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    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Your mental health is more important than winning a game x

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:51 PM PST

    Just in case you needed to hear it, you're mental health and wellbeing is more important than winning a game of league. Give yourself time to rest and relax between games, take a deep breath, mute all and do your best just to get through the game if you are having a hard time.

    It's a good idea prepare yourself mentally before committing the next 30-40 minutes of your time, are you feeling calm enough, do you feel like you can keep a level head even when people start being toxic or you're losing lane. If you feel unsure, its better to leave it for a bit. As someone with mental health problems, I can tell you League can be so much fun, but can also be so mentally taxing. Some may say you have to have a thick skin, ignore all the nasty comments, brush them off, but for some of us, its much harder to just ignore it. Words can hurt, they have impact, even from complete strangers, in the heat of battle the last thing you need is someone calling you 'trash' for having a bad game. It's good to mute chat, especially if you're like me and are prone to unstable emotional outbursts.

    All in all, take care of yourself, breath, drink plenty, and give your eyes and hands plenty of breaks. It sounds a bit weird to say but don't let a game rule over your mind and emotions. When the fun stops, its better to step away ( try not to mid-game tho >< ).

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Bad mechanics player looking to climb from high plat to hjgh diamond, should I swap to easier champions?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:31 AM PST

    I am a mid / jung on low dia/high plat, I would like to climb to high dia and someday aspire to masters but I have a hard time climbing. I have been analyzing games, stats and repetitions with a friend who is diamond 1 and he insists that I have a good macro, I make good decisions and I am not out of position but mechanically I'm bad. I quite agree, I think mechanically I have a low plat level at most and this scares me, because I have been playing for many seasons and it seems that I have mechanically gone down, since in the s4 I was in diamond 1 and currently in a state in which seems that the leagues are devalued I can not even reach that level.

    I have a hard time winning the line, most of my games usually I leave lane with low impact in the game but well farmed and it is the mid game where I start contributing to the team. Personally I like to play all kinds of champions, although the ones that best play and the ones I focus on rankeds are Fizz, Xerath, Ekko, Orianna and Graves.

    Should I rotate to simpler champions and continue with a passive and safe game or should I improve those mechanics and play champions who benefit from them? Some easy champions that I really enjoy are Annie and Warwick.

    submitted by /u/sKeLz0r
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    Resurgence of top lane shen

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Common thought is that top lane is once again a low impact position, hard farming junglers that focus on dragon control and snowballing bot lane means that top gets very little action outside of being its own 1v1. Obviously the best choice for season 10 is to pick up Shen, an easy to play but strong tank champion.

    Shen has been a top lane staple for almost his entire existence, his ult alone is an extremely useful utility that allows him alone to have a strong roaming presence among top laners, Shen can save your teammates with clutch ults, frontline almost as well as nautilus, and has some of the best dueling power of all tank champions. With nerfs to conquerer he can once again safely stack armor against bruisers and even outduel them sometimes, and buffs for aftershock result in a cheesy, quasi-lanebully build that can snowball top early to secure his lead for roaming.

    aftershock's shorter cooldown (20 seconds, similar to shen's initial 18 second cooldown on his taunt) means its more spammable in all fights, it's damage is nothing to sneeze at either, with shen's health stacking, aftershock can reach raw damage numbers similar to electrocute (200 damage per burst, and it's AOE) while making shen even harder to kill. Taking E level one and landing it can actually make weak level 1 top laners go down to half health.

    if you don't like that, grasp still works fine, recommended runes are always resolve primary, with dom secondary (ultimate hunter and then personal choice, sudden impact can be strong mixed with the aftershock build) Or precision secondary Presence of mind is alright, Shen's higher energy pool and costs mean that the 50 additional 50 energy isn't as strong versus his fellow ninja, but the 20% energy restore on takedown still works, and one of shen's main problems is running OOE on very extended fights, I like aftershock for its ability to make shen feel resourceless in teamfights, otherwise in precision, last stand, legend tenacity, or legend alacrity are strong choices.

    submitted by /u/Draconilian
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    Did the popularity of the roles shift?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    I noticed an interesting(?) trend lately, i queue as mid/supp, but actually im getting autofilled more than getting support. And while in last season it was something like 85% mid, rest supp/autofill (top mostly), with slightly more support games than tops, on this patch i never get autofilled to toplane, but rather almost always to jungle, which actually happens more often than me getting support.

    Did the jungle changes discourage that many people, or wtf is going on?

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    I suck at using Mordekaiser's Ult.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:06 PM PST

    And if at all possible, I'd like if you could help me learn how to use it better.

    The niche uses are okay for me. I'm cool with Ulting the Lee Sin before he can get a chance to smite at the dragon skirmish or pulling the ADC away while my team dunks theirs.

    But other than that? I maybe ult once or twice in a whole match.

    Please, reddit, help me become better at the ThunderDome.

    submitted by /u/DeadestTitan
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    What Are My Priorities As An Assassin Jungler?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:12 AM PST

    So I am 8/1/2 on Rengar, I can (for now) 1v1 olaf, and 1v2 even. Outside from objective control, such as dragon and herald, what are my priorities? Should I spam gank bot and tilt out the enemy bot lane? should I farm and hope for a good gank opportunity? If it seems like I am missing something obvious, its because I am new to jungle in general as well. Any tips and ideas are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Fahzi_
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    As a Silver II Ashe what can I do when I get no peel from my allies?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    So I went from Silver IV to Silver II quite fast (in 2 days) with 82% wr. Now in Silver II people have started to focus me more often than not and I'm not always getting peel from my allies so I end up dying more, I've started to lose more often so I want to know what can I do against those champs that can dive the back line easily? I have the most problem with Fizz, Jax and Zed.

    I've climbed using Ashe, I like her a lot so I'd like to continue using her, but I've considered using Xayah since she had self peel in her ult, any advice or thoughts?

    I'll use this post and ask another question: if I end up in Gold V before the preseason end is it likely I will end up in gold again after positioning matches?

    submitted by /u/MaurosCrew
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    How to deal with Yasuo?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Hello guys, like the title says what can I do against yasuo? Because the most situations when I play against him he gets a Pentakill after being useless for 20 mins and one shots me with 2 Items. Is there any other way than to ban him? I mean dont get me wrong skills should be rewarded but in my opinion this champ doesnt require any skill. You can easily spam your e and your q has a total CD of like 6 seconds, first off Yasuo is immune to any sort of Skillshots and also he blocks autoattacks, Ults and counters easily most of the midlaners. My question is now what can I do against him ? Im tired tof banning him every game. The only way I found to play aganst yasuo is to abuse the stupidity of the players but that doesnt help much becasue they get a penta anyway when he gets 2 Items.

    submitted by /u/MonkeyDDeltaZed
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    When laning, should I try to put damage onto my opponent, or just ignore them and focus on last hitting?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:39 AM PST

    I run into this conundrum a lot, learning how to lane (new player @ lv14). I usually play top or mid lane, Sion/Darius/Poppy/etc.

    I've tried "put damage onto them" but I end up coming away with less health than them, even at lv 1, and then they get to farm for free while I have to back or sit under tower for my health to regen.

    I've also tried just pretending they're not there and focusing on minions, but then they put damage for free onto me, and the same

    then they get to farm for free while I have to back or sit under tower for my health to regen.

    happens. Either that, or they just go "lol get outta here" and all-in me at lv 2, which usually kills me or puts me extremely low and I have to back or get tower-dived/sniped.

    How do I safely get CS without taking a ton of damage from them landing Qs or autos on me? How "assertive" should I be? Is it purely based on matchup, or which items you buy when you start? (Should I buy more damage items before tank items)? Is it because I'm not trying to manage minion waves?

    If its managing waves, how do I do that? Should I just let him shove it under my turret and farm there? Freeze it in front of my turret? I suppose if I freeze just in front I still get the XP/gold eventually, but I'll lose out as my minions kill some of his on the way to my turret.

    Should I be way more assertive, try to keep the minion clash on his side more? I worry about low level ganks then, plus like I said earlier it's harder to push him and his minions back as often I can't "scare him off" for whatever reason. However, the rare times that I can, I get great CS (like 5/m, normally get like 2-3/m). I struggle to understand when I'm stronger and I should just bully him out before he outscales me, or when I need to be scared.

    It's a little different based on the specific hero I'm playing and laning against, too. I especially struggle running Melee -> ranged, eg running Sion/Darius/Poppy into a battlemage/ranged champ top lane. In that case I can't even put damage onto them at all, I think the term is "kite"? They kite me and I have to stay out of their range.

    I know this is kinda vague. Any insight, something I'm probably doing wrong or don't see?

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    What is the logic behind the different costs of healing reduction items?

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:04 PM PST

    For AD champions you need only 800g to get EC, for tanks you need 1000g for bramble vest, but for AP champions you need 3000g for morello.

    Why is there such a big difference?

    When I play adc, if I'm against Mundo or Darius or Swain, I just rush 800 gold to get EC, then it's much easier to deal with them.

    But when I play mid mages, even when I'm 3/0 at 15 mins, I still can't deal with these champions simply because I can't afford morello, or even when I can, it'll be such a stupid move to sacrifice CDR and mana, to first build morello,

    It sucks. But I want to know why the designers specifically make it difficult for AP champions to deal with healing?

    submitted by /u/monosolo830
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    Struggling against Aatrox

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:35 AM PST

    Hi. I'm an S3 Kayle/Trynd main. Yes, the scary low elo ik. I was surprised that a lot of people pick aatrox in low elo. I struggle to find any window of opportunity when it comes to playing against him, especially if he manages to land his q. How do I play against aatrox?

    submitted by /u/Xirao
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    Managing Waves

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:04 PM PST

    I have been watching some high elo streams lately, but I am currently S1 but I have noticed that people know when to control waves. What in what situations should I know when to hard push, slow push, or freeze during the laning phase or through mid/late game?

    Sometimes I either play too safe and freeze the lane and usually get wrecked during the laning phase. What can I do to the lane so that I can stay on track and not fall off during the game.

    submitted by /u/smolnerd04
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    How to play LUCIAN ADC and why he is a great champ to understand the ADC role

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:34 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    So last year I made a couple of league of legends video guides that this reddit channel seemed very happy about and since then the guides have gotten over 60k views and thousand of likes. In the regard I did a couple of full gameplay videos where I explain my thought process when playing a certain champ to help others master the champ better. The other day, I decided to start making guides and full gameplays again teaching different champions. I thought this video showing how to play Lucian could be helpful for ELO players in Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold and potentially early Plat. Here's a link to a video explaining how I think when I play ADC Lucian :


    I would love to hear your thoughts in regards to if you find this helpful in regards to mastering Lucian and if you would like me to do more of these.

    All best,


    submitted by /u/XxMipZxX
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    Sweaty hands problem

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Hi all, my problem is that my hands sweat so much during intense games that i sometime lose traction to my mouse and this has crashed so many good plays from me. I have no problems with other games (cod, destiny etc.) Does anybody else has this problem and what do you do against this ?

    submitted by /u/CalistoNTG
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    Falling behind in exp against enemy jgl/laners as jungler

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:50 AM PST

    I am currently gold 1, but I feel that I always fall behind on exp against enemy jgl and laners, even after good early game. In some games I just feel so behind. Like last game I played Olaf. I managed to counterjungle and kill karthus and had decent amount of kills, but later in the game I just fell behind by 3 lvlsand I dont know why it seems like i farm a lot of camps and so on. Please give me some advice!

    submitted by /u/Janiz112233
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    Looking for detailed discussion on whether it is reliable to climb with basic immobile ADC's

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:45 AM PST

    Background info: I am a OCE silver 2 ADC main. I was stuck in low silver for a long time until I began maining Ashe and Tristana.

    I read a thread saying that Ashe was unreliable to climb to high ranks such as diamond and master due to her immobility. After reading this I began to wonder whether it was worth learning a new meta and mobile ADC like Xayah, Kai'sa or Senna. But then if I am climbing well enough developing my basic skills on Ashe, is it worth learning these new champs now or should I develop my general skills before going for a harder champion. I am unsure whether there would be benefits in learning these champs now, or if I should wait until I'm around gold or plat as I will have better knowledge of the game. Is mobility really that important for and ADC at higher levels?

    Hopefully this sparks some discussion and I can find an answer to my question as I am very passionate about this game and want to improve so much.

    submitted by /u/yacuuuub
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    Singed is Back to Troll em All With Conqueror Keystone? Learn About it Here.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Hi there,

    Today we take a look at Singed in the Toplane.

    Take your time to scale so that you can dish out The Damage and Take a Hit, at least while your ultimate is available. Aggravate enemies as they try to catch up to you, only to find that they're already dead. And being laughed at. A video commentary that's packed with info to find out if this is the champ and game plan for you, to leverage mindfulness and compassion to become the best player you could become! You decide.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to share your Singed ideas and stories here or on the YT side and don't forget to ring the bell for more if you enjoy the format! Have a good one. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    Why does a bot lane pull the first wave into the bush? with specific example!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    I was watching this replay of Atilla playing Xayah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vYA-Q_fm9A

    as minions come to lane Atilla tanks 100 damage to pull the minions into the bush.

    i asked myself, why would he do this?

    i reasoned that pulling the minions down means his wave meets their wave on their side of the map, and he would do this because the next waves would then push back toward them.

    and they want this because they see olaf taking kayns blue side, so kayn will have nothing to do but clear bot side and then gank them, and since he can go through walls they want to be safe on their side of the lane.

    but what happens is, instead of getting level 2 and then letting the wave push back to them, he throws feathers on the whole 3rd wave and it stalls on enemy side of lane. then, just as i was thinking the whole time, kayn clears the bot side camps and then ganks them. they lose flash heal ignite and give first blood.

    so i have 2 questions

    1. am i understanding why they pulled the wave towards the bush level 1, or is there some other reasoning to this?

    2. why does he shove the 3rd wave? surely he realizes kayn has nothing else to do but gank them once he clears his red side? and it's not like they think they have all-in pressure and just want to clear minions for less aggro.

    submitted by /u/tftguiklihbj
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    I always throw at mid-game

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    I often have troubles controlling the game once the enemy tier 1 towers fall. When I try to splitpush so I can take towers, my team dies in a 4v4/4v5, and when we start a teamfight, we ussualy lose. Basically I don't know exactly what to do, so these questions came to my mind: 1-When is OK to stay with my whole team? 2-When I should stop splitpushing? 3-The reason I lose teamfights must be because I'm doing it wrong, so how I should be doing it as an assassin/mage?

    I play assassins like Diana/Talon/Kassadin and mages like Twisted/Ryze

    submitted by /u/Ezk116
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    Jungle 101 (Gold Jungler; Can’t Jungle)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    As the title says, I'm struggling to jungle in this preseason, I've had a couple good points of help from this subreddit and as I implement them into my game I've felt a bit better about it but I'm still having issues. What are the extreme basics? What are my priorities as a jungler? My main jungle pool right now is Warwick, Olaf (I have issues), Jarvan, and Vi, On Warwick I try to focus on farming, getting the opportunity to solo dragon, and only taking a gank when it'll end in a kill. Olaf, I've been so hot and cold on it's probably the hardest for me right now. One game I'll have total control on the map, a good lead and I'll keep my lead and make use of it, the next I'm practically inting and I can't accomplish anything. I'd really like to keep my mind on the basics, but I guess I've been messed up about Jungle this season I've forgotten the basics. Where do I start?

    submitted by /u/Sluggo95
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    Jungle help

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:15 AM PST

    I usually fill in most games, and it often means going jungle. I have 3 champions that I prefer but each has some issues i'd like to mitigate/get rid of

    Warwick - I focus on objectives and getting drakes/heralds/barons above all else, but I also have pretty good gank presence due to W/R. Thing is that I can't make him work teamfight scenarios and if my team doesn't end the game quickly enough I usually lose.

    Is there something I can do to make Warwick's late game/teamfight presence better?

    Nunu - Also focusing on objectives and baiting summoners from laners with W, but the follow up damage is weak. Also I struggle facing enemy junglers - while they are rarely able to 1v1 me, I can't really pick fights and since most junglers can hop walls I can almost never "control the jungle". Like, at best I can chase them off, at worst I die.

    Is it a good idea to use Predator on Nunu? His snowball really benefits from Predator's MS and it's very consistent way to force flash.

    Ornn - This guy feels slow so his ganks aren't that good, especially in mid-lane where you have to rely on Q to land E. R is obviously a game changer but without it it's clunky. Cinderhulk feels awkward so I just don't upgrade my jungle item most of the time. Once he hits level 11 he's god tier in teamfights and skirmishes, he's basically the opposite of Warwick in my hands.

    So, is building Cinderhulk on Ornn actually good? Is there a way to make his jungle feel "less slow"?

    submitted by /u/mporubca
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    Roaming as a mid laner and vision

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:12 AM PST

    So I've played lol for about 6 months and only played draft or normals the entire 6 months I played. My usual picks are akali and ryze but I can't roam with them because the other lanes are always pushed even tho my laners are 0/3 at 10min. What do I do as a mid laner to sort of "carry the game" so I can get out of bronze 1. And where do I have to get vision during late game.

    submitted by /u/AuX0X
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    I can’t play unlocked camera!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:39 AM PST

    Hi, so I've been trying to play unlocked camera for some time now. My reason for trying to change my camera style is because sometimes just playing unlocked makes it more easier for me to be aware of surroundings. However, my biggest problem of not locking in my camera is that I often lose my champion. Sometimes I tend to focus on one thing and one thing only and that causes me to lose my champion and maybe dive in fountain by accident.

    submitted by /u/Illinia
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    Season 10 Goal for High diamond

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    Pretty hardstuck D4 Jungle main, playing Reksai, Eve mainly, but often play nunu, warwick, trundle, hecarim in certain matchups.

    Just wondering how do I make the jump from Low diamond to Diamond 1-2 or even masters?

    Whats the main difference between these junglers and what are some key points you have for season 10?

    Also streamer or knowledgeable YouTube jungler recommendations would help a lot!

    submitted by /u/kanvetx
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