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    Thursday, December 19, 2019

    LoL Guide Perfect Creep Score / Maximum Gold table

    LoL Guide Perfect Creep Score / Maximum Gold table

    Perfect Creep Score / Maximum Gold table

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:16 AM PST

    Time Perfect Creep Score Maximum Gold
    5:00 44 1214
    10:00 107 3081
    15:00 (14 :00 end of early game, turret plate defense disabled) 171 5059
    20:00 236 7166
    25:00 301 9276
    30:00 370 11746
    35:00 440 14306
    40:00 510 16866
    45:00 580 19426
    50:00 650 21986

    PS: "Maximum Gold" = minions and passive gold (2.04 per second). Not alterated by turret plate gold, or kills.

    submitted by /u/TrustMeIveGotAPlan
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    Starting Cull?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Why do ADCs not start cull? I've been playing for 3 years without ever using the item. Recently though, I've been smurfing in gold and sometimes if I'm forced back before 1300g or 875g I buy it and I'm really feeling its effectiveness.

    But why buy it only as an investment? Is the health on the doran's items really that important? It has almost the same AD, a small amount of lifesteal and gives you 450g (630 when sold). I don't understand why AD champions don't start that over doran's blade.

    submitted by /u/kimbulabanis
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    Always decline queue pop after someone dodges to avoid having your champ banned

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:02 PM PST

    When someone dodges in champ select, often queue pops really quick, because they just replace the one player that left, and keep the same 9.

    Because of this, your champ will often be banned out, even if you only hovered it, because the teams can be scrambled.

    If you're not worried about getting banned out, you can also use this to your advantage!

    submitted by /u/santaslicer
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    Every point of Cooldown Reduction you get is stronger for each point you already have. (Up to the cap)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:59 PM PST

    This is because CDR is an additive-stacking percentage-reduction. The first 10% CDR you get takes 1/10th of the duration off the current cooldown of your abilities. However, going from 30% to 40$ takes 1/7th of the duration off the current cooldown of your abilities. This is why getting 40% CDR is so important, you get the maximum bang for your buck if you reach the cap (without exceeding it, unless you have the transcendence rune).

    Let's say you have an ability with a 10 second cooldown:

    Upgrading from 0% to 10% CDR is a reduction from 10 to 9 seconds = 10% starting Cooldown taken off.

    Upgrading from 30% to 40% CDR is a reduction from 7 to 6 seconds = 14.3% remaining Cooldown taken off, which is still 1 second, but it's a larger proportion of the cooldown to what you already had.

    On another note, this is also why Cosmic Insight is best when you reach the 45% CDR cap. At 0% CDR, Cosmic Insight is only removing 5% off the starting cooldown, but going from 40 to 45% you're removing a little over 8% of the remaining cooldown.

    submitted by /u/Pokemaster131
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    I've received coaching from the Challenger midlaner Veigar v2, here are my thoughts and a video of the session.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    Video of the coaching - Twisted Fate vs Vladimir
    This video is the second session since we had some technical difficulties with the first session, I might still upload it later though

    Hello summonerschool!
    A little bit about myself:
    I've been really hardstuck in diamond mostly because I didn't really care to push further. I just played all roles and like 100 unique champions each season. I didn't play the first 2 splits in season 9 because I just didn't have the time to do so.
    When I came back in the third split I was really hyped to play again and wanted to actually tryhard and get at least master however I only managed to peak at D2 and finished the season in D3 and then actually dropped to d4 0lp with a 46% winrate in preseason.

    I then saw a post in the main league Reddit about Veigar v2 and his coaching, so I wanted to give it a shot and here are my thoughts about him, his coaching and my improvement:

    • Even though his name might suggest that he is a Veigar one trick that definitely isn't the case. He has a lot of knowledge about many different mid champs (and probably also other roles).

    • I learned so much from just two sessions that I already feel like a way stronger player (also climbed back to high D2). The most important parts for me were runes, builds, laning, trading and jungle tracking.

    • Runes - I always just mindlessly copied some probuilds page and called it a day, but as it turned out I could do a lot better depending on the matchup. It's very important to understand each runes strengths and weaknesses.

    • Laning, trading and jungle tracking is all very closely related, a very big part of league and of my personal weaknesses. I've definitely learned how to pay more attention as to when I should do what and when to take trades, as well as avoiding jungle ganks.

    • Champion pool - As I stated earlier I always just played whatever I felt like. Yes, I'm that guy who instalocks a newly released or reworked champion and goes 1/9 in your D3 promo. I have started only playing a handful of champs and that is definitely a HUGE thing to do right of the bat. I definitely think anyone who wants to improve and climb should do that right away.

    So, in conclusion, I would advise that everyone who is at a point where you can't clearly see your own mistakes to get some form of coaching because it will blow your mind how many mistakes you do that you are not even slightly aware of!

    If you have any questions please feel free to ask! (I will be going to sleep for now though)

    PS: Here is my opgg and shout out to Veigar v2!

    submitted by /u/PUR3SK1LL
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    Ivern Mid Rengar Jung from TSM in solo queue

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST

    MidBeast had posted a video about this today about how TSM is playing this in solo queue with bjergsen and Dardoch. Just wondering how viable you guys think it could be!

    I think the ivern with unsealed spellbook is pretty safe from the summs and this duo is able to spike and be annoying really early. I think it has a ton of potential to make plays around the map having the ivern mid lane and they seem to be pulling it off really well. I think it could be better than funneling with how it spikes early but obviously it is hard to survive as the ivern early on.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK2ozAGi9Ik&t=243s Here is the video I was talking about! Midbeast always does a great job!

    submitted by /u/Lolattheredditmods
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    bots in Normal blind pick game?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    I decided to try playing Tryndamere today so started a normal game - blind pick and strangely got matched with others who were also all going with the free rotation champs. Another thing I noticed, all the summoners had a combination of a normal sounding name with a jumble of alphabets... My suspicion was more or less confirmed when none of the players in my team moved into position even after the first couple of minion waves hit. The champions were all running around like headless chickens and getting executed by stray tower shots. It's pretty clear that I wasted a good part of my evening playing with bots, against a team of bots. Just to confirm this further, I played two more games and had the same experience. I'm new to Lol...is this Normal? If it is, then I'll seriously reconsider dropping this game. I'm seriously put off by this..

    submitted by /u/veeraha
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    Best use of early herald

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:39 AM PST

    Basically the title. I know mid tower opens the map more than the other 2. But is it always the best play? If my midlaner has a hard time should I still use it mid? I tend to use it top if my toplaner is quite fed so he can split push easier or roam mid more. Or is it better to use on the lane that is most fed to get there lead even bigger? Or use it on a lane thats behind so they get some gold to catch up?

    submitted by /u/LividHarry
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    How to win against Lux in mid?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:03 AM PST

    I almost always play Neeko mid and I think I have lost every matchup against Lux. I can get some good pokes but as soon as I'm rooted I'm losing 50%+ of my health bar instantly. I don't want to back fully though because then I'll be even more behind. I've only been playing league for ~3 weeks so maybe it's just cause I'm bad but it's very frustrating to always lose this matchup.

    submitted by /u/Ztrains
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    Good KDA but low damage dealt as a jungler.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:46 AM PST

    Recently I've been trying to pick up Qiyana and Ekko for the jungle and I'm noticing that almost every game, even if my KDA is good, my damage is VERY low, like, on par with the support damage.

    Can someone tell me if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/Clury
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    Are marksmen necessary?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    I'm starting to question if marksmen are as necessary to the bot lane as my experience in ranked tends to reflect. I often times see marksmen getting immediately popped by assassins with little to no way to react effectively, and from my own experience playing the role it feels like phantom dancer and guardian angel simply do not provide a significant boost in terms of surviving the burst. Meanwhile mage's at least have zhonya's, some bot lane viable fighter's like yasuo can build sterak's.

    Does the rate at which marksmen are selected in the bot lane reflect the current state of the game? Or are they simply being selected out of the tradition of the lane?

    submitted by /u/kaywiz
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    Some questions on Kaisa

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    The motivation for this post is because I've been going strictly SR-rageblade-nashors or manamune-rageblade-nashors on kaisa so far. But a big problem I've noticed is that nashors is too damn expensive, and you get your your e evolve by the time you have tier 2 boots and stinger anyways. So my first question is how important is w evolve really? q and e are indispensable imo, but I never felt that w evolve was that important unless you're siegeing tower and poking with w. If w evolve really ins't as important, then this leads into my next questions. Has anyone looked into alternate build paths where you exclusively focus on getting q and e evolve fast and ditching w completely, something like bf-pickaxe into rageblade (does this give q evolve? haven't tested yet) and maybe rush zeal items?

    edit: also i forgot to mention, this also stems from the fact that this build (unless kaisa gets ahead early) first spikes hardest after nashors (and manamune should've evolved by this time) which is around 25 minutes. looking for an earlier powerspike

    submitted by /u/westofhello
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    Need help deciding if I should ban Qiyana or Diana and tips on playing vs the one I don't ban out.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    I plan on playing Malzahar and Ahri next season, and maybe Zoe if I need to have a 3rd mid for some reason. I've never had a good time playing vs Diana post 6 so now that she can get to that point at level 2... yeah this matchup isn't going to be any better for me. As for Qiyana, I just think shes overpowered and her being on the enemy team ruins the game for me. I would ban Qiyana often last season, but if Diana's playrate stays high then I'm screwed. I can't abandon playing mid either, it's my best role. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and lane against one of them, but my issue is that I don't know which one I should let through. I don't know which is a bigger risk to leave open.

    submitted by /u/warpenguin55
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    Is it big brain/smart to use meta and good champs each patch?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:17 AM PST

    Instead of maining or one tricking would the results be better if I were to switch between champs to play the stronger champs each patch? Do other players do this because in all of those league tips and tricks or whatever videos I end up watching say to "make a champ pool" then in other videos they go "____ champion is really op right now! Abuse it for free Elo!!! "

    submitted by /u/Copht
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    What jgler has the quickest solo rift herald kill time

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:11 AM PST

    Hi jungle main here. I was wondering which jungler or junglers have the quickest kill time of soloing rift herald. The heralds take a lot of time and damage to take a lone. More time than I'd usually like to spend on a single objective especially that early in the game. There's also the possibility of being interrupted and chased off of it. So I'm wondering what are some of the safest and quickest choices currently. I main ww, shyv, voli and yi for the cheese. It doesn't necessarily have to be one of those champs I'm just trying to give you an idea of what I currently play. I am open to learning new champs and play styles.

    submitted by /u/vinniejangro
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    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:28 AM PST

    How to deal with that champ. Ban is obviously a valid option but I also have other champs that I want to ban and it seems then whenever he's picked he's just way too op whether he's fed or not. How to deal with him as a top laner. What champs or strategy do I use

    submitted by /u/TSM_Raven25
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    I know what to do but I don’t do it.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:25 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I'm currently hovering around silver 2-3 but can't seem to get past this ranking. I'm looking for maybe some advice/explanation on what exactly to do in this situation. Whenever I decide to analyze replays, it seems like I know exactly what I should be doing/thinking in real time but while it seems weird, I never do it. Even while watching a coach such as LS or Zen Coaching, they often ask what the player should be thinking and nine times out of ten, I am correct. I even have a post it note on the top right corner of my monitor, that lists a couple fundamentals that I need to think about, if I want to improve. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/GavinDaRabbit
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    Help me make a list of mental checklist items to think of during every game

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Everybody gets a little tunnel vision or auto-pilot during games. I read this sub a lot and I think the next step towards climbing would be my mental during games. I follow the objective timers very well and cs/kill leads are obvious, maybe more macro things are what I'm thinking of.

    I've been getting early leads in my games and need a little help in the mid-game chaos after laning phase has ended.

    Maybe this should be categorized by lane/role. I'm a jungler and so my list might look different, but mid-late game macro and team checklists should be similar.

    Some of my ideas:

    • Where is the enemy jungler
    • Who is powerful early
    • Who needs help to scale
    • Can our team win a team fight so should we force it
    • Would we rather split push and play safe
    • Who are the primary targets on the other team
    submitted by /u/tootallteeter
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    Is there any way of tracking how much CC you put out in any given game?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    I'm trying to pick up tank/initiator junglers but I can't find any tool that can give me a concrete measure of like "you stunned enemies for X seconds this game" or "enemies slowed by you died Y times"

    (It's surprising that it isn't in the in-client post game stats actually - you can see graphs for almost anything else!)

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Am I meta abusing, or actually getting better?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:32 PM PST

    As the title says, I don't know if I'm meta abusing or actually getting better. I've been playing for two years and last year I was hardstuck gold 4. I swapped from top to jungle, spammed hecarim (when he was insanely good with conq) and hit plat 3. Now I swapped to khazix/rengar/olaf and I hit D4. The thing is, when I play other champs (J4, Sej, etc) I do way worse. Am I just meta abusing?

    submitted by /u/unknownnooblet1
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    I wish there was a setting to disable the CS and KDA displays while i play

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 03:11 PM PST

    If this setting does exist, please correct me x

    Does anyone else find that they relax a lot more and enjoy the game more if they haven't looked at their cs and kda all game? I think league can become too much of a numbers game sometimes. We can get too het up by how much cs we have and whether our kda looks decent enough, which I find is rough because the game becomes too much about having to validate your own existence on a team by the numbers you produce.

    I would really love to have a setting where you couldnt see your cs and kda. I understand it's good to know this information to compare your progress to the enemy laner, and that it can help you understand how you imact team fights and objectives, but I see so much pressure put on especially new players to attain optimal numbers of cs etc that I think it can draw attention away from the fun of playing your part in team plays.

    League does have a problem with its team dynamics in games. If you've gone 0/4, be quiet, no one wants to hear about you, you're obviously a bad player, you shouldn't be playing... etc. and this of course goes back to the bigger problem of league's toxicity within it's community as a whole. I don't like this attitude, i understand that if a player has a bad kda, then maybe they shouldn't be the one calling the shots, but it's better to have compassion. We've all been there, we've all had bad games. And that's okay, the bad games help shape us into stronger, more resiliant players. The bad games teach us how to be better.

    So, if you're having a bad game, you haven't got the best kda, or your cs number feels too low, it's okay, don't give up, you are still part of your team and your team still needs your help. You can still make an impact to the game, even if it is just a small one. My advice is try not to focus so much on the numbers, but focus on what you can do for your team. Of course, the numbers help to show your progress, and from them you can understand how you can impact the game, but don't let numbers make you think you are a bad player. You are not a bad player. Maybe you are having a bad game. Maybe you are just burnt out and need a break. But you are not a bad player, you're still learning, we all are x

    submitted by /u/GoopyDumpy
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    Hi, I'm looking for advice on macro decisions (mid-game) from diamond+ players

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:53 AM PST

    TL;DR provided at the end of the post.

    Hey everyone. Just to quickly describe myself, I played League between season 1-5, peaking at diamond V and then quitting the game to play Warcraft. I returned to League 3 weeks ago, and am currently stuck between gold 1-2.

    I mostly play with my duo support friend. He is a Thresh OTP, and I'm a Kalista OTP. My overall stats are:

    • 8-9 cs per minute average
    • 63% win rate over 65 games (but I still want to improve this score)
    • 2.74:1 KDA (10.5/6.7/7.9)

    So what is my problem currently? Basically - Win lane, lose game. By 10 minute mark I'll usually have a 20-50 cs lead on enemy bot lane and a few kills. But the problem is that my teammates very often lose lane, or get caught out in late game. That is not something I can control, so I focus on my own mistakes and things I can do to win the game before someone gets caught.

    So here's the thing. So far my general game plan each game is to win lane, and then get towers up top lane and mid. I ping objectives a lot, hoping rest of the team will follow. And that helps. But like I mentioned earlier, I often encounter teammates that just singlehandedly lose the game by engaging teamfights when we have less people, or getting caught out.

    So my question is, as a strong duo bot lane, should my friend and I just spend the entire game pushing bot lane and applying pressure there? Or should I continue playing around the map and just hope for the best?

    All advice appreciated, as I really want to get back into my peak shape from 3 years ago, and then some.

    TL;DR should strong bot lanes roam the map after taking tower, or perma push bot? *

    submitted by /u/WoundshotGG
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