LoL Guide High elo players: what is the best way to rapidly improve at this game? |
- High elo players: what is the best way to rapidly improve at this game?
- 1v1 tournaments guide
- How to improve CS during mid to late game?
- Tips on playing League for someone who has Tourettes and Anxiety?
- Next circle of suckage - going to late game at 20 kills and losing [ADC]
- Fighting master yi in the late game
- Lulu itemization (support)
- Is it better to one trick?
- How to become a mid lane player?
- An Unusual Bot Lane Pairing - Diamond Ranked Full Game Commentary
- What am I supposed to do to the wave in this situation?
- Picking up Braum after buffs?
- I am new to the game and want to get good at the game and really understand it
- Is kennen good right now?
- What is the real difference between lanes and what characters work well with them?
- quick question regarding tower diving as a team
- What games are ideal for doing self reviews?
- Why am I so bad at ADCing?
- Right ON TIME Zilean Support, Learn About the Champ and Yourself!
- Where should I practice and improve?
- How to play against good early game teams?
- I main adc/top and struggle climbing
- I think Teemo is in one of his best states ever and you should give him a try (GM Teemo OTP)
- P4 ADC Struggling to play from behind
High elo players: what is the best way to rapidly improve at this game? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:06 AM PST I have been a hardstuck 51% WR Gold 1 Jungler for the last couple of months and have never been higher than Plat 1 in S6. I would like to reach Diamond in the upcoming season but find myself totally stagnant. I struggle to close games when I get an early advantage, and I struggle to prevent the other team from snowballing when they get an early advantage. People say to watch high elo streamers, but I don't really gain much from watching them because I theoretically know the proper jungle paths and ability combos. Clearly, though, I'm not cleanly executing properly in-game, or there are other things I'm not picking up from watching the Master+ streamers. In general, while watching my VODs, are there particular things that I should look for? Are there any things I should be taking notes on? Should I hire a Diamond+ coach? I appreciate any and all advice! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST just gonna leave this here... Hi, my name is Pohovana Pavlaka, I'm an eune player. I've been enjoying 1v1 tournaments for around 3 years since they've been regular on battlefy, and I have won over 100 of them. I see players struggle to pick something strong on aram (destroy the Nexus mode, I will cover first blood 100cs turret later), and get stomped by me in under 15 minutes. Top 10 for aram full game
The rest are mechanically very easy to play so you can learn them yourself.
I hope this will help you, and since 1v1 community is small in Reddit, if this gets enough idk likes, I will make a powerlist for first blood/100cs/tower mode. Good luck :) Edit: 10 hours after I posted this, I got stomped by a challenger Syndra main, so a high rank and knowledge of the game helps a lot. Press F to pay respects. Edit 2: here's the link for the post about tomorrow's tournament. [link] [comments] |
How to improve CS during mid to late game? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST I'm a Gold 2 mid lane, and often I'll leave laning phase with around 8-10 cs/min. However, around mid to late game, when my team starts grouping, my cs fall to about half the amount it should be, causing me to drop off. What can I do to prevent myself from losing cs over the course of the game? [link] [comments] |
Tips on playing League for someone who has Tourettes and Anxiety? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST Hey all, I'm League of Legends player who has tourettes for half of my life and anxiety which started this year. I main Support and Lux which I climbed from the bronze hell to plat 2 this season struggling to hit diamond. Recently my tourettes got really bad and it affects my gameplay a lot, coupled with my anxiety and overthinking it makes me have no mood to play or do anything at all especially when all I want to do is play League with my friends after a day of work. The reason why I mained support was because I have a lot of trouble focusing for CSing when playing solo lanes or ADC and I tried to play Lux mid instead of support and it did not work out well as I always get too stressed and my tics get worsened and I play even worse. I forgot to mention this but my tics most of the time are me shaking my hand and sometimes not hold my mouse because of it and I turn my head a lot which screws me up sometime as I didn't see map or I get hooked (hookers are my nemesis in lane). I feel bad for my friends easily whenever I misplay or screw up easy skillshots when my tics kick in and I just start to get anxious and be afraid of screwing up even more. My friends are nice though as they always tell me its fine but I just have problems getting rid of the guilt of potentially causing games. And maybe I am too serious sometime that I always wanna win and I cannot seem to adopt the 4fun mindset like some of my friends. My only goal at the moment is to just get good at Lux and hit D4 next season which is why I am trying so hard to learn her and at the same time trying to cope with my illnesses which is why I get tilted or upset easily and all of this are also due to my bad mental. Tons of people always tell me to play to improve etc, I know that should be the way and every time after awhile, I start to be in a bad mood again after bad games and the cycle keeps happening. Even though I get really mentally exhausted from bad games due to my tourettes and anxiety, I am trying my best to cope with it by thinking positively while I can. My favorite streamer is BoxBox and I love how positive and chill his stream is (plus weeb), kinda sad that I can't watch him live due to work but I try to watch his vods if I can . So here's my story. Of course I will still try my best to cope but any advice or story of yours will help me definitely and you will help others who are having similar problems as me as well. [link] [comments] |
Next circle of suckage - going to late game at 20 kills and losing [ADC] Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST So I've started to play ADC now after what, 6 seasons? of supporting and a complete burnout. I tried mid, but after so long botlane just feels like home, ya know ;) But the problem is, I suck in a brand new way. We're playing Flex queue in silver/gold whereabouts which is why I'm leaving midgame more often than not at 15+ kills and enemy botlane is decimated. All's well, but then there comes a point where we just lose. I've taken a look at some VODs to see what's up, and in theory it's not exactly my fault. I'm not getting caught, I kite... acceptably, I rarely net/jump/dash into the middle of enemy team to become the life of the party. I have top damage in team, yada yada. But ADC with 20 kills should not be losing games in this scenario. So I'm sh@ing the bed somewhere along the way, lol. So my question is rather general here: What should I be doing in late game when I'm fed to carry a team that may not be all there? I mean, literally, like with an afk-splitting Yorick or a Malzahar without R key on his keyboard. I know this sounds like I'm dissing them, but no, it's understandable folks play like this in silver. There is no excuse to be losing silver games unless you belong in silver (which I don't plan on! :D). I should be able to pull it off, I just don't know how. I went on my main Sona for a few quick games just to get out of bronze ASAP and be able to queue with my gold mates and it was a breeze. Though games are very fun in Flex que, I have to admit. Always something wild happening instead of stale objective standoffs and standard jungle picks :D Currently I like it better than soloq, and at least I can suck in relative peace. Shower me with lategame knowledge, ADC souls. Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Fighting master yi in the late game Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST Hi, I am currently low elo (S4) looking to climb this preseason. I play mainly tanks and bruisers in top&mid. Almost every game I see master yi being spammed for freelo. I don't have any issues with him early game - When Im auto filled jungle I usually find it easy to counterjungle and solo kill an 18 IQ yi who only knows how to press Q. However, most early game skirmishes end with my jung and bot lane not focusing correctly and the yi ends up with a double kill and a free dragon, while I am unable to do anything being in toplane. Repeat several times and there's literally nothing I can do against him even as a fed top laner. Come late game his kit just seems unfair. The true damage and constant untargetability feel really bad to play against. Aside from banning him, how do I play against the inevitable time bomb that is master yi? It seems to be a different approach from stopping other hard-scaling champions like Kayle or nasus, and I need some help figuring it out. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:27 AM PST Hi fellow Summoners! What runes/items are best on Lulu right now? Especially: how do you make up for the lost 10%cdr on the support item, or is even possible/feasible to get max cdr on her (and enchanters in general)? I mean you have one slot for supp item, one for mobis, one for control wards. That leaves 3 possible items, and none of the support items give more than 10%cdr, and as a support transcedence and scaling cdr shard is out of the question. Also what item paths are the best? I played a game with Bulwark (relic t3)-Redemption-Shurelya, and it felt pretty good, the actives are very nice, but if game goes past 30 min, whats next? I opted for Zekes for more adc damage, but could Locket be finally viable on enchanters? These 3 items give 900 bonus hp and 20% heal/shield bonus (25% with revitalize), which means a pretty fat Locket as 3rd item (lvl 14-15) with a 550 aoe shield. But in this case i only sit at 20% cdr, which is pretty meh, but even with Zeke/Ardent/Mika 30% comes way too late (stacking components on a supports income seems bad) So what is the optimal choice? Cheers [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:16 AM PST So I'm a silver 1 player at the moment, I've been at 90+ lp at multiple points but I cant get to good for the life of me. I would lsay I'm still fairly new to the game (lvl 45), and I've had a few champs that I've "mained" then I stopped maining. But one that has stuck with me throughout playing the game is Pyke. And at this point I would say I'm a Pyke one trick. Sometimes I feel like I play well and semi-carry but other times I feel like I'm the reason we lose the game. I'm on a big loss streak right now and im starting to think maybe only playing Pyke isnt the best way to go. If it helps, if pyke is picked or banned I play nautilus. [link] [comments] |
How to become a mid lane player? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:14 PM PST Hello summonerschool Not too long ago I joined a local academy team as mid laner. However the problem is I rarely played mid before that. I climbed my way to high plat only playing juggernauts (mostly Garen and Darius) top. Now I wonder what the fastest way to become a more or less competent mid laner would be? I think just playing it in ranked won't work out because I feel like my skill level on mid champs is nowhere near high plat. Thanks for helping me out! P.S. my is if that helps. [link] [comments] |
An Unusual Bot Lane Pairing - Diamond Ranked Full Game Commentary Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST Hey everyone, I'm a Diamond support main, and I thought this'd be an interesting game to share because it's such an unusual pairing in the bot lane, Alistar and Vel'Koz. A lot of people would say Vel'Koz as an APC is a troll pick - I wouldn't. For clarification, this is a ranked game in Diamond. If you're interested, here's the video :) [link] [comments] |
What am I supposed to do to the wave in this situation? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST So I just killed enemy Talon and I'm looking for a freeze near my turret, problem is that I'm afraid it'll crash, so I try to thin the wave but I'm Kass so I notice I won't make it fast enough, so I try to hard push instead but of course, enemy Talon gets back in lane and now I'm fucked. What should I have done? In hindsight, I probably should've just sticked with hard shoving the lane with my jungle which would've been better than being stuck in lane with half hp and no mana but would it have been possible to just thin the enemy wave a bit with my jg and recall immediately? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:02 AM PST Hello! I play a lot of tank supports, like Naut and Leona. I was wondering how, with the buffs on PBE, worth picking him up would be. I've been wanting to get him for a while, but his abysmal win rate and supposedly poor performance in solo queue has been discouraging. I was wondering if the wise men and women of r/summonerschool could enlighten me on the viability of Braum, and could perhaps tell me if the buffs are significant enough to make him relevant again. Obviously the last bit is a little bit of an opinion, but I'm just curious what y'all think. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
I am new to the game and want to get good at the game and really understand it Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST I have been reading guides and started watching some pro games. So far I have mainly played ARAM and Bot games to get to grips with different champions. I have some MOBA experience. I used to play supports in Heroes of the Storm. I used to play Tyrande and Ana mainly. These supports play out most like Senna in League, so she feels quite natural to play. Tyrande auto attacks to reduce the cooldown of her Q which is her heal (just like Senna). She has an ult that stealths allies (like Senna E) etc. I like playing Senna, but I think I prefer ADCs in this game like Kai'sa and Xayah - and I got a skin for Xayah which makes it even sweeter to play :D. But that's beside the point. I am grateful that the community has so much material for new people to consume to better learn this game, but realistically, I think the best way for me to improve is to play and try to apply different things I learn to my gameplay. How can I go about reviewing the games I play without really knowing what to look for in my play? Also, what should I be playing? Normals Blind, Normals Draft, Ranked Solo, Ranked Flex, or is ARAM okay? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST I'm just curious how he is in the meta, since I'm a returning kennen main, and I just want to know as much as I can before I dive in. Am I advised to change mains? I just want to know if he's good enough to still climb with, I mean you can certainly climb even with the worst champ, but I'm probably not even that good. I can always look at sites but I sometimes find them unreliable, second opinion would really help. And streamers please? Kennen OTPs I can watch on Youtube/Twitch? I currently only know TC Rime, I like you dude but your audio sucks sorry. [link] [comments] |
What is the real difference between lanes and what characters work well with them? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST Im very new to this game (had it for about 2 weeks) and am enjoying it a lot. One thing that's been leaving me confused is why some characters are associated with lanes for them. For example, people say that Morde can play top or mid effectively, but trolling if you go bot. Why is this the case? Aren't all the lanes functionally identical? The only real difference I can think of is midlane having better access to assistance from junglers, but that's it. If it helps, I main Darius and Morde. [link] [comments] |
quick question regarding tower diving as a team Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:11 PM PST Hi I've been playing for a longer time already but having a brain lagg atm. So the question is if the turret will swap aggro to my teammate when I'm having turret aggro from attacking an enemy champion first but leave the turret attack range then and my teammate who was attacking the enemy champion while I was tanking stops damaging the enemy just as I leave range. Will the turret proceed to attack my mate who earlier damaged his allied champion(but didnt when the first turret tanker left range) or will he start targeting a minion? [link] [comments] |
What games are ideal for doing self reviews? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:06 PM PST My question is which games are going to be the most beneficial to review your own gameplay? Obviously, if I go 20/4/16 in a game and crush it, I know I'm not going to learn much, and even if I do an okay game at bottom, if say an enemy Fiora snowballs out of control and decimates every teamfight and closes the game at 17 minutes, I wont learn much from that either. What kind of games are ideal to look at raw gameplay? Should I be reviewing my killer games, my average games (say a 6/4/6 game we win), or look at games where I get completely destroyed and try to analyze from that? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:32 PM PST I'm not new to the game, I've been a top/mid main and I've pretty much always wanted to be an ADC main since it seems like it would be a really fun role but almost every single time I try I just get destroyed. It could partially be because the entire time I've played league (since 2017) I've played on locked screen with mainly melee champs and I'm still getting used to using unlocked, but I really don't think that's what it is, as I play Xerath just fine with unlocked. I just can't seem to perfectly CS, Look at my map, worry about what TWO enemy laners and my support are doing at all times, and focus on moving the screen manually, WHILE trading correctly all at the same time. It just gets overwhelming compared to playing melee champs in mid or top. ADC is definitely my worst role because even when I rarely play support I am able to just chill and lay back as thresh and just hit a bunch of hooks. How do you ADC mains do it? Am I missing something? (btw the ADC I'm trying to "main" or like the most is tristana) [link] [comments] |
Right ON TIME Zilean Support, Learn About the Champ and Yourself! Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:12 PM PST Hi there, Let's take a look at Zilean Support today. His damage is impressive early but mana limits what you can do then. Now don't worry as things keep getting better for you! Mid to lategame your Gamechanging Ultimate and Perma Speed Control combine nicely with a well planned and executed AoE Stun. That's the gist of it. For more good info, context and how it can pan out give the video commentary a look. Packed with what you need to find out if this is the champ and game plan for you, to leverage mindfulness and compassion to become the best player you could become! You decide. Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to share your Zilean ideas and stories here or on the YT side of things and don't forget to ring the bell for more if you enjoy the format! Have a good one. :) [link] [comments] |
Where should I practice and improve? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST I feel confident enough to play anything in ranked solo/duo, but I am sure I will unintentionally int in some games and make a game worse for my teammates. I want to climb really high in the upcoming season, learn a lot of junglers and I want to stick to one role. I don't know if it's only me, but I feel embarrassed if my page looks ugly (seeing most played champions with poor WR or kda under 3.00). And now I'm here, thinking about playing normal draft or ranked flex? Is there a big difference? Are the games on ranked going to help me more? [link] [comments] |
How to play against good early game teams? Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST Hello there, me and some other dudes assembled a team 2 months ago and wanted to play in the Premier Tour (German, Swiss and Austrian regional league) and we did fairly well in my opinion(low diamond skill level). Our weakness was tho to play against early team composition while we play a rather late game focus (mostly fiora top, azir mid and xayah bot). We've tried to play a more early game comp but that didn't went well for us. So my question is what can we improve on to match their early game and don't fall behind in objectives too far. Our playstyle is rather top-heavy (before preseason) and we couldn't execute ganks on bot very good while midlane is mostly being ignored. Thanks for the help in advance. Cheers [link] [comments] |
I main adc/top and struggle climbing Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST I know my biggest problem is I'm hardly there when the fight starts. A lot of people in my elo leave huge waves alone and I go farm it up. But when should I really be grouping. Like I know when an obj is up don't be on the other side of the map but what about mid/late when they're are no objs do I just hug my team or? [link] [comments] |
I think Teemo is in one of his best states ever and you should give him a try (GM Teemo OTP) Posted: 03 Dec 2019 05:00 PM PST I'll keep it short - Teemo can naturally build into sorc boots and morellos. Currently there is a rise of conqueror champs and fight heavy teamcomps. Teemo absolutely demolishes all these champs in teamfights from lvl 11+ with morello and liandry. Obviously I'm a Teemo OTP and have experience in his matchups, so my opinion is extremely heavily biased. But if you ever thought of picking Teemo now would be a great time. I'm going to sleep soon, but if you need advice I'm here to help once I wake up EDIT: I woke up. Here is my if you want some build inspiration [link] [comments] |
P4 ADC Struggling to play from behind Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST As the title says I am a P4 ADC main who is struggling to turn games around when my team is behind. In most of my lanes I am able to go even or slightly ahead. I started to use the metric of the 10 min mark into the game since that is pretty much laning phase to give me a benchmark of how I am improving. I am focusing on getting the best lane phase possible as the next part of my game I am improving. After that I am going to work on my mid game of 10-20 min. I find its easier for me to focus on smaller segments of the game to improve than the entire thing at once. For example my 2 ranked games last night. In my 2 games last night I had good laning phases. The first game went 2/1/1 at 10 min with 72 cs (enemy 0/1/1 with 68cs), the 2nd game I was 1/0/0 at 10 min with 84 cs(enemy 0/0/0 with 71cs). It sounds like I am set up for a decent game but in about 75% of my games my team is down 5+ kills at this point. What am I doing wrong that my team is losing the early game? After reviewing my demos I still need to work on warding as that is lacking for me in lane phase since I am really bad at tracking the enemy jungle. Since we are still in laning phase how do I combat the top and mid dieing from ganks? Am I supposed to do anything about it if we are in the 2v2 bot still? [link] [comments] |
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