• Breaking News

    Friday, December 13, 2019

    League of Legends My biggest disappointment with League of Legends right now is that Summoner's Rift is the only game mode where you can play the champion of your choice.

    League of Legends My biggest disappointment with League of Legends right now is that Summoner's Rift is the only game mode where you can play the champion of your choice.

    My biggest disappointment with League of Legends right now is that Summoner's Rift is the only game mode where you can play the champion of your choice.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    Everything else aside, I'm realizing that my fundamental disappointment with the removals of Dominion and Twisted Treeline, and the failure of Nexus Blitz, is that Summoner's Rift is the only game type where you can play a champion of your choice.

    Sometimes, for whatever reason, I get tired of playing on SR--sometimes the map just feels too slow, laning phase gets boring, or I just don't have at least 25, up to 40, minutes to play. But, whereas 4 years ago I could swap over to Dominion ("it's fast! it's fun!") or to Twisted Treeline ("rip red buff") and still play the champion of my choice; and 3 years ago I could still play Twisted Treeline PvP or Co-Op games; and just 14 months ago I could play Twisted Treeline or Nexus Blitz, today I can only play other game modes where I get a random champion.

    My Christmas wish is that Riot would simply consider permanently adding at least one other game mode where I could play a champion of my choice.

    submitted by /u/spellbreaker
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    I dc'ed while ganking mid but it worked

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Caps and Perkz swapping roles. Perkz back to midlane, Caps in the botlane.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:27 AM PST

    Sure, G2 is quite a troll on social media, but this seems to be an actual announcement. Interesting to see how this will play out. I'm wondering why Perkz is going back tho if he was the one that really wanted to play with mikyx.


    submitted by /u/gehealgneaiopqe
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    Thresh ganks mid

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Sett Japanese voice is legit Dio

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:45 AM PST

    Thresh VFX update ( E with circle around?)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:45 PM PST

    10 Years from now people will be complaining about their champion not receiving a game yet instead of a skin

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:54 AM PST

    A funny thought I had this morning. Really though, when are we going to get a Rek'sai whack-a-mole game?

    submitted by /u/xDoubtfull
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    League ults but literally (complete edition)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:38 AM PST

    Aatrox decides to assume his true form

    Ahri dashes forward, then forward, then backward again, LOL you thought you'd hit that, get 'outplayed'

    Akali headbutts you so hard it deals magic damage

    Alistar becomes nearly invulnerable for a few seconds, then decides not to

    Amumu suddenly stuns and imprisons everyone around him, then lets them go as he cries helplessly

    Anivia creates a hailstorm to freeze her enemies inside it to death, then decides not to

    Annie summons a huge flaming teddy bear she had it with her all along

    Ashe fires an arrow literally bigger than herself

    Aphelios: See article 17-D of section five (credit: /u/robertdowneysoft)

    Aurelion Sol pukes and it looks kinda pretty

    Azir decides to pull more sand soldiers out of his ass

    Bard stuns his teammates so their enemies can escape in peace

    Blitzcrank puts a fork into one of his sockets

    Brand hurls a ball of ricocheting flame into his enemies that defies all laws of physics

    Braum somersaults into the ground for astonishing results

    Caitlyn tries to recreate an interesting turn of events in U.S politics

    Camille traps the enemy into an inescapable pit

    Cassiopeia is my mom when she finds out i dropped her fine china

    Cho'Gath eats

    Corki gets the very bright idea to shoot bigger rounds, then keeps shooting bigger rounds. Good thinking Corki.

    Darius realizes nobody can resist a two-handed axe blow into their face

    Diana pulls everyone closer to show them the moon's phase. No one is impressed.

    Dr. Mundo refuses to die

    Draven puts the beyblade anime to shame

    Ekko hits Ctrl+Z

    Elise transforms into my ex

    Ezreal misses

    Fiddlesticks shows us why a group of crows is called a 'murder'

    Galio meddles into other people's business

    Fizz throws a homing shark-pedo which deals huge damage and tilts his victim

    Gankplank shoots the sky. The sky shoots back.

    Garen deals true damage to the enemy champion based on how injuried they are because he is the embodiment of honor itself

    Gnar pushes the enemy against the wall

    Gragas wastes a huge barrel of booze

    Graves shoots a physically impossible shell out of his shotgun

    Hecarim and his ghost buddies move really fast for a second

    Heimerdinger consumes a pack of Mentats [+2 INT, +2 PER]

    Irelia drops her razors

    Ivern summons his butch gf to fuck shit up

    Janna blows everyone away

    Jarvan IV releases the second worst WoW expansion

    Jax is tougher (for a few seconds)

    Jayce changes how he holds his weapon

    Jhin puts his rifle together only to fire four shots before re-dissassembling it

    Jinx somehow fires a giant rocket that she had with herself until now, then never does it again

    Kai'sa demands to speak with your manager

    Kalista decides to beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker

    Karma decides to cast a more powerful spell than usual

    Karthus expresses his skill

    Kassadin literally rips apart the fabric of space-time through extremely dangerous and outlawed eldritch magic only to move himself five feet away

    Katarina decides to actually focus for once to incredible results

    Kayle has the power to make an ally invulnerable, but she only does it for a few seconds every time

    Kha'Zix doesn't actually go invisible. He just makes everyone else blink for a full second. Simultaneously

    Kayn sexually assaults the enemy champion

    Kennen baffles meteorologists worldwide

    Kindred, the literal embodiment of death, doesn't let anyone die for a few seconds

    Kled snorts some coke, mounts a lizard and charges into the enemy team

    Kog'Maw pukes. Further.

    LeBlanc casts one of her spells, but like, in a different color, man.

    Lee Sin kicks you further into your own team

    Leona calls down a radiant sunlight which stuns her enemies caught inside it

    Lissandra traps herself in ice as her enemies walk away

    Lucian discovers he can fire his pistols faster than usual, then stops because his fingers are probably very delicate

    Lulu enlarges a teammate so they can stay alive longer (Disclaimer: If your Wild Growth lasts more than four hours, please consult a doctor.)

    Lux fires a huge beam of light to try and hit someone few feet away, misses, and dies

    Malphite knocks you up

    Malzahar stares at you so hard you freeze

    Maokai demonstrates the importance of good fertilizer

    Master Yi remembers he left the stove open

    Miss Fortune somehow shoots a wawe of bullets from two flintlocks

    Mordekaiser is not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with HIM (as he misses 3 Q's, an E, and still 100-0's you from passive+conq)

    Morgana pulls everyone down

    Nami sends a huge crashing wawe so everyone can surf on it and have fun, but no other champion knows how to surf in league and that makes her sad

    Nasus grows larger to the point that literal insects crawl all over him. And mom calls me lazy

    Nautilus discovers what he can do if he slams his anchor to the ground, then just keeps slapping people with it

    Neeko deals more damage than she should

    Nidalee becomes one with her inner pussy

    Nocturne actually has to time his dashes with solar eclipses. It's his biggest secret.

    Nunu stands in the middle of a bush waiting for the perfect opportunity, but it never comes

    Olaf gets angrier than usual

    Orianna forces a group hug

    Ornn summons a ram then rams that ram and that ram rams the enemy

    Pantheon launches himself into air and crash lands into where the enemy team used to be five seconds ago

    Poppy swings her hammer and hits the ground, creating a shockwave that sends her enemies off flying with a sliver of hp

    Pyke shortsightedly inflates the rift's sole currency

    Qiyana kills you and your team for daring to step foot in the jungle

    Quinn uses her bird as a mount, but the idea of shooting from the back of her bird never occurs to her

    Rakan demonstrates the irresistible musk and arome of Axe body spray

    Rammus gently shakes the enemy champions

    Rek'Sai jumps an idiot

    Renekton kills you for believing you could duel him at 6

    Rengar decides that your carry has lived long enough

    Riven pulls her sword together for a few seconds only for it to break again

    Rumble napalms a mountainous forest-region and suffers no repercussions

    Ryze opens a portal which his teammates run away from

    Sejuani drops her fine china. Everyone is stunned out of pure fear. La Chancla is no joke

    Senna prepares for trouble

    Shaco makes it double

    Shen saves an ally from mortal danger

    Shyvana transfroms into a dragon pup. (seriously she's way smaller than the rift drakes)

    Singed downs a flask for courage before asking that girl out, but he can't handle the booze and now is just running around

    Sion ridicules his enemy's courage as he runs away as fast as he can

    Sivir makes everyone run faster

    Skarner is more of a crab/beetle, but he does his best Scorpion impression

    Sona forces a group dance. Cringe ensues

    Soraka teaches a thing or two to the U.S. Healthcare system

    Swain transforms into a giant crow-man, which saps health from his enemies

    Sylas transforms into a giant crow-man, which saps health from his enemies. He was laning against Swain

    Syndra hits you with her balls

    Tahm Kench swallows, then teleports away

    Taliyah fullfills the current US President's campaign promise

    Talon drops his mall ninja collection.

    Taric turns on invuln hack

    Teemo lays down a minefield

    Thresh orders Chinese takeout

    Tristana shoots a cannonball that knocks an enemy away

    Trundle steals your stats

    Tryndamere outskills the enemy toplaner (and their turret)

    Twisted Fate appears out of nowhere. But what's that blue rectangle over his head?

    Twitch somehow shoots ballista bolts from a handheld crossbow

    Udyr lol

    Urgot just wanted to hug you. It's not his fault that there are sawblades attached to his stomach, okay?

    Varus shoots constricting tentacles :)

    Vayne vanishes for a second only to immediately appear inside the enemy team

    Veigar deletes the enemy for walking into his ult range

    Vel'Koz fires his lazor

    Vi punches you up, then down

    Viktor kills the enemy Doublelift lmao never forget

    Vladimir infects the enemy team with a blood disease

    Volibear is way overdue on his power bill

    Warwick lunges forward and beats the first champion he comes across

    Wukong knocks the enemy up for a second... then it's literally a shittier Garen E

    Xayah jumps up and drops a bunch of feathers. She could really use conditioner

    Xerath fires three to five shots, and misses about four each time

    Xin Zhao has heard enough of your shit

    Yasuo appears behind an airbone target, takes two turret shots to deal 150 damage, then gets cc'd and is now one death closer to his 0/10 powerspike

    Yorick summons his mom to come pick him up. He's scared

    Yuumi shoots seven rays of cc, which is wholly uninterruptable

    Zac expresses his superior dance moves. The other champions are impressed

    Zed disappears for a split-second only to overkill your carry by +1000 damage

    Ziggs is somehow not court marshalled

    Zilean can't be killean

    Zoe is over there. Briefly

    submitted by /u/epserdar
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    Sjokz is an icon of the LEC

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:34 AM PST

    Sjokz just won the esport award for best host of the year and her very next tweet is about hater downplaying her talent because she "post weekly pictures of her in a bikini" which is a complete lie btw.

    First, she is one of the oldest members of the LEC cast and has clearly proven to all of us that she's here for the scene, the sport and because she enjoys it her commitment is indisputable.

    Second, her relationship with the players has changed the way casting was done in LEC, the banter, the flame really is what makes LEC so much more fun to watch and she has been doing it for years!

    Third, she's a model for other casters, so many times you hear stories about casters going to an event working with sjokz and just learning years of experience with her she's helping other leagues /other casters to level up.

    There is just so much more to add but I'll let you guys say why do you like her and why she deserves this award. Also, I didn't bring the obvious point on purpose as I'm not a woman and can't talk about how hard it is to make it as a woman, then fight against people that will talk about how it always was an advantage, then fight against people that recognize how hard it was by just bringing it up all the time making it sound like you are just a woman and nothing more.

    submitted by /u/Fnby_
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    The Japanese VA of Dio voices Sett, huh? (FANART)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:02 PM PST


    (hopefully this is the right kind of link lmao)

    art by me @ baesoora

    hope you like it!

    (edit: link edit)

    submitted by /u/SnivyBells
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    Fiddlesticks surprises Ivern

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Nightbringer Lee Sin has a broken/turtle neck

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:45 AM PST

    I bought the new Nightbringer Lee Sin skin and couldn't concentrate on the game because of how distracting his broken/turtle neck is. This is a 1350 RP skin and is a monstrosity. If riot just shortened the neck a little bit it wouldn't look so horrible.


    Edit: I've seen in the past that if enough people complain on a reddit post about something riot may fix it so here's hoping!

    submitted by /u/kris10amanda
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    Thresh Visual Effects Update Confirmed by Riot Sirhaian

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:25 AM PST

    It was originally teased in the Aphelios Champion Spotlight and Riot Sirhaian tweeted:

    Yup. Same as Lux, also a passion project. 💖

    When I saw the amazing new Shadow Isles VFXs for Senna, I thought I could have a stab at updating Thresh's VFXs, and so I did... 👀

    I'll prepare some videos and screenshots later today!

    submitted by /u/Spideraxe30
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    Flash Wolves announced their League of Legends team will be disbanded and they won't participate PCS in 2020.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:16 AM PST


    We are so sorry to tell every fans, Flash Wolves League of Legend team won't participate PCS in 2020.

    We will help player to find new stage for their career. Hopefully, we will see you next game.

    Acrodding to the Facebook post, only League team wii be disbanded. FW's Hearthston and Arena of Valor team and players will be kept.

    submitted by /u/S890127
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    Competitive Ruling: Neon

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST



    Matúš "Neon" Jakubčík, currently on the roster of Misfits Gaming's ERL Team, Misfits Premier, in the LFL, has repeatedly exhibited unacceptable behaviour in his games. As a result he will be suspended for the first half of the Spring Split in 2020.

    submitted by /u/MiliW_
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    Misfits Gaming have kicked Neon from the team, citing behavioural issues.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST


    Misfits Gaming have kicked Neon, their LFL Bot Laner from the team after an LEC ruling for behavioural conduct bans him from competing until the 21st of February 2020.

    For more information on the ruling, click here.

    Quote: "We are disappointed by Neon's actions and his subsequent suspension from the league. As a result, he will no longer be with our team. He is a talented player, but his in-game behavior is unacceptable, and not representative of Misfits Gaming."

    Ruling Quote: "Through an investigation carried out by League Officials, evidence demonstrated that Jakubčík displayed negative behaviour in League of Legends in multiple instances over the course of the past months. After his accounts were flagged for inappropriate behaviour during routine checks, he was initially issued a warning in a call on the 2nd of September where League Officials set clear expectations regarding Jakubčík's behaviour. Unfortunately, he has again exhibited misconduct unbecoming of a professional player. Jakubčík's usage of discriminatory language towards other players in the game is unacceptable and has no place in our competitive ecosystem."

    submitted by /u/memesarenotbad
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    /dev: All About Riot Forge

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    Thresh VFX update by Riot Sirhaian (Forum post)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    CONV/RGENCE: A League of Legends Story - Official Teaser Trailer

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:19 PM PST

    Quick Gameplay Thoughts: December 13

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    12/13 PBE Update: Little Legends Series 4, Thresh VFX Update, & More

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    The LEC returns January 24

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:11 AM PST

    Karma is a swift killer

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:22 PM PST

    Play League of Legends on ANY Language (Korean, Japanese, Russian)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:52 AM PST

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