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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    LoL Guide Can someone explain the rise of Miss Fortune? What makes her the 2nd best champion?

    LoL Guide Can someone explain the rise of Miss Fortune? What makes her the 2nd best champion?

    Can someone explain the rise of Miss Fortune? What makes her the 2nd best champion?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Currently, between the Kespa and Demacia cup, MF has a 96% presence, only behind Akali's 100% (according to https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-S10/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/patch-ALL/role-ALL/league-ALL/)

    I guess I don't see why, other than dblade stacking becoming mainstream and her having good synergy with it. Is that the only reason?

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YUUMI_RULE34
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    I've Coached Hundreds of Players for Thousands of Hours. This Is the Most Important Thing for Improvement.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Hi, I'm Patrick, or TopTierTopLane. I've coached hundreds of players over 4 years, with thousands of in-session hours. Despite my poorly chosen reddit tag, this experience encompasses all roles fairly evenly. I thought I'd share some of the problems I see over and over, and potentially give you, the reader, some direction in this endless sea of information that is trying to get better at League. Obviously this isn't definitive or necessarily relevant to you, as everyone is different and this is a general post. With that being said, this information has a very high chance of being relevant to you. One of the biggest problems people have with learning league, especially the type to go on /r/summonerschool or seek coaching, is missing the forest for the trees. Many teachers are happy to indulge them, as there are a lot more trees to sell than forests. This is the first and probably only post of this style I'll make, because while there are thousands of little things that differentiates players of different skill, there are really only a handful of important things. Each skill in this handful I'll define as a "fundamental", a term I try not to use as it is used nebulously and more often than not, incorrectly. So yes, this is a post telling you fundamentals are important.

    Wait! Don't click away quite yet. Fundamentals aren't usually what you think. Almost every student I coach agrees fundamentals are the most important thing, if phrased like this. A smaller but significant percentage actually reflect this in how they conduct themselves within the session. This smaller percentage tends to focus on things that they percieve as fundamental to the game, likely due to prior consumption of content attempting to educate them on the game.

    Most agree fundamentals are the most important thing. Most believe they understand what the fundamentals are. Why then, do people pay me to coach them? If they already understand what they need to do to improve, surely they're wasting their money. Except one of the biggest problems players who are hardstuck have is that they don't know what they're doing wrong.

    Can you see the cognitive dissonance emerging here? If I ask someone to identify their mistakes in a game, it usually looks like "I didn't need to die here, I misplayed". "I should've lasthit these creeps better". They only see microscopic mistakes, when in that exact game they're making countless macroscopic ones.

    To understand this, let's do a bit of an experiment. Open up a wordpad, and write down what you consider to be the fundamentals of League. If you find these to be role specific, just do whatever role is relevant to you.

    Okay, so you probably said something like:


    -Wave control

    -Jungle tracking

    -Warding/vision control


    >! Maybe you said some less directly trainable, more vague skills, for example:!<



    -Damage foresight

    So how do we improve these? Well the top set can be trained to 90% efficacy in soloqueue in less than 100 games, assuming the player is reasonably comfortable piloting their champions already and not change resistant. These are 2 pretty big assumptions, but honestly I have plenty of students who can get these basics down real quick, typically those who have been playing less total time and have prior experience working with teachers (sports background etc). They'll climb, maybe a league, but they're still not going pro anytime soon. So what gives? This list contains important skills, but fundamentals are really just skillsets that don't change much over time. This means you can forget about what items are best on your niche build. This DOESN'T mean you can forget about setting up your base timers to get the correct items. This DOESN'T mean you can just build the same thing every game without considering gamestate. Here are a few examples of what I would prefer to define as fundamentals:

    -Power spikes- one of the most important parts of understanding the game is knowing how all 10 champions operate at their respective item/level spikes, and best approximating how they will interact together. Hugely underfocused.

    -Camera control- another woefully underrated skill. Take a lesson from SC2, camera control is a MECHANIC. Nice lee sin montage, now let's see you click on your lanes and see HP bars/minions so you actually have some semblance of where to path.

    -Presence- understand WHAT you're needed for. In soloqueue/premades below semi-pro level, this is usually defined as "be there when they arbritarily decide to butt heads". You need to understand WHAT you're needed for to actually understand WHEN you're needed.

    -Tempo- how to create, understanding in advance when you're going to be behind or ahead, understanding when to maintain vs trade tempo.

    -Back timing- effectively 3 different skills in early, mid, and late game. Ties in with wave control and itemization the whole game, but becomes significantly more vision oriented as the game goes on.

    -Mental resource management- thinking about the game when there is downtime. Focusing on what is important. This ties in heavily with the missing for the forest for the trees thing, and why I believe that type of overlearning is more often harmful than helpful.

    -Flexibility- playing the game differently based on gamestate. Some games you need to group, some you need to split. Some you need to be the bus driver, othertimes a passenger. Some games you need to hard shove when enemy leaves lane, other times you need to follow. This might all sound obvious, but in game often players will react instinctively to a situation the same way no matter the details.

    All of these things and more work together and effect each other, and create a skillset that we can call "league of legends player". You already do most of these things, to varying degrees of effectiveness. These things change, but not drastically enough that it matters. This is why a player that took 3 years to hit d4 can take a year off and get back d4 in a month. These are the fundamentals.

    So no, you're not going to hit challenger just by hitting 10cs/m every game and spamming an easy champion to learn their damage. This probably was sufficient in past seasons where players were worse and the meta was slower, but it's more complicated now. If it was really so easy, a lot more people would be there, so be happy it's complicated and enjoy the process of learning. This game is pretty complex, and it's OK not to understand it all. I don't, I still talk to players, other coaches, and watch VODs to keep learning.

    tl;dr fundamentals aren't as simple as you may think, but they are almost certainly the only thing you should actively focus on if your goal is to improve. Alternatively I made a video you can use like an audiobook: https://youtu.be/QWdLmFB9tzg

    edit: lol forgot to link the video

    submitted by /u/TopTierTopLane
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    Small but very important Nocturne tip: You can spellshield the attacks of epic monsters.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    • Any attacks from dragon
    • The "charged swipe" from Ripped Harold (the swipe she does after you hit her on the weak spot on the back, where her claws glow purple)
    • Any attack from baron that isn't his "basic" attacks, so the knockups, the line of goo, the missiles that drop out the sky.

    Not only do you not take damage from the attack, it also gives you the attack speed bonus.

    submitted by /u/Randomd0g
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    Need help with knowing when to farm and how to gank well in the jungle

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Jungle is a role I've been trying to be good at for the longest time. One thing I've always had issues with is being underleveled and low on farm. I'm lucky to have 95 CS by 20 minutes. I always feel like the enemy jungler is head and shoulders above me, even if they're playing a jungler with relatively low clear speed. I have big issues trying to get a successful gank off outside of forcing the laner to flash.

    Often times I feel like everything is collapsing around me, and I've had games where all the lanes are getting pushed to us, and the laners are dying to the enemy team before I ever get a chance to get there and help.

    The only role I'm any good at is top, and I'm extremely mediocre (bordering on absolutely bad) with jungle. I don't find the other roles fun, though, so I avoid them. I've gotten some advice like "pick the easiest lane to gank and just gank that one" and of course objective trading. In the end, though, I always feel like a crutch to my team. I've tried bruiser, tank, and assassin junglers, but all of them feel bad to play because I just cannot figure out how and when to gank/farm, leading to me not being able to see what these champions are like in their prime.

    submitted by /u/HumanHarvestingRobot
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    First picking in lol

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    I was queued in a draft game and got last pick mid (yay). This guy asked if he could first pick for me and trade champions later. I asked him what he wanted to play and he said "I'll tell you later" . The situation was pretty sus because no one else mentioned what hero they wanted. So he picked ahri for me and then it got time to pick my champion/hero and I asked him what do you want. He answered with only 15 seconds on the clock "lucian, vayne, (another champion I forgot which one). I freaked out because I had none of those guys and so I fumbled around in champion select until the timer ran out. I didn't want to just pick a random adc and not want to trade with me or something. Now I have a 5 minute time out thing from lol.

    Basically tldr: Is first picking/ swapping champions normal/acceptable? Is not telling the person who you want normal?

    Can I get permanently banned/ banned on an account level for leaving?

    submitted by /u/HoneyJasmineGreenTea
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    Players like DoinB have been running AP Nunu mid with Heal + Ghost and Predator with Spellthief's start.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:06 PM PST

    DISCLAIMER: Don't just mindlessly try it in your next ranked game.

    DoinB is known for playing weird picks like Nautilius mid. In fact, he's only played four games of it these past two weeks, so even he might not believe in it. I just wanted to make this post since just because your mid laner picks ghost Nunu mid doesn't necessarily mean he's inting (although it still might be a good idea to dodge), and because there is one Korean player who has been SPAMMING it despite almost never playing Nunu mid before preseason.

    DoinB actually first brought out the Nunu mid at LPL All-Stars, although this was before preseason (When Spellthief's got reworked).


    However, All-stars in general is extremely troll, with random champions being played everywhere.

    In actuality, the reason he picked it up was because he saw a masters Aurelion Sol player start SPAMMING THE SHIT out of it.


    Proof that DoinB was looking at his account.

    Nunu Mid plays basically the same as Aurelion Sol. All you do is push and then roam, roam, roam. Nunu's gank potential is so insane because of his W.

    Something else to keep in mind is that Nunu's W has trample damage. This means that Nunu can effectively deal double damage to some minions if he times it right, allowing him to one-shot the backline caster minions at level 1.


    So although you might think Nunu's waveclear is weak, it's actually a lot better than you might expect. (Remember that Nunu W also deals more damage the longer it goes. If you're trying to one-shot the backline, don't cast W melee range of the casters)

    Predator is standard on any Nunu that goes an AP item. He loves movement speed due to his W.

    Ghost has never really been a bad option on Nunu because again he just loves movement speed due to his W. New Nimbus Cloak is also a hugely underrated buff to ghost. The most Nunu is ever going to do with flash is a flash smite steal, but without smite, it's not nearly as necessary. It's similar to why Hecarim jungle can go ignite or even ghost over flash. Nunu and Hecarim don't really flash ontop of people to make plays the way flash W Maokai works, they just run them down with Nunu W and Hecarim E.

    I've been told the reason why he goes heal is for the movement speed. (I'm not too sure about this one, but if it works for DoinB, it can't be too bad)

    New Spellthief's is actually not that bad for laners. I made a post about how the new support items can be used bot lane, but the same logic should apply to mid lane.

    Similar to Pyke mid, Nunu mid won't always be CSing so much in lane since he's roaming so much. As a result, the minion gold debuff won't hurt Nunu nearly as much as a regular laner would get hurt.

    (DoinB kills all creeps he can, not just the melees, even if he happens to have the minion debuff on him. The debuff runs off pretty quickly since he's just pushing and roaming over and over)


    • Spellthief's -> Protobelt -> tanky items like Deadman's or Stoneplate, OR supporty items like Shurelya's, Zeke's, or Knight's Vow.

    • Predator -> Cheap Shot -> Ghost Poro -> Ingenious hunter, Nimbus Cloak -> Waterwalking

    • Heal + Ghost

    DoinB's OP.GG: https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=heart (search for Nunu and Willump on the right)

    The guy he's copying: https://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=%ED%98%84%EC%B1%B5%ED%8B%B0%EB%B9%84

    submitted by /u/WizardXZDYoutube
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    How to beat Zilean+Olaf combo?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    At a local tournament that I regularly play, my team got repeatedly beaten by this strategy. The enemy team runs Zilean support with Olaf/Master yi jungle and orianna mid.

    It may seem ridiculous but every game we were ahead probably in like 10kills and map pressure also on our side, but when it comes to teamfighting it seems impossible to win.

    If Olaf gets a good angle its over. Speed from Zilean + orianna with immunity to cc and Zilean ultimate incase he dies. Olaf just wipes the botlane mercilessly.

    Of course this strategy needs to have some weak point, otherwise it would be way more popular. Its just that I'm currently not finding it.

    Any ideas?

    Players average skill level is low dia - high plat, if that matters

    submitted by /u/kardu
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    What to do after laning phase. ADC MAIN

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:20 AM PST

    I keep running into a problem where I get the first bot tower down around 13-15 mins. Then i swap top or mid, depending on dragon timing, and get that tower, then go to the next lane that has the other tower up and take that.

    The problem is that when all the outer towers are down i get stuck in a weird spot, where my team is still trying to farm up, and im not sure what to do.

    I think the best thing is to group and take the other towers, but my team doesnt seem ready to teamfight, bc either they are behind, or just trying to farm.

    I try pushing a lane, but this often ends up in me getting picked.

    What should i be doing?

    Thanks, for any help.

    submitted by /u/HNUTERNOEL
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    New Informative video on my YT channel about understanding Jungle pressure of each jungler and playing accordingly. Also my very own Jungle Pressure Index inside!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:41 AM PST

    OiThis video is mainly aimed at laners but will certainly help junglers as well. The video talks about each jungler and their win conditions based off their clear time, level 6 pressure, early game ganking potential etc..

    https://imgur.com/a/PoHP6hV You can also look at my Jungle Threat Index here. It's basically got every jungle champions listed with grades from 1 - 10 ( 10 being the highest) which ranks their early game ganks, clear time, and level 6 threat.

    I'm sure it will be very debatable but its aimed to be something you can tab open before a game if you're not sure about a certain jungle match up and play accordingly.

    Link to Video is here >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UXiswRFqS4&feature=youtu.be

    EDIT: a few people have said the spreadsheet is a little unorganised, apologies for this! I will redo it tomorrow but for now I need to sleep

    submitted by /u/CROCODILE_FUCK_PARTY
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    Help a dota player get into league

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Been playing dota ever since Warcraft 3 days. Unfortunately though, had to quit playing due to a left hand surgery and haven't played since (almost more than half a year). Now that my hand is fine, I wanna play something new since I've heard dota2's kind of messed up nowadays. With that said, should I play League? Will it be friendly for a sea server player?

    submitted by /u/SubconscientParadigm
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    I destroy games with Jinx but i love playing Ezreal hmm

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Cant decide if crushing games with Jinx feels better than Dashing around and outplay potential (key word - potential) of Ezreal :(

    I have like 40% winrate on Ezreal and 90% with Jinx in silver IV but i probably won't play this game for long if i were to play 100% only Jinx damnit but when i play Ezreal i will be demoted in no time to easy club with Jinx again ?

    Normals sucks because people don't even try here so you can win with something you don't stand a chance normally

    Don't send me to the ranch

    Edit: okay fuk my elo i will play what i like not what i am good at

    submitted by /u/mrreow5532
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    Help with Stormrazor Rush

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    I'm an s2 ad main who started playing again pretty recently, and I'm noticing that basically every crit ad rushes stormrazor these days. I have trouble first backing to BF every single game, so I had some questions about the right choice for <1300g first backs. 1. Should I sell dorans for BF? What about BF + pots? 2. Should I buy pick for the ie later and leave it there (or does that put me behind)? 3. Is it ever worth to do shard or cloak? Or to buy boots? Or to just save for BF (if i have like 900 or something)? In these cases, I just don't feel like I have the ad I need. 4. Is any of this champ dependent? Thanks so much for answers.

    submitted by /u/EX3000
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    How to Close out Games in League

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:51 AM PST


    Made this a while ago but I feel it's still relevant and wanted to share again as I'm seeing a lot of questions from what appears to be an influx of new players. This is essentially a guide on how to close out a game focusing specifically on what you need to do to win along with in game examples.

    submitted by /u/CommandoYi
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    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    hey guys, i am an iron jungler( yes i will respond to snarky comments ) which personal i dnt really care about because i think irons pretty funny but occasionally i get the s3/s4 player like to make fun of my rank. I`ve already adjusted to being made fun of because of my rank but when it time for me to perform an action apart from farming they keep spam pinging me . is there like anything i can do to reassure this person that they should be working with instead of against me

    note*- i dnt like muting people because some pings are generally heelpful

    submitted by /u/Only-and-One-The
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    Personally, I think AFK players are a good lesson. Feel free to give your thoughts on this or advice on when it happens to you. This is my take on AFK/rage quitting:

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Bear with me, but I feel like the games that have an AFK player have taught me the most. Wave manipulation, map awareness, warding, what team fights ARE necessary, how to land abilities, and so much more. This really isn't a question, more for those who have experience with this and see it as a total loss. We had 2 afk games the other day and won both of them. In chat I said we need to focus on map awareness and ward way more now. We lost our jungler both games (idk why, it was in the first 15 min) None of us wanted to ff because we all decided to learn how to control the map by utilizing our lanes. As the supp, I split between all lanes when I was pinged. It actually worked out really well in a game. It also helped me learn other lanes and how they specifically function. Not really a 'gank' but to help them through their waves since they DID have a jungler. I was able to root the enemy so my team could get out instead of die.

    I guess this is the way I see those who AFK or rage quit now. I just use the opportunity to learn more about the game and taking control. It's not traditional for a supp to be all over the place or an ADC focusing dragon all the time solo. But it worked because all 4 of us worked together to make it happen. Gather the team and see IF you guys can get through with just 4. It's totally doable as long as the rest of you don't get tilted and work together!

    Side note: It still sucks having 4, but you can learn so much from it.

    submitted by /u/gingerroute
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    Help with wave management on mid

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    So I'm diamond, but I have been always jungler, started playing mid seriously and I lack on wave management, I know how to slowpush waves ok, but I dont know how to set up a freeze on mid on early stages of the game, as I mainly play Yasuo, this can help a lot on early to be able to all in, I just try to lasthit but doesn't helps, any tip? Thanks <3

    submitted by /u/Zoilken
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    Is adc really as bad of a role to play solo as everyone is saying?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:38 AM PST

    I'm a plat 3 support main and i'm looking to learn a carry role for the upcoming season. I prefer AD over mid for a large variety of reasons, but have heard that ADC is borderline unplayable unless you're duoing. How true is this sentiment? Is ADC really a "no impact role", or can I still win lane by solid play and snowball like I can on support?

    submitted by /u/Naymliss
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    Dodging Guide and Explanations of LP / MMR - Tricks that Let you Climb way more Easily from a Challenger Level Mid

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:40 PM PST

    So with Season 10 coming up in a few weeks, I wanted to share a guide on how to dodge. I've at this point had a few hundred students over the years and its one of the biggest ways to quickly climb way more efficiently that most people don't know. I'm a challenger level mid, am currently in GM, but was challenger just a few weeks ago. I quickly realized that there was some terminology that's poorly understood by a lot of people that I had to explain as well for it all to make sense. The differences between LP and MMR - and even just the way the ranked ladder works in general seem very poorly understood.

    I made a YouTube Video that summarizes the points really well I hope, but I have a few other tips to share.

    cross posting this from the league of legends subreddit with some minor edits.

    Table of Contents

    https://youtu.be/F_hhP2pG8wM - My commentated guide on how to dodge and all the terminology you need to know.

    0:31 - MMR vs LP - Elo Explained

    1:55 - Win / Loss Ratios and what they mean

    4:36 - Dodging - When to dodge a lobby and Why

    7:16 - Tilt - How to identify it | What to do about it.

    9:20 - Warm-ups before games and their importance

    The least important thing is the "power" of the champions people pick, usually you shouldn't worry about that at all as long as that player does play the champion.

    If someone is first time on a champion, that's when you hit the panic button.

    You don't lose MMR for dodging, so dodge when in doubt.

    If someone is typing negative things before the game even starts, likely its a good time to find a new lobby.

    If you have multiple people all from the same role, dodge the game unless they seem to know their champions from the stats.

    On average I would say you should be dodging 2-3 games for every 10 you play, based on what I've seen climbing in different ranks.

    Its not directly related - but please remember to take a break every 3 games whether you're winning or losing - the human body really isn't made to be sedentary for so long.

    Remember with the new season coming up, we have months to get the ranks we want. As long as you stay calm and climb over time, you'll reach your goals way more easily than trying to rush it at any point. Make consistent gains and you'll get where you want to. A really good rule is to say you want just 2-4 more wins than losses for every 3 days. Don't worry about your LP, just keep increasing the MMR and your LP will follow.

    Proof that I'm challenger level - https://imgur.com/a/4YdazdF

    I would tend to think and stuff like this is really what people don't know about the game beyond the very basics, and I hope everyone learned something.

    https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=fas+the+magi+twtv - check the tier graph if you want.

    Presentation I made to show this - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BjanAfQaV7pA0bDl-HoeIE1bUrino4IN5y5NTVquBzY/edit?usp=sharing

    One of the comments in my original thread said something really useful potentially - which is that " If the game is a remake, it's always +/- 0MMR for all 10 players in the game. Even the person who lost LP doesn't lose MMR. " - I personally have heard that as well, but wasn't 100% sure on it. that being said, that's a longer amount of time and I'm not sure I would suggest doing that too much, as the amount of time invested might get to be too long.

    If anyone has questions, just let me know, I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

    submitted by /u/Faslol
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    The best coach I've ever seen on YouTube ~MUST WATCH COACH~

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:48 PM PST

    TL;DR New content creator for YouTube (started just 1 month ago), former professional coach, called Coach Curtis, extremely insightful and educational (link below)

    So I was looking to pick up a new midlaner and tried so hard to find some good content on YouTube to help me learn. I've watched LS and xFSN Saber and all other famous youtubers, but no one had the high quality midlane content I was looking for. LS was the reason I got to Platinum a few seasons back, but now I've been looking to improve my specific champion matchups and midlane mechanics for the current season.

    This was until I found "Coach Curtis" on YouTube. A former coach for a professional league of legends team in AUS (called direwolves) and his content has helped me so much! He's a challenger level mid player and has even subbed in professionally for his former team. His content is extremely insightful, for example simple ideas like sticking to the side of the lane where your jungler is currently farming to how to play certain matchups to perfection, to even the best way to VOD review his content is refreshing and just a pleasure to watch.

    He's just started making videos a month ago and that's probably why you might not have heard of him yet.

    Here's his video on how to win midlane! https://youtu.be/iVHck68LZwM

    submitted by /u/aaryamanb
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    What can I do to make my Lucian better?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I am a silver tier ADC main and recently I have picked up Lucian because I played against one and got stomped. I'm a pretty aggressive player and I recently realized that if you play aggressive as Lucian in the lower tiers, the enemy usually panics and makes ton of mistakes. But since I'm still relatively new with him, what are some tips I can use to keep my winrate high and consistent?

    submitted by /u/Smots12
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    Using abilities or aa to last-hit minions

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:37 AM PST

    A friend told me its better to use abilities to last-hit minions instead of aa as it gives the champion a higher AP. Is this true?

    For reference, i was playing veigar mid, if he is right, should I do the same with other champions? I'm maining ekko so does ekko have to last-hit minions with abilities too?

    submitted by /u/rafetaa19
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    Why should I play with the camera unlocked, and how can I train myself to do so?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:01 AM PST

    Every player I see play always has their camera unlocked throughout most of the game. I've tried to play camera unlocked and it makes the game particularly hard for me because my character isn't in the middle of my screen anymore. What exactly is the point of them having their camera unlocked, and why don't they have the same problem as me.

    I do unlock the camera quickly to check something and ping, but that's really the only time I will do it.

    submitted by /u/SpunkySamuel
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    Question about Jungle Movement

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    I'm a budding jungler still messing around in draft with Xin Zhao and a Hail of Blades build.

    First of all, who is the meta jungler these days?

    Second, what is the most dominant basic rotation. I understand it's situational depending on how lanes are doing, but in early game or when you're farming, what are the most important camps? What time should I start thinking about drags? I know drags are much more important early game now but why? etc.

    submitted by /u/dmtjinchuriki
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    Learning ADC, how/when to farm mid-late game?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:34 AM PST

    Hi I'm relatively new to league and just started playing ADC over the last week (here is my op.gg for reference) and I feel like I generally do pretty well as ADC but after I take the first tower I feel like I don't know what to do. Since it's low elo my team usually ends up ARAM and I try to splitpush just to farm more since I have amazing clear speed but sometimes that gets me killed, but when I join my team ARAM I'm just wasting time and my CS ends up being really low. CS is something I have been trying to get better at recently so I know I struggle when I just aimlessly group mid. I am only playing Miss Fortune and Vayne if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Ztrains
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