• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    LoL Guide [TOOL] Created real-time desktop assistant with builds, synergies, counters—really need your feedback

    LoL Guide [TOOL] Created real-time desktop assistant with builds, synergies, counters—really need your feedback

    [TOOL] Created real-time desktop assistant with builds, synergies, counters—really need your feedback

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    TL;DR Nemo is a pre-game app that suggests champion-specific bans, gives personalized pick recommendations, and offers several importable builds per champion. Please, download the beta version and tell us here or on Discord what you like/dislike and what you'd like to see next.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jHHXerc

    Hey /r/summonerschool. We launched our desktop assistant a few weeks ago, used feedback from /r/leagueoflegends to improve it, and are now ready to invest more effort into the educational aspect of our app. Here's how Nemo currently works.


    Pre-pregame look on the meta

    While queuing, you may see which champions are popular in your Tier and what picks counter them. We even include options from other lanes to help dealing with FOTM. Here's a screenshot.

    Champion Overview

    Bans to help you or others

    Aphelios is a solid permaban, but Nemo users could as well help their experienced ally and ban one of potential counters for them. I do agree that you should be fine with others carrying you in Ranked. Don't let numbers shock you: we're using lane win rate and still expanding our match pool.

    Bans Screen

    More bans (or fewer?)

    Recommendations that consider meta, mains, enemy picks

    Our recommendation system considers five different criteria to present the best options: Synergy, Countering, Personal Winrate, Mastery, Difficulty. We put extra emphasis on synergizing with allies and countering enemies, and users see champions for that next to other summoners. Later versions will come with sliders to tweak how much stock users put in global stats or Mastery scores.

    Once again, exact beta numbers may be fuzzy as of now

    Initial Recommendations

    Full Countering Mode

    Build imports for Runes, Items, Summoner Spells are separate

    We compile statistically good builds and do that for multiple positions with champions like Gragas. We also add some spicy builds of our own like Tanky Janna or Vampiric Vi. Shortly, there will be hundreds of OTP builds: we are going to use statistical averages and feature options from dozens of dedicated streamers.

    Choose Your Destiny


    The current functionality covers basic needs, but we're planning to dig deeper and give our data specialist more headaches. Is there more than champion KDA and recent badges that you would like to know about allies? Would a brief look at enemies during the loading screen make a difference? As a small bunch of people, we're very open to that and more ideas. Hit us up here or on Discord. Oh, and here's the app link again.

    submitted by /u/jonasion
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    Mentality when playing Aphelios and how to learn him.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:24 PM PST

    Quick disclamer

    This is a modified version of the full impressions i have of aphelios that i've posted over to aphelios mains subreddit.

    Before i say anything remember that aphelios is brand new and everything i'm saying related to his kit and combos could be completly wrong or they will change, so take everything onwards with a grain of salt, now let's start shall we?

    Approach while playing Aphelios

    Right off the bat i think we can all agree that he isn't that hard to play on a base level, he still feels like and plays like a traditional ADC, while the skill floor is seemingly low aphelios will still see a very small winrate (even if he will be meta) because this champion will require more knowledge than probably around 90% of the champions in the game ,and it's not just mechanics line as knowing which weapon does what and how they interact with eachother, you will HAVE to be able to predict teamfights / skirmishes in order to get your weapons ready for those fights, while calibrum and chakram are nice together for 2v2s, you'd definitely want infernum and chakram in a 5v5, right? well, not really, i just wanted to highlight a point, you need to know the enemy AND your team's composition really well in order to make the best choice of weapons, do the enemy team have divers? Chakram and severum seem to be really good vs them, do they lack engage? chakram and infernum shred through teamfights with their combined AOE, does your team lack engage? gravitum ult into q gives you a really potent one.

    Point is, you will have to think ahead if you want to be succesful, as of right now you might get away with not using the most efficient combinations and whatnot, but as soon as players know how to play against you then you will start to suffer a lot if you don't know how to answer them properly, there will never be a 100% way of playing this champ, but there will always be more efficient ways of playing him.

    And there you have it, the way if learning aphelios is being able to master game flow and being able to predict when fights are gonna happen, where, and what you have to look out for so you can have the proper weapons.

    Since weapon usage defines the champion i've put toghether all the combinations that you can use and gave my thoughts on them.

    Single weapons (ignoring bonus effects from secondary weapon)

    Chakram, Dissapointing on it's own, needs crescends to do damage, really good at melee bad vs ranged, Q kinda bad early on but scales super hard.

    Calibrum, You're literally caitlyn with higher attack speed, great tool for bullying.

    Severum, Basically the average ADC, Good Mobility with Q but other than that nothing stands out.

    Gravitum, Average adc but with a *virtually* point and click snare due to q, good for allins in laning.

    Infernum, Similar to jinx rockets, not that good in 1v1s but good in skirmishes.

    Main / Secondary weapons(always using main for autos, no ult)

    Infernum + Chakram , (put a chakram turret down then switch to infernum), HUGE aoe dmg, low range, probably the best teamfight damage you can dish out.

    Chakram + Infernum, (switch to chakram after using infernum spray) you get one crescend per target so if you hit many targets you can dish out a lot of damage

    Chakram + Severum, (Switch to chakram after severum barrage) 6 crecends, Best 1v1 tool by the looks of it, no AOE though.

    Severum + Chakram, even with a turret down this is kinda underwhelming, chakram+ severum is definitely the better alternative.

    Calibrum + Chakram,(switch after turet), Really strong skirmish mid game / picks late game / safe teamfighting, use it if you're behind or enemy has a lot of threat on you.

    Chakram+Calibrum, Feels bad to use and lowers your dps since you have to proc calibrium, not recommended.

    Infernum + Calibrum, Good AOE ,alternative to Infernum + Chakram, you do lose a bit of damage though

    Calibrum + Infernum, More safety as oposed to Infernum + Calibrum but less damage

    Severum + Infernum, Huge teamfight self healing with q, good damage, bad in 1v1 though.

    Infernum + Severum, Scuffed Severum + infernum, no real definitely reason to use it, less healing less mobility than if you were to switch, could be used to heal from waves/jungle camps, the only way i see this being good in teamfights is that you're low and you need a burst of heal.

    Severum + Calibrum, i really don't like this one since you do stop for a bit when you proc calibrum mark which messes up your kiting, i don't recommend using this combo.

    Calibrum + severum, As oposed to the counter part, can be used for good trades in lane.

    Gravitum + Anything, does not proc other weapons, it does refresh crescends though, but doesn't have any other use.

    Chakram + Gravitum, Dosn't have many uses, not that good imo.

    Calibrum + Gravitum, Good for picking, doesn't seem to have any other use.

    Severum + Gravitum, this is best (and probably only) used to escape targets.

    Infernum + Gravitum, Great for multiple target cc but you sacrifice damage.


    Calibrum ult, Great burst and range, Hard to execute AOE(you won't get to auto more than 2 most of the time), Probably the worst ult in teamfights though.

    Infernum, Great aoe damage, seems to be used in most combos when you don't need to engage.

    Chakram, The only use is if you need a lot of single target damage for a tank or something along those lines, other than that it ain't very good.

    Gravitum, This is a great tool that allows you to start teamfights or even disengage them, seems quite good as it stands.

    Sevrum, Less damage than infernum but heals, No reason to use unless going into a fight with low hp

    Here are some Ult+Weapons combos that seem to be good atm

    Infernum ult, Chakram turret, Infernum autos , Probably highest aoe damage potential in the game.

    Chakram ult, Severum autos(and q), Probably best single target option in case of tanks or divers

    Infernum ult, Infernum q, Sevrum q, Lots of AOE dmg and safe kiting (try to weave in autos between every cast)

    Gravitum ult, Gravitum q, Infernum Autos, Best engage followed by decent aoe damage.

    Well, those are my thoughts on how his kit can be used right now, every combination excels in diffrent matchups for both your team and enemy team, all you'll have to do is figure out which is the best combination for your game.

    TL;DR: If you're looking to become good at Aphelios you can't do it by reading one sentance that holds a magic trick, you have to dedicate yourself to learing the game itself before anything.

    submitted by /u/TMystik
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    How to play vs Roamers in the midlane

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 06:25 AM PST


    So I'm a plat midlaner and I play mostly scaling mages like Ryze, Malz, Corki etc.. and i always ahve trouble against players like Qiyana, Zed, Talon. Not because they beat me in lane because i make sure to not give them early kills. But because they get a tiamat clear the wave instantly and roam bot or top. I usually spot where theyre going with a ward mid lane and c ward in river, but my pings normally fall on deaf ears. I even type "TALON BOT" in chat but it gets ignored and they normally die anyway. Then i get flamed for not following or not having taken down the tower (which is impossible with the champions i play). It's especially frustrating because i cant really get a cs lead either because they can be back for the next wave after getting kills.

    Should i forego the cs and follow or just ping and ignore? Also i pretty much auto die if any of these champions catch me in river.

    submitted by /u/systemichaos
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    [Discussion] Top Lane Amumu

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    So I've been playing around with the idea of Amumu in the top lane, and after some testing and some feeding I've discovered some awesome traits about him. Starting with the obvious:

    1. He takes basically no damage from minion waves. Due to his E passive, minions will deal very little damage early on, and basically no damage after a completed armor item. The minion autos trigger his E reset, so he can stand and fight melee laners and out DPS within minion waves. Late game vs auto attackers he is extremely effective. Tabi and Randiuns makes him crazy tanky.
      His E is as follows:
      Amumu takes reduced post-mitigation damage from each tick of physical damage. 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (+ 3% bonus armor) (+ 3% bonus magic resistance)

    2. His base damage is really high, and has high ratios. In situations where you must build full tank he can still throw down some damage, and can 1v1 ADCs in the midgame. Build a couple AP items such as Morellos, Liandris, and abyssal mask and you can 1 shot squishies all but very late game. A lvl 18 combo Q(280) > AA(117) > R(350) > E(175) with W(15 per .5 sec) turned on is over 900 damage in base damage alone. Not to mention getting that auto attack off after a short range Q will trigger bonus 10% true damage

    3. More on his passive- in lane, auto attacks with grasp synergize with his passive. Which if you rush bamis cinder you are dealing great sustained damage through autos, grasp proc, W damage, and bamis.

    Now the biggest struggle is early game. There are quite a few match-ups that are completely fine, even amumu favored. But there are a few that are completely atrocious. Especially ranged match-ups and Darius. His low movement speed (335) makes it even worse. If you take sustain runes, dorans shield, get an early back to get corrupting pot and dark seal. I've actually found you can proxy the first two waves as Amumu into a very hard match-up like darius or fio. His waveclear is really good, just start refill and corrupting. And if you manipulate waves you can take your Krugs pretty easily even at early stages while you wait for lane to push to you.

    In ranged match-ups you can farm with your E from a modest range (350, same as urgot). If they ever try to close in for an extended trade you can easily catch them by turning on them with Q as they are chasing you. Once you're on top of them you can really put the hurt on.

    Items and runes are pretty flexible on this guy! If you have a decent lane matchup you can go full ap for some fun. But in most cases getting bamis and morellos feel pretty core (or liandris if youre not vs a conquerer matchup), from there you can get hybrid items like abyssal or rylais. Or into full tank. A little AP goes a long way though!

    Typical runes I like are Grasp > Demolish > any one rune on this tier is good > Overgrowth, and for secondary I get taste of blood > Ultimate Hunter.

    I favor grasp over aftershock as the sustained damage is way better, scales your tankiness, and synergizes with your passive better. If you are going for a squishier build Aftershock may be the Keystone to take.

    submitted by /u/PewpScewpin
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    Ok, what's the trick behind good CS?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    So I read a drill that consisted of "Getting 36 CS at minute 5:00" I thought it was easy but then I barely get 31 (at best), I notice that if I push too much too many of my minions will attack a single enemy minion killing it too fast for me to get it but if I push too few my minions will end up lowering the HP of 2 enemy minions which means I'll lose one because my attack speed can't pick up

    Can someone give me a heads up with all of these microdetails of CSing?

    submitted by /u/MaurosCrew
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    You should be learning different roles.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:21 AM PST

    We all know that league has 5 different roles and each role contributes to game in their own way, But how many of you actually understand the different roles? Do you know the top lane match ups? Can you recognize different lane states and understand how to play around them? Do you understand pathing from a jungle standpoint? Do you know what makes a lane gankable? When do supports roam? Has mid hit his power spike?

    All of these questions can be answered as you learn different roles which will only help you win more games on your main role.

    While we are in preseason it is a great time to play different roles and understand them. There really isn't a better time than right now. We have so many reasons to learn these different roles and having a better understanding of the game overall will only help you improve as a player. I'll go over some examples and try to explain why you should be learning different roles, This is something every player should consider no matter which lane they play or who they main.

    First, I want to get into why you should learn the roles. I'm a jungle main, I rarely played lanes till last season. As I started to lane more often my understanding the jungle role allowed me to track the enemy jungler and avoid ganks and sometimes even roam to invade for a free kill at the enemy buff. It's not hard to understand that point. Knowing how junglers path and how the role works gives me an advantage and makes my lane "ungankable" at the same time I know how to respond to ganks better when my jungle comes and helps because I can read what my jungler is doing.

    That's only one side about it, I never wanted to main a lane, I still play jungle in most of my games and I intend to main jungle during season 10. After playing lanes for a while it actually helped my jungle out a lot. I have a deeper understanding of some matchups and understand wave positions which allow my ganks to be more effective.

    This can be said for any role, If you play Support, Learn mid, ADC and jungle. Learn mid to know matchups and roaming patterns, Learn ADC to know matchup and trades, Learn jungle for objective, roaming and vision control. If you play Mid or top it might be good to learn Jungle and another lane for the same reasons. It comes down to your game knowledge and until you actually play those lanes and put in practice you don't truly know enough.

    The same can be said for champion matchups, Learn champions so you can better play against them. Don't understand akali? Play her, Don't understand Irelia, Play her.. It's the only way you'll really understand the matchups and the strengths and weaknesses of each role.

    I really hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. I never made my own post here but try to give advice when possible on other threads. The idea behind it is simple, " Understand other roles/champions so you can play your main role/champion more effectively."

    submitted by /u/Williamsmww
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    How much do champion matchups matter in low elo?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    I'm a low elo Jungler who's aspiring to hit Plat in Season 10. Currently, I'm obviously in low elo but I do know that counters & matchups matter a ton the higher you go. the thing is, I was wondering how much you guys think they matter in low elo? For example, 9/10 times, a Yasuo in Diamond should always lose to a Renekton. The thing is, this might not always be the case in low elo. How much do you think matchups/counters matter in low elo?

    submitted by /u/thesagenibba
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    Quick question about a Tarzan VOD

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:33 AM PST


    I'm having trouble understanding wtf is going on here

    Either Ekko or Qiyana ? pings right on top of Diana in lane then another ping comes down in the long river brush, maybe suggesting Olaf is there?? Ekko goes into the river to possibly countergank? But if he's right don't they lose that 2v2 anyways? Plus isn't it way more likely Olaf continues to finish his full clear? Why doesn't Tarzan just go to his raptors?

    Then more importantly wtf is Diana doing randomly face checking that brush on enemy side? The only thing I can think of is that she's warding it but she should know that Ekko would've already full cleared his blue side by then so it's a useless ward that's way too late.

    I really don't understand what anyone in this clip is thinking lol

    Any ideas? Am I missing something?

    Edited to link to the right time in the video

    submitted by /u/tftguiklihbj
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    Is grevious wounds needed every match or am I being paranoid?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:27 AM PST

    It feels like I'm in such a disavantage if im not going conqueror or ravenous hunter+taste of blood. And when playing AP champs it sucks because you gotta finish the whole item.

    I've been out of league for a while and im coming back now... are we in a self sustain meta?

    submitted by /u/cenzala
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    Transitioning to mid game as an early game jungler

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:47 AM PST

    Hey everyone. Currently I'm a Gold 3 jungler who mainly plays early game gankers like Elise and Lee Sin but my skill hasn't been able to keep up. I peaked at Gold 1 but couldn't win once I started playing against Plat players. Then a rough losing streak from tilt/bad teammates made me drop to Gold 3. I started looking at how I played and realized my mid game wasn't up to par with my early game. How can I improve during the transition from lane phase to the mid game?

    submitted by /u/Rbespinosa13
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    How to land Nami bubbles and how to stop feeding when warding as a support?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm a returning player after 3 years and need some advice to play Nami/support better. How do I land her Q (bubbles) better and stop dying so much when I'm warding? I noticed I been dying a lot trying to clear wards or putting wards on the map. I get pretty OCD with my ward coverage and always try to put some wards when I can. How do I know when to ward and when not to? Sometimes when there's no vision I force it too hard trying to put wards on the map and I die.

    submitted by /u/LeanBrox
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    How do I play ADC when I'm behind

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:13 PM PST

    I main ADC and I always wondered how do you play ADC if you are behind and/or lost lane. If I win my lane and stomp the enemy ADC I kind of know what to do, but I don't know exactly how to play when I int. On other roles you can e.g go for tank items but what do you do as Botlaner?

    submitted by /u/Sync___
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    [Help] - Nasus Rune confusion which one: Sorcery + Inspiration vs Precision + Resolve vs Resolve + Precision

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Hey guys,

    So I'm wanting to play Nasus but am struggling to set up Nasus runes for top lane.

    Reason: Trick2g on both of his accounts (Trick2g/Ny Sewer Rat) goes Precision + Resolve whereas in U.GG under pro builds, the pros use Sorcery + Inspiration. Then I see some EUW pro players go Resolve + Precision. Confused...😢.

    I admire Trick and the pros but am struggling to decide what runes to follow... any opinions?

    submitted by /u/Sports4life8
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    Cant win with tristana adc even though i outclass my lane opponents

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    As a mid i have like 90% winrate in bronze but i dont really care about climbing and just test stuff like new champs new roles to keep my LP same. Kind of smurfing without new account because i dont want to fight on level opponents yet and just want have fun.

    Anyway it seems like i am unable to carry as ADC after getting 8 kills and CS advantage in lane my options are: a) go mid ARAM, b) go mid ARAM or c) go mid ARAM.

    So i wait for my team to engage into teamfight as i have such advantage i wait and wait and wait and nothing happens. Frustration grows i want to one shot somebody without getting insta killed in return but no such opportunity arises.

    How to frikin win with those glass cannons ?

    I wait for my team to do something to use my power but nothing happens. Can i get so good at some adc to actually force fights myself somehow and win. Maybe i should learn ezreal and just poke shit to death?

    submitted by /u/mrreow5532
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    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:30 AM PST

    I just played an RANKED game vs aphelios, and got completley stomped, due to the fact that i got damn confused (and also becouse i am a silver scrub) . I read trough all of his abilities/guns and tried to play accordingly, but he just kept on doing a ton of damage, slowing me, healing etc. It felt like no matter what weapon he had equipped, i was completley outdamaged by him. What are your thoughts on the subject? Have you played as/vs him, and how do you feel about him in general, even if he is still very fresh to the game?

    Edit: In my opinion he does have a bit too much of everything looking at his kit, for example his sniper rifle passive combined with q, maybe not as simple but essentialy an weaker caitlyn ult, aoe damage, burst, heal, cc, an execute, range. And yes i get that many champions have kits with a lot of stuff and yes he is immobile and yes carrys need to do a lot of damage, but i am irritated in a way, becouse i do not know how to counter him, and i feel like i would have to do a ton of research and perhaps even buy him to be able to understand him at least a bit. With all other champs, all i have ever done is read their abilities trough, and been able to play a ton better vs them.

    submitted by /u/ouzaboy
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    How can I figure out our win condition and pick a champ around it?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    I'm a s1 player, mainly support and top with a bit of jungle. This question is more top focused tho.

    Top I can play Heimerdinger, Garen, Nasus, Cho'gath and pantheon. Teemo too if I get a really easy matchup.

    Thing is, I usually pick based on what I feel like playing (or feel not like playing into, like a hard counter) because I don't know better. I do pick ad or ap depending on what we lack, same for tank or bruiser.

    For example, Nasus and Cho have a pretty similar laning phase more or less, at least before the 10 minutes mark.

    Obviously Nasus outscales Cho and he's a powerhouse splitpusher late game with an amazing dueling which sounds better than Cho, but in team fights I get just CCd to death or zoned out.

    Cho'gath on the other hand is a monster tank (I don't play him AP, I prefer full tank)and when I do decently in laning phase I feel like I almost never lose team fights out of sheer amount of damage absorption and CC i can provide, plus the true damage to finish off high priority targets. I can even force objectives because I can always outsmite a jungler due to the high damage of the ultimate. But this only works if my team didn't do poorly in laning phase, as I can't do much by mysfelf unlike Nasus who can take 2 towers down in less than a minute.

    I don't feel like this comes down to just luck (as in, nasus if you feel like your team will lose early or cho if they will win) but I don't know how to figure out which of the two option is more likely to happen based on the team comp.

    submitted by /u/JustJohnItalia
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    Is glacial augment neeko supposed to be played like a support?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 04:21 AM PST

    In a custom match 3v3 with friends, one fore each lane, i didn't get as much kills as the rest of my team (shaco and esteal) but i got a lot of asssists, for glacial my main items are twin ghosts, freeze gun, zhonya and then buy ap, i first use ghosts then E, (if i have flash i use it her) ult with zhonya activated, Q and use freeze gun to stop them from escaping, i find this combo to hard to pull out bc i use so many keys and i most likely will fail a shot since I'm pretty bad with skillshots, i also make vey bad mistakes like getting to close even tho I'm a ranged champ. Also played a ranked game with the same mistake of getting to close to save my adc but dying in the process. Do i improve skillshots with experience or am i just bad? Am i playing neeko correctly?

    submitted by /u/LampEye
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    How do you beat Yasuo

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    I never know how to beat this champion.

    I played Darius into him today. I constantly hit E, W, AA, Q, AA, and still lost lane heavily. I went for an all in with ignite+E, W, AA, Q, AA, ult and I still lost the fight.

    How do you even begin to beat this champion? I've only ever won on Akali.

    submitted by /u/10LoL
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    I don't have the impact to play as Soraka in late game. (Silver IV)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:59 PM PST

    Hello guys, I got a bit of a problem. I picked up Soraka a few months ago, since I unlocked the sg skin. I used to play Neeko in mid but that didn't really suit me, so I went down to support (and now occasionally top). I can play aggressively in early game. I know what to do, when to Q and auto, so I'm capable of getting 500g by 9-10 minutes. I ward properly and I play around the objectives, just as a regular support. But I have some struggles when it comes to late game. Soraka doesn't scale to late game very good and I just can't juice the potential of W and E to be useful enough in teamfights, since I get killed very early on in the fight. I really don't want to drop Soraka since I put so much time in her, so if you have any advice, I'd be great.

    submitted by /u/Xirao
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    Wave management in mid?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    I've played top and bot lanes a lot where wave management (particularly freezes) are super important. I'm trying to get better at mid and I'm not really sure how I should be looking at wave management.

    I feel like even on a frozen lane the person who it's frozen against is pretty easily able to break the freeze without being in much danger due to the short length of the lane. I also feel that it's usually just in my best interest to push the wave as hard as I can so I can then roam to take a jungle camp, deep ward, assist on dragon/herald, or gank a lane.

    Does anyone have any advice? I mainly play Neeko using Glacial or Electrocute but I've also had success with Predator if I want to focus on ganking more.

    submitted by /u/lyssah_
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    Questions about pregame apps like blitz, lolwiz, etc

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:57 PM PST

    There's a post on here about the Nemo app which is used for pregame analysis like helping you decide which champ to pick, counters for enemy champs, best builds, etc. I cannot use that app but it got me thinking....I currently use blitz and overall I love the app and it's functionality but I feel like the counter pick suggestions are completely off. I play adc and if the enemy picks miss fortune it shows 3 counter champs but they're never adcs. It would show something like nautilus, pyke, garen (those are just 3 random champs I picked). Also you have to scroll down to see bot lane synergies but I find that part slow and difficult to navigate. So I see things like lolwiz and want to know if their counter picks and synergy suggestions are good and easy to use but I also don't want to lose the importing of runes and high win rate build suggestions that blitz offers. Has anyone used lolwiz, blitz or other apps like that and have some insight they could share?

    submitted by /u/baba_booey123
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    I hope to jump into my first game against live opponents soon...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:49 PM PST

    I admit I'm a bit apprehensive about playing against live people for the first time, but I'll take the plunge once I get some additional advice based on who I've played so far.

    I've gotten to know three Champions and their kits: * Warwick * Ahri * Akali

    Out of these three I've done the best with Warwick in terms of K/D ratio. But I know that's not everything. Based on these three choices, which lane(s) should I claim at the start of a game, to increase my likelihood of playing one of these Champions? I want to minimize my chances of playing a Champion I haven't been able to play yet.

    TLDR: What's the best role/lane for me to pick so I can play one of the three Champions listed above?

    submitted by /u/Webimpulse
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    How can I help my friend improve his mentality and gameplay (or, am I wrong and need to improve my own)?

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    A friend of mine and I have been playing League together for going on two years now. We started out when we were both first learning the game, we were both bronze, and we've since learned the champions, the flow of the game, different lanes, etc. We're by no means high elo players; I'm in high gold and he's still in silver; but we've played a lot of games, we know how to play our champions reasonably well, etc.

    Unfortunately, my friend has become progressively more cynical about the game, and is now constantly saying things like "the game outcome is determined off-screen", complaining about coinflips, etc. It's worth noting that he plays mostly tanks in toplane and support (also some Morg and Soraka support), and has a bad habit of sometimes afk pushing lanes when he should be helping the team, shoving all the way up to enemy tower and then not roaming or complaining when he inevitably gets ganked, etc.

    I have told him these things multiple times, but he still insists the game is constantly out of his hands, toplane isn't allowed to have an impact, etc. Is there anything in particular I can do or say to help him? If any of y'all have coached players with the same issues, I'd love to know what you did to help.

    I'd much rather just not ignore him and move on to better things; we've been playing together for two years and it's still fun, most of the time.


    submitted by /u/wavec022
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    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Well basically i play 2 games with this champ and i hate my self btw im a kayn main i wan't to play this champ cause he is a meta champ but i fail a lot specially at the end of the game i don't know how i engage or what i should do in team fight and i don't know what runes i shoulld take for each match and what i build in each game pls help me

    submitted by /u/The-Sh00ter
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