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    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    LoL Guide Falling behind/negative KDR in lane does NOT mean the game's over, does NOT mean you're useless, and does NOT mean you should forfeit early.

    LoL Guide Falling behind/negative KDR in lane does NOT mean the game's over, does NOT mean you're useless, and does NOT mean you should forfeit early.

    Falling behind/negative KDR in lane does NOT mean the game's over, does NOT mean you're useless, and does NOT mean you should forfeit early.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:05 PM PST

    I've been seeing this a lot, and was even guilty of the mentality when I was starting out.

    Someone will fall behind in lane, usually due to being killed. They'll then declare "RIP, game over, X is fed, ff15" and completely lose hope.

    The size of summoner's rift can make it easy to forget you have teammates. Especially during early laning, you're basically playing a 1v1 game featuring the odd jungler. Falling behind can easily make people feel that their game is over.

    Spoiler alert: it's not. You've lost lane, sure. You're unable to fight your lane opponent anymore. Okay. Meanwhile, your botlane is absolutely clowning on the enemy botlane, and your Jhin is getting turbo fed. But, since you're too busy spamming surrender off cooldown because you're 0/8, you don't notice. Inting or AFKing those games, or even having the audacity to press surrender can make games that are going to eventually be wins become losses. You might not carry this game anymore, but you can certainly not throw it.

    So what do you do?

    Stick to towers, play it very safe, keep stuff warded, and farm where you can. Try to equalize the distance between you and your opponent. Slow the roll, and wait for an opportunity. The cc of a lv5 champ hurts just as bad as the cc of a lv18 champ. Eventually someone on your team will start scaling and carrying, then your job becomes "support the carry to make him demolish even harder".

    Even consider buying a support item. Seriously. If you're so far behind that you can't even CS safely, buy a support item and become a second support. You get passive gold and more wards. Try to deny vision with red trinket. Clear waves so they don't passively destroy your turrets over time. Etc.

    There's always something you can do, some way to be useful. Just don't keep turbo feeding into an unwinnable fight and making yourself too heavy to carry. Even a challenger player can't carry a team of 4 players running it down mid.

    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    Stoneplate on Pyke

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Hi fellow Summoners!

    What do you think about Stoneplate on Pyke? He gets tanky af with its passive if he is in the middle of the action, and on top this the active part of the item gives him a lot of ad (it would increase maxhp, but Pykes passive converts hp to ad in a 14:1 ratio) so at lvl 11 the base hp of Pyke is 1390, and with the empowered active he would gain the same amount, but rather than the ~1400 hp he gets 100 ad.

    And since his ult is an execute anyways, the "deals 60% less damage" doesnt really hurt him, and the extra 100 ad at lvl 11 (152 at lvl 18) is the biggest boost any item could provde for the execute threshhold.

    submitted by /u/Driffa
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    5 ways to climb without actually playing League

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    These are some things that I do to keep me fresh mentally and untilted.

    1. Drink a lot of water. I generally drink about a 1/2 liter of water for every game I play. I always spend a lot of the day on my computer, and I get a headache if I don't drink enough water.
    2. Take a 5 min break between every game. Walk around, get a snack, go to the bathroom. Mentally resetting between games, especially losses is really helpful and makes playing a lot of games in a day much more sustainable.
    3. Don't play high/drunk/under the influence. If you're gonna play, play flex or norms. Or TFT. But not solo queue.
    4. Don't play right before bed. Being mentally awake when you're trying to sleep messes with your sleep schedule. Also, playing when you're tired is a lot harder than when you're awake, and you make a lot of stupid mistakes.
    5. Exercise and sleep. A lot of people I know are as good as me at the game, but they either get burned out or they struggle mentally to stay focused and not make stupid mistakes, and because of this are lower rank. I attribute a lot of this difference to sleep and exercise habits. Getting consistent sleep and exercise will improve the consistency of your gameplay. I find that if I sleep poorly or don't exercise on a given day it really messes with my winrate.

    BONUS: I live on the east coast (US) and I wake up early. I always queue for league in the early morning (5-6 AM) so I can match against people up at 2-3 AM on the west coast. These people are tired and make mistakes that they wouldn't if they were fully awake, and I usually get the most reliable LP gains in the morning.

    submitted by /u/NBA_Certified
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    Tracking Junglers

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:26 PM PST

    check out this vid, it's about tracj=king the enemy JG. nifty stuff, I always used to just place my ward in mids top river (I main mid) but now I can put ward with some sense instead of guessing. Vids meant for JG mains but ya learn what ya learn. https://youtu.be/q-DGEm9HSiQ

    submitted by /u/wleed5315
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    Why isn't Darius jungle viable?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST

    Before some of you get triggered, i'm only gold 1 so don't go freaking out if i'm completely in the wrong with this post.

    Last game i first picked for top lane and after some confusion both my jg and top laner went afk and forgot to switch champs with me. I ended up taking smite and heading into the jungle with darius. Thinking it was a free loss i realized how not useless i was. With the bleed from my passive, aoe from my q, reset from W and burn from jungle item i was clearing camps just as fast as any jg. i invaded their top jg and for first blood on udyr. At 9 minutes with cinderhulk jg item complete, i solo'd mountain drake at full health and walked away with a solid 75% full HP bar. Ganking lanes wasn't very hard either. Both my W and E made it hard for the enemy to get away and my bleed + R helped me secure a couple kills. Long story short I won us the game and realized darius in the jungle did not feel bad at all. Was this just a lucky game? or could jungle Darius really be a thing..

    EDIT: After seeing all the comments i've come to the conclusion that it's possible to jungle as Darius but is sub par because there are simply many other better options. That being said, what would kind of buffs/changes would be needed to make him viable? Without really modifying his original kit

    submitted by /u/thepandahut
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    Last season I was masters now I Struggle in low diamond and I cant return to how i used to play. (Adc player)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    First of all, Hello I'm a turkish player who finished Masters (I was promoted to GM since it was added afterwards ) I had some problems in real life here and there, so i didnt play league or any games (Or I played very little.) After I have returned to LoL I struggled a lot and I can kite like I used to do, yes but that was just clicking & dragging mouse I felt like I was doing the same things as i was doing before but I couldnt even dominate a lane in plat elo, and even worse I sometimes got destroyed.

    After a while I started playing better but not even close to how i used to play. after the season ended I got promoted to masters again but to be honest It was pure luck, and I got demoted after 2 days or so. but it dosent end there!

    My laptop broke and I couldnt play league for like 2 months, It's been a while since I got it repaired but I'm even worse than before It's really frustrating to see people that I helped to learn the game play it better than me, It makes me feel bad for myself. I know this isnt real... probably, but I even feel like they are pitying me.

    I need help, what can i do to get better ? Maybe I forgot doing things I used to repeat to myself every game. Perhaps I forgot golden rules ?

    Does anyone has experience of this situation/feeling if so I would love if you could share it with me.

    Edit: fixed something, also I'm willing to answer any questions if it's going to help me

    submitted by /u/Changey0urPath
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    LB Support

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    So I've been playing Karma support and I'm really liking her. I know they're not really the same but Karma does sort of remind me of how Leblanc plays just with more buffs. Is Leblanc pretty good as a support? I'd only really play her in normals because Karma just offers more. If so, how would she be played?

    submitted by /u/EVISCERATEDTOMATO
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    on the risks of saving teammates

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 08:44 AM PST

    This is something I feel is losing me games, and it's such a stupid low elo thing but I can't seem to find the most efficient strategy.

    Imagine this situation: you are a solo laner, you aren't winning your lane hard but you are doing fine. The other solo laner keeps being pressured or dived or your jungler takes fights in the river or enemy jungle all the time - they die once or twice and so next time it happens you run to save them but since they are weak and you aren't dominating that's all you can accomplish. You aren't getting any kills, you just scare the enemy team away making sure your teammate survives.

    Yet by the time you walk back to your lane you are behind in cs and maybe a plate gets taken even if you pushed the wave a bit before running. Any slight advantage you had is now lost. It's like you roamed but without intending to and prepping the wave.

    Is it worth it in the general sense?

    Of course not every game is like this. But when it's like this and you know you won't be able to get kills, should you just leave them to their fate and try to win your own lane at least?

    I watched a video where a challenger player coached a top main and he said to never use TP to save botlane unless you are sure you will get kills and assists. But if you teleport across the map you give a lot of time to your opponent. This is a shorter detour.

    This is something I used to struggle with as a jungler - running around like a headless chicken trying to save laners while losing farm and not getting anything essentially setting myself behind - but as a solo laner maybe it would be better just not to do it ever? Unless it happens literally a step away.

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    I'm low elo and I need some advice....

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:24 AM PST

    I just played a game that took 45 minutes because neither team was trying for towers. They all insisted on team fighting in mid. We were losing fights with the five of us so I decided as miss fortune to split and take towers. My team was not happy with me doing so and blamed me for losing the teamfights.i tried to explain that we need to take towers so i was working my way towards their base top and bot lanes. We won but my support was saying that i shouldn't leave because they need me in teamfights. We took 2 barons and refused to push they just kept trying to fight. So my questions are:

    1. Was I wrong
    2. Should I have stayed And 3. How do I convince them that pushing objectives should be our priority.

    Edit: I'm not blaming anyone in particular. especially because I was caught out a few times because lack of warding and map awareness, which I have been trying to work on.

    submitted by /u/madwolf898
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    [Reminder] Holiday and Weekend Players

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:36 AM PST

    Hey, all! A friend of mine gave me this tip and I thought I would share it. For those who prefer ranked to other game types, remember that during the holiday break, a lot more people who don't regularly play will be on. These people are a lot more liable to make mistakes, so if you're prone to tilting, it's much better to avoid ranked or at least go into games with this piece of info in mind.

    Happy holidays :D

    submitted by /u/LetsGoSchlingoos23
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    Why is Zac consider a good jungler in season 10?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:54 AM PST

    On op.gg, Zac is considered one of the best junglers currently. This is odd as the other junglers are all early game champions with great duelling potential and ability to solo dragon easily. Why is Zac considered good despite lacking these two factors?

    submitted by /u/PNDAMONIUM
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    Need help climbing

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Ok so I'm currently Diamond 1 but last season I was grandmaster before I stopped playing halfway into the season. I don't know if it's just because it's the preseason but every single one of my ranked games are lopsided due to what feels like bad teammates or people who go afk. I don't know what to do. I want to get improve and hit challenger this season please help.

    submitted by /u/KCT1222
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    Support role Question - "Protect" Turret or Recall?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 07:35 AM PST

    I'm fairly new to Summoners rift and especially the support role. I've faced this particular situation several times and I'm not sure what I should be doing. I understand that it's highly subjective and depends on the support character i'm playing or the match ups. But looking for generalized suggestions if possible.


    • ADC is dead and waiting for respawn cooldown
    • Both enemies are at our first turret
    • Their jungler position is unknown
    • Their minion wave crashed our turret with us having little to none creep
    • They are actively attacking the turret while being harassed by me but i'm not doing any real damage (yet).
    • Jungler isn't coming or is top-side

    What I have tried:

    Staying at a distance trying to do as much damage as I can- last hitting minions before the turret kills them (if possible). Pinging my jungler for assistance. Hoping I can hold them off until the ADC gets there. At the point the ADC gets back, I'm usually out of mana and/or health and need to recall. By the time I get back to the wave, I've lost on so much exp/gold.

    Is it better to just forfeit the tower and let them take it and recall? Then return to the lane with the ADC?

    submitted by /u/whysofrail
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    Second Dorans Blade as ADC

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:25 AM PST

    Currently, I'm in my silver 1 promos, and I'm a Kai'Sa main. I'm not sure if either of those are relevant but I wanted to add just in case. So occasionally there are situations where I get an early kill in lane and I'm left with less than full hp and mana. At this point lets say ill have like 500-600 gold. Now the obvious play following is to the push the wave under the tower to deny cs then back. The reason for backing is because if I stay then the enemy will come back with more resources than I because I didn't back to heal or buy items so I'll be at a disadvantage. However, the amount of gold I have isn't enough to build into any of my core items, but I want to keep pressure since I made the early play. So I've taken to buying a 2nd dorans blade then returning to lane. The results have been pretty successful for me, but I wanted to know if the decision I am making is actually good, or if its a waste of gold.

    submitted by /u/Scapien
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    Why can't I see Pykes shark fins when he stealths?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:21 PM PST

    (My perspective)


    (All vision perspective)


    (20 second Clip above)

    Can someone please explain to me why I don't see Pykes shark fins swirl around me here once he stealths? He stealths right next to me and goes into the bush. Doesn't him going invisible near you trigger the fins around enemy champs?

    He kills me in the bush after this because I thought he flashed to the left beyond the wall, but the replay shows (With him being visible) he is right next to me the entire time. I went into practice after this and I couldn't replicate.

    Is this a Pyke Glitch?

    submitted by /u/TheNoLifeKing
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    Should I be playing ranked right when season starts?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:00 PM PST

    As the title asks. After the ranks are reset and if I start climbing early what kind of teammates will I generally be getting? I've always heard to avoid ranked when the season starts so that's what I've been doing, but now that I think of it I don't understand why.

    Edit: Plat 4 rn so prolly starting around high silver/low gold

    submitted by /u/Ahristotelianist
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    New player playing ADC, any tips?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:35 AM PST

    So I'm a relatively new player, I've tried the game before and knew what it was, but I've really gotten hooked here in the las couple of days.

    I mainly play Ezreal ADC, but i find myself to be very inconsistent and more time than not doing poorly.

    Just wandering if any of you remember what you did when you first started out and what things you would like to have known.

    Merry Christmas :))

    submitted by /u/TheHalfDane
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    How to effectively carry with a lead?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Played a game last night as brand mid - due to some confusion (and me being used to playing support) we ended up 3 bot and i came ahead with a 5-0 lead at 10 minutes. Our jungler was fairly ineffective so i tried my best to roam around and help lanes, but they slowly and steadily caught up and we ended up losing the base race.
    How can I make my own advantage useful to my teammates?

    submitted by /u/Philostic
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    Playing against Lee Sin as a mid-laner with low mobility?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:23 PM PST

    So, I usually like to play Taliyah and Ahri, two champions that have bursts of high mobility (ultimates) but don't deal well with other champions closing in on them.
    I've noticed that 99% of the time I'm playing one of those champions and there's an enemy Lee Sin, I tilt hard. He doesn't even have to be good and I might even be winning the match, I'll still get pissed off.
    I guess I could expand the question to dealing with ultra-mobile champions in general. Is there any way to shut them down when you don't have mobility nor "click" abilities (i.e. ones where you just click at an enemy champion to use the ability)?

    submitted by /u/ricknewgate
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    100% loaded in but dont get into the game

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 04:33 PM PST

    At least once a day ill be 100% on the loading screen but not get in, causing a remake. This only started during preseason. Riot support didnt really do much to help. Any ideas on how to fix this, assuming its not a bug on riots end that they refuse to fix them self.

    submitted by /u/Stickydrip28
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    Rengar/Ivern bot lane?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    How do you beat this as the traditional bot lane?

    They just wait in brush close to your tower at the start. Even if you knew they were in there, you can't ward it without them bum rushing you and applying a ton of damage and CC.

    If you don't know they're in there which is common, as soon as the ADC separates from the support, the one closer to the Rengar/Ivern is gonna be jumped, CC'd and either dies or is forced to back.

    Once someone has to back or dies, the other person can't even get CS without being jumped again at any time due to Ivern brush anytime. Thus they usually maintain a level advantage which from levels 1-3 is massive considering it lets Rengar have access to healing, CC and stacks for big Q damage.

    If you play safe and wait for the wave to push into turret? Well it's not like Rengar auto pushes. He can choose to freeze or he can push it with W. Once you're at your turret trying to CS they just control river wards, and roam mid for easy kills. Mid gets tilted, blames bot lane, game is over at that point if it wasn't already if bot died early.

    It honestly feels like #1 there shouldn't be duo queue allowed in solo queue and #2 the ADC requirement is way overblown for solo queue, it's really just a pro scene thing.

    submitted by /u/Seaside877
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