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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    LoL Guide If your end-of-game reflection/critique includes words like "he", "they", "my team", you're doing it wrong.

    LoL Guide If your end-of-game reflection/critique includes words like "he", "they", "my team", you're doing it wrong.

    If your end-of-game reflection/critique includes words like "he", "they", "my team", you're doing it wrong.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:45 AM PST

    I see this all the time on this subreddit.

    "My team did xyz and that's why we lost."

    "My mid laner did this or that and that's why we lost."

    "He fed his ass off and that's why we lost."

    Admittedly, this may be partially true -- but that doesn't matter. You can't do anything about that. You have absolutely no power over anything in any game of league of legends except the champion you're playing and the decisions you make.

    Every single player who plays this game runs into shitty team mates. Every player has games where one of their laners feeds, or all of their laners feed. Everyone that plays this game has situations where if someone on their team would have made a better decision, the game would have come out differently.

    And yet there are some people who are hardstuck in iron, and some people who are the top 10 players in the world.

    What separates the people in Iron from the people in Challenger is attitude. Decision making. Perspective. How they approach each and every situation and every decision.

    Sure, there's a mechanical skill disparity. Obviously. Someone in iron is probably not going to be as mechanically skilled as someone in challenger -- but that's probably only about 20% of what separates them on opposite ends of the ranked ladder.

    The bigger difference, the 80%, the difference that matters is their attitude about the game and the decisions they make.

    An Iron player will see a team mate give up first blood and say "GG go next" and start flaming and being toxic in chat, and they'll have the mentality like "Omg i always get such shitty team mates, this game is stupid, ff @ 15, fuck everyone, fuck everything."

    A challenger player might not even notice or care that first blood has been given, because there's still 25+ minutes of game left to play, and nearly infinite possibilities of turning the unfortunate start into a victory.

    An iron player might see a mid laner go 0-6 in lane, start flaming that person, saying "Why do you even play that champion, you're so bad, uninstall noob, GG"

    A challenger player might see a mid laner go 0-6 in lane, and make decision that can help cover that weakness. They'll modify their own playstyle to fit the unfortunate state of the game. They'll try to maximize their gains and minimize their losses. They'll play safe. They might coordinate a 3 or 4 man gank mid lane to get a shutdown bonus onto a carry. They might play around that lane and get objectives elsewhere on the map.

    The point is a challenger player is always trying to win the game, no matter what. Also, they understand that the only power they have in any given game is over themselves. No one else. The other 9 players may as well be bots -- that's how you have to treat it. Unpredictable, uncontrollable bots.

    The iron player is too focused on how they're losing. Too focused on what their team mates are doing wrong. Too focused on how they're "so much better than their team mates" and how its unfair that they're not already the best player in the world. League is specifically conspiring against them and holding them back unfairly. its their team's fault. Its the jungler's fault. Its their mid laner's fault. Its matchmaking's fault.

    I would venture to say that more than half of the players in Iron and Bronze could be Bronze and Silver respectively (maybe even higher) if they'd just fix their shitty attitudes, and focus on themselves.

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    LoL Quick Guide: Level up timing / Surprise killing enemies

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:29 AM PST

    Hey guys this is my first video of a new series I'm starting called "LoL Quick Guide".
    The premise is basically me explaining little mechanics, that everyone should incorporate into his gameplay, as fast and simple as possible.
    Please let me know what you think!


    submitted by /u/PUR3SK1LL
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    Is playing Tanks in the Top Lane just not viable in low elo?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:13 AM PST

    I'm new to the game, sorry if this is a dumb question.

    I play Ornn, Malphite, Maokai, Ornn, Sion, Cho. Full Tank builds, none of that AD/AP stuff. And I find myself with not nearly enough impact to influence the game.

    Sure, it makes winning an already won game easier (when the ADC/Mid/Jungler is fed), but my stand-alone impact is just not there. I can peel, I can engage, I can soak damage, but if the team is behind, I can't make a difference.

    Is this true, and climbing with Tanks in Silver is pointless, or should I just get better?

    submitted by /u/Denhardt
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    Dealing with Yasuo

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Hello, I'm a Silver 3 Mid player and my current champions are Annie, Lux, Morgana, Anivia, and Ezreal.

    I prefer long range champions, but naturally high mobility champions give me trouble. Annie is my goto counter for most of them (Zed, Yasuo, etc.) since her damage reduction shield and Q stun give me a solid advantage in lane... or at least I thought. My last game against a Yasuo was eye opening as it revealed a massive weakness of mine.


    I didn't do terrible in lane, but once Yasuo got some items he pushed his waves under my tower and left lane to roam. Leaving me with a morton's fork. Leave lane and let my tower get damaged and cs to be wasted or clear the wave and let the Yasuo wander free. I grabbed mobi boots to try and keep up with him, but he outplayed me and I either wasted my time or cleaned up the kills after everyone else was dead. When I stayed in lane, I pinged when he left lane, but bot couldn't survive no matter how early the warning. It was frustrating to have my lane opponent get big by leaving lane and going somewhere else.

    I don't blame bot, he was my opponent so it clearly was something I should have done. But I'm at a loss to what that is. What should I have done?

    submitted by /u/NotSpecialDude
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    What is the best build path for Cho'Gath (Both Tank and AP)?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    What is the best build path for Cho'Gath (Both Tank and AP)?
    I know things like Glacial in combination with Hextech GLP are necessary for AP, but what comes after that and what would be good for Tank Cho'Gath? Also, is Cho' Gath good in the meta and should i play AP Cho'Gath rather Toplane or rather in the midlane? Toplane is more secure, but ap doesnt do much when i play against some tanky dude like Maokai.

    submitted by /u/SirLucky7
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    How to Stay Relevant as a Jungler?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:38 PM PST

    Hi y'all. I am currently a Gold IV player with a first preference for mid and a second of jungle. Quite often I get jungle, and I feel my performance in it is a huge portion of my losses. I play Twisted Fate mid because I like having a huge amount of presence and being able to help out my team. For that reason, I chose jungle as it also has that global presence. I like playing Lee Sin, but a quick look at my op.gg shows he doesn't like me. Here are the particular issues I have:

    Not Being Underleved

    Very often I find myself two levels below pretty much everyone on my team, or at the same level as my support. I have heard that jungle experience is horrible, so I really try to prioritize ganking, but when the ganks do not result in a kill, I just shuffle around even longer without obtaining experience. I then feel like when I go back to the jungle to farm up, an opportunity for a gank or countergank comes up, but because I am too far away, I can't do anything about it.

    Finding Things to Do When All Lanes are Pushed Towards Enemies

    Since I heavily force early ganks, it is a nightmare for me when all the lanes are pushed towards enemies. I feel most of the time it is not appropriate to force a dive onto the enemies. Counterjungling is also difficult for me most of the time since I feel like I will be easily killed if I attempt it. I feel like this is a huge issue since Lee Sin's whole thing is that he is a nightmare to 1 v 1, but I always find myself unable to challenge other junglers.

    Playing Mid Game / Late Game

    At this point in the game, I feel like I just die instantly. By the time I q in attempt to do damage, I just get stunned and die before I can even autoattack or use my other abilities. I feel the only useful thing I can do is ult people off my carries. I especially have this issue in teamfights. Maybe I am building incorrectly with too much damage and I need to go more tank right away?

    Carrying My Early Game Advantage

    Sometimes I get fed pretty early, but I find it very difficult to keep my momentum swinging. With the turret plating, it is impossible to force turrets down with my early advantage. I can often get dragon / herald control early, but I feel that is pretty much it. I then feel that any lane control or security I build then kinda falls off and then everyone else can just ignore my impact.

    This may all be very general stuff, so I can answer any clarifying questions. If there is a good way to share replays, I am happy to do that too. I remember op.gg had a system where you could ask the website to record it, but I think now you have to download something?

    op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=SlayerTheGreat1

    submitted by /u/SlayerTheGreat1
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    troll/offmeta builds that are surprisingly viable in ranked? [at least below diamond]

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:16 PM PST

    I love playing this type of thing so I'd like to find some more.

    You see a lot of high elo youtubers smurfing with those like that famous Xerath player doing an AP Kog'Maw mid but most of them seem purely trollish. I.e. not something you can actually play in your own elo and win more often than lose. But I find that when it works it works really well because low elo players don't know how to play against it. They get confuzzled and you get away with more plays.

    Not limiting lanes and roles because I'm curious about the stuff people come up with. Though I mostly play top and mid.

    submitted by /u/arresnight
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    I have no idea how to lane with a Yuumi as my support.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:06 PM PST

    I feel like almost every time I've laned with this champ, this exact scenario happens; we lose the lane, the Yuumi gives up on staying bot so they just perma-attach themselves to the strongest melee champ on our team and we still win the game because my melee champ is fed while I go negative having to 1v2 a botlane as adc for the rest of the lane. I have no idea how to win fights with this champ around, do I just run at them and hope to out-trade them with heals like with a Soraka? Or do I wait for her to just widdle down the lane opponent with Q poke? I feel like every other support exudes so much more pressure than Yuumi and I practically feel alone when she's in my lane early game. I have 0 idea what to do when she's around. Is there something I'm missing to laning bot with this champ on my team?

    submitted by /u/DryBreadLoaf
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    List of jungle tips I've learned from this subreddit to help you climb fast!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:44 PM PST

    I recently hit Plat 3 after climbing all the way from Silver 2. I'm a jungle main.

    I've started climbing after I've learned theese tips from summonerschool and I thought about making a list for every tip I've gotten so more people can learn to climb fast like me.

    • Dont expect others to carry you - If you wanna climb you gotta carry, never put your trust in someone else, they are low rank for a reason.

    • Only play carry champs - Never play tanks, always go full damage. You can't carry with a tank champion or a support champion (like Ivern) they rely on your other teamates getting ahead and being good. Some good examples for carry champions are Qiyana, Lee and Twitch. They are easy to carry with and SUPER easy to play.

    • Always shove the lane - Remember, you are the carry and you need the farm. It doesn't matter if your laners get mad because they will thank you when they win. Shoving the lane also hurts the enemy laner.

    • Cull is VERY underrated and it's VERY powerful - Everytime you shove a lane you get extra gold and that will help you get ahead.

    • ALWAYS invade, even if you are behind - If you are behind this will get you back in the game because you will hurt the other jungler.

    • NEVER die for an objective - If you are a low elo jungler then you probably don't have the skills to steal dragon, baron or herald. So just don't risk your team being 4v5 and maybe losing ACTUAL objectives like turret or inhib.

    This is my tips for climbing in low elo. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/peteryouknowit
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    Long Sword + Refillable vs Doran's Blade + Health Pot

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:50 PM PST

    I'm trying to figure out the math to determine whether Long Sword + Refillable Potion is a better start than Doran's Blade plus Health Pot.

    Sword + Refillable basically gets you +10AD and 250hp. If we subtract the 80hp you get from Doran's, that's a difference of 170 hp and 2 more AD. Assuming an average starting armor of 25, the opponent will be taking 20% less damage. So, if my math is correct, in order for your 3% lifesteal to be worth more than the extra health from Refillable, you would need to deal more than 7,000 premitigation damage before backing. The Health Pot brings this number down to around 833 premitigation damage, which is much more attainable, but then it's used up and you're back to needing to deal over 7,000 damage to make up the difference. And many champs have armor in the upper 30s at level 1.

    Does that sound correct? If so, it seems like it would be better to start with the sword and Refillable and then you're 350gp closer to your first item. Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/karaokelove
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    How to create the best mindset when having limited game time?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:03 AM PST

    (low elo mid silver, i have accepted that i probably won't climb higher due to my low gaming time and no talent)

    I have time for about 1 or 2 games a day and I noticed that I get visibly annoyed/bad mood if they don't go well. I can take normal losses just fine, but if one lane gets stomped yet they kept feeding it gets to me.

    so today I was doing my usual 2 games in the morning while wife is sleeping, first game bot lane hard fed (1/7 1/8 by 20 min) and second game we had a player leaving after 1 min making it 4v5.

    I ended up considerably annoyed and not in a good mood. it ruined the morning as I wasn't cheerful to the family and made me reconsider if this game is for me.

    do you guys get annoyed from the game and lingers into the day? how do you guys set your mindsets to avoid it?

    submitted by /u/kick53rv3
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    should i offer a disclaimer that im new and trying to get placed in the placement ranked matches?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:38 PM PST

    for some context: lvl 31 newbie, not smurf, support main (basically i can only play yuumi), occasionally duo bot but soloq sometimes. had my first 3 ranked games yesterday upon advice to try so as my normals mmr is inflated as fk (consistently matched with lvl 200+, silver/gold people). matches was a shit show as imagined - pinging me, my ult, my sum spells, everything. as yuumi, my gameplay is pretty afk esp in landing phase as the new q rework is weak af, and i definetley do not want to get caught by the opponents supports hook (leona) and risk a 5 sec w cool down. i soloq'd so that didn't help. everyone was gold something except me. ive never felt a more toxic environment, ever. normals was nothing like this, even if i was placed with a pro adc and pro enemy botlane.  

    now im wondering, is it worth saying something like "hi guys, im a new lvl 31 who's trying to complete placement ranked matches. just a heads up that ill be pretty bad, i just want to get put into iron 4 or where ever i belong so i can play with ppl of my skill lvl as my normals mmr is fking inflated. sorry in advance esp to adc if i cause us to lose".

    submitted by /u/briddyforman
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    Good laner , bad at late game

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:39 PM PST

    Hi, im having this problem in a lot of matches, im learning how to play mid because i changed my role, im pretty good at laning phase and i use offensive champs who can kill 1-2 times in lane , get more farm and some turret damage, my problem is when we got to 25 min i start to lose my advantage , and i dont know what can i do tu keep my gold up :)

    I use agressive champs like lb, morde, ekko

    submitted by /u/benjaraya
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    How to lane with Shen?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST

    I'm just starting to play shen (top) and it seems I get dumpstered almost every lane and have to play passive. He has no range poke and only a sorta short dash to engage so ranged champs can poke for free, and a lot of melee champs (olaf, singed) I've played against straight out damage me. Am I relegated to playing every lane passively?

    submitted by /u/Sextopher
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    There's some issue with my gameplay and I'm not sure what it is.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:35 AM PST

    Hopefully this isn't redundant or commonly posted, and I apologize if it is. I'm relatively new to League in terms of in-game hours, though I've had a massive interest in the game ever since I started playing. I just get very discouraged by my consistently poor performance. I'm working my way through all of the resources provided here, and would just like some discussion to supplement that. I know farming is a major problem for me, before League I played a lot of Dota 2 where farming is different enough to warrant adjusting. I've been working on that with noticable improvement. But there's some other issue in my gameplay that I haven't been able to pinpoint yet. In every game I fall behind pretty early, even when I'm farming better than my lane opponent. I'd love some discussion, maybe some back and forth will help find the issue. Or maybe even if anyone is willing to look through my match history, I can swallow my pride and show my embarrassing history. Any help would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/universe-ity
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    I'm awful at basic attacking

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    I'm terrible at basic attacking and generally anything right-click related. Champions like Irelia, Olaf, Kayle and Tryndamere are at my absolute bottom of my general skill with champions.

    What can I do to improve my ability to basic attack? I often miss my right clicking when engaging on a champion and very often I accidentally cancel a basic attack mid-animation.

    I've already tried attack-move, but I keep messing up my A key with my Q key during a fight when I'm not farming. And attack-move with A-key left-click generally feels awful since I'm too used to right click when farming.

    submitted by /u/NPultra
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    Hey guys, Just added my second video to my new Youtube Channel! This one is for you Split Pushers

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    First off thank you everyone for the support, you guys have been awesome.

    Any suggestions as to how I can improve these videos would be greatly appreciated <3 Even ideas for upcoming videos are welcome.

    This video goes in depth about split pushing, what it is, and when to do it. I try to keep these videos as short as possible and straight to the point.

    Video here


    submitted by /u/CROCODILE_FUCK_PARTY
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    Leona vs. Nautilus

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:51 PM PST

    I recently switched from playing jungle all the time to playing support all the time, due to trying Leona for the first time and loving the playstyle. However, she seems almost the same as Nautilus in what her skills accomplish, apart from a few minor details. My question is: is there some major difference between them that I am missing that would allow skew my champ select toward one or the other? Maybe a specific adc that one synergizes better with? If not, why choose one over the other? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/mjiced
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    How can I stand a chance in jungle?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:11 AM PST

    I despise jungle, it's my least played role. Obviously good junglers are very skilled and having one can single-handedly win us the game. But every once in a while I get autofilled jungler in draft pick :(. I always ask to switch but sometimes nobody is willing to (understandable). Playing jungle genuinely stresses me out on a physical level. Everyone on my team suddenly has the right to boss me around and move me across the map. When I play jungle my heart is beating 3x the normal speed and I feel like my palms are sweaty (not fun). I'm no good at jungle so I feel like I've got to listen to them. I usually play mid or support and I feel like people usually leave you alone there as long as you don't lose lane hard.

    A few games ago I was playing Evelynn and took dragon by myself bc none of my team would help (bottom's lane was fully pushed). I backed to heal and adc ended up going mid and they both died. Then mid said that we would have won that if I had been there. I was also blamed for not getting too many ganks in before 6 (which I admit was my fault). However, by the time I was lvl 6 mid and bottom both had at least 3 deaths and their lanes were lost. There was also this guy who would ping when I took our own buffs and camps.

    I always find myself either farming too much or ganking too much. After reading posts here, jungle seems like the most complicated role, I don't expect myself to be good I just want some tips to not suck at jungle. (camp order, what to do in teamfights, when to gank etc) Honestly jungle and adc seem to be the most stress-inducing roles in this game.

    submitted by /u/HoneyJasmineGreenTea
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    Whats attack move and when and how should I use it?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:33 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Im a draven main and recently i realised that many high elo draven mains use attack move and other buttons such as clicking "S" a lot. Im not sure what is attack move and when to use it, currently im copying another draven mains settings and trying to get used to it but im really lost how to do it. Can any experienced dravens or adc mains please help me out.

    submitted by /u/xBagad
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    Correct Freezing

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:01 AM PST

    I am new on this sub, so I don't really know if Q&A is the correct way to use it. But here I go:

    I would like to know how you freeze waves, when you do it and what the goal of it is?

    I am Gold 2, EUW currently. I mained JGL for my entire ranked league time. But now I would like to learn Top lane. I can maintain G2 with my current knowledge but I would like to climb and think correct wave management will help.

    submitted by /u/Luckyluke97
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    Mid game probs as a support

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

    I've watched videos and read countless articles, but there's something I'm missing. In a nutshell, I'm a monster early game (laning phase) as Lux or Leona but fall off mid to late game.

    I start to fall behind my enemy support by 1-2 levels. But the biggest issue is the the early game lead that I help my team build sometimes starts to fall off and we either eek out a win or lose.

    I don't know if you've tried to do a little farming as a lux or leona support but it takes me forever to take down a puny minion or burn through a lot of mana.

    This doesn't seem to matter if I transition into AP Lux, but Leo has no AP counterpart. And my Leo isn't very tanky. So the one thing I'm suppose to do ends up not being useful as all.

    Any videos, articles, or comments are appreciated!


    submitted by /u/crawdaddy18
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