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    Friday, December 13, 2019

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Champion Pool Megathread: December

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    Reading EVERY Rune in League of Legends

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:14 AM PST

    I was talking to my friend whos about gold recently, and I was trying to teach him a bit about what runes to run and why. I quickly realized that despite him playing for so many years, he never read the runes, and I don't think that it's that uncommon for most players to not know what the runes do to a high degree if it's not what they usually run on their handful of champions. So I took the time to read literally every run in the game, and give a brief explanation to why you would run it and give examples of champions that use it best.

    This is a video targeted at beginners as it doesn't go wildly in depth. Hope this helps:


    submitted by /u/SawyerGG
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    One cannon wave is over 2.5 wolf or raptor camps worth of exp.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:37 PM PST

    Just a reminder of the absolute state of jungle exp and for junglers to soak waves (especially cannon waves) when your laners aren't there.

    Also the scaling on jungle camps is extremely poor, with the exp. value only increasing by 16-18% from level 1 to level 17 (the camp exp scales up by 25%, however since the jungle item gives a flat +50 exp., the actual percentage increase is quite a bit lower)

    submitted by /u/Chance-Ambition
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    10 cs per min is a lie or how I stopped worrying about my cs and help the team.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:38 AM PST

    Well I read/watched so many things. Everyone tells to farm. Like farm farm farm. People tell you to set goals for yourself which is total bs imo. You can't hit 10 cs per min in low elo game and help your team in tfs. They dont use their eyes they are gonna fight anyway, and will be tilted af if they see you farming at side lane after they die. if you stay in mid araming with them you ll have to compete with your sup and other 3 players to get the farm.

    For me if you have more cs than your laner you did a good job. If you have the highest cs in the game you did a great job.

    7-8 cs is usually what I see in challenger games and losing side generally has even lower than that.

    When you re collecting farm, if you can get all of em you re good. If you can cs under pressure you re doing great.

    Setting targets may force you to focus on farm whereas the real goal in game is to win by taking objectives. And you generally need to tf to get objectives. Your team wont prep side lanes before they tf. So you either get the cs and achieve your virtual goal and pray your team don't fight or get caught or you can stay with them. Btw they always get caught.

    Yes laning cs is damn important but some games there ll be a party bot lane and you ll have 50 cs by 10 min. Just look at your enemies cs. They have less than 50? All good then.

    When I first started reading stuff to get better everyone put so much emphasis on cs that at one point I was playing solely to get farm. That's not the right mindset and I couldn't climb. You can leave that side lane wave to turret if your team is gonna tf.

    I climbed out of bronze/silver after I stopped worrying about my cs per min. I am now climbing in gold by focusing on other aspects of the game such as wave management, tracking people, positioning, punishing etc. my cs is generally at 7 8 per min and I almost always have the highest cs so all good.

    If I see myself getting behind in cs when I reach a certain tier then I can focus on farming again and see how I can do things better. Game has so many stuff other than cs so I just wanted to get this out in case there re other noobs like me who overemphasize farming.

    submitted by /u/bednamm
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    Need help learning how to play unlocked!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Hello everyone :) I started playing league in S3, and played mostly to S7. I'm wanting to get back in, but I'd like to learn how to play with my screen unlocked before I reinforce my bad habit. I've tried to play with an unlocked screen, but I just can't figure out what I'm doing. I play much better locked, so I usually give up after dying once or twice. There are plenty of videos about how to unlock the camera, move it, space bar, etc etc, but none really explain HOW to get better at it. How to actually use it effectively and improve. Can anyone give me any pointers? I'd really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/42AProfresh
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    Long Bounce Guide (24/54 Strategy, 19/49 Strategy)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    tl;dr (Side lane) - Push in your minions from the middle of the lane before x:24 or x:54 and the minions will bounce

    tl;dr (Mid lane) - Push in your minions from the middle of the lane before x:19 or x:49 and the minions will bounce

    I didn't realize I couldn't post pictures here. Forgive the terribly cropped photos.


    Note: Top Lane examples only. I won't say much about HOW to use this information much, mostly just what it is.

    I Just finished placements - I'm a Bronze 1 Toplaner, maybe I'll get Silver one day. You too can be B1 with this strategy. In all seriousness, this strategy works. And yes, 3/7 record OP, I guess you need some semblance of mechanics in this game.

    My definition of a Long Bounce: When you push your minion wave where it walks several seconds without encountering an enemy minion wave and it bounces off the enemy turret.

    Here's an example of what a perfect bounce should look like at the turret with this strategy:


    Figure 1. Ahhh, perfect. Notice how enemy minion waves are barely arriving as your minions barely arrive.

    Imagine this: You just solo killed the enemy. You have like 50% health. The game clock is 7:12. Minions are at the midpoint of the lane. It will take you 8 seconds to clear the enemy minion wave. Should you slow push or fast push this wave?

    Pure wave management methodology: Wait for your reinforcements (slow push the current wave), then fast push the next wave.

    Streamer methodology (i just checked like 4 different streamers): Fast push this wave, regardless of the time. If it doesn't bounce, fast push the next one too. If it does bounce, hit the turret a few times and maybe drop a ward, then back to avoid wasting time.

    24/54 Strategy: You should fast push this current wave then back immediately

    The Strategy

    Basic idea: If your minions are in the middle of the lane, if you can clear the enemy minions between 7:08 and 7:24, it will bounce into their turret before enemy minion reinforcements.

    • This holds true every 30 seconds. So 7:08-7:24, 7:38-7:54, 8:08-8:24 etc. So yeah, "before x:24, before x:54" strategy. Pushing outside of these 16 second windows means your minions will NOT long bounce.
    • The reason why there's a lower limit (7:08) is because the enemy wave arrives at the midpoint at 7:08.

    This is kind of big brain, but if you can get the enemy's wave to cross the midpoint at 6:26, your turret will only hit the melee minions. It will not hit the ranged minions, so you can get in a defensive position where you don't have to extend at all.

    I suppose junglers could also use this. For example, if they saw the enemy pushing the wave in at 6:56, they know the enemy laner will either take a really weird back or the enemy laner will have to push the next wave on his own side.

    Anyways, here's some pictures:


    Figure 2. Minions pass the midpoint at 6:24


    Figure 3. Example of the long bounce which results from this

    By counterexample, if you push everything at 8:26 at the midpoint (2 seconds late), you're likely getting frozen on. If you have only ranged minions, you might be fine.


    Figure 4. Bad. Fruits of poor labor, pushing 1-2 seconds late

    Offsets - What if the wave isn't in the middle of the lane?

    I ran out of patience to test this fully since the practice tool is bugged with minion spawn time (Loses a little time each time you use fast-forward).


    Figure 5. Picture of the top lane's arrow thing on the floor

    General idea: There's a 4 second advantage/disadvantage at the arrow in top lane on the floor, but the advantage/disadvantage is a little deceiving. Basically, if your minions pass the lane's midpoint by 7:24, you're good.

    For example: Let's say you have the 4 second disadvantage (minions are on your arrow thing). Let's say the game clock is 7:05. So you need to push in by 7:20, this is the correct answer.

    However, enemy reinforcement minions don't arrive on your arrow thing until 7:08 + 4 seconds, which is 7:12. Since it's 7:05, you just got reinforcements, but the enemy hasn't. So you need to push this wave AND the reinforcement wave. If you can kill all minions by 7:20, you're golden! So in reality, you have 8 seconds to push the next wave (7:12 - 7:20), assuming the wave doesn't move forward until you clear it all.

    In theory, if you can't clear quickly and minions are on your side, you'll have to slow-slow-fast push. So slow push this wave, slow push the incoming reinforcement wave (hopefully you'll get the minion line closer to the middle), then fast push the last one.

    In practice, this is a 40 second time investment. There's no way your enemy will allow you to do this. If your enemy minion wave is pushing into you, consider a freeze > recall. If your wave is pushing, I think you're screwed. Usually, I fast push this one, press B, and hope my enemy pushes it back. I play against players who are gold and below. They ALWAYS push it back.

    Getting pushed in feels like a lose-lose. Any feedback on what to do here is welcome.

    Offsets create a lot of special cases, so I won't say much more. I've had a lot of really wacky cases that ended up working out perfectly because I knew I couldn't bounce. I use the freeze into recall strategy a lot. If you back with a 2 minion disadvantage at the middle of the lane, you can come back to a huge wave near your turret. Useful if you got an extremely early kill, you have low health, and you have minimal waveclear at level 1-4.

    Midlane Timings

    Midlane is a bit different, but the trick is 19/49 for midlane. THIS IS MINIMALLY TESTED!

    If your wave is in the middle, clear the wave from 7:27-7:49 and you'll bounce it (that's 22 seconds out of 30, wowza!). Now that you know this trick, if you do it any other time, you're bad.

    Good times (Push from middle of mid at these times):

    • 7:27-7:49
    • 7:57-8:19
    • 8:27-8:49
    • 8:57-9:19

    Images and Examples from Real (normal) Games (top lane only)!:


    Figure A. Lucian (Enemy) has 14 seconds to bounce and chooses to slow push


    Figure B. Trynd (Me) sees it's past 5:54 and walks away (it ends up meeting near Trynd's arrow thing). Don't be Lucian top.


    Figure C. Garen (Me) clears the wave at exactly 9:54


    Figure D. Garen gets a long bounce (Teemo shroom slowed it down a little), but the turret denied all the minions. You can see Garen is also waaay back and already in his back animation.

    Videos of Streamers and Their Waves

    These are some videos that'll show the wave at different times. I'm not trying to bash anyone and I did NOT get permission. I've been playing a lot of Trynd, so it's skewed towards top lane.

    Also, most streamers just fast push > fast push after a kill, so it's hard to find varied examples. Where this strategy is super apparently turns out to be pretty uncommon. Also, mid long bounces are impossible to find. All midlaners clear the current wave, then fastpush the next one.

    Example: Successful Long Bounce

    (this is a vid of Fogged) https://youtu.be/1DaZ4tE9Iuk?t=334

    This is an example of good timing on this wave. He clears it by 5:54 with a 1-2 second position advantage.

    Example: Pushing too early

    (this is a vid of Neace) https://youtu.be/Kqoxf1gGb88?t=666

    You can see here, he has a wave near the arrow thing, which means he would have to push this in by 7:20, which is unlikely. He ends up pushing the wave where it crosses the midpoint at 7:32, which is 8 seconds off. From a PURE (non-realistic) wave manipulation standpoint, he would have slow pushed from his side, then fast pushed the next one for the long bounce.

    Example: Pushing too late

    (this is a vid of SoloRenektonOnly) https://youtu.be/1_qHnU5qIm8?t=278

    This is nitpicky: Mundo starts pushing at 6:24, when he will never get that under turret. He could slow pushed this wave, then fast pushed the next wave from his side of the map. He had wards though, so he knew he was safe to do this.

    Example: Pushing too slow (1 second)

    (this is a vid of Fogged) https://youtu.be/DhBU4cn2PbE?t=285

    The enemy Malphite pushing into Trynd. He's supposed to push this in before 5:20, since the minions are pretty much on the arrow thing, and has an opportunity to do that, but is about 1 second too slow (camera cut out). When Trynd catches the wave, the turret can't hit the ranged creeps.

    Example: Pushing too slow (1 second)

    (this is a vid of TF Blade) https://youtu.be/LGISpREld-U?t=645

    Jax has all his skills available. If he used EQW+tiamat, he could have performed a long bounce. We see his clearing under tower is a little weird because he was barely late.

    Example: Pushing too slow (4 seconds)

    (this is a vid of Jay Sea) https://youtu.be/L1MBJn91im8?t=336

    Here, Karma pushes the wave at 6:28 with a 1-ish second position advantage, which is 3-4 seconds too slow. Had he empowered his Q earlier and fast pushed it, he could have gotten a long bounce. I hate to throw shade, but he says like 10 seconds later: "I wish I had a ward". Had he known this strategy, he could have long bounced the wave.

    Outer to Inner Turret Long Bounce

    Minimally Tested: I found the timing for outer to inner turret to be x:39/x:09 for sidelanes (approx. 9 seconds to push) and x:43/x:13 for mid.

    Explanation on Slow then Fast

    Why would someone slow push the first wave, then fast push the second?

    The reason why you want to just last hit (slow push) the current wave, and wait for reinforcements is this:

    Let's say it's 9:56 and 6 minion wave in the middle of the lane.

    If you want to get the minions into turret, you'll need to push this wave and the next wave anyways. If you fast push the current wave, you'll have to fast push the NEXT wave on the enemy side of the map (you're gankable).

    If you slow push this wave, you can keep it in the middle. Then your wave will double stack and you can push the next wave from the middle (safer). You'll have to slow push for 12 seconds for reinforcements to arrive (at 10:08).


    I don't have a video on this, but I use this probably 2+ times a game. After every solo kill or enemy recall or enemy roam, I use this in some capacity. I hope you find this useful.

    Let me know if this worked for you!

    submitted by /u/ForceGoat
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    How do these pros carry in low elo without stomping lane/feeding teammates? i cant grasp it

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

    I played in dia5/4 at peak. and lately mid gold im having trouble. My usual situation is 2 things.

    I stomp lane and try to spread my lead but team doesnt play around me and they pick terrible fights/no objective/bad calls and my lead tends to diminish and we lose.Im ahead of my laner by alot but my team feeds a enemy carry who can 1 shot me. (i play ad or mid)

    I dont understand how some of these pros can get 90%+ winrates so easily as if these things never happen andalot of their games they arent even ahead. sometimes even feed underestimating but still carry.

    Ive gone 25-5 as ad where my teams total was 8-32. Games where my bot is 1-12 before 15m to twitch/vayne. etcetc. Another big one that is next to impossible for me to deal with is when my team feeds a vayne/yi/fizz/rengar. Champs such as that who can run through my entire team / 1 shot me with ease. How does one win against champs of that nature

    my question is. How can they carry games without snowballing hard so easily. Even if im syndra for example. And am 3-0 great cs hitting every stun to win team fights and my team is too far behind. Is not warding. Getting caught constantly how are those games winnable by pros. Im lf someone who is masters+ who smurfs who can help me, Should i roam alot more? I tend to focus more on getting a sizeable lead against my laner when i player in low elos

    submitted by /u/raze1225
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    reluctant to play ranked

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    hello, i've been playing technically for like 6 months or so but i started playing consistently a month or two ago. I'm level 38 and while I still lost most draft pick games I'm starting to be able to carry, and it often feels like I'm not the main reason we're losing anymore. There have been a couple days where I'm doing well and I think "oh hey i'll give ranked a try" and then i just get destroyed. even if i was getting 20 kills the games before i just cant fight people in ranked.

    I've heard ranked is the best way to improve from friends and from some videos and such, but its hard to get myself to do it. I play awfully, I get flamed, I don't feel like I'm learning anything, and I get out of the game just feeling bad, and I just wanna load up a draft pick or tft or something.

    Are there any tips to make ranked for a new player more bearable? Or should i just not even be playing ranked yet?

    Sorry if this is a dumb/common question, thanks for the help in advance.

    submitted by /u/d0vish
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    I like to play champs like MF and Quinn. Any other champs similar I should main?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:49 PM PST

    I'm finally passed level 40. But I would not consider myself skilled a player. I feel comfortable playing MF and Quinn. But by no means am I carrying the team. I get kinda bored playing those two champs. However I do prefer champs with range attacks.

    Any other champ recommendations that would be easy to pick up? Thanks for helping a newbie out!

    submitted by /u/yunie_c
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    What is Cull really about?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone. I'm still kinda new to League, so I'm not exactly the most well-experienced yet, but I already know a thing or two. But a certain item has been bugging me for a while: Cull. I haven't seen anyone build it, neither seen it as a recommended item. All I know is that it's an early game item. But my questions is: why build it (I know it's extra money, but idk if it's worth picking over any regular cheap component) and when (more like in which situations) to build it?

    submitted by /u/Endique123
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    I’m a jungler and trying to figure out my priorities.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    So I just reached level 30 but I have played 60-70 percent of my games as Warwick jungle and I've noticed two types of games. First, the games where my teammates allow me to jungle and don't ping me to gank lane before I reach level 6. Second, the games where they expect me to gank lane at level 1-3.

    I recognize that I reach level 2 and 3 quickly, but my main objectives are take drake at level 4 and gank at level 6. Should that be my goal or should I be ganking from level 2-6?

    submitted by /u/espuinouge
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    [Basic Question] What are the Junglers Essentially doing Early Game?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 09:20 AM PST

    Hi SS!

    This Preseason I've been looking to refine my overall game knowledge, playing other champs in other roles (I main Support), as well as champion classes I'd been less comfortable with (playing more tanks when my comfort zone is immobile mages, enchanters).

    Anyway, one of the major challenges in doing this has been learning Jungle. I think, as someone who typically plays in a lane, I have some basic idea that some junglers want to intervene with me (gank), maybe rush an early dragon, while others scale well and really want to focus more on collecting gold and exp from camps. Using that analogy, I can compare an early game jungler to something like a Draven who thrives on fighting and getting kills in lane, and a scaler to something like Vayne, which certainly can skirmish when the time is right, but is content farming and becoming a bigger and bigger threat through items and levels.

    But the major difference to me is perhaps a flaw in making the lane/jungle comparison too binary. To me, if I'm winning a lane, I try to secure that lead with a tower capture, maybe a lane swap for more towers and objectives, getting deep vision down and the like.

    What is the analogy for Jungle? I understand that as a jungler you essentially want the same things as a laner: pressure, vision, objectives, farm, even towers. But because the win condition of LoL is to take the enemy Nexus which necessitates taking Towers, and Junglers do not sit in a lane early game: What is the best way to think of a Jungler's job(s) early game?

    I want to emphasize that as the game goes on, I think the role of jungle becomes more clear to me, as towers are pushed down and more grouping / splitting happens, and Jungler is the one with Smite summoner, so they want to be near objectives and such. So my question really deals with those early levels.

    Thanks in advance and sorry if that was a little rambly! 🤣

    submitted by /u/d-b-m
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    Higher elo Karma players: How do I play her now?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 12:53 PM PST

    I always play her solo top (70% time) and 25% supp and the rest whatever.

    My beef with her is her identity (poke mage early) is so overnerfed. Her buff means nothing because you dont max E first so her early game is horrendous.

    I got to the point where I was outpushed and outpoked but high mana champs like Chogath. Its already hard for me to trade because jes literally in the wave and my Q and RQ doesnt go through wave while all his abilities do.

    In the bottom lane as a supp, I just make sure I need to land all my abilities and I can technically get ahead but later, my full AP build does no dmg. Forcing me to get Athene to become a healer instead but her peel isnt exactly the strongest and she feels like an enabler now.

    But back to solo lane; its just horrendous. Q is so weak. My W deals more damage ( has more AP ratio but I have to max it last). She cannot clear casters unless shes super ahead.

    Then I figured hmm maybe its the rune, I tried Absolute Focus for some extra AP to clear wave. Sacrifcing Transcendence means I dont get to my 40% cdr powrspike soon.

    As for keystone. Comet sucks because her being full AP is as dead as prerework Urgot playrate.

    Grasp is an option? Aery doesnt feel strong but its always like optimal.

    Then Im left with Inspiration Glacial Augment. Looks good on paper but tbh even with GA, any melee with Phage can chase me down.

    Keeping my distance far means I cannot farm my own caster with AA and if I do I have to fight but its normally a bad trade.

    Im just so done. Do I just be a supprt slave instead picking Guardian with Redemption Solari first items because its basically making Riot and ADCs happy

    submitted by /u/hydes_zar94
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    What are some things about the jungle that every jungler should look to improve on.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 07:44 AM PST

    I'm not the best at jungle, but I absolutely love the role. I started playing league a few months ago and no other role is as enjoyable as jungle is for me. I'm honestly just looking for things to improve on day by day, they can be small things or big things, any replies are welcome!

    The junglers I enjoy the most are Kayn, Kha'zix, Rek'sai, and Kindred.

    submitted by /u/Morailiette
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    Advice against diana mid?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:35 AM PST

    Hey guys, Gold 4 mid laner here. Diana is just one of those champions that I always seem to struggle against, and I'm just asking for some general advice as to how to play against her in lane as well as after lane phase. I know they just changed her kit around and I'm up to date on the patches. I generally don't feed her in lane but I know trading her when she has W down is ideal. But besides that I have no idea what her weaknesses are throughout the game and how to play around her. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/IbrahimAli98
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    God fist or prestige nightbringer?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 03:30 PM PST

    Hi, I was wondering if I should try getting the new prestige lee sin skin or spend my tokens for other prestige skins. Consider that I already have god fist lee sin. In the second case which prestige skins are the best ones in terms of animations and particles?

    submitted by /u/dabestjojo
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    Help with Kalista mid and top.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:43 AM PST

    I've been playing lots of Kalista lately and I've climbed from silver to Plat 2 playing her mid and top in soloq.

    I typically build her full onhit going Bork, Hurricane, Rage Blade, Wits end, and Merc with the lethal tempo rune. I sometimes will sub in a tank item depending on their team comp. I also sometimes choose cleanse instead of flash if their team has insane levels of cc.

    With this build I'm able to kite at such a high speed that enemies have trouble even clicking targeted abilities on me. I realized recently that this build is weak against crit carries (especially bursty ones) who can delete me.

    So my question is would a crit build be more effective or a hybrid onhit crit build? Or should I build more tanky after the bork, hurricane, rage blade?

    Thanks, my account is @KinkyKali

    submitted by /u/blitzgunner
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    So who bruisers do beat..?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 05:08 AM PST

    I was wondering, who bruisers are supposed to beat? I get that they beat half of assasins(the not untouchable half like Diana, Evelyn) but it seams about it.

    I mean if played properly: ADC just kites you infinitly; even if they dont kill you achive nothing and waste time. Mages do about the same, but will probably just kill you if you don't kill them fast enough. Half assasins have so much survivability, its pointless to fight them they will just escape no kiting needed. I feel like bruiseds are supposed to kill tanks, but everyone say otherwise. Are bruisers supposed to be support killers?

    Reminer that this is about concept of bruiser. All of this is just hypothetical, considering characters are plyed to their fullest.

    (Sorry for any grammar mistakes if there are any. Not my first language.)

    submitted by /u/Piece-kun
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    How to transition as a mage only player to playing assassins?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:37 PM PST

    I'm a masters mid lane main who basically has only played mages. I want to learn how to play assassins because its been meta for a while now, and I'm in a collegiate team, so I need to know how to play the more meta things. I need advice on which assassins would be a good stepping stone to learning how to play melees in a mid lane matchup, and any other advice that could help me learn! Here are my op.ggs in case they're helpful:



    submitted by /u/ShermanGer
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    Tips for healthier first clear

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST

    Hello, I picked up jungle and I have a problem with my first clear. In so jungle Videos I watched they talked about the importance of staying on high hp through your jungle clear to be able to contest and gank. I watched some videos for rengar and when they do Red, krugs, raptors they are almost full hp. I just can't get there, after krugs I am at about 50% HP and already used smite and both pots. I know you have to kite the monsters and that's what I'm trying but it seems it isn't enough. The problem is that I can't take the crab after my clear and can't gank immediately after hitting lvl 3 on most champs

    Has anyone some tips for me?

    submitted by /u/LividHarry
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    [Jungling] Using Prio and tracking enemy Jg

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    I've played quite a bit of all lanes, but I really love Lee Sin, so I'm going to be jungling as my main role.

    So, first of all, go you normally go get a leash from bot lane, or go opposite side? For example, I normally go botside for a leash. Is this nearly always done? I thought that didn't happen high elo, but I've it seems like Broxah does it most of his games.

    Second, how do I track the enemy JG in low elo? The typical clear is buff-gromp-buff for most junglers (as far as I know, or any double buff route). However, I feel as if I have a hard time tracking enemy JG low elo because I don't know what they will do. High elo to me seems more predictable, where as low elo is much more...random, I guess?

    Finally, how can I use prio well? Many times my laner will have prio, but will not respond to help me invade or the like. Is there anything I can do, or is using prio in low elo not something I should be doing until I reach a point where laners understand the idea and know what to do?

    Finally, if I am playing an early game champion, is there anything I can do if lanes are either pushing, losing, or hard to gank and none of them are viable ganks? Should I just focus on farming then?

    All help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    Wards trinket swap trick doesn't works anymore?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:55 AM PST

    Basically title, you used to be able to use both green wards, swap to red trinket, wait for the CD take yellow trinket again to have 2 fresh wards. Since last patch it doesn't works for me, did I miss something in the patch notes? I can't find the change anywhere

    submitted by /u/NicoLuna95
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    Any tips for Heimer turret placement?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:27 AM PST

    Hey, so I've been playing some Heimer recently (sorry guys) and I've been wondering, are there any rules/guidelines for placing his turrets? I've been trying to set them up on the same plane as each other (not sure if that's ideal), but any other tips would be helpful.

    Also: If there are any specific tips for top/mid/bot, please specify. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/nickdarick
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    What’s a good in-depth jungle guide that’s relevant to pre season 10?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:41 AM PST

    I want the most in-depth guide I can possible get on jungling. All the other guides I can find tell you WHAT you should do, but not how to actually do it. They don't tell you how to make your life easier, and a lot of them explain things to you like your already a jungler player - which I am not.

    I want the complete noob experience, from someone that'll talk to me like I'm 5 so I can better understand what and how I'm supposed to do something and why. Learning jungle is my preseason resolution and it's pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that I don't know what I'm doing. As lee sin says, "blindness is no impairment against a smelly enemy" and when it comes to jungle... I stink. Who do I have to watch or read from to get this?

    submitted by /u/DatFrostyBoy
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    Vision when split-pushing

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 11:41 AM PST

    How do you control enough vision to ensure you do not get collapsed on as a split-push champion beyond buying a control ward every time you set out. Assuming your support is not willing to help set up vision control in their jungle, I find that I either I have to play super passive or risk being flanked by three people.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand that as a split-push I am basically catching waves closer to their towers than a more passive character, but is there a way to be aggressive and get tower damage when more than 1 person is not showing on the map? I feel that I am currently just too far behind when i push a side lane out but without the ability to commit to tower damage, the minion wave just gets caught, cleared, and my opponent just rotates back before i can do anything productive. Putting my team far behind when it comes to team-fight opportunities.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or sources of good guides explaining this process? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Rynkydink
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