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    Monday, December 23, 2019

    League of Legends My way on becoming a zed god (ignore the brain fart at the beginning xD)

    League of Legends My way on becoming a zed god (ignore the brain fart at the beginning xD)

    My way on becoming a zed god (ignore the brain fart at the beginning xD)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:18 AM PST

    Had some 1v5 fun with Darius. Turned out quite good

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    So Mundo backdoor .................. is reasonable ?!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    League really needs a permanent short game modus besides Aram

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:08 PM PST

    Since a few weeks I dont like to play normal and ranked because i dont want to concentrate too much on the game and just want to have a bit fun. But when u dont tryhard and just play for fun, u often get crushed in ranked and even in normals, because the players just tryhard and want to win. And dont get me wrong, i find it good that players tryhard and want to win, thats how u get better. But getting crushed and being behind All the time is just no fun when u play for 35 min.

    I just want a short funny game modus like Nexus Blitz where it doesnt matter when i suck and its just a game Modus where u can fight from first min on and dont have to mind about makro or important decisions in the game.

    I mean i could just play aram, and i played aram really often in the past weeks, but sometimes its just exhausting to dodge all the time and the map is just to small often times. And i want to choose my Champion and not being forced to play a Champion i dont want to play.

    I just like to play League of legends and i think its sad that there is no possibility to play a short game modus besides aram when there just could be one.

    submitted by /u/Joker2416
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    Pro View DESPERATELY needs the option to turn on the casters audio this year

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:11 AM PST

    Pro View from my perspective last year was a great experience. Watching the individual perspectives of my favorite players was a great way to improve my LCS viewing experience. The only down side to using Pro View was the lack of commentator audio options. Having to open the youtube stream and manually sync the caster audio after every game was a giant pain in the ass. There needs to be an option to turn commentator audio on whilst viewing any perspective outside of the broadcasted stream.

    The price point last year seemed fine to me but without the addition of this feature I cannot justify spending another $15 this year on the same product.

    submitted by /u/Bramblevest
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    My Akali K/DA cosplay

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:26 PM PST

    The best Kassadin Q I've ever thrown out

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:00 AM PST

    In this video, a champion named Yasuo takes a HoneyFruit jungle item from a low HP champion named LeBlanc and gets her killed.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:24 AM PST

    Zilean QQW works? (Not a typo)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:53 AM PST

    Best lee sin NA

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:34 PM PST

    The most satisfying Headbutt I've made as a relatively new Alistar player

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:59 AM PST

    What a shocking kick

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    I'm continually surprised at how little map changes matter.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    I thought blastcones were going to completely change the game, that giving free dashes basically to any champion near the cone would be anti-fun. And then putting them around Dragon/Nash? Gimme a break, that's gonna be annoying AF. And it turned out totally fine.

    Same thing with honeyfruits. They're gonna be OP! Give health back to laners already dominant in lane? That's gonna suck and completely wreak top and bot! But it was, and still is, totally fine.

    Despite all that, I was certain these recent changes, the alcoves and terrain changes depending on the drag, were really gonna be big, but again, I'm surprised at how unobtrusive they are to the game. Do you all agree?

    submitted by /u/stststststststs
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    Its been pretty hard for me to learn this game, just got my first triple kill and im happy.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    New Golden Guardians Logo

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:06 PM PST

    Full logo and wordmark for GG 2020: https://i.imgur.com/x5Ky7DV.png

    Over the last two years we've had a lot of ups and downs with Golden Guardians. From the first year and our last place finishes to this past year making playoffs for the first time after an 0-4 start to the season. However, we are not ever looking to give up and we're always trying to take the learnings from the last two years and build a stronger team and brand. So, at the start of this offseason we put everything on the table to improve for next year.

    As one of our larger projects, we wanted to focus on building a stronger brand identity. In order to do that, we took a deep dive on branding by talking with executives at the Warriors as well as running a survey with our fans and players' fans. Our main takeaway is that we decided to focus on the fundamental values that made the Warriors successful in the NBA, rather than try to mirror the Warriors brand directly. We thought about how the Warriors' values would translate to esports when creating our new identity. We're really proud of how our visual identity came out, and this is only the first step of next year.

    Another significant aspect that came out of this brand investigation is around our content. We feel like over the last two years we've created a lot of fun content for our League of Legends fans, but we are constantly looking to improve. We are investing a lot more in YouTube and long-form content next year. You can see the beginning of this with our first episode of "Golden Age". It's now our most viewed video. We will be bringing more to you all this coming year, as well a new video tomorrow.

    You can also see the origins of the logo here: Link, where we show some of the inspiration for the logo, or can see it in motion here.

    submitted by /u/spellsy
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    Unleashing the Elements

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST

    I wish there was a game mode that allowed me to pick my champion without committing to a half hour or longer game

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:57 PM PST

    It would be amazing if such a mode existed. Don't get me wrong, I love ARAM. It's nice to get to play LoL and not worry too much about how long the game goes.

    But, sometimes I just get tired of having to live with whatever I roll instead of getting to play a champion I'm really feeling at the time. It also sort of blows when ARAM seems to weirdly stick you with the same champion over and over again.

    I feel like League of Legends has room for a mode where I can:

    1. Pick the champion I play

    2. Get a shorter game

    It could maybe even be on a smaller version of Summoner's Rift? Like, maybe two lanes with a more compact jungle. And it could maybe take a feather out of HoTS's cap and have random events to help give one side an advantage that helps the game go faster. Does any of this sound good to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/BEEFTANK_Jr
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    Perkz on stream: "It was caps idea to play bot"

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:33 AM PST

    So, we almost win a game, but my friend didn't know how garen exactly works

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:39 AM PST

    I hereby present you 4.25s of permanent hard cc (under tower) done by a single champion

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    The EU LCS/LEC's resurgence has been nothing short of incredible.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:02 AM PST

    The EU LCS was in terrible, terrible shape from 2017-2018. Viewership was in the trash.

    Split|Year|EU|NA for comparison

    Spring 2017 - 134k Average concurrent viewers/170k for NA

    Summer 2017 - 99K/144k

    Spring 2018 - 149k/207k

    Summer 2018 - 113K/156K

    Throughout 2017-2018 NA consistently have about ~40K more concurrent viewers on average than EU.

    During this period there was a TON of pessimism regarding EU LCS, not in terms of competitive performance (EU has always performed well internationally), but in terms of the future of the league. 2017 summer was especially bleak. Top tier EU orgs were applying to NA for franchising in 2018, tons of people were calling out Riot for the state of EU, things just looked bad in general.

    In 2019 EU fans got the LEC rebrand, changes to the league format, franchising, new teams, new graphics, new logo, and new life.

    Spring 2019 - 201K for EU/195K for NA

    Summer 2019 - 170K/158K

    EU went from trailing NA to the tune of ~40K to actually beating NA by a solid margin in terms of viewership. It's also significant that the Summer 2019 LEC finals got 840K peak viewers. 840K!!! IN A SUMMER FINALS (Summer is always, ALWAYS worse for viewership for both NA and EU.)

    That's not all though. The amateur scene in EU and the national leagues have grown past my wildest expectations. There are SO many leagues, so many teams, so many promising up and coming rookies. EU Masters is a proven tournament now for 3(?) years straight, etc.

    So who can EU fans thank for this resurgence? I think the answer is clear. Riot Franchising, G2 Esports, and Fnatic.

    Franchising is the foundation for this resurgence. I'm sure longtime EU LCS/LEC fans can agree with me that EU got a much needed shot in the arm in 2019 thanks to franchising. It flipped the outlook of the league from pessimism to optimism. There was an exciting rebrand/redesign. There were tons of cool hype videos. And the LEC picked up great sponsor after great sponsor (which shocked me as an NA fan considering the LCS' lack of sponsors in 2018). I think tons of EU fans were wary of franchising, but I think it's undeniable that franchising has benefitted EU tremendously. I highly doubt Ocelote, a BIG proponent of franchising, invests the resources to build this incredible G2 team if not for the security of franchising.

    Speaking of G2. Their success in 2019, and of course Fnatic's finals run in 2018, were very key in bringing in a ton of new/old fans to the LEC. I think we can confidently say that winning = more fans. Fans want to watch players that win. They want to watch teams that win. And they want to watch regions that win. G2 and Fnatic's successes came at the perfect time.

    I'm not saying that everything is perfect. Teams in both franchised leagues still aren't making money. Salaries are still inflated. I'm certain there will be several challenges ahead, and ups and downs. But I think we can confidently say that this is arguably the healthiest the EU league of legends scene has EVER been. I know we had a finals in 2015 with a million viewers on twitch. But 2019 not only came close with an 840K final, but the amateur scene now is light years ahead of the amateur scene back then. Overall, 2019 has been an incredible year for EU league of legends, definitely one to remember.

    Also the intent of this post isn't to shit on NA. I think the LCS is doing fine. It stagnated a bit in 2019, but that isn't that concerning. The 2019 spring finals with TL vs TSM was incredible, drew 600K peak viewers, and showed that the interest in the NA LCS is still there. If TSM is good this year then I think viewership will be back up, and a TSM v TL or a TSM v C9 viewership will draw a massive audience I guarantee it. The broadcast and viewership isn't the main concern for NA, IMO it's the massively inflated salaries, organization turnover, and the lack of a solid amateur scene.

    submitted by /u/Spicey123
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    When you accidentally one shot the enemy adc

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    Getting harassed by minions

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:56 AM PST

    League is much more fun once you realize how much you suck

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:19 PM PST

    Ever since I reached my goal of getting to gold after two seasons of playing, I then truly realized how terrible I am at this game. I have a pretty damn competitive nature, both in and outside of League, but as soon as I found the amusement in the terrible plays I made in ranked, norms, and hell even ARAM, I started having much more fun. Instead of saying to myself "oh that shit's broken they shouldn't have lived" or "that Vlad healing is just so broken" I ask myself instead, "why the hell am I fighting a fed Vlad, two levels up on me, without grievous wounds? Dumbass..." Since this change in attitude, things that used to tilt me are just funny now.

    Die by walking on a Teemo shroom? FUNNY

    Flash fourth-shot tower instead of 100 hp Soraka? YIKES

    Fail to flash over a wall? HILARIOUS

    Hook a fed Illaoi into you and your four other teammates? TROLLING

    Get rejected by all 9 graduate programs you applied to? PATHETIC

    Have your girlfriend leave you for your best friend? ASTOUNDING

    Eat shit after falling off the bus steps? COMEDIC GOLD

    I promise you, once you change your attitude towards this game, you're on your way to having a much better time!

    submitted by /u/EatTheLettuces
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