• Breaking News

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    League of Legends Global Clash Test LFG Megathread

    League of Legends Global Clash Test LFG Megathread

    Global Clash Test LFG Megathread

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Hello, untamedlazyeye here.

    Riot recently annoucned a Global Clash Test for December 7th-8th, and 14th-15th.

    Clash Explained

    Clash Website

    Some information about the event:

    We'll also be using the ticketing system, meaning players will need to unlock Basic Tickets through missions, the Clash website, or with Blue Essence in order to compete.

    Each region will have its own top-level comment, please go to that comment to find people. All other top-level comments will be removed.

    When leaving a message, please reply to your region's comment and include the following information:

    • Role
    • Skill level
    • If you are solo or a group
    • How many people you are looking for

    Alternatively, you may use our discord server and its Clash LFG channels to find people, please see #lfg-help for more info.

    When more details are announced, we will update this post with them.

    Good luck everyone!

    submitted by /u/untamedlazyeye
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    SKT T1 Closer (New Mid Trainee) 1/7/4 Irelia vs. 12/1/1 Qiyana

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    Riot Games will pay $10 million to settle gender discrimination suit

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Turret plating health bars don't line up with actual health

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Did you recently feel like you got the tower plate gold earlier than you should?

    Then rest assured, you were right.

    I managed to get a tower to exactly 3000 hp in a custom game. As you can see in this screenshot, in the bottom left you can see the actual tower health of 3000, I get the +120 gold for the plate, but the tower health shows 3 bars and 1 additional pixel.

    I was very sure I got the gold a tiny bit too early every time, I can't be the only one that was bothered by this.

    submitted by /u/Thouhey
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    Clash Explained | Clash - League of Legends

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST

    League Client having issues and Ranked Queue disabled as Riot investigates issue

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST

    Network Operationsa few seconds ago

    Ranked queues are temporarily disabled while we investigate an issue that's negatively impacting games.


    This is probably why people can't login or can't access any of the queues.

    submitted by /u/Hobbesenero
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    THE RETURN OF FORG1VEN: Coming back to LEC, Military Service, Mindset | The Shotcaller

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Omnistone replacement idea: Sow.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Placing a ward plants a seed. After ~3-1.5 seconds (based on level), the seed blooms into a Honeyfruit/Blast Cone/Scryer's Bloom.

    After planting a seed, the next seed type is queued up, and they're cycled through in this order.

    There wouldn't need to be any internal cooldown because the plants cycle, so you can't spam multiple cones/honeyfruits, and because it comes at the inherent cost of using up a ward. (Do I want to ward over the wall and give them a honeyfruit/blast cone? Or ward nearby to give one to my team?)

    Prevents Honeyfruit spam, and rewards creative used ("Come here, I have Blast Cone, we can jump into their jg!" Or, "C'mere, eat this honeyfruit.")

    Might be some really cool usage with planting a Blast Cone and using it to repel enemies in a teamfight.

    It'd have some name related to farming, like 'Arcane Sower' or something like that.

    The keystone could alternatively be made not to work off of wards if that's too limiting to supports, or if it makes it feel bad to ward enemy jungle. Or, perhaps the plants are re-colored and can only be used by your own team. There'd just need to be some button you can press to 'activate' the keystone and then drop the seed like a ward.

    I originally heard this idea proposed here, by /u/GameBoy09. I only thought it'd fit better as an Inspiration keystone (and I attached it to wards.)

    submitted by /u/bazopboomgumbochops
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    The leveling experience is a millions times better than it used to be. I know riot gets a ton of flame but I think they really did a good job in this aspect.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Recently my girlfriend and my little brother decided to try out league since I'm always on about it. I didnt think they would enjoy getting smacked around by diamonds so I made a fresh account to teach them some of the basics and I was blown away with how much free stuff you get just from playing now. Back in the day it took forever to get 6300 champs, now you get 6 different ones for free just for playing a game a day. The tutorials also aren't as bad as they used to be, they aren't first buy thornmail ashe bad but they could cover more advanced tactics besides hitting towers and buying items. So anyways good job riot.

    P.s if you're leveling a smurf dont expect every to be as good as you are on your bronze 4 main. I swear to God if I see one more of you dip shits assassin players question mark ping the opposing mids annie that you solo killed 8 times that started 5 health pots I'm going to fucking lose my shit

    submitted by /u/RealDaleGribble
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    K/DA Group Cosplay

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:01 AM PST

    Hey! I know there have been a lot of K/DA cosplays already, but I still wanted to share our work :)


    I made Ahri's costume and my friends made Akali, Evelynn and Kai'Sa.

    Photographer's page

    submitted by /u/Ten_Ketsu
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    My Star Guardian Janna cosplay, hope you like it!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    Hello! I wanted to share my cosplay, I loved how it turned out and wanted you guys to see, hopefully all of you are having a good day!


    submitted by /u/Miwsher
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    Cloud 9 has Announced their full Academy team for the 2020 Season

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST


    Top: Nite (LPL Import (?) Can't really find too much info on him. Formerly known as Eclipse1, from Mirage Oasis an NA amateur team and Team E turner, runners up of the Tyler1 Championship Series in 2018.)

    Jungle: Dragonminkin (Played for NA Amateur team Hyper Nova, won the Tyler1 Championship Series in 2018, thanks u/dyzl_wyzl!)

    Mid: Palafox (NA, formerly of GGS Academy)

    Bot: k1ng (OPL Mammoth Player, went to worlds)

    Support: Diamond (NA, Played for TF Blade's team)

    Coach: Reignover

    An interesting team overall. I'm a bit low on details for Nite, as far as I can tell, he doesn't have a gamepedia page.

    Edit: I was wrong on Nite, he's not an LPL import, he's an NA resident, also from an NA amateur team, Mirage Oasis.

    submitted by /u/memesarenotbad
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    12/2 PBE Update: Tentative Balance Changes

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    Contractz and Breezyyy join 100T Academy

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST


    Welcome @Contractz & @Breezyyylol to our LoL Academy team!

    Contractz previously played for GGS & C9; Breezyyy joins us from collegiate where he played for Arizona State University. They'll be starting Jungle and Support respectively. Excited to have both on board for 2020! #100T

    submitted by /u/Esperfotia
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    Champions should cost less BE.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:32 PM PST

    Why is Vel'koz, who was release in February of 2014, the same price as Senna, who was released a few weeks ago? The most frequent complaint I've heard from teaching friends how to play league is that they can't get many champions. We only get 50 BE a day. That's not enough. Champions BE cost needs to be lowered, or we need more reliable ways to get BE. And no, people don't exactly want to spend money on champion bundles and RP for champs. We rather spend our money on RP for cute ahri skin :)

    Edit: not saying they should all be free... maybe reduce prices of older champs...

    submitted by /u/Amxricaa
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    T1 Faker: wanna win the championship next year in Shanghai; too busy to date with girls

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:18 PM PST

    T1 Faker: wanna win the championship next year in Shanghai; too busy to date with girls

    T1 Faker and Teddy attended the E-sports event recently in Shanghai, China. Faker was appointed as the Shanghai-Seoul Esports Ambassador by Shanghai Esports Association during the event for his contributions on E-sports.

    In the interview, Faker says that he wanna come to Shanghai again next year and win the title in S10, given that S10 Finals will be held in Shanghai.

    Host also ask him that when would he find a girlfriend, Faker replys that He is too busy to date with girls and has no plan on it recently. He says he values the championship more than anything.


    submitted by /u/noobtoplaner
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    Thorin's Take: Dardoch Didn't Learn Yet

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:47 AM PST

    Specific item quotes are slowly disappearing from the game

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:39 AM PST

    While playing a game, I saw Dead Man's Plate's quote and was kinda sad when I noticed not many items have their quotes anymore. I guess with the item complexity rising, it was bound to happen, in order to make space for the descriptions, but it was a nice and little hint to lore and the "unseen" in LoL.

    As far as I can tell, the only available items in SR that have their quotes are

    Dead Man's Plate:"There's only one way you'll get this armor from me..." - forgotten namesake

    Ionian Boots of Lucidity: "This item is dedicated in honor of Ionia's victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.".

    These items aren't available anymore, but retained their quotes in the item Set tool:

    Timeworn Ancient Coin: "Gold dust rises from the desert and clings to the coin." - Historian Shurelya, 11 November, 23 CLE

    Timeworn Nomad's Medallion: "The Medallion shines with the glory of a thousand voices when exposed to the Sun" - Historian Shurelya, 22 June, 24 CLE

    Timeworn Talisman of Ascension: "Praise the Sun" - Historian Shurelya, 22 September, 25 CLE

    submitted by /u/Hi-im-kay
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    LeHends (former Griffin support) joins Hanwha Life Esports for the 2019 season

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:04 AM PST

    Title is super self explanatory, https://twitter.com/kenzi131/status/1201471306522218497

    interesting pick up by HLE, gives some more purchase to the rumor of Keria joining DRX to lane with Deft, although the future of their team is still shaky with the CVMax drama

    submitted by /u/SeizureLizard
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    Official Ranked Rewards Apparel

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:46 AM PST

    Irean announced as Head Coach of Evil Geniuses

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST


    ".@Irean_LOL is here to ensure everything goes according to the Plan.

    We can't wait to see what he can help us accomplish with his expertise and a team already poised for success. #LIVEEVIL"

    Confirmed roster:-

    Top: Kumo

    Jg: Svenskeren

    Mid: ?

    AD: Bang

    Sp: Zeyzal

    Coach: Irean

    submitted by /u/Ginsuz
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    Sangyoon, Thal and Lira to form a new org/team to compete in Challengers Korea

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:57 AM PST


    Title is pretty straight forward, but former HLE ADC Sangyoon has recently announced the formation of a new team with former SKT Top Thal and CG/AF Jungler Lira, going under the name "Seorabeol Gaming" to hopefully qualify and compete in Korea's Challenger scene with the goal of going into LCK.

    submitted by /u/SeizureLizard
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    TSM GM Parth explains all TSM's roster changes, Bjergsen ownership, if they can beat TL in 2020

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    Dreams joins Schalke04

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:38 AM PST

    Former SK Gaming support Dreams joins Schalke 04

    Our DREAMS come true. 🤩

    New Support @dreams1LoL completes the royal blue botlane alongside @FORG1VENGRE .



    What are your thoughts about Forgiven & Dreams bot lane?

    submitted by /u/Soneresc
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    Clash | Theme Song - League of Legends

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:01 AM PST

    Swain support things.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

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