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    Monday, December 2, 2019

    LoL Guide The second you flame, you've lost.

    LoL Guide The second you flame, you've lost.

    The second you flame, you've lost.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    This has probably been said a million times, but you can never reiterate it enough.

    The literal nanosecond that you flame your teammate, or get into an argument, you have lost the game. You tilt, which means your decision making is hindered. Your teammate is tilted, so THEIR decision making is hindered. And you both are thinking about the other more than the game. It becomes less about "oh we can get dragon" and more about "we could get dragon but Lulu will probably mess it up.

    This is regardless of elo. You argue, you lose. At the very least, you've proved that you have a weak mental. And generally if you're the type of person to flame, you don't like to admit to having a weak anything.

    Stop flaming your teammates. It's literally not worth it. Unbind your enter key if you need to. Just stop shooting yourself in the foot.

    submitted by /u/bilgeratgp
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    To all my fellow low ELO players, something that has helped me improve: Ask yourself what you are fighting over!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:04 AM PST

    Like the title says, learning to zoom out and assess what is being fought over has helped me avoid pointless fights and even better: pointless deaths.

    Picks are one thing. If you can get a pick, no matter where it is, that's a good deal. BUT I see a major problem in a lot of my low elo games where people miss getting the pick and still stick around to fight. At those moments, ask yourself "what do we get for this fight?" Ideally, if you kill everything there, what is going to be gained for the team?

    Example from my last game. Enemy is taking drag. Bot, jungle, and mid all respond and hover around the pit. Our team steals dragon! Nice! Jungler gets away clean... but there are people low on the enemy team, and both teams start dancing in the river. A hard engage lands, both teams start fighting hard, losses are bad on both sides. FREEZE FRAME: um...why?! The dragon is dead...so the nearest objective worth fighting over is already gone. Sure, maybe you win that fight and get a bunch of gold, but maybe you lose it and the dragon you just got is slightly less valuable than it was before the unnecessary teamfight.

    Honestly I'm being generous with this example. A fight near the dragon pit, dragon or not, is still more understandable than say...fighting around the enemy red buff for no reason just because a ward saw someone in there. Like I said, get the pick if you can, but understand that the best kills are the ones that allow you to immediately start taking an objective like dragon, a tower, baron, inhibitor. Kills are as good as what you can get for them.

    So next time your team starts crowding into the enemy's empty, already farmed jungle with no wards and trying to force a teamfight, start pinging the nearest objective. Have that exact same fight near the objective, and winning it will actually matter.

    TLDR: make sure you are actually fighting over something more than just a kill for anything other than a pick.

    submitted by /u/_SpiderSausage_
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    Tunnel Vison? I have the worst tunnel vision and it prevents me from climbing. How can I improve on it?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    As the title suggests, I have horrid tunnel vision. I have been playing since season 2 (off and on) and I'm barely high silver now. I've decided I want to hit plat this season. I know i need to work on some mechanical things. How do I fix my awful tunnel vision?

    submitted by /u/whiteTerrence
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    do I feed my Jungler, or should he feed me?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:07 AM PST

    Top laner here, with an early game question:

    Once every blood moon or so my jg shows up for an early gank. When my opponent overextends, there is a good chance we can decide who gets the kill.

    Taking it for myself puts me in a stronger position to take my lane (which i already should have because of level/cs advantage) but leaving it for my jg could make his life easier to successfully gank other lanes and/or be able to solo herald/drag faster.

    I know it's matchup dependent which champ scales better etc. but is there a "when in doubt" guideline?

    submitted by /u/madmk2
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    Mid lane wave control and trade help?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:27 PM PST

    Hello im lvl 90 but im usually an extremely casual player and never really looked deep into league (trying to get better though right now) so my knowledge of the game is about the same as someone who is like level 20 or 30 im a midlane main and have trouble on trades and wave control/using the wave to my advantage ive watched many videos and understand what it is but still having a hard time :( any advice or help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dabikim
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    What are Ekko's jungles strengths?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    So last season was my first season. I OTP Amumu to Gold playing a supportive tank/bruiser role. After I got Gold I wanted to learn to carry more from jungle so I took on KhaZix. Ever since the 9.23 patch KhaZix has felt much weaker to me and his win rates at all elos has dropped. Not saying Kha is bad but he appears to be weaker in this meta. Plus Ekko gives my team a AP threat whenever we have AD mid and top. But I have the assassin fever now so I decided to pick up Ekko because his WR % is S+ from Silver all the way to Plat+. I've been playing him in normals to get a feel for his abilities.

    But what I want to know is what kind of jungler is he? Does he gank a lot. Does he power farm? Should he always start red or take advantage of the buffed Gromp xp? At what point can he solo drag?

    submitted by /u/MuhBack
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    Why do so many consider Akali and Riven "broken"?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    I've been playing this game for about a year now, and I know that Akali and Riven are probably the 2 most complained about champions in the game.

    I really don't get why though.

    Yes, Akali has a shroud that means she's hard to gank, and makes her annoying. But this shroud is also on a 20 second cooldown at all ranks. Akali also doesn't build CDR (except for Zonhya's), so I don't really see how this ability is so hated. Akali also has a massive CD on her ult, so it's easy to fight her when it's down. Yes, she's a late game monster, but this argument works for any AP assassin. Fizz will do the same thing post 25 minutes as Akali.

    Riven I understand more. She has a lot of CDR and her abilities are up pretty much a good portion of the time. However, this means she's also pretty squishy, so I don't see her as much different from an assassin, since she builds mostly straight up AD. Yes, she has a bit of CC, but the duration of her 3rd Q and W stun combined is about the same as a long range CC spell, and Riven has to be in melee range to stun you. Seems pretty fair to me.

    Could somebody explain to me why a large part of the community thinks these champions are broken?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Is Ezreal a bad solo queue pick?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:12 PM PST

    Since he doesn't scale that well into game (unless there's something I don't know) then it seems like he needs to have picks sort of catered around him. Like literally anyone on the team that can hypercarry and snowball into late game seems necessary on the team if you pick him.

    This is just my observation after thinking about his kit compared to other adcs and where he stands.

    submitted by /u/thighGAAPdeduction
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    Balancing splitpushing + teamfighting in low elo (gold 3)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    Hi there,

    I main midlane (Yasuo + Akali mostly) and I have a question about splitpushing.

    My team is doing well, and the T1 towers are down. My toplaner isn't splitpushing, and everyone is just going ARAM. I split, shove, and then rotate to my team but they are quite disorganised and unsure how to TF, so we end up having messy fights where we either trade equally or lose the TF.

    I find in this scenario I would always rather splitpush and tell my team not to take a 2/3/4v5, as TFing seems like such an RNGfest at this rank. Is this generally the best approach for now, or should I be looking to play 'by the book' and simply shove + rotate and git gud enough to consistently carry my team in fights?

    submitted by /u/Evrae_
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    How should Late Game be played with duelist champions? (Camille, Irelia)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    I've started playeing toplane melee champs like Camille and Irelia the past season and more often than not, I win lane by a good margin (usually 1-2 levels and kill/CS advantage). But I've never figured out how to play Late Game with them if I'm not completely fed, I find it very hard to 1v2 or 2v3 since I don't have any AoE's and constantly get singled out in teamfights since I'm fighting right up in the enemy's face. Eventually I'm stuck just peeling for my teamwith my Ultimate because I don't do any damage late game. How do I take my early game advantage and snowball that to late game (teamfights in particular) as a duelist?

    submitted by /u/Tigresa_Del_Este
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    Some Major assistance needed

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:48 AM PST

    Hey all, first off I want to get this out the way that I love this game to death and really want to get good at it. The strategy is amazing as well as team play but... I may possibly be the worst league of legends player ever. Almost 2 days of in-game time played and level 31 I am still horrid here's my profile if you don't believe me.


    So after getting non-stop rekt all day back to back I want to come in strong and really nail this game and get the best advice possible.

    I like to play top lane with mostly these champs Vayne, Teemo, Darius, Riven and Tryn, (I play mid sometimes also) but I ALWAYS lose lane I never win, I focus CS and farming and still end up getting pushed and killed, If I play aggressive and try and stop my opponent from getting farm it always backfires and ends in my death.

    If some kind of community members could help me out in my League journey it would help me tremendous amounts like

    • What champs to play for an aggressive playstyle
    • Also champs with a good carry potential
    • How to win lane when versing aggressive play style and how to be aggressive

    Thank you all in advance

    submitted by /u/LemonCakeXXL
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    Being Out-laned by better players

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:11 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I was playing draft pick because pre-season recently and I picked Darius top vs Illaoi.

    For some background, I am a gold 3 mid/top/sup main with a nothing special winrate (54%) with around 180 games in ranked. I was playing against a diamond 2 Illaoi one trick, which probably isn't anything special to a lot of better players but for a noob like me trying to get better it is great to have a reference point for how good I am.

    I picked Darius with conqueror with secondary inspiration with boots and time warp tonic. The lane started with Illaoi shoving me under tower at the beginning (which immediately seems weird) and then basically poking me under tower with her e, getting me to about a 150 hp disadvantage while I farmed under tower. I then all inned her when she missed her e and got her flash, and got her to about 150 health with me on 200. I was behind in farm and low at that point, so I decided to stay for a short while longer in order to farm (seems like a mistake now). Illaoi then tp'd into lane and basically the lane was history at that point, me healing a little bit but ultimately being shoved under tower for the rest of the game, losing tempo and farm, her taking plates and me being stubborn and not backing. I was solo killed by her twice but killed her and their jungler with my mid laner once. Basically it just ended up with her leaving lane and roaming across the map dying a bunch to my reasonably fed laners and then me just farming and trying to take towers and get back in the game, which I did a little bit. We ended up winning really hard because everyone else on my team got fed.

    How can I avoid being out-laned by aggressive champions like illaoi/ranged/poke champions like this? Was it a mistake to stay in lane after the all-in on Illaoi? Should I have played more aggressively at the beginning? Sorry if this wasn't very descriptive or helpful to anyone or I should've provided a vod.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/c4lroyale
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    How do you properly control the waves as a top laner when you have a lead over your opponent when you do primarily AOE damage?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:32 PM PST

    For context im a morde/illaoi player mostly but all the champs i tend to play top have aoe in their main trading patterns whenever i get a lead and want to freeze my laner out i understand how to set up the wave to get a freeze going but maintaining it when im trying to pressure my laner off the wave or even out of XP range feels like a lost cause but im not sure if im doing something wrong or not

    submitted by /u/DrQuezel
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    Tips to play against Mordekaiser in top lane?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST

    I have been playing morde a lot lately, and he is such a fun and simple bully who just brutalizes his lane opponent. I can't think of many ways to try and beat him, and the few ways I did think of ended up not working when opponents used them. So any tips that seem to work consistently?

    submitted by /u/klubyv
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    You can disable (Team)chat in settings, which makes it impossible to write or read the chat

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    Recently found out that there is an option to disable teamchat and/or all chat, and its disabled as long as you dont go back into settings and activate it.Personally, I find myself somtimesin situations where I get toxic/ zynical, especially if someone starts to talk shit. Not really flaming, but that writing is distracting and bad. With this option the chat is from beginning automatically disabled, so there is not even a chance to tilt. If i want to press Enter it says error... i love it

    Settings -> Interface -> (scroll down to half) Chat.

    Edit: Sorry if this was common knowledge, but I thought this has to be shared since ive never heard from it

    submitted by /u/thorjordoan
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    What is the jungle meta right now? (9.23)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:40 AM PST

    1.Is the preseason meta shifting towards power farmers? or is it aggressive early game junglers? or something else or both is fine idk.

    2.As power faming and scaling junglers, what should u be doing in the early game in general?

    3.As early game jungles, what should u be doinv in the early game in general?

    4.What are some of the best jungle champions in each category?

    5.Should u be at top when the first dragon is up but ur bottom and mid lane is losing by a lot while your top is even/ahead?

    6.What are your jungle routes for olaf preferably? Obviously it changes accordingly if the enemy ganks, invades etc

    7.Any combos on olaf? And how to clear camps most efficiently with him? Do u use E first or save it for the execute? Do u even need to kite camps?

    8.At what level can u solo dragon safely as olaf?

    submitted by /u/jungkingg
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    Game Starts at 0:15

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Just a casual silver scrub here =) but my team always AFKs in bushes or under tower until the minions reach towers. I main bot lane and I always run to the jungle entrance closest to midlane as soon as I can leave fountain to watch it. Almost every time, my jungler and support AFK in the bush by the buff we're going to leash.

    Most of the time, there is no invade by the enemy team but in my recent games there has been. There were opportunities to hook a ballsy enemy champ trying to drop a deep ward and get a flash or kill. Had one game where whole enemy team invaded through bot lane tri bush and we didn't see them until they walked into my Yi in the bush he was afk'ing in.

    I guess in my elo, it doesn't make a huge difference in the outcome of the game, but still kind of annoying everyone can't just watch jungle entrances.

    submitted by /u/throwsarerealz
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    Question about yuumi

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:33 PM PST

    I'm level 26 and have been maining lux/Annie/yuumi but I can also play other champs like volubear and mordekaiser.

    I really like yuumi because of the massive amount of heals you can put out, but she's literally the worst champ in the Meta. Are there any better champs that focus on healing in teamfights?

    submitted by /u/Hamcnoo
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    Lethality supports feel unfair, how to win against them?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    I am an ADC/Kalista main and ever since Pyke's and now Senna's release botlane got a lot harder. Often now I end up going against a double lethality botlane of senna + Pyke and it feels like an unstoppable botlane.
    early game senna can safely poke and farm from range while pyke keeps constant pressure because his hook will lead to perma cc and a quick death. past 6 pykes ultimate makes it almost impossible to take 2v2 fights, especially as Kalista with backloaded damage. If you don't get kills, they outscale you, if Pyke gets to ult someone, you can't recover from it because with both of them having lethality you're walking around with 30 or less armor that you cant buy because you need core items. both champions have invisibility making ganks or all-ins really difficult, keeping them really safe.
    is Senna + Pyke just a dodge-worthy botlane or are there ways to exploit it?

    submitted by /u/OddHorns0
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    Adc Wave management help

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Hi, i am an adc main at low elo I would like to learn about in depth wave management for botlane. How to slow push, freeze, hard shove etc, and also when to do those actions. I did a quick search on youtube but i think most are outdated since wave management was changed a while ago.

    I know a small bit about the basics of wave management but i don't know the exact number and health of minions i need to do those things. For example, i know that i need to have 3 enemy minions more than my minions to freeze(I could be wrong). But i would really like to learn about in-depth explanations or resources about wave management and when to do each of those actions.

    Can anyone share some resources or just explain it to me?

    submitted by /u/WhoIsCyanide
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    Guys what to do if you are in a crisis and don't know what to main anymore?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:39 PM PST

    I'm Platinum 4 right now.

    I was a mid main since season 3 when I first started. But this past year i sucked so hard at mid and I tried different roles and everytime I thought " ok this role fits me good and I win much" then I int many games and Switch to another role and the whole procedure repeats again. I tried every role and it seems I can't find one where I really feel comfortable and this makes me really frustrated.

    Any advice or anything like that would be really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BestIZedIZimbabwe
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    How to be an effective top lane?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:02 PM PST

    Hey guys, a little background on myself I was Plat 1 in season 4-7 and then took a break from lol occasionally playing just with friends. I have gotten back into the game and have started playing much more often now, maining the top lane. I have a couple questions about how to be an effective laner in this preseason.

    1. When should I be following my lane when they roam? If they go middle for instance should I push my wave to turret and get some damage down or should I follow my opponent?

    2. When should I be pushing with my team vs pushing top or bottom? If I have teleport I know that usually the answer to to split off but what instances can I shove a different lane then my whole team when I don't have teleport?

    3. Should I help my jungle with rift or just pressure my lane while they are doing it?

    I know these questions are very game by game specific but wanted some general insight as it has been awhile since I have taken this game seriously.

    submitted by /u/Zdollas07
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    Suggestions for Aurelion Sol learning ressources

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:21 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    last URF I picked Aurelion Sol once just for the fun of it, expecting that I was gonna feed my ass off, laugh with my mates about it and move on, but instead I absolutely destroyed the enemy team and was surprised how much fun that champ is. This preseason I got kinda bored of playing top, especially because the champ pool is kinda stale to me, which is also why I haven't played that much this season to begin with, and they also removed my Spear of Shojin, so I can't even have fun buying it on Renek or Jax and completely rolling over the enemy team.

    So now I'm kinda playing Aurelion in normals, because he's really fun and has a completely different playstyle than my usual Toplane Champs. I'm doing pretty okay at playing him and I am having a blast, but I still kinda suck when it comes to decision making and mechanics, because I barely play mid lane at all, and have a pretty basic understanding of it, especially of what to do with Aurelion.

    I usually mostly try to farm up (still suck at farming with him), get cheeky trades in when possible, but mostly just push in the wave and then try to roam and open the map.

    I remember back then you used to take Raptors and stuff when he was newly released, but nowadays I see Aurelion so rarely, that I have absolutely no clue how the pros play him effectively. So my question is, do you have any current ressources on how to get a better understanding of Aurelion Sol and maybe Midlane in general, maybe even some one tricks that I can follow? If there are any delicious cheesy strats possible to tilt the enemy Jungler, also please let me know.

    Here's my op.gg if that is relevant in any way: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=OMEGATOP

    submitted by /u/Toamy
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