• Breaking News

    Friday, January 10, 2020

    League of Legends 2020 Ranked Season Placements Megathread

    League of Legends 2020 Ranked Season Placements Megathread

    2020 Ranked Season Placements Megathread

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Hello summoners!

    The ranked season has begun, meaning it is now time for placements! This thread is for you all to share your stories about them. Let us know how they are going, how you placed, and what goals you have for the upcoming season!

    Best of luck!

    submitted by /u/ReganDryke
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    "Baron's already gone," they said. "You won't make it in time," they said.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST

    My mates epic rengar outplay

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:16 AM PST

    Gameplay & Ranked in Season 2020 | Dev Video - League of Legends

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:30 AM PST

    The New Cinematic if it was in the Real Game

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:10 AM PST

    I just found this clip of a sick Garen outplay I did some years ago in my highlights and I thought I'd share it with you guys.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    I'm a UX designer and I take on League's second biggest challenge: REDESIGNING THE CHROMA SHOP (in-depth)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a user experience designer and Kassadin jungle abuser. I've been hanging around enough (longer than I'd like to admit) to know that the Chroma shop leaves a lot of players dissatisfied (where did the weekly complaint threads go?). If I could play Kassadin jungle which is op btw with chat on, a redesign should be a piece of cake. I take on League's second biggest challenge: redesigning the Chroma shop. My objective is to provide the best user experience possible.


    Check it out:

    My redesigned Chroma shop

    Comparison with live Chroma shop

    If you're interested in the complete UX study and write up on the thought process behind my design, I posted it on my website:

    In-depth UX study


    Criticism appreciated. Let me know what you guys think! Pog

    submitted by /u/IAMA_RELIABLE_SOURCE
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    PSA: Placement were changed last year. The rank you will see after your first ranked game is the worst rank you can be placed at after placement and not your current rank.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    I've seen a few post by people being confused by this.

    Placement were changed last year. During placement the rank you'll be attributed after your first placement games is the worst rank possible you can get. (AKA if you lose all 9 other placement games).

    Losing games during placement will not result in LP loss.

    Winning games during placement will get you a lot more LP than usual.

    You will automatically skip promo series in placement.

    Until placement are over you're the only one able to see your own rank.

    Edit: Dodging doesn't impact your placement.

    submitted by /u/ReganDryke
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    Smurfs who shit talk the enemy team

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 10:48 PM PST

    Nothing makes me cringe more than smurfing streamers who shit talk the enemy laner for no apparent reason. Imagine an NFL player going into a high school football game and trash talking the students. That is exactly how I view any smurf.

    While watching TFBlade today, I noticed him flaming the enemy Kled because he got a lot of help from his jungler. He kept repeatedly provoking him, calling him bad and "What are you proud of? You're d1" for no reason other than being salty that he was being camped.

    Obviously this does not apply to only streamers. Any smurf who says any variant of "you're p4 calm down trash" is pathetic and cringe worthy.

    Smurfing to avoid longer queue times is understandable, but smurfing because you want to shit on the enemy team to inflate your ego is beyond pathetic and you shouldn't be proud of anything.

    Sorry for long post, I just feel for all those people who are held hostage in ranked games because they have to go against a master smurf while they're stuck in gold/plat/diamond. I'm genuinely exhausted from seeing a smurf with 90% winrate in diamond 4 every 3rd game. Maybe its a pre-season thing, maybe its not. Regardless, this shit needs to have some sort of penalty.

    Good luck climbing this season!

    submitted by /u/fucurself
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    the shittiest bard escape you've ever seen until someone in the comments tops it

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Love Kai'sa's full auto attack rotation in the cinematic

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:47 AM PST

    Kai'sa pewpew

    It's always cool to see a champ using an ability, but seeing all 4 animations of Kai'sa's autos on top of her q, possibly a w somewhere, and acrobatics made me swoon.

    submitted by /u/Chef-Nasty
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    Hi My Name is Fettuccine and I just had a Forty-Minute Cooldown on my Ultimate Ability Playing as Sylas in ARAM. It Persisted After Buying Items and After Dying. Okay Then.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    I took teemo ultimate accidentally while trying to click Tryndamere and then I died. I respawned was able to place my 3 Shrooms and then bam 40 minute cooldown. Not sure where this arbitrary and unreasonable number came from but it's actually quite hilarious. Needless to say I didn't do too well for the rest of the game.

    Picture Proof Here https://imgur.com/a/uFKiNav

    submitted by /u/Godly_Fettuccine
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    Coven Syndra fan concept.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Coven Syndra fan concept.


    It's been forever since I posted art here because you guys roast me so hard I cry myself to sleep every night but I'm really proud of this and wanted to share it thank you for your hate I love all of you <3

    This is my concept of Coven Syndra.



    submitted by /u/Cosmic_Banshee
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    Today's Dev video was pointless.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Im just disapointed,I went to watch the video excited to see the news,after all,they've been hyping us since day 1. But they said nothing,everything that they said we already knew or should be obvious.

    submitted by /u/KaiserMakes
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    Trick2g will be coaching instead of playing rivals

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Trick will not be playing for his team for the upcoming Twitch Rivals tournament because Lilly(His GF) is scheduled to give birth to their child on January 21st, 2020 trkLove Strompest will step in for Trick to play mid lane for the team.

    From his command in twitch chat

    submitted by /u/ChillbeastBb
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    Amazing Sylas outplay I did a few weeks ago and I thought I'd share this moment with you guys :)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Starting off the season with a fancy prediction :)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:58 AM PST

    LGD Pyl retires after 7¼ years at LGD, the longest time any player has stayed at the same team in professional LoL.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Machine translation:

    LGD Gaming Supporter 'Pyl' Chenbo has announced his retirement.

    Chen started his career in 2011 and joined as a founding member of LGD Gaming in 2012. Chen Bo, who led the team to the finals with LPL Springer 'Imp' Gu Seung-bin (retired) in 2015, led the team's heyday by beating QG Refurb (currently Jingdong Gaming) 3-2.

    Chen Bo, who has been a one-man player for eight years, played 534 games, losing 257 to 277. It was loved by many fans and worked as an Intel advertising model with Clearlove Minkai (EDG director).

    LGD, who signed up for the next season, `` Peanut '' Han Wangho, is expected to weaken power as Pyl, the team's leader, retires. LGD Gaming is expected to play 'Killua' Liu Dan from Rogue Warriors as the main supporter.


    submitted by /u/LCK123456
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    Darshan changed his name back to ZionSpartan.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    It was posted in a Twitter video from Golden Guardians explaining why he initially changed from ZionSpartan to his actual name. And then why he's changing back.

    Here is the link for the Twitter video: https://twitter.com/GoldenGuardians/status/1215816018024484864

    submitted by /u/JPLangley
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    We really should get more visual updates for older champions.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 11:39 PM PST

    This is something I've thought of for years now, but seeing the Warriors cinematic made me remember it again. CAITLYN HAD PANTS! There are a lot of champions like Caitlyn, Vayne, Ahri, Anivia, Miss Fortune, Annie, Nocturne etc. whose kits are fine and work in the current game but their models and voice lines are extremely outdated. They don't feel like they belong in the game when they're standing next to newer champions.

    It's highly unlikely Riot would rework someone like Caitlyn or Anivia in the near future so having a visual update wouldn't waste resources. Seriously, I think a lot of people would appreciate it.

    I know I'm using Caitlyn as an example a lot but just look at this updated model concept. Don't tell me you don't want to see this happen for a lot of older champions.

    Thanks. Peace.

    submitted by /u/Alpharen
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    My Painting of Kai'Sa

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

    My Painting of Kai'Sa

    Here's a painting of the Daughter of the Void. I made this between work breaks yesterday and today.


    submitted by /u/chimeraic
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    LEC in 2020

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:06 AM PST

    In the new cinematic, the moment where Galio opens his wings and reveals all the Demacian soldiers who then all shout together gives me the chills.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:20 AM PST

    I don't know why, but seeing them all united with Lux and Garen in front combined with how well it's timed with the music just gives me the chills and honestly makes me tear up a bit. There any other moments in the cinematic that gives you the same reaction for you guys?

    submitted by /u/TheGameReviewer
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    Jankos on Yuumi

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:09 AM PST

    OCE- bushfires and quitting teammates

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Yesterday I was playing league on OCE in a premade team of 3 (i.e. 2 randoms). In the first five minutes our top laner Darius just quit. We were frustrated in discord but just kept persisting cause we still had another 10 minutes of game play, and some 4v5s are winnable. Every won team fight it felt bad because the trundle was at the inner turret and grossly fed.

    Anyway my Xerath supp says "Darius power went out because of the fires. I think he's alright because he sent that message".

    And everyone in the game was like "ooooohhhhhhhhh". It was a nice positive change to hear both teams wish Darius well and safety. If we could've at the end, would've given him "stayed cool".

    Even though I'm Australian and a few family member's external properties has experienced close calls with fires, I didn't consider how it would affect my "escape" entertainment.

    So I thought I'd share this story to tell other OCE players to stay cool, be safe, and don't face check bushes.

    Ban Brand and disable infernal map ;).

    Oh. And don't flame.

    submitted by /u/Wolfestar777
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    PSA: The Sett’s Calling Card Mission ended on the 8th and not on the 10th like we were told (EUW)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    So, as you may have noticed there has been the hidden mission to receive a Calling Card from Sett, which you got by getting a random First Blood OR after 10 First Blood (Source).

    Since then, a lot of people grinded the mission and we had little official information besides the deadline when the mission would be over. Riot was so kind and told us that the mission official ends on 10th January at 4 am of your local server time (Source).

    With that information I managed to grind my last First Blood just before the mission was supposed to be over, the last one shortly after 8pm CET yesterday, the 9th January (Link to the game)

    But after the 10 First Blood I got nothing. I counted, it wasn't a mistake from my side. Well, we all know that Riot isn't known to be bug free, so I messaged the Riot Support to help me out and add the reward manually in my loot.

    Then I got my answer.



    Greetings [redacted]! I checked your account and it seems that you couldn't finish the hidden Sett mission on time, I'm sorry :/ It seems the last 9 and 10 games you played happen during the time the mission was already over :c Yours sincerely, [redacted] Player Support Specialist 

    I was confused. My 9th game was around 10:30 pm on Wednesday, the 8th of January, which still is in the given timeframe from the announcement from Sett mains (Link to the game).

    Since I didn't like the answer, I sent them the Reddit thread. A little bit later I got another message.



    Hey [redacted]! This was a mistake from our side while writing the patch-news. Somehow it was announced, that it would be until 4 o'clock, I'm sorry. Sadly, I'm not able to give you the reward for the mission, but as small apology I gifted you a Hextech chest and key! Again, sorry for the confusion :/ Yours sincerely, [redacted] Player Support Specialist 

    I'm honest, I'm beyond pissed. I spent the whole Wednesday to grind all the First Bloods I was missing because I was not able to do it before (stress before Christmas + 2 weeks travel) and now I'm not able to get the reward even when I did fulfill the mission before the OFFICAL deadline.

    The biggest joke is that I KNOW the Riot Support has the tools to add stuff to the Loot. It can't be that my work is wasted because of an error on THEIR side. I didn't understand misunderstood anything, they didn't get the right information. Especially since I know the mission worked on the other server fine until the actual given deadline.

    submitted by /u/LadyFaceless
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