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    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Previous threads

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there.

    If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach.

    Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

    New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

    Riot's New Player Guide

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    Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Delivering the bomb

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:23 AM PST

    Mission Impossible 10 : Get the Herald

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:12 AM PST

    LCK KeSPA Cup will have an english broadcast after all, casted by Atlus, LS, Brendan Valdes and Achilios!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    As confirmed by Atlus on his twitter: https://twitter.com/Atlustv/status/1208722517193416704

    This will be the return of Achilios to League casting after having casted the OWL for the entirety of 2019.

    Shoutout to Joe Marsh from T1 and Arnold from Gen.G for helping the casters make the broadcast happen. Originally kespa didn't give them a spot, but after some tweets by T1 and Gen.G it seems the broadcast actually managed to get a spot.

    Edit: will go live at 5pm KST (standard LCK starting time) tomorrow on https://www.youtube.com/kespa

    submitted by /u/SpeedyCrafting
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    My best getaway in 7 years of playing.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:49 PM PST

    Teemo's heroic attempt to last hit

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    Riot August on Why Skill Shots Indicators Aren't Perfectly Accurate

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    The shy's opinion on league,players etc

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:55 PM PST

    https://m.sports.naver.com/news.nhn?oid=311&aid=0001090103 The shy chat on a kr streamer on twitch and had some interesting views. Also the stream was hilarious. I thought theshy would be quiet and serious but he's very talkative. Here are some translations.

    Q: how did you become so popular in china? Ex)beating uzi in lpl allstar votes Isn't it hard for a foreigner to gain such popularity? A: I think it would have been impossible in kr. But in china i think people care less unless you do something chinese won't like.

    Q: On what level do you think LCK is in ( its common in kr to refer the lck as the 3rd division league after lpl and lec) A: I still think the lck is still the best league but the results are not showing internationally because of the coach/player relations that make it hard for players to speak out and makes teams slower to adapt and change. Players are always better then coaches when it comes to gaming and if they can't talk its hard for the team. (then he compliments coach mafa and kim(dwg coach))

    Q: who do you think is the best 3 toplaner except you? A: I don't think there are 3 best toplaners. Also I wouldn't say i'm the best aswell. I think the most ideal or best toplaner would be khan. I think toplane is the hardest role in league. Champions are different from one another and each has different roles. But many toplaners can't stand the difference and not play champs like ornn or sion. you have to be able to play weak side aswell as strong side there are different plays to make in different situations(when your jungler is losing when team is losing etc) so it makes toplane the hardest role. I played other lanes in soloq like mid and adc and hit challengers on both all toplaners are capable of doing this. Also when I meet deft as the opponent when playing adc it was very hard. He does the same thing to me what i do to other toplaners like hitting the opponent twice while being hit once etc. Deft is the only adc I couldn't beat. Adc is the most fun to play, mid is the most important lane and jg is the easiest. Support is not worth playing.

    Q: are you playing league now(resting) A: mostly aram. Aram is much better then rift.

    Q:do you mean to become a coach in the future? A: nope i want to become a youtuber. But i do have a desire to cultivate good toplaners so maybe? Nah i think i would be too frustrated. I think coaches should be as good as players. Maybe not as good in mechanics but atleast able to understand plays on a pro level. I think dopa should be coach I love dopa (the shy used to live with dopa)

    submitted by /u/ktlulster
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    I think that while Riot overhyped Aphelios difficulty, then right now people are underrating it because he is overpowered

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Seriously after playing some games on him he's far from easy. Weapon choices matters it is noticeable whether you're teamfighting with calibrum and gravitum or crescendum and infernum, because your DPS will be much higher, however on the other hand if you're chasing enemy the situations is much different as you would much prefer the first two. He also has every weaknesses of immobile ADC, meaning laning vs hard CC or teamfight vs teams with a lot of CC isn't that easy once you're out of ammo of calibrum which gives you higher range.

    Right now however his numbers are broken. Situations which were posted here many times where Aphelios one shots entire team with flamethrower shouldn't happen no matter how fed he is, because other champions who should have a much stronger AOE ultimates cannot do something like this. However I seriously doubt that he will be another of CertainlyT's nightmares to balance- because outside of that he has clear strengths and weaknesses, and once his numbers aren't that absurd in some cases, he will be a pretty difficult champion with clear strength and counterplay

    submitted by /u/ImPerezofficial
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    I had already accepted death

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:34 AM PST

    Interview with Caps as he and G2 looks forward to 2020: "Obviously I want to face GODG1VEN. I never played when he played. He [played] the year before me. A return of a guy like that is always hype."

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:20 AM PST

    Here's another hidden Diana buff not mentioned in the patch notes: Triple dash

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:28 AM PST

    Yuumi was afking and... im not sure what happened

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    Cho having a bad day

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Kassadin's AAs are so incredibly nice

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Just got filled mid and decided to play Kass

    Holy shit this champ has such a smooth melee AA. Goddamn last hitting with that dude is so great just because of how great his AA feels. It's so smooth and the thwack of his nether blade makes it all worth it.

    Kinda sucks that Aatrox is doomed to such shitty autos.

    submitted by /u/DeadNames
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    Draven fanart

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:02 PM PST

    Draven fanart

    Hello everyone, i'm a brazilian artist and i make digital/traditional art, and i want to share this artwork i made for Draven. I'm also getting comissions cause things are a bit harder here, so if someone wants to support me, any kind of help are welcome. My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bruce.arts/?hl=pt-br


    submitted by /u/DevilKJhin
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    TCS 2019 had the lowest viewership number since 2017

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    TCS 2017 : 200K viewers

    TCS 2018 : 120K viewers

    TCS 2019 : 90K viewers

    TCS is the most popular amateur LoL competition in NA and NA fans were proud of it in the past.


    Tyler1's unofficial tournament is doing better than esports like Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone.


    TCS more popular than the NA LCS now..

    But TCS viewership has declined year after year and it seems to be related to a decrease in League popularity in NA.

    submitted by /u/Korwork
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    Trying to survive Elder buff in preseason.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    League players are probably really good at distracted driving

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:03 AM PST

    So I'm driving on the freeway and I see a girl doing her makeup and I say to my friend that's pretty fucking dangerous. But it got me thinking that what she's doing is probably like CSing while looking at the minimap and dodging Xerath ss.

    Playing League you're constantly thinking about the map, gold count, buffs, the akali flaming in the chat and how many stacks the nasus has along with so much more. Honestly think its my League skills and reflexes that have helped me with avoiding countless accidents on the road. Most people who are idiotsincars are the same inters, trollers and AFKers we see in game every day the only difference is that they're controlling a thousand pound machine. Its just as toxic too.

    Driving is basically an RTS guys.

    submitted by /u/Calithrix
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    A summoner has disconnected

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:43 PM PST

    You can imagine my stoned ass when I saw my Q go through 2 people and root neither of them

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:08 PM PST

    me and my friend making a play (i was singed)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:37 AM PST

    Aphelios failed to be what riot promised him to be, here's my take on how to fix him

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:03 PM PST

    Aphelios failed to be what riot promised him to be, here's my take on how to fix him

    Riot hyped Aphelios as a champion with "one of the highest skill ceilings in the game". As we now know, it's simply not true. Aphelios' kit works pretty much on its own, making it simple to play, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's definitely a far cry from what he should be. Aphelios as he is now can probably be fixed with just some number tweaks (i'm looking at you, Infernum) but i want to share my ideas on how to change his kit to make him closer to what he was promised to be.

    There are 3 problems that we need to get through:

    • Aphelios has basically no control over which weapon he uses. On paper, it means that he has to plan ahead to achieve the optimal combination of weapons before he actually needs them. In practice, it forces every weapon to be decent in every situation, otherwise the champion feels troll when you don't have the optimal set of weapons. Which brings us to the 2nd problem.
    • It doesn't matter which weapon you have (unless you have Infernum, but lets pretend that it has already been nerfed and is on par with his other weapons). You can approach any situation with any combination of weapons and you'll be just fine, which riot showed us in his champion trailer. But what's the point of having 5 weapons if they are all just going to be jack-of-all-trades? Solving the first problem allows us to make his weapons more situational, giving each weapon an actual identity.
    • His ultimate. It's just a skillshot that does damage and sometimes heals you or slows your enemies. Seriously riot? You're going to tell us that this champion is insanely hard to master, and then you just give him a simple projectile ultimate? Aphelios' ultimate needs to be changed completely.

    After pointing this out, the solution becomes obvious, if a little boring. All three of these problems can be solved by changing Aphelios' ultimate to allow him to change his main hand weapon. True, it's not very unique, but so is a skillshot that just does damage. So here's my proposition for Aphelios' new ultimate:

    R: Lunari's Arsenal

    Aphelios discards his main hand weapon, getting access to his entire arsenal. Aphelios cannot attack or use abilities, but he can move. Pressing Q, W or E causes him to equip a weapon from his weapon queue (i.e. if your main hand weapon is Calibrum, and your off-hand weapon Severum, you will discard Calibrum, after which your Q will equip Gravitum, your W will equip Infernum and your E will equip Crescendum). Swapping to a new weapon with your ultimate enchances it with Faith (more on that later). Aphelios gets access to this ability on 6th lvl, it's cooldown decreases on 11th and 16th lvl.

    Aphelios' weapon carousel during his recall is about what I imagined his new ult would look like, but with more colour on his weapons.

    Changing Aphelios' ultimate means that he no longer has a big finisher type ability, but it would allow him to adjust to any situation by changing his gun, while getting some bonus effects. This means that we can make his weapons more situational without making you feel like you're useless because a teamfight started while you had a wrong weapon combination.

    With that out of the way, here's how I'd change his weapons. These are mostly minor changes, with the exception of Infernum, which is pretty much a new weapon. But before that, I want to introduce a term I'm going to use a lot from now on: Off-hand attack. An off-hand attack is an attack made using you off-hand weapon (duh!) that is triggered by hitting an enemy with an ability. This attack deals % of Aphelios AD as damage (scaling with lvl), can critically strike and triggers on-hit effects. Now then, here are my proposed weapon changes:

    Calibrum, the Rifle

    • Calibrum's attack range is increased by 100 units (giving Aphelios 650 total attack range). Hitting an enemy with your Q (Moonshot) or using Calibrum to perform an off-hand attack marks the enemy. If the marked enemy is out of your attack range, Aphelios can right click that enemy to root himself in place for a short time while he takes aim. The further the enemy is (still global range) the longer the aiming takes. It's also shortened by attack speed. After Aphelios takes aim, he strikes the target with an off-hand attack, consuming every mark and dealing bonus damage for every mark consumed.
    • Calibrum Q: Moonshot stays the same.
    • Faith bonus (triggered when you swap into Calibrum with your R): The first time you make an attack that consumes a mark for the next few seconds, you deal bonus damage based on target's missing health (missing health % scales with R lvl).

    These changes keep Calibrum as a safe, poke weapon, while adding a mechanic for executing a low health, escaping target, as long as you can land an ability on him to mark him. If you shoot too early and the target survives, Aphelios' self root gives the enemy a chance to escape, meaning Calibrum isn't very good at chasing escaping enemies. Keep in mind, you cannot consume a mark if the target stays in your attack range, thus preventing you from utilising Calibrum's Faith bonus.

    The root mechanic also fixes Calibrum's interaction with his Crescendum Q: Sentry. The time Aphelios takes to aim at a target allows an enemy to destroy the sentry without being attacked from a global range 3-4 times, which can feel unfair.

    Severum, the Scythe Pistol

    • Severum's attack range is decreased by 50 units (putting his total attack range at 500, alongside champions like Lucian, Kindred or Sivir). Dealing damage with Severum heals Aphelios by % dmg dealt. While below 50% HP, Aphelios gains bonus attack speed while using Severum.
    • Severum Q: Onslaught stays mostly the same, each of the attacks is an off-hand attack (both the ones made with Severum and Aphelios' secondary weapon)
    • Faith bonus: Aphelios gains a shield (shield amount scales with R lvl).

    Decreasing Severum's attack range by a whooping 50 units means that Aphelios needs to put himself in danger if he wants to regain his health, rather than doing so from a comfortable distance. Bonus attack speed helps Aphelios heal just enough damage to survive during a close fight, while a shield from his Faith bonus keeps him afloat long enough to get some healing going after you swap to Severum with R.

    Severum remains a good choice if you want to heal outside of combat, during the laning phase or between teamfights. It's also a great tool for buying time before your jungler comes to turn around a losing fight, or to survive while you're being targeted by the enemy team in a teamfight.

    Also keep in mind, the number of off-hand attacks you make with your Q: Onslaught scales with attack speed, meaning if you use it after dropping below half health you will make some extra attacks due to your bonus attack speed.

    Gravitum, the Cannon

    • Gravitum's attacks inflict a decaying slow on your target.
    • Gravitum Q: Eclipse roots and deals damage to every enemy affected by Gravitum's slow in your attack range. Make an off-hand attack against rooted enemies.
    • Faith bonus: Aphelios' next attack with Gravitum deals AOE damage around the target and inflicts an increased slow (slow % scales with R lvl) on damaged enemies.

    Making Eclipse's range no longer global and forcing Calibrum to aim before shooting a marked target makes it possible for Gravitum's ability to provoke off-hand attacks like every other ability in Aphelios's kit without creating a game breaking combination between these two weapons.

    Gravitum is Aphelios' only source od CC. It's good for chasing enemies, kiting and escaping.

    Infernum, the Flamethrower

    • Infernum's attack range is decreased by 100 (that's a total of 450 range, only 25 more than Graves'). Infernum's attacks do only 80% AD damage. Whenever Aphelios attacks an enemy with Infernum, a cone of fire appears, stretching from Aphelios to the end of his attack range, centered on the attacked enemy. This cone deals base dmg + 30% AD (keep in mind, all numbers are subject to change) to every enemy cought in it. If Infernum is used to make an off-hand attack, this damage is instead dealt in a radius around the target, instead of in a cone.
    • Infernum Q: Duskflare (new ability, name is a subject to change) Aphelios charges his weapon, creating an AOE column of fire (think Xerath's Q). The longer he charges, the further it reaches (up to Calibrum's attack range), the thicker it is and the more damage it deals. Make an off-hand attack against all enemies hit.
    • Faith bonus: Aphelios gains an attack speed bonus for a few seconds.

    A completely new weapon, this time working somewhat like a real flamethrower. It deals less AOE damage compared to live version and has a decreased range. This version is deliberately made weaker than the current Infernum, because the live version is simply too good in every possible situation.

    Infernum remains best at pushing the waves, having a built in AOE damage and an ability perfect to blast the entire minion wave at once. It also can do quite some AOE damage in a fight while blasting a single target with increased damage.

    It's much more dangerous to use it in a lane due to decreased range, allowing enemies to punish Aphelios if he's pushing too aggressively.

    Swapping into Infernum gives you increased attack speed (you can swap to your off-hand weapon and keep that bonus) allowing you to quickly push a lane or deal a big amount of damage to a nearby attacker.

    Crescendum, the Chakram

    • Crescendum's attack speed is dependant on you target's proximity (like in live version). Using Crescendum to make an off-hand attack creates a temporary copy of Crescendum that increases damage dealt to the target of your attacks (like in live version). Every additional copy of Crescendum deals slightly less damage then the previous one.
    • Crescendum Q: Sentry remains mostly the same, but with decreased range. Sentry's attacks are off-hand attacks.
    • Faith bonus: Aphelios makes 1/2/3 (scales with R lvl) off-hand attacks using Crescendum against the closest enemy.

    Crescendum remains the strongest single-target, close-range weapon. Getting a few free Crescendum copies when you swap into Crescendum with your R allows you to start dealing serious single-target damage instantly, without the need to swap your weapon using your W and use that weapon's ability to summon them.

    Notice that Crescendum's attack range isn't decreased. That's becouse the weapon is already punishing you for attacking far away targets, hence no need to punish it further.

    Decreasing attack range of Sentry provides more room for counterplay for Aphelios' opponents. Also note that interaction between Calibrum and Sentry is made less oppressive due to Calibrum's aiming mechanic, as stated earlier.


    Thank you for reading my post. I hope you found my ideas interesting. If you have any propositions, critique, questions or you found a problem with my proposed changes, please comment down below.

    Edit: Keep in mind, this post is just a "what if". Its not an open letter to riot begging them to rework a frashly released champion, despite what the click bait-ish title might suggest.

    submitted by /u/FizzUseSurf
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    My friend got stuck on champ select because a teammate (Jinx) was in both teams at the same time

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Is Rengar supposed to be able to do this, or is it a bug?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:04 AM PST

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