun events lined up like our favorite 1v1 and Tandem Modes, Showmatches and even a Charity TFT tournament! Is there anything about the event you're looking forward to?

    That's it from yours truly for this week. Gonna let y'all have the run of the place now, just remember to follow our FTT rules as always: talk shop, play nice and as always, have a good week!

    submitted by /u/IcyColdStare
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    I’m so sick of my teams from holding me back in Iron 3

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:37 AM PST

    It's fucking unbelievable how bad my teams are in this elo. My team fucking picks Skarner, Rek'sai, kog'maw, Warwick and Braum. Like holy fuck by this point I know I should just alt f4 but I don't because I have the "play it out" mentality maybe the other players will misplace themselves or something. My skarner had a full complete item and still died to raptors like HOW he has a fucking shield. Anyways soon I'm like oh maybe Kog can carry but no he just afks targeting the enemy malz voidlings while everyone else is tanking for him. The game finally ended when my kog ran it down and face tanked the enemy jax. THANK FUCK it was a quick one. I'd say GG but nobody else ever says anything in the post game lobby when I'm there.

    Anyways any tips on how to climb out of iron in TFT?

    submitted by /u/The_CraftersEdge
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    Thresh learns the number 1 rule of League

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Champions as Pokemon Trainers - Art by vmat

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Sources: Dignitas to bring on Aphromoo, Froggen and Grig

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:22 PM PST

    [ESPN]After failing to sign Chovy, EG will bring Jiizuke as their starting midlaner.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Classy way to evade a gank

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    INTZ Esports Debuts Their First Female League of Legends Player, Julia 'Mayumi' Nakamura.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Beijing News reports that Chinese Video Sharing Company Bililibi has bought the exclusive to China Streaming rights to the next three LoL World Championships for $113 million USD

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:17 AM PST




    So this is apparently a Chinese tabloid newspaper that has a print edition according to Wikipedia, and apparently a finance section and a finance reporter. Possibly also the world's slowest loading website that is more likely than not getting the Chinese Reddit hug of death.

    So the main company of Bilibili, owners of a top 4(?) LPL team and former employers of Kuro and current employers of ADD and Meteor, bought the Chinese streaming rights (China only, remember Twitch is blocked in China) for the next 3 League of Legends world championship for $38 million USD a year.

    They currently stream the LPL on their website, their main business, as does everyone else and their cousin in China

    Bilibili is a mixture of Chinese Youtube and a few other things at the same time, they have live streaming and flash games and "tons of other things" sort of like Newgrounds.

    "Being Chinese Youtube" is their biggest thing though.

    The League of Legends team that famously overachieved massively this year and made semifinals in LPL Summer by overperforming in an almost freakish manner and generally being the Chinese Korean team.

    submitted by /u/Urthor
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    TSM's Official 2020 LCS Roster Announcement

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    Soo where's the famous chat we were supposed to get during loading screen?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST


    The feature was supposed to hit live servers during the early season 9 but no news were given i believe. Has riot given up on this feature or there's still hope we see it anytime soon?

    submitted by /u/yazgo
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    It seems like people are missing the point of the "Champion Cost" argument.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:13 AM PST


    Whenever a post saying that Champions cost too much BE, it gets destroyed by people saying "you people have it so much better nowadays", "back in my day ..."

    Listen, boomers (and I am one of them), back in your day, you had less champions to buy, and more importantly, less 6300 champions to buy. The complete roster wasn't that hard to complete, because the price of all the champions was ranging from 450 to 6300, relatively evenly.

    People aren't saying that the GRIND is the problem, they are saying that the pricing system must be reworked. Why ? Lucian was released more than SIX YEARS AGO, and still costs 6300BE.

    59% of the available champions (85 ou of 147) cost 4800BE or more. This is why people are posting, they are not trying to flame Riot for their leveling system, which is obviously very good. it isn't

    EDIT : tell me if I forgot something

    Buying every champion in the game currently costs you 572 550 Blue Essence.

    Let's say :

    - You play for 6 years, gaining the First Win of the Day bonus 4 times per week, every week, for 6 years (62 400 BE)

    - Reach level 300 (255 290 BE, accounting for 750 BE per Basic Champion Capsule).

    - not counting events, that give you some BE.

    You played for 6 years, 4 times a week, with this pricing system and got a total of 317 690 BE. You need 254 860 more BE to get every champ.

    Don't forget that, over the span of 6 years, a lot of champions would release again, increasing the total amount of BE needed to have a complete roster.

    Did I forget something?

    EDIT 2 : Since people keep missing the point, I'm going to make a detailed post on why the revamped system sucks. (and yes, math in this post doesn't add up)

    submitted by /u/Aydenn7
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    Chasing The Dream | G2 Worlds 2019 Documentary

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Doublelift's opinion on FBI (adc)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:53 PM PST

    LCS Must Invest in Domestic Talent to Survive

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:09 AM PST

    Upcoming changes for 9.24 with preview

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Note: A human error is very likely in this post therefore i recommend you to check the original source on Twitter if you can. Let me know if i missed anything and i will update it.

    A follow up from the previous post

    Mark Yetter Tweeted

    Patch 9.24 Changes Preview:

    Bigger change lists in the thread. Almost final, but a few tweaks may still happen. This is the last patch of the year, but we expect to do a balance hotfix in late december (9.24b).

    >>> Nerfs <<<


    Senna nerfs- Focused on nerfing adc Senna more than support

    Base stats

    • Recommended item have been updated!

    • Health growth: 85 >>> 75


    • Soul drop chance on minions Senna kills: 5.55% >>> 1.67%

    • [REMOVED] Champion clones no longer drop souls

    • Allied Bards can no longer kill souls with Q


    • Damage: 50-170 (0.5 bonus AD) >>> 40-160 (0.4 bonus AD)


    • Root duration: 1.45 - 2.25 >>> 1.25 - 2.25 seconds


    • Damage AP ratio: 0.4 >>> 0.5

    • Shield AP ratio: 0.4 >>> 0.5



    • Damage: 80-180 >>> 65-165



    • Cooldown: 9 >>> 11-9


    • Mana restore: 4-8% >>> 4-6% missing mana



    • [REMOVED] Hitbox behind Akali

    • Rank 5 bonus damage to minions: 133% >>> 125%



    • Spins per attack speed: 1 per 20% >>> 1 per 25%

    • Damage increase per level: 8.2 >>> 6.6

    >>> Buffs <<<


    Yuumi Buffs - making her viable for regular play and less dominant in high elo and pro


    • Now also restores 50-160 mana (based on level)

    • Shield: 50-300 >>> 50-400


    • Mana cost: 75/80/85/90/95/100 >>> 85/90/95/100/105/110

    • AP ratio: 0.45 >>> 0.3

    • Empowered damage: 50/85/120/155/190/225 (+0.65 AP) >>> 50/95/140/185/230/275 (+0.4 AP)

    • Missile duration: 3 >>> 2 seconds


    • Now has a 0.25s channel time when attaching from an unattached state

    • Yuumi no longer follows Summoner Spell Teleport

    • Immobilizing Yuumi places this spell on a 5 second cooldown

    • Adaptive force increase: Yuumi and her ally grant each other 5/7/9/11/13 + 4/7/10/13/16% of their respective adaptive force >>> Yummi increases her ally's adaptive force by 12/14/16/18/20 + 12/14/16/18/20% and grants herself the same amount


    • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14 >>> 12/11/10/9/8

    • Mana cost: 30/40/50/60/70 >>> 100/115/130/145/160

    • Healing: 30/40/50/60/70 (+0.1 AP) >>> 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.3 AP)

    • Movement Speed: 25% >>> 15%

    • [CHANGED] Movement Speed no longer decays

    • [REMOVED] No longer has charges

    • [REMOVED] No longer does increased healing based on missing health

    • [NEW] Now grants 25/30/35/40/45% attack speed

    • Buff duration: 2 >>> 3 seconds


    Braum Buffs - Also targeted at regular player viability

    Base stats

    • Health: 540 + 87/lvl >>> 540 + 98/lvl

    • Health regen: 8 + 1/lvl >>> 8.5 +1/lvl


    • Cooldown: 14-10 >>> 12-8 seconds

    • Mana cost: 50-70 >>> 40 at all ranks

    • Armor and MR granted to ally: 10-26 + 10-16% of Braum's bonus Armor/MR >>> 10-26 + 12%

    • Armor and MR granted to Braum: 10-26 + 10-16% of Braum's bonus Armor/MR >>> 10-26 + 36%


    • Base damage: 150-300 >>> 150-450

    • Knockup to the first target now scales from 0.25 to 1 - 1.5 seconds at all ranks based on the distance from Braum. Every other target hit is knocked up for 0.25 seconds.



    • Shield 70-170 >>> 80-200


    Base stats

    • HP per level: 86 >>> 95


    • Cooldown: 12 >>> 12-10 seconds



    • Cooldown: 12-8 >>> 10-8 seconds


    Base stats

    • AD: 61 >>> 63


    Cut- conqueror win rate is higher, we will look again in another week


    Cut- conqueror win rate is higher, we will look again in another week

    >>> Systems <<<


    • Ranged champion heal: 15% >>> 8% of damage dealt

    • Buff duration: 8 >>> 6 seconds

    Rift Herald

    • Charge base damage: 1500 >>> 2000

    • Charge damage per Herald level: 175 >>> 125

    >>> Others <<<

    Omnistone "smart" logic

    • Omnistone now tells you how much damage it's dealt, and how many buffs it's granted. Buffs include: Lethal Tempo ASPD, Fleet Footwork Haste, PTA AMP, Hail of Blades ASPD, Predator Haste, Phase Rush Haste, Aery Shield, Aftershock Resists, or Glacial Slow

    • You are more likely to get Predator when not near enemy champions, and less likely to get it when in combat with nearby enemy champions

    • You are more likely to get Dark Harvest when near low health enemy champions

    • You are more likely to get Hail of Blades when near low health enemy champions if you're building AD or ASPD

    • You are more likely to get Conqueror when you and enemies are high health. Increased chance if you are melee

    • You are more likely to get Fleet if you are low health and below level 9

    • You are more likely to get Glacial Augment if you have a glacial item off cooldown

    • You are more likely to get Summon Aery when you have healing/shielding power and are near a low health ally whose in combat

    submitted by /u/MonstrousYi
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    Larssen signed a new deal with Rogue until 2022!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST

    Artemis joins EGs coaching staff.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:29 PM PST


    He has already taken a team to Worlds once before, and we're ready to see him do it again. We'd like to welcome to the EVIL family the newest addition to our coaching staff, @artemis_irl

    I'm happy that Artemis was able to get away from the perceived dumpster fire that is DIG. I thought he had left to join a org as the head coach? Still a solid pick up by a org looking to make a name for themselves in the Spring. I enjoyed watching him in the DIG videos and gaining some insight on who he is via certain podcast.

    submitted by /u/Miruwest
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    First Penta on Yasuo! May be silver but im proud of it :)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:37 PM PST

    Fragas & Myeong-jin to CLG Academy

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Sources: Fragas & Myeong-jin to CLG Academy.

    Welcome to the CLG Family! Super excited to get this season underway! Stay tuned.

    CLG Academy: Top: @Deus1v1

    JG: @Fragas

    Mid: ?

    ADC: Myeong-jin

    Support: ?

    This means that now 2 former players from BBQ (while LS was coach) are now on the CLG academy roster, cant wait to see how it goes

    submitted by /u/Sh0wTim3123
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    When the Scarra ward turns into a 5Head ward

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST

    Cosplay Singed Hextech

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Bonjour, je voulais savoir ce que vous pensez de mon Cosplay Singed hextech. J'ai fais mon 1er évèvement Cosplay au Toulose game show



    submitted by /u/Singedgost
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    Zed Pentakill Saves Nexus at 1 Health

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Qiyana's pan up in the True Damage - Giants MV isn't a simple still image

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST

    image here

    In all the animation breakdowns I've watched YouTubers do of the music video (I've watched way too many of these), none of them mentioned how much more intricate this shot actually is. Yes they all mentioned how there are various VFX on her body as the camera pans up, but none of them mentioned how the camera actually rotates to the left, tilts down, and shifts left very slightly as it pans up. I've only seen this mentioned once in another post that shared a stitched image for a phone background.

    If it was a regular still image, you could stitch the image together very easily by just lining up the outlines of her body, but as you can see in the image posted above, some areas line up while others don't. This is seen most clearly in the background where you can plainly see it moving from left to right. This is an insanely subtle detail that most people won't even notice, myself included in the first few watches.

    They could've done this three ways:

    1) It's completely CGI. They modeled Qiyana's body in 3D and what we're looking at is a fully rendered model. You'd be surprised how well a 3D model can look 2D nowadays. The environment is likely already completely structured in 3D and this is probably true for all three approaches.

    2) They rotoscoped it. They modeled Qiyana in 3D, shot the scene, and then drew over each frame to create a polished 2D shot.

    or 3) Someone was insane enough to animate the extremely subtle camera movements themselves frame by frame. This shot was 70 frames long, and only a handful of those could've been reused.

    The entire music video really showcases a mastery over the art of 2D animation, and I just didn't want this small, subtle detail go totally unnoticed.

    submitted by /u/SinOwl
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    Quinn + Kayn + ARAM = ???

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:57 PM PST

    The Dive | Roster Madness & 2019 Awards (Season 3, Episode 29)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:00 AM PST

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