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    Saturday, December 21, 2019

    LoL Guide Blocking dashes

    LoL Guide Blocking dashes

    Blocking dashes

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    In an other topic there was some misunderstanding about how to block dashes, so here is a small guide how it works:

    Dashes (which dont make their user unstoppable, so no Malphite/J4/Ww/Vi ults for example) are blockable which means that the movement is blocked, and the dash wont deal damage, if the user is hit with a cc spell which has a displacement component.

    For everything else (stuns/roots/fear) the dash finishes, deals damage, then the cc effect takes place if its duration is longer than the dashes duration. Extreme case: Akali vs Shen top while Shens adc is Ashe. If Shen ults Ashe, Akali tags Shen with e then she will follow him to bot. If Akali is hit with a crossmap Ashe ult while she is dashing already, then she still follows Shen, and by the time she arrives botlane she wont be stunned.

    It sounds complicated, but basically if Yasuo can ult off of a spell, then that spell can deny dashes.

    An other somewhat special case are spells which have a knockdown effect, those are specifically designed to cancel dashes, some examples are: Liss r, Sejuani e, Jinx e, Veigar e. These are basically "sit-the-fuck-down" abilities, which cancel the dash, and then their primary cc effect also kicks in (stun/root).

    A special case is Ahri charm, which also interrupts dashes.

    An other special case is Yasuo, if he is hit with a root or a stun during his e, he will stop in place.

    Some extreme cases: displacements can be overridden with an other displacement effect, this means that a Blitz hook can be overridden by her ally Oriannas ult, if Ori ult hits the guy while being pulled. This can also be done by terraforming abilities (artificial terrain pieces have a small knockback effect while forming), so Trundle/Anivia/etc (its hard even on them, and its pretty much pure luck in case of Ornn/J4/Taliyah) can interrupt dashes AND they can also block every hostile displacement spells (Blitz/Lee/Gragas to name a few).

    And probably the most interesting cases: there are dashes which have a knockup effect when hitting a champion (Vi/Sejuani/Gragas/Galio/Quinn/Urgot q/e-s), these obviously cancel basic dashes like Lee q2, but when they charge at each other is when the magic happens, since one of them will take priority, dealing damage while negating the other. Im not entirely sure how these work exactly (probably it is based on hitboxes lollypopping), but In my experience Gragas always wins.

    Tldr: everything that Yasuo can ult off cancels dashes, as well as everything with a knockdown, and Ahris charm.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Is Leona Balanced?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 10:05 PM PST

    So I dont play support often, but I unlocked leonas eclipse skin so I had to buy her. I played her and it felt like I was having more fun than I was supposed to. Is she broken? I dont know if I want to invest time in a champion who will get nerfed soon.

    submitted by /u/wgvn
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    What changed about Doran's Blade that people are now stacking them on ADCs and even junglers?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 09:26 AM PST

    I've known about the triple Doran's Blade stacking strat on Miss Fortune, but Tarzaned has brought it to Olaf, Graves, and Warwick in the JUNGLE. (Right after building Stalkers/Skirmisher's Sabre)

    None of these champions have ever built Doran's Blades, and I don't remember junglers at any point building Doran's Blade except before the addition of Machete.

    Nothing has really changed though. Dragons are more important so winning early game is more important I guess, but even then, there have been more early game focused metas. (e.g. Scuttle meta was super early game focused, turret Plating meta was super early game focused), but no one ever really stacked Doran's Blades if they had enough gold to get other items.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    This game is brutal when you're starting out. How long did it take you to stop being a newbie?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 10:10 AM PST

    I've played for 2-3 months this time around - not as my only hobby, but still. I picked up on a level 25 or so account that I had from a year back, where I'd only played support. Since then, I've focused on playing top instead.

    And I have been having an abysmal time of it.

    I lose lane constantly. I've found a champion I quite like playing (Camille), and my overall winrate on her is 31%. (Overall top winrate: 37,5%)

    Right now, it's extremely hard to tell if I am progressing. I try to work on things, but see no consistent improvements because my games have no consistency. Because (I'm guessing) I'm generally worse than my lane opponent, and so control is effectively in their hands. I can farm okay if I happen to have an opponent who lets me. And the entire game becomes a struggle if I play against someone who's less charitable.

    Obviously, my 2-3 months is nothing on people who've been playing for 10 years. I get that. But 2-3 months is not a small amount of time to put towards a hobby effectively seeing no results. I guess I'm asking:

    Did things start looking up for you at some point, and if so, when?

    What drove this?

    submitted by /u/UsualLevelOfOwls
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    Youtube channel for ADC coaching

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Hi Guys!

    I am a D4 adc main and I am currently coaching ADC players. Whenever I get permission from my students, I post the coaching session on this channel.

    I thought I'd share this channel here for those who might find it useful.


    Any feedback is of course very welcome!

    submitted by /u/smnbmby
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    Need help with learning proper movement

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:31 AM PST

    Specifically using attack move click. People recommend using this, but I don't at all. I use right click for everything. CSing, auto attacking, and orb walking. The issue is, I miss click. My accuracy isn't perfect, and I'm sure no ones is.

    I've read that attack move click helps because it targets the closest unit to the click.

    How exactly do I use it? Are there any video guides? Is there a way to make it prioritize champions over minions and turrets?

    Any help is appreciated! Gold player trying to reach Masters 😭

    submitted by /u/throwawaynumber2924
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    How can I break bad habits and adapt to new play styles?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    I main support and I have a fight or flight playstyle that is halting my progress in climbing. I am having a difficult time adapting to new playstyles. Even in matchups, I have an advantage when the time comes to go for the kill I hesitate and put myself in this weird move back and forth motion stuck deciding for a very short time because, in reality, I'm getting ready to disengage. This happens when warding too I get scared and never go for deep wards but this also due to another issue I addressed in another Reddit post. I often always take the safest route in order to avoid danger. I consider myself an aggressive laner and I try to play really aggressive but there are so many factors that are in a sense stopping me from being as aggressive. I find myself getting ganked a lot and caught off guard even in bad matchups. I try and force a specific playstyle every game. If there is any advice please list it in the comments much will be appreciated. 😿

    submitted by /u/Main-Swimmer
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    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

    Hi, I am struggling with Qiyana at the moment to play against mid-laners who are out ranging me like, Cassieopeia, Xerath, ... any tips? (Other question, when i play against an ad champ, I buy armored boots, against ap champ, I buy magic resistance boots. Is this smart, or should I go boots of mobility)

    submitted by /u/Colpaertt
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    how do you know if ur getting ganked or they're being a cocky PoS

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:23 AM PST

    i just played against this ryze who always went hyper aggro even when i was 3/0. the first time, he inted. the second time, his jg came and we traded 1 for 1. third, fourth and 5th times, he inted. 6th time, jg came but this time i killed his jg while he got away. is there a way to know if jg is coming for sure besides just warding?

    submitted by /u/LakePale
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    D4 Mid looking to learn AD mids

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    Title. I've only ever played ap mages and have been wanting to learn ad champs for a while. The only problem is that I feel they are so hard to play (yasuo, zed, qiyana, talon), and if you get behind you're pretty useless. On top of that they're all melee so how the fuck do you lane??

    Looking for recommendations on the easiest ones and if anyone has any tips. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/ArderynUnbanned
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    Keeping a good CS in Silver

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 09:06 AM PST


    I'm a silver pleb and I'm trying to improve my cs. I can cs very well, but the problem is: My/their team wants to constantly fight and my enemy laner wants to constantly trade if I want to focus on my CS, and for that reason I cannot get the CS I desire. I have to help my team or else it's just a straight loss.

    Any help?

    submitted by /u/Mighty_Thresh
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    Is the jungle that bad right now or is there something I am just not getting

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST

    I feel like whenever I play jungle I am behind in levels with the solo laners and even when I am ahead, I can't do shit because mid lane and top lane are at least 2 levels ahead of me, sometimes 3 depending on how they are doing. It is extremely frustrating when I have 2 or 3 kills early, but the mid laner can still beat me 1v1 simply because they are levels ahead of me due to the solo lane xp difference. I really don't know what I am supposed to be doing. The jungle honestly feels more like a support role than the support role does. Dragon control is almost fully determined by which bot lane is doing better, and it really feels like no matter how well I do in my early game, it doesn't matter since the solo laners will always do more than me in team fights due to their natural level advantage, and I can't actually fight them due to again, their natural level advantage. It always feels like I am playing from behind even when I get myself a nice lead. Playing the carry champs feels like shit, and it almost feels like the only way to have relevance in the jungle is to play early game champs with high utility, since no matter what you do you will always be useless in the mid game, so you might as well try and get your lanes ahead and get carried. Straight up feels like I am playing support, meanwhile the support role gets free items and is often topping damage at the end of the game. I really don't understand this design choice

    submitted by /u/Dohello
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    How do you guys take this game serious and not lose mental / actual have fun and enjoy it?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:14 PM PST

    This might sound kind of like a rant but it's a legitimate question because I don't have fun anymore was wondering how you guys do. I'm a new player (silver 1 lvl 38) and up until ranked I honestly had fun playing norms and not caring about winning but now all I care about is LP and winning. How do you guys accept some games are just not winnable? How do you deal with bad teammates?

    The reason for me typing this and finally wanting to quit is my last game. 12 minutes in and the other team has a 5- 1 Darius (one death from me ganking). I go to my jungle and of course he is sitting in the bush by my wolves and kill me. I go to farm my bot jg and the other teams jg is farming it. I ping my bot lane and they don't come help so I just have leave it and give him it. I go to farm top jg and the Darius is STILL in my jg waiting. Like what can I do in this situation. To make it worse silver never ffs and I'm forced to play 15+ more minutes down 4 lvls getting roasted by my team telling the other team to report me for int.

    Also I only play JG. I don't like playing lane so I never do. Two games before this one I got filled Bot which is fine because I like playing Heimerdinger and kind of decent at it. However my teammate banner my hover because he said Heimerdinger isn't an adc and didn't want me to play it. I then went like 1-4-2 playing Ashe for my first time and got roasted the whole game. Once again not really ranting I just want to know how you guys deal with these type of situations.

    submitted by /u/dazecs16
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    Improve as Support?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I feel most comfortable playing support (Janna main) but it feels like I have a really small impact on my team. How can I utilize my champions better to help poke bot better rather than just hanging back and praying I don't overextend? Usually I'll play Janna, Morgana, or Yuumi.

    submitted by /u/miilkteas
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    Kindred - How should I adapt my runes/build in various scenarios

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    Examples of scenarios:

    - Hard CC, i.e. Morgana,Veigar

    - 3 or more tanks

    - Strong marksmen, i.e. Lucian/Vayne

    And any other possible combos really. I usually go for PTA but I heard conq is still good against lots of tanks but.

    I tend to go berserkers->warrior->stormrazor as my core (previously it was BoRK instead of stormrazor), but I'm not sure about my jungle item anymore, and whether that is a good start, or when I should be building something different.

    Any advice is more than welcome

    submitted by /u/Pigiero
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    Champion Specific Tips and Tricks Website?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST

    I've been looking for a resource/website that includes a comprehensive list of various tips and tricks, organised categorically, (eg laning phase, CSing, team fighting) preferably with a little gif/video, for when I'm learning a new champion. Both general tips and tricks as well as lane match up specific tips and tricks.

    The kind of information I'm looking for is stuff like: \n* How to clear a whole minion wave with one combo in mid game \n* The variously types of combos each champ can do and situations in which to use them \n* Ways to take advantage of unique aspects of a champions kit \n* Combos/tactics for specific lane match ups

    Basically I'm looking for a resource that contains a relatively comprehensive list of all those little bits and pieces that you generally only learn through playing lots of games or watching streams/pros. And which is continually adding new stuff as it's discovered. That way we can accelerate the learning process.

    There are plenty of websites with data and statistics which is great, I use them to find the most effective core builds and runes as well as to identify stuff like power spikes and potentially rough match ups, all the usual stuff. This is a good place to start and is definitely useful. There are also plenty of websites with guides which is also great, and these guides often have the champion tips and tricks with lane match up information that I'm talking about. But unfortunately they're not comprehensive, you need to read like 10 different guides in order to aggregate a decent list of the tips and tricks, where 90% of the guides are similar and even then they don't cover even half of the stuff I'm looking for and ultimately the only way to discover these things is playing lots of games and watching streams.

    Having some web developer skills I could possibly fill this gap if it exists but was hoping something already existed.

    submitted by /u/BlackSparkk
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    Jungling for beginners? + how to get into League

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 02:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I'm very new to League - I downloaded it in November, and I'm just now getting into it. I can't really lane, but I like to jungle, and I've got the hand of Xin Zhao so far. I'm a very research-oriented person, so I've looked up a lot of guides on Xin, as well as other junglers, and jungling in general. I think I've made a very grave mistake, because jungling seems very overwhelimg now!!! They're clearly oriented at high-elo players and jungling now just seems likes it's *too much* for me to handle, and it's very much turning me away from League.

    So I've come here so I can learn League like a normal person! I was wondering what jungling is like in low-elo/unranked games, and what I should focus on as a beginning jungler. Also, I know that Xin Zhao is an early-game jungler who is good for ganking, who is another jungler or 2 that would be good to learn? (I've tried Yi, but he ain't my type lol) Is it better to start as a one-trick pony, or should I be "diversified" in my play styles?

    Any advice for any of these questions is much appreciated. Thank you!!!

    submitted by /u/ShadowsOfLiberty
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    When to baron VS going for inner/inhibitor turret.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    Let's say we win a team fight flat out and there's at least 3 dead on the enemy team. What's the smart choice of going for? Baron or secondary/inhib turrets? My team always seems very indecisive (probably because I'm in silver elo). I always prefer trying to get the inhib before trying for baron.

    submitted by /u/Soloralphlauren
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    Looking for new OTP for awhile

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Right now I mostly play Mid and ADC champs. I've been wanting to pick up Top or Jungle and Gnar looks fun. Is he good right now or am I going to be regretting the purchase? If you recommend someone else please let me know, just bored of who I am playing right now and want something new to spice up my games

    submitted by /u/Shott_z
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    Fell out of love with the game and feel like I’m not very good

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 01:34 AM PST

    I've been feeling like this for the last 3 months and thought I'd ask around to see if anyone else has felt the same before. I want to enjoy the game again and play to improve and climb ranks but I just lack all motivation at the moment to do so. I've been playing for the last 5 years and have never felt like this before and want to get rid of this feeling. I still love the game and think it'll be fun before I get in to a game but as soon as the announcer speaks I just lose all motivation for the game and stop caring. Would like some advice or tips on what you think I should do to get rid of this feeling as I want to go back to grinding ranked and climbing as high as I can. Thanks

    submitted by /u/NYTR0X01
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    How much vision score should you have as an ADC

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    The title basically says it all. Im a diamond ADC main and I always try to put as much ward down as I can but I don't know if it's enough or not, I usually end up with 20+ vision score at the end of the game. I also heard that you're not supposed to buy too much control wards since it delays your powerspike, is it true ?

    submitted by /u/Avengary
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    New to ADC and league, don't feel impactful

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a relatively new player (level 24 currently) and I've recently started to play ADC. I usually play Xayah, but recently I've been trying my hand in Ashe and Aphelios. I've been watching tons of videos on attack moving, CS'ing, and macro game as ADC, but I don't feel like I'm actually improving in a meaningful way.

    Whenever I play with my friends I never really out CS the enemy ADC, but I have gotten to the point where I can kinda keep up. I usually just get a lot of assists, usually my D2 friend is the one with a lot of kills. I don't really know/understand how to improve from here. Should I switch champions, watch more videos, spend more time in the practice tool etc..

    submitted by /u/SnekyBandit
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    Starting support resources?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    Second time trying to post, first one got deleted, but long story short I've played for a long time but have nothing to show for it besides having finally found a new main role. But I'm still bottom of the barrel trash, to the point where I don't even know what specific questions to ask. Since that's not allowed here, where are some places I can look at for help learning support and starting to be able to play better consistently?

    submitted by /u/HollowMarthon
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