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    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    LoL Guide /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    /r/Summonerschool Best of 2019 Nominations

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Hello and welcome to /r/Summonerschool's best of 2019 thread. This is the time of year where we reflect on the best contributions to the sub. Not sure where to start? Trying sorting top by the last year!

    This year we're going to have 6 categories - the winner of each category will recieve a reddit platinum, while 2nd and 3rd places of each category will get reddit golds.

    This year's categories

    • Best Overall User (in Contribution/Attitude/Comments)
    • Best Overall Post
    • Best Overall Comment
    • Best Written Guide
    • Best Video Guide
    • Best AMA [AMA Archives]

    All nominations must be links from /r/Summonerschool and from 2019. Reply to the appropriate parent comment with the link and a brief explanation for your choice. All other comments will be deleted.

    Do not nominate yourself, and try not to nominate things that have already been nominated.

    This thread will be set to contest mode. This means that all comments will be sorted randomly and no scores will be displayed for non moderators.

    You are allowed to nominate one item per category, which means you can only nominate 5 things in total.

    Moderators of the sub can not be nominated.

    We'll be leaving this up until January 10th and the awards will be distributed soon after.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Is chat really that important? High elo/ low elo

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Hello hello summoners. I'm here to discuss an interesting topic which many people might have different thoughts on it. I love watching pro players and streamers playing to learn from them. I've always noticed that the amount of typing in high elo is insanely low. That doesn't include pinging the summoner spells. If you come to low elo on the other hand. You'll find a lot of trash talking and side topics which isn't even related to the game and that's BAD because it drifts your focus from the game. So is the chat really that important? Don't get me wrong. When I say chat I mean your teammates chat and not their pings. I honestly think muting the enemy team is a must because they won't have any good impact on you. They will just tilt you and distract you. Your teammates on the other hand, I don't really think it's that important as you go up the ladder since you would've understood the macro plays and the shout calls just by their pings. Also it's gonna prevent you from getting flamed and getting tilted cause of it. But as in low elo, I think people rely on it more since their map awareness isn't that good and perhaps typing in the chat might prevent them from dying since they tend to look at the chat more. Flaming isn't related to a specific elo, but I think it's more common in low elo so perhaps muting might help you win more games. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    Dearest players of all ELOs, please utilize grievous wounds more often!!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:37 PM PST

    (Re-post from r/LeagueOfLegends because apparently its not appropriate there??)

    Bramble vest for tanks.

    Executioners calling for AD champs

    Morellonomicon for AP champs.

    Please buy these items when you're in a game vs champs who rely heavily on self healing, or when the enemy team has a dedicated healer like Soraka, Nami, Sona or even an off-healer like Senna, Taric.

    It helps so much. There are champions in the game who basically aren't champions if they can't use their self-healing spells. Darius, Illaoi, Mundo, Volibear, Olaf, Swain, Vladimir just to name a few.

    I can't tell you how many games I've been in where one of the aforementioned champions is running away with the game 1v9 and I hit tab and don't see a single grievous wounds in the entire game.

    "Oh but if I buy executioners calling it will delay my Infinity Edge!"

    "Oh but if I buy morello it will delay my Luden's Echo!"

    "Oh but if I buy more damage I can kill him!"

    "Oh but if I buy more tank stats I can survive through him and my team can kill him!"

    No. Stop it. (slaps your hand). Bad league of legends player. NO.

    Buy the grievous wounds and the champ will literally fall over dead because they've been playing the whole game like they're billy badass because they go from 10% to 40% off of one skill cast -- and they're expecting that to still be the case. Then all of a sudden their skill only brings them to 25%, and they have an "OH SHIT" moment as they watch their screen turn gray. Very likely they will CONTINUE this behavior and int their asses off because they're not smart enough to realize you've itemized against them and you get a free win off their dumb ass.

    Ideally, you'd have your carries and maybe your tank all hit their grievous wounds item at the same time and take a fight. But we don't live in an ideal world so -- just buy the items when you can, and very likely earlier than you'd LIKE to buy them (which is probably never)

    I promise you it'll make a difference.

    TL:DR; -- If the enemy team has a champion that relies on self healing to survive, buy grievous wounds as early as possible so they can't 1v9 the game because they're virtually unkillable.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Importance of taking breaks.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    This summer, I was hardstuck in diamond 4/plat 1. I had been playing for a good 5 years by then and I was kinda getting burnt out/low motivation. Then, I went to college for a semester, not playing league at all. Now that I'm back on winter break, I have been running a train on the Elo I was originally hard stuck in. I think it just goes to show the importance of taking long breaks to clear your mental and reset. Now I feel motivated and I actually want to climb and improve, whereas before I was just so burnt out from grinding ranked for years. Just a tip I wanted to share that worked out great for me.

    submitted by /u/nickclick82
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    How do you counter irelia mid?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:51 AM PST

    Out of my 4 matches against irelia mid, I have lost all 4 of them. I used akali, Katarina, Diana and ahri against her but I don't seem to see why I lose to her. As akali , I try to poke her heavily with q and passive and waiting for her to e before using my w, an waitin for her mark to end before I exit, but somehow she still manages to outdamage me. As for kat, I lost because I constantly out shoved her(was trying to roam), but because of that I got destroyed quite easily, as for ahri, I tried to play passively but she still manages to chunk my hp level 2 when I pushed it out. Is there a way to play against irelia mid other than playing safe and letting her push in?

    submitted by /u/Meanakushi
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    Opinions on multiple crit cloaks on Graves?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:20 AM PST

    I played a game yesterday as Graves jungle where I got quite a bit ahead. I went the Fleet footwork into crit build path. After stormrazor I backed with around 1600 gold and decided to try out the new multiple crit cloaks build path that all the caitlyns are running atm. The damage spike was SO much stronger than just building a zeal into dagger. I could just stormrazor slow auto into E auto auto and instantly demolish anyone.

    Is this viable and something that should be abused before the crit cloaks get nerfed?

    submitted by /u/Paalii
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    How to win as a early game ADC?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    (Hello) I have no problems winning vs bad players or with a good all in support but if the enemy bot lane plays passive and don't die I feel like the game is already over for me. Almost all the adcs I play fall off like trucks if they are not 5/0 before 15 minutes or if I make the other adc ragequit.

    This is especially worse if i have a bad poke(hell even if they good it may not help) / enchanter support or if the enemy adc can outrange me with auto's. My farm is fine for the most part and i am somewhat ok with my positioning

    submitted by /u/Al_the_Renegade
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    I know everything I need to know to get better, but I can't apply it to my games

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    I've been playing for quite a while but I've only recently looked to get better at the game (macro). I watched and read a lot of guides, learned about wave control (freezing, slow-pushing, fast-pushing), learned about important early game advantages, where to be on the map at what time, which matchups I win and which ones I lose, spikes, etc. and I have the correct mindset because I actually think very highly when it comes to decision-making, but when I play, I literally can't apply it to my games. I don't know why, I just can't. I barely look at the minimap, I barely think about wave management except for freezing and shoving, I barely know when to do what and I'm basically confused half the game. What do I do? Do I just have to try to apply these concepts to my games and get used to it? I feel pretty terrified using a completely new concept in my game that I haven't used before.

    submitted by /u/lpfactory
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    what are some core concepts to focus on in lane phase?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:23 PM PST

    wave management, reasonable csing, playing with the wave, lane and deep warding, playing to your "strong side", got all that down.

    i know how to extend a lead, and i know how to mitigate exp and gold loss when i'm behind. but when i'm even, i have no real clue. for the 1st like 5-6 minutes of the game, i'm just csing. i genuinely have no idea when to look for trades, when's a good fight, when's a bad fight. i'll respond if they trade on me (and i'll sit in my minion wave so i usually win), but i don't know how to force favorable trades besides just all inning them and running them down because i'm a stronger champion at X point in the game. or on the flip side, i try and get them to push to me 24/7 because i'm not a stronger champion than them at X point in the game. so basically, i only win lane based on my powerspikes, but never through... actually laning. any tips on how to actually play the lane?

    i know it sounds ridiculous, "how could you not know how to play lane?" but it's true. i rarely trade in lane, i just CS, it's literally like how dong huap said it (if you want perfect CS, just throw all your spells at the wave, but you won't actually learn to play lane). ofc i'm not wasting spells on the wave but i'm rarely ever looking to actually trade or lane.

    submitted by /u/LakePale
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    Rek'sai red side start

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    Dumb question...

    Hey could someone elaborate on why every single high elo korean jungler I've spectated has either gone red>krugs>raptors or red>raptors>krugs, I was under the impression that going buffs+gromp was the best clear. I feel like the answer is going to be something obvious I'm overlooking, but I can't figure out why they NEVER seem do gromp path.

    submitted by /u/shreklol122
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    How to land more Caitlyn traps??

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:07 PM PST

    I've tried landing her w several ways. Placing it where they're going, waiting until they're cc'd and placing it, or placing right on top of them. None of it works. How can I land more? Those traps are a vital part of her kit, I level W first as well.

    submitted by /u/Eden134
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    Can i win with tresh without being a god?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:56 AM PST

    With other hook boys (nautilus and pyke) i feel that i can win without being a very skilled player, with trash i don't feel the same.

    You can easy die if you missplayed but you cannot do good hooks without expose yourself. It makes me feel like he is a character that is not for me, but i really want to play him properly.

    I tried some youtube videos but i feel like i'm missing something important.

    submitted by /u/TrainingMouse1
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    Building AP items on Normal(Tank) Nunu & Willump?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:59 AM PST

    I really enjoy playing Nunu, but I find it difficult to deal a lot of damage to enemy champs (I feel like a support almost)

    I was wondering if I could build any AP items for my damage even if I run Resolve and Waterwalking and Celerity

    I only play Casual so I think I won't get punished a lot


    submitted by /u/DraganBatko
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    How did this Ekko-Zed interaction happen?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:25 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    THere is an outplay video on the main sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ee0k47/sorry_zed/ but i simply cannot figure out how and why this interaction happened or even if it is possible.

    So: Ekko dives Zed with e1+e2, and Zed ults him just as Ekkos damage goes through. WHile Zed is in ult animation Ekko ults, bringing Zed back to the middle of lane damaging him, and hitting with the return q killing him, then Zeds mark popped and did some damage to Ekko.

    What i dont get: isnt Ekko supposed to be untargetable during his snapback? If yes, then why on earth did Zeds Death mark apply to him, since afaik if you go untargetable while Zed is in his ult animation (shadows converging) then his ult is considered as dodged, his mark wont detonate as it happens in this clip vs Ekko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZx3SOK_A5o and an other part that is confusing, is that in the second clip Zed doesnt follow Ekko back to his "past" and he doesnt apply mark, but in the first clip both things happen, even though Ekko did the same thing, pressed r before Zed reappeared.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    I'm Diamond 4 but I'm trash

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:43 AM PST

    Literally, I don't know what to tell you.

    I just hit diamond 4 last night, currently at a 60% overall winrate but I feel like I'm fucking trash at the game. I'm an adc main and essentially got there solely off of mechanics I think. I never freeze a lane, when I attempt to freeze it I simply can't, my macroplay has improved a little but not a giant amount.

    Everytime I watch videos on wave management I essentially forget it within a game. I basically push 24/7 and when the jungler comes I kill all of them, more often than not that is.

    Games where I lose lane I'll just try to stall and whenever it's late game I just feel so good, I play every teamfight very well in my opinion but I still feel bad due to macroplay.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to easily pick up wave management for adc? I feel like I'm not super retarded but for some reason my brain refuses to pick this up.

    Op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Mr%20Huffle

    submitted by /u/Mr-Huffle
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    How do I keep myself pushing to not give up when things go south ?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:10 PM PST

    Hello, fellow summoners, I have come here with a question that I feel like comes into the mind of a lot of players. I play ranked mostly, and when things keep going south I give up really really fast. Like I just afk at some point, and just wait for the game to end, whether the enemy ends it or my team forfeits with the remaining 4 people.

    I really want to get out of this practice, that is afking when things don't go my way. You may argue that maybe there is a chance of winning,but its a maybe. However, if we try so hard and if we lose, I feel very devastated because to me if feels like I just wasted my time playing just to suffer a defeat at the end. I feel very annoyed and I feel like this devastated mentality just transfers to my upcoming games, where the same scenario occurs if things go south early on. I see people saying " Play to Learn" but to me it feels like I should " Play to Win", of course learning is a part of it but I want to win.

    A lot of my friends that I know tell me that if they play long games and they still lose, they don't mind at all, and to me it makes no sense that how can u put so much time in a match just to see yourself suffer defeat. Maybe, they are playing for fun or maybe they don't take this game seriously. But League is the only game that I can play with my laptop and to me I feel like if I am going to play a game of league I want to win really badly.

    If there is any advice that you fellow summoners use to maybe keep yourself pushing to play at your best in a losing game, please share with me as I would love to change my attitude. I don't know if I am just weak mentally and should play some other MOBAS or not.

    submitted by /u/Sett_The_Janitor
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    Wit's End on Morde?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 11:35 PM PST

    I tried it once against heavy magic dmg and it synergised quite well with morde passive, spirit visage, gives AS(with nashor's tooth) and Zhonya's hourglass(healing with passive when low).

    Is this a good item on morde, or should I build adaptive helm for more MR and its dmg reduction

    submitted by /u/rqj0
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    For the past 20 games I've been trying to learn top and I've lost my lane every single time. I need some sort of help.

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    I know I'm bad at the game. I've been playing on and off for 9 years now and im still gold 3 omegalul. But I've been trying to get better recently. I'd like to play top so I've been playing it for the past 20 or so games. The only problem is I have lost every single lane. I'm unsure how my opponents are gods at every single facet of top laning but I cannot win my lane. I primarily play Jax and no matter what I end up losing my lane. Almost every game I lose lane and am down by around 70CS after the laning phase is over.

    That being said I'm not losing all of my games. After laning is over when their top goes and fucks around with his team doing who knows what I stay top and split generally well enough to do something but I can't help but think that if I didn't lose lane literally every single time I could snowball much harder and in general win more games.

    I think my main problem is I cannot win a trade. It seems to me that every opponent is just the best trader in the world but in reality I know I just suck.

    I'm not really sure what the point of this post is. I think I'm just venting a little bit but goddamn it's depressing. Gold is a shit rank and I can't believe that I can't even beat a single one of my opponents :(

    submitted by /u/Vinzlr
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    Gold players

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST

    I have been bronze for the best part of my lol period and let me tell you this

    With the new system i was able to rise from unranked to gold 3 easily and here is what i learnt from rising to gold

    Gold players are mostly just bronze players with yellow frames I've seen a gold II or I playing heimer mid in my team that i swear to god couldnt land 1 single skillshot whenever i give mid a look (Ofc i lost that game which was ranked , i was yuumi)

    submitted by /u/quitthecralO
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    How do i know whento take my laner's CS

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 11:35 PM PST

    So, something i've been working on, as a jungler, is taking laner CS/XP when they're not there. However, often times i'm getting pinged off by the dead/backing laner, and feel like i'm doing the wrong thing. I try to keep it as close to my tower as possible, generally just trying to last hit the wave (unless my laner dies, and enemy laner dies, then I'll try n get plates), and keep the wave where it is.

    Is this the right thing to do? Should i be asking my laner if he wants the wave there? Should i ignore their salty solo queue pings? Any tips/guidelines to help me out? Thanks in advance

    EDIT: Ignore the typo in the title

    submitted by /u/nickdarick
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    Brand new player. Bots or PVP?

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 05:53 PM PST

    Just getting into this game and it looks like tons of fun. I've played a few games vs AI but no one seems to do anything aside from push lanes and the game ends in about 10 mins.

    I hesitate to jump into pvp games because I don't want to get flamed for sucking. What do you guys reccomend?

    submitted by /u/oflimiteduse
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    Is it worth trying to study the game?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Pretty much the title but I'll give abit of context and try to make this post as short as I can. About a month ago, after getting frustrated with my teammates, I ended up banging my desk so hard that my computer froze and gave me the BSOD. As you'd probably imagine, I haven't been able to play league since then but I still want to be ready whenever I get the chance to play again which should be very soon, which is why I'm trying to study the game. The problem is, I'm not sure if it's even worth studying the game atm since I'll probably forget the concepts I've learned, especially if they're concepts that can't be practiced in game. What should I do?

    submitted by /u/You-cant-stop-me07
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    How to jungle? (New to the game).

    Posted: 21 Dec 2019 04:37 PM PST

    i'm new to moba games in general, so i keep dying to jungle creeps.

    How do i clear them without taking too much damage, and what route should i take?

    Character: Ekko with hunter machette

    I start off with red buff, then move to wolfs and wait for my smite to come back up and take blue, then scuttle and gromp and reset.

    I watched a video with this route, but i keep getting low on hp just before gromp with no smite so i can't finish it. At the end of gromp i usually have about 7/20 health left, which i don't think is enough to gank (haven't used it in a legitimate game yet, just practicing for now).

    How can i improve my jungling?

    submitted by /u/cromax9855
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