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    Monday, December 23, 2019

    LoL Guide Tip: playing with your jungler is a two way street

    LoL Guide Tip: playing with your jungler is a two way street

    Tip: playing with your jungler is a two way street

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:07 AM PST

    What do I mean by 'two way street'. Many people adopt the mentality that the jungler's sole role in the game is to gank you and get you ahead. In low elo, players rarely roam around the map as they aren't very adept at managing their wave/know their timings. However, there is another way to push your advantage and influence the rest of the map. If you are able to help your jungler (invading the enemy jungler with yours, helping with dragon, covering them when they contest scuttle, place deep wards) or if you are able to play with your jungler in general, you can indirectly affect the rest of your map. If your jungler is a better position, he can more easily get to and attack more lanes faster. Usually, if your jungler ganks you, think about how you can make his role easier as well. Even in competitive play, we see how much mid-jungle synergy is emphasised. Regardless of what role you play, help your jungler and you will find that winning games becomes way more easier.

    submitted by /u/Peeping_Cat
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    Tip for climbing: Treat your teammates like toddlers

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    By that, I mean:

    1. Treat your teammates with kindness and respect. Praise is never a bad thing, as most people like to have their ego stroked.
    2. Don't flame. In most of my games, people only troll as retaliation against a flamer.
    3. If they get annoying, /mute all.
    4. Have no expectations and focus on your own mistakes.
    5. Someone tilted? When recalling, walking back to lane, or dead, praise any good thing they've done and make them feel good.

    TLDR: Be nice. Hype your teammates up. Use the mute button.

    submitted by /u/SaltiestRabbit
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    I'm losing every time I'm playing with Ezreal on my lane

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST

    Hey guys,
    I'm the support and I noticed that it feels like im losing lane with Ezreal every single time.

    - I feel like Ezreal can never follow on my engages since he's relying on his skillshots
    - Feels like Ezreal is getting outdamaged by every other champion on bot lane
    - Ezreal can't apply any pressure, we are always getting pressured and can't do anything about it

    I wanna learn how to play with Ezreal on lane or I will start to dodge every game I have Ezreal on my team.

    Hope you can help

    submitted by /u/LilSluggerZ
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    Is it possible to do well and still suck?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Im brand new to LoL, just at level 18 now. Was playing support a few games back as Soraka, my first game with her just testing out the mechanics. Really getting into it, feeling good about saving my team in team fights with my global ult. I did feed a couple times early, but then started to do better as the game went on.

    Right as we sealed the deal and won the game, my adc started flaming me for "doing nothing" all game. I was surprised, since I'd saved him a number of times, and even more so when I saw I got an S+ for the game. I wasn't getting grief from the rest of the team, just the adc.

    So I'm wondering, it it possible to suck at the role and still get a high rating from the rest of the team doing well?

    submitted by /u/dietprozac
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    How to TRACK Enemy Jungler in Season 10 (Make them FF at 15!)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:09 PM PST

    Hey guys I've uploaded another educational Youtube video where I go over how to react and predict the enemy junglers pathing. Most of it boils down to the process of elimination which I go over in detail in my video.

    Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-DGEm9HSiQ&t=7s

    Hope you guys learn something new and enjoy! Also please leave me some insightful feedback for future videos.

    submitted by /u/Renguu
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    Is jungle exp really bad or am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:05 AM PST

    Jungle is my secondary role right now so I might be missing some nuance, but it seems like by the mid-game I'm always the lowest level person on the team, and it's the same deal with my enemy jungler too.

    Let's take a recent Nocturne game of mine as an example. I get two early kills from a failed enemy invade, then I farm until 6 (because I wanted my ult online ASAP) - then I get a few more kills and assists - ganking every time my ult is up, farming jungle camps when it isn't - brief pause to do two dragons.

    Basically what I'm saying is that it's almost a perfect game. At the 15 minute mark I've got 81CS, I'm 3/0/5 and...

    ....I'm level 9???

    My botlane Ashe is level 10. I'm outleveled by someone in a duo lane. My mid and top laners are both 11. And this was in a game that literally couldn't have gone better for me. (The support Bard was also level 9, but he'd died 3 times so had been out of lane for a significant chunk of time)

    Weird thing is, it seems like the same thing happens even in games that go badly or just go average - it doesn't seem to make any real difference to the level differential between me and my laning teammates.

    Now, this eventually levelled out - I ended the game at level 17 and only one of my teammates was 18 - but for a good 10 minute stretch of the midgame I felt like I was struggling to catch up - it took WAY too long for me to hit my level 2 ultimate in particular, which I really felt because of how big a power spike that is in terms of engage power.

    I know that jungle EXP got nerfed in the pre-season, but do riot literally expect us to constantly farm with no ganks at all? Or are we expected to turbo gank and steal all the kills?

    Am I doing something wrong here or are junglers just designed to be an underlevelled role nowadays?

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Tanks don’t build Randuins often enough.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Randuins reduces the damage of incoming critical hits. It also gives you a substantial amount of armor and health, further mitigating crit damage. It also has an area slow active that lets you stick to targets better.

    So if you're in a game where a crit-based carry is running away with the game, it's a game-changing purchase.

    Instead, you see everyone building dead mans plate, frozen heart, thornmail, basically everything except Randuins omen.

    If the enemy team has more than one champion that's going to be stacking crit, Randuins should be your go-to for physical damage mitigation.

    If the enemy team has more than one champ that relies heavily on attack speed, either from their build or a steroid or both, you want frozen heart. If those champions ALSO rely on crit, you still get the cold steel passive from Randuins — so it's still a better buy.

    Frozen heart is good when you're not going to be the one being attacked, because it isn't an on-hit attack speed slow, it's an AOE attack speed slow. If you're planning on being hit, Randuins is almost always better unless you need the CDR and Mana.

    Also if you see an enemy yasuo ever, just build the damn thing. Randuins is the bane of Yasuo's existence. What does yasuo want to do? He wants to crit and move, crit and move. What does Randuins do? It softens critical strikes and the active applies a slow, negating the two main things a yasuo wants to do.

    So yeah.... tanks need to build Randuins a hell of a lot more often than they do. More importantly, players need to get an understanding of which items are good in which situations, and that itemization is not a static cookie cutter thing that you just look up a singular guide for and apply that to every match.

    Think about your purchases. Buying the right items at the right times can win you games.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    I don't understand laning phase.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I'm complete garbage. The ONLY time I'll ever "win" a lane phase is if I get an early kill on them, if my jg comes, or when my powerspikes come up (such as lvl 7 + sheen + 100 stack nasus). Otherwise, IDK what I'm doing wrong. If none of those happen in lane, I won't die in lane (maybe once or twice, but never too many deaths), but I'll slowly fall behind in CS, until like maybe a 20-30 CS difference at 10 mins, cuz I play uber safe. And as my laners get better and better, I just feel more and more choked out, because people start to zone me off, manage the wave properly to deny CS via freezing or just good ol' slow push into harassing under tower. So I can't exactly just farm my way to my powerspikes.

    submitted by /u/Fecres
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    Why play assassins?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    I know picks like Zed, Fizz, and the like are some of the most popular champions in the game, but I personally feel like they're not worth playing.

    I mean sure, you can be out there solo killing people a ton and getting leads, but that's often not going to happen. LLStylish is doing unranked to Challenger on Zed, and he's getting a ton of kills and stomping...but that's because he's smurfing. I can't help but feel as if that's not going to happen a lot if you are paired with people of equal skill.

    It feels to me that I'd rather play Orianna and go even or slightly behind in lane than be a Zed that's just a bit ahead. I guess I don't play assassins for the same reason they don't really do in pro play-too high risk. What if I don't get fed?

    Should I incorporate assassins into my champ pool, or should I just keep playing picks like TF and Orianna?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    How to deal with Warwick in the Jungle Preseason 10

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    I play mostly rengar because I love his kit. I play mostly in the high gold/low plat elo. I have another account with MMR around plat3 but the actual rank is gold 4. And I found out that most plat junglers play the meta champs. And I struggle a lot against WW. I know that I can't 1v1 him in the jungle so I try to avoid him as much as I can. But the problem is whenever I try to counter gank him since I track him, if my laner does not have prio. We will lose that fight. We won't necessarily die but he will get away with higher HP and end up getting the river crabs and proceed to gank other lanes and my laners and I will be on lower hp and have to give up control to base. However, if i don't counter jungle then my laner will die and because of WW's w he will continue snowball the whole game with that one kill all over the map.

    Should I just focus on getting my strong lanes ahead in that case? But the thing is his early game ganks are just so much better than mine. How can I better position myself to deal with this self-heal tanky high mobility bruiser assassin dog. I hate him with passion. I ban him every game now but still would like to learn how to deal with him in the jungle with a weaker jungler.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    I'm always losing top lane.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:54 PM PST

    I'm silver 1 and Im playing lol since this summer . So I started playing Trindamere a few days ago but I just cant win my lane. I dominate in late game , but on the first 15/20 minutes Im always every top laner's bitch. The champ I hate to play the most against is Gnar because with my noob-ish playstile he counters me badly . What do I have to do in order to get better and better at this?

    submitted by /u/PlomvelJr
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    can you climb with tanks in low elo?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    I know you can climb into Platinum with AD Janna jungle but seriously? It feels so underwhelming. Except maybe for some cheese like AP Cho'Gath. Even though tanks seem to feel good in this meta in general. But low elo seems to have no macro and no tactics, the most fed team wins. One would say awesome! tanks are for winning teamfights so your team gets fed. And yet? Offmeta tanks sometimes throw you off as opponents in top lane yet unless they snowball, they end up being not very impactful, and tanks aren't snowball champs.

    This is not a rant, I'm asking for opinions and examples, I'd also appreciate an opgg of some smurf or just a player with a high winrate climbing through silver and gold.

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    Abusing a busted item - How many supports can get away with Umbral Glaive?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:36 AM PST

    I'm convinced that this item is completely busted for vision control. It has a short cooldown at 45s, its duration is way longer than the advertised 8s (every moment it doesn't pop means that area is clear - far superior to sweeper), its 1-shot passive never turns off, and it even comes with a great buildpath/cheap total price.

    Obviously, supports like Senna and Pyke are already on board. But what other supports can use this item? At what point is it good enough to take just for the insane vision control - could a ranged enchanter take this item to abuse the one-shot range like Senna? Should heavy utility supports like Bard and Zilean build it? An ult-bot like Malph support?

    Could it be responsible for a new group of AD supports - such as Ashe, Trundle, Sion, or Poppy?

    submitted by /u/Baam_
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    Doran's Blades and WHEN to buy them

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:57 AM PST

    Hey all, so I imagine we've all been hearing the diacussions lately about stacking Doran's blade and the benefits it provides and the reasons why we do so. MY question is, WHEN should you buy them.

    For example, if I've managed to stay in lane as an ADC long enough to purchase my best friend sword, or my cutlass before backing should I buy those items, or buy 3 Dorans? If I have an opportunity to back to buy 1 or 2 Dorans, and come back to lane should I, or should I keep throwing my weight around in lane and save up?

    If ahead or behind my opponent how should I be utilizing this build? If at all?

    I've also seen that this strategy is being used in the jungle. I play a lot of Hecarim, and the occasional Warwick, and Master Yi. What is the current thoughts on stacking Dorans on fighters such as these?

    Thanks in advance foe the discussion, Summoners and happy holidays!

    submitted by /u/JaXm
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    If Annie is too dull for people trying to learn mid with an easy champ, try Malzahar

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    I don't think there exists another champion with a higher margin of error. Easy to clear waves, point and click poke, point and click CC ult on a low cooldown, easy to create roam timers because of his outrageous waveclear speed. Easy to receive and set up jungle ganks. A friggin Silence, a super underrated effect, which only like 5 champions have in this game. A frankly superfluous spell-shield [the champion would still be viable without it].

    I think playing a champion like Annie can help you learn more about laning, focusing on last hitting, and punishing the enemy for positioning mistakes, and Malzahar's main downside is that he rarely can 1v1 his lane opponent, unless they just take poke nonstop (which happens in low elo), but Malzahar fast tracks you into learning macro decision making (which is more important than laning, imo) because he basically bypasses the laning phase altogether.

    submitted by /u/theonejanitor
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    How do I play Zed?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    I've been playing league for a year now, and I've decided I wanted to play something other than top laners. My rank is Silver 1 0 LP. I wanted to play an AD assassin. I saw zed was free for the week and tried him out. He was super fun and I now want to learn how to play him better. My OP.GG is BigPepeAlex

    submitted by /u/imaginethiswagon
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    How to carry an ape team with fundamentals (video)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:36 AM PST

    I wanted to experiment a little bit so I took a recent game where we were behind 6k gold at 16 minutes but managed to come back and commentated it freestyle without a script or anything.
    In the video, I go a little bit over what happened to my team, why they were so far behind and what I did to make the best out of the situation. You can also just skip to the conclusion if you want (timestamp in the description)

    Let me know if you have any questions and I also appreciate feedback on the video! Is this freestyle thing good or do you prefer cleaner, shorter videos?

    Le video

    submitted by /u/PUR3SK1LL
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    I'm a diamond 1 mid laner, and I fail to understand how to set up the first waves of minions.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:51 AM PST

    So I'm a diamond 1 mid lane player, I usually play very aggresive champions that usually go for kill pressure. I find myself failing a few, as I tend to be near the enemy tower alot at the start. How can I learn to manage my minions early game ? Im good at wave management in general, but the first few waves tend to be tricky to me, and usually in my elo, the winner of mid lane is decided very early.

    submitted by /u/MagnusHvass
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    Beginner tips for Olaf

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I recently picked up Olaf and have been having a lot of fun with him, but I would like to gank enemy laners more efficiently. I'm pretty new to the game (about 1 month in) so I don't have the best game knowledge and only started playing jungle about 2 weeks ago. I'm having trouble with my engages when I gank, since Olaf doesn't really have an engage ability. This is kind of hard for me as I only played junglers with good engages like Warwick, Nunu, and Amumu. What should I do to make my gank engages more efficient?

    Any other general Olaf tips would be great as well since I'm new to the champ! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sporking_
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    Need Ahri Help

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Hi, I'm level 30 and mostly play ahri in mid (I use the domination rune because the glacial augment build looks scary with all the actives I need to manage). I feel like my performance varies a lot depending on whether I choose draft or blind and the number of ganks I get in laning phase. For example I just had two games where I went 9/1/25 in blind but only 2/5/6 in a draft game.

    I am also confused about ahri's roaming potential. Usually I only roam when our team is taking a dragon or if I take one of their towers, but I am under the impression that ahri should roam a lot more.

    I think I know the basics of keeping distance in team fights and never engaging/jumping right in. Some other pointers would be nice though. Who should I ban in draft pick and how to secure lane against some of ahri's counters.

    submitted by /u/HoneyJasmineGreenTea
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    Pantheon Season 10 Jungle guide

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST


    I put together a little guide for a sleeper pick in the jungle right now, Pantheon.

    1. Runes: PTA or Conqueror (PTA usually but Conqueror against champs you will have to slug it out with for extended duels) Legend alacrity against teams with 1 or less hard cc's, legend tenacity against all others. Domination tree secondary, cheap shot/relentless hunter.
    2. Items: Warrior skirmishers saber-mobi's-BC or youmuus->GA/Steraks/Maw. Youmuus against squishier teams, BC against tanks/bruisers. Finish out with tankiness or more lethality depending on how fed you are.
    3. Clear, always look for a level 3 gank, level 2 ganks are strong as well but you need to plan ahead. Start Q on red or blue buff, and finish your level 3 on the side you are ganking, if ganking after first camp take W second, if clearing to 3 take E. I usually go Red/krugs/blue or blue-gromp red - gank. Depending on who you are jungling against try to contest scuttle. Be aware that Pantheon is not the greatest duelest but he is amazing in the 1v2/2v2 with PTA on his empowered w. Pantheon isnt the greatest at taking objectives, but his empowered q actually outsmites junglers, it hits really really hard late game if they are below 20%

    I get more in detail on one of my games recently that I went 11-0-4 on in Gold elo. Hit me up with any questions!


    submitted by /u/Zeraphicus
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    How does Syndra jungle work?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:59 PM PST

    Ok, Syndra is decent at clearing jungle with 3 AOE abilities but I don't get why many high elo and pro players pick her up now.

    She is horrible at taking objectives (turrets, herald or drakes) and has very little damage until you get 2 items. The only cc in her kit has a 16 sec cooldown.

    Any other meta jungle can just run her down and kill her and invade her without restriction.

    And if I would want a high ap carry I would just take Elise, Karth, Ekko or even Gragas. Elise and Ekko have far more utility, Gragas has much more CC and Karthus just deals far more damage given time.

    I myself played Syndra jungle years ago but those were normal games against low elo players. I can't imagine that pros and high elo players just ignore to abuse her weaknesses when playing against her.

    Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Vulkanodox
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    Roleswap to ADC Major Points

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    Hello, I'm planning on role swapping from top lane all the way to bot for season 10. I want to know if anyone has some basic tips that might help me out. I used to main old aatrox, so I'm very used to the auto attack playstyle, now i just do it ranged right?

    I have a few basic questions such as:

    what to include in champ pool-for top lane, i wanted to always have a few carries with similar kits, a tank, and an AP champ. Most bot laners are AD so I think this will prove a bit more difficult.

    How to play lane vs 2 opponents rather than 1. I think this will be a difficult transition since I was always just trying to memorize single cooldowns of my lane opponents. I don't even wanna think about the 4 man dives bot yet.

    What is my main job in the game-obviously, I want to dish out a ton of damage in team fights, but what do I do leading up to it. Do i roam like any other role to stay ahead. Or do I just focus on me? I'm sure its matchup dependant but ill be going into this with brand new lane assignments so any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/offthegridL9
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