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    LoL Guide A lesson about builds

    LoL Guide A lesson about builds

    A lesson about builds

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:20 AM PST

    You're new at a champion, check any of the stat sites, and see a build that says 58% win rate. Then think to yourself, "well this must be the best thing to build on that champion."

    But that gets the cause and effect backwards. It's not necessarily that buying those items will win you a lost game. The stat you're seeing is best thought of as, "what people who are already good at the champion build when they and their team have a lead."

    You want to build to the enemies and the game state. The best example would be with tanks. Obviously, you don't want to build Ninja Tabi, Sunfire Cape, and Iceborn Gauntlet for your first three items as Poppy against a full AP team. Especially if you've been feeding into a Mordekaiser or Rumble.

    But it's less clear with other classes. Like when to go for Maw instead of Lethality against an AP opponent as Zed, or Zhonya's instead of Luden's when you're against a Zed. Are you far enough ahead and confident enough against your opponent to just build straight Lethality?Or as an ADC. Do you rush three crit items, like Jinx's build says to, or do you build Mortal Reminder third because the enemy Nasus has a Gauntlet and 200 stacks?

    Sometimes you can get lucky, the enemies will be just as clueless and the game will drag on long enough for you to get a mostly finished build. This can happen a lot with Kai'sa, with the enemy tank/fighter/juggernaut not bothering to build Adaptive Helm when you just follow champion.gg and build Nashor's+Rabadon's+Zhonya's. But the lucky case is never something to bet on.

    If this analogy helps; think of the "top build" the same as you would using only one pokemon the whole game. You'll have such a massive level advantage that the matchup won't matter.

    But until you're extremely good at your champion, and unless you're fed, think of it like you've got a full, equally-leveled team. You send out water pokemon against Flannery, don't use your Combusken against Brendan's Swampert, you know.

    You use what will give you an advantage against what the enemy has unless you already have an unbeatable advantage.

    submitted by /u/MooseMaster3000
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    Quick Tip of the Day: Quicksilver Sash releases you from Mordekaiser's arena

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:36 AM PST

    Quicksilver Sash removes crowd control debuffs. Mordekaiser's ult is coded as a crowd control debuff, so you exit the arena as soon as you use QSS.

    Have fun watching Mordes waddle around in confusion after you immediately nope the hell out of there! When possible, use this trick as late into the game as possible, since he will never ult you again and this trick is at its best when it wins you a critical fight. (Buy it as soon as you need it of course, but you can always try to wait for him to use his ult on others.)

    edit: QSS will also remove Urgot ult!

    submitted by /u/Vocalyze
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    How can I learn to jungle without people flaming me so much?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    I almost always tell my team i can't jungle if im autofilled it or have to do jungle in blind, so they know i have little to no experience. But if i try, i'll get flamed by someone because its a catch 22; to get good at jungling, you have to jungle, but everyone expects you to be fantastic and do everything they say. It's pretty hard not gonna lie. And i understand that people will flame because the jungler is the shot-caller who you should be able to fully trust. But how can i actually get to a point where im confident enough to do this.

    I think the main problem for me is confidence in general and having the confidence to shot call, even against the team's wishes if i know its the best thing. How do I learn to gain confidence and resilience in the game as a whole, especially if one or more of my teammates flames me? x

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Is it normal to lose a lot as a new support player?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Im not new to mobas. But somewhat new to league. I played quite a few matches as top but now i just play support. Currently level 17 on my new account. No smurfing ever.

    So far, most matches i have lost. I play morgana most of the time and we can secure 2-3 kills relatively quick in the laning phase, but at that point mid or jungle or top has been feeding so hard someone either disconnects or the match ends with a surrender because our entire team gets oneshot during fights.

    As support i feel completely powerless. While i can kill stuff on my own i dont have the runes for it and kinda have to babysit the ADC in the beginning, so all i can do is watch the next lose unfold. All the W poking and Q's with morgana dont help if the mid laner is already 4 levels higher.

    Is that just how it is?

    submitted by /u/katjezz
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    How to win games when the enemy mid is winning as a jungler?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:08 PM PST

    Ever since I hit diamond (this never applied in plat or below) the mid laners are so damn good at choking you out of farm it's insane. In our clash game the mid got fed early and was literally just farming my raptors with lee sin right behind him, even though I'm ahead of lee it doesn't matter because my mid is under tower constantly.

    The immediate thought on my end is maybe to counter-jungle the opposite side but that doesn't work against good players because they'll also expect that and simply drop a ward and then the mid 1v1s you.

    What do I do?

    submitted by /u/durantt0
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    Top 10 Support Mistakes and How To Improve

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:55 PM PST

    Howdy folks! I'm a freelancer that whipped up this piece for Dignitas! This article covers some key mistakes that all Support players make and tackles how to isolate and correct them! I think this is a great piece for those of you making the switch over to Support from another role or if you're a seasoned Support main trying to clean up your play a little! And of course, I'd love to hear your feedback about the piece and pointers that you've used to improve your own play to climb in solo-queue!



    submitted by /u/HandDrawnHarriette
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    Junglers, when do you give up on a lane?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:49 AM PST

    As I play more games in the jungle I'm starting to recognize when a lane just doesn't look like I can do anything for it. If I gank top level 3 and my bot lane dies twice...I just don't feel like I can go down there and do anything for them (even though laners always feel the opposite).

    Am I conceding lanes too early? At what point should I just ignore a lane and focus on the others? To rephrase, should I be focusing on the "winning" side of the map, or trying to save a laner who's fallen behind?

    submitted by /u/Closix
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    Never gank a losing has gotten out of hand lately

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    This topic comes up fairly often, and while it is not terrible advice, it should be taken with a grain of salt, since that 3/0 Darius/whatever guy who is snowballing will not start inting just by himself, and while you think that he is fed now, he will just get even more fed, and when he is 8/0 (which he will be) with high cs and towergold to boot, then he will becomes a real pain in the ass.

    The solution is simple: if you cant 2v1 him, bring in the goonsquad, either the midlaner or your botlane, and 3v1 or 4v1 that guy to shut him down. Yes, most likely this means that you lose something on the other side of the map, but still this will have to be done eventually, and it is MUCH better to do this before 15 minutes when you can at most lose a tower or drake and your farside jungle, instead of at 25 min, when Baron is on the table, or a Soul is out there to be contested, cos at that time you WILL lose either of those objectives or an inhibitor, which is much worse. Also hope that the shutdown gold goes to one of your nonfeeding laners, so he can become a serious threat.

    TLDR; dont use this advice as an excuse, bring reinforcements and stop the bullshit while you still can.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    Got flamed. Advice?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    So, just tried Lee Sin in an actual game (Normal Draft) for the first time. Didn't do great, but didn't do terribly either. We won by surrender at 23mins. My bot got some early kills then played super aggro constantly and didn't ward so then proceeded to get camped by enemy jungler. And there wasn't a ton I felt I could do cause they were constantly overextended. Still got better CS and KDA (4/3/3) than my counterpart and even solo killed him a couple times. We also got all 3 dragons of the game. My team still flamed me. My top lane was 3/0/1, mid was 6/1/5, and bot lane was 4/5/7 and 0/5/5.

    To avoid tilting I just muted and finished the game out, but I want to do better.

    What should I have done in that situation?

    Just babysat for my bot lane?

    It just felt like they were flaming me just because I was playing Lee and they were losing lane. I realize I didn't do great, but it was my first Lee in a pvp game and I figured normals was the best time/place to try. And yes, I realize Lee in bronze level play isn't the best idea, but he's fun and that's all I'm trying to do. Have fun.

    submitted by /u/Aleafonthefence
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    My champion recommendations for learning each role.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Lanes have core concepts and some champions are better at forcing these lane concepts into you than others. because of that i'm recommending these champions i will be putting justifications for each.

    TOP: for toplaners trading and map awarness is very important, also when you need to leave toplane to help your team. and to cs ofcourse! (you don't want to be pushing up without knowing where the jungler is)

    • Garen: garen makes trading easier than on most champions thanks to his passive and manaless abilities.
    • Sion: sion is a good introduction to tank toplane, thanks to his innate tankyness and no lack of earlygame damage. He is a good starter champion for toplane.

    Jungle: Pathing knowledge, kiting camps, ganking/counterganking and objective control

    • Warwrick: Warwrick offers easy clearing. he also doesnt have any dashes that allows him to take unique ganking routes EG rek'sai/kayn. this is good because its first important to understand jungle before you take unique champions.
    • Nunu: Nunu is a good introduction to tank jungling thanks to his tanky nature, cc heavy kit and insane sustain. He also offers a lot of smite secure thanks to his chomp and doesnt have any terrain mobility which is good if you are starting out in jungle.

    Mid:for mid its very important to know where your jungler is at all times. many players call midlane a 2v2 lane and if you try to play it 1v2 its only going to blow up in your face. It is also very important to know how to cs and trade thanks to the pressure midlaners can exert over the game.

    • Annie: annie makes trading and csing very easy thanks to her Q. She also gets punished for bad positioning which is important for you to learn how to position as a mage. thanks to her easy time which csing, it does not require much focus and makes it easier for you to build up map awarness.
    • Lux: lux serves as a good introduction to artillery mages, her hard cc coupled with a shield provides good survivability coupled with scaling. she also lacks mobility which teaches you how to position better.

    ADC: Mechanics, last hitting, knowing when to trade and the most important factor to me positioning

    • Ashe: ashe is the purest form of an adc, no mobility, a steroid and made for kiting and good vision abilities. she also has hard cc on her ult which helps with learning when to initiate from a safe distance.
    • Varus: Varus teaches you positioning and makes it easy to win trades. however, your squishy nature makes you vulnrable to mispositioning and as such forces you to learn how to position. coupled with his powerfull ult allows you to initiate fights.

    Supports: supports need to know when to go for vision and when to initiate/ back off and poking

    • Nautilus: nautilus is tanky so he doesnt get punished hard for mistakes. this allows you to learn engage supports easier EG leona/thresh/pyke/blitzcrank. Coupled with his need to go in makes you learn when its safe to initiate a 2v2 botlane (which in nautilus's case is almost always).
    • Soraka: soraka is a poke heavy enchanter, if you want to be good on her you need to play aggresive. But her lack of mobility forces her to pick battles carefully. She gets punished for bad positioning which helps you with learning squishy support champions that need to know how to keep their distance.
    submitted by /u/Crystalpuck
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    High elo Talon/Kassadin TTP end of s9 experience ( EUW )

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Hello guys. My name is Gonzales, i play on the EUW server and i started playing talon/kassa this season and wanted to share my experience throughout the season and may give u some advice. I did around 3-4 accounts with insane winrate which im gonna post down here:






    Those are the accounts I did throughout the season which sadly are now in the grave ( locked ) and I cant unlock them... I started maining talon/kassa mainly because they reworked PD. Im originally yas otp since s6 but the new PD didnt feel the same so I pretty much ditched the champ and went to talon due to his roam and mechanics. I like champs who require a lot of mechanics and arent like statik if u get me. My experience according to climbing is that the most important thing is ur mindset. If u really wanna win a game dont spam ping, dont flame ur teammates, dont spam ffs and so on. Idk why but in s9 people have insane egos and even 1 first blood on enemy team can make them tilt and they can apparently ruin down or something which isnt enjoyable. Sometimes it happens and u need to understand that some games ( low percent ofc ) arent winnable and they shouldnt affect ur mindset. One thing I noticed only in this season is the rotations people are making. For example illogical 4 man mid or if a lane is losing they just come mid for no reason so they hope they get a kill. This personally tilts me a lot but I kinda got used to it. U just need to assume that in s9 everything is about roaming and sitting one lane such as bot lane. During the season when I was playing talon especially in xayah/kaisa meta I didntr even lane that much. I was focused on roaming as hard as possible. Most of the times I was even building Mobi boots before my tiamat and just babysit bot lane in order to make enemy as behind as possible.

    With kassadin I felt like goin aggresive pages such as electrocute/grasp were so much more rewarding due to fleetfootwork. Idk if u think the same but in my point of view fleet is legit impactless rune even if ur ahead. It indeed gives u insane sustain but u dont rlly deal dmg and in s9 bot lane is almost fed every game so u need to OS their adc. Picking elec is a great choice due to the burst, pressure u will have and most importantly U WONT BE FUCKIN USELESS SCALING FOR NEXT SEASON ( lvl 16 ). It might sound weird but im aggresive type of kassa and not like powerfarming and i like roaming a lot due to the fact no one watches the map. My advice is to be rlly careful pre 6 cuz ur most likely gonna get babysat hard by all lanes no matter what. And also big advice is to keep mental strong. Remember, u are kassadin u will always scale if enemy fucks something up.

    A bit of a short experience but dont hesitate to ask me anything. I will give u advice no matter what so dont be shy ^_^

    Thanks for ur time ^_^

    submitted by /u/Guielez
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    How do you hit level 2 off the first wave?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:39 PM PST

    I was messing around in solo queue (hence the comet Quinn), and saw my enemy laner ping level 2 off the first wave. I assumed he must have cleared wards or something that I'd missed, and decided to check the replay after the game. Doing so, I followed him from leaving base to levelling up. He left base, went to red, waited for a bit, warded it, and entered lane. He last hit 5 of the 6 minions in the first wave and pinged off the first 6 minions.

    It's possible I'm just being stupid, so I was wondering if someone could enlighten me on how he hit level 2 early?


    submitted by /u/BadRequest121
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    Diana Guided Gameplay. Enjoying The Champ? Take Her to The Next Level With This!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:31 PM PST

    Hi there,

    How about we take a look at Diana Mid!

    Here's the guided gameplay packed with what you need to see if this is the champ with the right game plan for you. To leverage mindfulness and compassion to become the best player you could become. If you feel confident in your ability to learn from example, to evalute going forward on your own, this may be the best staring point for you to take Diana to the next level.

    Hope you tune in and enjoy the show. Further feel free to share your related ideas and stories here as well as constructive criticism, supportive comments if you have any. Have a good one. :)

    submitted by /u/TiV3
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    If you're ever getting tired of League of Legends, try jumping on a smurf and /fullmute all, like a singleplayer game.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:34 PM PST

    I'm serious. At a certain point, I started dreading queuing up for League, not because I hate the game, but I hate the playerbase.

    /fullmute all, which turns off all chat and all pings, just makes the game so much more enjoyable. I'm serious. I think the last truly positive interaction with chat was around three years ago.

    I wouldn't really suggest doing this on your main account, since playing without pings is still a bit rough. However, you can do this in norms.

    Before doing this, I was literally unable to have fun playing solo queue norms. Now, i can actually enjoy the game, whether I'm ahead or behind.

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How do i have more impact as a Juggernaut?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:28 AM PST

    Im a plat 1 bruiser player, and while i can play juggernauts what happens most of the time is that people just play safe against me, i build a cs lead and all but after laning i cant do much. im super kiteable and i cant force fights, when i splitpush i just get locked there with the enemy laner and i cant destroy the tower or kill them so the game turns into a 4v4, thus making the game a coinflip.

    Any advice? go-to juggernauts are Morde (i dont have this problem with him because he is broken af) Garen and Darius

    submitted by /u/EmilianoR24
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    Am I missing anything having never used the locked camera?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:10 PM PST

    So this sounds strange but I couldn't really find another post on the subject. Sorry if it's a dumb question.

    There are so many posts of people asking if it's really so important to play with unlocked camera. I'm wondering the opposite--is there any inherent benefit to playing with the locked camera?

    The first moba I played was DotA. Coming from that background, I've just never experienced a locked camera and turned it off during my first game of League because it seemed horrible.

    Is there anything I'm missing by not playing with a locked camera?

    submitted by /u/bowl_of_milk_
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    riven help

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    when i play riven i play mediocre but when i try go for kills i can not get any, the only time when i can really get kills is when my jungle ganks alot but that isnt viable,i always get them low but they just gain health and stomp me, i would like to ask if anyone can tell me how to kill my enemies without my jungle as riven.

    submitted by /u/bestestbotlane
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    What items can I use as Darius etc. that helps reduce CC?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 10:48 AM PST

    I would like to know how I can reduce CC and I'm just not sure what items are good for that, I'm sure it varies by champion so I just used Darius as an example. I've seen some streamers talk about it but Ive never actually been able to see what items they are talking about. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Edit: Fantastic, thank you for all the responses everyone, I had no idea what Tenacity even did so this was a huge help. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/waconcept
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    How to re:train yourself

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:34 AM PST

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Tinnrox main account only solo Q never do with people. Flex with my brothers all gold ish

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Jhaak smurf account to only play with my friends

    I've noticed a huge decrease in my mechanical skill and macro over the last 2 seasons. I don't believe I'm nearly as good mechanically as I was a few season ago. I've seemed to fall into this lack of confidence rutt. What are some steps you can take to re train yourself? I've noticed I can't even main Ahri lately because my play style is overly safe and not punishing. I can't keep my lead snowballing because I struggle to reach priority targets. My overall CS numbers lately are way down as I find myself caught up in always going back to middle after a recall. Maybe I'm stuck on auto pilot?

    In need of some help! Want to take this upcoming season more series. Plan to play way more solo Q games as well.

    submitted by /u/Tinnrox
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    How do you even "main" mid?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:10 AM PST

    Been trying to get back to playing mid (I haven't played league for 5 years) and it just seems impossible, as in, even normal draft pick, the likelihood that I will get my primary (mid) role, is like 1 in 10. I woke up today wanting to play mid, I went into champ select, didn't get mid, dodged, waited out my timer, didn't get mid, dodged, then I went into a match and played out ADC, then I went into another match, and played out adc again, then I really wanted mid, so I tried dodging again, 3 times, but every-time I would get it, someone else would dodge. So , the time I dedicated to playing League for today has already elapsed, and I wasn't able to play my lane a single time.

    So how do you actually "main" this role. if you are going to be playing your secondary role more often anyway? If I never dodge and my 2nd role is ADC, I'll play ADC 60% of the time, autofill 10% of the time, and mid maybe 30% of the time...

    submitted by /u/Significant-Fault
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    Girlfriend with no gaming experience wants to try LoL

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm usually only lurking around the reddit so hopefully the format will come out OK...

    I've been playing LoL for 5-6 years and learned everything the hard way - just play and adapt on my own through experience. However, my girlfriend never understood why do I like this game so much that I watch a lot of PRO games & LoL content on youtube like This or That, Summoning Insight, etc.

    Therefore, she asked me if I could show her how to play this game and maybe then she could understand more why would I rather spend my weekend playing Clash instead of going out somewhere with friends. I consider myself as good tutor on many things in life, but gaming wise... I'm afraid I'll miss out on key things because I find basic stuff to just understand naturally through experience from previous games that I played before LoL. She never played anything but GTA Vice City and Sims 2. It's nothing even similar but I want to give my best attempt to show the game in the best colours.

    So where do I start? I don't think telling her the theory of this game will be any help but practice wise looks too difficult for a complete beginner as well. If there was a similar thread then maybe someone could give me a link for suggestions? I remember tutorial being absolutely useless, so has anything changed there?

    Many thanks in advance if anyone could share with his/her thoughts on this matter!

    EDIT: Thanks everyone for your advices. Seems like she picked to learn LoL by playing MF for now. Hopefully she won't quit because she never died in tutorial and got two pentakills. I know it's easy but I was very surprised she was smart enough not to walk into towers or fountain without me telling her.

    submitted by /u/0vyda
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    Some Observations About High Gold/ Low Platinum Ranked

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Hello Summoners! Sorry if this post is strangely formatted, I'm very new to posting on Reddit but I just wanted to put this out there.


    I've been playing League since Season 2, and most of my games are in ranked. Recently, I've been trying to improve my macro game, and with that I've started noticing a lot of things I never did before. I'm just wondering if other people around the same rank notice these things as well, and, if so, how I can help combat them.

    1. Players Giving Up - This is one of the most common things I see in my ranked games. I'm not talking about, when the game is 27 to 0 and you clearly have no chance of winning. I'm talking about when players will give up the entire game after one or two things go wrong. We have one bad dragon play, the jungler gets countered and killed in their own jungle, bot/top fails to rotate to help the jungler, a lane gets solo killed, a lane gets ganked, whatever. All individual things that are recoverable, but once they happen, it feels like a lot of players just don't want to try anymore. This also goes into my next observation, which is;
    2. Not Knowing How to Play From Behind - This is one of the most irksome things about all of League of Legends. The Dravens who don't understand that being 0/7/0 means that they can't 1v9 the entire game, the under-fed Fiora hard pushing every single wave into the enemy turret despite the fact that Dragon is DOWN, Herald is UP and our Jungler needs to clear their botside jungle, and any other examples you can imagine. It just feels like players don't want to play a game from behind, that they don't want to even try in a game that's not just an easy faceroll/stomp. This is what leads to those players that say, "GG Go next" as soon as your team loses first blood, in conjunction with Observation 1.
    3. Not Knowing How/When to Pressure Objectives - This is probably the biggest deciding factors between a win and a loss. I've had games where my Jungler is cleaning house, they're getting tons of kills, they have insane map pressure, and then... They do NOTHING with it, other than getting some kills. Some players don't understand that objectives are the most important thing you can take. This is mostly something I see with junglers, but it bleeds into other lanes as well. (I.E. Mids not rotating for dragon, tops not effectively using TP to pressure the map, you get the idea.) This bleeds into the mid/late game as well, with a common occurrence being teams waffling in their lanes, waiting for picks to come to them when Dragon/Baron is up and/or spawning soon, deciding to split without any form of TP when objectives are up, not knowing when to push lanes to put pressure when objectives are up, and, as a support main, the most frustrating part, not understanding that vision is the most important thing for objectives and that I can't get vision control alone.
    4. Not Taking Responsibility for Your Own Mistakes - This is extremely common. Players only see the win or loss, and don't look at the other factors of a game. If they win, they don't try to see where they made mistakes and how they could have improved, and if they lose, they don't look to see what they could have done better. This also ties into, just blaming someone else for your mistakes. It's extremely easy to look at the 0/11 jungler and say "Team to heavy gg" but what could you have done to prevent that? You could have rotated when the enemy jungler invaded your jungler's blue, gotten the kill, shut him down, and snowballed. It feels like a lot of players don't consider their part in a game's win/loss.

    I'm extremely interested to hear your guy's thoughts. Feel free to comment about these things regardless of your rank, I'm sure these problems range from Iron IV to Challenger. Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes I may have made!

    submitted by /u/Napstablookie
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    How do I get back into the game?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    So I used to be plat and pretty knowledgeable a couple of years ago, but now I wanted to come back to play Clash with my friends.

    I come back and I have no idea how to learn to jungle again, every game I end up far behind the enemy jungler (2-3 levels behind them by the time they're like lvl 6). I am not sure how to build properly vs my opponents with so many itemization changes. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get back into the groove without borderline inting my games?

    submitted by /u/crytol
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    What should late game wave management look like?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    In laning phase I've started to understand how to manipulate waves to do what I want, and how to decide what I want to do. I'm far from perfect at it, but it's a trial and error process right now. I'll get there. Hopefully.

    After laning phase I'm pretty lost. After laning phase I literally just look around the map and go "OH cs" and rush to it if no one else is going. I just mindlessly look for cs, but I don't "manage" anything. I just clear the wave and move on to the next piece of candy.

    And I know I'm doing something wrong because my cs will be really good early game, but after laning phase even focusing all of my mental on farming, positioning, and trying to get as much gold as possible, I still fall short of perfect cs. By 20 minutes I might have 150 cs, maybe 170 if I'm lucky.

    Can someone explain to me what wave management late game looks like, and then tell me how to physically do it? Explain it to me like I'm 5.

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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