• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    League of Legends Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Monday Megathread! Ask questions and share knowledge; newcomer questions encouraged!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Welcome to the latest Monday Megathread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

    Need help against a certain champion? Unsure how and where to ward? Looking to improve your csing? This is the place to ask. This weekly thread is a place for new players to ask questions and get help/advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

    Previous threads

    If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Looking to chat with people live? Come check out our discord channel here! We also have the channel #new-player-help if you want to ask questions there.

    If you are willing to learn, /r/SummonerSchool and its respective discord are always willing to teach.

    Basic Mechanics explanation in our Wiki

    New Player Guide by /u/The-All-Tomato

    Riot's New Player Guide

    LolEsports New Viewer Guide


    Please sort this post by new, so that you can see the newer, unanswered questions.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Fiddlesticks walks through the wall. Literally.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    TCS 2019 announced | $50k | international

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:04 PM PST

    from tylers twitter: https://twitter.com/loltyler1/status/1201256373759225858

    copied from the ruleset on discord:


    By applying to the TCS, you agree to follow all the rules on loltyler1's Discord and Twitch channel. You also agree to follow the League of Legends Summoner Code. Failure to abide by these rules will result in your team being disqualified and potentially banned from future TCS events.

    -specific rules for the tournament-

    Before pausing the game because of a technical difficulty, you must announce it in /all chat. No more than 5 minutes will be given. Trolling will be punished, either by disqualifying the team or the player misbehaving for the remainder of the tournament. Teams found having the same member as another team will be disqualified. Trash talking is okay, but keep it within the rules. Showing up late or with an incomplete roster to your scheduled games can result in various kinds of penalties. Teams are picked based on the average LP of their 5 starting players. You can only participate with the account you are registered with. TCS reserves the right to make exceptions. Players currently under LCS contract are not allowed to compete in the TCS.

    All games on the 14th and 15th (bo3) will be streamed on twitch.tv/loltyler1 and casted by other content creators (not lolyler1). The final series on the 21st (bo5) will be streamed on twitch.tv/loltyler1 and casted by loltyler1. The prize money of $50,000 will be awarded to the first place team.

    Deadline for applications: Dec 8th 9pm CT


    submitted by /u/Testrox
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    Insane map awareness and gragas mechanics

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST

    After a long time "League of Legends" is now again the most watched game on Twitch for the last 365 days

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:51 AM PST

    PBE is Strangely Toxic for a Region Where Not Being Toxic is a Requirement

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST

    On the PBE, I have experienced more toxicity and general game ruining behaviour than I have ever on the regular servers. It's not rare to find someone ragequit and/or afk in the games I've played. Right now, Aphelios is recently released and there's a flood of people trying the new champion out, so it might be that there's just a lot of toxic people came with the wave. However, the games feel like garbage and I'm not able to fully understand and learn about playing with or against Aphelios when it's often a 4v5 situation.

    submitted by /u/JackeltheGuy_
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    Zac gets elder. mp4

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:33 AM PST

    If Heimer's turrets and Zyra's plants can stack Conqueror, then Malzahar's minions should as well

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Aren't all those summoned units? Why Malzahar can't benefit from Conqueror as well? I know the voidlings are mobile, but they're also melee and die faster, so, they should be able to stack.

    EDIT: People seem to be under the impression that Malzahar's minions give Conqueror stacks. They don't, not a single one.

    submitted by /u/TheBestCCIsDeath
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    The Azir's shuffle bug has been around since forever and happens alot to me lately. Been feeling really bad playing my fav champ lately.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:18 AM PST

    The fact that Riot is limiting Clubs to only 100 players and tags to 5 characters has led to club tag squatting and selling.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    Instead of the intended effect of actually creating communities where you can chat and meet people to play, it basically just became a tag selling business. If you google Club Tags for Sale, you'll find tons of people that basically create 5 smurfs and squat on a club tag until they can sell it.

    The concept of clubs is good, it was meant to replace the old chatrooms, which often ended up being spammed by smurf account sellers. And they succeeded in doing that by allowing moderation and kicking of members. But the fact that Riot limited the number of players in a club inevitably led to some tags becoming a rarity, especially since they're unique. The second factor being that club tags are only limited to 5 characters, which made it hard to even create a new tag, since it takes 30 minutes of trying different things or more before finding a free one that's not complete gibberish.

    Players want to have a cool tag or something that represents them so if there are no spots in the clubs they want or they're being squatted, they simply won't bother.

    What Riot needs to do is simple:

    • Remove the limit on the number of players in a club
    • Increase the number of characters in club tags to at least 10 characters

    And preferably, if they do care about players forming communities, adding a searchable directory where clubs can be found and a description for each.

    This would instantly solve most of the problems with clubs right now. It's a terrible system at the moment and it's ridiculous that it hasn't been addressed for so long.

    submitted by /u/outslide
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    Never seen a player get distracted this hard in my 4 years of playing. I should not have survived this.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:31 AM PST

    Funny fanart I've made about Lux and Zoe!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Funny fanart I've made about Lux and Zoe!

    I really love both champs so it was hard to draw this piece :') Hope you enjoy it!


    submitted by /u/Ealya_art
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    Why Garens E stack Conqueror but Wukongs R doesn't ?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:26 AM PST

    I understand that Riot dont care about this champ(when his rework was announced about 6-7 monts ago and nothing happened, when Diana get rework in a few weeks after anounce) but can Rion at least let Wukong R be better ability than Garens E ?

    submitted by /u/papu16
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    I drew the RISE Jarvan IV fight

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

    It's my friend's birthday today and I decided to draw him the moment where Ambition fights Faker and Jarvan IV appears from the RISE video. I used watercolour paper and Prismacolour pencil crayons.

    Here it is!

    I actually referenced Jarvan's splash art for the crown since the video still was kinda blurry and dull in colour.

    submitted by /u/MarissaTheDino
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    Thresh was/is the greatest support champ ever made.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:55 PM PST

    Seriously, he isn't only fun to play. He isn't aids to play against. A good thresh could make an ADC useless (hooks, catches, jg setups), a good ADC could make thresh useless (avoiding hooks, range of his e, knowing cds and when he might be setting up lantern from jg).

    Nowadays supports feel like they just cheapshot ADCs rather then masterfully outplay them that good threshs are Able to do.

    For example: senna can just land autos while letting her adc facetank, get a kill and look cool. But thresh needs to lookout for his own adc and land a excellent positional hook on their adc/sup who ever is More threatening.

    • he is also fun to play WITH. As an adc main I salivate when I have a high win rate thresh as sup. He gets me monster fed and lets me do the damage and look good, also peels, can turn around an assasin dive, save me if I fucked up. Sups like brand, senna, pyke aren't as fun to play with they are more about THEM rather than the adc. Nothing wrong with that but not really the sup role.
    • he can actually hard carry without dealing cheapshot amount of damage. For example a pyke/senna can carry only by getting ahead and dealing tons of damage by rendering the adc useless. Also another opposite example Soraka can carry by dealing busted amounts of healing. Both of which feel shit to vs.
    • it feels fair to get fucked by a thresh. I know deep inside the thresh has just outsmarted me if he kills me. I don't feel the same when killed by naut perma lock hook, senna simply outdamaging me, Soraka saving their monkey adc by a pinch.
    • it feels AMAZING to play alongside a good thresh. Stressfree Lane, can counter a hard camping jg by lantern. 3v2 potential with his ult. both the ADC and the SUP have skill expression.

    I just feel that the damage type supports are a bit.. selfish. Sure a good one can make themselves look good but it's awful to play WITH. - feels AMAZING to play well. You have so much control over the game, skill expression all without dealing cheap amounts of damage.

    This is not going to change anyone's mind about future design of champs but I think it's an objective fact that thresh is the greatest support design ever made.

    submitted by /u/shitpaste
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    New Syndra Mechanic - Guide I made on using the E flash Q and my other tricks I use every year to get Challenger. (654 LP atm)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    So I'm Fas the Magi / Fas Scriptor. A few years ago I was really well known as one of the best Syndra players in NA. I'm going to prove that I am the best Syndra in NA again over the next year. Recently I decided to start taking solo queue really seriously again. Over my last 55 games on Syndra - I'm 40 wins and 15 losses on that climb which I think is pretty impressive - in Grandmaster NA playing with some of the best players on the server at that.

    Since I made the last post - I got to Challenger again from grandmaster 450~ lp in the last 4 days, gaining almost 200 lp.

    I already posted this in Summoner School and Syndramains where it seems to be doing really well, so I figured I would post it here as well. I edited this one a bit to have more info.

    https://youtu.be/8QKfYSzPPH0 - the full video, but the timestamps below might be more useful. I'm not good enough yet at video editing to make a table contents in video, but I'll get there in the future I hope.

    I want people to really understand just what the limitations of Syndra's kit are; that she's more than just a "press r champ". From watching pro players I can honestly say that the delayed e q stun pushback and the flash version of it are not used by anyone other than me. I also go over some of the other really advanced tricks I've learned over the years.

    1:00 The way to use the new mechanic on Syndra is to e the target, put your q slightly past the end of the hitbox of your e and a straight line from your target - this will push them into the orb then stun them. If getting dove this gives you up to a 500~ unit pushback into 1.5 second stun, enough to get away from pretty much anyone.

    1:20 - The more advanced version is the same but using flash as well. This gives you an undodgable stun that you can't even react to at roughly ~1k range, but it does have a high chance of failure if you mess up the mouse positioning or timing.

    2:05 - W reverse direction gives you much faster W casts as well. Can chain it with e for a really quick stun while kiting.

    2:40 - Higher width stuns to make it easier to land or stun more than one target. I use this more than anything else on this guide personally. It lets you hit split stuns as well as get nearly undodgable stuns in lane due to how wide the hitbox on two orbs will be.

    3:02 - I go over surprise stuns for kills in lane or really good trades. Pretty much it allows you to get off stuns in lane much more easily than regular q e combos. The idea is q the ground -> wait -> e off the orb on the ground to land stun -> then w q auto for a quick trade or an all in

    3:19 - After 30%+ CDR, how to use 7 orb ults or wider stuns in teamfights. This is really useful to solo carry fights once you get your items.

    3:41 - Flash 7 orb ult into stun combo. This combo is useful to one shot a really annoying fed carry on the other team or even to just get a pick.

    3:58 - Hextech-GLP, how to use it, and why its just better than ludens in most cases. Pretty much it gives 10 less ap, costs 400 less gold, and has a better active which makes it nearly impossible to miss your spells.

    4:50 - Ghostporo, how to use it, and why its the best rune on Syndra every time. Pretty much it gives 30 ap at 14-15 minutes if used properly every game, which gives you much more damage earlier in the game.

    My account right now - https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FasTheMagi%20TwTv

    I got to gm in 5 days before season ended from low master just from focusing on climbing. I got my account to challenger since the original post in literally 4 days of playing - so my methods work. I think maybe some of you can learn these tricks so you can use Syndra as more than a press R champ.

    I hope its helpful, anyone with questions for me let me know, I can answer them to the best of my ability.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    Mundo with Conq and Death Dance taking 11 turret shots and 1v1ing Fed Irelia

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:05 AM PST

    Mordekaiser voice line easter egg

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Noxus is ruled by the Trifarix, made up of three people that represent different principles: Vision (Swain), Might (Darius), and Guile (probably LB). The center of Noxus consists of the fortress and territory that Mordekaiser used to control until the early Noxians took it.

    Mord's voice line when picked is "Destiny. Domination. Deceit." which pretty clearly mirrors the three principles of strength in the Trifarix. It seems the early Noxians adopted Mord's philosophy and his land when they overthrew him.

    submitted by /u/Thymestop
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    LPL Rumor Update as Leaked by Chinese Casters

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:22 PM PST

    So yesterday at all stars, Chinese casters Cat and Remember leaked a crapton of info regarding the LPL offseason. They didn't go into a lot of specific details for the purposes of player protection, here's a summary: http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1651655580198662465&wfr=spider&for=pc

    1. Jackeylove's salary offers are gargantuan, and will almost certainly leave IG. He has yet to officially sign a contract (contrary to the reports that Suning is already a sure thing).

    2. Karsa has already signed with a team, awaiting public announcement.

    3. Xiye has tried out for at least 3 teams but still has yet to officially sign.

    4. Many teams made a ton of preparations for this offseason, but the trio of edg/rng/we to this day have not obtained the players that they desire.

    5. IG will be promoting a trainee adc for next season.

    6. They do not have insider info about khan.

    7. FW adc betty will come to the lpl and has already found a team.

    8. Smlz has not officially signed yet (a lot of netizens speculating OMG return).

    9. FPX is likely to make changes to toplane next season, gimgoon might want to still play though.

    10. SofM has already signed with a team

    11. Suning has a supremely talented trainee toplaner, during the pre worlds bootcamp, he annihilated and tilted TheShy, Gimgoon, and Langxing on a consistent basis in scrims.

    12. The three griffin players will likely be staying in lck.

    13. Maple will stay in lpl.

    14. No chance uzi leaves rng, whether he has other plans (rumors of roleswapping, retirement etc) is up in the air.

    15. Clearlove felt he could maintain form last year, but according to fireloli he was terrible in scrims this year, is there a possibility he might convert to coach? this has been discussed for a half year already.

    16. What Vici has been missing is a good coach, but according to league rules, if vici tanks again next year they risk being removed from the lpl.

    17. TES will run a full chinese roster next year, possibly promoting ldl botlane (photic and yuyuanjia).

    submitted by /u/yearofvici
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    Mayumi's Professional debut by playing for INTZ on Superliga ABCDE

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I think this is a good opportunity to show that women can also participate and play properly against a male-dominated scene.

    Twitter reference: https://twitter.com/Abaxial_/status/1201130334307438597

    EDIT: Her first game just ended with 1/0/15.

    submitted by /u/timot0617
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    Let's Make a New Summoner Spell

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:24 PM PST

    I feel there's room for more Summoner Spells in the game. Let's brainstorm.

    One mechanic that could be explored is displacement. I imagine a Summoner Spell that pushes away any nearby enemies. The name "Pulse" comes to mind. The primary use for this would be countering enemy engagements, but with clever positioning, could also be used to push enemies into your allies and their abilities, as well as disrupt enemy retreat.

    "Pulse" would be useful when facing enemy Assassins, and Supports could take it to respond to ganks from the enemy Jungler or midlaner. I think Yuumi in particular would be a good Pulse-user.

    Any thoughts on my Summoner Spell? Or if you have a Summoner Spell design you'd like to share, please do.

    submitted by /u/jayjaybird0
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    Crisp and Tian had a combined score of 7/48/41 at the Team TheShy vs Team Uzi event!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    Game 1

    Tian 4/14/5

    Crisp 0/13/18

    Game 2

    Tian 3/7/10

    Crisp 0/14/8

    This shows what a show this was. Bloodbath everywhere. Tian and Crisp was bot lane.

    submitted by /u/BenjenRyan
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    PSA Don't take omnistone on shaco

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:57 PM PST

    (Don't take omnistone on any champ lol)

    your current keystone rune appears next to your health bar ; it doesn't appear on your clone's.

    Makes it easy for people to tell who's the real shaco and who's the fake one.

    I assume it works like that on other champs with clones too

    submitted by /u/BlueVestGuyisafraud
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    Aphelios Infographic Guide #3 - Gravitum | Gravity Cannon

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:02 AM PST

    Yasuo somehow canceling his Q cooldown ingame on patch 9.23

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

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