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    Friday, December 27, 2019

    LoL Guide Giving up your tower is a much better option than feeding your ass off.

    LoL Guide Giving up your tower is a much better option than feeding your ass off.

    Giving up your tower is a much better option than feeding your ass off.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST

    So there you are on summoners rift, minding your own business, when all of a sudden an enemy player shows up.

    The nerve of some people.

    So you just kinda let them be, start CSing, just another day in the life. And they ATTACK you! How fucking rude, am I right?

    Not to be a bitch, you fight back. Your honor on the line... but you lose.

    Nonsense aside, this happens. You lose sometimes. And that's totally fine! What matters more than anything is that you don't CONTINUE to lose. If you die in lane once, it might be a fluke, you can try again... whatever. But if you die twice... three times... it's over. You're done. You no longer have agency in your lane and you HAVE to understand that.

    You now HAVE to play safe. The enemy has a gold advantage, which means an item advantage, which means you don't win if you fight them directly anymore.

    So you need to figure out a more indirect way to win.

    This might mean you have to farm under your tower. This might mean you have to lose some CS and get whatever you can, safely. This might mean you have to lose your tower.

    That's FINE.

    What's NOT fine is when you die 2-3 times in lane and continue to try to fight as if you haven't. Now you've died 4 times. 5 times. This time will be different!!! Nope, 6 times.

    Now you're feeding. Now you're screwing your whole team over. Now you're single handedly losing the whole game.

    When you die a few times in lane it's all about damage control from then on out. Minimizing the advantage you're giving away. Maximizing your returns on what little resources you have access to.

    Go farm jungle. Go put vision down while your wave is pushed away from you. Get scuttle crab. Help with drakes, heralds. Do what you CAN.

    Your only hope now is that your other lanes end quickly and you can swap or help with team fights. Or help your jungler invade and maybe pick something up in a 2v1.

    The point is... play SAFE and play SMART when you're behind. Look at the big picture. Yes, it sucks that you lost lane. Yes, it's incredibly boring to farm out a lost lane. Yes, your team is probably flaming you.

    But if you can stop the bleeding now, you will have a chance to come back and redeem yourself later.

    But if you keep on this path of self destruction, you are truly lost.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Something that’s helped me as a jungler

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST

    I spent a lot of time in bronze and silver. More than I probably should have, but something was missing from my gameplay and I couldn't figure out what it was.

    In any game I play, I've always picked the big beefy meat shield "hit em slow, but hit em hard" type characters. I was a Nightmare main back in the days where people gave a shit about Soul Calibur.

    So when I started playing league, I gravitated toward champs like rammus, amumu, sejuani (fun fact, sejuani auto corrects to "dehumanizing" on iOS)

    My engages have always been solid. But I felt that if my team wasn't doing good, there wasn't much I could do. So I always hovered around 50% win, usually on the lower side of it. I was depending on my team mates. So if you take the fact that sometimes you get good team mates, and other times you get shitty ones — combine that with the fact that I don't play every game 100% perfectly... and yeah. Less than 50% win rate makes sense, right? Of course.

    So what changed? Why do I have a ~70% win rate on all of my main champs right now, getting 20+ LP per win in gold 2 on my way to platinum, and maybe higher? (Maybe....)

    Well... I took some serious time over the past season or two to improve my macro game. Watched tons of videos. Talked to some higher elo players (met a few at my new job, one is plat 1, another is diamond 3) and I studied the games I won, and the games I lost with macro strategy in mind. What objective is up? What do I need to be playing around? Which of my lanes is winning? Where should I focus my effort? If we do x, what is the enemy going to do? If the enemy does y, what can I do?

    The advice they gave me is basically, "for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction."

    If the enemy takes herald, I should take drake, gank bot, or steal his bottom jungle. Or all of the above if I'm lucky.

    If the enemy takes drake, I should take herald, gank top, or steal his top side jungle. Or all of the above if I'm lucky.

    Every move the enemy jungler makes should come with a price. Every move I make will also come with a price. The strategy comes in making the enemy's price to pay higher than your own.

    Autopilot is never a good thing in league of legends, you should always be thinking — this is more true for jungle than any other role.

    So instead of doing what I was doing in bronze and silver and just running around, hoping a free gank will pop up somewhere, and playing team fights better than most of my opponents — I've begun actually thinking about the game. Staying ahead of the problem. Minimizing my losses and maximizing my gains.

    I've begun setting up for drake a minute or two beforehand. Gank bottom, maybe get a kill, burn some summoners. That way when they come to contest the objective they're at a disadvantage.

    I've begun doing this for any objective. Gank top. Get flash, maybe a kill. Take herald. Oh, mid has their laner kinda low. Invade top jungle, steal camps, gank mid, laner has to base... ah, well I have this neat little purple eyeball thing... be a shame if someone.... SMASHED IT MID LANE!!

    And you'll be amazed at how easily these events begin to chain together and play themselves out.

    You just gotta think about it.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    Hey guys, just started an informative League Youtube Channel! First Episode is Freezing and Slow Pushing!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:36 PM PST

    Hey guys my name is Gus, I've been wanting to start an educational channel for a while now but have never got around to it.

    For context I'm a Diamond 2 Top lane main but I play all roles at a decent level!

    This video is of me playing Top lane Irelia on a smurf around low plat MMR, I was going to make a video of me and practice tool but I figured a real game could be more informative about what to do in certain situations.

    I hope you find this informative and helpful towards your grind, I'll try to release a new topic each week and maybe even do a series where I answer questions from /Summonerschool


    Any criticism is welcome! Thanks guys :)

    ED: Wow this got a bit of attention, thank you so much everyone for all the input and suggestions towards my next videos, I cant believe how well received this was by everyone. Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/CROCODILE_FUCK_PARTY
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    A Yuumi Guide from a Grandmaster Yuumi Player!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:51 AM PST

    Hello! I am a fellow Yuumi main who wanted to share my insight and knowledge through the form of a guide, in Google Docs!

    This guide contains the following:

    • Pros & Cons
    • Abilities
    • Runes
    • Summoner Spells
    • Item Builds
    • Gameplay (Each phase on the game, as well as leashing)
    • Synergies

    This is currently version 1.0.0 of the guide and I will be updating it once I've garnered enough match-ups with/against Senna and Aphelios, but so far I think Senna isn't that much a problem and Aphelios is good with Yuumi, but take it with a grain of salt.

    So why Google Docs? Well, it allows YOU, the reader, to select a part of the guide, add some comments, insights, or even ask questions, to help clarify some items! Once comments are answered, I can easily resolve/remove them or maybe keep them up for others to see, if ever they have the same concerns. It also features an outline page so you can immediately go to the sections where you need to be.

    I also included some of my credibility, to assure you that I know what I am doing, however, I am always open to suggestions or to feedback.

    Here are the links to the google documents:

    Standard Version

    Dark Mode (However, if you have Dark Reader/Native Dark Mode, this won't be necessary I suppose, I only made this since I like Dark Mode so much)

    Feedback is highly appreciated, and this is also my first time making a guide, so I hope I can make more. Thank you!

    NOTE: I am aware of the textbox's poor quality, I don't know why Google Docs translates textboxes as images. I made this document in Microsoft Word 2019, but didn't know textboxes would turn out like that.

    submitted by /u/TaxiCabreros
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    i don't want to be that person, but my friend and i are consistently being put against high ranked (silver, gold, plat) players and we're only lvl 29/31. what to do?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:00 AM PST

    we're both new, just started last month, duo-ing bot together. i play support, my friend plays adc. i only know how to yuumi and sona. every match (EVERY) we're either with and playing against lvl 100+ people, or ranked silver/gold + people. ive taken it almost apologise everytime in advance before the match even begins and let them know we're actual 'beginners' because it's almost a given that we lose botlane. one match we duo'd botlane against 2 level 300+ people and needless to say we got absolutely smashed. duh, no shit, what did our team expect? im 10x lower ur level. even though people say levels won't matter, the experience from levels obviously do. they know what abilities yuumi and draven would have, whereas us two are clueless as to what abilities they had.


    its just been difficult. we're just lvl 29 and 31. not smurfs, im mostly clueless about the game (i didn't even know sups weren't meant to cs until almost lvl 20), yet we're always up matched. we still win some matches, but that's due to a huge amount of carry from our team. it sucks but i feel like we're somehow in the "smurf queue" if such exists and being in a losing streak doesn't help lower opponent difficulty. do i just continue to lowkey int, lose matches, so i can play with lower level and people of my skill?

      Edit: thank you everyone for the kind and helpful comments! i appreciate it a lot :)

    submitted by /u/s3r33na72
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    Player controlling both bot lane champs at once

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:31 PM PST

    There is a guy right now on Twitch (saskioLoL) who is controlling both champions in the bot lane and trying to get to diamond elo. He is currently silver 4 at the time of this post but he is only a day or two into the challenge and constantly learning how to improve. He controls the adc with his hands and the support (usually yuumi) with his feet on his laptop. It is a really interesting idea and makes for a pretty hilarious stream, but since he is challenger he is really educational as well and I would recommend checking him out for sure.

    I made a youtube video talking about him and his stream if you would like to check that out as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc-GscKVayE&feature=youtu.be


    submitted by /u/Lolattheredditmods
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    What to do as a mage in mid lane vs an assassin who rooms a lot?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:36 AM PST

    So my elo is G3, last game I played Veigar mid vs Fizz and my botlane were winning bot until they lost because of several Fizz ganks on botlane throughout the game. I told them it's a 2v3 lane and I can't follow or facecheck an assassin. So my question is: what could I have done better in that game? https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/EUW1/4339653689/227244618?tab=overview

    I did the obvious and used "missing enemy" ping a lot.

    submitted by /u/OzieteRed
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    How do I carry the heavy weight?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST

    I'm trying to improve at the game by playing some basic champs but I don't know how to carry some heavy teammates. Last game I played I had an 0/9 riven (low gold high silver elo), I don't understand how to win my games when a mord comes out of lane with 12 kills...

    submitted by /u/Galactic_Bacon
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    I just lost how to jungle

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:30 PM PST


    I am an ex D3 jungler, three weeks ago I had been still in promos back to D3 after demoting to D4. 3 weeks later I sit on P4 and can't beat even gold 1 players anymore, even my smurf accounts are higher elo then this. I don't know what happened. I don't think I did change anything how I played before, it just all went bad, and whatever I play, however I play, I just can't win. And it is not that I would spam games on a lose streak, had days off, played 1-2 games a day or just on smurf, but whenever I come back to my main I just lose. I don't think I got that much worse in this short amount of time, I am not a one trick, I play several champions. From Ekko to Zac, many things, but I don't know what to do. I am really desperate and I can't understand why I am at this elo or this situation and how to fix this. I know season resets soon, but as long I did lose this much elo since season's end I don't think I will get well placed. Please if you have any advices, let me know in the comments, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Ganksen
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    The difference between Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Hello summoners

    I wonder about this two items, what is the purpose of these items? They are assigned to champions or they are flex to use on certain matchups?

    When i play top and match champion like fiora with ravenous hydra, my obvious choice is to build early bramble vest. Is the same thing true for titanic hydra?

    submitted by /u/Pralidoksym
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    A Seemingly Forgotten Jungler.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    Hello all. I would first like to start by saying that I am in no means good at the game and in only silver 3 after a bit over a month since I took a 3 year hiatus.

    I came back to my favorite Jungler for my first few matches. That Jungler is Skarner. Pretty much every single game I play with Skarner I go overly positive and in 40 games this ranked season I have a 64% win rate with him alone. I would think a champion that has a slow, stun, and a snare that he drag champions around in would be played lots more. Plus it is so much fun to run predator and chase people down with no issue whatsoever.

    I have also noticed that I havent played against a Skarner in years even before I took a long break from gaming, and havent seen him since I came back unless I played him. In my opinion when played right he is extremely helpful and can be amazing on the frontline, more so than most other junglers I have played for similar amounts of time.

    So my question is- why the hell does nobody play him anymore? I dont even see him on tier lists and it makes me kind of sad, and I always wonder why he is never played.

    submitted by /u/Redcell888
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    Looking for the strongest of the strong ultra late, for all roles!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    I'm not playing ranked and I'm super new so don't really care about what's in meta or whatever. Just the champions that get the absolute strongest the longer the game goes. It's just what I find the most fun.

    Only other thing I'd like to know is how easy they are to play. If they get super strong late but are super hard to play then I can't really make use of that strength.

    Here are the ones that I've played so far:

    Bottom: Kog'maw, Twitch, Vayne and Tristana

    Top: Jax, Cho'gat, Kayle and Vayne

    Middle: None yet, but I've heard Kassadin is the strongest

    Jungle: Twitch and Master Yi

    Support: Sona

    submitted by /u/ywecur
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    Back timing (specifically mid lane)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Hey all, I'm a mid lane Vel Koz OTP in Plat 3 and was confused about something and couldn't find an answer on here or google.

    I've gotten decent at wave manipulation (fast/slow pushes and freezes) and generally leave laning phase with about 6-7 CS/min, but still find myself losing minions due to poor back timing. I know the general rule if you're ready to back and the enemy laner is dead/gone is to fast push the wave into their tower and back (to deny them the cs/exp), but sometimes I still lose some minions to tower before I get back (they fast pushed as soon as they returned to lane).

    Am I making the mistake of not building a slow push in my favor or freezing the lane? Or should I optimally be leaving right before a cannon wave shows up so that I lose less minions?

    Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/boltershmoo
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    New to League of Legends, is it better too solo to figure out the game?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST

    So I play with some buddies at times and mostly play support because I just kinda do what my ADC tells me to do and it works out since he basically micromanages my plays and all I do is aim my spells. If I want to actually learn the game should I play solo ranked and just learn from my mistakes or should I duo with a higher ranked friend but play a solo lane like top so I can still figure out my lane but get help with macro from my friend?

    submitted by /u/SwedenAPT
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    What's keeping Aatrox down?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    (I'm silver/gold so it might be something obvious) But I'm wondering why Aatrox is currently considered sub-par or even bad in this patch/meta. He becomes somewhat of a lane bully with some CDR and his high sustain allows him to stay in lane vs poke champs while still having a decent all-in. His passive works great due to an increase in tank(y) top laners and the rest of his kit is decent for teamfighting with a little CC and spread damage.

    So what is it that makes him have one of the shittiest win rates of all top champs?

    submitted by /u/idkwtftodonow
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    How to get a lead roaming as zed and finishing the game.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:25 PM PST

    I recently wanted to pick up zed because I like the kill lane/Push and roam style to help my other lanes get ahead but, I'm having trouble efficiently roaming. I push the wave or kill my laner then roam bot or top depending on whichever is easiest to gank.

    What ends up happening is my laner won't either stay in lane to catch the wave or the lane I'm trying to gank pushes up as i'm pathing to them. I even try to tell them at the start of the game that I plan on roaming so don't try to be pushed up all game or a minute before I roam I tell them.

    If my roams do plan out or I get a lead I can't capitalize off it. I kill the ADC and support but my team still doesn't win the fight or I split push and no one goes for objectives.

    submitted by /u/Sofruz
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    As an ADC, dont waste your flash offensively unless it's 100% worth it

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:44 AM PST

    I see a lot of adc players wasting their flashes to get kills that are not really worth it, especially in the mid or late game before an important teamfight (killing a support out of position) or in lane to land that Ezreal Q (and then of course miss it). Flash for an adc is really important, if you want to use it offensively, it's better be worth it. Use it to kill the enemy botlaner in lane (you should know it's gonna work) or when you see a fat 1k shutdown easy to grab. Otherwise save it to run away for the fed Zed running after you or to get out from that annoying J4 ult.

    submitted by /u/JinxedCaitlyn
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    Are there multiple "smurf queues" ?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    I'm a pretty mediocre bronze level player who has been playing for half a year, mainly as support. I'm keen to try other roles, but I feel like I should start a second account because if I play with my main I know I will get destroyed. (I already have a negative win rate, and that's with champs I'm familiar with!)

    I've been completely destroyed by some impressive smurfs with accounts in the low 30s, so I'm worried that if I create a new account and don't completely int like a noob (though this might happen anyway), I'll be put in a queue with the actual good smurfs. Once a new account is flagged as somewhat knowing what they are doing, are there multiple tiers they can go in (e.g. new/intermediate/advanced smurfs) or am I overthinking this ?

    submitted by /u/Spiph
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    Early Game Champs vs Late Game Champs (Top Lane)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Was wondering what type of Champs are better suited for climbing in ranked among Early Game Champs and Late Game Champs for the Top Lane.

    Is it better to go for the Early Game, get a lead and try to end the game quickly with champs such as Pantheon, Darius, Kled, Aatrox (to some extent)

    Or is trying to stall for the Late Game a better idea with champs such as Vladimir, Fiora, Jax, Kayle

    I know Morde's busted right now, but he gets banned quite often and he gets boring, so I'm looking for something else to play.

    submitted by /u/NoUReverseCard
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    Is it worth it to play ranked in pre-season if I've never played ranked before and prefer to soloqueue?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

    title, i love playing games for ranked solo because of the consequences and rewards in the form of ranks and got heavily into league a month or two ago, haven't played anything else since. i main support and do pretty well in normals, usually up against level 100s or 200s with mastery 6/7. i decide to go into ranked, and i've played 5 games so far, every game i've had is a loss. it's either been my team flaming eachother before laning has even started, causing the morale of the team to drop and we lose (flaming doesn't do anything to me, more my teammates) or them feeding and going 0/8 in the first 10 mins. of course i expected this from league, but it's borderline unplayable.

    i was told by a couple of people to just wait until the season starts before playing ranked because the experience isn't the same and it's harder to climb, i've also been told to just abuse duo-queuing because i play support, which is possible for me, but i'd rather not as i prefer to queue solo. are any of these true, or should i just stick to normals?

    EDIT: thought it'd be obvious but i'll clarify anyway, i'm obviously low-elo (bronze 3 apparently?) and i know that plays a part in it, but it seems almost impossible to even win, let alone climb.

    submitted by /u/Cogarus
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    Let's talk about Mordekaiser

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:39 PM PST

    Ok so this champ feels unbearably strong in most of the games I have him in to where I'm feeling like he's a must ban. but I want to know people's thoughts on him. Specifically how to play against him:

    1.) When he is at his strongest?

    2.) How do you team fight against him?

    3.) What are his weaknesses?

    etc. etc. I just want to know how to play against him or otherwise someone can chime in with the classic "ban him". I'm close to that.

    submitted by /u/thechuckcharles
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    Ranked Anxiety

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:49 PM PST

    Hey guys!
    Do some of the more experienced players here have some tips about what you can do when having problems/fair with q'ing up for or playing Solo Q games.

    For me I never had problems until a few weeks back when because of a shift in the team i regularly play with I decided to swap roles (to jungle) and overall it the right decision because when playing with mates especially in 5v5 i feel incredibly comfortable it's just that when playing alone I fear making errors to the point where I either won't play at all or play extremely defensive/scared

    Thanks in advance! and happy holidays fellow summoners :D

    submitted by /u/desseinf
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    how to improve at csing?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:11 PM PST

    I've recently gotten back into the game after a hiatus, and I'm going to take on the advice you hear online alot about setting goals for yourself. One this I've always struggled with is CSing, so I've decided that's the thing I want to work on most.

    Unfortunately, I'm almost at a complete lost on how to improve at it. While I can consistantly get 70-80 by the 10 minute mark, I can't even reach 150 by 20 minutes, and I just get worse from then on. I just can't find any places to farm mid to late game, as all the lanes are usually being farmed by my teammates, and the ones that aren't would require me to split from the team, which doesn't typically work out too well for me.

    How would I go about practicing and improving at CSing, especially in the mid-late game? Are there any specific things I should be doing to get more out of it? because If I can CS well, I feel like I'll get more kills and die less as a result.

    submitted by /u/Zapaeryan
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