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    Friday, January 10, 2020

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    LoL Guide Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Champion Pool Megathread: January

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:33 PM PST

    If you need help with your champion pool, feel free to comment in this thread. Be sure to help out others by answering questions as well!

    There have always been lots of posts on /r/summonerschool asking for help with champion pools. Many of these posts amount to nothing more than "What champion will carry me?" while others are more detailed, such as "I am good at __this__, what should I play if I want to do __that__?"

    Ultimately, the only champion that can carry you is the one you are good at, and you get good by practicing. But some people have more success with some play styles than others. If you can't figure out your strengths and weaknesses, look no farther!

    If you have any questions about rounding out your champion pool or identifying your strengths and weaknesses, post a question! Feel free to include your summoner profile if you wish. Remember that the more detailed questions will get more fulfilling answers.

    Here are some guidelines for posting in this thread. You don't have to answer these questions, these are just for you to think about. Instead of just saying what champions you play, consider telling us:

    1. What are you looking for help with?

    2. Who do you currently play?

    3. Why do you play them?

    4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?

    5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?

    Also be sure to check out websites like www.u.gg and www.op.gg to add some statistical basis to your judgements.

    Have you thought deeply about your champion pool? Still can't figure it out? Great! We are here to help. Comment below and let us know what you're thinking.

    submitted by /u/Caedei
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    As a support, do I start farming after laning phase?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:21 AM PST

    So, quick question. I'm a main jungle, starting to learn support as a secondary role. I know I'm not supposed to farm and my cs will be low until laning phase is over. So, do I start farming after that? Or do I keep letting my teammates farm and Gold UP and only farm when I'm alone with the creeps? I'm playing Nami and Soraka. Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/thcordova
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    League of Legends Automated Ranked Match History Spreadsheet for Season 10

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:53 AM PST

    Hi, r/SummonerSchool

    Another year another spreadsheet! For those of you who haven't seen my spreadsheets before I'll include an introduction about the sheet and why you'd want to use it. For those who have I'll include a What's New / What's Removed section so you can compare your Season 9 sheet to the Season 10 Sheet!

    Spreadsheet Link - v3.0.0


    This spreadsheet utilizes the Riot Games API to fetch your ranked matches and add them to the Match History sheet. You can analyze the matches in the Stats and Ranked Information Sheets. The Match History sheet has 4 sections: Overall stats which is every match you've played in Season 10, Last 20 Games, Champion & Lane specific matches (so you can filter either all Poppy games or just Poppy Support games), and Lane & Role specific matches (so you can filter either all Top games or just Top games where you played a Tank). The Ranked Information sheet also has 4 sections: Season Stats is a breakdown of your Rank over time (you can also set a ranked goal and get an estimated amount of games to reach the goal), and then 3 sections to filter Stats by Tier. Stats by Tier allows you to compare how you are performing as you climb - for example when you went from Bronze to Silver you'll see how much better your CS/m is.

    Why would I use this rather than X-Website? Short Answer - Long Term Stats. Actual Answer - Use this Spreadsheet along with other sites. The sheet provides what most websites don't, the ability to reach back to the start of the season. You can also customize the sheet if you are knowledgeable enough with Javascript, APIs and Google Sheets. However the Spreadsheet lacks a few things that Stat Websites typically have: Active Game Overview and Massive amounts of Global data for all champions.

    What's New and What's Gone

    I had the Season 9 Sheet, What's Different? Optional Customize-able Conditional Formatting | You'll probably notice a sheet called Options, which by default is in its "Off" state, you can put in performance goals that will be highlighted within your metrics. Here is an example of a full Options sheet. Single Game Stats (in the Stats sheet) is gone, however I am replacing it with an entire Single Match sheet as soon as I can keep an eye out for v3.1.0 this month. Lane CS @ X | 3 new columns in the Match History sheet for Lane CS @ 10 20 and 30 minutes, it does exclude Jungle farm unfortunately, I'd need to double the API calls to include Jungle farm so unless Riot changes the stat this will how it'll stay.

    Getting Started

    The very first thing you need to do is make a copy of the spreadsheet. To make a copy press File, in the top left corner, and then Make a copy.... This will add your own personal copy of the Spreadsheet to your Google Drive.

    If you plan on tracking multiple accounts and/or queues I'd advise making a copy for each.

    Once you've made a copy you can fill out the Getting Started sheet.

    1. Enter your API Key (See Riot API Keys below) [A2]
    2. Select the Region of the account [A4]
    3. Enter the Summoner Name Cell [A6]
    4. Enter the Queue Cell [A12]
    5. Optional Select a Language (Blank is Server Default) [A8]
    6. Optional Select a Timezone (Dates may be incorrect w/o it) [A10]
    7. Optional Hide the sheet.

    Riot API Keys

    Main Page | Sign Up / Login | Status | Terms

    1. Follow this link to login on the Riot Developers site
    2. Click Register Project
    3. Click Personal Application
    4. Fill out the form. Here is an example of the completed form.
    5. While you wait for the application to be approved, use Development API Keys.

    Development Keys

    Standard development API Keys are the easiest to obtain. Once you sign into the Developer Portal with your League of Legends account you will be greeted with a time limited API Key. Every 24 hours this key will expire and you will have to sign back into the developer portal to generate a new key.

    Personal Keys | Apply For This

    Personal API Keys are fairly easy to obtain. They have similar rate limits to Development Keys, however they don't have a limited lifespan. I'd recommend applying with something along these lines:.

    Production Keys

    Production Keys are used by Developers for Public Access Projects. Think websites such as OP.gg and Lolskill. These Keys have high rate limits and are intended to be used, but not seen, by the end user. For the average user, there is no point in applying for, or investigating, these keys. I currently have no intention of implementing a Production Key for this Spreadsheet, I encourage any developers interested to go ahead and fork this project. The spreadsheet, Formulas, and Backend code are all open source.

    Match History

    Adding Games

    After playing a game(s) you can press Update to add the matches from the API. The script will run for up to 6 minutes and add any games that aren't in the spreadsheet. You can use either the Update button in the Sheet, or from the Menu League of Legends > Match History - Update.

    What isn't Automatic?

    Series | Some Automation

    This system is only reliable if you press Update after every game. You will need to select an option for Status from the dropdown menu.

    Lane and Role | Some Automation

    Riot sometimes messes up on Lanes. Just double check that column as games are added, it might say "NONE", be empty, or just be the wrong lane. Role has no automation at all. You can type whatever you want in this column, it is to filter games in the Stats sheet. An example for the filter is to separate Tank Support and Mage Support Stats. The dropdown menu will include any values you add manually to the column at the top followed by Riots 18 classes.

    Riot Grades | No Automation

    Riot Grades are private. They aren't accessible to the API. If you want to Track GPA stats you will need to do it manually. DNG is for games where you didn't check your grade and it isn't showing up in the Match History, DNG grades will NOT influence GPAs. DNG is now the default grade, simply double click the cell and select the grade you received or simply don't update the column.

    Notes | No Automation

    Notes are your own personal column. You can put what you want here, or you can leave them empty. Completely up to you.


    Updating Champion List

    The champion list will be in your selected language, however you will need to update the sheet for this to take effect. You can use either the Update button in the Sheet, or from the Menu League of Legends > Champions - Update.

    submitted by /u/Lucas-Nagy
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    Sharing some tips about how to play with your Jungle (For players below Plat)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    As the new season ranked games just got refreshed, I am sure all of you are very excited to start grinding on those LPs again. I just want to share some of the tips that might be helpful for low elo laners to better understand jungle as a whole, and how to better position themselves to have a higher chance of winning more games even if behind.

    1. Have the mentality that you should always either win or at least go even in the lane without any jungle interference. Jungle is not a role that helps you win lane, instead, it's a role that helps the winning lane snowball even harder and eventually putting pressure all over the map during the mid game.
    2. If you somehow made mistakes and died a few times in lane then don't expect too much from your jungle. Especially if you are playing against some of the meta champs such as darius, kled who are extremely good at 1v2 when ahead. A smart jungle main will not come to your lane and feed the opponent even more. Instead, they will most likely try to get other lanes ahead and to deal with this darius later on in team fights.
    3. If you are getting camped and the enemy summoners are down, think twice before you start raging at your jungle and cursing them for no ganks. If the enemy jungle ganks your lane, and you see your jungle immediately move down to the opposite side of the enemy jungle, take all their camps, proceed to gank the side lane and secure a drag or herald. Don't worry, he is definitely playing like a high elo jungle. And you are carrying too because you are essentially buying time for your team to secure other objectives.
    4. Try to do a matchup analysis during the loading screen like a jg main. Check to see if your lane or other laners have prio? Whether if your jg is strong enough to beat them 2v2 in the lvl 3 scattle? Check to see which laner/laners get to lane slower, this indicates which side the enemy jg is starting. If you see the enemy bot lane gets to lane late, this means the enemy jg started on the bot side and will path towards top side and will do one of three things after reaching level 3. Ganking top, contest scattle or ganking mid. Bot lane support should play very aggressive at this point if have prio. Mid/Top should consider freezing the lane to avoid ganks or 2v2 if your jg is weak early game. But should aggressively push and get vision down and move down to river to collapse on the enemy jg to fight for scattle if you have prio.

    The fact that riot removed the catch-up xp for the jungle has increased the difficulty of jg significantly. Sometimes one or two kills from the early game skirmishes will result in your jg being able to carry the whole game or being useless completely. As a laner, do the correct rotation and help out your jg in the early game yields much more reward in S10 compare to the previous season.

    I hope you guys learned something today and best of luck climbing in S10.

    Bonus tips (Most important ones): /mute all is the strongest buff you can apply to your gameplay and mental. Always be doing this if you want to tilt less. And dodge ALL games if you see a player insta lock Yasuo with lower than 55% win rate on their op.gg. It's just not worth it risking your MMR this early in the season trying to win games with this champ. Low elo players just don't have enough micro and macro skills to realize the true potential this Hasaki brings to the table. However, if you do see the yasuo player has 60%~65%+ win rate for at least 30+ games. Congratulations, you are most likely playing with a smurf and please proceed to grab this free win cuz the champ is op.

    submitted by /u/Venisky
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    What do I do when my laner builds defensive when we're going equal in lane ?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:33 AM PST

    I was playing Fiora top lane against Nasus and we were going pretty equal he was playing safe and not giving me too many trades. The question I have is he went randuins first while I was completing my ravenous, should I have gone last whisper rather than completing my ravenous or just have built more damage ?

    submitted by /u/Anzifine
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    ADC Lane help - getting on the same page as a random support

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    So I am a plat 3/4 ADC and I am terrible at lane phase. I lose about 75% of my lane phases, regardless of matchup. So I have been watching my demos and the biggest thing I see is that my support and I are not on the same page. What I mean by this is we are not equal in lane position. I watched the coreJJ video (his first one i'm referring too) to try and get a better understanding of support of lane position. I really don't like the level 2 or 3 all in that tends to happen because I seem to always lose them, but I consistently do them because the fight has started and if I don't one of us is guaranteed dead.

    What I tend to do is try and stay as far back as possible with being able to cs. Now when I watch my demos my support is very rarely even with my lane position. Most of the time they are behind me by 2-5 character models or walking up to poke them. Then when the 2v1 occurs I always go for the ADC no matter what since they are not out of my attack range so much that its maybe 1 or 2 autos on the support i'm missing. Whenever I try to walk up when they start to walk up we almost always lose the 2v2. Should I be walking up when they try to poke? Should I just let them poke and walk back?

    I know something needs to change in my gameplay in order for me to win lane more consistently.

    Do I have to adjust how I have to play to the support? If so how do I read them better?

    What do I do if they are constantly behind me? If I stay even with them I can't cs then

    Do I just play my own game and let them do their own thing?

    submitted by /u/SpeeedyGaming
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    Question on using teleport as top to secure a drake in trade of losing tower plates/tower?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    As a top laner I am always hesitant on using my TP in fear of my opposing laner not rotating with me and taking a huge chunk of my tower or the whole tower itself.

    How do you know when the trade is worth it.. especially for drake? For example does the number or type of drake matter? Since drake's don't give gold is there an equivalent "gold" for the stat benefit certain drake's give

    I appreciate any insight. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/twochain2
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    I'm failing to smurf as ADC, how are you meant to do well on this role?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:06 PM PST

    FYI, I was ranked D4/D3 maining supp before reset. I don't think I'm a bad player or anything.

    I thought I would try smurfing some ADC to improve my secondary role and learn more about bot lane, but I have no idea how to succeed on this role. My dilemmas and problems are as follows:

    1) On my main, I am used to both me and the enemy support being the main factor in who wins the laning phase. On my smurf, the supports are both making tonnes and tonnes of mistakes. Some questions:

    - If my own support makes a bad engage, should I try to back him up, knowing we will lose the trade, or do I keep farming and let him die 1v2?

    - If the enemy support is making mistakes, but my support isn't capitalising on it, should I try to harass them 1v2 anyways?

    - I'm playing a lot of Xayah and Jhin. I'm aware that Xayah isn't brilliant right now, even if she's safe. Should I be playing champs like Cass/Syndra/Veigar instead at a lower ELO?

    submitted by /u/ArchPenguinOverlord
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    Why do people rush Essence Reaver on Aphelios?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I'm not really an Aphelios player, but on the couple of games I had on him, mana never felt like an issue. Is it a gameplay problem? Should I spam abilities way more? I felt like the biggest gate by far was the ammo. And since I was never spamming abilities, the CDR given by ER didn't feel like a necessity.

    Could you guys tell me why people are so keen on rushing ER on Aphelios? I'm sure there's something I'm not getting quite right.

    submitted by /u/Cold_for_Teacher
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    Learning how to farm CS against better players

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:36 AM PST

    What am I supposed to do when the opposing laner freezes the wave towards their side of the lane?

    For reference I'm talking about when I'm playing a scaling character like Kayle or Veigar (yes I know, there are better champions but these are fun for me) and the opposite laner could easily run me down if they want to.

    I end up playing too cautious and not getting any gold because I can't farm or playing too aggressive and getting run down or ganked

    submitted by /u/DuckingGator
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    Keep getting stuck as jungle

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:44 AM PST

    This is my first ranked season but I started playing LoL nearly the start of Season 9 and ive always played jungle. I play eve, Ekko and kindred. Recently I played my first 4 ranked games and lost all of them which is very annoying. I never do this badly in regular draft so I don't really know what suddenly has gone so wrong.

    in 3/4 games within first 10 min all 3 of my lanes had lost. (As in 0/4 at the least). In th1 1/4 my bot lane won but top and mid lost badly. (im a bit salty I can get put with such poor players in all 4 games) Now this caused a lot of problems which im not really sure how to fix.

    1. The enemy jungle can easily gank lanes as they are already ahead, putting my lanes further behind and the enemy jungle and lanes further ahead, if I try counter gank (my champs are mostly weaker early) the enemy is already ahead and gets a double kill
    2. The enemy lanes and jungle when ahead rotate into my jungle and steal my camps. So this completely starves me of XP, I cannot successfully gank and I can't get XP from my jungle as many of the camps are gone, ruining my pathing and making me waste lots of time.
    3. When I try gank and support the winning lane the other two fed lanes rotate down and kill everyone.

    So im really stuck. Especially against strong early jungle like Olaf I just feel so useless. They can gank and support lanes earlier than I can and their early strength makes a counter gank a bad choice. So if a just farm and hope to scale well, but I still end up so far behind the enemy solo lanes who got solo XP and ganks than when it comes to a team fight they are 4 levels ahead and shit on my head.

    My question is, when you are starved of XP how are you suppose to stay in the game and not just end up feeding.

    submitted by /u/Gromchoices
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    Team Compositions & Help For 5 Man Competitive Play

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Hey all, this year my school opened up an Esports team and we still have about a month until competitive play starts. I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight or improvement to team comps when you are in a much more controlled setting. A few we have tried are

    Top-Gnar/Kled Jg-Jarvin/Vi Mid-Ori/Galio Bot-Mf/ Sup-Galio/Zyra

    Focused around strong team fight and hard engage from jungler engaging (preferably jarvin) Ori following with ball jg ulting with a Gnar ult shortly after with Mf and Galio on to jg or Top. with potential split push from top lane, possibly difficult to win outright fights when behind.

    Shen Nocturne Galio Xayah/Kai'sa Tanky supports

    This one we tried to have nocturne play extremely aggressive with vision, counter jungling, and objective control in addition to backline diving and nuking priority targets with a mobile/survivable adc to say alive long enough if to many resources are committed to the backline. This one may be very rough since if the nocturne gets behind (hasn't happened yet) it is much harder to pull off.

    For both of these we definitely need some ideas for supports and everyone on the team is willing to learn new champs if it would benefit the team. Toplane by far is our most flexible player who has played most champs to a impressive skill.

    In addition if anyone has bonus tips or ideas please drop them in the comments anything helps.

    IGN: wolfwill8

    (Mobile, sorry if formatting is off)

    submitted by /u/Iwatchedrainbow
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    Ludens build adc kai sa

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:51 PM PST


    So this is where i found my idea for the build. So after testing for full day, i found, a viable build bot lane with ludens.

    I'm a plat adc main. I play a ton of kai sa . I have 1 M mastery points on her

    There is the build

    Runes : Press the attack - Presence of mind ( scale with manamune ) - bloodline - coup de grace

    Sorcery - mana flow band ( ur not forced , but good for manamune ) - Transcendence ( ludens and nashor CDR= 40 % CD-R so more AP)

    Build; - Start D blade - first back pickaxe , into manamune. - sell ur d blade for a dark seal. ( important for the q and w evolve at 2 items) - ludens ( u get ur q and w evolved) - nashor and boots ( e evolved ) - get mejais if u have stacks.

    Then its up to u. U can go zhonya / banshees, ect .

    with this build u should do in a 30 min 60 % AP of dmg and 40 % of Ad. That's make the build hard to counter. Its also a great poke on low CD, and a great one shot potential. As soon as u get ludens, u can chunk massive amount of hp from squishy targets. U can abuse all the OP mages items.

    Thx for coming to my TED talk .

    submitted by /u/alexandre040
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    Warm-up games before hopping into ranked and reviewing your own VODs

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:50 AM PST

    1: Do you guys know some browser "cursor games" like osu to play before the first game or inbetween games? I am already going into practice games beforehand but I would like to have something to play while waiting for the matches to start.

    2: I am a Diamond player trying to achieve new heights this season, that's why I wanna try rewatching my own games. But I don't quite know what to look out for. Is it sufficient figuring out why I died and how I can prevent it next time or do you have better ideas?

    Happy Season 10 everyone!

    submitted by /u/DetektivBepo
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    Mercury Treads over Ninja Tabis againt 5 AD Team?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Would someone explain if Mercury Treads is more viable against a team of 5 AD champs but with a couple of CC abilities? Had this game where my ally bought MT instead against a team of Darius, Zed, Pyke and I dont remember the rest. I remeber they all had at least 1 spell with CC. But my teammate argued that reducing the duration of their CC is more important than blocking the damage basic attacks. "So what about Zed?" I asked My teammate argued that Zeds passive dealt magic damage so we can reduce that damage. He does make some fair points but would you guys recommend MT in these scenarious?

    submitted by /u/OxideCyanide
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    Working on early game junglers, need advice!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:52 AM PST

    I typically play late game team fighting tanks. Amumu, sejuani, zac, jarvan,

    That worked pretty great up through high gold, but now that I'm approaching platinum, I'm seeing more Lee sin, Elise, shaco, that sort of stuff and I'm just getting dominated by it.

    They clear my jungle, they gank faster and more often, and by the time I reach a point in the game where I'd be normally relevant and take over team fights, I'm way behind, my team is way behind, and if I do end up winning it's an uphill battle.

    My macro is relatively strong. I often get every drake, 2 heralds, etc.

    IF the game lasts that long.... which increasingly, it doesn't.

    So I've been trying my hand at early game junglers. I'm particularly interested in Elise and shaco. Never been a huge lee sin fan. Don't like his aesthetic/theme... idk "blind monk" just doesn't do anything for me.

    So I think what I want advice on is... what is my initial jungle path? How/when do i invade? What is my goal as an early game jungler, am I forgoing farm to just gank as much as I can? Should I prioritize invades more?

    Basically... how are these people doing this to me? I've watched replays of my own games and I just can't seem to nail down the thing that's making them get so far ahead of me — seems more of a culmination of unfortunate events.

    So idk, I know this is all vague and it's all game by game and dependent on other variables — but just like... are there any "rules of thumb" for early game oriented junglers? Can you give me just a list of generally applicable stylistic choices?

    Really anything can/will probably help.

    Thanks r/SummonerSchool!

    submitted by /u/squeezy102
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    How to win lane when the enemy has a hook support and I don’t?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:10 PM PST

    Obviously coming from the perspective of an ADC player. By hook support I mean nautilus, blitzcrank, Leona, pyke, and thresh.

    I went 4-6 in my placements. The primary thing that I noticed is that every single game that I lost, the enemy team had a hook support and I did not. Out of The 4 games that I won, 3 of the games I had a hook support and the enemy team did not, the other win was a hook support on each side. This obviously means that I do not play well against hook supports.

    How the hell do I win against these hook supports?

    submitted by /u/ooooooooz
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    help on jungle tracking

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Hey guys, jungle main, oscillating between g4-g3 rn, mains Kha, WW, Ekko, Eve; pocket picks / situational Olaf / Poppy

    Right now my big weakness is tracking the enemy jungler to counter gank or gank efficiently if i'm behind.

    I know my matchups, know where to start depending on matchup and my plan according to where he starts, but after the first ganks cycle I find it hard to know where is the enemy jungler and what he's up to.

    I think this has to do with warding, I often get sweeper and buy pinks, place them in deep spots (bushes near buffs) but they live there a long time and I seldom get good info with them.

    Any tips and tricks to keep track?

    Any resources (videos or articles or whatever)?

    submitted by /u/Zenchu
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    Starting on mid with talon

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Hey guys, i'm a g2 jungler and i wanted to main mid talon 'cause i like the champ and i think it's broken in low-mid elo, can someone help me with some tips and info 'bout the correct way to play mid and to play talon, the points that i wanna learn are: -How can a good mid track the enemy jungler -Info 'bout talon: Game style, counters, ways to play him and when rotate -What should i do as a talon in mid-late game?

    submitted by /u/goku055
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    Top lane versus cho'gat

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:18 PM PST

    I've recently had a really bad game with vayne vs cho'gat where I actually was frustrated enough to leave the game. I think this is my first actual leave on this account. He played so weirdly, sometimes he seemed like he didn't even know what to do, he missed creeps back to base and sometimes he red me like a book. Guessed where my Q goes understood that I bait his Q out with movements towards him, and guessed me more than once with Qs that seemed randomly thrown.

    I usually play kled and pocket pick vayne in case the match-up is favorable, I also used to play a lot of urgot but he is too easily counter picked for my taste so i had to always play safe in top with him to assure a win.

    I know urgot can't really deal with him, your ult is too slow so you end up killing yourself in him cause he just ults faster than you and urgot in general is quite slow to even deal with his Qs.

    Maybe I just found some really good cho'gats but I think that's implausible.

    He seems to zone me out really fast even with a range champion so I end up under my turret and he even kills me there.

    Any tips? I think I am doing something wrong.

    submitted by /u/astefan16
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    Struggling to kill in mid lane as Akali

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:04 AM PST

    I'm quite new to her, I've been messing around with her in normals and played a little bit in ranked. I don't usually lose lane but I do stuggle to kill. I'm usually put against poke mages like Xerath and they stay VERY FAR back, they lose a good chunk of cs because of this but by 10 minutes in I don't even have one kill and it can feel boring or frustating. I'm usually bot as support so I'm never sure when to leave lane when I'm mid or top. I'm currently doing ranked so I'm not sure what my elo is- probably around silver.

    submitted by /u/panicalot
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    Why Is Shurelya's So Good Right Now?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    I'm looking at a lot of support builds and Shurelya's seems to be a common factor with winrates. My question is are the stats what make it good or the active? Both? Also, is it an item that makes you win or a i'm already doing well let me win harder purchase?

    Thanks for the insight!

    submitted by /u/Lepeche
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    Kha'zix okay to learn jungle?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:21 AM PST

    I've been autofilled jungle in a few games and figured I'd learn a jungler enough that I don't feel like I have to switch with someone. Kha'zix seems cool and fun to me, but I wanted to ask first if he's okay for beginners? (similarly to how a toplane likely shouldn't try to learn Camille first, but instead someone like Darius)

    submitted by /u/TheLiveDunn
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    Tips for toplane and Renekton needed!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I'm a silver support main that started playing toplane a while ago, mainly Renekton. Now I'm in a place where I can win 75 to 80% of the laning phases if no jungler comes ganking, and up to half of those where only the enemy jungler comes and gank repeatedly. My farm is kinda decent, so I tend to build up a good lead most of the times. My main issue is carrying this lead to other lanes or to "fix" the bs that happens in other lanes. For example happens that I get a good lead of toplane, make the enemy fall behind and get first tower. Then the enemy mid and jungle start sitting top, making me slowly falling behind and in the end I lose the game. So I have some question for you:

    -What am I supposed to do after getting the first top tower? Is it better to keep pushing or to roam around mid/swapping lane with bot?

    -How do I deal with champions that make my life top a living hell (Quinn, Senna, Illaoi and Mordekaiser are the ones I suffer more) without the help of the jungler (that most of the times in this elo doesn't even know what is he doing)?

    -Should I leave Renekton at once for some other "better" more meta toplaners?

    -Which spots are best for pinks and wards in toplane to prevent ganks from the enemy?

    -Later in the game in a teamfight, while playing Renekton, who should I look to jump on, and should I be the one that engages first? Until now I noticed that I'm pretty decent at 1v1 or 1v2, but when it comes to teamfights it's not that easy for me to understand who should be my main focus.

    If you have other suggestion feel free to reply, everything that might help me improve is greatly appreciated!

    In case you wanna check op.gg or my match history, my ign is Jessiek23 and I play on EUW.

    submitted by /u/MindJoke
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