• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    LoL Guide In 2019, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop buying support items if you are not playing support.

    LoL Guide In 2019, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop buying support items if you are not playing support.

    In 2019, please, for the love of all that is holy, stop buying support items if you are not playing support.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:33 AM PST

    I imagine this will be buried, and never leave new, but this happens to me every game it seems.

    There have been times and metas where building support items as a carry (usually spellthiefs) has been viable. This year, however, they have added a de-buff to the items, making them give significantly less gold when you kill minions excessively. If you are a carry player, you are placing yourself at a major disadvantage by buying these items.

    Despite how nice it seems to get 15 gold for landing some poke on your opponents every few seconds, it will be a net-loss in the end.

    Please just start your normal appropriate starter items.

    submitted by /u/The_Brimler
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    Taric mid funneling a Master Yi jungle is a thing again ...

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST

    I ran into a Taric + Yi duo in Diamond 3 solo queue.

    They have very high winrate.

    Here is the Master Yi's op.gg. He builds rageblade every game, which means he can Q very frequently in fights, making it very hard to pin him down.

    Here is the Taric duo's op.gg. He starts relic shield every game.

    They funnel the Master Yi until he is several levels ahead of everybody else in the game and able to 2v8.

    This isn't a new strategy, but for a while it wasn't very popular after support item changes and monster hunter debuffs. Now, it seems that it's back!

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    Sometimes shit just happens

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:33 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    last 2 days I've demoted down from diamond 2 to diamond 4 50LP.

    I am by no means and do not consider myself a good league player but I am at a decent level and just wanted to let lower elo players realise that slumps happen and sometimes you just play bad and you shouldn't overthink it too much.

    The last 10 games I've felt completely outclassed in my ranked games whereas 2 days prior to that I was playing the best league of my life. It happens to everyone, you will go through periods where things just don't come together at all and no matter what you do you just cant find your form again.

    I've honestly felt like an Iron player in my past ranked games, just letting you know that it happens to everyone no matter what their skill level. Been reading some of the posts on this subreddit lately and I feel like this had to be said.

    gl on the rift guys and gals <3

    submitted by /u/CROCODILE_FUCK_PARTY
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    Want to climb in S10, but I have a few problems.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:53 AM PST

    I really want to improve and become a better player, but I find it really hard to play ranked, so I want to get a few questions off my chest. Those questions started popping into my head after a weekend where my family was out of town, and I just sat and grinded ranked all day with my duo and ranked up in the end.

    1) how many games a day do you minimum need to play to climb? I don't really have much time, so I play around 3-4 games a day, and around 7-8 on weekends, I feel like if I played more id be able to improve more rapidly.

    2) I'm a support player, if I play alone, I can't get good ADCs. And its not even about the gameplay, I have a bunch of ADC players with great mental but low rank, they are the ones I climb best with. However, I feel like playing with a duo is cheating, or that I'm getting boosted, even if the duo is a lower rank than me.

    3) I mostly play normals, but nearly no ranked, since I feel like I can't begin a session with ranked, and need at least 2 normals to warm up, but then as I said I only get to play about 1 ranked.

    4) I don't know whether its a problem, but my champion pool is very limited. I don't feel comfortable playing anything that's not Thresh or Pyke in ranked, and idk if it's good or if I should try to expand my champ pool further. So far, I've not had a champion "click" like it happened with Pyke and Thresh. I play a champ for a few games, get bored and realise it's not my playstyle and move on.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/PiggyTheAstro
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    Any advice for a morgana main

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:24 PM PST

    Hey , I've been playing this game foe years now but im always playing for fun so i avoid rank ,

    I've been morgana main for about two years now , i finally reached mastery 7 with her , i really beileve a good morgana player but i have a few problems ,

    • Mana / i always start with the support item and go for Landry's torment for my W , without it i just feel useless , but doing that makes me spend a lot of mana. Especially cuz i spam W to benefit from the support item ,

      • Blackshield / i just dont seem to be using the dark shield the right way , when i play against a morgana i just feel that her E is her strongest point , it just feels too useful when they use it while when i use it i dont feel that being too useful ,
      • Morello / im not sure if i should be using this item after completing LT , when i buy LT i notice the difference in my W , while buying morello doesnt seem to be working right with my W .
      • R , i beileve that im using my R really good , i usually pull a triple stun or get myself a kill or it helps me escape a critical situation ,the problem is , my teammate never seem to capitalise on it , everytime i use it in a team fight , my team escapes instead of going for a kill ,
      • if there is any other tip you guys can help me with , I'll be thankful 🖤💜🖤
    submitted by /u/Airus96
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    Should you practice cs'ing on a character with poor AA or practice with your main(s)?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    So I'm back from about a two year break and my cs'ing has taken a bit of a hit ( gone from reliable 70-75 cs/10 min to 55-60 cs/10 min).

    So I'm just wondering if you suggest I practice on a char I know using no runes and such or on someone with shitty autos (karth,LB,Anivia etc.)

    Mechanically I'm pretty solid,but I'm definitely not getting back to Plat with my cs rn.

    submitted by /u/whyilikemuffins
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    Why is Lulu not meta?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:23 PM PST

    I'm an adc/mid main in mid plat. Whenever I get autofilled support I always play lulu and I always seem to produce great results. I have an aggressive play style and feel like I can control most lanes with my harass alone. Transitioning into late game I feel powerful as well with so many great tools to help peel my adc... but I never see her picked, like ever. Can someone shed some light on this?

    I also realized when I play her I don't play the standard build, E max > w > q. I go full aggro and max Q first then E. I've found great success in this where an E aa Q aa can chunk 2/3s health bar on most adcs/supports around level 5. I realize this type of play could be punished hard at higher skill levels but it almost seems abuseable even in mid plat.

    Interested in your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/iSpeilz
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    I encountered Wukong + Yuumi bot lane in a Diamond 3 Ranked game

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:57 AM PST

    I played with a duo who play Wukong + Yuumi bot lane every game, here is the Wukong's op.gg. They seem to have done well in almost every recent match.

    It's a very interesting strategy that I hadn't encountered before.

    I don't think it's too meta-breaking or crazy good, but I do like when players come up with new ideas and find ways to make them work :)

    submitted by /u/TwitchTV-Zubin
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    How should I start playing squishier champs?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    I'm still pretty new to this game, but I've got a little experience under my belt. I mainly play top and mid, with mordekaiser, nasus and yorick as my top champs, and exclusively rumble mid. I find all these champions really fun to play.

    I've been recently trying to play squishier champs like mages and assassins, such as brand, vladimir and kassadin. I don't turbo int on them, but I find I constantly get deleted. I usually have a ridiculously high KDA like 12/12/12 on them because I usually get off one rotation of spells and kill one or two people before before I instantly die, and I die a whole lot. What is the gameplan for these champs? As a tankier champ, I could pretty much not worry about getting one shotted so I wouldn't have to worry about moving around alone. Am I supposed to just follow around the tanky champs as a squishy?

    submitted by /u/idestroypp_69
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    Why do I always lose to Rengar top?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:21 AM PST

    So, I don't know why I always lose to Rengar top lane. I pick Jax? I get completely demolished. Pick Tryndamere? Same. Pick a tank or scaling champion? My laning phase is over before I can even blink. Now now, I don't play top lane, and usually whenever I go against one of these Rengars they seem to know what to do and execute it decently enough, but I just don't grasp how to play vs. a Rengar top.

    Why does Rengar top even work? I look at his abilities and... honestly, they're not lane winners themselves. I don't have a damn clue why it works and how, despite me picking a higher damage and/or higher base stats champion, I ALWAYS lose trades. Perhaps I underestimate his kit, but I feel like his kit is not optimal, but his playstyle is.

    Does anyone know why Rengar top works? How he wins trades? What does he have to do (from a Rengar perspective) to dominate lane? And, from the opponent perspective, how to win lane against a Rengar?

    submitted by /u/ForeverStressed
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    How can I adapt to passive ADCs as support?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:42 PM PST

    I have been playing LoL for almost 2 years now. And throughout my climb, I have met different types of players. And this is the type that tilts me the most as it can sometimes feel like a 1v2 in the lane. I am not talking about people who play ADC's like Vayne, Jinx, Kogmaw. I am talking about people who play ADC's like Lucian, Caitlyn, and Draven. Isn't the whole point in playing strong early game ADC's is to play as aggressive as possible to pressure your opponents into a corner. Not let them free farm then outscale you? I play Nami and I try to play as aggressive as I can but recently I just feel like with these players I cannot do that and I just die for being "overly" aggressive. I'm currently diamond 4 trying to make the push to climb and I know I have to be the one to carry but how can I carry these players the same thing applies when I play with silver players they play way too passive and get nothing done.


    submitted by /u/Main-Swimmer
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    how do people manage to climb with immobile adcs?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST

    I became interested in botlane recently and every time I play something like Jinx or Ashe I feed my ass off.

    My main adc is Tristana who I played quite a bit in solo lanes so you might say I'm simply more experienced with her, but she is not meta currently, at least not in botlane, and even so I'm doing so much better with her than others. Vayne also feels decent despite her being weak early and difficult to play. The only immobile adc I do more or less okay on is Twitch if I'm allowed to scale.

    There is no peel, literally no peel, teammates don't care if you live or die, they don't even notice that Diana, Kha and Irelia are out to get you. Of course I'm low elo (I think the highest players I meet are Gold 2) but adcs like Ashe and Caitlyn dominate the winrates. So people do climb with them a lot - how do they do it?

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    [Mid] How do you not die to ganks?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST

    Haven't played in 2 years, might start playing again since Overwatch kind of sucks right now. Previously a D5/D4 mid main.

    Dying to ganks has always been a problem for me. Right now my MMR is probably mid-high gold somehow after decaying a few seasons. Laning is easy and I can always get a kill or two and be up in CS, but regardless of whether or not I'm better I still might get fucked by their jungler and end up losing lane.

    I'm aware of strategies to be aware of their jungler's location. Warding is one obvious one. Another one is to keep track of the side their jungler is on, and also hopefully know where they're going to be later. If your other lanes are ungankable, you should make sure you're not easy to gank at that moment.

    That being said, there are times where there's not much info, or their jungler is just someone I don't know how to deal with, e.g. Evelynn. Apparently she has a charm now. Regardless of the charm, how do you even deal with her invisibility?

    In terms of actual questions: if you have some reason to believe their jungler is in the bush or coming to your lane, is it absolutely necessary to play 100% safe? What if there's not enough info to know where they are? In that case I often just roll the dice and hope they're not there, and that gets me killed sometimes and other times it doesn't.

    Lastly, what do you do against champs like Evelynn? Warding their jungle I guess is one strategy and to know where she is at all times, but what if you don't know where she is at some point? Do you just play stupidly safe?

    submitted by /u/hi_im_horse
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    Thank you to this subreddit!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:39 PM PST

    My name's Harry Petyr for those who don't know me.

    Today is the first day I've stumbled across this subreddit.

    I came in here and saw all you guys trying to continuously improve. I scrolled through so many pages reading hundreds if not thousands of posts about you all trying to continuously learn and get better with these never ending changes. Minion wave manipulations....different matchups....how to deal with meta picks...you name it all.

    I've been having severe motivational issues this past month after reaching the highest of heights in Challenger. Girls throwing themselves at me, endless amounts of LP and all the money you can ask for.

    But I forgot the true reason I got into this game called League of Legends. It was to acquire as much knawledge as mentally possible.

    Thank you to this subreddit for bringing back that fire into me and making me realize what its truly all about!


    Harry Petyr

    submitted by /u/HarryPetyr
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    Support moving to ADC

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    Hey guys just looking for tips and advice on making the switch from support to ADC for the new season. I'm a plat 1 support main who's just tired of playing support and looking for a change. It was between top lane and ADC but I feel more comfortable in the bot lane since that's where I've been playing. Anything helps. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Legerity19
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    Help with Aatrox

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    So I'm starting to learn aatrox, he seems really good when played right but I know his state in the meta is super rough rn but I wanna learn him cause he is a powerhouse in the right hands so I wanna learn how to use him in lane and team fights. Any help would be helpful and I hope you guys will be able to help. Cause I really do enjoy him and like him it's just hard to be consistent with him

    submitted by /u/TylerF01
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    Should I master at least one tank as a support main?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    I usually play support mages such as Lux and Morgana. When enemy team is squishy I feel extremely confident and my team usually wins, I can even be the carry. But the more tanks the enemy has, the worse my play gets and overall result as well. If I see enemy team consisting of bulky champs such as Mordekaiser, Leona, Blitzcrank, Illaoi etc. then I usually go full utility with Ardent Censer, Redemption and maybe some Zhonya's and Banshee's for my own protection. It helps somewhat for my own KDA, but not so much for the team. I'm in low elo and there's much of ARAMing here after laning phase. When we don't have tank, and they do have more than one, then I noticed that we are bound to lose in teamfights. That usually leads to losing the game.

    So here comes my question. If no one on my team picks a tank, then should I take one? Or is it still viable to somehow adapt a squishy mage to such situation?

    submitted by /u/szczebrzeszyszynka
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    Late Game Jungling

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    I've just been spamming Lee Sin jungle recently.

    As per usual, I am definitely weak late game.

    What exactly should I be doing late game as Lee Sin in teamfights? I've just been trying to get good kicks on the enemy ADC, or any target that is a priority to kill. Is there anything else I should be doing?

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Should I stop a camp to counter gank?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Lets say I am red side blue buff and my bot lane is getting ganked. The blue is at about 50% health, should I stay and finish it off to get exp or levels, or should I stop the camp and quickly rotate bot? I'm always confused in what to do in these situations

    submitted by /u/Brilliant-Village
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    Am I normal or am I just utterly unskilled at this game?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    So, here's the story:

    I started playing lol a week ago, never played similar games before. I went through the usual tutorial, and then started doing matches agains AI with a character I unlocked (Rakan), just to get the hang of it. After some time spent into practice mode and matches against AI, I started doing some blind matches, playing as support (Rakan). I never had any sort of problem, but today during a game someone on chat made me notice me I am completely unskilled at this game, despite playing Rakan only. Told me I'm slow with shields (like, when Heimerdinger shoots him with his rocket launcher; apparently, I'm supposed to have such a reaction time that I shield him before he gets hit by the rockets) and that... yeah, pretty much I cant play that character, despite being the only character I play.

    So, am I actually an extremely slow learner and I should just give up that game, or was he (she?) being just a dick? He told me he played lol even less than me (like, a couple of days), but I find it hard to believe, since he was constantly pinging cooldowns (even those of other players, I dont even know how to do that), and used some pretty technical language too. Plus, he found the time, all while playing, to actually check my match history on the web (on a site like leagueofgraphs, I suppose), and made fun of my lack of timing, despite being an "OTP Rakan" (I dont even know what that means lol).

    Long story short, was he just being a dick, or am I actually just too old for this kind of shit and should give up? XD
    (check my match history to, if you guys wish, my summoner name is Spadavecchia and I play on EUW)

    submitted by /u/pvt_spadavecchia
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    [Toplane] Help with macro decisions

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Hello you reading this,

    I'm a main top playing mostly Jax at gold1/low plat elo. I need your help because i consider than i have a pretty strong laning phase allowing me to get ahead in 90% of my games, but i can't seem to be able to snowball that lead at all if my other teammates are behind, stopping me from winning more games. I'm always undecisive on splitpushing every tho i revolve my gameplay around it, i sometimes have trouble with grouping or not with my team when they are behind. Here's a link to my op gg https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=W%C3%8FN

    I don't know if that's possible but i wonder if someone could take time to review one of my games, the one where i went 8/3/4 against a Darius that perfectly shows my weaknesses, in the sens that i can't snowball my lead to win the game, when i really think that this one was winnable. I know this kind of thing is normally something you would pay for, but i'm not quite confident in asking my parent's credit card for a video game coaching tbh, that's why even tho you wouldn't watch it entirely, every bit of help would be more than welcome.

    Have a great day everyone reading this.

    submitted by /u/Shiroyasha7
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    Playing with unlocked camera

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST

    So I'm a decent silver player who started playing last preseason and climbed to silver IV in my first competitive season. I generally play support or mid, but I'm trying to get better at the game in general and feel like learning to play with an unlocked camera will help a lot. I've never played a game without my camera locked and the one time I tried it didn't go well. From what I've seen it allows you to have much better map awareness and I think it'll help me help my team more, especially when I'm playing an assassin like Diana who can roam. How do I learn to play off camera without costing my team while I'm learning? And do you all have any tips as to how to start the process? Thanks in advanced!

    submitted by /u/AceTheSandman
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    How to play against Dr.Mundo?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    How do you guys manage to play against a Mundo? I can't remeber winning a lane against him and it's just really frustrating to play against him for me :/ (Yeah I'm a silver scrub i suck) I'm always getting Grievous Wounds against him but he still outheals everything with like three guys attacking him.

    submitted by /u/ChampleonLP
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